HomeMy WebLinkAboutTaylor Creek - Retail B 51006Name OF Feepeyer '�L� Cam ., . . add refs ��' Date Ferait;1 Read Spknerjt and Colleettcn Zone / aG J — _ — _ COICu ated hcreS€t W03, tees eterm�j F�aass s� t s s �al® adatednSt. m o ® ao m m ass ca � .a am o u n IMU L Laa�_ -7rE PER TOTAL, • '. • . e .. e e e ix)'�.�,�;3, ... ry CHECK LIST, PR/ 89-3152 Project Name: R.. Architect: ADACHE .Contractor- -KEEN Owner: TAYL CONST. CO., INC. Address: 1901 N. HIGHWAY US 1 FT. PIERCE, FL E ASS061ATES;ARCHITECTS Ph: (3Q5) 525 8133, (FT. LA CONSTRUCTION CO Ph: (407)..896 13 XF ORLAN OR CRrnu Acme / CAT. }3nT.T.AND Ph: (7nA) RGF-1029 {NC'1 Occupancy Classification: M Type of Construction: S r Height and Area: )( � 2y cwn� Occupancy Requirements per Chapter IV: ' Le Satof+ti'�� 0'J Construction Requirements: A. Fire Protection: B. Egress Requirements: Other Requirementa: j4 Elevators It Sprinklers 6 Standpipes Combustible Materials - Interior Roof Coverings �f Light - Ventilation - Sanitation ^- Handicap Requirements 0 Plans sent to Fire Dept. - Date: /z) -/7 C4AA_ Approved: Plot Plan Check Water Energy Code Sever Paving 6 Drainage approval by Engineering Dept. Special Conditions prior to issuance Threshold Affidavit/Before Issuance Affidavit Water Energy Code Sever Paving 6 Drainage approval by Engineering Dept. Special Conditions prior to issuance Threshold Affidavit/Before Issuance Affidavit FCF�1jtSOtl iSL«�,� �n"`i�€RiY A rep A,� �,, su , "�!i ST. wU cor u;cce With S .I;C r C'atiTY vllk�PPLCATION FOR PERMIT TO JOBLOCATION/ADDRESS: i LUCIE COUNTY PERMS9FLNNCATIONX, = ,3920'/ (CODE # ) SEWAGE PERMIT NO. CL'� _ ,,, 5 — . I FPvA DESCRIPTION See attached ,,,R6AD IMPACT: ,JWTRICT vfO PR6PERTY TAXL Zk0T ZE/DIMEN', VVV ET KS: 19 Q FT BUILDING: t ••a ZONE ELEVi ,, . LEA iiAe • 1 • !Lie.* 1 111 1 .1 111 111 11 1 000 1 111 11,1 d sheet COST• T i S y 30 REpR"L °�� �V SID ' 1—� j �SLgf i I< 3 UC-�r LIVING AREA 2400 ACCESSORY Radon: ARCHITECT: NAME Adarhe Associates Archi er s PHONE (305) 525-8133 ADDRESS 550 South Federal Highway CITY Fort lauderdal(ST FloridaZIP 33301 CONTRACTOR: ATE CERT # CCC f116005 n� UNTl CERT $k 4 4 t4 E Keener Construction Or L'Er(TR1�t F-!, �rlc ADDRESS 756 Humphries Avenue NER C PRQPEQ CITY. Orl anrin STATEFI nri der Zip 32801 PHONE(407) 896-1336 Taylor Creek Associates clo Cal Holland Construction Company Inc DDRESS E.Q. B220461 P Box PHONE 704) R46-1029 CITY Charlotte STATE NC ZIP 28222 S ATE OF FLORIDA, COU TY OF ST. LUCIE Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeare who upon being duly sworn, deposes and says "that the irformatio`ri'cont ' ed in the fgre� g appl�ica�'os true and correct. Applicant / .� _J Sworn to and subscribed before me this `�'(� i tery Public, State of Florida at Large My Commission expires: MY_Ca m*wn Expres Ocd21, 19991 day of �&b 89 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES Required ❑ Yes 9401 Amt. Pd Date Pd Posted I R �{ h I s t_ I� t V C 4 k I f f f t c �•kl3 A; R i� .1 (, -ds zaet_ } ()(9`08 ... 696189 d3S '�d 'S1�31M�aV s�1VIOOsSV SHOWN z ilOE6 YIYn I.Mse INYLo 3HId C3:Y3 3dns Saud .Ki,t. H o"K N31t3 4rn ;Iuan[HH c3«INTltI Crll OItsY H;M CHYtl1'. 3tlIM An0 3af.Ya 3s m 4 e3sone M S1IV,.LAQ 9,IId V DSCIl\I�d7 11Vi3a enUHS 1IV134 `JNI?iyt5 v13Vd 1.0sons I-••4..�. 3�p,,� = ilosdol ]inn >o,I--}-- zin 3lo5d P1 ri 41rv,t ,CIA t. 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DNIdY3S0NY1 a313WIU3d �" ` ' 72MOV T'01 :3ZIS 102COad SSOaD SHO1S Dnaa 113X21YWm7anS H,LIM 7IV13a r133rOad 3o 3dx1 '3011VNI"o DN2NO2 xlNnoo 3I3n7 'IS 3i11 30 01'9'Z'E - NOI133S 01 WUo3NO3 77YHS ONZ6YOS0NV7 3S,Is 77Y "Y _ YCIU073 '302131d 1803 HZUON :NOI.LV307 rk •SZN3W3UIn6as 0NIdY0SONY'I SNOWWO3 '132a0 a07xY1 t3WVN moaroad I OAB�GiZO AG V 47 A, i'l -4il It pp r4 ------ 10 co� 4 riecv�'k CJ (D 9Io / J! \4 4Y�,? <IL ZTf ' i I 1 0 J� Lb DRUGSTORE u 01 L) ■ LO (D TVPICAL in me N1 P. T CT. IMT. 411 A A- 4 + 4 rra 7z'i-'w 0 — T---i -Tp '-4 F t W I --A4 Mimijm&ai� .,FLOOR PLAN — RETAIL 'A' PARKING FOOD LION RETAIL u CD C� - ,:n,::) RETAIL. RETAIL RITE Al L BUILDING KEY owl O A --a f FLOOR PLAN RETAIL 'B' j. 00 TT— L J L 0 LO z co UJ SCALE: 1118" I' --,Ow m SCALL.: 1/8 11 = It -Ott 0 No RITE AID - SEE SHEET A-213 �, PARTIAL NORTHEAST ELEVATION, I'1''-FAIL ' A PARTIAL N ORTI-"I EA ST UI?-1 �t`4- I SIGNED S.- r" m. i n } pa r 1 1 X v.:.. p PARTIAL SOUTHWEST ELEVATION FOOD LION kil Llnn I IlIN _ Jut & Ttf i)� fl Allr Od ptr S.� in SCALE: 1/8" = 1`-0" SCALE:l/S" Y-0° ■ 1 �1A if-i�.a..1�'t'I Ani PJ `; .•"j8c'y... ��- I .. �Mffl. 1 WALL SECTION SCALE G3/4"-1'-0" a1.V��rr .�� WALL SECTION ADL SZ%=r?di.Ew7�±rPsr+ Li'tF _ maw ►,,trif. �i �.x: Fu t W '(-V_ r,- f ih.1C?C% sags .nt. 2jr LL Nf F A, "J i E:,p 1' e gt A a,± 1 f I 7 ,1 iP 4 or SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" (U Lo ...�1 O P i — ,•�.r.,. r-pit„; �i-�" +���- c.��,;.e�.t�l� [.� !r.. ; ivt%t .-T P_ Tr, . ter, rt .,aI-v +BTU PaiZAT-uT" D LIJ1 yr � i..fYSi-i lt,?Gr 1, { r 1. Z:-At--t� eta' �'LY doT Net gat« tI Iro tL CA 14 i a v- _ -sueuj f � 1✓ (' L. 1 � b 2 HA i 9 — S — 8 9 i fly' "'m , 6,Y1 M gip: 490 vJL>. P.T.__ revisions i r-k:A M' fr ! H,6 a h4 t�� - sEcr FTL , f i mkt A� TFR G SP F �+A 1 1 i J 1 i S; 3 E P 23 1989 8303.00 .hee' A--51Z �f WALL SECTION SCALE: 3/4" - I`-0" -89 03.00 AF 42710 R ® O M 00 • �I • • ROOM •• NAMEIIIEII I y ®seasonal .. r .. r -��-�--■ I N I S H SCHEDULE BASE WAINSCOT WALL F W CEILING REMARKS a1 to Ul • 1 e� REMARKS W GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES :�.�/ i-� �-y CD 1. WORK SHALL INCLUDE ALL ITEMS (BUILDING AND SITE) INDICATED ON ! THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ✓i^ Ln 2. PRIOR TO STARTING WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL r Ln NOTIFY ALL AUTHORITIES AND/OR OWNERS OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION AND UTILITIES, ON OR ADJACENT TO THE SITE, THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT. ALL MATERIALS AND LABOR NECESSARY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE PROTECTION FOR SUCH ITEMS AGAINST DAMAGE DUE d 9 — 8 -'-8 9 TO WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE "" CONTRACTORS. c d 3. CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN A SUITABLE TEMPORARY FIELD OFFICE WITH TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL, WATER, TELEPHONE, AND SANITARY FACILITIES FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. revisions 4. DEPOSITS AND FEES: DEPOSITS FOR UTILITIES INCLUDING WATER METER, TELEPHONE, AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE SHALL BE MADE BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. PERMIT FEES, AS REQUIRED, SHALL BE PAID BY FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES THE CONTRACTOR FOR THAT PORTION OF THE WORK. 5. PRIOR TO STARTING WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES IN THE PLANS. THE FIGURES IN WRITING UPON THE DRAWINGS, SHOWING OR INDICATING r. Construction sum Wallboard, Metal Studs � Type: Gypsum One layer %w type X gypsum wal board or veneer base applied DIMENSIONS, SHALL BE USED INSTEAD OF SCALING THE DRAWINGS. NO MEASUREMENTS BY SCALING SHALL HE USED AS DIMENSIONS TO WORK BY. FIELD MEASUREMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERAL i at right angles or parallel to oach side of 3%0 metal studs 240 CONTRACTOR. SHOP DRAWINGS MUST BE VERIFIED ON THE JOB SITE. WP 1200 o.a with 1" type S drywall screws 8" oc. to vertical edges and Limiting H Ighl; `d 1�1 12' o - to lop and bottom runners and Intermedlate'studs. Stag- LhnNing Haight: 17'3' VE ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS FROM THE ger all vertical and horizontpl )pinta 24` op- each side and op- +WPC. WNght: 0 PM 6 . GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REMO posits sides. (NLB) Fire Test: FM WP-45, 6-19-8 JOB SITE AND LEAVE THE BUILDING BROOM CLEAN. ALL GLASS SHALL BE OSU 7177Q 8781 THOROUGHLY CLEANED AT COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. ANY PAINT Sound Test: NGC 23M 720.70 SPECKS AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION MARKS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM ALL FINISHED SURFACES. n 1' 7. SITE WORK: SCRAPE SLAB AREA CLEAR OF ALL ORGANIC MATERIAL AND ., If I � FILL WITH CLEAN SAND TO ELEVATION OF BOTTOM OF SLAB. SURFACE s D .°oi•,. <a MATERIAL CAN BE USED AS SITE FILL. n •r e .d I f+y n M, nl . Dgeign No. U463^nu. r,w 5 , S.erbro ne•Ir.. e..a f nse9^ Ir, Ra Lng—� 11. or 4 Hr IS9v f!em 4) T 1 f e , h v 1'+ I - a 1 Ill z�v4 lo. ,. v N.*Ihr, "g Wo' rota °^ ^ $ • WORK PERFORMED AND ALL MATERIAL USED SHALL BE THOROUGHLY d E 9 4'9 'ta ° , `5. II M1 ° ' M° 'I'{@ CC ^. If n �, " enI ahal , ex PROTECTED FROM THE WEATHER AND FROM ANY DAMAGE DURING ',M1 °.PD f r d'i ee',f e o a' CONSTRUCTION. SUCH PROTECTION TO BE USED AND SUCH LABOR, jam ` „' "' "" _m' a Mf' a"_' "C d" n 7 d M TARPAULINS, BOAkDS, FRAMES, CANVAS, SHALL BE FURNISHED BY THE �,((jy�� - w t .e D , It W. N bne e . d, ic—dllh, a ¢n.: ' i D , e A nun m _ ... T t' .T..�u II •_' _.s f it'RR. S��'_ E..Iry-.-� `. ro , r nD „Red rn lh• ,....d >na ,.doe .. n 1. fix ' . f °' rr.e � IATfS ut, .°, ° fe,.•>a mid..>r Defw,.n „tld, .na , D ,. IM>, GENERAL CONTRACTOR. ANY DAMAGE OCCURRING TO MATERIALS BY REASON rr `,r h r , - 1De e e ev rod Lem m. Idnv I D ei r caGb► , w{ / Al L GL�% -� d OF THE CONTRACTOR FAILING TO THOROUGHLY PROTECT IT, SHALL BE _ , P.A. PAGoa f I I:I L Z/ bf n a e " €itr M1 b -Ir PPd fo-, MADE GOOD BY THE CONTRACTOR AT HIS OWN EXPENSE, WHETHER OR NOT �C h>renM re.eP^ „mf ... f IM:a *r° s 1r °°In° s e f........°"'d 1 J- lP7 0 ,.w an:a 1—ol1 n= m r.. a nfe 1 h r w s. n Pw v r,ro �" �r4rh�i ��„M1arv.a..f.n.ale.< NEh °",D.,„ da aw. ..,.«f:xlr.n.IDW':m. HE HAS RECEIVED ORDERS FROM THE ARCHITECT TO PROTECT SUCH SEP 281989 IrJ�f iGA�7attlT e1a °" ° °' °" ""`"" MATERIAL OR WORK. FROVIDE AND MAINTAIN BARRICADES, FENCES OR Donom 1 n. P 4 hn ep r e f pt 1 f as m1+f ay., >, n a .n x M. , ° ^e no r 1 rf^ °.tlMv of 1l0 9 M .,.91 1 f D . or a tr ,le , ^a +D d ,1.ctl1. ENCLOSURES FOR THE PROJECT SAFETY, IN ACCORDANCE TO OSHA AND tl e• a e -II ry S a ,r P° ° N d 112 r d 1 —t 12 n. MSG , ° o= dh h,.I,Ila. —,I LOCAL ORDINANCES. ...... mr n P s o p . P e a , a ] I m• n,Goal w.. .alvan z.M , ,e. Foe.^ed H ro n-rz eelrno w.,h Iexs „a o+O jn.ri Bna a enE )i he 'e°°n,e,. Ve:' Coe a .° De I'll, m, ,ln°°, ea Ih.he,o ^„ x. O.C. n ..rttl • _ �:. n, t 1-'I M.IC p.'..M1 ,.Ilp el e'lll <evM C1 Car,. ih ,° ' x as.: etlme•,"'aixn ..a«. >. n.a...,. P. 4C. p°-11Y --r• n a dl .em°w^., 9, ALL LUMBER SHALL BE DOUGLAS FIR WITH A MINIMUM FIBER STRESS OF a°u.f M r,.n sal,. .•,., wPe, .: e.= „,a...h.d.>fIT' n„fer., 1000 PSI, OR NO. 2 SOUTHERN PINE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL LUMBER IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR MASONRY SHALL BE PRESSURE comm. TREATED. 8303.00 10. ALL METAL USED FOR CONNECTION WOOD MEMBERS SHALL BE GALVANIZED. ALL NAILS, BOLTS, AND OTHER METAL CONNECTORS SHALL BE GALVANIZED Dcaigo No U907 sheet i sembl)'Rz',"g 3a-14Hr!S*eham 1, OR CORROSION RESISTANT. A- 7 R 11. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CODES, RULES, O - FFIRE STOPPING REQUIREMENT REGULATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS HAVING JURISDICTION. �I DO C :-_O OCR Penetrations thro ugh rated walls 12 ALL STWJGittRAl hTEEI- AND woof TRUSSES TO BE FULLY ENGINEERED and floors shall be sealed with a AND APPROVED. SUBMIT COPIES (3) OF SHOP DRAWINGS TO ARCHITECT j N t C ,A. 43 0 hot.ea &, 11 M material capable of preventing the PRIOR TO FABRICATION. passage of flames and hot gasses `,1 r k1 when subjected to the requirements 13. ALL WOOD TRUSSES BEARING ON CONCRETE TIE BEAMS TO HAVE /1 .,, .,,. ,,,� -.:�.. D. .n.. M m_, ° of the Test Standard specific for GALVANIZED METAL TRUSS SEATS CAST INTO CONCRETE @ EACH TRUSS M M "^ .n'°� Fire Stops ASTM E-814/UL 1479. TYPICAL. >. ,n: / (� PI 1 SCALE: 1 1/2° =—(3a 14. STtBL MANUFACTURER TO COORDINATE TRUSS FABRICATION WITH AIR l� 1 j J,C,.,," . ,,,,, CONDITIONING DUCT LAYOUT. ��" � i mi 4� ;{ i § n a ., x � ys i. 3 7 gym• �S 41 ys�" Y Y�ik �.�.��*) aa� &., , "A . �i ;���kj'E MI, 001 w��* ti��.�'EiC��'M^J .. m .wr ks0 v ___._— .... ... .. .., .. ..•.- :![ ° , ., '... ` a _ ....d.,...v°.. =. a'e-.. .y AF 51577 .3 t • c•' :e ¢ - ,, 4 '4tgz tip.' DRUG F❑❑D LI❑N SH❑PS Jo No PARKiNU � _ NO PARKIM6 4xx PARcEI- PI c>;-uF PARCEL PICK-UP --- bbi--- -- -- - - - -- -- - -- yIr H.C. H.C. .. H.C. n m a� 0� S FV Q N 23°35'I PARCEL PICK UP°, DETAILS-., NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF TAYLOR CREEK COMMONS PAVEMEI-IT MARKIUG5/5TRIPlPG AUD STREET SIGN15 5E.E SHEET Po. 5 r _ TYP. 4" STRIPE (WHITE) TYP. DIRECTIONAL ARROWS 3 LONG-TYP. (WHITE) a TYP HANDICAP SIGN AND PAVM'T. SYMBOL IN ACCORD- - ANCE WITH D.O.T. SPECIFICA- TIONS ROD j CAP ON PIZOFEIZTY CORNIEIZS OUT PARCEL # 4 0.8236 ACRES FOOD LION ALL OTHER ISLANDS TO BE UNPAVED. III 40'- O,r_._ 25 -.O, 65'- 0" CENTER TO CENTER 600 PARKING �'d 10' PER SPACE Q N. T. S. ,.... W Z }8.22' H 6 W <<}8.2Z' TAYLOR CREEK COMMONS FORT PIERCE , FLORIDA 4" SOLID WHITE 4, CO U 150 '• 6�0 U.S. HIGHWAY No 1 S R No —EAST PROPERTY LINE OF TAYLOR CREEK COMMONS 30' S 28.05'56"E 1121.79 456.99 0 0 n o 25' S 28.05'56'rE 210. 13 !.. N N THE5E ARROWS ARE TO BE TFJ OPLASTIC- L8 65.00 B w 65.00 _ 64.82 �OfL/ ALL 071-{EIZ 01-I SITE PAVEMEL.IT MARKlQGS LT P..SHALL 15E PAI WT I LJ ACCOIZDE W AN ITH 1 h' D.O.T. E>PF_CIFICATIONIS. I OUT PARCEL # 3 0.3122 ACRES �' ti 6rop lo'T(P WoTE� ALL PAVENjELJT MAlZlelQra515TRIPING lu U.5.#1 SHALL BE 'THERMOPLAFTIG, ILICLUDIWG THE MAIW EwTRANICE AT LEFT. — 10' LAMDSCAPE ('SEE SHEET Wo. 4) ALL OTHER PAVEMEtifT MARKIL1Us/SCRtPINC� BUFFeR SHALL 15E PAlPT) IN ACCORDAlQCE w/ D.D.T. of C IFICA-TI0NS- 443.26 S 28 05'56"E 252.48 C16 24 �® � rYR Lk o C. C. p Lt 0m. I o O k rn m o — 4^WHITE SKIP 0�ti m < W OUT PARCEL # 1 & 2 m �. w o m o rn w O N N 25' S 28' 05' 56 rr E 243.80 moo' 2.7936 ACRES 87-- 65.0� 65.00 I26.06 n _ Z LID Z 01 Co . 4'I WN w Z rJ, PAI UT STRI PI v T` P. OD m � N N IO S `5 3(G h m o Z w N m w o Ap5 ST) N _ n w o to CDu g HAIJDICAPpED I g.61� 11 / 51GM /5YM OL5(TYP.) 5EE N 0 �D IL All LEAF-T� qyh 2k 97e m / t h ID AO /� ? Gam• P (, 115 Z Z�gLaoy 6g'��pQa v�u� o 1 J7v1 Cd 15 .A -16 QP o CONP \kO Im ��E A� Zy 9,9 LEC'( StnE G„ / \ \ O % 1Q' I , • 69 .5 I A (g 0 J,�1'� p.R-� 6 .o CE�t�' t t- N0 C.���, ' \ ��y �P N� o\u C. P\O �00 TO /TE 3 �E 2 F. .2422 ACRES /lz�l ti C SHOPPING CENTER oNl-y-� tJ- (., O�G N NO OUT f�ARCE LS �q O e LI ✓ y/ 00� �7 7 ,ado S F O ZQ S F 9 2 00 7, PARKIMG SPACES / ofcob 1 6 , 4 e: \ IVO r: A \ \ O ��5 ✓ 2 k0 yQ b @ RES P '� 2 > a P S F (00 �' V2 CAusT. h` WHITE %0o \ O)a 5TVIPIMG-1 'x20' 2+ ' C / ?0'P2RIU LIG ES \w.1 g O 6 900k \ / a OA. \ 5UILDIKIG DIMEN15101JS IWOTES j5UlLDI1.1a DIMEL1510N e, AWD FLOOjZ APEA5 SNOWNI ARE APPROXIMATE A!,JQ AIZE IUoT` To BE USED FOfL FILIAL C Q'5TRUCTl0W STAKE. -OUT. THE CONITR-AC.TOR AN1D HIS SURVEY e14ALL. USE THE ARCHITECTUAL ST2UCTUR.AU. PLA►JS FO2 BUILi0IWG $ I;. "' biME1�IS1C�Ns AND STAKE -OUT PURnOSES. COMPUTED LAYOUT and STRIPING DETAILS r W kl T FIELD: DRAWN BY: J.AX.-?CAM) CHECKED BY: T. L. K. 9- 15 -89 P.D.N. R6N151010 A5 PEIz. FOOD L.IOLI- PA>, y_04Cz ISLAµpS DATE: DATE BY DESCRIPTION REVISION JOB NO. 89 - 040 *\// PAVEMETAMSTREET51GN15 SEE SHEET No. PAVEMENIT MARKlMG5/5TRIPING AMD aTREET GlciK15 SEE SHEET 2o. (o SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF TAYLOR CREEK COMMONS ;v7 COMPUTED SITE PLAN U� L�'v M.E. SANE SCALE l " = 50 ' OCT 0 3 1989 #38814 SEAL LINDAHL, BROWNING, FERRARI 6 HELLSTROM, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PLANNERS 6 SURVEYORS 10 CENTRAL PARKWAY 1905 SOUTH 2STH"STREET ,", PO. BOX 727 SUITE 420 SUITE 205 JUPITER, FLORIDA 33468 STUART, FLORIDA 33497 FORT PIERCE FLORIDA 33450 SCALE, I' = 56 DR. P40 TAYLOR CREEK COMMONS ��� +r i zrl� oV-a ,.,. x'��Pi �'•, �� \ �\ EI.EV. = 21.3?rJ �------ ___ _ }�F�1��� � ���� ��/I'7�1 % I _ 1 ! _ _ 3 ��'s. +t, .R_2D •a -- +,a,- W..' �' A .�r"" C2p•�. / 0+1e 2.3� kqA ^. 2 .3' al 4• s. - yD. +2. 02G +t, IQI 0 + 10 351 . 5G w�' ���1 �(Ffi�r"' v, �� �-. �V• � P.V.I. D+93 91 .50 0 1 +06.5 50. 69 E.V.C. (Fr. -G')1 +20. 30. 19 0+45 54.8i H s•pq % geAE eoNTeo sp I +OZ. 30.g0 GJY10 . � c 5 �� ti O/o ' 3 c `y.1 < 2 i -STORM WATER RETENTION �c` : O �E� I 2y , \ / TDIKE OP ELOPS IDSd N. .D. - '- ��. LEGEND CDI.IST FLAREp EI,ID g•I \ r l��_�-=-" '1 kt ... • . EXISTIIJG ELEVA-TIROS SECTI014- D.O.T. ["VEX Mo.270 SEE SF(T.ICOuST. &I WIDE x I' DEEP GRAVEL "BLAMVET E=�-L • • • PROP05ED FIM15HED GRADES bRAl1.1'' ALOAIG TOE OFSLAPE(SEESY-AON SNT. 10) PRCP05-ID 5rORM SEWER SYSTEM 77771 TAYLOR CREEK � ' ' ' L'M"� °F PROPOSED ASPHALT PP.V7IJG - -- `\ \0 LIMITS OF 5ODDIWG �. _ a CANTILEVER SEYOAID EuGE TIDAL WATELZ U.S.C.O.E. -� LIMITS of ,�MULCH )AER 5': DEStGw LEV. = O. 5. W I ow SI{T. KID. 4� �Mf� S/A Mx.bRAIUAUF FLOW APPP-O)oMATE �' ° Z,xjl� TOP OF SLOPE OCT 0 3 tggq CONSTRUCT/ON TABULATION STORM SEWER SYSTEM Structure or culvert Number DESCRIPTION EL EVAT/ONS STRUCTURES CULVERT INVERTS Top Invert Upstream Downstream CULVERTS C-1 88 L.F. x 18-inch RCP @ 0.50% - - 19.95 19.50 C-2 _ 176 L.F, x 24-inch RCP @ 0.50% - - 19.50 18.62 C-3 _ 208 L.F. x 24-inch RCP @ 0.50% - - 18.62 17.58 C-4 32 L.F. x 18-inch RCP @ 0.50% - 25.16 25.00 C-5 _ 88 L.F. x 18-inch RCP @ 0.50% - - 25.45 25.00 C-6 _ _ 212 L.F. x 18-inch RCP @ 0. 50% - - 20.00 18.95 C-7 234 L.F. x 30-inch RCP @ 0.50% - - 16.58 15.41 C-8 160 L.F. x 18-inch RCP @ 0.50% - - 18.50 17.70 C-9 32 L.F. x 24-inch RCP @ 0.50% - - 17.66 17.50 C-10 232 L.F. x 48 inch RCP @ 0.00% - - 15.00 15.00 C-11 110 L.F. x 30-inch CAP @ 10.91% - - 9.50 -2.50 STRUCTURES I-1 T_�- "E" Inlet w/Traffic Grate 23.70 19.50 I-2 i "E" Inlet w Traffic Grate 23.70 18.62 I-3 Type "E" Inlet w/Traffic Grate 23,70 S=15.52 E=18. 95 I-4 Type "J" Alt "A' M[I w/ Riser & Traffic Grate 23.70 N=17.50 E=17.70 (See Detail on Sheet 10) 5=16.41 h=15. 00 '4E"l 4' Dia. Storm Manhole w/Catch Basin Frame and 28.75 w=20.00 /E=25.00 Grate (Neenah Cat. @R2503-F w/G Grate) Control Structure: Type "E" Inlet with a non -traffic grate 19.50 9.50 Includes: 0.9 foot weir aluTanun skimmer 15.50 (see detail on Sheet 10) - L - - I C) -ly -81 -rLk ReVISEO w LcxA7vur BY FPUA HELM #38814 9-15-89 Q.D.N. REVtslow A5 PER FOoD 1-IOW- PARKING ISLA,7 LINDAHL, BROWNING, FERRARI 6 HELLSTROM, INC. DRAINAGE 1.DRAWN BY:J.A.K. CADD 9-26- a9 R D.4-1. 2EVISlOA1 AS PElz S.F. hll. M.L7. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PLANNERS 41 SURVEYORS CMECKED BY, T L. K 10 CENTRAL PARKWAY 3905 SOUTH 25TN STREET ►.O. $OX 727 SUITE 420 SUITE 20S OAT6 8 - 5 - 89 JUPITER, FLORIDA 3346E STUART, FLORIDA 33497 FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 33450 DATE BY DESCRIPTION REVISION JOB N0. 89 -040 SEAL SCALE: I" 50' DR. NO Solely 3 is FORT PIERCE , FLORIDA AF 51577 ADDITIONAL 30`x 2 REGULATORY SIGN WHERE. APPLICABLE NOTES 1. ALL STRIPING IN D.O.T. R/W TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STND. INDEX 17346. 2. REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STND. INDEX 17352. 3. TRAFFIC SHALL BE MAINTAINED PER STND. INDEX SERIFS 600 (APPRDPRIATE INDEX FOR WORK BEING PERFORMED) 4, LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN IS APPROXINSATE. THE CONTRACIOR SHALL CONFIRM THE ACTUAL LOCATION OF THESE, AND OTHER UTILITIES NOT SHOWN, WITH THE UTILITY 06QNER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, AND SHALL COORDI- NATE HIS CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO THE UTILITIES. 5. ALL EXISTING ROAD SIGNS, REGULATORY SIGNS, MAIL BOXES OR a= SIMILAR OBJECTS SHALL BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF THE MANUAL OF UNIFIED TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. - - 57.5 EX ISTI UG, PROPOSED g'SNou wF� SOUTH r+. WEST aE I RIGHT TURIJ t+----;•I q.OF F'ROYOSED $WALE WEST12/W TYPICAL ROADSIDE SWALE SECTION A - A SCALE : 1' = 10' EXISTU.lG _ IEX�. TI- 50UTH _ V,IEST EDGE ' OF PROPOSEb S14AL.E3 I 201 ± .. WEST R/W" ® • N i FOOTING AND ' ' I aa A Y xt' ky• i • W ���n n v(F i �Lx rI�^y. r 5.;3- �,}y .�q YNil in". An" y� - 1 Y, 315.89 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �515.t5 / / , R. CONST. 24 " '; OP BAR -WHITE CONST 215 L. F. OF 4 ' SOX/D WHITE CONST 250 L.F. OF 4" WHITE - 6, /O' SKIP S - 397� SOLIDCONS75LLOWOF 4" _ y \ 86 ��-_--EXISTINGASTOP BAR TO BE JEMOVED _ S -- - - 36.96 _- -_ (CROW 48 X -- 40.03 tcROWNi / / �r 37.as 215 STORAGE 250 TAPER J '+H.62 .:ten: ' \l� '�."'^.»s,.,: sa e .; ,,. T"^...:':r �'R' ?'1� ,x"d�.;' t� +ems :'a • . ,J!. °a:.. 6-r;a . «:•» -w•e m+`f^°._� n °'� `.,,-�+ d.;iy$ �'%,u>� w. ...s N - -.--. - _ ',:Lt'H& �`+.. / P6.. .A ,k:,.: ,w•.,, m ¢,y. , ,.r v „ ���`�� ®:�a�, ig.� ¢ --®., "...ter. �6sv ��,g.,i .n,, •,.�„- /CONST. 278L.F.t OF 4 SOLID YELLOW ' �a� a � � @ / s ar`, .' .., rw+.iwwhww ,°� � �� U.S. HIGHWAY I 26Q' TAPER / X 3�•00 4 PAVED SHOULDER ®�®�� ��� �- 3eeon _ -_ 215 STORAGE qO 6'R, /2 PAVEMENT 4�PAVEO SHOULDER EXISTING S. R. 33� EXISTING GRASS ISLAND 3e.63 - - - - - -- -$$ate- EXISTING ARROW R. -CONST. 4" SOLID YELLOW - - - - - - - - - -35 5O - - - - - - - GRASS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_- A f� STOP AR TO BE REMOVED �+. (510 L.F.tJ ISLAND -- -- - ! - )E- e- -�{ ��a 39• 39.46 - CONST. 250L.F. OF 4" WHITE-6; /O' SK/P� - CONST. 2/5L.F OF 4"SQL/D WH/TE CONST. 24"STOP BAR -WHITE '14 R. / �i // '�, CONST /06L.F. * OF 4" SOLID WHITE - Ia SAW-CUTAND MATCH EXISTING .40 R ga.85 E _ _ _ _ _ _ \ / __ _ _ x 3T_55 v _ _ _ _ _ - _ - x 3G.58 - EDGE -OF PAVEMENT _ x.3�G 2 (CRONM) _ - - - - -X 39.60 - - - - - - - - ° /2' PAVEMNT SAW -CUT AND MATCH EXISTING B APPP�X. BURtE� SOUTH. BELL. MULTI- -- - a"aa (cROIilN) CONST. 6/3LF. t OF 4"SOLID WH/TES /9(EDGE OF ,PAVEMENT 3�.9�, _ A ,� �`J PAVED SHOULDER 37 ¢$ I /��ES _ 5>=e µONE #4 AT LEFT ..3645 ,. 34.46 RIGHT TURN L . PRIMER: A PRIME COAT OF SS-1H EMULSIFIED ASPHALT SHALL BE APPLIED AT A MINIMIM NORTH i�. OF TAYLOR 7 CONST. 85L.F.: OF 8 / SOLID WHITE RATE OF 0.10 GALLONS PER SQUARE YARD. BASE: BASE SHALL BE 8" L1MER,DCR OR CE+IENTED COQUINA S1ELL MATERIAL, CYY+IPACTID TO CREEK COMMONS COSOL SOLID 45 L.D WHI TE a OF 98% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY AS DFPERMINED BY A.A.S.H.T.O. T-180, AND EXTENDED / 6" BEYOND THE SURFACE COURSE. SUBGRADE: SUBGRADE SHALL BE STABILIZED 12" THICKNESS OF GRANULAR MATERIAL, EXTENDED / 12" BEYOND THE BASE, HAVE A MINIMUM 40 L.B.R. AND BE CCMPACTID 1C7 98& OF -PROPERTY LINE OF OUT PARCEL # 4 are , MAXIMUM DENSITY AS DEPERNIINED BY A.A.S.H.T.O. T-180. SUBGRADE SHALL BE THOROU3-II.Y ROLLED IN ITS ENTIRETY WITH A MULTI -RUBBER TIRED TRAFFIC ROLLER ( / BEFORE ANY FIELD INSPECTION IS MADE. ` SHOULDER: TO BE CDNSTRLK=- IN ACCORDANCE WITH F.D.O.T. SECTION 120. SEED APED MULCH Of PROPOSED 5k)ALE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH F.D.O.T. SECTION 570. SOD ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 4H:1V ZOI IN ACCORDANCE WITH F.D.O.T. SECTION 575 (1982 EDITION). EXI457IQG EXIST WEST Iz/w SOUTF( PAVED &TALL BE CONSTRUCTED WHERE SFOC ON THE PLANS TO' THE DIMENSIONS SHO N ON BOUND WEST EDGE 4 / SHOULDERS: THE TYPICAL SECTION. ASPAHLT AND BASE MATERIAL s,Ar.T. BE CONSISTENT WITH OF PAv M`T THE EXISTING ROADWAY AND SHALL BE CONSTRUED IN RTIANCE WITH THE - -l'AN ES - - - - NOT. GQD. - U.S.# 1 pAv•T. _ _--1-'-- ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS. - STRIPING: SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH F.D.O.T. SECTION 711 (THEINYJPLASTIC). NOTE: 1. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUTICN METHODS SHALL BE IN AOORDAN(M WITH Sr. 3 4 LUCIE COUNTY CODE APED/OR FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSAORIATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, 1987 EDITION. Z(o • 7 GAS MAIN f 2. THE CONTRACTOR MAY SUBSTITUTE THE SUBGRADE A 9VE BY PROVIDING A 15" TYPI BASE ALTERNATE (DOUBLE ODURSE) ON Oa-TACTID SOIL, 11�7 ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS. ROADSIDE SWA SECTION C - C SCALE : 1"= 10' EAST R/W LINE CONST. PAVEMENT DIRECTIONAL ARROWS (TYP.) ( THERMOPLASTIC) COK15T. 70 L.V. OV le'O B.C.^_.M•F'• w/ 4'1 MITERED EJ40 SeCTIowS W. Mv. = 32.7 15. IUV. = 31. 8 SEE GRADING PLAN FOR DRIVEWAYS ON SHEETS No. 3 AND 7 . ►L INV o 29.7 _ S. ILAZ -- 29.0 1 PR POSED EXISTING (TO REMAIN ) _ SHOULD LEFT TURN LANE _ RIGHT TURN LANE (EXISTING) �..�-• �:''s_ ,,,,. ° . - SLOPE VARIES IIl SAW -CUT EXISTING E.O.P. 6 MATCH (G( MIN) 4BASE EXISTING SLOPE a SECTION PER SPECIFICATIONS 12" SHOULDER ASPHALT- 2"-31/2° ` B' BASE 12" SUBGRADE U"S" # 1 TYPICAL SECTION C NORTH - BOUND SCALE : 1 10' w O 0 Cc m Y w w It U [C O J } Q 1- O 0 z w rr m -. - � MEDIAN PAVED 0-12 LANE LANE 1 0-12 PAVED 20-32 I I wm SOUTH OF TAYLOR \ \ \ CREEK COMMONS TAYLOR CREEK COMMONS y / w/4•I MITERED Ea117 SEGTI011S SHOULDER fQ` 4 / M. IWV. = Z&.4) 5. ILIV. = 2l0. a S SHOUDLDER(IXISTING) 1/2- FT SAW -CUT EXISTING, 4" BASE TApFR MATCH EXISTING SLOPE B 12" SHOULDER 8 SECTION PER SPECIFICATIONS. ASPHALT-2"-31/2" / U�S. # 1 TYPICAL SECTION ( SOUTH - BOUND -� Z R 12" SUBGRADE SCAT E 1" = 10' ��r --- U.S. HIGHWAY 1 FIELD: DRAWN BY: 2. D. H. CHECKED BY: T. L. K. DATE: E5 - 3 - 8) #38814 SLOPE TO MEET NATURAL GROUND SEE pRopo5Eb 5wkL.E W SE.CTIOW A -A ABOVE RW' INDAHL, BROWNING, FERRARI h HELLSTROM, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PLANNERS 6 SURVEYORS FORT PIERCE , FLORIDA I PAVING , GRADING and DRAINAGE DATE I BY DESCRRTION REVISION JOB NO. 59 - 04.0 SEAL 10 CENTRAL PARKWAY 1905 SOUTH 25TH STREET P.O. BOX 727 SUITE 420 SUITE 205 JUPITER, FLORIDA 33468 STUART, FLORIDA 33497 FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 33450 SCALE: AS SHOW L I DR. NO: ..r.;.�, .r:r ul.i . a .. ,..'. `;. �. . -.::: _.. .;r . .n,;...L>�r.,Y".,:s,...,.., .4.,�.°,. ,^`., .,. . nm,.:.,�t&., ei.._'. ...K.a.. ,na,........-. ... .. , .:s.. ,.,w.,.�...n.a,,..� a.=n✓..u.1.,. . $ n., , _,, ,..._..r,r,. ..:,..;:.r ,. , .<..k- r ^hS��v.:,..r..fi: .>.xH...�r'',5`4.f,�:�4. x_ i , i< dm�aP .5 a5tP .I .. . r...,,r�,...:... '..::. ,. 1,„9p�k,`� r.hi. F .,,.�.�.:..... 1. �eW ( arr I 5 Lrr,I„rr,,rv, .. .1.id' :..AJ,,zN.�Y � >,.,p.Iar � . J r ..... .r „ ,. ., � err ✓ .. ... k, a _ n -.4,kB. 'k4xn}..�'�p�i✓, ...✓'s„:4,.43%. >- _.M1 ,p � . `F!.,r�:NyA.'S:`_et,:.i,�.�.+p. �f�.tie'.#..0$. .�'c , s1v".....,....�i. . v.�. I� ..a2 n,..a LJ,.ti..h..�.•. tt.,'II=i.. ..M re �d • `S+r , � x s'��•. yin F��I�a ,�?itintiW�t�v^tf4AMv IL OF 15' UTILITY EASEMENT F. G. -. I 36"MIN. DEPTH VARIES I "P.V.C. GRAVITY MAIN SECTION A -A SCALE: 1" = 30' ,.'d ..v.: n" 3,. I. 5 ,.::,. 11 '? .. .C+' ' f. 3;" a"' .fix r,. •m r Bfi , ?sn .i s o '. r , a •r .�,., tt '� '" a,ry.,� .•.' •xs,. '.af) " '-0: I r - .^ :g" a 'ti'"^.z "<xNT. ' xr n<, `rel .� t ,." 11 '"' I' � •'• � ="-• :-.- . „ 'eFI' ... „^ ,t . a F k u > 5, .:: ,k ,`�: S. ., w .`, ur r rva+ .',4. I. , a • : h n 4r . . ,.. .. ':C` .4.. 33 :, . :,�,-., , , r. I., 14m „• I 1 r, ,rlY... 3fA g .c. , u., u eyy ,. ,., S •'., �� 4. ,a, �,nf ,Yf, n1H �I n m.: Yb„:kl t ',.. .,s .. ., , � I � I 1 �' r � ,') 1'EN C� it tyl6rck ,�,�II •, m1. .N ,,. i �„ .r 3.5 'I Ur rtaP°� +";,+14",•,PU:.!+ ,Qy+x• sv , ,'" { ! {,y is / "l : M m i�l I In". �,�+ I� Ir ll can rl ""' A �.'��, I a 5 r '1° y, , ' ,,,� im r G, ;% IIIla4 Ilgj '1sxM1 ri '.:. T» a / Yr �1 �,r., ..; ., .�.. ...'td, a. :1y}' ,..:r $.... ,., „J:. ,;-..:. •.: .� •'i e, ox^_+:r .t� µ"N,'"> .:.:, ..., .: . " ,.IS ^.4-:. .+mr,. F:•< t ... 1 k -. .. e .t A . va �» .r>v. d `.o f J x ,I" 'I:: pv v$p, ti. R rv.,: . k^..:, z r.rr., a„ .. E 3 , / l` i `-L 3• ,;+.'s.' G;,;' ..+ k fa d t ,r v ♦r...r.. t '•i e}A'•v„ .,^5 9r. i'.. J..:: 9;'.. ^"w s,{e-' :r`{". " / 3 ;'' ,.,1:; s ..a`A4,=` .y+ .S 'i `i 2, .{14... :1, ,. : R ' ,. yr ..... .+'; _r ,. .r ":y ., 'P 4 „ , �' -et`"'�' ..�,..,,_. •a ,/ 1 ■ ,. ...>, .. $ 4.:f _ :..,d�;x. p , s.. ,.,.. 7. .� •. �.., *:: A'z' ,x. w./ ..s,x �.V ,.. frM +'. ;r a., =w. a. . -.-,.. .. - . r..., .. - hs . .. ,,. , c. , . r „ .• . :l . �".,,.,, '1., ,.r . ,`i x^<,-'' �. ,,. 5,,. A � ?�' «x tppp #' ,.: sh �. � .. / n, ' Y .r a',=.;. �' .. a.�L -, ,. T .. ,.+�,: n+s .'r,�n�. .h, . •,.'s xw ;.}ibtnn.�, a'u �I III a 4 "-... ,,. �, ..., r, y / , /O , t' ; F ,"l' SCALE: I " _ Coo' 1 / x ,f , ,a.,. ;Y^i.q U. �� :, „..,krr .� ,r ., 1 k Ilr�ki d .a" r�yh s , `�'P+. ��" "� •,': / � / ' d n A M:.Ra NOTE :' SEE SHEET No. I3 FOR DETAILS OF F.M. A 1, --- {L -- ------ - ------------------ - - - - -- - _AI EXISTING PAVEMENT _7 - - - - - - N fi "���° U.S. HIGHWAY No. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- r 'I --------------------------------- EXISTIIJG PAVEMEUT� APPROX. LOGATION OF ------- ------------------ ------ EXIST. IS' D.I.P. WATER MAIN' ------ a--- - A- r ---- �/ APPROX. LU CATIDIJ of Esurzle.p -^+Ei- - - CDNST. Co"X (o'TEE- -- - ' _ ' ,T .7 ` A 1 "„ EXIS'T161G UTl LITIe5(SEE NOTES / - ---Sg----- - j �j5 -7 ' ,e Ay R 1 AT LEFT) iF NECESSARY, RELOCATE ' 10 f_ /CO NST.. G" GrV. PING FOR fUNRE I - „ GONSi. 8" TAPPI{JG VALVE g PhoPosED WATER MAIN To AVOID -� -- flE;r ' CONFLICT WITIH EXIS7ING UTILITIES. GPs �- " Y- GAS- I • ' ; �' ' / S'I = - CoORC�INATE AA1Y KE LOGAT l01.1 (.0 ITN=A Cof__1ST. S0,MPL1QG F7tNT CsL'CSTAIL ctl ' { 2 1 "< THE F. P. U. A . � �� 5 , 2zrz g�p C0145T. G"'G.V. / WATER MAINL. F. OF G" -� BLIND FLANGE lb yr z, / l - / TAPPING SLEEV95 \ � E A* WATER SERVICE NOTE: ' (CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE OUT PARCEL # 4 OUT PARCEL # 3 o WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT SHALL THIS TAP WITH THE F.P.U.N.) \ \ I Q RECO"5TRUCT EXISTIUG SWALES F.F. ELEv. = 34. p _ / S / BE LIMITED TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE \z4b \ OR SLOPES AND SEED,FEWTILIZ-E i FF. ELEV. = 35.0 " / RE UIVEs 2 s SERVICE LINE55' FROM THE MAIN TO MULCH ALL AREAS �15TURPSED ) � [ Q C/4" METe�S BY R To BE INSTnu.eo BE'fWEErYNce o.$ F..+. 5' FROM THE BLDG. THE CONTRACTOR BY WATER o D- COUSTRUCTION , / / SHALL COORDINATE THE FINAL LOCATION \ACCORDIUG To D.O.T. SPEGIFICATIo►15, / AND SIZE OF THE SERVICES W/THE EFLECT $ OWNER AND THE M.H.AG T=29.5D / uv.-27.0 / OUT PARCEL # 1 �STORKMH#120 OF ACCESS DRIVE a /F OUT PARCEL # 2 AAAT� F I F.F. El-EV. = 30.0± GENERAL NOTES: / WERE PREPARED BY JAMES A. KIRBY, Ill, REGISTERED .r. i. TOPOGRAPHIC AND BOUNDARY SURVEYS FOR THIS PROJECT CDNST 8"X6 k $ ro LAND CDNST. G" G.V. � � SURVEYOR. ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING HORIZONTAL OR - COCONCDNST. E SE PY G, VERTICAL CONTROL SHALL BE DIRECTED TO JIM KIRBY AT �� \ OUT PARCEL # 5 FORCE AI PV_C '^ WATE) SERVICE Lh�.1E5 (407) 464-9621. �5' / �FO(ZCE(�tAIN E 1"P.V.C. BOTH E%ISTING AND PROPOSED, HAVE BEEN SHOWN * /� F• F, ELEV. o ZO.O ± I (5� Pr�FI�..� SNr. 13 WATER SERVI � T_24.50 2. UTILITIES, 1 �(CONFIR�q W/0 R) TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING HIS WORK WITH THE. UTILITY ID' OWNER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO \ CDNST. 490 L.F,t OF'� ` q��� UTILITIES. SPECIAL ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO Tk1A NATURAL (�,DN,S-7� �H � \ � DEFLECT IF POSSIBLE GAS MAIN ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 1 AND _/ '.\ i G'P.V.C. (C-90O) WATER / CONS'. 8 mm.-\ `,,. ,� \� , / v THE SOUTH SIDE OF JUANITA AVENUE. \ /]y MAIN / / \\B D��� CO 15' CDNST. 560 L.F. t OF pp �3 \ \ 5 C s Ns� CDNST. 8"WATER MAIN" 3. PROJECT BENCHMARK: THE BENCHMARK(S) FOR THIS PROJECT '� ,(o"p.V•C. WATER SERVICE - / G ' Paa°I° o ARE AS SHOWN ON SHEET NO. 3 AND REFER TO N.G.V.D. FOR ` _ CDNST. 250 L.F DF i�P.V.C.@ I.00% SIpRr� uNp� ;� 6 MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT JIM KIRBY AT 464-9621. SOME \ _ i O O' BENCHMARKS ARE IN THE PAVEMENT OF OLD U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 1 TO LIFT S'TATIDN�---- \//J/� _ \ \\ �jolp tkk lD )� ` \ /CDNST FIRE HYDRANT WHICH IS TO BE REMOVED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RELOCATE / Xj - THESE PRIOR TO DESTRUCTION OF THE OLD ROADWAY. \(.O" MIN. COVER) \ _ _ _ NOTE M.H. #5 IS A / / < �0• 18P (CDNST S•z8"TEE CDNST. DOUBLE SAN1.7gRY G 4'.PS DROP MANHOLE ��/ F��°.v�°E a` 'QVC. ' �APP X. LOCATIO �\ \ SE CON T DETAILS FOR SITE WORK ASSOCIATED WITH BUILDING INCLUDING /\ % - 1 �� (SEE DETAIL ON _ L, RVICE IUV.=19,0:) ' CONCRETE WHEEL PADS, DUMPSTER PADS WITH STORM DRAIN / \ \ \ _ ��P/� F'0�$- - \ GREASE TRAP (g 5 8' G.V, A IRWEL LS POOP DRAINS AND WATER AND SEWER �p SHEET 12 DF IG�'�-�"- -�-\ °t - - - _ \ BUILDI G CONTRA TOR) CSEE SHEET ND, Co w/�ULtD FLquGE / CONNECTIONS, ST /IIRRRft M.H.7k5 �� COY1`O - - - - - - - - - - - / SERVICE CONNECTIONS CAN BE OBTAINED NED FROM THE / \ T=24. T� _ - \ 0 ARCHITECTURAL PLANS PREPARED BY ADACHE ASSOCIATES AT CON5T. 2150 L.F.t OF 8 5=12.78 Alr°� M*H�Pa CDNST 8"G.V. 1- �'StOo SANDRIDGE 0 D (305) 525-8133• CONTACT: PAUL TITTERINGTON. / P.V.C. WATER MAIN _ - - \ - / � 30° R.C. P. STORM 1 �5��. F ^ P� C D ` � / 5. EXISTING SIGNS, MAIL BO%ES, ETC.: ALL EXISTING ROAD AND (� \�3 CO" MIN. COVER \ E- 20.0 �N-ro" SON. SYC. S_I4.4 \ - _ coUST 158 Le of / REGULATION SIGNS, MAIL BOXES OR OTHER SIMILAR OBJECTS '� /� \., SEWER CUWuep_) ��• �' yF' O q5 �°' 5' FRORI BLDG K=14 \ • Is.96 8"RV.C."C� 0.40" SHALL BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE✓ � jrvE � \aA M.N.#7 OR TANK � APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF THE MANUAL OF UNIFIED TRAFFIC // M.H?►2 A __ OusT xro TEE Ii 9 02 CONTROL DEVICES AND THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. / _� \ C 8' a SANDRID ' T=24.0 ,coNST. s' Pv.c-//\�� ,� , � scid. , ` 1 M.Hx10 GE ROAD OI D QE g� /e��^ i;�o�sSEad� i N=13.56 COUST.4" 5=9.63 GRAVITY MAIN M.H.#3 S' ?O oe ai o ACK-FLOW T=25. M.H.& 1 TAYLOR CREEK COMMONS -~ W=9.5 T=23.0 M.1444 \� "' 2� p cousT. 4' a n ( / _ 4' (TYP-) T AREASE: P/-\F ON OF 'j� FIRE LINE g. PREVE. U.Aj 5=5." =27� CONST.82 L. F, NORTH PROPERTY LINE / coNST 22 L Ft _ _ s=1o�o T=zs.DD ��"PN'� CDNST, fa) /a" P.V.C.�SETrup(IayoTu�S� (BYePu.A) N=`s. 0 40 /o V 0 _ OF 8"N=1D. COAST. 0"-(2)4b"BEUbS 5=11.81 �', p\ B s a 00� //� RESt )EWTIAL 5=16.pj c C. C V.C,QO. \ $3 i F' / \ WATER 5ERVICE LINES iif F SS / �--5' N=16.5 CDNST. 230 N= 11.71\qp \ ' $ s NrLD 25' CONST Co'FIRE 2 % PLUG END, L.F. Of 8" P. _ 5�' o o \ \ \(TAP METERS-FPU.A.) 0� \�.j\5 J COIVST 4° CNEGIC VALVE - BY F.P. U.A, UPP DE/ - �C' 0.44°/ m G N ,trA I_ mt \ \ \ uC� `O� 5 F �\-� LINE COMPLETE / � ER INV„ 17.OZ CAA15T FIRE DEFT COI,TNECTIOI.I / // A INv. 20.0 �_�- _ L� �paSC. ' \ \ o�a�h CDNST. I /i' DOMESTIC VALVE $� FIREK FN. 3CoNST. t((o) \\ 31a SERVICE. TO BUILDING DE PT. CONNECTI O / -- \ , (TAP, METER AND BF.P.-�CONST. A-50 L.F.t OF 8"P.V.C. (C-q00 WATER MAIN v/ �1 CDNST. Irj20 L. OF uv.=20.0 \1IATERSIER5w/ U ) BYF.P.U.A.) ) \ V(1-AP� METp,RS Fay FPUA) s G" WASTEWATER FCRCE- MAIN CONST.(o'SANITARY \ %\ \\ CDNST. FIRE DEPT. \ LEGEND SINGLE SERVICE \ � / tt \\ t t \ CONNECTION \ ' FUTURE EXPANSION APPROX. LOCATION J - CONST.4"'FIRE---� DEFLECT # MANHOLE I.D. NUMBER `Y / IF POSgl2LE T=244I RIM. ELEVATION ELEv/. = 25.0 * OF GREASE TRAP LINE TO LOCATION CDNST. 4" KECK VALVE / all. r,"x 8" TEE s=12. SOUTH INVERT ELEVATION `S (BY OTHERS) DESIGNATED BY THE / N=12. NORTH INVERT ELEVATION y. 13' FROM PROP. unl e. ARCHITECT. ` \� ,(c� „�, /^ ...• � " _ � / r�" 6.FP. BY F.Pu.A. e=2o.00 EAST INVERT ELEVATION R.C.P. STORM SEWER / STJ� STU5-00T 20 x 8" P.V.C. / 10 MIN. SEYARATIoN SEE- PROFILE OF 4 9 EXISTING ELEVATION , I� N 111! +�CON57. 8 x(o" XEE_ a ZO / HST. FIRE HYD-----CONST. 4" BACK- 25� EXIS-fING TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOURS L� CO FUTURE (PLUG) t AA , IF1 re. 11 CROSSING ON SHEET 6 a FLOW PREVENTER - ,x»�.. I. @ 0.44 Io �/ UNDER B" P.V.C. W.M. 1 J 8Y F.P.U.A. � DENOTES SINGLE SANITARY SERVICE UPPER INN. = 8.30 �02 / a UNDER 6" F.M. a NUp S US ! �47 s-I DENOTES SAMPLE TAP OWER INV.=8.21 U / OVER 8" GRAVITY WITH 1.1' CLEAR. ; n-- q CaJST. FP w/ / swalNGQr. / a �/ \ SAP * CONSTRUCTION OF FIRE LINES FROM p01NT OF SERVICE - --35'x35' LIFT STATION SITE SHALL BE Wf A STATE CERTIFIED SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR CDNST. LIFT STATION - (SEE DETAILS ON SHEET NO. 9) AT Eli NDERS AYLOR CREEK V4OP B°PVC@ I m.5% `ME N=INTO LIFT STATIor� - --- - \� E IEl O TAYL CREEK COMMONS WAFER DISTRIBUTION DRAWN BY J A K CADD #38814 LINDAHL, BROWNING, FERRARI 6 HELLSTROM, INC. OR 9- 22-a9 R.D.H. REVISIo" AS PER. F.PU.A CONSULTING ENGINEERS PLANNERS B SURVEYORS AND 9-15 -g9 R n H. REVI5I0U AS PER FOOb LIt7N -PARKING ISLI.lOp,� CMECKED T. L. 10 CENTRAL PARKWAY 1905 SOUTM 25TH STREET f'89 R.C.N. REVlsloW AS PEtz F.P.U. A. Po BOX su Ito SUITE1TE T PIERCE FLORIDA WASTEWATER COLLECTION 205 DATE � � 8� IU PITFR FI ORIDA DA 11468 STUART, FLORIDAO 33497 FORT PIERCE, FLORIDAR 33450 FORT DATE BY DESCRIPTION REVISION 'UB''b 89 -040 SEAL SCALE I - GO DR. N0+ SMf_ 8.� ♦F 22925 a BOTTOM SLAB NOTE TOP SLAB MOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY PLAN LOCKABLE ALUM N,M COVER- \ SAFETY CHAIN HOOK 05 AT 12" EACH WAY b (SEE '*TOP SLAB RE,NFORINO CABLE HOLDER PLAN* FOR AOOITIONAL �.N_ESS STEEL , INFORMATION) ,0E aLR BRAG FINISHED GRADE 2' �-�. EL °C TRICAC C N DUIT'' 2 6 S' I D_ PRE AST WET WE'-L SE ION, ASTM 90' r. C-478 W/ AMERON •.. ,.. SENDt :;CK• LI 14143— 1� tI j STAINLESS 57EE_ SENSOR CABL ` CHAIN OR CABLE 4 ---�'1 Z2' PIPE AT " PCwER CABLE --"'+� 02 SLOPE TO CHECK INFLUENT A VALVE PIT ALARM ON - �- - - -I { 4 -•'. �W,•T) - I 5 MIN 0.' N 06 4R LAG PUMP ON 1 PI PING -4 STAINLESS ` LEAD PUMP ON I' • STEEL GUIDE BAR WITH i • INTERMEDIATE (; PI_MP _OFF SUPPORT 1, 4' x 6 REDUCER ROUT FILLET q1 75 DISCHARGE HEAD 6"MIN -C LR 7�.'L—? � bM ppyy(( • r_ 9 CLR INS AT 12" EACH WAY TOP B SOTTCM NOTE, ).ALL INTERIOR CONCRETE SURFACES OF WET WELL WILL - BE COVERED WITH AMERON "T"LOCK INCLUDING UNDER SIDE OF LID. '.. LIFT STATION SECTION ELEVATIONS_ DESCRIPTION A 17.0 TOP SLAQ FINISHED GRADE B 8.0 INFLUENT a ALARM ON C 7.0 LAG PUMP ON, D 5.4 LEAD PUMP ON E 4.0 PUMP OFF F 2.0 TOP OF GROUT G 1.67 TOP OF BOTTOM SLAB H 0.33 BOTTOM I TOP OF BOTTOM SLAB- 11..0 VALVE PIT ELEVATION SCHEDULE AYLOR UNAFLEX STYLE — 8'-41 --� 3150 COUPLING r---- — 6 FORCE MAIN T—I° THREADED CORPORATION STOP W/PRESSURt GAL FILLED GAUGE TEE PLAN NOTES 1. TOP SLAB NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY. 2. VALVES, PIPES 9 FITTINGS ALL 6" I.D. LOCKABLE 30"x 48" # 5 AT 12" EACH WAY TOP 8 ALUMINUM COVER BOTTOM (SEE "TOP SLAB 01 COMPANION FLANGE EL. REINFORCING PLAN" FOR WITH BRASS NIPPLE I7.00 ADDITIONAL INFORMATIOw) TO QUICK CONNECT 63 FEMALE QUICK COUPLING ;4 4e' CONNECT WALL CONNECTION 6 6 COUPLINGWITH PLUG(4') CHECK UNAFLEX VALVE COUPLING 24PIPE 0.02 SLOPE GROUT FIL ET B.. 2l0" PEA TRAP i � T_ 7 2 CLR 3" CLR T`- f SQ. M 5 AT 12" EACH WAY VALVE PIT DETAIL 6'k4•REDUCLNG ELL EXIST. GRND, ALL BOLTS B NUTS TO BE 304 STAINLESS 40 FT. (±)19.3 N. G. V. D. MIN. FLOAT SWITCH CABLE 40FT. MIN. CORD ON PUMPS I CHECK VALVES M d H OR CLOW W,' LEVE¢. E WEIGHT GATE VALVES O.S & Y. KENNEDY OR MULLER GRADETO MATCH •�,��"`_�" r , * ,:, ,..,..,,' . «L EXIST. GRND ELEV. GD 6: 1 OR FLATTER 6 OSBY RESILI NT SEAT GATE VALVE o x CHECK VALVE E. LIFT STATION SHALL BE SET TO GRADE. UNAFLEX STYLE 3150 FLEXIBLE COUPLING MINIMUM 6 DI FLO PIPE FLOW � \L NON -SHRINK GROUT -� RUBBER RING GASKET EARTH SIOE 4 4yP ` Z-b'MAX ° , 9.� MIN S' 01 FLG It PLAIN II ENO PIPE rS• N-.1NI FLANGE AOAPTFR -INTERIOR SIDE OF VALVE PIT WALL CONNECTION f LOCKABLE ALUMINUM COVER, COMPLETE WITH STAINLESS STEEL ACCESSOR': ESQ 05(TOP A el-TCW . 5 LONG AL'JWiNUM COVER, COMPLETE WITH STAINLESS STEEL ACCESSOR.E.S�. w 5 (TOP A BOTTOM) . 3' LONG w 5 (TOP B BOTTOM), i I L S' LONG 1 LL _� --,2 MS (TOP B 05(TOP IS BOTTOM)A SOTTOMi EACH 2-w5(TOP A BOTTOM) 5' LONG 310E OF OPENING EACH SIDE OF OPEN'NG TOP SLAB WET WELL TOP SLAB VALVE P. -X� COVER B OPENING IN TOP SLAB SHALL BE LARGE ENOUGH TO ACCOMODATE THE INSTALLATION OF 6" SEWAGE PUMPS(ULTIMATE) /BERSEV FOP-I'REDUCED PRESSURE VALVE.- r BACKPLOW PREVENTER II/2" HOSE BIBB-GLOBEVALVE TYPE, BRONZE NOdE TO BE q FASTENED TO CONTROL CENTER SADDLE CLAMP f, SUPPORT POST I V2"O. B. PIPE---�^ SLIPPY LINE t. ,FIN. GRADE HOSE BIBB DETAIL r • '^=ir i r+r ° ` . B C NET WELL -' 1 i I GIIIUE PAR4 SAFt TY IAA N ,u POWER CABLE'- '' 1 CABLt 1 P'.MP 02 I � e lilf l 11 Lw .a �I l HOLf5 fiR •,TAINIF'IS 51fI, ANCHOR HIII' . SHAH BE DHIt I. EO A MINIMUM OF 4.• IN1. V 901TOM Of Wf I WFLI_ B RUI IS $HAIL Rf GROUTED IN PI ACF WITH NON ,SHRINX GROUT ' Al.-L ANCHOR R0119, NOt'" N WASHf. RS TO \\ BE 5TAINI-ESS I FtI DUPLEX PUMP INSTALLATION LIFT STATION CONTROL PANEL REQUIREMENTS: THE LIFT STATION CONTROL PANEL.SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: A. LIGHTNING ARRESTOR. B. PHASE MONITORS. C. PUMP RUNNING LIGHTS AND LEVEL LIGHTS WITH PUSH TO TEST CAPABILITIES. D. ELAPSED TIME METER FOR EACH PUMP. E. AUTOMATIC PUMP ALTERNATION CIRCUITRY. COMPLETE WITH TEST SWITCH. F. HIGH LEVEL ALARM LIGHT WITH FLASHER (CLEAV- Le!4-5 WITH (LED E3LILT5) - See sheet 9A CREEK COMMONS } FORT PIERCE FLORIDA LIFT STATION CROSS BREAK TOP FUTURE L TELEMETRY " CABINET (A7 i� 1 REAR DOOR)-- \Vr POWER CO. METER ALARM MOROI %71 J 1 A FARM LIGHT - (SIDE MOUNTED) VENT HOLES WITH SCREEN NEOPRENE BASKET FRONT DOOR VPUMP CONTROL PANEL ACCESS) DOOR EQUIPPED WITH PAD _j_K TYPE HANDLE LOUVERS BOTTOM OF DOOR WITH SCREEN , �- I-1/4' FLANGE INSIDE NOTE ATTACH ENCLOSURE TO STEM WALL WITH A MINIMUM OF 8 STAINLESS STEEL DRILLED ANCHORS ENCLOSURE FOR CONTROL PANEL APPROX. EXISTING DIRT ROADWAY I- Uj W cc ,q Z ' PLUG FOR FUTURE I EXTENTION, INV=8.30 I a 0 5 0 20 SCALE = I • =10' CONST. 20 L.F. OF I 1 \ 7 t INSULATED THROA" BUSHIN6 III I I ( FRONT DOOR PUMP STATION CONTROL PANEL ---1 CONTROL PANE.- PROTECTIVE FUTURE TELEMETRY-_� ENCLOSURE PANEL CONTROL PANEL AREA PLAN A9 9E ..'RED TO 9— M'JNT CONTROL e PANEL 7 1 e FINISNED GRACE CONCRETE STEM WALL ` I 40- FRONT VIEW NOTE ALL BOLTS, BUT B WASHERS REQUIRED FOR ASSE 148LING FRAMING SMALL BE STAINLESS STEEL. CONTROL rj - 1 FUTURE PANEL �I I�TELEMETRY PANEL -I B SETS -SST ANCHOR I BOLTS 1/2'.8', ZS_i HARDWARE )NUT, CUT LOCXWASHER L B FLATWASHER) ECUIPMENT MOUNTING RACK FUTURE TE LE ME 7 R Y _-^NET l I 1 1 Ei, I L1 . 8"P. V. C. @ 0.44 % 1/2- vv C,Iw4BC `\ �-6DNST. FIRE HYDRANT COMPETE � NORTH LCOF TAYLOR WITH SAMPLING POINT CREEK OMMONS - _ � GROUSE -HINDS EYS 18,8 L4,6 PLUG WITH K, SEALING FITTING BUD FLAN FLANCE� W \ i i fi' P.V.C. WATER MAIN CONST. II x 18' ASPHALT DR VEWAY iIz'SADDLE f PER PAR LNG LOT SPECIFICATIONS TAP 0 �ev KH. N COLLECTION — MH. ND.I, TDP=16.1SN0.1, TOP_16.15 CO ST. Il/2"W.L SERVICE �INV.= 8,10 8" PVC. GRAVITY SEWER MAIN o SAN. CONST 8 L.F. ± OF s t0 8" qV.C. RC 1.25 FM ��M — 6"P.V.C. FORCE MAIN _ o a OS�p I .REDUCED PRESSURE VALVE BACKFLOW PREVENTER PIT 'NC HOSE BIBB (SEE DETAIL ABOVE) --� I---' �'— CONTgOL �Fo - PANEL - M' x 35' SITE TO BE DEEDED TO F. P. U.A.. 35' SLOPE TO NATURAL GROUND ' f PUMP SCHEDULE SIZE GPM TDH RPM HP REMARKS # 1 4° 195 41.0 1-150 5 R415EH502 2 4" )95 41.0 1-150 5 ROrSEH502- PUMP5 BY PEAsou-BAszwv_s) 9-22-L39 Iz.D.A. REVISIOI,I 6"5 PER FP. U.A. 3-1k-89 12•D.H, REVIS)OW AS PEP- F.P,U.A. DATE tiY DESCRIPTION REVISION LOCATION PLAN Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii M.E. SANDER 0CT 0 3 Mg DRAWN BY, R. D. H. CHICK10 RY, m DATE, 8 - 3 - 1969 JOB NO. 89-040 UAL GROUND ROO AND CLAMP —_may SEE SHEET TO SERVICE ENTRANCE 1 NO. 8 AND ALARM LIGHT N3�r_' 1 - • 'd WN DR NENA 4 1­B ` UNION H 134 72 ..ENE.RATOR RECE PTA E FINISHED GRADE 1 TC WET" EL2 _-j MIN. 21/2" CONDUIT NOTE ALL FEEDER CONDUIT ENTRANCES SHALL BE STAGGERED FITTINGS FOR EASY REMOVAL. FOR SERVICE ENTRANCE AND ALARM LIGHT ONLY, ANEMA 4X HUB IS REQUIRED (NO SEAL OR UN,ICN). CONTROL PANEL ELEVATION LINDAHL, BROWNING, FERRARI & HELLSTROM, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PLANNERS O SURVEYORS 10 CENTRAL PARKWAY 2222 COLONIAL ROAD P.O. BOX 727 SUITE 420 SURE 201 JUPITER, FLORIDA 33468 STUART, FLORIDA 33497 FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34980 oil SCALE, AS NOTED DR. No 8 9— 0 4 0— 9 sNtOF n NEUTRAL 230 VAC 30 4 WIRE LIGHTENING ARRESTOR DELTA 303 NEUTRAL 460 VAC 30 .' 3OR4 WIRE N _ �j ��(I E—EARTH GROUND NEUTRAL IF APPROPRIATE CENTER PHASE HIGH PHASE —.4 I �-- 1. D. SQUARE D # 01.5 QOU 1 315 Q2 QOUI 320 03 QOUI 330 Q4 QOU 340 05 QOU 350 Q6 QIU 360 Q7 QIU 370 08 QIU 380 09 QIU 390 010 QIU 1 3100 F1.5 FAL 34015 F 2 FAL 34020 F 3 FAL 34030 F 4 FAL 34040 F 5 FAL 34050 F 6 F A L 34060 F7 FAL 34070 F 8 FAL 34080 F 9 FAL 34090 F10 FAL 34100 0212 Q 2 L 3125 Q215 Q 2 L 3150 Q217 Q 2 L 3175 Q 220 02 L 3200 Q 222 Q 2 L 3225 K12 KAL 36125 K15 KAL 36150 K17 KAL 36175 K 20 K A L 36200 K 22 LAL 36225 K25 LAL 36250 L30 LAL 36300 L35 LAL 36350 L35 1 LAL 36400 BREAKER SCHEDULE A 460/3 SYRELEC PWR B 230/3 SYRELEC PWR C 115/1 SYRELEC PSR PHASE MONITOR SCHEDULE TYPE A 175A 1-ILSCO PDC-14-2/0-1 2-I1-SCO I PDA-14-2/0-1 1-ILSCO PDA-11-2/0-1 TYPE B 350A 1-ILSCO PD-26-2/0- 1-ILSCO I PDC-11/2/0-1 TYPE C 620A 1-ILSC0 PDB-26-350-3 1-ILSCO PDC-11-2/0-1 FAN BLOCK SCHEDULE # SQUARE D# SIZE 1 8536 SCO3 2 SDO1 3 SE01 3 4 S F01 4 5 SGO1 5 0 13 14 E7 elf PM STARTER SCHEDULE A 0 ID STAHLIN # SIZE ALUMINUM OVER HOUSE A N30 24 10 30/24/10 60X5OX40 B N36 30 10 36/30/10 60X5OX40 C N48 36 12 48/36/12 8OX5OX40 ENCLOSURE SCHEDULE O= PHASE MONITOR ACTIVE X= PHASE MONITOR BYPASSED FS-4 b ALAR. a FS-3 bLAG >-S-2 IT�a—< FAD � -.0 0-4 F' - -I OFF LS 12 111111111 15" If - - n 2 1 I b11 3 I 16 THERMAL 17 I I q 11 10 I II A d 22 seE NOTE20 6 I it 21 4 8 o- M2 7 , , 19 L - _ ALTERNATOR THERMAL M2 23 zs sn_En cI I K2 K2 26 SEAL FAILI 62 K —r TOTAL % SEAL FAIL STANDARD SEAL FAIL 2 62 K1l'I-O"FAL V VC1 OSRI 2 7 5 6 8 2 OIL SEAL PROBES 0 30�� s nLFAILt OSRI cl OSR 2 2 7 5 6 8 31 OIL SEAL. PROBES /� ^ 3- 1 0 33 ��1� SEAL FAIL 2 0�©©000 ®®©©oao 4 m : 1 • �• ©00 ® • : 1 � 1 11 ©OO 0�®®000 ®®®®000 m��®000 m���ova it ` `"w �;. ® • • ��0001 0®��000 mom© • ova POWER EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE ENA ms Cz C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 # COLOR 1. D. Cl RED HOT C2 WHITE NEUTRAL EARTH GROUND GREEN 1 BLACK NO MARKER 2 DARK BLUE NO MARKER 3 BROWN NO MARKER 4 YELLOW NO MARKER 5 ORANGE NO MARKER 6 PINK NO MARKER 7 GREY NO MARKER 8 TAN NO MARKER 9 PURPLE NO MARKER 0 LIGHT BLUE NO MARKER 11 BLACK W/#1 21 BLACK W / # 2 31 BLACK W / # 3 12 DARK BLUE W/ #1 22 1 DARK BLUE W / # 2 131 BROWN W/#1 23 I W/#2 TAYLOR am-149pub FORT X'FMR (460 ONLY) ISU R2 T. B. 1 2 B R EBM BE FAN RlrrK B1 B2 ®® SILENCE M1 M2 BACK PANEL N.T.S. ■ N P5 NP4 B1 B2 NP6 .o. 0 0 NP2 NP3 RESET NP1 O NP7 ETM ETM ETM N.T.S ITEM MANUFACTURER PART NO. ISM MPE 091 120103 ALT SYRELEC LJR2-110 OSR 1&2 SYRELEC PNR-110 IF REQ'D AH FARADAY 6110 B AL STONCO VWXLIIGC WRD APP. VG HO CONTROL CONCEPTS SS03SHBL2 SIL CONT. CONCP. PB FH BK INO R1&R2 AA ELECTRIC AAE 301 ET HECON TO 62-1134 BC/BR SQUARE D QOU 115 BTR KM PKZM 1-4 BPM KM PKZM 1 -.24 GEN REC'P R&S FCR 3134 WIRE #1 UE,jIUNAI IUN 9 FS-1 OFF 8 9 FS-2 LEAD 10 9 FS-3 LAG 4 FS-4 HIGH ALARM 3 16 M1 THERM 17 w219 20 M2 THERM C1 MYERS OIL SEAL 2 6 C1 27 28 OTHER OIL SEAL 29 31 32 COLOR CODE TERMINAL SCHEDULE CREEK COMMONS PIERCE , FLORIDA HORN NP 1 V SILENCE v BLUE V PUMP 1 v HAND OFF AUTO NP 2 BLK v PUMP 2 v HAND OFF AUTO NP 3 BLK n HIGH n LEVEL ALARM NP 4 RED PHASE MONITOR n BYPASSED n NP 5 RED NP1,2,3,4,5 -- 7/8" X 2 3/4" NP 6 PUMP 1 STANDARD PUMP 2 OIL SEAL FAIL n n RED NP7 U ELAPSED TIME v BOTH 1 2 718" BLUE I— 6 1/2" —� NAMEPLATE SCHEDULE „ !a .."<« p^'3,t,'-r'G ".fi"fl �.'," .''� a' 'wT".'`?�';' e"; �.,e'"7'�N': NOTES: 1i. OIL SEAL FAIL a) IF MYERS PUMP* USE 26 & 27 .: b) IF OTHER PUMP USE 28,29,30,31,32,03 2 2 JUMPER TERMINALS IF THERMALS NOT PROVIDED IN MOTOR. 3 ONE (1) PUMP ONLY ON GENERATOR (POST NAME PLATE ON DEAD FRONT STATING SAME). 4 HORN AND LIGHT SHIP LOOSE. INSTALL RECEPTACLE THRU LOWER RIGHT SIDE TO PLUG LIGHT AND HORN INTO. 5 ALL WITH 115 VAC COIL. SUPPLY HEATERS TO MOTOR PLATE AMPS. 7 SHIP GENERATOR RECEPTACLE LOOSE. 7 ® ALL GROUNDS MUST BE 25 OHMS OR LESS NOTICE: FT. PIERCE UTILITIES AUTHORITY HAS STANDARDIZED ON THE DEVICES NOTED FOR PARTS & MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. NO SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE APPROVED. .` y� 7 v ' d T a 1�mlav� u? 1 LIFTST• • CONTROL SCALE JOB NO UTILITIES Dp BY -- Wo NO APR BY ENGINEERING DATE - DWG No. E89-040 T. PIERCE UTILITIES AUTHORITY FILE NO SHEET NO 9A of 1 VAT. RD. GI R/W - SOUTH SANDRIDGE ROAD (OLD U.S.#I i SEE SECTION OF NORTH SANDRIDGE ROAD ON SHEET 5 %o' R/W - 5L lY LANE OF COU15TFZUCTIOU and R/W 17' FOR SAUDRIDGE ROAD G' I O' 101 6' - 17' FOR 5A 01ZLDGE 2oAD 14' FOR SUQMY LANE SHOULDER PROPOSED PAVEMEI_1T SHOULDER 14' FOR SU13NY LANE 1 1 a ' 5TAINU ZE TD 99.V. 5EED,MULr IA�FERTIUZE Al THESE LIl(TYP.) Or- SWALE 50j5EED,MULCH OF SWALE Ip' FOR 'SAAO9_=,GE ROAD 'T' A PKO POSE GRADE f MRMLIZF"..) T' 101 FOR r✓J-10 RIDGE ROAD T' FOR 31lWNY LANE "" LINE oR P-G. L. 71 FOR SLIWWY LAME CRUST Sl: M'ULATOF�SEE WVIS CROW W wAT- (5E6 t£TAtL BEiOW)I 1 /4" I _ _ ELEVATIDWGRD. 1/2•' / Ff. / FY. /4" FT. _ b r E.>TEUO L'tASE F, s/0 SLdPE TO FIAT. GRD. (TYP.) IIk"ASPHALTIC CONCFSTE :TYPE 5-1 <v" UMERACK/COQUIUA BASE MOTE: REMOVE AWY PLA0TIC. MATERIAL(A-Z-6,A-2r7, (DENSITY 54ME AS FOR S/G) A-4, A-5, A-(2,, A-7 ACID MUCK.) I J TIHIWl OF THE B" STABILIZE SUBGRAOE(FB.V. 75) FIWBHED ROAD GRADEAWOREPL.ACE WITH A-5 DElISITY SHALL BE 98 % OF MAXIMUM MATERIAL ACCORbi1lG TO D.O.T. SPEC IFICATIO FLS_ ' AS DETERMIAIED 8Y AA5HT0 T-180 METHOD, TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS OF CONSTRUCTION ( OFF —SITE N. T. S. _- rR/W LWE AND TOP OF SLOPE FOR SWALE MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER TO 6E U.S. FOUNDRY A MFG, COR P. DRAWING No. 33-A OR EQUAL ------- 13' NEENAH R2503-F WiTH "C,' GRATE GROUT APPROVED GGUIVELAUT —T."MIN. . V-I-Ol.Lt_ �20E> FFO,"TOEOF SLGPE TO TOE- CF "l� /h TOP OF SEiZM = 22 • rj M AwM. DE5R15 a APPLE 20 A/ (SEE 17ETN L_ Bealn\" ) VVE)R CREST" = 15.5 1811MIN. CL• FC�,JD e)OFFOM =]0.5 FRw1U S�PE \,� LULVP-( / FABRIc, PpTTZ�A EtEV. = 1�.5 • � �—�. � i r� 7INV,,q•5o 6 -' _ a-. ,'�• SEED°FE{M UZI- MULCH EACH eWR, G: ac _ 11 I CONj(. I10 LF OF 301' �LYZR. ALOAA. PIPE @ 10.91 / FrNi7 EolTo'L.\ No 4 UM 0 TYPICAL 4 FT. STORM MANHOLE )2.5 �r6 LA5T 5ECT10N 5L1ALL- 5E ONE N. T. S. PIIf 20' LEN[- OF CULVERT SECTION A SEE SHEET L o. 3� I BOTTOM OF S/G DI _ ,s'FARniFN PLUG- ;' I STAGE 3 rBOTTOM GRADE OUTFALL TO S.F.W.M.D. C - 25 C TAYLOR CREEK 7,1171 /-\ I s ,�`, { NOT TO EXCEEDBACKIFILL FI2°IN --- C LIMITS OF TRENCH L� I \ I �I �UM1T5 of SOD OF 5HOULDER A D TOP OF SLOPE FOR 5kA e BOTTOM CMFX. TYPE INLET "A" "B" C" "D" APPROX. WT. 15.65 C 2-4, 3 -0 2 -0 3 -1 235 -LBS. 23.49 D 1 4- 4 3 -0 4'- 1 3- 1 380 LOS. 35.23 E 1 3'-4" 4'-4' 3'-0" 4'-6" 465 LEIS 58. 20 I 3-4' 6-6 3'-0' 6'-7. 725 CBS. NOTES:(11 GRATES TO BE CAST IRON WITH ONE (1) SHOP COAT OF RED LEAD PAINT AND WITH A FIELD COAT TO MEET FLA. O.O.T. STANDARD SPECIFICATION ARTICLE 971, 1986 EDITION, (2) SEE DETAIL. OF OPENING IN INLET SIDES. (3),BEVELED EDGES:ALL EXPOSED CORNERS. STANDARD INLETS 2 1/2 A 2 1/2 x 1/4 ANG E CASTING W/ 3/16 x I"A 6" ANCHORS WELDED 6 �O. C. ALL EXPOSED CONC, CORNERS "All AND EDGES TO PE �� STANDARD INLET COLLARS W/ CHI'M5b AMFERED 3/4. CONT. B"CONC. WALL p•. �••• kv.q FORMED -IN- GROUT IF "� W PI -ACE OR PRE- . PRECAST COLLAR -- CAST Wll •V� INC. 8., IS USED. .�, "D" (¢� 12"O.C. E.W. B i'•A �. WHE'E MASONRY ' j "FILL AROUNQ PIPE _ •'a IS USED, 1/2' A ' A I PLASTER BOTH SIDES IS REQUIRED. d N0. 4� BARS 12 O.C. E.W. CROSS SECTION LONGITUDINAL SECTION - INLET DETAILS N. T. S. I9-2(0-89 IR.D.N.IOUTFAU_jCOUTROL5TR1OTUM PER S.F.W.M.b. DESIGNED: T. L. K. DRAWN: R. D. H. CHECKED: _ M. S. Wo WALLS to BE PREWTU3 I; :�� 4'- D" OR FDR1•ED- W -PLACE r REINFORQO CPI•G DESIGN WATER its! C-21j = 0.7 (l EXfY-A1d �� SFWMD C-25 R/W� _/�: (TA1L0K CREAK.) 5lEZD, FnZCILIZE- � MULC-H AL L- ' IAREArj C155TUZI-� IN C-25 R/W NAT• qRo. e g/W - 1=l E\i. 11�5.5 -j- CONST- A G x l l "BLANKLET DT;3NN" F TOE OP Sl-Ol ALONG C-215 ?•Ntb FFFWCD G-I R/W (% WASHED CvQA\/Et WRAPPED IN FILTER ao / \ 2.5 3 x CGNTPA 5TRtrf'I_ R 2 N cpn. TAPE "E" lNLE7 Csee 5 -6 BEtow) ' THICKNESS, FROM SCALE 1 = 10 12" ABOVE PIPE- S.T-AGE 7 - /• BACKFILL LAYERS NOT TO IJOu —� j;i EXCEED 6" IN THICKNESS TO 12�� TPJAFFIC GRPSE 1 22" SHAPE TO CONFORM TO PIPE — ABOVE PIPE AND KEPT LEVEL 3' Berm 23-YR./3DAYbT C7 - - _ _ -- _ ELEV.-19.50(TDP OFSTRUGTURE� AND COMPACT HAND PLACED ` (MAX.) tMAx.) ON BOTH SIDES OF PIPE. .°•'q �."_I SELECT MATERIAL 1yZ' Asphaltic Concrete - (or as shown on plan) ., PEAROCK FOUNDATION i' Type S-1 a WHERE NEEDED•. G NOTE 4 Y u�1' r- _ - Sloe Varies n: ALL BACKFILL COMPACTED TO 1 ,r i I ° UNDISTURBED EARTH I00 V. MAXIMUM DENSITY AT. "x�}'-�'ALUTA. pEBR15 VIIA OPTIMUM MOISTURE AS 1 \ \ \ \\ �_ - I I °.• ' BAMv4/01"ll TDP4 5grTO,IM DETERMINED BY AASHTO T- 99. / 6" Limerock/Coquina / Backfill or cut I D'..•'. g0L3 o TO SI�JILTUIZE FACE TYPICAL STORM SEWER PIPE BEDDING DETAIL Base (Density same as S/G /// as required Slope to D.O.T.7`(PE I I w! �4 GALV. BOLTS D: ; Nat. Ord at .1 Ell INLET I 3:1 or as ��!.. N.7.S. 8" Stabilized Subgrade (FBV 75) \\<< shown on plan Density shall be 98% of Etaximum / D� L`7 ° llodWEIR CFE�T' E LEV. = )5.SO p .,� MINI"A CHECKPOINTS FOR INSPECTION as Determined by AASIITO T-180 Method �' L OF THE PAVING AMI DMIN4(E iMROrvEPtTiS OF Er4ff1E= 15.00 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE IE / NOTE: Erosion Control (ex�ept )at ?.:4 ` (461-2450) FOR INSPECTION AT TFOLLOWING CHECKPOINTS: locations shown on plan)at 1. AT CPMEJJCF1'/-Ni OF CONSTRIL'TIIXV, 6. AT THE TIME OF DELIVERY OF BASE M47ERIAL. 61, Uu be as directed by the Owner and °'.•' landscape plan. (B`( OTHEIZS) .o a- 1700 Sl Oki 2. PRIOR TO ANY tl DEVIATION FROM THE APPROVED 7, UPON COMPLETION OF THE WE AND PRIOR TO PRIMING. PAVING AND DRAINAGE. FACE OF `•fi'-t10Tll¢;r=13.5± 8, IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO AND UPON THE FIRST APPLICATION 3. PRIOR TO BACKFILL OF TRENCHES CONTAINING HYDRAl1LIC OF THE PLAT( -MIXED WEARING COURSE. _ CONDUITS, SO THAT JOINTING MAY BE MUnDALLY APPROVED. 9. UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, A FINAL INSPECTION NOTE: f2f3'bVE ANY PLASTIC MV1TEJiIAL (A-2-6, A-2-/, A-4, /1-5, A-6, I I I I BO"•AIA, CORrz.ALUI,I. 4. PRIOR TO CONCRETE POURS FOR POURED -IN -PLACE. DRAINAGE WILL BE MADE WITH OLE REPRESENTATIVE, A-7 AND MUCK) WITHiN 36 INCHES OF THE FINISHED LOAD ,GRADE PIPE I OUT' RP_ LU 6TRLC,TUREs. AND REPLACE WITH A-3 MATERIAL ACCORDING TO D.O.T. SPECIFI- 5. 'TUPON COMPLETION OF SUBGRAOE COMPACTING. CATIONS, I I I I TO TAY LOB CREEK L 4' �" L 8" 1 1 1 4— p'NENSA7NS AND QIANTIrIES ° , . ° r r e e . sr o-.a.. r os. v mr. r.rN. er. MF mK Yip Py. P4s Ilp Iµ. -6 Ip, I} Iy. Iy R� P !• l5 3iW 13V n 4_ 1) 1)jr- T _, _. _3 _ _ _ _ g�5— J) IL 2.I• a' Al _91!_ 0M - f 4 P_ 23 2 s 6'4_ _ I Its — t „ J { e Q o�J o a r, ° 4 r7 I ------------------- x.ao ds'.,m :G ss vi" B ------------ _j S' I 1 SECTKAY LIS TOPK� Sill FIFE PLAN FLARED END SECTION AND RUBBLE RIP -RAP DETAIL - FLARED END SECTION N.T.S. (DAT. INDEX '* 2_10) NOTES I. RIP -RAP INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE TO SECTION 16M-3.3 D.D.T SPECIFICATIONS. T 2. RUBBLE SHALL COR515T OF BROKEN STONE OR CDNCRETE, BROKEN STONE of E_g IS TO BE SOUND AND DURABLE, NITH A MINIMUM SPECIFIC, GRANITY L -JYiALL I i I BOLT TO WALL W/ 3/4" GALV. B005 . 1 ,�- 3 A �i.•. AI p,}'el ��'(�h r ! II. Iu i Id - 9 {pnnn d } }�♦,'�{ 7! Srv'�j ,.5. ua ,i t�,(a Q�`R'kRY '1�,ii3 .�d'�.�3 {1 ,+, yy�r'�t�" : a' g iy� i;r^.",'. ..'�P '� . . I I II YI�L��,1;1�(I ,��Sk s�'Ld°I � ' e"k"S}r ��jll ro r+ T�atl ,ga I ' p" x I � i +I x � I 5j'�'�` ' f•+r+q� 7 n 1 1 I I iIN71 4 y, t �,°,•�.. I`I a LL}. rlIN1s �.. a , ."tL."^�:•rn'�T.r Ii F) tl lf•Iwlshi { „i "I,lul ;ai�7y{ N" a'n Mtks.u'.+""... .:. APPROVED: M.E. SANDERS DATE OCT 0 3 IN REGISTERED ENGINEER NO.: #3$8i.4 STATE OF FLORIDA LINDAHL, BROWNING, FERRARI & HELLSTROM, INC_ CONSULTING ENGINEERS. PLANNERS b SURVEYORS BLDG. 5000. SUITE 104 10 CENTRAL PARKWAY 2222 COLONIAL ROAD 210 JUPITER LAKES BLVD. SUITE 420 SUITE 201 JUPITER• FL. 33468 STUART. FL. 33497 FT. PIERCE• FL. 34950 407-746-9248 407-286-3883 407-461-2450 PAVING /DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 89 — 040 PROJECT NO. DATED : 5 -3 -F�,9 SCALE : AS SHOWN R 3dTTOM OF BAFFLE, S 90WIV A Y al 3EWM illy- OF OPE1lING OM - O FIl SHEET 1n III } 4 � , L 7 8 4 A� ID',x,.. ]. TLru Ym.ennrnl.n ee.uxJx.r I.OMrnun aLrM. rree ux x• 1 DLrn'ien. xnq,ree- I i�vu linr.ennrn.en. ryra I DL.xiiii. rrnLQ, E. irvrov. S.OLxaen rl,li u•-d..rme- 11 �-RESTRAINED MINT Sii� I= Julnl RxDMw Nab- Uw ldbWq ldmm 1 ,xvM,N N Jl fowl. AI INR,,I in xiJ W Wt E.1 C.yl al T.-WW1&xvA E.Ii CI Wf+• W INI &r,N O.1 Duxs, InY1 W W L-MINIMUM LENGTH TO BE RESTRAINED ON EACH SIDE OF FITTING ( FT.) NON. PIPE SIZE SAND ELBOWS (deg.) VALVES TESS DEAD ENDS 2 ilk 221 45 1 90 6 2 1 3 1 5 1 8 3 4 7 10 8 4 3 5 8 12 9 6 4 6 10 15 11 B 4 7 13 20 14 l0 5 9 15 25 18 12 6 10 17 29 21 VALUES FOR "L" ARE BASED ON .PVC PIPE AT 150 PSI OPERATING PRESSURE WITH A 100 PSI SURGE ALLOWANCE INCLUDED. WHEN DEPTH OF SOIL COVER IS LESS THAN 2 FT., VALUES FOR "L" MUST BE INCREASED BY 30%. WHEN DEPTH OF SOIL COVER IS LESS 15 OF PIPE OUTSIDE DIAMETER, VALUES FOR %" MUST BE INCREASED BY 100%. WHEN PIPE IS PARTIALLY OF FULLY EXPOSED, ALL JOINTS MUST BE RESTRAINED. EXAMPLE: A 12 INCH PVC PIPE BEING INSTALLED IN NOTES: SANDY SOIL, ENTERS A 45 DEGREE HORIZONTAL 1. ALL CAST IRON FITTINGS SHALL BEND. BE RESTRAINED BY MECHANICAL JOINTS FROM THE CHART THE MINIMUM LENGTH (L) TO BE RESTRAINED (UNI-FLANGE SERIES 1300 OR APPROV- IS 17 FEET. THEREFORE ALL JOINTS THAT FALL WITHIN 17 ED EQUAL). FEET BEFORE AND AFTER THE ELBOW MUST BE RESTRAINED. 2. PVC PIPE JOINTS WHICH ARE IF NO JOINTS ARE ENCOUNTERED WITHIN THIS DISTANCE, THE CLOSER THAN THE MINIAUM RESTRAIN- NEXT CLOSEST JOINT DOES NOT NECESSARILY HAVE TO BE ED DISTANCE (L) SHALL BE RESTRAINED. RESTRAINED BY MECHANICAL MEANS (UNl-FLANGE 1350 OR 1390). THRUST RESTRAINT REQUIREMENTS `¢ N. T. S. LETTERING "'i;ATEP ON COVER REFLECTOR ON .TOP OF BOX FI N,I SH G4<.DE a AT EDGE OF PAVEMENT CONC PAD IG-". ,n••.A Q, 50.X4 THICK IN UNPAVEC Q .I " 1p,I�`° •` AREAS Ill 2 '1 z G- 2 ""3 REBAR a. .. . CONTINUOUS ADJUSTABLE w VALVE BOX > O V GATE VALVE I RETAINER GLANDS(TYR.) 0 _ /CONCRETE SUPPORT IN TRAFFIC AREAS TI M NOTE IF NOT CONNECTING TO MJ BELL USE SOLID SLEEVE W/RETAINER GLANDS AND M J PLUG BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY N. T. S. DESIGNED: T. L. K. DRAWN: R. D_H._ CHECKED: M. S. J MECHANICAL JOINT RETAINER GLAND (UNI-FLANGE FOR PVC) PODDED TO PLUG SEE BLOWOFF DETAIL INSTALL ONE STD. PIPE LENGTH BEYOND VALVE 1 MAN" '�1 n F u MA �Y,a� � M,ECHANICAL JOINT TAPPED PLUG RESTRAINED BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY N. T. S. FINISH GRADE FINAL BACKFILL \/ 12 �j SPRING BACINITIAL EMBEDMENT BACKFILL LINE �N�/ MATERIAL PIPE VA HING � BEDDI G MAX. Ell . / Y / �/ FOUNDATION (MAY NOT BE REQUIRED) NOTES: I IN VERY POOR SOIL CONDITIONS A FOUNDATION MAY BE REQUIRED. 2 BEDDING IS REQUIRED PRIMARILY TO BRING THE TRENCH BOTTOM UP TO GRADE. BEDDING MATERIALS SHALL PROVIDE A UNIFORM AND ADEQUATE LONGITUDINAL SUPPORT UNDER THE PIPE. 3 HAUNCHING MATERIAL SHALL BE HAND PLACED TO THE SPRINGLINE OF THE PIPE. MATERIAL SHALL BE CONSOLIDATED UNDER THE PIPE AND HAND TAMPED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SIDE SUPPORT. 4 INITIAL BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE HAND PLACED TO 12" ABOVE THE TOP OF THE PIPE. THE SOIL SHALL BE COMPACTED. 5 FINAL BACKFILL MATERIAL MAY BE MACHINE PLACED AND COMPACTED TO SPECIFIED DENSITY, BACKFILLING REQUIREMENTS N. T. S.Poo ;y@� 8�. INITIAL EACKFILL SHALL BE HAND PLACED TO 12" ABOVE THE PIPE. BACKFILL SHALL BE MECHANICALLY TAMPED TO A MINIMUM OF 1000/. OF MAX. DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY AASHTO METHOD T-99. FINISHED GRADE MAXIMUM TRENCH WIDTH 2 A PIPE DEPTH+W o PLACE AND COMPACT ° IN LIFTS � �; a ii W c x w PIPE O.D.r24 IN. 'i > `L 2 w MAX. WIDTH 0 Z 1- Z U _ G d U G < C c 12. 12" 1 t > N. T. S. (-APPROVED: M.E. SANCERS A I, _'`' DATE OCT 0. 19 REGISTERED ENGINEER NO- _ #3€ 814 STATE OF FLORIDA VARIES LIMIT OF HYDRANT ASSEMBLY REFLECTOR 2-c3 n - RERAR -T z 6i CAT ETIA6REAS-- VALVE'SQ.A4 NCRET LLAR NPAVEI TEE-­/ 3/4 STAINLESS STEEL TIE RODS (MIN. 2 REO'D.) 15" SCUARE A 4" CONCRETE PAD NOTE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY MUST BE MECHANICALLY RESTRAINED TO TiEFI ALL FITTINGS TO E= MECHANICAL JOINT, FIRE HYDRANT DETAIL N. T. S. EXISTING 1811 PIPE J \��-- 25211 � F =Ck C "-TAPPING SLEEVE !I. TAPPING VALVE fill RETAINER GLAND I. I% TRAFFIC TYPE FIRE HYDRANT WITH 5 Ili 6" VALVE OPENING 24" SQUARE A B" CONCRETE a COLLAR W/2-43 RESAR NOTE: RESTRAINT OF EXISTING PIPE Ili :_ REQUIRED. 18/` x 8" TAPPING VALVE & SLEEVE N. T. S. LIMIT OF UTILITIES AUTHORITY INSTALLATION PLAN OSaY CATE VALVE 90d FLANGE/ FLANGE ELBOW 12" SPOOL DOd FLANGE/ 11� FLANGE ELBOW r t� FINISHED 1 GRADE � DOUBLE ��-12 N1N CHECK VALVE 16 MAX D.I. PROFILE SERVICE PIPE BACKFLOW PREVENTER ASSEMBLY i Di FIRE SERVICES RnOUND EuvAnON e; y ezz'I� PROPOSED DR LOWER i W.M. TO.ALLOW A7 MINIMUM OF 8- CLEARANCE _ WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM NOTES 1. PVC shall meet the requirements of AWWA C 900. The appropriate class shall be DR 18, Class 150 for all commercial and industrial areas and under all street usk _ 1 IP f TIP m�4 G1 crossings. x { . n_ -; m Jr1rL" +Is- ',.ii;'i �&�.P+,suY:'7 Y+iw*v$Y#EaI(�'V " i'9t.hi'vY'j 2. Ductile iron pipe shall be cement -mortar lined, Class mechanical or push -on joint and shall meet all the k, requirements of the following: ANSI/AWWA C 104/A 21 4;'N`QM ANSI/AWWA C 111/A 21.11 (for rubber gasket joints), i ANSI/AWWA C 150/21.50 (for thickness Design); and s "I TIX ANSI/AWWA C 151/A 21.51 (for D.I.P. molds). s�� rf<EP�I41 I 3. Fittings (standard body only) for PVC pressure pipe an D.I.P. shall be of ductile iron, mechanical joint, k`r° ' cement -mortar lined in accordance with ANSI 21.4 rated at 350 PSI and shall comply with ANSI/AWWA C 110/A 21.10 and C 111/A 21. 11 .�,�* 4. Installations of water lines shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C 900 (Manual M23) for PVC pressure pipe, andy',h, C 600 for ductile iron pipe.1t er ^( -, .cb E•A3'"E. I frP ;. n } I i`T" y'i�ii: 8 .` a''z1[3-'.xE! t<'�. ,S°eia{I I rq"^ r f) 5. All water mains to have a minimum cover Of 3611 unless P � "INS1, otherwise noted. €�I' R "" 6. Where a water main is to be installed below a storm drain Pry, If M1 t pipe, a minimum of 6" vertical clearance between pipes RFON u shall be maintained unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. T Z ..... 7. Where water and drainage * tit,l pipes cross with less than 18 inches vertical clearance, the water pipes shall be 20'#l'. of D.I.P. centered on the point of crossing. r,r. I* A Ikea 8. Manual air release valves shall be installed at all high 4 points along the water main (as directed by the Enginei 9 9. Water supply facilities, including mains, shall be iWIMI�. installed, cleaned, disinfected and bacteriologically11r, cleared for service in accordance with the latest,4ttisG ' applicable AWWA Standards and the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation Rules. 4` v1 10. Hydrostatic Testing (Pressure and Leakage Tests) shallxil meet the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C 600. DP r .a 11. Disinfection of water mains shall comply with ANSI/AWWA 1s' C 601. 12. 12 Gauge stranded wire (blue) on all PVC pipe. (PeR FPU.A. 111sS7R,UCTIows) 13. Blue reflectors on valve boxes and at EOP. Ty )' STANDARD ENGINEERING NOTES MINIMUM CHECKPOINTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER DISRIBUTION AND SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEMS The Engineer (461-2450) or Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority (464-5600) shall be notified prior to the following points of progress. (Minimum 24-hour notification). 1. Any major deviation from the approved plans. 2. Concrete pours for poured -in -place water or sewer structures. 3. Backfilling of all water and sewer conduits. 4. Lamping of lines for all sanitary conduits. 5. Connection to existing water and sewer mains. a w'NrA " r H 2 F T u L { e=1 F 6. Pressure testing of water lines. :Y v y �x{1Ei' ;dkr r�rti 7. Bacteriological and Chlorine residual sampling tests." CONSTRUCTION NOTE FOR WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS: All materials, construction methods, testing and disinfection shall conform to the requirements of the Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority Specifications. D.I.P. ( 10' LONG I I • Wy�M L IEI E/G' TIC RODS W/IITUMINOVE OR L 1P. GALVANIZED COATING ITYPICALI AOD.LP GENQ YCCH. JOIXT W/ANCHORING IITTIHGS ( A REQUIRED 1 Pike NOTE:WHERE POSSIBLE WATER MAIN SHALL BE DEFLECTED BELOW STORM PIPE WITHOUT" FITTINGS PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. WATER MAIN LOWERING DETAIL A*'J' i N. T. S. LINDAHL, BROWNING. FERRARI "I"'' & HELLSTROM, INC _ CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS BLDG. 5000. SUITE 104 10 CENTRAL PARKWAY 2222 COLONIAL ROAD 210 JUPITER LAKES BLVD. SUITE 420 SUITE 201 JUPITER, FL. 33468 STUART, FL. 33497 FT. PIERCE. FL. 34950 407-746-9248 407-286-3883 407-461-"450 TAYLOR CREEK COMMONS FORT PIERCE FLORIDA WATER DISTRIBUTION CONSTRUCTION DETAILS m. ,.-,. GEE) DATED : 8 s - 89 SCALE : nl, T. S. �_ SHEET 11 OF 170 N NOTES... -. I. MANHOLE -FRAME 8 COVER WITH THE WORDS"SANITARY SEWER" CAST IN THE COVER. U.S. FOUNDRY 33A OR APPROVED EQUAI 2.PRECAST CONCRETE PIPE CLASS = WALL 'B" CONFOF.MING TO ASTM C•76 OR C-47S,'E::CEPT WALL THICKNESS AS SHOWN. SEE NOTE I 4x4'x6" CONC. PAD POURED TO GRADE / GRADE i i .3/8" GROUT ON BRICK 1 INSIDE 8 OUT I SEE NOTE 2 ' �' HOLE 2" LARGER THAN PIPE O.D. PACK .I WITH NON -SHRINK GROUT \ / ASBESTOS M.H. \i COUPLING AQ T.- 5EE MANHOh E SCHD. I C REIN. STEEL SEE M.H. SCHD nF SEE SHEET S-23 FOR P.V.C.. INSTALLATION STANDARD MANHOLE DEPTH 5'-0" a GREATER PIPE DIA.1 "A" 1 `B" C" BOT. SLAB `T"IREINF. STEEL 8' -24" 1 4'-0" 8" 76 •f 8" 114012" E.W. 30`-36` 1 5'-0., 8` 8 B" 10" 1 (ED12` E.W. 42'-48" 61-0n I B" I loon 12" —_5CcD12"El. TYPICAL MANHOLE DIMENSIONS TYPICAL MANHOLE DIMENSIONS I,a 4x4x6" CONC, PAD SEE NOTE 1' p POURED TO GRADE GRADE 41 ONLY IN DIRT AREA - HOLES 2"LARGER THAN OPEN"NG' 3/6 GROUT ON BRICK PIPE O.D. PACK WITH MIN. INSIDE a OUT NON SHRINK GROUT DI D2 8'l ENCASEMENT e" e" I SEE INFLUENT PIPE NOTE 10" 8 •.'e:; •.- ASEESTOS 2 12° 10 D D CEMENT M.H. 15" 120 I I COUPL,1N,� 0, > A , B„ 18„ 15" JOINT FOR 24" 18° V.C.P. ONLY _ a UP .�.D2 4ENCASEMENT • `SEE MANHOLE SCHD REIN. STEEL SEE M.H. SCHD. IFF-���-------- TYPICAL MANHOLE SECTION WITH OUTSIDE DROP N. T. S. 9 If-8° 1R.D.H.IREV1510W A5 PEP. FP.U.P. DESIGNED: T. L. K. DRAWN: R. D. H CHECKED: M. S. c.'i�ru 'hA�''5;"�.ni U -.. u e fI .::•k M' I' •i: ..zqx'.,—RIGHT OF WAY LI:.— "PrY'!F"Y�'3 �' r�" " a °` is 3 " DESIGN GRADE,a`°k� •� n, u��lri k, a `k'„"r `'`IL,I �'sf r'i< I �s^., f �" 6 Y..4 DOUBLE WYE MAXIMUM TRENCH WIDTH PLUG BRANCH 2 x SEW R DEPTH4 W Z o o. PLACE AND COMPACT a BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED TEE WYE ONLY a a / IN 6' LIFTS \ = IN 6' MAX. LAYERS, EACH o 1! W 1 x 2 LAYER TO BE MECHANICALLY TAMPED TO A MINIMUM OF z w o PIPE O.D424IN. Z > 98% OF MAX. DENSITY A6 I W Z MAX, WIDTH z u DETERMINED BY AASTHO _ > ¢ ow '= a W METHOD T-.180 z a a a x f¢ DOUBLE SERVICE CONNECTION W x Z 0: W - Z o W 12' 1 2' o m o 0 J O AT PROPERTY LINE Z MA MAX NJ w o w z idi as Z Z z z IrRIGHT OF WAY LINE a „ M ;,{ « HAND PLACE I :+,. • v4.==ta`M;" '...� ae.,tau SELECT MATERIAL i 6" SERVICE LOWER QUADRANT TO BE SHAPED TO RECEIVE PIPE Imo- 'TEE WYE ONLY BELL AND BARREL i PIPE BEDDING DETAIL SINGLE SERVICE CONNECTION M T S 6" D.I.P. PROPERTY LINE w 0 a GROUND x 6" TEE BRANCF A,':it n i•�i.," {i 7�Je�ll �I!{r{S"ii �i Yl A,." s",i,s"fi`"'C'"ielj;1.r-s N. T. S. YROUND ELEVATION PROPOSED 6" W.M. OR STORM SEWER LOWER 6' F.M. TO ALLOW 18'� OF CLEARANCE r ;ll, rr�taa�, APPROVED �'� " I F ;1 t ` .0 M.E. SANDERS (� DATE n rT G 3 1999 REGISTERED ENGINEER NO., 1#38$14 STATE OF FLORIDA d �-- 0' -D.I.R NOTES: I. INVERT CHANNELS TO BE CONSTRUCTED FOR SMOOTH FLOW WITH NO OBSTRUCTION. 2. SPILLWAY SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BETWEEN PIPES WITH DIFFERENT INVGRTS ELEVATION PROVIDING FOR SMOOTH FLOWS. 3. CHANNELS FOR FUTURE CONNECTIONS (,S,TUBS) SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED, - FILLED WITH SAND AND COVERED WITH I OF MORTAR. FLOW PATTERN FOR INVERT CHANNELS N. T. S. LINDAHL. BROWNING. FERRARI & HELLSTROM. INC_ CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS BLDG. 5000. SUITE 104 10 CENTRAL PARKWAY 2222 COLONIAL ROAD 210 JUPITER LAKES BLVD. SUITE 420 SUITE 201 JUPITER, FL. 33468 STUART, FL. 33497 FT. PIERCE, FL. 34950 407-746-9248 407-286-3863 407-461-2450 TAYLOR CREEK COMMONS FORT PIERCE FLORIDA INFILTRATION TESTING (IN ACCORDANCE WITH "TEN STATE STANDARDS") a THE ALLOWABLE INFILTRATION FOR ANY PORTION OF SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE MEASURED BY A WEIR OR CURRENT METER PLACED IN THE DOWNSTREAM MANHOLE OF THE SECTION BEING TESTED, PIPE AND JOINTS SHALL SUSTAIN A MAXIMUM LIMIT OF 0.16 GALLONS PER HOUR PER INCH DIAMETER PER lOO FEET WHEN FIELD TESTED BY INFILTRATION METHODS % i'F'" 5"Fa, Crossing of Water / Wastewater / Stormwater Mains 1. Where possible, water mains should cross over wastewater and stormwater mains and shall maintain an 1 -inch vertical separation at alT crossings. 2. Where a watermain crosses a wastewater main with less than 18 inches of vertical separation, the wastewater main shall be encased with 4 inches of concrete for a distance of 30 feet centered on the crossing with no joints in either line within 6 feet of the crossing. 3. Where any crossing is less than 18 inches of vertical separation, the water and wastewater mains shall be D.I.P. and the minimum vertical separation shall be 6 inches. 4. A minimum of 10 feet horizontal separation shall be maintained between water and wastewater mains. MINIMUM CHECKPOINTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER DISRIBUTION AND SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEMS The Engineer (461-2450) or Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority (464-5600) shall be notified prior to the following points of progress. (Minimum 24-hour notification). 1. Any major deviation from the approved plans. 2. Concrete pours for poured -in -place water or sewer structures. 3. Backfilling of all water and sewer conduits. 4. Camping of lines for all sanitary conduits: 5. Connection to existing water and sewer mains..' 6. Pressure testing of water lines. 7. Bacteriological and Chlorine residual sampling tests CONSTRUCTION NOTE FOR WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS: All materials, construction methods, testing and disinfection shall conform to the requirements of the Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority Specifications, WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION DETAILS r DATED SCALE:N T. S. �wu SHEET 12 Y u r� GENERAL Scope of Bork: The Contractor shall furnish all materials, labor, equipment, tools, super- vision, transportation and incidentals necessary to construct, and he shall construct, paving, drainage, water and wastewater improvements in accordance with the provisions of these Supple- mentary Conditions, Specifications and the Drawings, entitled, "Construction Plans and Speci- fications of Paving, Drainage, Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection/Transmission Imp- rovements for Taylor Creek Commons," consisting of 16 sheets, dated August 3, 1989, and pre- pared by Lindahl, Browning, Ferrari & Hellstrom, Inc., Consulting Engineers. It is the objective of these documents to assure the total completion of the work required to provide functional, operable and efficient paving, drainage, water and wastewater improvements at Taylor Creek Commons. Location: The work is located on the west side of U.S. Highway No. 1 at the intersection of U.S. Highway No. 1 and State Road A-1-A, approximately 0.5 miles north of Ft. Pierce, and con- taining approximately 20.3 acres. Permits and Licenses: Construction permits for certain elements of the project work have been obtained by the Owner, and the design and construction requirements of the project reflect con- straints and conditions imposed by these permits. These include construction permits from the South Florida Water Management District, the Florida Department of Transportation, the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority and St. Lucie County. The Contractor shall perform his work and shall construct the project in accordance with the requirements of these permits and approvals, copies of which are available For his review and use from the Engineer, upon request. Additionally, the Contractor shall secure all other work permits, approvals or licenses required to perform the work, and he shall perform the work in strict accordance with those permits, approvals or 'licenses. Reference To Other Documents: For brevity, reference may be made to other specifications or documents wFiich will be used to specify or control the materials placed in the work, the const- ruction methods to be used, the tolerances that will be acceptable, and contractual or legal obligations. The specifications or documents shall include: 1. "Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract," 1983 Edition, prepared by the Engineers' Joint Contract Documents Committee and published by the National Society of Pro- fessional Engineers. Reference shall be made: "General Conditions." 2. "Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construc- tion, 1986,11 published by the Florida Department of Transportation. Reference shall be made: "DOT Specifications." 3. "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction in St. Lucie County, Florida," adopted by the Board of Commissioners of St. Lucie County. Reference shall be made: SLC Specifications." 4. "Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Water & Wastewater Distribution System Standard Specifi- cations & Construction Details," published by the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority. Re- ference shall be made: "FPUA Specifications." 5• "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways," U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. Reference shall be made: "MUTCD Specifica- tions." 6. "NFPA 24 Installation of Private Fire Service Mains, 1984,11 National Fire Protection Association. Reference shall be made: "NFPA Specifications." By reference, the documents cited above are made part of these Supplementary Conditions and Specifications. The Contractor shall have copies of each in his possession for use throughout this project work. Additionally, the work shall be performed in accordance with all other applicable local, re- gional, state and Federal laws, regulations and codes including, but not limited to, the Fe- deral Occupational Safety and Health Act. s CONTRACT ISSUES General Conditions: Unless otherwise stated in these Supplementary Conditions, the provisions of the " tan�eneral Conditions of the Construction Contract," referenced above, shall be used to govern all issues addressed in those General Conditions for this project. Owner -Engineer Relationship: Any agreement between Owner and Engineer shall not be construed to provide any obligation Trom the Engineer to any third parties including, but not limited to, any contractors (general or sub), nor to any successors in title to the Owner. The rights under any agreement between Owner and Engineer inure only to those two parties. Insurance: The Contractor shall maintain Workmen's Compensation Insurance in compliance with orida tatutes, and the Contractor's Public Liability Insurance, including Completed Opera- tions, with minimum limits of $500,000 for any one injury and $1,000,000 for any one accident for bodily injury, and $500,000 Property Damage. He shall also purchase Owner's/Contractor's Protective Liability Insurance with the same coverage and minimum limits required above. The Holland Construction Company shall be named as also insured. Certificates of such insurance shall be filed with the Owner. All premiums for the insurance shall be paid by the Contractor. THE DRAWINGS Errors or Omissions in the Drawings or Specifications: Prior to initiation of the work, the Contractor shall check dimensions, grades, elevations and Summary of Estimated Quantities shown on the Drawings to assure himself that they are correct and that the work can be accomplished as intended. The Contractor shall take no advantage of any apparent error or omission which he might discover in the Drawings or Specifications, but immediately shall notify the Engineer of such discovery, who will then make such corrections and interpretations as he deems necessary for reflecting the actual spirit and intent of the Drawings and Specifications. Soil/Sub-Soil Conditions: It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the Contractor of: 1. Place his own interpretation on any and all soil and sub -soil data portrayed on the Drawings; 2. Perform his own soil and sub -soil investigation to determine the nature, character, location and extent of all soil and sub -soil conditions that may affect his work; and 3. Include in his contract price considerations for all work necessary to assure that the soil and sub -soil conditions will meet the requirements of the Specifications and the applicable regulations of the FPUA, DOT and SLC Specifications. THE WORK Preconstruction Conference: Immediately after the Agreement has been awarded, the Engineer s a 1 ca 1 a preconstruction conference to be held within fifteen (15) calendar days after the award and prior to initiation of the work, at a place designated by him, to review the const- ruction aspects of the project. The meeting will be between the Engineer and the Contractor. The Contractor shall present his tentative detailed working schedule for the project so that it may be reviewed by the Engineer. Additionally, it will afford the Contractor an opportunity to have any questions he may have on the work clarified by the Engineer. No work under the Agree- ment shall be commenced until after the Notice to Proceed has been issued. Commencement and Completion of the Work: The Contractor shall commence work under the Agreement itTii-nn ten 0 calendaeaays a7ter the day of receipt by him of the Notice to Proceed and shall complete the work ready for use not later than the time indicated in the Agreement. The time stated for completion shall include final cleanup of the premises. Estimated Quantities: The quantities estimated for various items of work are only estimates, and may not re -Ball the items of work or the final quantities needed to complete the pro- ject. These quantities are subject to increase or decrease by the Owner to make them conform to the program of work selected and the actual construction required and performed. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to do all work and to furnish and install all improvements shown on the Drawings, whether they are shown in the estimated quantities, or whether the final TAYLOR CREEK COMMON' FORT PIERCE , FLORIDA 0 WASTEWATER COLLECTION and TRANSMISSION SYSTEM quantities are more or less than those estimated. Payment for all unit 4 it price work shall be o, .. I. the basis stated in Paragraph 11.9.1 of the General Conditions. -. r ". 2.01 CONNECTION TO EXISTING MANHOLE WITH 6" FORCEMAIN Horizontal and Vertical Control: The Contractor shall construct the required improvements in r 2.02 JACK AND BORE UNDER U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 1, COMPLETE', the location w sho n on the Drawings, and shall use as horizontal control points the property corners and right-of-way lines. The Owner shall provide two (2) benchmarks at the site for the 2.03 6" DIAMETER FORCEMAIN, COMPLETE WITH FITTINGS Contractor to use in establishing the necessary elevations and grades. Remaining horizontal a) 6" PVC and vertical control work shall be performed by the Contractor in accordance with the 1 b) 6" DIP provisions and conditions of Paragraph 4.4 of the General Conditions. The topographic survey ); �2.'04 " and control points for this project were provided by James A. Kirby, III, Registered Land WASTEWATER PUMPING STATION, COMPLETE' Surveyor, (407) 464-9621. 2.05 GRAVITY COLLECTION LINES Coordination of Work With Others: The Contractor shall coordinate his work with the work or a) 8" Diameter improvements of others with regard to new construction, or for the need of removal, relocation 1. 6' - 8' Cut or alteration of existing facilities. This includes, but is not limited to, the FPUA, Southern 2. 8' - 10, Cut Bell Telephone & Telegraph and Florida Cablevision, and their contractors, subcontractors or 3. 10' - 12' Cut agents. 4. 12' - 14' Cut ' 5. 14' - 16' Cut Standards for Quality and Workmanship: All materials, equipment and supplies furnished by the I b) 6" Diameter Service`Lf"nes"�` Contractor for permanent incorporation in the work shall be new and of quality standards speci- fied. Workmanship shall be first-class and the finished product equal to the best accepted 2.06 MANHOLES NHOLi standards of the trade for the category of work performed. M Diameter - Standard . 41 D 1. 6' - 8' Deep Power and Water: All arrangements and costs for temporary power and water during construction 2. 8' - 10' Deep shall be the responsibility of the Contractor' w6w,4. 3. 10' - 12' Deep' x ' 12' - 14' Deep, rl 1 Observing the Work: At the election of the Owner, the progress and quality of the work may be 5. 14' - 16' Deep observed by the Owner's Engineer or Engineer's appointed employee. No observer is authorized b) 4' Diameter - Drop`r " m. to change any provisions of the Specifications without written authorization of the Owner's 1. 10' - 12' Deep, j' Engineer, nor shall the presence nor the absence of an observer relieve the Contractor from any w „ requirements of the Drawings and Specifications . �I WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The Contractor shall give the Engineer a minimum of 24 hours notice prior to required inspec- 3.01 CONNECTION TO EXISTING 1811 MAIN, COMPLETE WITH 8" TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE tions, and shall supply all equipment necessary to properly test and inspect the completed work. " 3.02 DISTRIBUTION LINES a) 8" Diameter PVC main, complete with fittings In addition to the inspection requirements stated in the DOT, SLC and FPUA Specifications; b) 6" Diameter PVC main, complete with fittings previously referenced, the following minimum construction inspection checkpoints shall be xE adhered to and the Contractor shall notify the Engineer p eer for inspection: 3.03 SERVICE LINES r a) 1-11211 PVC service, complete with fitting d ' 1. Prior to any significant deviation from the Drawings; b) 1" PVC service, complete with fittings ate, 2. Prior to backfilling trenches containing hydraulic conduits, so that jointing may be in-=-- c) 3/411 PVC service, complete with fittings , spected; .t Upon completion of subgrade compaction; fie f 3.04 VALVES AND BOXES r l:rtf°..... ... .... 4. Upon delivery of base material; ow,3• a) $" .. 5• Upon completion of base, but prior to priming; b) 6" 01.0 µ 6. Immediately prior to, and upon the first application of, the plant -mixed wearing course; c) 1-11211 7. Any required pressure, leakage or load bearing testing procedures; and TY 4 8. Upon completion of construction for final inspection with the Contractor or his repre 3.05 FIRE HYDRANTS, COMPLETE i sentative. -'' 3.06 FIRE PREVENTION (NFPA 24 SPECIFICATIONS) Existing Utilities and Structures: Existing utilities, structures and facilities shown on the a) 6" Fire line, complete with BFP, check valve and Fire Department connection Drawings were located as accurately as possible from the records examined. No guarantee is b) 4" Fire line, complete with BFP, check valve and Fire Department connection made that all existing facilities are shown or that those shown are entirely accurate. The Contractor shall assure himself of the actual location of the utilities, structures or facili-,,:. 3.07 2" BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY J ties prior to performance of any work in the vicinity. The utility companies or utility agen' ` Gies will co-operate with the Contractor in locating underground utilities that may be subject ;. ,, 3.08 SAMPLING POINTS a ` to damage or interruption of services during the Contractor's operations. Prior to start of -' the work, the Contractor shall request each utility agency to advise him of the location of 3.09 TESTING AND DISINFECTION their facilities in the vicinity. The Owner will assume no liability for damages sustained or costs incurred because of the Contractor's operation in the vicinity of existing utilities or ae DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS" structures, or to the temporary bracing and shoring of same. In the event that it is necessary a, to shore, brace or swing a utility, the utility company or department affected should be con-- 4.01 EARTHWORK AND GRADING , taated ana their permission secured as to the method used for any such work. a) Dry retention pond and dikes}'' b) Roadside swale along west side of U.S. Highway Restoration of Damaged Structures or Utilities: It shall be the responsibility of the Con- c) Roadside swales for Sunny Lane race- oir to repair, rebui d of r restore to itsi ormer condition, any and all portions of existing d) Roadside swales for Sandridge Lane_" utilities, structures, equipment, appurtenances or facilities, other than those to be paid for e) Water quality Swale regulators under this Contract, which may be disturbed or damaged due to this construction operation, at;E.. no cost to the Owner. 4.02 STORM SEWERS a) Reinforced concrete pipe 0 4r. g Final Cleanup: Upon on completion of the work but before final p payment will be made, the Contrac- 1. 1811 diameter for shaTkcE-e a and remove from the project area, all falsework, equipment, surplus and dis- 2. 2411 diameter carded materials, rubbish and temporary structures which result from the work under this Agree- 3. 3011 diameter ment, and shall restore in an acceptable manner all property which has been damaged during the 4. 4811 diameter prosecution of the work. b) 1811 diameter BCCMP c) 24" diameter cap Record Drawings: After completion of the contract work, but prior to submittal of the request o7inaT payment, the Contractor shall prepare and submit record drawings to the Owner, in du- 4.03 18" BCCMP MITERED END SECTIONS, COMPLETE WITH CONCRETE AND SOD plicate, of the completed improvements. The drawings shall show final location, by reference, to completed improvements, or other acceptable means, of all underground improvements. The 4.04 48" RCP FLARED END SECTION-� drawing shall include elevations of pertinent points in the pavement, drainage and sewer sys- ,. tems, all revisions to the original plans, and all information necessary to locate and operate 4.05 z STORM INLETS, TYPE "E" WITH TRAFFIC GRATE ° the improvements constructed under this Agreement. e" 4.06 CONTROL STRUCTURE, TYPE "C" INLET WITH NON -TRAFFIC GRATE 1 g Guaranty: All materials and the installation thereof which are furnished and installed by the.= ontractor, under the terms of the Agreement, shall be g guaranteed by the Contractor against de- ,� ,^ 4.07 MANHOLES - "" .� ef'ective workmanship, mechanical and physical defects, leakage, breakage, and other damages and a) 4' Diameter standard with catch basin frame and grate failure under normal operation for a period of one (1) year from the date of final payment, b) Type "J," Alt. "A" with traffic grate said date to constitute the commencement of the one (1) year warranty period. All materials and installations proving to be defective within the specified period of the guaranty shall be STREETS and PARKING AREAS replaced, without cost to the Owner, by the manufacturer or the Contractor. The period of , guaranty of each such replacement shall be from and after the date of installation thereof. 5.01 OFF -SITE STREETS SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED ITEMS OF WORK�t a) U.S. Highway 1 (turning and decel lanes) 1. Earthwork and grading 1 2. 12" Stabilized subgrade (including shoulder) GENERAL : 3• 8" Compacted base (roadway pavement) 4. 4" Compacted Base (shoulder pavement) 'r , 1.01 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING THIS SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED 5. Asphaltic concrete surface course (roadway and shoulder) ITEMS OF WORK IS ONLY AN removal of existing 6. Pavement markings (including r markings) 1.02 CLEARING AND GRUBBING ESTIMATE AND MAY NOT RE- 7. Traffic signs a) On -site ELECT ALL THE ITEMS OF ""_ b) Sunny Lane and Sandridge Road,, ; = b) Of£ -site WORK NEEDED TO COMPLETE 1. Earthwork and grading iT a 1. Work in Sandridge Road right-of-way THE PROJECT. IT IS THE 2. 8" Stabilized subgrade 1 ° 2. Work in Sunny Lane right-of-way TOTAL AND SOLE RESPONSI- 3. 6" Compacted base 3. Work in U.S. Highway No 1 right-of-way BILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR 4. 1-1/211 Asphalt, Type S- 4. Work in State Road A-1-A right-of-way for £orcemain TO DO ALL WORK AND TO 5. 6' Stabilized Shoulders _ -._ FURNISH ALL MATERIALS AND �, 6. Pavement Markings' . 1.03 EROSION CONTROL TREATMENT CONSTRUCT ALL IMPROVE- ".7. Traffic signs ) a) S. fertilizeand mulch MENTS SHOWNON THE PLANS," _ 8• Reconstruction of existing driveways water retention and dike and outfall culvert WHETHERORNOT THEY ARE Storm 2. Sandridge Road right-of-way INCLUDED IN THIS TABULA- ON -SITE PARKING AND ROADWAYS 3• Sunny Lane right-of-way TION. ,5.02 a) Earthwork and grading_, 1 ux 4. U.S. Highway No. 1 right-of-way b) 8" Stabilized subgrade 2 ' 5• Utilities construction in U.S. Hwy U1 S.R. A-1-A and Sandridge Rd.R/W , B � ..: c) 611 Compacted base b) Sod -aa - d) 1 1/211 Asphalt, Type S 1 i. Along pavement edge and slope into retention pond"& s � �/�� L e) Pavement markings 2. Swale regulators in SunnyLane and Sandridge Road g c e rip rap at RCP and control` structure " G :...:. r r f) Traffic signs 1.04 RECORD DRAWINGS SUMMARY OF ESTINTATF-M' ITEMS 0141 WORK and SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITION DATE I BY OESCRfPTION REVISION F I E L Dr DRAWN 8Y: ---- -- - CHECKED !1': R. B. H. DATEr AUG. 3, 1989 )Oe NO. 89 - 040 SEAL :P LINOAHL, BROWNING, FERRARI b HELLSTROM, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PLANNERS A SURVEYORS 10 CENTRAL PARKWAY 1905 SOUTH 25TH STREET PO BOX 717 SUITE 420 SUITE 20S JUPITER, FLORIDA 33468 STUART, FLORIDA 33497 FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 33450 SCALE ------- 101.F10, SHE mum 5CIAT1C�SI a Materials, construction methods, Nesting and -tolerances for all work shall be in accordance with the following Specifications, and with DOT Specifications, NFPA 24 Standards, FPUA Specifications and SLC Specifications re- ferenced under " Supplementary Conditions." In the event of conflict,.the more stringent provision shall apply. SECTION 1. GENERAL 1.01 Construction Surveying: As outlined in "Supplementary Conditions," the Owner shall provide basic reference points for horizonta control and two benchmarks in the vicinity of the work. All other construction sta- king for both horizontal and vertical control needed by the Contractor for control of his work shall be performed by him. 1_02 Clearing and Grubbing: Clearing and grubbing shall be performed within the limits of the Project as shown on the Plans in accordance with Section 110, DOT Specifications, and shall consist of the complete removal and disposal of all trees, brush, stumps, roots, grass, weeds, rubbish, and all other obstructions to a depth of 18 inches below natural ground or design grade, whichever is lower. All material shall be removed from the site of the project, and shall be disposed of in accordance with all local, regional, state and Federal laws, regulations or ordinances. 1.03 Erosion Control Measures: (a) Seeding, fertilizing and mulching shall be provided for all areas shown on the Plans. Materials and const- ruction methods shall conform to Section 570, DOT Specifications, for Argentine bahia grass seed. (b) Sod shall be provided along the pavement edge and retention pond slope, and for Swale regulators in Sunny Lane and Sandridge Road as shown on the Plans. Materials and construction methods shall conform to the requirements of Section 575, DOT. Specifications, for Argentine bahia sod. (c) Sand cement rip rap and rubble shall be installed at the locations shown on the Plans. All materials and construction methods shall conform to Section 530, DOT Specifications. 1.04 Record Drawings: The Contractor shall prepare and submit record drawings to .the Owner of the completed water and wastewater improvements. The drawings shall be legible and of a quality which will permit photo- graphic reproduction. The drawings shall show the final location, by reference to complete visible improve- ments or other permanent points, of all water distribution system and wastewater collection system elements, and shall include elevations of pertinent points in the pavement and drainage improvements, all revisions to the originals Plans, and all other information necessary to locate and operate the improvements constructed under this Contract. Information to be shown for the water distribution system includes the location of all lines, valves and service terminals. Information to be shown for the wastewater collection system includes the location of all lines, manholes and service terminals; and the elevations, referenced to NGVD, of all line inverts at manholes, manhole inverts and manhole rims. SECTION 2. WASTEWATER COLLECTION AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM: Materials, construction methods, required tests and testing methods, and construction tolerances for the wastewater collection and transmission systems shall conform to the requirements of FPUA Specifications, and the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. 2.01 Connection to Existing Manhole: -n4C 6-INC" GRAVITY AAAIN To P.r_- CDN5TRUCifT> ALCN6 -6-IE 5CUTH sloe OF S.R. A-1-A TO 5E-RVE This project s a-1T_ e-conn� to an existing gravity manhole at the southwest corner of the intersection of S.R. A-1-A and Old Dixie Highway, as shown on the Plans. The Contractor shall coordinate this connection with the FPUA and shall perform all work according to their specifications and instructions for the connection. 2.02 Jack and Bore Under U.S. Highway No. 1: The 6-inch diameter force main serving this Project shall cross under-1TS�ig>Z way No. T at t>Ee lonation and as shown on the Plans. The force main shall be installed in a steel casing under U.S. Highway No. 1 in accordance with FPUA and DOT Specifications. This construction shall be coordinated with the FPUA, DOT and any other utility owner having existing utilities affected by this construction. 2.03 Six -Inch Force Main: The force main shall be constructed from the lift station at the northwest corner of the rojects to the manhole described in 2.01, above, complete with fittings. The force main shall be con- structed and tested in accordance wit/h FPUA Specifications for PVC and DIP, and in accordance to DOT Speci- ' Icatlons within their rights -of -way. l 10o psi TeST, DR le BRovvN IN r-oa.o12 oR "F-opcE MAW" oN THR6e. s10ES) 2.04 Wastewater Pumping Station, Complete: A wastewater LIFT station shall be constructed at the location and to —fit e Zevations s own on the rawIngs. The station includes, but is not limited to, the wet well; pumps; pump discharge piping, fittings and valves; a pump electrical control center and concrete support; a valve pit with all plumbing, fittings, valves, appurtenances and a concrete vault; hose bibb, anti -siphon valve and concrete splash pad; all as shown on the Plans. 2_05 Gravity Collection Lines: Both 8-inch diameter and 6-inch diameter PVC gravity lines shall be furnished and in�led at the locatd,ons and to the elevations and grades shown on the Plans. GDR 35, GRE-EN 2.06 Precast Concrete Manholes: Precast concrete standard and drop manholes, complete with coatings, finished inverts, tames and covers, shall be constructed at the locations and to the elevations shown on the Plans. SECTION 3. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: Materials, construction methods, required tests and testing methods, and a owa le system losses or t e wa eir distribution system shall conform to the requirements of FPUA Specifications Disinfection procedures, pressure, bacteriological and chlorine residual tests and testing methods and reports shall conform to the requirements of FPUA Specifications, NFPA 24 Standards, the St. Lucie County Board of Health, the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, and the St. Lucie County/Fort Pierce Fire District. 3.01 Connection to Main: The new 8-inch line shall be connected to the existing 18-inch line in Juanita Avenue Es shown on the Plans, complete with 8-inch tapping sleeve and valve, and fittings. The Contractor shall coordinate this connection with the FPUA. 3.02 Distribution Lines: The 6-inch and 8-inch PVC distribution lines shall be constructed in the locations s owi� ans, complete with all required fittings thrust retainers, and other accessories and appur- tenances, including aL4ZJNG A 1N TLIE.TRe:NCH AecyVE 7144E AAJNI FAR FPUn-kEA'tRCATIr y.l5. 3.03 Service Lines: 3/4-inch, 1-inch and 1-1/2-inch PVC water service lines shall be installed at the locations shown on the Plans, including the 1-1/2-inch service to lift station, complete with fittings. The Contrac- tor shall coordinate final location and size of the services with the Owner and the FPUA. Generally, the services are to be constructed 5 feet from the building to 5 feet from the main, and plug and mark ends for future connection by either the building plumber or the FPUA. If the building plumber is ready, the site Contractor shall make building connection at time of service construction; if not, the Contractor shall confirm service stubout with the building plumber. 3_04 Valves and Boxes: Valves of various sizes shall be furnished and installed in the distribution lines at the T_ooatio_rT_3_sT3­wn on the Plans. Valve boxes shall be installed at each valve; valves in unpaved areas shall include a concrete collar, and the top of the box shall be flush with final grade, 1NCLOOINC, gLlie RcFlc_CTORS 0'4 TOP OF es XES ANC AT THE E1]CE. C4= AD?ACGNT PAVE-JJIGNT 3_05 Fire Hydrants, Complete: Fire hydrants shall be furnished and installed at the locations and to the grades shown on TFe ans. The installation shall Include all fittings, valves and thrust retainers, as shown on. the Plans. Materials and construction methods shall conform to the requirements of the FPUA Specifications and specifications of the St. Lucie County/Fort Pierce Fire District, and NFPA 24 Standards. 3.06 Fire Prevention Improvements: The 4-inch and 6-inch fire lines shall be furnished with all fittings, back- - YIow preve-nerser, c ec va ves, Fire Department connections, thrust retainers and appurtenances, and shall be shall be constructed in the locations shown on the Plans and in accordance with NFPA 24 Standards. All ma- terials shall be fire service rated and all construction from the main to the building shall be by a state - certified sprinkler contractor. 3.07 2-inch Blowoff Assembly: Blowoff valve assembly, complete with 2-inch gate valve and valve box, shall be provided and installed at the locations shown on the Plans. E5cXF_s$-1ALA_ 3.08 Sampling Points: The Contractor shall provide and install bacteriological sampling points at the locations s own on tTie Tans or as directed by the FPUA. Where possible, the sampling points shall be at fire hydrants and blowoffs to avoid tapping the main. 3.09 Testing and Disinfection: All main lines and appurtenances shall be pressure -tested and disinfected. Dis- 3Tcnion roce u�, pressure, bacteriological and chlorine residual tests and testing methods and reports shall all conform to the requirements of the FPUA Specifications, the St. Lucie County Board of Health, the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation and the St. Lucie County/Fort Pierce Fire District. Any water distribution main line, service line to the meter or fitting, or any portion thereof failing any tests shall be corrected by the Contractor and retested until the entire system is cleared and approved for use. C 150 psi TrST WI TIA FPUA INSPECTOR P♦:�eS EN_r ) SECTION 4. DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS: Materials, construction methods, and construction tolerances for all drainage improvements sn-a-T con ormZ�ese Specifications, DOT, SFWMD, and SLC Specifications. M 4.01 Earthwork and Grading: (a-e) Earthwork and grading shall be performed in the areas of the dry retention pond and in the roadside swales to achieve the configurations, depth, slopes, elevations and required cross -sections, all as shown on the Plans. All suitable material resulting from the earthwork operation may be incorporated in the project work. Any and all excess material remains the property of the Owner and must be stockpiled in an area designated by him. 4_02 Storm Sewers: Construction methods and tolerances shall conform to Section 430, DOT Specifications. (a) Materials for round reinforced concrete pipe shall conform to Section 941, DOT Specifications (b) Materials for bituminous -coated, corrugated metal pipe shall conform to Section 943, DOT Specifications. (c) Materials for corrugated aluminum pipe shall conform to Section 945, DOT Specifications Backf ill and compaction of trenching for culvert installation under this section shall be inaccordance with Section 125-8-3, DOT Specifications. Density tests shall be provided at the following vertical locations: Two tests* at springline (one each side of the pipe); One test* at one -foot above pipe; and One test* at one -foot below subgrade or finish grade. ' = Density of at least 1001 of maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-99, Method C. The minimum number of horizontal test locations is one per 100 lineal feet of pipe or portion thereof, and/or one per 20 feet of pavement crossing. Additional tests may be required at more frequent intervals if deemed necessary by the Engineer. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate with the independent testing laboratory designated by the Owner, the testing and retesting necessary to assure that the work has been performed in strict compliance with these Specifications. Cost for the initial testing shall be borne by the Owner. Any retests required due to failure to meet the minimum requirements above shall be performed at the expense of the Contractor. 4.03 Mitered End Sections: 18-inch diameter BCCMP mitered end sections shall be provided and installed at the o�cations as sno'wn onon the Plans and in accordance with DOT Road Design Index No. 273, complete with concrete and sod. 4.04 Flared End Section: A 48-inch diameter RCP flared end section shall be provided and installed on the west end of tse 4 -Lnc CP into the retention pond, as shown on the Plans, and in accordance with DOT Road Design Index No. 270. 4.05 Storm Inlets: DOT Type "E" ditch bottom inlets with traffic frame and grates shall be provided and installed at the- cat ooions shown on the Plans, and in accordance with DOT Specifications, Section 425• 4.06 Control Structure: A water control structure, being a modified DOT Type "C" ditch bottom inlet with a non- tralTIic rammed -grate, shall be provided and installed in the retention pond as shown on the Plans, and in accordance with DOT Specifications, Section 425• 4.07 Manholes: Manholes shall be furnished and installed in the locations shown on the Plans, and materials and 7-a-F) construction methods shall conform to Section 425, DOT Specifications, and DOT Road Design Index No. 200 SECTION 5. STREETS AND PARKING AREAS: Off -site streets and on -site parking areas and roadways shall be construc- ted as down on toe c' ans, and in accordance with these Specifications, DOT Specifications and Roadways, and SLCY," Specifications. 5.01 Off -site Streets: " (a) Turning the deceleration lane construction in U.S. Highway No. 1 right-of-way shall conform to the require- ments of the DOT Specifications, and shall be performed in accordance with these Specifications, the Plans and the DOT permit. 1. Earthwork and grading shall be performed to attain the elevations, grades, slopes and configuration s owii n on the Plans. The Contractor shall be aware of existing and proposed utilities within the limits of this work as shown on the Plans. Any excess material shall be disposed of on -site as directed by the Owner. 2. Stabilized subgrade materials and construction methods shall conform to Section 160, DOT Specifications, of r type C stabi izing. The 12-inch thick subgrade shall be extended under the 4-foot paved and 4-Foot seeded shoulder as shown on the Plans. Alternates may be used as approved by the DOT. 3-4. Base course materials and construction methods shall conform to Section 200 or 250, DOT Specifications, depending upon the type of material used, and shall be 8-inches thick under the roadway and 4-inches thick under the shoulder pavement, as shown on the Typical Section. 5. Asphaltic concrete surface course materials and construction methods shall conform to the requirements oT Section 320, 330 and 331-T--D-O-T-Specifications, for Type S-1 asphaltic concrete. Thickness shall be 2 inches Minimum to 3-1/2 inches maximum for roadway and shoulder pavement. The shoulder pavement may be 5/8-inch FC-1 as approved by the DOT. 6. Pavement marking materials and construction methods shall conform to Section 711, DOT Specifications for t eti rmopSastic markings. The work shall include the removal of existing pavement markings as shown on Sheet No. 4 of the Plans. 7. Traffic signs: The Contractor shall provide all necessary materials and labor required to complete the construction of traffic and instructional signs including, but not limited to, "stop," "right turn only," and "yield" signs as shown on the Plans. Work under this item shall include the relocation of existing signs, mail boxes, etc., in accordance with applicable regulations of the Manual of Unified Control Devices and the U.S. Postal Service. All sign materials and construction methods shall conform to Section 700, DOT Specifications. (b) The paving of Sunny Lane .and Sandridge Road north and south of the site shall conform to the requirements of St. Lucie County, and shall be performed in accordance with these Specifications, the Plans, the St. Lucie County permit, SLC Specifications and DOT Specifications. All work under this section shall be coordinated with SLC and homeowners affected by this construction to maintain access to properties and homes during this construction. 1. Earthwork and grading shall be performed to attain the elevations, grades, slopes and configurations s onwn on tF_e PPtans, including all the work required within the limits of both cul-de-sacs for Sandridge Road. Excess material shall be disposed of on -site as directed by the Owner. 2. Stabilized subgrade materials and construction methods shall conform to the requirements of Section 160, bbi5_pe_c_1iicatTons, for Type C stabilizing, and SLC Specifications. The minimum FBV Ratio shall be 75, and minimum densities shall be 98$ of maximum as determined by the AASHTO T-180 method. Any and all stabilizing material needed for the work shall be furnished by the Contractor and paid for as part of the work under this section. Stabilized subgrade within the limits shown on the Typical Sections for the roadway pavement shall be eight (8) inches in thickness, and include the subgrade under Sunny Lane and Sandridge Road. 3. Base course shall be limerock or coquina, as shown on the Plans. After compaction, the base shall have a density that is 98% of maximum as determined by the AASHTO T-180 method. Materials and construction methods shall conform to Section 200 or 250, DOT Specifications, whichever is applicable for the base material used. h 5 F7 The base course under the roadway shall be six (6) inches in thickness after compaction. Asphaltic concrete, Type S-1: The asphaltic concrete surface course shall be 1-1/2-inch DOT Type 3-1, and sha bet n�Tle as s own on the Plans. Type S-1 shall be used for all asphaltic concrete incor- porated into the roadway pavement. Materials and construction methods shall conform to the requirements of Sections 300, 320 and 330, DOT Specifications, including the prime and tack coats for the base. 6-foot stabilized shoulders: Shoulders 6-feet in width and 8-inches in thickness shall be constructed aTng the exterior pavement edge of Sunny Lane and Sandridge Road as shown on the Plans. The materials and construction methods shall conform to the stabilized subgrade specified under the road in Item 5.01(b)(2), except that the FBV shall be 50. Seeding, fertilizing and mulching shall be performed and paid for under Item 1.03, above. - Pavement markings: All materials and construction methods for pavement markings within the right-of-way of -funny an�Sandridge Road shall be painted in accordance with DOT -Specifications, Section 710 and SLC Specifications, and at the locations shown on the Plans. Traffic signs: The Contractor shall provide all necessary materials and labor required to complete the construction of traffic and instructional signs including, but not limited to, "stop" and "street" signs asshown on the Plans. Work under this item shall include the relocation of existing signs, mail boxes, etc., in accordance with the applicable regulations of the Manual of Unified Control Devices and the U.S. Postal Service. All sign materials and construction methods shall conform to Section 700, DOT Specifications. Reconstruction of Existing Driveways: Contractor shall provide all materials and construction methods needed to replace the existingnriveways that are damaged or destroyed as a result of the roadway and utilities construction along Sandridge Road. All work shall be in accordance with SLC Specifications. The Contractor shall work with the landowners to assure that the replacement is in type and kind of the existing driveways, and that access to their property is maintained. Minimum testing determination for all the items of work under Road Construction shall be as follows: Florida Soil Item eB arm Value Density Thickness Stabilized Subgrade 500* 500* 100* Limerock or Coquina Base --- 500* 250* Asphaltic Concrete --- --- 200* * = Maximum spacing shown in feet. All testing shall be taken in a staggered sampling pattern from a point 12 inches inside the left edge, to the center, to a point 12 inches inside the right edge of the item tested. Additional tests may be required at more frequent intervals if deemed necessary by the Engineer. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate with the independent testing laboratory designated by the Owner, the testing and retesting necessary to assure that the work has been performed in strict compliance with these Specifications. Cost for the initial testing shall be borne by the Owner. Any retests required due to failure to meet the•-mlnimum requirements above shall be performed at tT- a expense of the Contractor. 5.02 On -Site Parking and Roadways: The paving improvements of the on -site parking areas and access roadways s al corn `orm to the requirements of St. Lucie County, and shall be performed in accordance with these Plans, Spe- cifications, SLC permits, SLC Specifications and DOT Specifications. (a) Earthwork and grading shall be performed to attain the elevation, grades, slopes and configurations shown on t e ans.TTdd ti 1onZly, the Contractor shall fill and compact the building pad area to the configuration shown on the Plan and to a finish grade elevation equal to the bottom of the building slab. It will be ne- cessary for the contractor to contact the Architect (Paul Titterington, Adache Assoc. (305) 525-8133) to obtain the construction details of the building pad and compaction specifications, and complete the work in accordance to those requirements. Additional material needed to complete the on -site Improvements shall be obtained from the out parcels as directed by the Owner. In no case shall the Contractor cut out parcels lower than the finish floor elevation shown on Sheet 3 of the Plans without confirmation from the Owner and from off -site roadwork. Parcel No. 3 shall be fill as required to obtain a minimum elevation of 30 as shown on Sheet No. 3. (b) Stabilized subgrade materials and construction methods shall conform to the requirements of Section 160, DOT pec�i�ions,w or Type C stabilizing, and SLC Specifications. The minimum Florida Bearing Value Ratio shall be 75, and minimum densities shall be 98; of maximum as determined by the AASHTO T-180 method. Any and all stabilizing material needed for the work shall be furnished by the Contractor and paid for as part of the work under this section. Stabilized subgrade within the limits shown on the Typical Sections for the parking lot shall be eight (8) .inches in thickness, and include the subgrade under the access and entrance roads. (c) Base course shall be limerock or coquina, as shown on the Plans. After compaction, the base shall have a density that is 981 of maximum as determined by the AASHTO T-180 method. Materials and construction methods shall conform to Section 200 or 250, DOT Specifications, whichever is applicable for the base material used. The base course under the parking lot and roadways shall be six (6) inches in thickness after compaction. (d) Asphaltic concrete, Type S-1: The asphaltic concrete surface course shall be 1-1/2-inch DOT Type S-1, and stiaTI oe insta a as shown on the Plans. Type S-1 shall be used for all asphaltic concrete incorpora- ted into the on -site parking areas. Materials and construction methods shall conform to the requirements of Sections 300, 320 and 330, DOT Specifications, including the prime and tack coats for the base. (e) Pavement markings: All materials and construction methods for pavement markings within the on -site parking awn eoadways sha be painted In accordance with DOT Specifications, Section 710 and SLC Specifications, and at the locations shown on the Plans. (f) Traffic signs: The Contractor shall provide all necessary materials and labor required to complete the con- struct one -traffic and instructional signs including, but not limited to, "stop" signs as shown on the Plans. All sign materials and construction methods shall conform to Section 700, DOT Specifications, Minimum testing determinations for all the items of work under Parking Lot and Roadways construction shall ET-5-3 To=ows: Florida Soil Item Bearing Value Density Thici(ness Stabilized Subgrade 20,000* 20,000* 10,0000 Limerock or Coquina Base --- 20,000* 10,000* Asphaltic Concrete --- --- 10,000* IF = Maximum area per test shown in square feet. Additional tests may be required at more frequent intervals if deemed necessary by the Engineer. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate with the independent testing laboratory de- signated by the Owner, the testing and retesting necessary to assure that the work has been performed in strict compliance with these Specifications. Cost for the initial testing shall be borne by the Owner. Any retests required due to failure to meet the minimum requirements above shall be performed at the expense of the Contractor. wckt__� M.E. SANDERS OCT 0 3 l! 9-14+-89 TLIc F 2Z FpCA FIEL D 9-22-89 1tvH PER p,Pu_A. #388I4 TAYLOT CREEK COMA NS � DRAWN BY: SPECIFICA11ONS - - - - CHECKED GY: R. B. H. FORT PIERCE FLORIDA - DATE: AUG. 3, 1989 DATE 8y DESCRIPTION REVISION ,'oa do. 89 - 040 SEAL LINDAHL, BROWNING, FERRARI & HELLSTROM, INC. CONSULTING ENGINE ERS, PLANNERS A SURVEYORS 10 CENTRAL PARKWAY 190S SOUTH 25TH STREET PO. BOX 727 SUITE 420 SUITE 205 JUPITER, FLORIDA 33468 STUART, FLORIDA 33497 FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 13450 SCALE - - ----- 1DR. NO, r y 6 a r 4^ a 1 y,s �Ev r e r. a A e.` Ax a t.. r- n-: , v. v. t, 04, 1 vx 1` L. ...... .. a .-.. -� - off , n. ..., u. r a ,., .. -ter,. 'svall.u... TOW tee,. .{ 4 . - .... .-, .. .' .. .... .... _. ... ... ,.. is -... � .,.. -. -. e- E —,a - -., - _. >5. . _ r - �, >" 70 rl AP 4>_710 xl d PARKING '1 RBTAIL.FOOD LION 6 G v b co co o co RETAIL T v-Ri-TAIL rtltli nt BUILDING KEG' nip t. L `'j Zb1_ p'r V ZG>f - O° 241-Ci" ' 20'-De ZO'-O" _ --- --- I i ,a, f vJi S2 �i 7 a10-- ti O' pE 1 I / t© ib1 i ,a L roia �15,a+L - _ 1 �Pt --o— — I I , ev �1C7 U S � ',LO+:a 4�f G IL � 2Cil� Oat 6 G 4i.+ � Q I -_--- --- - — 1 { � 1 I `ROOF FRAMING PLAN u 0 1 8 G MTV 13 "E I. 1 II JOAQUIN J. ROORIGUFW. r E Consulting Eng W.—EN MfN NS 'N HESE CRAWINGS SHALL HAVE PRE- Job N o . f CLNCL llfe f DIMENSIONS CONTRACTORS HALL f ", NO f SPONS16LI FOR ALL DIMENSIONS :+ND N0rt1045 IN f 36 AND THIS OFFICE MUST 6E I' •EO 6499 NW F N♦ AR N IaOM THE DIMENSIONS ANO CC NO CGN6 110s 6, Txf SE :laA. INu4 Ft -al}QQf(jalB , 33wj V ! I _. _ AF .Z,10 rAA NFORCED MASONRY"Ll„ CONCRETE UNITS TO BE ASTM C90-75. ASTM GRADES NI OR NI . MORTAR TYPE M PER ASTM C270-82." C. GROUT: 1. GROUT FOR REINFORCED MASONRY SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM DESIGNATION,, C476-80. 2. THE MIX DESIGN SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 3. ALL GROUT SHALL BE FLUID CONSISTENCY, WHICH MEANS THAT CONSISTENC BE AS FLUID AS POSSIBLE FOR POURING WITHOUT SEGREGATION OF THE CONSTITUENT PARTS. 4. THE USE OF ADMIXTURES SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER. REINFORCING: 1. VERTICAL: - a. ASTM A615-80 PER REINFORCING SECTION (GRADE 60). b. WHEN A FOUNDATION DOWEL DOES NOT LINE UP WITH A VERTICAL CORE, IT SHALL NOT BE SLOPED MORE THAN ONE HORIZONTAL IN SIX VERTICAL ALIGNMENT, EVEN THOUGH IT IS IN AN ADJACENT CELL TO THE VERTICAL WALL REINFORCING. C. VERTICAL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM, CLEARANCE OF ONE -QUARTER INCH FROM THE MASONRY. d. VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT: SHALL BE AS SCHEDULED IN THE WALL REINFORCING AND COLUMN, SCHEDULES. VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED AT EACH SIDE OF OPENINGS IN WALL, AT WALL INTERSECTIONS, CORNERS AND ENDS. THIS REINFORCING SHALL BE THE SAME SIZE AS THE SCHEDULED WALL REINFORCING FOR THE PARTICULAR WALL BUT NEVER LESS THAN 1 #5 UNLESS NOTED OTHER- WISE. SPECIAL CARE SHALL BE TAKEN TO INSURE THAT CELLS TO BE GROUTED LINE UP PROPERLY. 2. HORIZONTAL: a. MASONRY WALL REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE LADUR-TYPE (DOUBLE) AS MANUFACTURED BY DUR-O-WALL OR APPROVED MIATERIAL'. WITH EQUAL MORTAR BOND, CROSS ROD SPACING AND APPLICABLE BUILDING CODE APPROVAL. MATERIAL SHALL BE MANUFACTURED FROM GAGE WIRE CONFORMING TO ASTMI A82-79 WITH CROSS RODS BUTT WELD TO SIDE RODS. b. WIRE REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE COMPLETELY EMBEDDED IN MORTAR OR GROUT. JOINTS WITH WIRE REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE AT LEAST`.; TWICE THE THICKNESS OF THE WIRE. C. WIRE REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE LAPPED AT LEAST 6" AT SPLICES AND SHALL CONTAIN AT LEAST ONE CROSS WIRE OF EACH PIECE OF ' REINFORCEMENT IN THE LAPPED DISTANCE. d. HORIZONTAL REINFORCEMENT: SHALL BE PROVIDED AS SCHEDULED IN WALL REINFORCING AND BEAM SCHEDULES. HORIZONTAL REIN- FORCING SHALL BE PROVIDED (2 #5 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) AT Y THE BOTTOM AND TOP OF ALL WALL OPENINGS AND IS TO EXTEND 2'-0" PAST OPENING EDGES. E° GENERAL: ALL REINFORCING MASONRY WORK SHALL CONFORM TO ACI 531.1-76(8' "SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONCRETE MASONRY CONSTRUCTION". Reinforcing bet i-�E D tLJ COL I SIZE VERr/cAL REIA(F 'G. COL UMAI r1E5 OR L REMARKS i_ OR CAP !>'� BotrS BA5E , A' BOLTS PL 3/ PL1 x, , <., 0 TS 5x5xa W/4-3/4 *.I: W/ 4 ' . O TS 5x5 x 5/16" PL 3/4x 7x12 PL 1 x8 x10 W/4-3/4 MB W/4-7/8" AB. O TS 4x4x4 ++ PL 5/8 x9x9 AB 11/4-5/8 0 12 x 16 MAS. .1 5 12 x 12 4# 6 # 3@ 12" 6 12 x 14 4# 6 # 3@ 12" PLQ x6x10 PLz x 8x8 O TS 3x3xa 4-5/8" MB 4-1g AB O8 x 16 MAS 2# 5 - {9 TS 4 x4 x4 PL5/8 x 7 x 12 PL5/8x7xl2 W/4-5/8 MB u W/4-5/8 MB TS 4x4x4 PL 5/8x 7x7 PL 5/8 x 9x9 W/2-5/8" U Anch. W/4-5/8 AB I I b >< O O SEE 7015T GIRDER /V1FR. FOR QETAILS li FoaTi/�/� SINE,DuLE ' FT6. SIZE RE/NfoRc/NG REMA 4K5 Hot. ea. Way (J.ki.G F1 6'-0" x6'-0" x 14" 6#6 F2 5'-611x5'-6" x 14" F3 51-011x5'-0" x 12" F4 4'-6" x 4'-6" x 12 05 3'-6" x 3'-6" x 12" F613'-0" x 3' - 0" x 10" 2'-6" x 2' -6 x 10" 1' 3 1 L i x 10 F9 18 x 10 F10 20 x 10 F11 24 x 10 F12� IC. % 14D"i Il N.s. gotoTs DErA/L `P L A r E _5 wEco 604r$ I�Vq a 4-7/$ k 6# 5 5#5 5#5 4 # 5 3#5 2 # 5 Bot. Cont. 2 # 5 Bot. Cont. 2 # 5 Bot. Cont. 3 #5 Bot. Cont. # 4 @ 48" B. Trans. 2 O5 W o% coot, GENERAL BEAM SCHEDULE NOTES: 1. SCHEDULED HOOPS OR STIRRUPS SHALL BE PLACED AT EACH END OF BEAM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. STIRRUPS SHALL BE TYPE S-6 & HOOPS SHALL BE TYPE T-2 TYPICAL CRSI BAR BENDS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. BUNDLE ALL STRUCTURAL BEAM TOP BARS IN PAIRS OVER SUPPORTS WITH TOP BARS FROM ADJACENT BEAMS. 3. ALL CONCRETE BEAMS OTHER THAN THOSE WITH THE PREFIX TB SHALL BE POURED PRIOR TO PLACING OF BLOCK BELOW. 4. ALL TIE BEAM REINFORCING SHALL BE CONTINUOUS THRU TIE BEAMS ONLY. ALL SPLICES TO BE A MINIMUM OF 30 BAR DIAMETERS. 5. ALL TIE BEAM TOP REINFORCING SHALL EXTEND INTO SPAN OF ANY ADJACENT STRUCTURAL, BEAM AS PER BENDING DIAGRAM. 6. DROP BOTTOM OF TIE BEAMS AS REQUIRED AT WINDOW AND DOOR HEADS (28" MAXIMUM) AND ADD 2 #5 BOTTOM IF DROP EXCEEDS 8". 7. TIE BEAM SCHEDULED DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM AND MAY BE INCREASED (8" MAXIMUM) TO FIT BLOCK WORK. S. ALL ADDED LONGITUDINAL BEAM REINFORCING SHALL EXTEND 6" MINIMUM INTO SUPPORT UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 9. MARK "C" IN REINFORCING COLUMN BETWEEN TWO BEAMS INDICATES THAT REINFORCING SHALL BE CONTINUOUS THRU THESE TWO BEAMS. r, MR x 5TIK Uf'S ' FFDM :T FACE Ervi..1-D 1301-70W eAR5 - TOP e�AXS F3�t.)Ota�G C�CA�zA►� FvFZ LAST 10 PL.AGE GOI--)GK° E TS E�;EmAMS ,BEAM 54CyEDL/LE �ELEV. BM, r�,- or am.o SIZE REIA/FoRci,VG �- P E" G` A`:{I T'`6 �-` 3 ST/RRuPS Na. 5PAcANs 41 ' 1 REMARKS II-1 12 :,; i (12-- I Z,',8" e10„ - ---- - ----- B-2 5 8@10" - - - --- ------ ---- _ 10 - _ MtTbG M1 ai +`j'-ie' 2.* 101 a*6 1;7 1,2rla> 3x l6. MTtsb +0V-0" 6,%1Co 1*7 )*'7 >6)✓1ovta(i+h G MTb9 * b ><IG I #17 i*7 M;bio - BxIG !#''7 (#7 M1Pd'ij m7E'i12 i3=2Ys b:tIG 1#°7 14►7 )E bAic- i*7 1*7 t-17V1,+1V 1�0" b;1IG" 1#7 1#7 MTbi,4 +15-2%1 6xIC. 107 1#7 14 .A iE+);.i'-aV2* +14'-5'/2 Voris GdoUT P©Ua. TI Is "Am - �T F, U,? ;a! ), If lctzCtC^P'tE e'xg-X I`" L\NTGL g"Kg"H,6" L,INTl�. ^4- gng'H,G' GOKH(A CORNKR ^M' 271 272 273 LICG ALC CEZCS I' , 4 ' OA4 / r' XO. ��� v7- AT B I c r� l X T Y F/PSTE Air CONCRETE -GENERAL: UNLESS -D FOR IN SPECIFICATIONS OR DRAWINGS, ALL CONCRETE 'ViCRK SI:ALL r'ORM TO ALL REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF ACI 301-72(81)"SPEC IFICATION FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE FOR BUILDINGS". CONCRETE: TO BE A MIX DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-94-81 A STRENGTH AS STATED BELOW, AT 28 DAYS, WITH A PLASTIC AND WORKABLE MIX. A CERTIFICATE OF MANUFACTURER'S MIX AND STRENGTH IS TO BE PROVIDED. NO WATER TO BE ADDED AFTER TRUCK LEAVES PLANT WITHOUT APPROVAL OF ENGINEER OR PLANT ENGINEER. PLANT CONTROL IS REQUIRED. MAXIMUM MIX TIME AT POINT OF DEPOSIT IS 90 MINUTES. f� 304AO p$I REINFORCING STEEL: BARS TO BE A615-82(S1)GRADE 60(UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE), FREE FROM OIL, LOOSE SCALE AND LOOSE RUST AND BENT, LAPPED, PLACED, SUPPORTED AND FASTENED ACCORDING TO THE MANUAL OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR DETAILING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 315-80) AND THE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE (ACI 318-83). SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW. WELDED WIRE MESH SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-185-79. ERECTION: THE BUILDING CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ERECTION AND SAFE STABILITY OF THE FRAME UNTIL THE STRUCTURAL SYSTEM IS COMPLETED AND CAPABLE OF RESISTING ALL DESIGN FORCES. MAKE ADEQUATE PROVISIONS FOR ERECTION STRESSES AND FOR SUFFICIENT TEMPORARY BRACING TO KEEP THE STRUCTURAL SYSTEM PLUMB AND IN TRUE ALIGNMENT UNTIL COMPLETION. INCLUDING ALL THE ELEMENTS WHICH ARE A PART OF THE WIND RESISTING SYSTEM. ERECTION OPERATIONS, INCLUDING THE INSTALLATION OF TEMPORARY SHORING, SHALL BE CARRIED OUT WITHOUT LOADING PORTIONS OF THE STRUCTURAL FRAME AND NON-STRUCTURAL CONSTRUCTION IN EXCESS OF THEIR SAFE LOAD CARRYING CAPACITY. WHERE THE LOAD CAPACITY OF THE STRUCTURE MAY BE EXCEEDED,•SHORE CONSTRUCTED PORTIONS OF THE STRUCTURE, AS REQUIRED, TO POSITIVE FOUNDATION SUPPORTS. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING ALL DIMENSIONS IN THE FIELD. ANY INSPECTIONS BY THE ENGINEER ARE IN THE FORM OF RANDOM SAMPLING QUALITY CONTROL ONLY AND DO NOT RELIEVE THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR FROM HIS RESPONSIBILITY OF BUILDING ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED DRAWINGS. STEEL JOISTS: SHALL BE SIZE AND SPACING AS SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE JOISTS SHALL BE FABRICATED, CONNECTED AND BRIDGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STEEL JOIST INSTITUTE SPECIFICATIONS. ENDS OF ALL BRIDGING IINES TERMINATING AT WALLS OR..BEAMS SHALL BE ANCHORED THERETO AT TOP AND BOTTOM CUORDS. ALL BRIDGING SHALL BE WELDED AT ALL POINTS OF CONTACT TO DEVELOP FULL STRENGTH OF BRIDGING MEMBER. ALL CROSS BRIDGING SHALL BE WELDED AT ITS CENTER POINT..(WELD SHALL NOT DAMAGE JOIST). SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW. STRUCTURAL STEEL: SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING ASTM DESIGNATIONS (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) : £ lAP PL, ACC - A''v-8+10 ` i - 8 325 b',e, Tth ASoo-.je ep-b2o-; 4`J'a.05 - A.`ly Ars,f F=7OXK STEEL TO RECEIVE SHOP COATS AND FIELD TOUCH-UP OF PAINT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SSPC SPECIFICATIONS. ALL WELDING, SHOP FABRICATION AND SHOP PAINTING SHALL CONFORM TO THE AISC SPECIFICATIONS, (EIGHTH EDITION), FOR THE DESIGN, FABRICATION AND ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR BUILDINGS. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW. SHOP DRAWINGS: 7 DAYS FOR REVIEW PLUS TIME FOR REDRAWINGS OF CORPC'_- ITEMS. SECURE WRITTEN REVIEW FROM ENGINEER PRIOR TO FABRICATi."�, ERECTION OR INSTALLATION. ANY REVIEW BY ENGINEER OF SUCH SHOP DRAWINGS DOES NOT RELIEVE THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR FROM HIS RESPONSIBILITY OF BUILDING ACCORDING TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS UNLESS ,PECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE. EXISTING SOIL COMPACTION: EXISTING SOIL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO `i5 8 MODIFIED PROCTOR (ASTM D1557-78) WITHIN A DISTANCE OF 5 FEET BEYOND ALL BUILDING EDGES. AT LEAST ONE FIELD DENSITY TEST SHALL BE PERFORMED FOR EACH 2POO SQUARE FEET OF AREA. DENSITY TESTS ARE TO BE MADE 12 INCHES BELOW THE COMPACTED SURFACE. RESULTS OF PROCTOR TEST(S) AND FIELD DENSITY TEST(S) SHALL BE FURNISHED TO THE ENGINEER. FILL COMPACTION: FILL SHALL BE CLEAN, WELL GRADED SAND, CLASSIFICATION SW PER ASTM D2487-69(75)WITH LESS THAN 12% PASSING #200 SIEVE, TO BE VERIFIED BY SIEVE ANALYSIS AND REVIEW BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO DELIVERY TO THE JOBSITE. FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN LIFTS OF NOT MORE THAN 12" AND COMPACTED TO 95 It MODIFIED PROCTOR (ASTM D1557-78). AT LEAST ONE DENSITY TEST SHALL BE MADE PER 2�,ap SQUARE FEET OF COMPACTED AREA. THE RESULTS OF PROCTOR TESTS(S) AND FIELD DENSITY TEST(S) SHALL BE FURNISHED TO THE ENGINEER. SOIL BEARING PRESSURES: FOR AN AVERAGE FOOTING,S,TZE OF "X THE SAFE SOIL SEARING PRESSURE IS 1Zj;pG PSF f oTE 46: Sae "MA, ,0a42Y -17a I7'- G." ( t7✓5jA1 L" P71o1 +C EL EVA rc ' ry = r'cap o,o k"A TA ,I ECT7an/ NA�� !S Lcc,a; EP G7E'7".4/L ONLY} r-- SEGTion/ NL/r'�BE/� e [�07 roiv( Q Z T Tot x= L•oy.Z/MA/ GFLAO ; ,, t4 Flo=o' a ELE✓, rbf' of 0 E Altar (SEE 4-CAV/V6 M M/O-DEPTH CoL Uhl'J ...., N Q � �Q q! CE.i47E1CG/NE 1 1 3 /.f. / /OE Pie CC ; COL UMN MARK LEGEND RE/NF'G. MARK LEGEND ,. U - - 4 ' 12" t 9 3' 8' .04a48, 2#5 ? 12• 2'2" 4' 8" t4a32" 2,F5 SECTION 7-Y/D1C,4L ,3L4:26-/. /-'ETAI //NG WAIL '12" /'®„ q w1 _ '`4 @.32 ,.15 - 4` 1 o /6 �a b la fa *a is /a r - ^*3n'4u3YiMC..xew>`NeVdLL..FN r • k:w:e _. .. . Y :5 ti'Y•3aT,.,t��lr SiMMMS?"..ymlp,.�y.,,'✓f... @' » aLf,MA ' '®.S5F'. .64W"x :1 :-'t+Y •v.-.`n`w'mpro+;sc^,y'„`r, azwe..w+pw.ze y A�: .i.. .^ k,s. xEk w,w y j[ 'j ' _: s. a4: .. .:e"`.s..o._.:«:..tn.., ice:' k' w. yq•Ka ---�„I STEEL JOIST GIRDER DESIGN: Vt JJ1 C L::%U(�„y Qi0 1. CHORD AND WEB MEMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD vlZ SPECIFICATIONS FOR JOIST GIRDERS OF THE STEEL JOIST INSTITUTE WITH ' }§. Z W THE FOLLOWING ADDITION REQUIRMENTS. U .?4 G•PE 2. TOP CHORD - THE TOP CHORD SHALL BE DESIGNED AS A COMPRESSION MEMBER '. W WITH PARTIAL LATERAL RESTRAINT. THE UNBRACED LENGTH IN THE LATER W! I AIC uJV/r / DIRECTION SHALL BE TAKEN AS THE SPACING BETWEEN THE JOISTS BEARING NIE�L — — ----------- --� I, ON THE GIRDER. i t"rPE g" Sro.CoL•rv/ BASE 3. TENSION WEBS - IN ADDITION TO ALL OTHER DESIGN REQUIREMENTS OF THE - -- -- "; F/rcN PAN ANo cAP &6-%2"x$"x,$" STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS OF GIRDER JOIST, TENSION WEBS OF JOIST -- GIRDERS SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR A STRESS REVERALS (COMPRESSION) _ !I j At=O 2L'z T70M114' WELDED TO lop EQUIVALENT TO A VERTICAL SHEAR OF NOT LESS THAN 25 PERCENT OF THE - - V }oIST GHOKDEi END REACTION. BLOCK UPA3 REG1 `D..5E E ARGN'7L OIN'GS. r JL p 4. COMPRESSION WEBS - COMPRESSION WEBS SHALL BE DESIGNED USING A �Ci7I QhJ STIFFNESS FACTOR OF K=1. —� 5. BEARING - JOIST GIRDERS SHALL BEAR AT LEAST 4" OVER STEEL ANCHOR SEATS (SEE DETAIL SHEET S-5) AND WELDED, TWO SIDE WITH 34" OF ■ L //2 "x //2 x r ' WELDED 5/16" E-70 WELD (TOTAL 6�" 5/16" WELD) . To ToP ANO BOTTOM Jo/ST • M CNOROS AT ALL PrPd COLUMN$ 6. BRIDGING - JOIST GIRDERS SHALL BE PROPORTIONED SUCH THAT THEY L+�C T/O' / /� r�� ■ m I r-xA c euKa I SECT_/o%/ �J / LL W C72o55 SECT/OrV �_--.;I .v � I CAN BE ERECTED WITHOUT BRIDGING. BOTTOM CHORD "X" BRACES SHALL ----- _ — BE FURNISHED TO LIMIT THE L/Ry OF THE BOTTOM CHORD TO 240. uTS7 N7Ei-; l cp I — -- — — — —� _ a�l.� � 7. STABILIZER PLATES - BOTTOM CHORD SHALL BE STABILIZED LATERALLY A/c uNlT I It \ , I r AT EACH END OF JOIST GIRDERS AS DETAILED ON PLANS. BOTTOM CHORDS �jJ / ■ W / I I � I t SHALL NOT BE WELDED TO STAE LIZER PLATES UNTIL ALL DEAD LOADS ARE V 1/1 __ -- — •� PRESENT ON THE GIRDER JOIST. Ey. LLO WCi.-/5,5 I ---- -- - Vls t65r-- cc IInn I ail a " r ('see Pl.4w) -- uJ -Li I L I sxly x U40EK r-urcbs � � _ a 0 U. LIP IS— L-/�2x•t'/%"x�8"BRAG/NG . L Z5El M� AT ALL PIPE Go[uMNS j_c�/J I T U t� I ►JAL `. �'j'jQ)-1 STEEL OPEN WEB GIRDER (JOIST GIRDERS) : • • cc ■ �+� t O I ✓o/5T SPAcrNG I I1. SHALL BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SJI STANDARD SPECIFICATION 0 • Z C- A5 PER PLAN I I AEG UI-� IT 5UF'F'oRT pET/�I�,5 FOR JOIST GIRDERS TO INCLUDE ALL BRACING. �ErAL O�cr a� ctaae r g /10 AooEo ✓o/STS I _ I ,-ire — �„J l'J L Q.J✓ / T U LD / A_/ For a given Joist girder span, the designer first determines the number of Joist spaces. Then the panel point , / 2 1cc , 1 r� f� L SECT/OtV L • /%2 "x /%2 x /b" gRgc/NG rrP,% loads are calculated and a depth is selected. SECT/O/V J W r l') FLoa,q SLAB GR Rooa DEcK �� ' A/G U/V/T SUPPORT DETA/L S L-/%"x /%2+ x 3//6" VERTlcAI ('TYP.) P JOIST P P P P P W GRACE —vv\vv I V J ri OEPTM Li--• Zrare JOIST GIRDER SPAN it COLUMN TO t COLUMN) VGR+C6 _ lU F I a �,� _0 Stoll/NKLER MA/N G-2�Y„A 2�2'rx;�&.. To SE LOCATED AT EACH STANDARD DESIGNATION ilPE t/ANGEQ, U{ O 61 MAX/MUM SPR/NKLER MA/A 48G 8N 8.8K +�ryUy! • �` I ILaaM Job, S•I of RM load o i Cwf, I ft Point S V6R Et ® L �¢ rrP, PR//lIKL E 4 MA/1l/ SUPPORT DETA /C S Not.: web configuration may ( P,,- — MAIN very from Mat Shown, Contact - Z O _ �SOR/NKLER IDARA44EL To STEEL ✓O/ST� P+ant It axed layout must be known, JOIST GIRDER DETAILS a) WELD(a) JOIST BOLTED ( WELD ly JorST SST A^'rNoR P,, �, GIRDER BOLTED i I I TO GIRDER (a) TO COLUMN (E) f �y rrP. B o rN �B �B 3 L't oF./51 I 2n a• 3 J I /4 w3 w20 W wa w20 w3 SECT/O�/ t�- CC ' — �I tdl fdl ., "Co 15,A47., LU T I'PE A ' LU C1 A- \� STABILtZER PLATE— WSTABILIZER PLATE 0 ✓o/sT DEEPER THANSTRUcr'L, STEfL� S.ra,p,•�dbarK�wbM wn� �.Ga. t�•.�e.•t 3" ' ` 1 W tat AgN of au a•pcad Ib Fn•t ti dt'oNn Ouw .9" t.Olw. v V .+ CO noo+ rom cwu+ cttu•+.[. +ouro cnLUIL+ ro n Q NCti OK B `L Q 421 TTT " yt H••[,.OKWAIr TO lOrtt 0<LOl• glp0.. / SIRpEfZ SEAT -- — aw•t. aw•a+ zw..Cw as .w, - ;sT SEAT I/2r A.B. "r`"' - -- ---- LN sERi4s) / g Jo/sr sEAr iCP of TIE EEAM i — -- t-- -- �, -- G � NNcNoR �6 ANcNoR ?IE l3F�I� !BEyO�ID) g I ?., �„ 3,. o tt E Ins E[71�6 I POCKET PoZ EAT ta' ¢ i k 5E4r 5 c" a4 Ic , Jo/sr M ---- I - _ 6„ y ,. II LO Now ...._. ANCHOR f 1 i�---- 2- IC` II EVND SIDE <tAa•rt O• ER tecno• TM." \ ANCHOR oRLT or oaroE" ,DST on.oEa „ ❑ A, JOIST ••„ "A" ofM"I -- BR/OG/NG I aerTw ero+o •+•eE — t It [.C.o.) I ( i� T III li t f ` ff fOd I' 4Lrkfz 4 rz �I iL -, L� TYP Borg TYP, Bo TN I r ' � -- - r -_ rw r � T` �', -,,, r•C / 2_;��•• = 3IAL1G� L'S of ✓sT, L'S ap ✓ST. / I — _ \. ,.,. L I �� `4NCUORt ,., , 5Tu•- $> a •° aco.1TT L�.x;i'X��xf3Y/[:i: SEIti;EV, ! O STEEL JO/ST II—?i—IIII L6x4 x�bxlC°LCo. w.,, J-».,• T cY _! `l f—) TrPE IG' TYPE rD' (ljl I 3 TIES !�� III E G+RDER SAT I " 2x 4x8 A( SE4-E5 �e s < > B� /OG/t(lG Q lVC1J04 GE T4' II �� /? AA/CAd04 AR 457'^ A-3G Cann<nion t o< t <r dwn,e Arp,t L ,! E.E h 4 TE .' � -, e Jf N'C k G / ✓D/ST DEEPER T/%AN GONC.� (GONG. DEEPEQ THAN JOIST) I _ GOLUMI-I I I T '4 4 STJDSj ✓r;CIL 4ti'CF'ca- g4rOG/Y6 ro cct'c�6 Ly KF,II-JF Ii Ij s "EEC Jo/sT Gor�GRE?E JOIST GIRDER NOTES SEJC T AttlCWL DEV IL STEEL J0/5T MDA9E/tlT CO/V/UECT/oiti DETA/LS 2" 8" z"--- I SEE P_AN (a) Alf Joist Girder dimensions shown are subject to to transmit horizontal forces. When welding is " 9 7✓oiCAl p(hCi/OQ - STL, ✓'ST. ON CONG4ETE I I iv1111, I change when required by the physical size of large required, the amount of weld should be specified `------ - 2 - ',•``2` �► Joist Girders. If changes are necessary, by the designer. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECI- A-3<o t4AFC so note on the approval drawings. FIED, BOTTOM CHORD STRUTS SHOULD NOT (b) The standard connection for Joist Girders to BE WELDED UNTIL THE DEAD LOAD IS ill f ER. M F R 5. GF�A� I N GSS columns is i3i;e inch slots for 3/. inch belts In girder APPLIED. t 1�• //� p f-1 e L. bearings. The girder erection bolts are by o",hers. (e) Joists are connected to the girder by weld ng ex ec ' Vim-- " I S T C-✓ (Q OE R J' E AT ✓ ✓ TA I L � it the designer wishes to use the Joist Girder bear- that the joists at (or nearest) the column sh,l` be 4 L ing to transmit horizontal loads, he should specify bolted (O.S.H.A. Sec. 1910.12 Construction Stand- a.r No SCALE Gj� the required amount of weld to connect the Joist ards Sec. 1518.751). + Girder seat to the column. For additional informa- (1) The Ury of the bottom chord of the Joist Girder can- tion see the section of this catalog "JOIST not exceed 240. For STANDARD Joist Girders, the A.((CWOR B5 AQ COLUMN a EASE It, SEE C4LUMN GIRDERS IN MOMENT RESISTIVE FRAMES.' designer can use the 'Joist Girder Bottom Chord �/ (c) Stabilizer plates between bottom chord angles stabi- Brace Chart" in con unction with the "Design Guide j \ lize the bottom chord laterally and brace the Joist Weight Table/Joist Girders, G Series" to select the Girder against against overturning during erection. correct number of bottom chord braces. Joist Girders which must resist uplift, end moments, or (d) Joist Girder bottom chord starts re ui require weld- axial bottom chord forces will require additional / " .\ r; 1 •• ing to the stabilizer plate unless required by design q f2 L ' //2 r /; J f re \ braces. GoNT/NUDUS ! 3/, I /4` STIFFEtIIER �. uT Got, AS- _.. w gcA'QDuLEO �_COL.�Gs45r .2 3g�LvcAto4 B(¢ AS SGf-'ED✓GEC'' i L'Ov✓EL5 -',BALL � T4 �/c �ASrM A-3G) - GOAT COL. •'•'r STND 6"A SA4A& t�76 j / �/LT. /-'J�S �ANGf 0,( f QtIAA/77/7' A5 � / MAST/G � GovE4 tbEGaM •D�iG!JLs i�t' •J� _ _.___+• I I - ,COL. QEtrJ 'fs, I `/ ' ulp /„S'?t;FLtiIERr I 3/I� F 4 w/BL�6,ezaE2 AffT4L DEGll �l ? Y ---- Ql{lc�roQ oETQi�s 8303.00 COL.UMA/ SCHEDULE � � o h sr',eet 7T o of .��„ � C�VG+L/Nd r U ^• `( /:O. VuTS seal -- � M1 I.�ETA/L 2 Oo6C4E7- E ,1 DETA/L %-� STEPPED FOOTING GDA/C'PETE COLUMAI STEEL COLUMA.( A103"LE v 7 DETA! L BA 5 E OETA/L 6ASE Off TA/L � t v•�g,�� 1 r� s =® 44 Tyr k� 1 Pi iT E r OUT PARC L# 3 }, fv 40,000 S.F. r 4-s :11 r 3' �v,K. DEVELOPMENT DATA ` Ila • �-�-t— �.�.. ••.a--;'-�1 o•.y�� �� FOOD LION 29,000 S.F. 1 nlnil p�w;n -.irx •... / �•�w•.. �x�irr y L r.• DRUG STORE 6720 S.F I •, • \ RETAIL 15,600 S.F. 51,320 S.F. r sue.: 257 -PARKING SPACES 4. CUSTOM SPACE 9,900 l 4G V3z' _.-_- _ _ _ ___ w'1 , ---:, 50 PARKING SPACES* _ TOTAL 307 PARKING SPACES{: RE01 cl ! ` 315 PARKING SPACES' PROV 4 roc t•.I rrrs: ,7+i...r ,\ v i r ur�ii f' y e •.•��'i L C' r x�? c .. •P ` '` h ., ` ... i � - '� r'ry�'�Z.. 1 y#T ;,. '�. =°� ��oit.:�. � K � LOCATION MAP Zs TrP 4 r � y d FEDRAL HIGHWAY �g SPHALT AT REAR DOCK USH WITH DOLLY PA➢S. Ia e. •n 6'. CONC. SLAB W/4' 6' CONC. SLAB V/4' KW/ CANOPY So BARS CONT.-TOP a, So BARS CONT. - OF SLAB TO E "' OF SLAB TO BE 4'-6' B '�A� BELOW FIN. F ''"s+ x +' BELOW FIN. FLOOR. x ALUK CANOPY ALUM C - r ' - 3J'-6• � Tx8' ROLL 11 UP DOOR SLAB TO 1 RECEIVIN4 G 1 ROOM 1 DUMPSTER PAD No. 1 6' CONC. SLAB WITH \ 1 m 6x6 10/10 W.W.F.`SLAB TO BE 3'0 x 24'0 1''�0. DETAIL ' C SHOP , t q , 1 i t i yyyy r1 r[ ,r � •➢ r �, ya.. '�"j. � � u� } S+r ;r+� � ���. ': RSS Y , `.ili r�'- a'` I �v ' k! r r { a r fig, r k , .F d✓ a". ➢il `Y, ^T �,+� � 'Pw� r r' } ai. La 5 4 `. Ft '§"} rk '�C #�i` . r e } G W Q $ ( V., M1"... .: .N+ `.` Yv ,...,f ;. ♦# .,+iikt ,:. -::f iF :. p nry� 2 �q j �u2` �U. r4f k}, i .. ei 4 �.., { • g„ r •.I,,� t' - 71.e n. , 1 a. , A x 4. .y- <. . 1, r .,... ,.1 " -✓.. � of ,: ,- - � : •�` f § i- �:. r✓•.. �I ... , 'M'.. .. 1.. 6 .. ,o,.a , C. n' ,.. H..:`�_. �. .. i. .'- ilv .. ,. , .,, ..,.. vk. •, ,:„ r +s�4,, ,., , -.. a , x., ... .R ..... .: }` .. ,1- �:, c W IF. ♦ ... .A ,k,, r, d L..:. < T ♦ ...n a .t,Y. 3„ 4.. u.. �,. 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L ,. .c, t £ ,: :. _ ..i ♦.. r..: - �<. �1r 1 L`:<. .. < a `R.- , <` '�' "Y a v _ I .r a,: ,22„, :, e.'t e. 1, •.+ r*� .: v"aY .,�.u... ... .<. >. sd- ... ,,. ,.>. ,_.. r 'a^ e <: ,, u. e. F Y "e ay u, Vi r '{{ q. I' Y Fy. X �+Y,nt:.. .itx„ ar I'l ,. .... .. Y ,./ t ... �a� .. i .N3.. . i :... m 4.<. _ v ,... +uri t ..✓ , n t F `5 ,,, 1 y. t rM '' g.±e. , 3.!i. ,.. =:u, x 4 :. _.. r t. ,r. :.. 3 a: r �} -,e. -v, t a -. :. , ,,.. , f...1.�. y, • :-e:,. ,./. �t ,�, >...__ .._, _ a`,.x 'z,e -' a .. w,-<. _ .. ..... .. ,, a. _, ._ r +a'c. ,. �.✓. a ....._ rt,:.., ��. _ <.,.... .... _. ,. _: -,d ,.. �_._ k. ... .. k._ ... e. r. .Yx%'....., i. ,... -. � = r v t �i<. Y... : .. i r L_ .W .:,. .. ! i , -.... _. .. .: , ♦. > _:..,_ t.. :.:, v.. r r .e... f f .-..... a... _ .. .. r JeS'. gg, , ..-, }}r I x , > #rY:,_'4� ♦.,..i .k` t. �' .. y;° "5,. .G r ✓rn,r..uki 3 SB - . ,. _ ' t 6 �a ,r ,,, ',.. 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