HomeMy WebLinkAboutVisions - Phoenix 92-04136umemux d#�n r,� �:� a om mfmmeeon ' 461-4846'.w-- F r4 eg 1 0 - -d _ - ,..� '� �-R,i �-rti rti'r �s,�., h - � 5� , J '� �C �.y� VISIONS GAS INSTALLATION DETAILS Dote_ 2/16/93 1 HR. FIF 2 HR_ FIRE GA FILE N( 51T TYPE 12" OF 1 5/8 GAS PIPE /,— STEEL SLE ilo III It e1 1 II a a a a 4 <1 a GROUND FLOOR CHASE N.T.S- FAr I I I I I I 1 I I I I I INTAKE GRILLE I SEE MECH•S — I I 42" high counter I Wall below - -DW' Ref. 36"high counter KITCHEN Cab. I 9'x9' 12'8X9' above Range w/ MW above � 0 J MAINTENAP - - n n _ S-S 11 OFFICE EMERGENCY GENERATOR 16'4" X 10'8' CONFERENCE RO( 49'-2"x33'-8" CART STOR. 5'2x7' 19i1111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIII//111//11111/uinu/ 1/Ili�l iSERVICE HALLWAY e 0 Emerg.light R ockers J II BelowwCo (2 Tier) e Above Counter — Wall (36" High) Below Counter (42" High) -IF BAR IIMirror Lockers Bar Stools—� i Below (2 Tier) \\ _ Lift -up Counter Top Book Shelf rL HALL f hr.fire rated chose nderground gas or gas pipe pipe in threaded steel SEE DETAIL am ground to roof I I 1 ' sieve per code re 0 LEFT Mail box ox SERV ELEV. HALL L I I I Planter EXERCISE .ROOM 1 Tx21'-0" \ FIRE CO RNT OL RM. \ WX4'4" ELECTRICAL ROOM Planter / 15'TX9' UP HALL - : I 2 H .tire I � wall LOBBY 28'11"X17'3" -PER FP&L RER TRANSF.VAULT RM PER FPdtL REa'S I$ 2 hour fire Planter rated walls 16iWi'n.Ceil'g WATER PUMP height 7'3"X13'8" 5'-0"I 3' F.F.-T Ic _ 7 PlanterL111 e per, UP ENTRY - - - - - - - - - - COVERED WALKWAY � \ FP&L access TRASH ROOM \ Conc. Pad 8'4x6'6" / o io Planter SEE CIVIL DWGS. FOR DRIVE INFO. I GROUND FLOOR PLAN 3/16"=1'-ff COVER- DROP-OFF Pool equip.storage under hond'cap.ramp HC. RAMP Water cooler UP ;ST FLOOR L.5 A.M.S.L 1 2'-O" :Gas service box ` Underground gas I pipe in threaded steel sieve per code req's. 1 I �l To steel gas tank I see site pion for location. I I I POOL DECK +13.5 A-M.S1 SEE CIVIL/LANDSCAPE DWGS.FOR POOL LOCATION & DESIGN Abb TO REV. 10-1- 10-5- 10-7- 0-19- 1-21- m BUILDING PLAN CHECK ST. LUCIE COUNTY -FORT PIERCE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA TELEPHONE 465-6655 JURISDICTION: St. Lucie County PLAN NUMBER #6173 PROJECT NAME: PHOENIX CONDOMINIUMS BUILDING DEPT. NO. 91-2373 CONTRACTOR: riomar Engineers/Contractors PHONE NUMBER 729-8000 ARCHITECT: Phil Steele & Associates PHONE NUMBER 464-8322 OWNER: Corporate Life Insurance co. DATE RECEIVED 12-5-91 LOCATION: 4000 N. Ocean Dr. 12-6-91 BUILDING SIZE: 7225 per floor NUMBER OF STORIES 14 OCCUPANCY TYPE: R-1 BUILDING HEIGHT CONSTRUCTION TYPE: SBCCI. II NFPA. I (332), IRE PROTECTION: Automatic Sprinkler Yes— No OccupancyHazard N.F.P.A. #13 Requirements: 1st Floor attached garages; main building. 1. Because the garage area exceeds 850 square feet it must be considered a public garage. The masonry wall as show separating the garage from the corridor meets the Code. SBCCI Section 412.7.7.2 calls for three (3) hour rated doors, door Schedule A-16. Because the building is protected with an automatic sprinkler system and the separating wall needs a two (2) hour separation from the corridor #120, we will require a Class B a 1 1/2 hour rated door nad jamb assembly. 2. Storage Rooms 118 and 119 NFPA 101, 18-3.2.2 Though storage room doors need not be . rated they msut be smoke tight. I don't believe pocket doors will provide this protetion. 3. Stairway Doors. - Stairway access doors are shown as C label on Door Schedule. They must be C label 1 1/2 hour listed door and jamb assemblies with self closing devices. 4. Garage Mansard. Section C at roof mansard. This mansard shall be draftstopped at each 20' interval. SBCCI 1988 Chapter 709.2 Cornices. 5. All stairway doors which are to be locked form the stairway side shall have the capability of being unlocked simultaneously without unlathcing upon a signal from the central control station. The doors shall be similarly unlocked upon actuation of the sprinkler system or I REVIEWED B' CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU ON ALL INSPECTIONS 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS DATE 91 Sheet No. L of BUILDING PLAN CHECK PHOENIX CONDOMINIUMS 116173 CONTINUED: upon power failure. Note: Door contacts are shown but are not listed on the fire alarm riser diagram. Standpipe system. 1. Provide a 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" reducer for each standpipe hose valve on each floor. Automatic sprinker system. 1. See attached automatic sprinkler system requirements. 2. The architect shall furnish a letter to the Fire Marshal's Office stating who his engineer of record will be. 3. The engineer of record shall be responsible for the design of the automatic sprinkler system. He shall designate the oint of service for the sprinkler system and so designate on the sprinkler plans. 4. The engineer of record shall be responsible for submitting all permit documents to the County Building Department. Plans will be forwarded to the St. Lucie County Fire Marshal's Office for a separate permit. The successful bidder (certified contractor) shall make application for a separate permit from the Fire Marshal's Office. The sprinkler contractor shall present a coy of his certification upon making application to the Fire Marshal. 5. all control valves for the uatomatic sprinkler system shall be of an indicating type. 6. Provide additional sprinkler heads in boiler and pump room - roof area. 7. The Fire Marshal requires 24 hour notice on all inspections. Fire alarm system. 1. Change the heat detectors to smoke detectors infirst floor storage rooms. 2. 14th floor laundry - provide a smoke detector elevator recall. 3. Contact Mr. Robert Sell, State Elevator Inspector regarding elevator requirements for automatic sprinklers and detection. 407-546-4987 4. Provide an additional pull station on the ground floor stairway, exit to exterior, right side. 5. Provide phone for Fire Department use in the same stairway. 6. Provide a heat detector for the boiler room and pump roof - roof area. CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU ON ALL INSPECTIONS 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS REVIEWED BY c nruae DATE / J -4e - ST. LUCIE CO.- IERCE F.P.B. 2400 Rhode rsland Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34950 Sheet No. 2. of BUILDING PLAN CHECK PHOENIX CONDOMINIUM #6173 CONTINUED: We request a Knox Box be installed at the exterior entrance. Provide a key for entrance to control room and pump rooms. The Knox Box requires a permit from the Fire Marshal's Office. CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU ON ALL INSPECTIONS 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS REVIEWED BY: DATE 42—G-91 ATURE ST. LUCIE .-FT. PIERCE F.P.B. 2400 Rhode'Island Avenue Sheet No. 43-- of Ft. Pierce, Florida 34950 .. PR #. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SPECIAL APPROVALS REQUIRED. DATE RECEIVED. NOT REQUIRED VEGETATION ✓^ ENVIRONMENTAL PL-1NNING/SITE PLAN CODE ENFORCEMENT USAT A,Z WATER SUPPLIER SEWER SUPPLIER DER CERTIFICATION FL DNR (CCCL) 1/- FL DOT SLC STORMWATER PER MANGROVE ALT SEA TURTLE PROT Au FEES !�- kEV REQUIRED F BP VALUE $ y t'AIDITS PER Tb NEm PLANS REVIEW FEE S RADON FE=: /Q �DJI•Sd C OF C FEE' $MIA RCPT - JS t ) ROAD IMPACT FEE $N .42•769al.W) ROAD IMPACT DISTRICT ROAD IMPACT CREDIT: ygg ROAD IMPACT ZONE - ROAD SCHOOL IMPACT FEE $N1At49q •q0)) DATE PAID: (p 9a CHK' / 9 SCHOOL IMPACT CREDIT: YES: N,1. SCHOOL BOARD APPROVED EXEMPTION: YES: NO: ALTERNATE DEV. FEE $ #.2S 8f6w. DATE PAID: Qa CHK= Io97 ALT. DEV. FEE ZONE: SUB PERMITS GAS REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED .' AIR CONDITI-ONING - ELECTRIC PLUMBING._- �- - SCREEN EAICL/FE.NCE - ROOF ✓� _ _! DRIVEL-m2' -- ..� _ ZONING CHECKS .,LOT COVERAGE f-` . --'- LISEMCNT 92 1,0T SPI.ITS Mr. Terry Virt R Community Development" 2300 Virginia Avenue fort Pierce, FI— 34986 r Mr. V Please be advised that you are hereby authorized to transfer all impact and permit fees, paid for the Visions condominium building to be constructed on North Hutchinson Island, to M. H. Williams Construction Company. M. H. Williams Construction Company is replacing RioMar Engineers and Contraco- Fors as the General Contractor on the Visions jobs Sincerely, P H 11, 1 P S. S T E E L A. I. A. A R C H I T E C T 3 June, 1992 Jun a Mr. Chuck McDermott Head, Building Department St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce, Fla. 34986 Dear Mr. McDermott; By this letter we authorize M. H. Williams Inc. , General Contractors to be the General Contractors of the Visions Condominium project on North Hutchinson Island in lieu of Riomar Construction Company. yours, teel, A. A. ' 2030 HARBORTOWN DRIVE. SUITE B, FORT PIERCE. FLORIDA 34946 • 407-465-8322 FAX 407-595-8834 450 N.E. 201h STREET. BOCA RATON. FLORIDA 33431 • 407-362-0862 FAX 395-8834 Jul 21,92 9:40 P,02 u July 21, 1992 Engineers and Contractors lncorporwed St. Lucie County Building Department Department of Community Development 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982-5652 Attna Barbara Howland RE: PHOENIX (VISIONS) CONDOMINIUM Dear Me. Howland; The current building permit for the phoenix (Visions) Condominium was pulled by Riomar Engineers and Contractors, Inc., under my general contractors license number COG 033023. With the agreement of the property developer; Mr. Robert Nelson, I would like to transfer the permit, including all responsibilities and fees to M. H. Williams Construction, Inc. of Melbourne, Florida. Mr. Mike Williams will be cc)ntacting you shortly to effect the transfer. I will remain the general contractor of record until M. H. Williams Construction, Inc. is issued the permit. I appreciate your assistance in this matter. Should you have any questioner please do not hesitate to concaot me. Sincerely, J. Mike Schram President JMS/dh I 420 Fokob Apo tndla/antic, FL 32903 Post -it" brand fax transmittal memo AM I e of psoe. . MM Co. o. Dept. hdno MM Pax4DL lA) P.O. Box 991 Mi bourne Baa;h, FL,t2937 f407) 729-8W E ,,�,,'nEPq'PT'i� �'� 'w a� Florida Department of Natural Resources N©TICE TO PROCEED Pennittee: Corporate Iife Insurance Company c/o NEke Schram Riomar Engineers and Contractors 420 Fourth Avenue Indialantic, Florida 32903 Permit Number: SL.106 Permit Expires: December 21, 1992 You are hereby granted final authorization to proceed with the construction or activities authorized by the permit number referenced above. Authorized work must conform with the detailed project description, approved plans, and all conditions including preconstruction requirements included in the final order. A brief description of the authorized work follows. Project Description- A multi -family dwelling and swimming pool_ Project Location: Between approximately 260 feet north to 50 feet south of the Department of Natural Resources' reference monument R-20,, St. Lucie County. Special Instructions: A construction fence required. Questions regarding the permit or this notice should be directed to the -undersigned at: ` x7 Division of Beaches and Shores Tall Commonwealthasseeorid Blvd. - -30 310 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 to #f Notice Neal A. Rogers Jr., P.E. Telephone (904) 488-3180 NAR/lha �Y E lmu)A DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 9fV S Marjorr Stoneman Wight; Building AAt. Ni 39M Commonwealth Boulevard r+.Yw. a. p'.or,ru OLl�ISor rAltahaaaee. Florida 32399 rl.MN1 November 22, 1991 Mr_ Mike Schram Riomar Engineers and Contractors 420 Fourth Avenue lndialantic, Florida 32903 Dear Mr. Schram: PERMIT FILE NUMBER; SL-106 PERMITI'EE NAME: Corporate Life Insurance Company L..w (W,4 S.n�bn N S�a4 B.b B�nm.M An...K1 4eatt.! S Vuf Mof^•^�tf stale rre.nror B.h Cnwb.d cm%6� ar Agwrd,, 11e01 Cuba C.wwe.:oau N Ednulivn Final authorization to begin the construction authorized by permit numberSL,106 which was approved on December 21, 1990, was withheld pending satisfaction of Special Permit Conditions 2, 3, and 4. These conditions have been satisfied. The Notice to Proceed is hereby issued and is enclosed. The Notice to Proceed must be displayed conspicuously on site throughout the construction period. Please read the permit and permit conditions closely before starting construction. Construction and activities are strictly limited to those both shown on the approved plans and listed in the project description - Authorized construction and any other authorized activities must comply with all conditions, including any other preconstruction requirements, incorporated into the Final Order. Note that construction may not actually commence until after the permittee complies with the requirement of Special Permit Conditions 5 and 6. Also note that General Permit Condition 4 pertains to the required periodic progress report form which must be provided to the Department. Blank periodic report and final certification forms were provided to you with the Final Order. You will need to photocopy sufficient copies of the periodic report form to ensure an adequate supply during the course of construction. The periodic report are due in the office of the Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation on a monthly basis on the last working day of each month_ Although stated in General Permit Condition 4, no progress report are required until such time as construction activities have started. Once the project has been completed, or the permit expires, a completed final certification must be submitted to the Bureau within 30 days of completing the work, or expiration of the permit. A final certification is required whether or not the structures have been constructed. ee.chn .rid Shom t...Enfo mint Mum aet .0 Recrnaboa and P" Rro ru M..p.enf Suk Land. Permit File Number: SL106 Permittee Name, Corporate I,ife Insurance Company November 22,1991 Page Two of Two Please direct any questions pertaining to this permit to me by letter at the above address, or by telephone at 904/487-4475. Sincerely, DIVISION OF BEACHES AND SHORES 3�leA Rogers Jr., P.E. Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation NAR/lha Enc osure cc: Robert Nelson Dennis J.- Murphy Mike Sole Permit Information Center James D. "Kris" Christie Ernie Thrower C.E. "Red" Taylor . _ 44 1x NO-2 L4?g RECEIVED BY: CODE ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT COMPLAINT/ACTION FORM DATE: � (�' �0' _I TIME: JIOLATOR/OWNS : Vlsior�s c N orb, A/P REFERRED BY: (Depart TAX ID NO. 411' / ASSIGNED TO: Boyd Ely Palazzi TaynlOn LOCATION OF VIOLATION: or Individual) ZONING LQ2 DISTRICT Legal Description: SECTION TOWNSBIP RANGE LOT BLOCK SUB-DYYYSYON NATURE OF COMPLAINT: Trash, Junk, Debris, Garbage, Unserviceable Vehicles Building W/O Permit and/or License operating Business W/O License L Proh'bited Signs or Sig s /�S enGi s b Su M' } YP Qit6t72YCYIi Other % C �•• U —•_ Address is posted Address is not posted In a Lf S` DATE OF ORIGINAL jINSPECTION: DISPOSITION: k-G VIOLATIONS TO BE CITED: FOLLOW UP: ST LUCIE COUNTY ROAD IMPACT FEE CALCULATION FORM Name of Feepayer elbr ar Eo r"Ae-er Sa Cn n��Gcfo/5 nC Address Hoo o iOrt A M o Date jQ j3 1.19 % Permit '# Road Benefit and Collection Zone # A)LS The impact fee calculated herein has been determined based on the fee schedule adopted in St. Lucie County ordinance 85-10, effective February 1, 1986, amended March 1, 1990. IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS LAND USE FEE PER UNIT TOTAL TYPE UNIT IMPACT FEE qq # UNITS a (� # SQ FT (1000) # PARKING SPACES # STUDENTS (0 _(X) ___tszY a33 =+ To+,,I ab x toga t a��a9a Ri{"� 2 S�) $8o Ii;e�;F� CHiSI::K LIST PRY 91-2373 Project flame: PHOENIX/VISIONS OF NORTH HU'I'CHINSON - 14 STORY CONDOMINIUM �o Architect: PHIL STEELE & ASSOCI.ATES Ph: 464-8322 Contractor: RIOMAR ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS, INC. Ph: 729-8000 (INDIALANTIC, FL) Owner: CORPORATE LIFE INS. CO. Ph: (215) 436-0844 (W.CHESTER,PA) Address: 4000 N. AIA FT. PIERCE, FL 34949 Occupancy Classification: f( Type of Construction: Height and Area: I, ZS �✓ I! Fzya Occupancy Requirements per Chapter IV: Construction Requirements: A. Fire Protection: B. Egress Requirements: Other Requirements: Elevators A," Sprinklers 6 Standpipes // Combustible Materials - Interior r' Roof Coverings /-� Light - Ventilation - Sanitation ✓ Handicap Requirements Plana sent to Fire Dept. - Date: L2 - w " CJI Approved: Plot Plan Check Water Sewer Energy Code Paving 6 Drainage approval by Engineering Dept. Special Conditions prior to issuance Threshold Affidavit/Before Issuance Affidavit FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION I FORM 9DO-A-89 SECTION A — RESIDENTIAL POINT SYSTEM METHOD n FDADTUPMT r1F i,.niu uaimi-rY AFFAIRS CLIMATE ZONES CENTRAL 4 5 6 DUCTS COOLING SYSTEM HEATING SYSTEM® HVAC CREDITS HOT WATER SYSTEM HOT WATER CREDITS IN UNCONDITIONED ® CENTRAL ❑ ELECTRIC STRIP y�q HEAT ❑ CEILING FANS ® ELECTRIC SOLAR: ❑ m SPACE R = ❑ ROOM ❑ NATURAL GAS PUMP ❑ CROSS VENTILATION ❑ NATURAL GAS HEAT RECOVERY icNeai ❑ OTHER ❑ PACKAGE TERMINAL ❑ ROOM UNIT OR FUELS ❑ WHOLE HOUSE FAN ❑ OTHER FUELS DEDICATED IN CONDITIONED AIR CONDITIONER PACKAGE TERMINAL T PUMP®NONE ❑ ATTIC RADIANT ❑ NONE HEAT PUMP: ❑ m SPACE R = ❑ NONE - BARRIER E.F = �.� SEE = �,� COPEHSPFI ® ❑ MULTIZONE EF = ,® BEDROOMSNUMBER F = u ?. INFILTRATION c PRACTICE USED �� 2 �' ! `� X 100 - 8�- c4 1 TOTAL AS -BUILT POINTS TOTAL BASE POINTS CALCULATED E.P.I. ❑ #1 E #2 ❑ #3 CALCULATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX MUST NOT EXCEED 1DO POINTS. In accordance with Section 553,907 F.S., I hereby certify that the plans Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Betore construction H completed, this Florida Energy Code. µhi _,� building will be inspected for compliance in accordance with Section 553.908 F.S. OWNERIAGENT: �' v "°"� BUILDING OFFICIAL: GATE: it DATE:_ 9A PRE CRIPTIVE MEADcS (Must be met or e><ceeded b II resid n S. _COMPONENTS I REQUIREMgNTS CHECK WINQQWS 9241 MAXIM M OF 0.5 CFM PER LINEAR FQgT QF QPERABLE SASH CRAQK. EXTERIORS 9(A.1 MAXIMUM OF 0.5 CFM PER SO. FT. OF DOOR AREA. INCLUDES SLIDING GLASS DOORS, SOUR CORE, ..\I ADJACENT WOOD PANEL INSULATED 08 G S DOORS ONLY. EXTERIOR JOINTS 904.1 TO BE CAULKED, GASKETED, WEATHERSTRIPPED OR OTHERWISE SEALED. A CRACKS _ �14 MUST BEAR LABEL INDICATING COMPLIANCE WITH ASHRAE STANDARD 90 OR COMPLY WITH EFFICIENCY AND WATE:3 HEATERS 904.2 STANDBY LOSS REQUIREMENTS. SWITCH OR CLEARLY MARKED CIRCUIT BREAKER (ELECTRIC), On CUT-OFF GA MUST BE PROVIDD. AN EXTERNAL OR BUILT-IN HEAT TRAP MUST BE PRQVIDEQ, J SWIMMING POOLS 904.3 SPAS A HEATED POOLS MUST HAVE COVERS (EXCEPT SOLAR HEATED). NONCOMMERCIAL POOLS MUST P' HAVE A PUMP TIMER. A PA A POOL HEATERS MVjT HAVE MINIMUM THERMAL EFFl IENCY OF 75W. ` I HOT HATER 904.4 INSULATION ISREOUIRED ONLY FOR RECIRCULATING SYSTEMS INCLUDING HEAT RECOVERY UNITS. IN SUCH CASES, PIPING HEAT LOSS PIP ' SHALL BE LIMITED TO 17.5 BTU#AINEAR FOOT OF PIPE. SHOWER HEADS 904S WATER FLOW MUST BE RESTRICTED TO NO MORE THAN 3 GALL.ONS PER MINUTE AT 00 PSIG. HVAC DUCT 903.2 CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH INDUSTRY STANDARDS A LOCAL MECHANICAL CODES, DUCTS IN 4 T T N LA ITI NED SPACE MUST BE INSULATED TO MINIMUM R. 4 2 & JCdIQ MUST BE -J HVAC CONTROLS 9D4.7 EPARATE READILY ACCESSIBLE. A1AIjhq�,QR_AUTOMATIC TNERM,Q�TAT rt1R ,F,.AA�FI SYSTEA� INSULATION 904 CEILINGS -MIN R 19_ COM^' -RS R3 FRAME' - - n GORS A I. I I CALCULATIONS CLIMATE ZONES 4 5'1 z GLASS I BASE I BASE L x SUMMER = SUMMER o AREA PT. MULT. POINTS z s o SINGLE -PANE DOUBLE -PANE SUMMER AS -BUILT GLASS AREA x SUMMER POINT MULT. OR SUMMER POINT MOLT. x OVERHANG = GLASS AR CLEAR TINP CLEAR TINT' FACTOR (9B) SUM. PTS. N 3i(o 51.0$303.3 47.B 43.5 1 b NE 77.271.7 63.4 E 109.202.0 87.3 251 f0 SE 112.904.1 89A S 100.290.9 r324.6 78.8 •5-7 O 1�j SW 112. 04.1 89.4 w 124 109.202.0 7.3 5 lD O NW 77.271.7 634 H' 367.7 238.1 27 SI,S 25__. 10-1.1 1tt 10-1.1 -i0 to IEE RYql COND. TOTAL BASE BASE ADJUSTED 15 x FLOOR T GLASS = ADJUST. x GLASS = GLASS a .. TBASE BASE COMPONENT AREA x SUMMER = SUMMER DESCRIPTION POINT MULT. POINTS EXTERIOR 1 �•' 1.0 I S JI J ADJACENT .7 3 P AS —BUILT GLASSLASS G SUBTOTAL 140I�q v COMPONENT DESCRIPTION SUMMERTI— AREA x POINT MOLT. (9C THRU 9G) AS -BUILT = SUMMER POINT EAT. WA L-L- 15 75 1 -I e e rn EXTERIOR L24 4.8 m_••-__— 7—To-7,71 1.6 rpoADJACENTr �2 -7. o UNDER ATTIC l 0 1Lr z OR SINGLE 2-t P® w ASSEMBLY .6 htpa pjl o BASE CEILING AREA EQUALS FLOOR AREA DIRECTLY UNDER CEILING. AS -BUILT CEILING AREA EQUALS ACTUAL CEILING SQUARE FOOTAGE. ' P SLAB (PERIMETER) - 1 B o RAISED (AREA) W Cl19 0 LL FOR SLAB -ON -GRADE USE PERIMETER LENGTH AROUND CONDITIONED FLOOR. FOR RAISED FLOORS USE AREA OVER UNCONDITIONED SPACE. , P P INFILTRATION -11 A oC:> 1 109 1 i71 TP0 tZRGT✓do "2_ 1 11 0-.> 1 10.9 1 71A 1 (AO USE TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF CONDITIONED SPACE. J v _ TOTAL COMPONENT BASE SUMMER POINTS 1 LP (DI TOTAL COMPONENT AS -BUILT SUMMER POINTS ,F BASE COOLING I TOTAL BASE BASE TOTAL AS -BUILT 1 AS -BUILT I AS -BUILT AS -BUILT y: l COOLING SYSTEM x SUMMER = COOLING AS -BUILT x DM x CSM x CCM c COOLING SYSTEM MULTIPLIER POINTS P ( SUM. PT 9H 91( 9L POINTS _-. .43 Iw88e75 72(o(';,Q 22-a & 1. so 32 +I crr Ca897 NUMBER HOT OF x BASE HOT WATER = BASE NOT WATER AS -BUILT NUMBER AS -BUILT AS -BUILT AS -BUILT - WATER HOT WATER HW SYSTEM MULTIPLIER P OF x M x 9M H9N =HOT WATER 9N a-,Z 3627 'H = Horizontal Glass (Skylights) 'For glass with known Shading Coefficient, see section 903.2(a). Tint Multipli�mayed for glass with solar screens, film, or lint. I BASE COMPONENT AREA a BASE WINTER WINTER DESCRIPTION POINT MULT. POINTS EXTERIOR .Ji ADJA ENT 1. a 3 lummolm AIR 11 i r �MMMU_® r • .I _O�_- - AS -BUILT GLASS T $9S COMPONENT DESCRIPTION �I WINTER 7 AS -BUILT AREA x POINT MULT. = WINTER 8C THRU 9G) P-DINTS MKT WAl.ly BASE HEATING TOTAL BASE BASE HEATING SYSTEM x WINTER ° HEATING SYSTEM MULTIPLIERI POINTS POINTS 1.14 1 TOTAL 1 AS -BUILT I AS -BUILT I AS -BUILT I AS -BUILT AS -BUILT a DM n HSM L HCM c HEATING PT (9g fil— POINTS IWIN. ' �--' I I.ID I' 3q I I voAo4i BASE BASE BASE TOTAL AS -BUILT AS -BUILT I AS -BUILT TOTAL j COOLING + HEATING + HOT WATER = BASE COOLING + HEATING + HOT WATER s AS -BUILT POINTS POINTS POINTS POINTS POINTS POINTS POINTS- POINTS o Fr P 2 Fe P. Enter on P.1 Fr m P.2 �Fe m P. Enl r n P, _ 7ZLl 91G-78 l�j'�y4p4 120(o3JS CgEjq?8 iwsc,41 12>-_54o4 I0a(v?,2 'H = Horizontal Glass (Skylights) 'For glass with known Shading Coefficient, see section 903.2(a). Tint Multipliers may be used for glass with solar screens, film, or lint. SUMMER POINT MULTIPLIERS (SPM) IN9B SUMMER OVERHANG FACTORS (SOFl For single and double pane glass. a CLIMATE ZONES 4 5 6 ► OH RATIO .0-.11 .12-.17 .18-.26 .27-.35 .36-.46 .47-.57 .58-.70 .71-.83 .84-1.18 1.19-1.72 1.73-2.73 2.74+ N 1.0 .94 .91 .87 .83 79 75 .72 .62 .56 .50 mi NEiNW 1. .94 .91 .85 .79 68 .63 .58 .50 .40 .36 o bW .0 .95 .92 .85 .78.7 .64 .58 .5 .42 .33 .26 SEJSW ..93 If .90 .8i .72 .55 .49 .4 .33 .27 .22 1 S.0 91 .87 ,77 .67 .57 ,50 .45 .39 .32 .28 .25 ► OH LENGTH ' K. 1 R. 1Pr R. 2 K. 3 K. 3Yr II. 414 It. 5,6 II. 6% H. 944 R. 1411. 20 K.+ ' To select by Overhang Length, no pan ol glass shall he more Ivan 8 fl. Debi the overhang OVERHANG RATIO - OH LENGTH �4 L H 9C WALL SUMMER POINT MULTIPLIERS ISPM) FRAME CONCRETE BLOCK' FACE BRICK LOG WOOD STEEL INT. INSULATION EXT. INSUL R-VALUE WOODFA R-VALUE EAT I ADJ EXT ADJ NORMAL WT. NOR. WT. 0- 6.9 2.9 0INCH 0. 6.9 6.4 2.2 e.9 2.9 A -VALUE EXT ADJ EXT 7.10.9 6 R-VALUE EAT 7.109 2.3 .8 41 1.3 0. 2.9 2.5 .9 2.5 11.18.9 A 0- 2.9 1.7 11. 12.9 to .7 3.0 1.0 3. 19 1.4 .7 .7 19.25.9 .2 3. 69 1.1 13.18.9 1.7 .6 2.8 0.9 5. 6.9 1,0 .6 .3 26 & Up J 7 & Up .8 19. 25.9 1.0 .3 Off 7 • 10.9 .8 A .1 R-VALUE BLOCK 8 INCH 26 8 U .6 .2 1.3 0.1 11 - 18.9 .4 .3 .0 0 • 2.9 1.0 R-VALUE EXT 19. 25.9 .2 .2 3. 6.9 .6 0.2.9 1.0 268U .1 .1 7. 9.9 .1 3-6.9 .8 9D DOOR SUMMER POINT MULTIPLIERS (SPM) DOOR TYPE EXTERIOR ADJACENT WOOD 24 INSULATED 1,8 1.6 9F FLOOR SUMMER POINT MULTIPLIERS (SPM) 9E CEILING SUMMER POINT MULTIPLIERS (SPM) UNDER ATTIC SINGLE ASSEMBLY CONCRETE DECK ROOF I CEILING TYPE R•VA UE PM R-VALUE SPM 19. 19 11 10-10.9 3.0 R•VALUE I DROPPED EXPOSED 2 11.12 2.7 10.1.9 1 3.0 3.3 26-29.9 .7 13.18.9 14.20.9 2.0 2.1 30 . 37.9 .6 19 . 2 .9 21 8 U 1.4 1.3 SLAEI•OWGRADE EDGE IN ULA11ON RAISED CONCRETE RAISED WOOD POST OR PIER CONSTRUCTION STEM WALL Wf UNDER I FLOOR INSULATION ADJACENT R•VALUE SPM R-VALUE SPM 0.2.9 -31.9 0-2.9 -1.0 -2.0 -4. - 1. -4. -1.7 7.10.9-1.1 21 -6.9 -31 5-6.9 -1.7 11.18.9 -I. -2.2 1.8 19 a U - -1.8 1. 9G INFILTRATION SUMMER POINT MULTIPLIERS (SPM) 9H DUCT MULTIPLIERS (DM) qINFILTRATION PRACTICE (See Tebie 9P) SPM J RACTICE r 1 13.8 RACTICE 2 0.9 RACTICE •3 76 em :Om eR•VALUE W70 Re :,' 49 DuM At, . 1.14 0 5066 1.12 1.08 6.7 A Up DUCTS IN CONDITIONED SPACE 1.09 1 06 1.00 1 00 For mulltphers for other types of concrete block construction see section 903.2 (b). 'For multipliers for other types of raised wood assemblies see section 903.2 (e) 1. 9-59 WINTER POINT MULTIPLIERS (WPM) nP WHuTPn MrliHAIJR FACTORS IWOFI CLIMATE ZONES 4 5 6 OH RATIO .0-.11 .12-.17 .18-.26 L .27-.35 .36-.46 SING 47-.57E G�.70 .71-.83 .84-1.18 1.1 u 1 73- .7 2.74+ 4 i 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.10 1.13 1.15 1.18 1.20 1.24 1.29 1.34 _I N NE7NW 1.07 - 1.10 1.15 9.20 1.30 1.35 1.50 1.59 1.6T 1 Z- -.20 -.65 -1.05 -148 2.03-3.01 -4.fi 04 - .SE7SW.93 UW .71 .57 .19 .22 -.33 -.71 -1.01 .90 .80 .68.39 .7 .54 -.98 - w o g '- .95 .92 1. .83 DOUBLE P GLASS N i 0 07 1.11 1.14 1.18 1.21 1.24 1.28 1.34 10147 i0 1.24 1.32 141 1.48 1.56 1.63 180 194 2.(IB 0.50 .31 .15 -.03-.26 -.661.10 -1.50 3NI 0.85 .76 .65 .54 41 .28 -.01 -.30 -.510J 7B 65 .51.33 .13 -.30 -.5160 t. 1 It. 1K 11. 2 H. 3It. 314 H. 414 H cm H. 644 II. 91h II. 14 H. 2011.+ ' Te select Overhang Length, no pan of glass Shall be more Inan 011. MIM the overhang. OVERHANG RATIO - OH LENGTH HHIH T- 1 L IH en WAI I WINTPR PnINT MULTIPLIERS IWPMI in LIT FRAME CONCRETE BLOCK' FACE BRICK LOG INT. INSULATION_ EXT. INS U RNALUE WOOD FR WOOD STEEL NORMAL WT. NOR. WT. 0- 6.9 7.0 61NCH R•YALUE X EDT AOJ EAT ADJ RVALUE EAT ADJ EXT 7.10.9 2.1 R•VALUE EAT 0. 6.9 5.3 94 6.7 0. 2.9 6.0 3.1 6.0 11.18.9 1.7 0. 2.9 2.2 7. 109 2.5 2.1 4.4 3.3 3- 4.9 3.0 2.3 2.8 19. 25.9 1.0 3-6.9 1.2 11 .12.9 2.0 1.B 3.3 2.6 5. 6.9 2.9 1.9 2.0 26 It .6 7dU .9 13.18.9 1.8 16 3.3 2.6 ] • 10.9 2.3 1.5 13 R•YALUE BLOCK 6 INCH 19. 25.9 19.7 1.1 1.0 2.0 2.4 11 • 18.9 1.5 - .B 0.2.9 3.7 R-VALUE EXT 14 1.2 19-251 .7 3-fi.9 2.6 0.2.9 1 26 8 U .8 .5 .5 sw�` ` 7+:i; 7. 9.9 1.8 3.6.9 !�j 10 d U 1.3 7 d U an nnnn WINTER POINT MULTIPLIERS (WPM) DOOR TYPE EXTERIOR ADJACENT WOOD 7.6 51 INSULATED 5.1 4.0 ee nca run wrru'TPn PnINT M1r1.TIPLIERS (WPM) NOER TTI 1 SINGLE ASSEMBLY CONCRETE DECK ROOF CEILING TYPE R•VALU WPM R-VALUE WPM 19.21.9 1.0 10-10.9 R-VALUE DROPPED EXPOSED 22-25.9 .9 11-12.9 9. 10-13.9 1.2 1.3 26 - 29.9 .7 13 . 1 B.9 14 - 20.9 .7 .7 30-37.9 .8 19. 25.9 1 21 dU .4 38 d U .4 ,B - a ,.�',a Pa er I-LVVn mni cn rvm�,............-. r......r RAISED WOOD SLAB -ON -GRADE RAISED POST OR PIER STEM WALL WI UNDER EDGE IN TION C N REE CONSTRUCTION FLOOR INSULATION ADJACENT .y 4 WPM R•VA E WPM 7.9 7. - S3 4 0. 6.9 .q - 1 •4.9 1 -I. ] 1 __-� �. - 4 Aq It . t . 1.9 1.0 9(2 INFILTRATION WINTER POINT MULTIPLIERS (WPM) 9H DUCT MULTIPLIERS (DM) - INFILTRATION PRACTICE WPM (See Teble 9P) PRACTICE • 1 PRACTICE " 2 4.1 PRACTICE 0 3 2. R-VALUE With Return Air Du t W70 Return 4.2 - 4.9 1.14 1.12 1.08 6.7 d U 1.09 1.06 DUCTS IN CONDITIONED SPACE 1.00 1.00 'T)r multipliers for other types o1 concrete block construction see section 903.2(b). rFs multipliers for other types of raised wood assemblies see section 903.21e) 1. 9-61 91 HEATING SYSTEM MULTIPLIERS (HSM) CLIMATE ZONES 4 S 8 SYSTEM TYPE HEATING SYSTEM MULTIPLIERS Central Heal HSPF '. -- _ 6.4 - 6.89 6.9. 7.39 7.9.1119 8.1 •8.89 8.9 • Up Pump Units COP 2.5. 2.69 2.T - 2.89 2.9. 3.09 3.1 - 329 3.3. 3.49 3 .69 3.7 • UP HSM •:'- .50 .O .0 ,41 .39 PTHP HSM .52 .50 Ai .11 .41 .37 Electric ShipLO .37 Gas 6 Other Fuels 1.0 See Table 9J for Credit MuIR tier - Minimums: Central Units -Air Source 2.1 CAP (64 HSPF), Water Source 3.4 COP, Ground Water Source 3.2 COP PTHP 2.6. COP means Coefficient W Performance. 9J HEATING CREDIT MULTIPLIERS IHCMI SYSTEM TYPE HEATING CREDIT MULTIPLIERS Atlic Radiant Barrier HCM .98 Mullizone HCM .90 Natural Gas Other Fuels AfUEffclalm .TO-.71 .75•.79 .80•.84 .85-.89 .90-U HCM.33.3129 HCM .58 .54 .50 .47e5Wnere .27 more Than one crey HCM's bgether. Enter podret On page I. AFel Utilization Ilicien eK COOLING SYSTEM MULTIPLIERS R= SYSTEM TYPE COOLING SYSTEM MULTIPLIERS CENTRAL UNITS WING 7.5• 80- 7.9 8.4 8.5• 8.9 9.0• 9.1 9.5• 9.9 1&0• 10.4 10.5• 10.9 t1.0• 11A ❑.5- 11.9 t2.0 6 Up SEERIEER) PTAC 8 ROOM UNITS CSM ,,..'. .40 .38 .36 . 31 .32 .31 .30 .2B ER CSM .45 .13 .40 .3B .36 .34 .32 .3I .30 .28 Minimums: Central Units -Air Cooled 7.8 EER (8.5 SEER) Ground Water Cooled 10.0 EER. EER means ENIQY Ellictene Ratio. SEER means Seasonal Energy Elficiencv Raiio. 91. COOLING CREDIT MULTIPLIERS 1CCM1 . SYSTEM TYPEI L I M ili Fans 86 Mullizone90 Ventilation Attic Radiant Barrier Where more Than one credit is claimed95 multiply CCM's together. Enter product on paqe 2. SYSTEM TYPE HOT WATER MULTIPLIERS Electric Resistance EF .80-.81 .82•.83 .84-.85 .86-.87 .91•93 .94•.96 .978U HWM 3879 3785 3695 3609 3527 3411 3302 3200 Natural Bes EF .54-.55 .56-.57 .58-.59 .60-.61 .62-.63 .64-.65 1 HWM 1415 1364 1317 1273 1232 1194 .66Lu I158 Other Fuels HWM 2317 2234 2157 2085 2018 1955 1895 Water healers must comply with prescriptive measures of Table 9A. EF means Energy Factor ou unTWereoroen1.1A--1...-.. .... .... Y E E M I IER ar Water Heater .7 1.0 at Recovery Unit !Dedicated WI Air n i 4 .1IF H P m Heat Pump M 1 4/ 25 A HWM must be Used In conjunction with all HWCM. See Table 9M. SF means Solar Fraction. EF means Energy Factor. ar mnunAnun ntuu61 UN PHAUTICE COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST (See Section 903.2(Q) Combustion Appliances Be in unconditioned space (excepl direct vent), Ora outdoors Slaves see on, wit 'For multipliers For other types of systems see section 904.9. 9-62 from uncbndilibried space. Exhaust by-piodugs 4111 / -070/7 q1 -�3'73 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SPECIAL APPROVALS VEGETATION �' REQUIRED DATE RECEIVED NOT REQUIRED / ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING/SITE PLAN CODE ENFORCEMENT USA TAZ WATER SUPPLIER SEWER SUPPLIER _ DER CERTIFICATION FL DNR (CCCL) FL DOT SLC STORMWATER PER MANGROVE ALT SEA TURTLE PROT REQUIRED FEES BP VALUE $ t PLANS EXAMINING FEE 0 /S RADON FEE: C OF C FEE _ i ROAD IMPACT FEE $ /�69Qna ,�Q ROAD IMPACT DISTRICT ROAD IMPACT ZONE_ g - ROAD IMPACT CREDIT: YES: NO: SCHOOL IMPACT FEE $_ �p 1?94•CTy DATE PAID:_ CHK# SCHOOL IMPACT CREDIT: YES: NO: SCHOOL BOARD APPROVED EXEMPTION: YES: NO: r � S t� ALTERNATIVE DEV. FEE $ 886,0 DATE PAID ALT. DEV. FEE ZONE: — CHK# SUB PERMITS GAS REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED I AIR CONDITIONING -- - ELECTRIC— PLUMBING`- -- SCREEN ENCL/FENCE ROOF - - -- ----- - DRIVEWAY ___-- --- -- - ZONING CHECKS / BBL - SLOT COVERAGE _EASEMENT-LO'p SPLITS I1�2.5�91 W�11 Send �)a�s t'o (�1clS. 4�0< �'Lu�e.w. W� �r-rRu,fn.ed w ll �,ald r "Ndktce- -ea ®rote-ed" fro- bAd as nol 'Ups. Reo-le/ 1 1n;Cl-i �ovs i5 Stiia( -Ek¢ir 4 p)ic4f'ra-� WAS v,i0 co",fjee . TM&y ' e of -k-e- b"' wollclv5 a�l 9 aQ�e� Jaa.OL'CU d-ti n Ln-Lk. ;A 9 ni Ca +ham rod. LQ�an <55,t�etill v,Pc� p4 yvij _u G ��I(� iSStne Psc„ :f u.f.� �oE;cc FoQ�oeeeA i-ra+ �1�11� iStec. �c PQt Fl���e c`t�l tx°O uF VeSe. Per»*, �Oane 4�^d i T:te)' Need to Lek DowcJ k+ow abouF v,95e, Cr^Cl •,AJe VN-'m c!A erv.ronwawral reVle UMCI to ve r'.-(y Odd ra 55 . rrnn it/at 1<Cvcl. {�125. � to d 4 na c��k r?��are Zt 0,0NS_, .. ��/mil �, . / 1 `' YMOO %L �''�+"� n11 AOORION TO THE pEOUIREM6NTQ DF. FHI$�PEAM�, NE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS ArN AT MAY BE FOUND IN THE F+" THERE MAY BE ADORio 6UVERNMENTALENTITIESSly, , �. Ts STATE"-.'- LUCIE COUNTY -FT. PIERCE FARE PREVENTIOM BUREAU aaa.,'C Innis e1.1el.. i -DATE: T TO: VIRE PREVENI!ON CC` :e :E-103 Iz&R 1 ELEC.DETAILS & SCHEDULE Ell ELEC. DETAILS .. & SCHEDULE E12 ELEC.S'ITE 'PLAN E13 ELEC.GARAGE FL -PLAN Z14 PLUMBING DRAWINGS GROUND FL. PLUMBING Pl` TYP. FL. PLUMBING P2 PLUMB.RISER & SCHEDULE P3 PLUMB.RISER & SCHEDULE P PLUMB.RISER & SCHEDULE P FIRE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS ;. GROUND FL.SPRINKLER'FP1 TYPL . FL . SPRINKLERJ FP2 RISER & SCHEDULE `' FP'3 I\ A of 1 I I I I I SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS. FOR RETAINING WALL INFO. 4— - A = HALL 1 GARAGE I 116.2 116 I 1 111.2 rt 12-1] SLORE 1/8" PER 1'01' HOWE IJ N• 1 41 I 115 XERCISE ROOM 1 7 I n Fill U U P 4; 60 W EN S11 11011 1 1 � 1 1011 Op, .0-1, 4 -------- 115.1 ill. 122.2 E It _00 112.1 0 SLOPE 1/8" PER 4 - — — — — — — — — ---- — — — 4'0' 4'7" 9 5'0 O24'0" GARAGE 2 4- 8. 4" 4 4" ME z 4" 2 STORAC_ vv�wl IN I SA NA SAU A Z: HALL 118 -] 20] -0011 F1 Fl-127 rj C-4 GARAGE 3 p 0 1.23 STORA E 11 0 00 00 F119 SLOPE 1/8" PER 1'0" C D ROOM 23.2 F KEY, 0 109 4'0" I 6'0" 2-0l III [[I T L _414M LSEATING I I 124.1 2 Id- �(l1 23 '119.1 o o 1 5MT'L.BALESTERS 110.1 11'8" 11'8" 4'0" 4'7' YP 11'7" 5'0" T 16'7" STORAGE ' 0 STORAGE 8" 4" Ei) - F-1-247 125 Ia2 108.1 -------- PLANTEF Ln AM, /I vr I -_ - [ Lo SEE CIVIL Lo DWGS. FOR GARAGE 3 LIBRARY �o DRIVE INFO. 0 1 r____ F107� 10 6-0- 6] F 1-2-6 _04 1b* c SLO E 1/8PER 1'0" 0 " po x B co• LEi) 107.1 04 00 (D D7O SERVICE to 2 1 1 5_,\ - I HALL HALLWAY ---t TO POOL F, 0-6-1 co 129.1 WORKROOM ^ 127.1 UP 271 MAIL BOXES ELECT. 00 1 ROOM u CONC. J'F'301 LOBBY !n • F1 29 60 PAD 1 1`1 00 C4 00 UP - Flo,] ----I z ­�v ji 00 3'10 .......... 0) TRASH _jEIRST FL 3'8 ROOM OFFICE 10 1-5 A. OR 128.1 TRASH ROOM 8. L F1 05 S.L. UP T 1 ­1 ,0_1 F1 02� q m1wa /A SURFACES. 0 k -7: --T 44, m to z 0 Lr) z ui :E �j S:�7# Lu 14'4 14'4" 7­77 T— 0 0 COVERED DROP—OFF o 39'8" 7`7 44— I im y- - — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — - �1 1Z ­k, P. m y 0 V E E LDII 0 p OFF ­0 SCALE -),/16'; ZAN.. NW I U) _IX 6 z 0mm z QI 'LLJ CN 0 1 Lu U) LL. w 0 UD Q ILA c� c) cc< ati LL 1:4 wffl>W I OW C/) w 00 v. L) oz cr 03 uj z , I z i M 3, S 1. Built-up Roofing w/ -9911g.ta aurtsc In fled 2. Single -Ply Roofing OR 3. Metal Roofing & CO ... cer .. .. .... A • A, 41, v,'t,11 A 8 11 qpvota MtK J K 5. M ed Coping attachments; Alum., copper* or as 1 6. Parapet Bond Beam with 1 05 cut., or a der _ [ I. a.ai She. Lin, 15/32, 32/ 16. .,48/24 (23/ 321n.) API O I r ,k 4 10 T. & C­ Group 1. Estcrior; attach per Code 4'6' 6'39A Z i, S. Mf,,'d. w/ counter flashing; copper .. Alum. vM` , Slo� 61/2 1 9. 16 , copper, Alum. she., or copper fabric flashing/ ake n scarsl., as specified. and width 1. conform to Code. 4'0- 1, 1. Hurricane Anchors, M.G. 10. Gale. "U" Series by SImpson't; 4 va, 4�_ type as ra,.I," A 16ox Copper, Alum. drlplgravel stop as indicated; let. 1 1 69' 1 1 I 1 12. Rigid Roof I ... lati.n.; refer to Ic i-L 13. Strap Tie,, "Simpson" Ind. 1. d.) '-ST/FHA/MST/HST"... required; B.G. Cale., min allowable uplift of 500165, r as required by Code. 14 Anchor stra,"Simpsono "ETA-14, or ETAS" (coor ambaded typ). ts, 'r 1 1 , W-0--v w, I _P 15. Skylight; anodized aluminum, frame ad glazing an arld. Al I an 16. Cant Ed., by Roofing System Mfgr., Or apprOVxQ; Mtr 4 TiRe- 7 _4;'; with 16oz copper base flashing. 17. Eagr'd. Lk! Trusses, max spacing of 241n centers. ttt 18. Ty, Guru Mont Beam . 12 1 . re. ./ 4115'. am mi.. Aw - r 36 drop beam Over windows as required. J-jr, ..... . .... - - - - - - - 19 Lightweight Insulating Cant. to MASTER 20. Steel Angle Bracing 4fL. spacing, size a, required land,. BEDROOM 00 1 V. MASTER 21. Steel F,arcir, Member., H. D. Gale. sports, of 2 I' I.- refer to wall sections forwid ch's . ➢BEDROOM - - - - - - - - - F219 'Ib4 22. Sealant, with backer rod where required. F218 23. "DRYVIT" Exterior Wall System; as pacifieml. cl "DRYVIT" Q, 24. Exterior Wall Finish Y. 25. Expanded Metal Lath, H.D.Goly., self furring. ICA& 26. 2 . P.T. Wd ..list. attached ./ 1121h A.B'.. 4 27. 1 x 3 P.T. Wd Furring. 28. 2 a 8, or as detailed, P.T. Wd. ledger pl., W/ 1/2in Caly. A.B's. @ 241n centers; min. 6 in. penetration( cone. 14'11 11 29. Meta. Studs as specified; size required. 4 30. Metal Furring, refer to specifications and details(Typ.), On 31. 8 irI C.M.U. NA nw- 32. 1 9 go. Galee horizontal wall taint, every 2nd, course, 71) .7 33. Stucco finish, 518 in tk. min. for Fire Rating 0 a 4 1 7 34. R-12 hatt Insulation, or foamed -In- lace urethane. I J4, 219 LIVING ROOM' nm - "t 44 35, 518 In. Fire Rated Gypsum Bul., Lape h first. '-,t f- F2251 - -------- LIVING ROOMA caps and float for finish. 36. 1/2 in. Gypsum Bd., -------- 157- E21 21 37. 2 x 4 or 2 x 2 P.T. wd. Furring @ thin centers. R 11 1 1--ir --- 4 0 38. Finish an specified; refer to Ft.. Sch. 2' 4 LI 39. Be.. as Scheduled or an •elected 41 No. 141� it GO I t 40. 112 is. (at as detailed) L.pra..ibla Joint fill.rl 1 7 216 back., red and aslant where --I ... 4. CLO.11 41. Fla. Fla., a scheduled or elected by Owner. I it 11.__ 42. 4 iO.tk, Conn. "Ob. w/ 6.6 w1.1. s .1.4 s'w mesh rai.-_ HALL t F-2-21-1 ye. t� 51M It 1 17 HALL -4- - - - 43. 6 oil vaporbarrier as specified. t"! - tc 44. Threshold, at In 45. Compacted select fill as specified. '00 6. Refer to Structural far Belot. & details . 4 4-C). 47. OverlocadCarage Done and track, etc. 48. Sliding Class Door/a-Franne, refer to space. 4' 2 3 49. 4 in. diae steel pipe, filled wl pea Lane, with one. base min. of 30in CPL. X 12indiamC Let- x, it lack" 1. frogs, of oadbacricur .11. F L 11) U 'C�L, zzz� L 4�_ ER BATH eK MASTER BATH Me FL F213� TYPI 113' -- - - - - DINING ROOM! 224 - - ---------- --- DINING ROOM I �l 140 'F4 F22P 06 F-211 Co 7 111 .0 a, CL Ty m. 7'1 -Y4 ----- ------------ T ------ 2729.1 1'2- (j�7D1 00 i i Au, d i r i r ------ I i --------- FOYER (A 14) 'FOYER 13'3" 2-27 S T F -10 L-J-' F2 �4z PATIO PO i i I 04 ------ 11 K F230 KITCHEN B PATIO L -------- j 229 r KITCHEN 206 9� A R ERt 1 9 Fl GALL GALLERY, - D F228711 W [2077 GALLERY H I I I E [2081 00 It I I 1 1- 1- 231.2 ____ --- 1 1 231.2 UTILITY RM. Up RM. A 09 1 1 1 UT HT KM --------- F231� L0 31 ot. W 0 209.1 --- 232 (2.31.3 PWD.RkA 1, 5 yIM 2P3. 10 1 A 4.1 1 20 39A \ W/H AIG !BREAKFAST /Ul 0 r . - (�3 �_), I I RM. 0 21'14"9. 0 1� I BREAKFAST U4- SVali 3' 0 RM. 00 r2373 9 me t��3 �7 237.1 V 'n 204 206.1 1 6-0 %2A3 9 37. L ------------ - P_ CLOSET 239 237 ON UP -------- ---- LOBBY 36. �01 �2) -st 'et C14 -RISERS AT _Z__ 234.1 236.1 201.1 203.1 DEN/LIBRARY C22 D1 13TH 14TH FLR. ONLY F2 3 4 LIN. BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 2 DEN LIBRARY r LIN. O 203 j4" I. F-2011 to I F236� Vwc W ;k4" W tx, 7 12'2 1'4Y2" 4 12'9" 5" 5" 6 4 16 .. ..... to Y, co -BATH _ ZAB .0 go F2351 B 0.3. MT A L I T LEVIELPLAN CIL SCALE: 4W V-0" LO., AZ6 ��$JN _F1,111 A W q, % UP I D4 H -A, % 3 lip. o W, -1-1 f dw,w is Lj 1 111111 's, NORTH ONE * S,7- or 6W_mr 0 Z 0 i; Z LU W _j 0 UA > LLI cc 0 0 Z 0 0 0 X Z Z IL LU 0 0 LU Ir W aM W LIJ IL W W 0 cc U) LIJ 12 a 2 3: ` st > 0 Z X Z> In W I.- W Z 0 X 0 > cc LU X W CC O Z W 2 3 0 W Z -) LU cc 0 X 0 LL X X 0 W 0 & 10. n r y c F 5 a ;xv 11 k i x � � i .:... x- { . +. ' F . .. , : F ,i }l ,'.:. , : T ��✓ l � }t...'i� x ` S` ::. Y . "`i,. . I r �. ,{ Y H �. a '� r bqf. ,�. F ,f' 'R.: ] F ., .{: a:. f. .. ?'.Y'f r . . r, x.. -...se 4,a,)f. Ya ... n.: Y ... ♦ q�qt yTa t k 4i ,:.. ., Y .. ..y 4 .., M f <'S:. -: `, � " ♦ ..i u. .... ._ . s .r l" 1- :�.a. : :o'yb , f.'Nly, ..:'� . ..V : V 'f .. ".. � . .,'- :<. �'. " .:?:" '., sr na s _.. 3�d. ae .. .q .s.-♦ n., •y , } -g{ i . �' ...:.,. v >_.� ..:. _-.. b .» aL.... v� eL:?�, .. _ ,. ',.v . iW. .. .... ,., .".f' ."i ti?.. ? • 'aS� 3'X. x.,. ., d, .i 46 46 t._.. 2 .. n a.... ... r. :. , ,. , Y, .. -. f' .�y^ .N'. t . - r.:. r..l:. . r , ,✓. n.. '. a.. r -.,. JAI -ir :-. .._ ♦s.,-.. --.n. . _. -... X� -. _.-..�Td—_ :_ - 1 +� '.._ _. _ -. -.:., —,.. _- m-.3--.. .r.. <s<-: .-..- _. , ,. «e. ..r � . ._...._ `,--.- _.,..f l.a. _.. .. -.. -,>-. `r. .. s_.{i ., �n u.. P»,. `k.:..♦ e.. •. .Y ( 9 , , 2 - t'Y, ..� ti ::': r ....a. .,. , ... :k ♦ ! .:.L°.. .a+ ri{•a "" ;k. f,: 69• 8" 1 4'p" « "'v4piit ,a5 r 4 ' A*` �{^ NORTH y R w W > F > 2 F Z & < 4» Y Q a O U O � O cci W cc s v�oc a xz 3 z a w O O w = m Z Z LL 2 W W •' U S Q m W a W W O Ix V ai U 3 a � a ,a O 2 — O Q Z m r., s•r "� M W y W F. s. .. 2 U. Q W _ 0 = Y ~ m X }. Q to Q x 2 W ¢ f U ca ` O W W = F F- W = 3 O W Z O w LL0 2 a 0 0 U. 0 x 0 to Z 0 W f J Q � Y U w O Q _ Q F U J W of � N N H W ' �y Q gyp, 1 LL ,/ Vowo NN Q: NtD a0 JJ W O l YN All m O j v> u `A W �- a ?, z �>Z �2 w¢ a: � w< 2U f IC W 1 U > C/D W 0. r 1- . S.Yez. Cr cc z r-3 w i cn a ,❑ o . s � sia s. VON . ,...,, x # � TYP.- . ':?w =. ,t ,�,�. "�.. ',-. of .�".>r ,.•.. , x .,> �, -', ... .t.' t .:•:. +. �. +140'-2��" y' Elev roof a, Elev mech ` TYP. DRYVIT,: I O O r In N ----- ---^m------------------------------------ --- -- +124'-2Yz 00 — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Roof 00 "I T M, ILLs T TT � ��`'3 �� i �€. II �I II�INNINNII�INIIININIIINI �IN�III����I��IIlI�N�I�I�INIIINI�N�u�III�III�II�HNINiIIIIIININIII� �� IIII . aIIII� IN IIII IIII IN11_I_nN� � '. , .. _ _. 1NIIIIN�IIIIIIIIIIIININIIIIINNIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIN II IIINNIINII NIII NNININIIINNNIN " IN�NII IIIIIII�NNNNNNIIINN _INNNNNIhflNNIINIIINI I III III NOW NIII��NNN� " • IIIIIilllilllllll �lllllllllilillllllli R 11111111111111111111111111111111 II ilillllllilllill l lllllllllll1loilllllil lllNIIIIIIII 111111111IIIIIIiIII �11®1 �101 I�lO��ll,►�11�.II 11�I�f�l - I�� �I r. _ j' � '�� a� ` a �, 4� a.1i,. (� IIIIIIIhIINllil IIIII�IINNIIIIIIIIIIII - NNIIIIIIININIINII IIIIIIIIINNIIN '• F a x Y�� ter■ �JLi ii .. . e_Y WEST ELEVATION �y Yoff M�v 3-1 S �n TYP. =-T--F-7-7-7 111 ITO loll- 5v �w IMMUNE WY, — 0. I f s FE 4 Y�Z loll p MONININ EFOINT11111m, MINE - I I Ell 11111 Mill 11111111 ME soil I _ + 14V —LYZ Elev roof 00 +131'-8Yz' Elev mech U) ,gk+124'-2Yz Roof 00l }x IF ... .:: Z' _ N Q N z } f 2 W O X a U W -1 2 d W F 7 w X lu W S F 0~ Z 0 U Z RE'- 3 ,a M O a U LL IL N Z Q f7 Z Q 2 G W N iF ~y°LL0`a W= I Ix Q W u S Iy w O N W ~ � w S 3 H U = U Q W F a W m W w W a S Q W X> S U = 3 O W N O F W ZUJ Q W S F 0 Z ¢ Z f. Z W W Q av CL W X W Vl ~ W 0O ¢ ` ; W Q LOX W I 1 J u W rw rjD 1 a.0 w�>w e U u ,'4 W 0_ fi.'a � '�.� *Rn � AA V � •CW 3 _''� �i'.±4 ffi t5 c. `ram 7•y, 7 F q tFs _ Z 4: K _ .` CO�o CC cc N S n0 0 *14411 i.� All I I I �I - I �EM ..mWAMAM 0 T 00 00 IlilliilllllllllllllllllllllllNINIIIIIIIIIIIINII! I ®� o© OEM 11111111111111111111111 1� �0lII N�WNNW�IWNININ�I ��■��� 1110mI-I�Im��■ MINE ®® a fi00 f 00 o 8'-101/z" —2Yz.. I 00 ,s J.+44'-6 'o I 00 �00 I — I V %L Ivel w °° of +18'-61/ ~ 3 Level x x i Xx x 00d ,. CC) a s — _ 2 level I1WA�f GARAGE VENT ti , x,. �. rtt •. $. € M s > - SEE MI L r.� DRAWIN06 _ ^.q xz• x� �i5 'v" x x ¢ �� '1� -011 1;: v �, OGrd FIf is v r 4 -k�.r e:: ?".xW, rv*, vq P� a ,;• SCALE 1e 1'—O'a WWI .w.. < . t. . ,� .,_ E2.. `i w .. _t "-!'1. . �:A>zc e�' .]w 34 z da p �, ¢ x ` V ii s SCALE Vb"=1'—O" sill 0 .re pvv x dP� f` "N-'Elev a 1 �. III 11 4' + 87'— 6 th" 11 LL,*e`vel g. 'ter 00 k•3f'f +78'—l0y/2" 10 Level ro I 00 h.+70'-21/2" Y9 Level 00 I `a •� � r'"r., 8 Level ---- . ---1, T-fr, s Y' 5 +53'-2V2" e �� ------- 7 Level ' --- 00 X. 00 +44'-61/2" ' — -- 6 Level r S ,,; s- •co, -.a- x„. ;'fix• rS. r�� r csk,Vr ag co f a 5 Level — — —• +27'-21/2" •r _ < - - 4 Level f -- --- f •� � — — — — r yi 1 y/2" __ ' I co 1 1 S. I 1 m 1 .• Level 1 t 1 fir 1 p 1 I I 1 � 1 O'—O" 1 Grd. FIr I v3 a 1aln fw �xray ,✓'ut4 4 .,. 1 �fic'k �7a�'6`x's+ "'r� � ° � R BUL®�NQ 8FECTMN-- 11 1 1 1 �r ter. '4 "� A W W (� ¢ W F i Z Q a 0 0 0 t 0 w a x z¢ z a w 0 3 O W i W w Z O H W LL w W ¢ W W Q W W 0 w U) W I ¢ H f7 I a z> 3 W O Q Z ¢ F ¢ Z m V1 y w } ¢ ~ Z LL i i Q U O U F W x Q y Q i i W ¢ G W W i 3 0 w W Q ~ ¢ z 0 LL y ¢ 0 a 0 a r `a m O a W * _ z LO u to z W M Vi 2 CZ Jo 4. N � U w i W U cc O F ¢ 0 U Q 0 U J Q W U1 1- U W F- 2 vy a NN ^ w0 W J ul n O'^� n a f� u� n fw LL O ) 0 JO J UW rxacc¢ aU tn fifty [� C ' 1_ (r.W OtY v] 0 ?N W nn �x rO- C7 00 T 1t1N Oz z } y.� � of o0 W z a �Z- r 3 a w r cn a r a ,a a o z `o DRYVIT ro ® W ,F W W P - 6a' STRUCT. r, STUD (TYP.) {mac r yYi ' •4ikx'r l¢t'i. i '33 Ni Jk�n +114a-6Yz" ' 14 Level r ,f 4 � y � �a ' Ya i 00 wz a. V% w pt_ (n 6" 2 v .... ffi c � � �'' 'fin •�d �S Y � 'K^ UPPER STAM SC CTM) 1, 9j t y� ;r / 19 / L1Il=AYY-W�LOEp 5GLr6 tg cotim, / III/24 !1 L,F MA .INq xmg 16 5tEC6- 11— 2" 1 ( TYP. ) OD I ^ ,V' W V) E LO m O a y 2 O y Z W oZ J +9'-1OYz'a .. w Q — 2 Level —•--r' —-•'r • .fie `4 •S-. -.. .. ./ y u J . ,. O t ) r $� l J III I - - • - -�— - • • 1■■■mm■■I ism ■d■■■I loommommi immommomi 1m■■■m■■lissom lmm■■mmol 1■■■■■N■i loommommi 1 235-A QUEST SAT I DROPPED CEILING I ,P r; t / OWE BAR Z a J 2-ADJ. SHELVES DROPPED CEILING / \ \ / \NN I ( ( Q a Z ------ --------------- UNDER CAB LIGHT 31/z"SPLASH U SEE PLAN FOR FOLDING PARTITION O O O O O p w U �� --- w LL UTILITY I (p o ¢ SINK I M WASHER DRYER II w � w I � z931 ffAjkW LAUOil DYI Rv v1k$ V WATER I I p CLOSET -'T- W H Itt- U w J w BIDET w Ld LLJ (N 214-A BATH DROPPED CEILING JP� MIRROR W/IE ( 7-1 MED. CAB.\ 31/2"SPLASH U WATER p CLOSET SINK U w LL w I w I / N u■■■■■E■■Nmm1 1■■■■ 1E■� _ DROPPED MIRROR CEILING fl ■■■■OEM ■■1 ■■■ II■■■■E ■■■N■1F 1 I■■■■■■■■■■■■ II■■■■mm■■ MEN MU ■■1 — Jfte hk V. i,jy . •_ __ • ' ■a■OE■■■■■■M■■■�N■■■■■�� ■1111 - - • - _ • - ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MEN ■ • C■■N■■■.■■.■■■■■■■■.1111 ■■ ONE ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■1111 ■■■ MEN ■E■■EN■■■■■■■■1111 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�IIII ■■■■■■NON■■ ■■■■■■■�1111 NONE ■■■■■■■■I�9■■■■■■■■■■1111 ■■■m■E■m■■mm■■NNE■■■■■■�IIII NEE■EE■■■■E■E■■ENE■■■■■�1111 _ __ NN■■■■■ENE■E■■■mmomM ■■■■�1111 • , ONE = • • ■■ ■EN■E■■NEE■/`_\It�NN■E■E■■11111 ■E E■MON■E■EEE • " NE■■E■■■■�1111 N■ ■■■■■E■ ONE ■■■■■■■NE■�1111 ■■NEON■ MEN ■■■■■ENE■■■,�Im ■■ 224-B MASTER BATH C2 i OD � Ur PARTITION / \00 TRASH STOVE TOP U �0• 3V2 SPLASH \ O P E N ' 31/z""SPLASH j U COMP.. W/JEN-AIR o `® REF. p 0 O 0 w ULL r CHUTE Ld I ' \ \ / DISH W6,SHER i 229-B N. APT. K�TCHEN 204—B S. APT. KITCHEN SIMILAR DROPPED CEILING MIRROR SINK 3Yz SPLASH \ DROPPED CEILING J \ OVEN /.IN LI 229-C N. APT. KffCHEN NA 204—C S. APT. KITCHEN SIMILAR -- <w DROPPED CEILING DROPPED CEI I MOP RACK I I PLASTIC COATED WIRE SHELVING SEE SPECS MOP BASIN k„,$ ... A >: 31/z"SPLP \ SINK R _ NN r � 7-ISTEtP ■■ENE■■■■1 224—C MASTER :ATH s_��,s� , _ iE r Mom. _ �r x, JPI DROPPEDFC (LING JP� q i rtr — Y• — z w MIRROR a J ,. ADJUSTABLE a SHELVES O z .s BAR SINK U 31/z"SPLASH _ _ p ui LLI (— 0 $ / w \ / n -I-III ++A-T �ADJ. SHELVES MIRROR BAR SINK Ilk a i ¢ a a W o' a W F u w W x 0 p j Z 3 Q LL W x W x H ¢ W uj - W ¢ W W Z H W I U a rn o� v�y�y¢a Q ¢ o W W Ix-u~i01i00. Q W LL 0 0 Z ccF¢ x w x 3 = U Q W x LL Q w awn w W H x U x 3 0 M O 0 Q W x H 0 Z It W Q Q W X W N F W 0 cc • � T-sry • p� 1 iy 4 ) L 225-A WET BAR 212-A WET BAR , t `. t,�r�`�•°`' ` � yak `,s' ��"� M 9��.�.',- � �' III aw III PARTIAL MAIL } LOCKER 16" WRITING SHELVE e o u 4 ° 5 6 a 8 9 1e0 1a 1 .2 10 1e 1e 16 1°7 18 19 20 21 22 23 ° ° MAIL OUT- 24 e5 26 GOING 27 0 28 29 w9 e 4 rtA a` �«�`` �� 0 •— • HALL TOO POOL � ` n ).L LL O 2 O ' c; Z w w W m y° f oM U� .� � J Oc/) In y LL )LL w n C) Z JQ 4 lug uQ p.0 W in 7 ly �� U C/] T Wo, I- -_ (ry Oo 00 Z } f) rt x. oz w z 'In P Q o,n NV .w J I- 3 w U a a 0 0 Vv 5 F� •' fl' 3 17 u .. x�..• ..........v"+r} 'cc'�j. ewe b$e • v�iU�` i?SW46'h.i9f.c 'A' ■ HALL GARAGE 1 syk �• 2HR. d4A UCIRHKT F SEE STRUCTURAL DWG.S FOR RETAINING WALL INFO. A$ BO�VE GROUI'ND I I I WALL TYPES = A[}- UNRATED 1 HR. WALL m w 2 HR. WALL m ■ 0 SEE MECH.L DWG.S FOR 2 HR. RATED SMALLER FLOOR PENETRATIONS i . COVERED DROP-OFF I 5 ------------------ k 'z' :�4Y fi �g� „ ; �� •v CONT. DRIP ALL AROUND SEE DETAILS r �C3r s 5 r r I+ ? H U W W K W F I z a 0 U 0 b Q 4 ir X z¢ z a W O 3 O W= m O z Q I F W F to U ~ Q W W LL w W w W a tw a Q W W O w V1 W I a O 5; W O Q z Q m z a rnyW W O U. W Q w z O U FI- > U W X Q y Q I I W O W w I F F' W I 3 0 W in W cc~ x z O U. 0 2 cc low 4 i >j m O a W z O Vi z W G Z J0J Q o N U uj I W U cc O f R O t- U Q h z O U jIH ORYYlT I.10/A 2 f� PATIO u NORTH � k , 36 CONT. DRIPkf -t TYP. ALL 1 AROUND OCEAN TERRACE �.• KITCHEN HR. Few r. I • BEDROOM • I 011 M`+:y ,r � 55 yrc CLO. CLO. +7--0- +7'-0" CL 2 ST� MASTER BATH ROOM _�+7-0" � taw CLO a}� owN 2 N - vof 57041" GAL ERY I r- +8' 0" F, YER + I T,A19; 00 + �K 2 H R . 110" 4'0" 1 0 +7'-0" o UTILITY RM. 0" 2 HR. C PAN RY 52N 7 ?0 _ _ TYF.. DEN/LIBRARYME • �. • RL ME - BEDROOM 2 • • ME M® ��_ OEM M■ NO ME ME NO RIVER TERRACE x- CONT. DRIP TYP. ALL OCEAN TERRACE AROUND � LIVING ROOM_ + 8 O0� —� CLO. +7'_0"J 170- MASTER BATH +7'-0"DINING ROOM 1 — —o- t 7—° "I� KITCHEN K, L UTILITY RM. co NNJ '3�= 41, •� CHUTE +7'-0" \�2 HR. BEDROOM 2 LIN. +8•_ DEN/LIBRARY 2 HR. BATH Y 1 HR. Y H O 2 R W F I IN a 0 00 0 t Lu CC 0 w m x z z a W 0 3 O w I m z F- h 7 LL W W Q W 2 6 a a W W O IL CC 0 W I K a v 31 a C > W O z Q Y Q z m a W U Q W C5 LL ~ W Q W = U Z O U F W X Q y Q= I w CC F U fA W w I F U w 2 x 3 0 to m w jr CC z 0 LL 0 CC aR s _ m O Q PATIO w z „ O (A z W U) oZ J OJ Y N Lu U W O H Q O F U Q F F' %•*: z CLO. I 5�Y � � \ ) � /ISSt ,•� � * x 7s+ hrY t^A F x�Nr. .. CONT. DRIP RIVER TERRACE TYP. ALL �" AROUND REFLECTED CEILING - TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN �a '. r:C 7 3 Tit a�).� `Y4 WALL TYPES = UNRATED 1 HR. WALL m m 2 HR. WALL m ,..., ... I - OK 2 HK. KA I LU k, ^ SMALLER FLOOR PENETRATIONS SCALE i5s" t'# '. mJ 75 14 -4, ix"W n4'�� �,1 4 i� ;. 'fiai+t�'` +k•'s�.;�a a. m.5=...=`�G�3� x x:. ;t�...��`.j-"e'R`�'.�-`-` 3,,.'a..': ------ IA r^ N• (/ NN W �� O J "" w0 H i^N m,n O p v� Zi Z Y{ o m F vM W U M o W = Uw.:^� r Z' r 0 c,Z �7 JO I Q.S W6 c 1 IL w¢ aU W • LL W (f] U H 00 e z r CC o4 J F 3 W 4 a w a ro 0 CHUTE +7'-0" \�2 HR. BEDROOM 2 LIN. +8•_ DEN/LIBRARY 2 HR. BATH Y 1 HR. Y H O 2 R W F I IN a 0 00 0 t Lu CC 0 w m x z z a W 0 3 O w I m z F- h 7 LL W W Q W 2 6 a a W W O IL CC 0 W I K a v 31 a C > W O z Q Y Q z m a W U Q W C5 LL ~ W Q W = U Z O U F W X Q y Q= I w CC F U fA W w I F U w 2 x 3 0 to m w jr CC z 0 LL 0 CC aR s _ m O Q PATIO w z „ O (A z W U) oZ J OJ Y N Lu U W O H Q O F U Q F F' %•*: z CLO. I 5�Y � � \ ) � /ISSt ,•� � * x 7s+ hrY t^A F x�Nr. .. CONT. DRIP RIVER TERRACE TYP. ALL �" AROUND REFLECTED CEILING - TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN �a '. r:C 7 3 Tit a�).� `Y4 WALL TYPES = UNRATED 1 HR. WALL m m 2 HR. WALL m ,..., ... I - OK 2 HK. KA I LU k, ^ SMALLER FLOOR PENETRATIONS SCALE i5s" t'# '. mJ 75 14 -4, ix"W n4'�� �,1 4 i� ;. 'fiai+t�'` +k•'s�.;�a a. m.5=...=`�G�3� x x:. ;t�...��`.j-"e'R`�'.�-`-` 3,,.'a..': ------ IA r^ N• (/ NN W �� O J "" w0 H i^N m,n O p v� Zi Z Y{ o m F vM W U M o W = Uw.:^� r Z' r 0 c,Z �7 JO I Q.S W6 c 1 IL w¢ aU W • LL W (f] U H 00 e z r CC o4 J F 3 W 4 a w a ro 0 CLO. I 5�Y � � \ ) � /ISSt ,•� � * x 7s+ hrY t^A F x�Nr. .. CONT. DRIP RIVER TERRACE TYP. ALL �" AROUND REFLECTED CEILING - TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN �a '. r:C 7 3 Tit a�).� `Y4 WALL TYPES = UNRATED 1 HR. WALL m m 2 HR. WALL m ,..., ... I - OK 2 HK. KA I LU k, ^ SMALLER FLOOR PENETRATIONS SCALE i5s" t'# '. mJ 75 14 -4, ix"W n4'�� �,1 4 i� ;. 'fiai+t�'` +k•'s�.;�a a. m.5=...=`�G�3� x x:. ;t�...��`.j-"e'R`�'.�-`-` 3,,.'a..': ------ IA r^ N• (/ NN W �� O J "" w0 H i^N m,n O p v� Zi Z Y{ o m F vM W U M o W = Uw.:^� r Z' r 0 c,Z �7 JO I Q.S W6 c 1 IL w¢ aU W • LL W (f] U H 00 e z r CC o4 J F 3 W 4 a w a ro 0 REFLECTED CEILING - TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN �a '. r:C 7 3 Tit a�).� `Y4 WALL TYPES = UNRATED 1 HR. WALL m m 2 HR. WALL m ,..., ... I - OK 2 HK. KA I LU k, ^ SMALLER FLOOR PENETRATIONS SCALE i5s" t'# '. mJ 75 14 -4, ix"W n4'�� �,1 4 i� ;. 'fiai+t�'` +k•'s�.;�a a. m.5=...=`�G�3� x x:. ;t�...��`.j-"e'R`�'.�-`-` 3,,.'a..': ------ IA r^ N• (/ NN W �� O J "" w0 H i^N m,n O p v� Zi Z Y{ o m F vM W U M o W = Uw.:^� r Z' r 0 c,Z �7 JO I Q.S W6 c 1 IL w¢ aU W • LL W (f] U H 00 e z r CC o4 J F 3 W 4 a w a ro 0 JF i!al I.IOfA2ro DRrrIT DEV4 PATIO C � " OCEAN TERRACE � " 0 0"14th LVL. LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM `r No � +8'-0" KITCHEN REF CLO. MASTER BEDROOM ► I� 1 $6 MASTER BATH i MASTER BATH +8'-- 0"� �0" LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM +9'-0" 9'-0 o KITCHEN °D � 2 HFP GALLE Y � REF GALLERY 2 ^HR! 00 R. 1'0" 4'0" 1 0 + 8'-0" 4.0, [- FUTILITY RM. UTILITY RM.+B'-- 0'� [p �O a ` _ G 1O ti C4 6'8" 6 BREAKFAST oo RM. in s cp 10" _ 2 HR.N 2 HR, 0" AN Y P TRY S ICHUTE2 -.::�... HR� •. • • BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 2 •• 1. r •" DEN/LIBRARY • • r v1 1 e,. kti: lid � ,+' • , • • � , mm- r PA WALL TYPES UNRATED 1 HR. WALL 0 2 HR. WALL M ■ M SEE MECH.L DWG.S FOR 2 HR. RATED SMALLER FLOOR PENETRATIONS xwf-xz , IL 0 U 0 w w M x z 3 Z a w p O I G Z. Q W x W U f w U. W CC w W Q W 2 Q �. a W W 0� cc 0 W x cc� 3 a .. Q' O j w 0 Z Q R F R Z m s i W U QILI H w C7 LL W Q W, Z_ p x x U 3 R~ W x w Q Q x x 2 1,-U F 0 ILI w 2 x 3 0 w ~ W S ccZ p LL a cc cc � 0 0 0 IL. 54 Q z 0 ui z oZ JpJ Q � Y U w x W U O cc F- O a U Q s z O U G# J N U W f x _ U a IL � {y rlllY{ � NN VJ Q N10 W—moo �nN W O Z Vtp N Z 0 �( O� W _� O z 'o Qw UC U JJ�u¢ ¢U Fm • LL W W to W j os Wa. S1t rcl' _ % U _z z r a Wz0. z Mo N f 3 w U a cn a s a ,o 0 I 1 —---'------ -----r----- -- — - _ _ _-_�. - ._ —__ : c�III!, Ill Illis 111 owl-4. t�TIl �� IIILIIITI� SL' I7IIIItIlPa IIaf1I11Q1�,I IItIl1 fQlPlmlum ^��MmTt mT)m=u wllIi<IwLM=I[T1,r�iID �,mnmm r mp lIIILLLu uIIiIIRuun'nLDT.r�III lII u�i� L>II u R �1,➢L 1IIIIJu�GtffiA�rtll1IDT �III�t�tIDPrC lQiIf Dl. IIr II111�IIt>�rlmrl mmtlllmlmmmrtmr� , _ I I `• 1 I I ; i f i, 1 I ;, I I I 1 , , F I I ! L -/ �.- I I I L / \ � I I :� � I I ♦ / \., � I � I I,_ �. � ; � � � �5, �_/ -�. , k tot 1x I �r � XV ,- ---- WV I ' �� ,- , � - . � : I ; I ���v�. I • , r t ;��°�` ,,�� : _ .. ,� f I H I � ; -z :�>r I I ; ,.�_ „ �. - I � I - , 'Ili I e` f x f Rs a=ai _,'r,_„ nx.':�- i �/✓�-. _ x.,x :m.:..-`#';`�,., za._ _-: '"' s-� 1 x j� 4 5 j --� q f��• Il '' __—t--� �- .k`i _� ry 1 ' _ t �_ _ •. 1' I IF iI a R n y� yy F a Lic {. -" I Y � ..<• � { , r.7 -- - _J _ .L 1 rt Y • w .. � . sir .. r �_..� _ I r 11 _. 1 S �y � , Ali Gi.,:d:, t'-•R'` V y -F -.v: �t Y .$ I ,:., ,ax.iT. <,. .:... - , ,:, d, o,.n ', , r „ si, ,... __ __I I _ _ � ' d;'d• ,+;£,,. FSR �z•'•F` , . 7 t,:. .'€ .. '"- ',N "-:rt k -: 1 y 1 T \ i� { _S 1 1 �`\ • �s», :I V1 i. 1 ♦¢ A Al- . }�.. - s. y,. «Id`' , +.«+t,, ,: r? ( ..._-. R� I 1. I ;. .., .,. e I ,` r c•'} a'i ca v.': as C, I ,� :.. r e. ,e: _ \ ' J. �L 1 / Y « x" :� xw�tro _ '.`, a4*�-" �, y,}.ax s rs , - — ._ .r 1. ✓.'T. L D rI •I m u r e T n., r. .,� n �...• �,d "R ,:,. s< r^.,':"•f ,f. Fa•' .. �-� 'v �`�'� � L mill — -'�% 1. - ,..4 mill I L a e - ,a' b`: r �,j,• 1 �O l• -- _ .: x }� � ' i V I t } a 41. >n-y---�..—� r II _ kr i n • v � i F 3SECTION aa�y5 t r � t V f � •V „✓_+.�*,.y . , _. :.:Y--'."=ea,,':€` ,�iaLf. a , T,:., v"4 .��".Nr. -,-,_=,1,.. .. �, ..- R.,.,>.". -',.. .,..a.r.:. . , .„r°-y.„ , �.." ..,.., ,', .hkx..` S _... f� -'-` .Y�-Y' _... _. ,: .. .c ._. .•: .... , :: , .a. . .',:s as "�fi' w _—:'J�iro- . r ". .j,g.r.t.••y,l~� x '*«, 4. . ,.. '�I, ,.. ,� ... . y r §' _ -'.: f .. ��,:.'. �.*s � k;"� 4�• -�.�.: a %.s ,r `f -, e, - I-V,*`•:i 3: x >•"a ^ :..: I u£t.". ±; • ::�r .'. `�,'.""x v, ..%. �'-' :xd;.�v ,2d' N, %, ^: v+ Y 'ik y. a±a�" ,s'... e,�`a-?... 6c {:_• ��{f I t,-� 3�; { ' i. I r w^ ..,^{,n , ,., , <:. - :. f. . `. �:�• V 4 .,s -:. x +L4 T,}i . .,.:y a�' a a 'a ��, .S % t 1 I t k .. r _ 9• WO• I .yh t,. 5`1�"iT':, L. ax� " i• 3`,x'-Sa. "�' ('� �*°f -•.s y - / x , ry _IL --- - - -- --- i r - -- -- - -- ---- - ------------- 1 lb 4' g q` I 1 I I y- r —J I I, y e' i L E Ll i° Yf ur,. ♦'�.. _ b_:II � L_ - 4A�� 1 �— �- i �e'g• , I., of - I I ! I\.•i, ' i I I i T I ; �. ' i I I, ,+ — I I !q. -':'I I — 1`. %1 ';,� N '.4 \{ 1 -1 --- 1-------I :�-------- �- —u�'', ! ;. �`; Ln 1 _ r, i_ T � — y _ s+ •,.. >�=. :1 I ,T'4 `. -�'•, �, �'L >' "' I t<;,` d,`r.� a u,.. T� ''�: I I �' I I I Y�ERIi:Y �ti r _ «t s I Till T, `, 1 ti. E:` •§t� .$. - I ,+ �#�" ,,, � ,',�` r 1 i � - i � I .�. :� I I ! I `�_ � i I ;�`'�.:�`ia�, #e ,� Y ixpa 3 +S,w,C3^'`e �:"`-r 1 "� Yy �'51 �np 1 I I Sk I t I I -��'•. , AOI JK 7�7 r Jiw L , ai,•. ...�.^•,—..•�.�e- '"—`-- I u: I 1 _ _ _ •�it„tx 1. . ( I r n — i •rah'. „c- .A,: ,.::: : "" "' . „ ,. .: ,.: t,e, '-. �" a '_, a'. , ar' ,�� I ;`� Y } ; i, GARAGE FOUNDATION Min. Lnnt tUt.Si 3t bl'x 17." WI q # 614 vERr � 4 3 TiE4- 12'L,t< r.aLunryy 514aLL411E NitvEtci. LELurFo W/3E00 F3I PEb r4KIVEL C0HIt. 3. ALL LDLS: JRE LQhC. ptiLESS NOTED . a 5rL U IS E • = H U W W C7 m W F = Z a 0 0 0 t W m d x Z Z I1 W O 3 Z W X m O FO X W Q F- F U F y m W m W LL W W It W a U Q S a m W a W W O Q 0 W Z m F 0 Z ¢ I- 2 Z r y C m F t a �7 Iy - W Q W Z O U I- W X Q V1 a = = w CC G W W = F W 13 O W ~ W ¢ m Z O LL m I=-u~1a0a O W N a« F- W �.a•ut-x10 1.. m ti. U o Z im O z Z w v/ Q'Ntp — w6 QhN plp �• xN O UY,J- -� w N LL o c/) p' C/) 2 ,z LLO j 4 _< Wq �v cc 11 i p,U a �m LL W• [Ww=� C ' 1_•pq ws= ' o a o rZ 3 w a cc a U a cc C sn a O o G `+ :F..'90v-,M�MP R1.Ir ...:awi J }F pS '{ r, „ s.:. ,y. 9 N•. i ., ,. n..r 1•'q(¢p�YJv Y..}< W.-n. y 5tti *a��'4tP � 'a;g": �:rt. •� t'[.°... ..3, Wit.` p`3_m , .+ jd,�. ll k,r_., ., r p$<. ;, ,..:: -,, .* ._ •'%r ...: ,. ... iai.. i� -,. -. +- .'�4..'-..,.. r..- #. . ,, ,.. , r .. `4:. <5 ^x +4+.. -:.. ,,` -=e:� - a ., �.',. .'�. � :-,x ✓, r , _ ', }I s �s'ME�.. s,. �.S •' v.'=� w P F r t� �w-,'�.5r�1,•' f.. F � d'„ .. , .... • ;'; .' ._ p`, r r S 4 .#rn•, _. �..... ,: h , i .,. ,1„ , . ,z ., m , O' :,v ({", r�` „-�•._:a - bt. ,... z ,n , e t: , ., k. �a r �'P , .:. .n:l:. .* rW r•.:Y:,i' � x ? YY m �^ , i.+ 'N� r,.3 ,^lrs.'. da r.'xRw*�`�� i *rt y,...- ,. ,. u.. ✓.i:Et. • r , -. #a .':." '" .#�^ , �< - �'•"t n,, vs 'i sr 6:...- r � SEE LANDSCAPE DWGS. FOR Og*C .4 to r ¢ .51 1. BERM. RETAING WALL: INFO. ,,.. . , .i`- .k"!.sa ', =t .g>s °* . ` ..N,.":_? ,"" ' '..4 'A** r:-V 4' .--`dsza�,+� 4 v, ., t3�,.:� .y�•! ! � ��x,� .y,_t - C SLY i - �M $ ',C t hAi R. L `�'If� i - : F 4 •'*' , I`� In.I M flw��n' M 1�'J ELEVATION FRONT YOY V 11 Lti. �� ll Y©Y V A� S .f4 Lp •gy�5�,. a fypp 6- a �: �rf?4 r {i Uh 5 S,• G216 STOR. LG214 STOR. G212 STOR. I G208 STOR. I nul G21O STOR. G206 G2O4 G202 G216.1 G214.1 G212.1 � G210.1 � G208.1 STOR. G206.1 STOR. G204.1 O STOR. 202.1 �O O 215 w GARAGE O _ G213 w G211 O w Q_ G2O9 G207 G2O5 0 - O G203 ll G201 0 a GARAGE a GARAGE a - a GARAGE - GARAGE a GARAGE w w GARAGE a ;: GARAGE a 00 ao m \ ao 00 w a 0 194 8' 194" w a 0 8" 19'4" w dp g^ w a 19'4" 8 -' w a 19'4" -- ..,-,•.-..— d w 19'4" 19.4" w 8•• G215.1 G213.1 N G211.1 w G2o9.1 o O 8 G207.1 0 GrR<,.l ao gr• G203.1 G201.1 N 4' :. Yt+ r9'r as * v x m EA 'S� 9S u ry Q h` N Al uj J OC co U uj 40 <=w' W y R O U k x xf �� a� cc T .• s p a..: Z O l: OT �X r AMA va j Z SECTION SKYLIGHT 7i �Aj I Z Aik- gg -a 1A -t:,, Vp EL At- v r 'ffllo ATA ,?� ;, I, � 'Ar D 'DETAIL FIRE ETAIL 9 PARAP *�Y Pv iifto4zpik� M , uk" 131. J!,h 16'0' 1 4' 16,0* 16'0' DETAIL 4 16, -4 4 -----1-6*0"- '41, S,�, a 6. L, `�T 5 "I'll 7 - ��.%(: R B-1 Assails A % Ze T�r 4'a; 14,* t�, F m A 771! n Tyr. 4;x ii�i rN, "I e I- N J I 'A' Q*A rpr a. ENV Uft M, Vti W of \1_-) 'Y' ef "I 14'8o 14 14'8" 8� 1 4V 84 71, J A JV X, ivk i4_ L_�_/ \IJ LI/ \Ij IP X yw Ise V, e�, -1a s, INA InWE& T i rl q FT T'H'9 Q, V FF TO Of Ul L; I F., kz� rry k Mw, ',kip S.; GARAGE FRAMING& ROOF PL sm C X N I. R A L N 0 1 1. S 1. Built-up Roofing ol aggregate surfacing 2. Single -Ply Roofing 5. Manufactured Coping 6 a-,tacluments; Alum_ copp or .. detailed 7. Roor Shearing; 15/32. 32116, or 48124(23/32ia.) APA I. & G., croup 1. Exterior; attach per Code Mfgr'd. R.,l.t, w/ c ... ter flashing; Copper ., Al..' 9. 16oz, copper, Alum. slit.. or copper fabric flashing/ I .. to rate, a a'sc ified. 1 0. l6oz Copper,A1,on. d ripj and width to conform to Codes 11. Hurricane Anchor., R.D. &A'A go a required 12 igid Roof L .. laiti..; refer to i,scifiesti... 13. Strap Ties. "Simpson" (wd. to wd.) oST/FHA/MST/IfSTo as required; H.D. GaIv., min allowable uplift of 5GOlbs, or as required by Code. 14 Anchor strap; "Simpson" "ETA-14, or ETAV (cone embaded typp 15 Skylight; anodized aluminum. frame and glazing as sper'd. 16. Cant Ed., by Roofing system Mfgr., or a,,r. a I . n with l6oz copper base flashing. E.,r d. Wd Tr ..a ... ... a,ei., of in centers. no 'ItIle. el6io drop beam over windows as required. TPO 19 lightweight I.eul.ting Conc . 20. Steel A.,leBr.sin, @4ft. spacing, miss as r".irNed fciiI d.. 21. Steel Framing Members, H.D. Galm., mmix spacing of 24" c.to 0. efor to wall sections for width's. 22. Sealant, with backer rod where requir d 23. "DRYVIV Exterior Wall System; a. specified. 24. "DRYVIT" Exterior Wall Finish only. 26. 2 x P.T. Wd nailer. attached w/ 1/21n A.3'.. @ 3711. 25. Expanded Metal Lath, If 27. 1 x 3 P.T. Wd Furring. 28. 2 . 8, or .. detailed, P.T. Wd. ledger I., ol t-- Calm. A.Vo. @ 241n centers;min. 6 in. penstrat on( onc. coverl 29. Metal Etude as .,asifimd; is. .. required. 30 . Metal Furring. refer cc specifications and dctaiIs(Typ,).,, 31. 8 in. C.M.U. 32. 1 9 go. Calm. horizontal wall reinf.; every 2a. course. 33. Stucco finish. 5/8 is tic-'si"(for Fire Rating use 3/4in W.) 34. R-11 batt Insulation, or foamed -in -place urethane. 35. 5/8 1.. Fir. Rated Gypsum Bd., tape 6 float. 36. 1/2 in. G,p.. Ed., t-Pd and float for finish. 37. 2 a 4 or 2 x 2 P.T. wd. Fortin, @ 161. 38. Finish as specified; refer to Fla. Ssh. 39. B .. .. Schtd.led or am elected by Owner. 40, 1/2 in. (or asda failed) couipressiblej ointf iller; r"', w/ bucket r.d--d .,last where exposed 4 1. Fin. Flooz am s6,xd"ad or elected by Owner. 4Z. 4 in.tk. Con, slab. o/ 6.6 w1.4 . wl.4 w w mesh reinf. 43. 6 .11 .p.rb.rri.r as -1aafi-4- 44. Vare.h.1d, let ',, "alx-I- 45. C..,.,tad fill Ni. .'scified. 46. Refer to Structural far R.L.f. IN det 47. Overhead Carage Door and track. etc. 43. Sliding Glass Door/. -Frame. refer to specs. di.. steel pip., filled w/ pea cons.; with 49. 4 in. -(__IQiDt. . 121. dimmet.r. set 8 inches in front of exterior wall. f­ fj 11W.-t W W <3 CC CL U 0 0 W = X Z Z a. W 0 0 Am Ica Z W cc Q VA LU x W :F cc 6W CL us LU 0 0 W 3: U1 0 = Z N( W >- X U. W 4. X cc W 0 4 X X Q le- Z W i . W 1 3: 0- L) la P_ 0 Uj fa Z n Cc 0 f- 0 X = Q* tL 0 CL 0 Z 0 Z Z 0 A X LU Z 0 9 a t., �a MARK LABEL WIDTH HGT. TH'K. DOOR MAT'L. FRAME REMARKS , .;' HARDWARE 101.1 - PAIR 3'-0" 8'-0" - GLASS - SEE GLAZING DETAILS 102.1 - 3'-0" 7'-O" 1-3/4" WD.SOLID CORE WOOD 103.1 C 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 104.1 - 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 105.1 - PAIR 2'-6". 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL LOUVERED ST'L 106.1 - PAIR 3'-O" 8'-0" - GLASS - SEE GLAZING DETAILS 107.1 - 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" WD.SOLID CORE WOOD 108.1 - PAIR 2'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" WD.SOLID CORE WOOD 109.1 - 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" WD.SOLID CORE WOOD 110.1 - 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" WD.SOLID CORE WOOD 111.1 - 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" WD.SOLID CORE WOOD 111.2 - 3'-0" 8'-0" - GLASS - SEE GLAZING DETAILS 112.1 - 2'-10" 6'-8" - WD.SOLID CORE WOOD SEE SAUNA MAN'F SHOP DWGS. 113.1 - 2'-10" 6'-8" - WD.SOLID CORE WOOD SEE SAUNA MAN'F SHOP DWGS. 114.1 - 3'-0' 7'-0" 1-3/4" WD.SOLID CORE WOOD 115.1 - 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" WD.SOLID CORE WOOD 116.1 - 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" WD.SOLID CORE WOOD, 116.2 C 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 10% 10" VISION PANEL 117:1 - PAIR 2'-6" 7'-0" 1-3/4" WD.SOLID CORE WOOD 118.1 - 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD POCKET DOOR 119.1 - 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD POCKET DOOR 12Q,1 C 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 10"x 10" VISION PANEL 120.2 C 3'-0", 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 10% 10" VISION PANEL 121.1 C 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 10% 10" VISION PANEL 121.2 - 8'-0" 7'-0" FIBERGLASS - AUTO.OVERHEAD GARAGE DR. 122A C 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 10% 1Q" VISION PANEL 122.2 - 8'-0" 7'-0" FIBERGLASS - AUTO -OVERHEAD GARAGE DR. 123.1 C 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 10% 10" VISION PANEL 123.2 - 8'-0" 7'-0" FIBERGLASS - AUTO.OVERHEAD GARAGE DR. 124.1 - PAIR 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD TRACK DOORS 125.1 - PAIR 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD TRACK DOORS 126.1 C 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 10"x 10" VISION PANEL 126.2 - 8'-0" 7'-0 FIBERGLASS - AUTO.OVERHEAD GARAGE DR. 127.1 - 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL LOUVERED ST'L 10"x 10" VISION PANEL 128.1 - PAIR 2'-6" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL LOUVERED ST'L 129.1 B 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 10% 10" VISION PANEL 130.1 - 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 10% 10" VISION PANEL 131.1 - 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 10% 10" VISION PANEL 133.1 - PAIR 2'-6" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL LOUVERED ST'L 134.1 - PAIR 2'-6" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL LOUVERED ST'L 331.3 - 3'-0" 6'-8" 1-3/4" 14th LEVEL ONLY, SEE PARTIAL PLAN A2-2 339.1 - PAIR 2'-0" 6'-8" 1-3/4" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 14th LEVEL ONLY, SEE PARTIAL PLAN A2-2 401.1 - 3'-0" 6'-2" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L ON 10" CURB 402.1 - 3'-0" 6'-2" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L ON 10" CURB 463.1 - 3'-0" 6'-2" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L ON 10" CURB, 10% 10" VISION PANEL 501:1 •C 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 10% 10" VISION PANEL G101.1 C 3'=0" 7'-0' 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 10"x 10" VISION PANEL G105.1 - 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L G106.1 - PAIR 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD G705.2 - 8'-0" 7'-0" FIBERGLASS - AUTO.OVERHEAD GARAGE DR. NOTES: �w 0 DOORS. ON LEVEL 13 AND 14 ARE SIMILAR TO DOORS 201.1 THRU 238.2 AND SHALL BE REFERED TO AS DOORS 301.1 THRU 338.2. V INTERIOR DOORS ON THESE LEVELS ARE 7'-0" IN HEIGHT, EXTERIOR DOORS REMAIN 7'-0" IN HEIGHT N 2 - ALL GARAGE HALLWAY DOORS ARE SIMILAR TO DOOR G101.1 s r 3 - ALL GARAGE DOOR LEADING FROM GARAGE TO HALL ARE SIMILAR TO G105:1 _ 4 ALL GARAGE STORAGE RM. DOORS ARE SIMILAR TO G106.1 5 - ALL OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS ARE SIMILAR TO G105 2 �.. £`X'`' •� s ti. .e .. inn .�@$���' ,+� c ,e . � a'� 'v: - MARK LABEL WIDTH HGT. TH'K. DOOR MAT'L. FRAME REMARKS HARDWARE 201.1 - 2'-10" 6'-8" 1-3/4" 6 PAN.MASONITE WOOD BIFOLD 201.2 - PAIR 3'-0" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 202.1 - 2'-10" 6'-8" 1-3/4" 6 PAN.MASONITE WOOD 203.1 - 2'-10" 6'-8" 1-3/4" 6 PAN.MASONITE WOOD 203.2 - PAIR 2'-6" 6'-8" 1-3/8" 6 PAN.MASONITE WOOD POCKET DOORS 203.3 - 2'-0" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 203.4 - 2'-0" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 204.1 - PAIR 3'-0" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 205.1 - 2'-10" 6'-8" 1-3/4" 6 PAN.MASONITE WOOD 206.1 - 3'-0" 7'-0" - GLASS ALUM. W/OPERABLE TRANSOM 206.2 - 3'-0" 7'-0" - GLASS ALUM. W/OPERABLE TRANSOM 207.1 - 2'-8" 6'-8" 1-3/8" 6 PAN.MASONITE WOOD POCKET DOOR 207.2 - FIELD VERIFY WOOD WOOD SEE SPECS 208.1 - 1'-2" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD BIFOLD DOOR 208.2 - PAIR 1'-3" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 209.1 - 3'-0" 6'-8" 1-3/4" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 209.2 - 8'-6" 6'-8" TRACK FOLDING PARTITION 209.3 - PAIR 2'-0" 6'-8" • 1-3/4" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 210.1 - PAIR 2'-6" 6'-8" - - - AS SELECTED BY OWNER 211.1 - 2'-6" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 213.1 - 3'-0" 6'-8" 1-3/8" 6 PAN.MASONITE WOOD POCKET DOOR 214.1 - 2'-10" 6'-8" 1-3/4" 6 PAN.MASONITE WOOD 215.1 - 3'-0" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 216.1 - PAIR 1'-9" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 217.1 - 2'-6" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 218.1 - 3'-0" 6'-8" 1-3/4" 6 PAN.MASONITE WOOD 218.2 - 3'-0" 7'-0" - GLASS - W/FIXED TRANSOM 21.9.1 - 3'-0" 6'-8" 1-3/4" 6 PAN.MASONITE WOOD 219.2 - 3'-0" 7'-O" - GLASS - W/FIXED TRANSOM 220.1 - 2'-6" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 222.1 - 2'-6" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 222.2 - 2'-6" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 223.1 - 2'-10" 6'-8" 1-3/4" 6 PAN.MASONITE WOOD 224.1 - 3'-0" 6'-8" 1-3/8" 6 PAN.MASONITE WOOD POCKET DOOR 226.1 - 2'-6" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 227.1 - PAIR 2'-6" 6'-8" - - - AS SELECTED BY OWNER 228.1 - 1'-2" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD BIFOLD DOOR 229.1 - FIELD VERIFY WOOD WOOD SEE SPECS 230.1 - 3'-0" 7'-0" - GLASS ALUM. W/OPERABLE TRANSOM 230.2 - 3'-0" 7'-0" - GLASS ALUM. W/OPERABLE TRANSOM 231.1 - 3'-0" 6'-8" 1-3/4" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 231.2 - 8'-6" 6'-8" TRACK FOLDING PARTITION 231.3 - PAIR' 2'-0" 6'-8" 1-3/4" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 232.1 - 2'-10" 6'-8" 1-3/4" 6 PAN.MASONITE WOOD 233.1 - PAIR 1'-3" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 234.1 - 2'-10" 6'-8" 1-3/8" 6 PAN.MASONITE WOOD 234.2 - 2'-0" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 234.3 - 2'-0". 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOb LOUVERED WOOD 235.1 - 2'-10" 6'-8" 1-3/4" 6 PAN.MASONITE WOOD 236.1 - 2'-10" 6'-8" 1-3/4" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD 236.2 - PAIR 3'-0" 6'-8" 1-3/8" WOOD LOUVERED WOOD BIFOLD 237.1 8, 3'-0" 7'=0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 10"x 10" VISION PANEL 237.2 B 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 10"x 10" VISION PANEL 238.1 B 3'-0" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 10"x 10" VISION PANEL 238.2 B 3'-O" 7'-0" 1-3/4" METAL ST'L 10% 10" VISION PANEL CC W F- S Z a 0 H Q 0 U O H ry) cc a Z z d W O O i W p Z Q W S F m W U �• p � Z LL W CC W W W CC W f a W R W W O p�3Woa Z m H ¢ z Q In Vl W W W ~ W �7 U. Q W Z O U U > W X Q y Q S S W CC p W F- W = F wi=30 W � F � W Ix ccZ LL CC � 0 0 w 0 a O z o O z W Lo c�o/•� NN �/l Q• NOD W^M� w0 QNN mm r-t off, U� InJ tiJ 0>z o WF w� ,! Q.a W AccQ nv ~cUi WIn>w w coo) JU o= ¢i1_`o- �ry _ o0 N U •� cc m i 0 P, n Li w z z 3 u NY a, rL a U G 0:4 v a ,o - 0 z vz Z T", lNf, DDJ n n O0 D 'MM" IRr a MARK ROOM NAME FLOOR BASE WALLS CEILING REMARKS 101 LOBBY MARBLE/CARPET MARBLE OIL BASE SEALER FOR WALL COVERING PAINT ON GYP.BD. M ARBLE,CARPET, WALL COVER N.I.C. 102 OFFICE CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.BD.. CARPET N.I.C. 103 FIRE CONTROL RM. PAINTED/SEALED CONC. VINYL PAINTED C.M.U./GYP.BD. PAINTED/SEALED CONC. 104 STORAGE PAINTED/SEALED CONC. VINYL PAINTED C.M.U./GYP.BD. PAINTED/SEALED CONC. 105 TRASH ROOM PAINTED/SEALED CONC. VINYL PAINTED C.M.U. PAINTED/SEALED CONC. 106 HALL MARBLE MARBLE OIL BASE SEALER FOR WALL COVERING PAINT ON GYP.BD- MARBLE/WALLCOVERING N1C 167 LIBRARY CARPET WOOD WOOD PANELS PAINT ON GYP.BD. CARPET/WD.BASE & PANELS N.I.C. 108 A/C CLOSET CARPET VINYL PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.BD. CARPET N.I.C. 109 CARD ROOM CARPET WOOD OIL BASE SEALER FOR WALL COVERING PAINT ON GYP.BD. CARP ET/WALLCOVERIN G N.I.C. 110 POOL ROOM CARPET WOOD OIL BASE SEALER FOR WALL COVERING PAINT ON GYP.BD. CARPET/WALLCOVERING N.I.C. ill EXERCISE ROOM CARPET VINYL PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.BD. CARPET N.I.C. xl, 112 WOMEN'S SAUNA SEALED CONC. N/A PAINTED/SEALED GYP.BD. N/A SEE SAUNA SHOP DWGS./SPEQS 113 MEN'S SAUNA SEALED CONC. N/A PAINTED/SEALED GYP.BD. N/A SEE SAUNA SHOP DWGS./SPECS 114 'WOMEN m CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED/SEALED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.80. SEE INTERIOR ELEV.WALL MAT'L. `V 115 MEN CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED/SEALED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.BD. SEE INTERIOR ELEV.WALL MAT'L. 116 HALL CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.BD. - CARPET N.I.C. 117 '-JANITOR CLO. PAINTED/SEALED CONC. VINYL PAINTED C.M.U./GYP.BD. PAINTED/SEALED CONC. 57�7 1f18 STORAGE 1 PAINTED/SEALED CONC. VINYL PAINTED C.M.U./GYP.BD. PAINTED/SEALED CONC. 119 STORAGE 2 PAINTED/SEALED CONC. VINYL PAINTED C.M.U./GYP.BD. PAINTED/SEALED CONC. 120 HALL- PAINTED/SEALED CONC. VINYL PAINTED C.M.U./GYP.BD. PAINTED/SEALED CONC. 121 GARAGE 1 PAINTED/SEALED CONC. VINYL PAINTED C.M.U. PAINTED/SEALED CONC. 122 GARAGE 2 PAINTED/SEALED CONC. VINYL PAINTED C.M.U. PAINTED/SEALED CONC. ;,V, j� . . ........ A P MARK ROOM NAME FLOOR BASE WALLS CEILING REMARKS 201 S.BEDROOM #2 CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. POPCORN ON CONC. 202 S.GUEST BATH CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED/SEALED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. SEE INTERIOR ELEV.WALL MAT'L. 203 S.DEN/LIBRARY CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. 204 S.BREAKFAST RM. CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED GYP.DB. PAINT ON GYP.DB. 205 S.POWDER RM. CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED/SEALED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. SEE INTERIOR ELEV.WALL MAT'L. 206 S.PATIO CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED GYP.BD. POPCORN ON CONC. SEE GLAZING DETAILS FOR EXT.WALI 207 S.KITCHEN CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED GYP.DB. PAINT ON GYP.DB. SEE INTERIOR ELEV.WALL. MAT'L, 208 S.GALLERY CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.DB. PAINT ON GYP.DB. POPCORN ON CONC.® TRAY 209 S.UTILITY RM. CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. 210 S.fF OYER MARBLE MARBLE PAINTED GYP.DB. PAINT ON GYP.DB./CONC. POPCORN ON CONC.® TRAY 211 S.DINING RM. CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. POPCORN ON CONC. 212 S.LIVING RM. CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. POPCORN ON CONC. 213 S.MASTER BATH CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED/SEALED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. SEE INTERIOR ELEV.WALL MAT'L. 214 S.MASTER TOILET CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED/SEALED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. SEE INTERIOR ELEV.WALL MAT'L. 215 S.MASTER CLOSET CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. 216 HALL CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. 217 S.MASTER CLOSET CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. L 218 S>MASTER BEQRM. CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. POPCORN ON CONC. 219 N.MASTER BEDRM. CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. POPCORN ON CONC. 220 N.MASTER CLOSE CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. .221 HALL CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. 222 N.MASTER CLOSE CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. 223 N.MASTER TOILET CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED/SEALED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. SEE INTERIOR ELEV.WALL MAT'L. 224 N.MASTER BATH CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED/SEALED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. SEE INTERIOR ELEV.WALL MAT'L. 225 N.LIVING RM. CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. POPCORN ON CONC. 226 N.DIN1NG RM. CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. POPCORN ON CONC. 227 N.FOYER MARBLE MARBLE PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. POPCORN ON CONC.® TRAY 228 N.GALLERY CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. POPCORN ON CONC.® TRAY 229 N.KITCHEN CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. SEE INTERIOR ELEV.WALL MAT'L. 230 N.PATIO CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED GYP.BD. POPCORN ON CONC. SEE GLAZING DETAILS FOR EXT.WALt 231 N.UTILITY RM. CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. 232 N.POWDER RM. CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED/SEALED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. SEE INTERIOR ELEV.WALL MAT'L. 233 N.BREAKFAST RM. CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. 234 N.DEN/LIBRARY CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. 235 N.GUEST BATH CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE PAINTED/SEALED GYP.BD. PAINT ON GYP.DB. SEE INTERIOR ELEV.WALL MAT'L. 236 N.BEDROOM #2 CARPET WOOD PAINTED GYP.BD, POPCORN ON CONC. 237 LANDING PAINTED/SEALED CONC. N/A PAINTED C.M.U./GYP.BD. PAINTED/SEALED CONC. 238 LANDING FAINTED/SEALED CONC. N/A PAINTED C.M.U./GYP.BD. PAINTED/SEALED CONC. 239 N.RIVER TERRACE COOLCRETE(SEE SPECS) N/A DRYVIT PAIN TED/SEALED'CONC. SEE EXT.ELEV.FOR MAT'L. 240 N.00EAN TERRACE COOLCRETE(SEE SPECS) N/A DRYVIT PAINTED/SEALED CONC. SEE EXT.ELEV.FOR MAT'L. 241 S.00EAN TERRACE COOLCRETE(SEE SPECS) N/A DRYVIT PAINTED/SEALED CONC. SEE EXT.ELEV.FOR MAT'L. 242 S.RIVER JERRACE COOLCRETE(SEE SPECS) N/A DRYVIT PAINTED/SEALED CONC. SEE EXT.ELEV.FOR MAT'L. STAIRWELLS PAINTED/SEALED CONC. N/A PAINTED C.M.U./GYP.BD. PAINTED/SEALED CONC. 77- J, �7 Mt-41 I L I 1- 0 W W 6 CC uj 10- x z to Lu -.1 3 10- IL 0 0 o 0 cc w m & x z 3. z CIL w 0 0 LLJ W UA :CC LU 0 z a m w W % f Lu IL W W0 Ir w o ir w z W 0 4 m W III (L LL W z 0 U u x U, uj CC u (0) a z w uj U w f= 3 0 w 0 n Z W cc cc 0 x P ILL 0 w w 0 0 w 0 m 4 NN U) 23 O cj z co z i_j 0 Lu ow -- V) o C/) " .. 1Z �LLLo< W < Woc _j -10 cc [L Uj¢ z FLO 0 z UD 0 ?:,1 w 00 oz LLJ z _j 40 USG step slud5- t ky" to MIr'%i4r5 RSLj[ iliam! a y n s nf; tCi~SI r4ews to t?• 1 U hire °^. upi."O I tt 01 I•,tcr, yCE - t, t! I! - �ti t l aMiGtp t nR. 1'n s Et QiEVc'aDfi CTcss-sectio;; lh,001r door fralix. +i 1 Y'- minu5 Y 1' i• w,dl' \\ MinMir Max gqp min wlOtl are :aQ lert+c en't"s '-ar,a ac, m,nus N.• lftun'�veC WC. trawl ,mnuS wt ros1W USG •.i2r tl:•yI sttxis- Sze got, Ysxol ,F=].r-s Vp.r -• `J gr.re USG S720 s:ee'! slots- 1-.mb Fmp NEW anUld Oeslgr p2d� I - jamb atwrnata jamb -spot =c 3Iali prat t7 bw ODwn USG ST25 �I Ipre or2C stall! USG Si25 d stuns -sae ame 20 wer. srucs- sae >� �� soma coos aeai� 'lar _PDcr'rts O -.- TYP DR. JAL`,llB DET'S USG iYle S par lea: Sew- spo j` y,a' al this pbYl i7ou ,. I/• t- nea alta, tour WM b I 1 MM Monist b WWI �.� late �•` ' oaf jG t ' 1d r, !f"s� ire»lor �. ;amb- rome• mie'sealon _ - xall m9Cseebt., 10 DR JAMB DETAILS `re-'ra!ed con.trot joints twC-hour rated Reef stud parttboal 21 ares-uas-- i/r' mu W SHEFROCK +/,' XMW aS• SHUTRXK i -. dot: •IRECDDE t bans FIRECDDE prpsirr rants poets 1' 1l tAri•ar ' "ZC son"I -'sec DK 3'- io-n; No OM, Sim) , !',. a , !I (DPn SbC5) >= 1r4-� ��;ar5- rA•� THtRMA=BER Nr' SHc: ROCK SnF5 MS4011011 brartc FIRECODE 47STC S.A-85=2 %gym' Wes$ 47S1 C S4-W17 r f ° i'h: lam ! ( cjts__ c �: .1 ,r ar ; fixture attach - .,:fti,-y:tr tr ; rc2:la'.sr•.c.;,r., _•..- r,. n (pions ,,i•n.a: in the load I 1 !-3r J .aa j.tlCa lwv t - t _^. a:rr.• l .) +r...; i Iy ^aiL''itiO...! � Will`+•aNL I aMar ( n+!., 1^'.•f '6. 1 + :j�� � Sian 1 1 .._.-_ � ._ i :rtrlstnnoe re•a1ab..x,e y •r.. ' J i !y'd . t 1h fill) Ib ant •t•., :w'ie it (P., ys �� j ___ -�..-_-_ l i ": •r,g165^1' 1M q !I •: n ''G:: 1 /G :11 1cc 5 U v ( - 1 3 ` r - ; r,40'I Y t 4.I 7 ei t...,, yt:,;.i 5t°.d t0 xic In &65 4y1 - wrL .- 1u Ih 155 rag 175 773 U;O 3b'Type •; -- --'"j L n;eN f- i0 311 1LO °i34 Ill• , JI /i Nan ��aO SGrr i:•:5-�a -taW 9 tz S 1.6 rge g ;h r - 175 '78 200 890 - ! -_ - ---- S209 890 230 till? 1 _S L0e , { s17e1 h toort 14 G._ 5 t,9'pr, '- a1''«F:9d i - e90 250 1112 •:-... � .op eN b•'h',iva _.-_._ J n+.�e •>Pla� -.�-'� -._ ' tl, Ne'vt0 is �- -- _- a �, : 0OW .D WALL., 50 `> rC.4- F'IXT, t � A ♦�' (\ ~ '� r -- �'- - h' met. - --- '1 1 � 1CrtX21 � � •�� �/�� N 1 Ti' LrleMtl t »'vy >" X. n°. :Si, Nu f.:m! 40. 091 ` -•`. 11 1i 77 'j r e(al for -_ � 114' iTwtrtN ir, � I-- .=�- i� x _ Ineylx+stu0 f4n9e• hany ynger pale LKt I ,t TNmt AW S acauvxa=�=�= Jluntb-r's Draw Ifni rt 1 rt�$ se ! -- AAAji l:enl-sce cowl_ T-,,�r-c/-cr^:71(7. + d� �' v W9drum 1 1 t I T6RMAF&y - THERAMF18ER ;11.+� r vuc 1 sanC mmmm Bond f '- , ey r.x I, t I� , isaabm� 1 j,/ I± I 1 J j/ - IWSW � }�t - v`'�' L C:✓S'': 1. !rz JS1 i oviona! 6.I�i,•�-+.r'�.:. ,�--+c c_i= /-no.E i- .FFIAOCK eu , USG venom t THEF24AFlBER wulo I \ - I / =:, L '1 �1 !, 'f pin; No. tP.3 .1 ale^,a;lal fire D•an'�+J t !/ ti(p�eI { „ i:' n I sc c` Li,R. bra.ta ilals - - _ A� p1.nm Her relief idol poet cal: xtterSe-Ii,r.1 y 1 :u•.t'nfwating I p.-tltia in'ersec-v,,n bon hurt 4ght �--.�Oi!ND PART iN TERSECTOkt3 Z>cu!l t U PARTsDFTAILS FIXTURE A'FTACHMENTS I �' 3• �(t( 'll Jgg I r•m�lu.r-.-3i.r-tam =� c_=i_ -6 ( / � 'w'atii-lt i.�r.`•m_i,-ft, ,n�-l�t� 1 1�:���.t �ytit;. tt'tl.�t:° fi: fi .�-l//�,1 I�� , t- r�/ -Zfirr•._c1•�c- A-TArZ-rxrirrel'_ ip 4nbstterC �1MCTa)Mw shild alto. 1 cdaefo� i �; I' a �C' ,`/ PEAFA TA f I ax rcD! p n No )ad G,1pn'' I 4� 1 yam,, r jt�, I /�_- .� cane'riMAlanem � 1.-sctfrt 11 - will M;tr.H;ei palyflOn ta11R br2reeCtlpl Saei sale J Ll PERF d TAPE rDlRf 2,:dOr',�•.tf1i It-twor : a -a , 1 / - / older y f ^aver Y1tl1�' , t 2n.xq to ttboc corr er i `` l l ! t j' r i + j / L..,1 fJ� l VV1.I i / tj•�l I! / , - .101a Vans lI to Mho �� � - \_ .. � = - N{ tila$fl_ .a ,>s;ratwit exbr x CO..N..raming pe, Lion rNi�; ° ��tj 6 fire sales' S- 5 f•-1 aal)t son - // ' .. . raI_n:. mw•�,on , :Wn 6 � � y' pmb aosaa4,etlai -- m masonry well - • W j z < tL O V O C W i ILX z 3 O O W Z W O Z 1 < = f • W F j z C W W = W W C W U ¢ S < • ar W < r S IN G W W O IL • W Z IL f d O U 3 < > .+ O a z W U < • • F y a n 4 W < W O G ~ W X < • < Z S W c i- v_ t- • z al I 3 0 teras n ~ Z Z I- kL O¢ a • • O IL O IL • I � I 0 • i ( I I ! O as 1 Lo Oz �O I j It V O O Z i i j ° i TYP PART @ COL. Q2 U WA•'L! . FURRING ��''' . - FURRING DETAILS S CEILING FURRING =a W r - IX' um It• um 14 SG Well! �-:sackers rat r PCeea I Mick heed soles t Wen had tr' m ��' on be ' nsne• - - -. 24 _ o c -Close tc ) I V-ix boao-snCooxee-shs I 1'.' d:vwfKRF -TAPE r 1 #'1" 9"StuG y� r th•:'an:te' pf".yt•.sorer C Srde. l 1 ,pan rr_^ saerl s l salernniorxfitfp i, ll- 2y,.D, tI a- sic ti„ I (' t --�.� � ! iype rt•USG --I15C I S'IUSG _ EJ d �I �h 1 I rr(--' / / t bllpft rr,: ,dell sex! ", �' Isaac S.rer �' --`•� L yl I r� �n>-hots atsC steel stud p.rtk:on M. o l4 i� LW sw! s!uC tt •� = _ �i ` - P-t � r Iu I I I E.-i Q •••• 2yers- `HERMwF19EA Srsri TRO'J,' /.. y {= _ �_- _ _ _ - _ -- wma o-m cross Dear r O C i I l I ..•., ,-5. rw Y1 SHOROCK jAFB ut Wetion -_� I---SHE;MW brim: rats Pac / _ I . � � �• %' ma' sic ^' C, ;i;: sae S" CC r a o � z jv li I o.,, •� t- Al Fglfl,.JOE J rnmpress--c to / r;� ; r (2Y•' nlv.j �, � well int"niaetion / \ - j '� C u+'1.-.� I 6 -'•• i I cry yarns �{ I:. . i` sl, 1loaelt; �•Jtl�->_aEA,^, ` .uarlitlon maa,m.nt attachment tight fi han r' tea brecirig ger xture fir" protection ` -USG Conn; "ntor;p2,e•n� �- i = O VJ z 4�[:! conbo't:�pIA 3 toNc03 F•�?��y!- 2_. i limiting' -pan_ USC Steel StuL coifing System F Its MiY ubra1a 2< 12 to 2. t I (t] 16 e. t] 16 2{ t2 16 N 112 Is 2a ti USG t l'/.• .{ .' n¢_ RDCK 1 II $HE_Irrl�'�r. r c6w FfR• CW - I !a- 7' ;xana FIRECOD; T^sir^- wrc:_ I 'Be ilra_ed a).°em ne m,ls ws tt 2Lt: off -its with ocpthe of • a' (vertt ;ellyi and widths to 1z' (hr-izonally The -- ;� •L'id aced s-stem a forwfhta u f to 24' <24•. CONTROL_ J ' S C. 2 NR PA. �� Jt�INTJ I-!R RAi �.D ,-AF�T 4`^171 -t, i t k u to 0 fixture atacbment load table •ICb'I.V I : �.J �aws.•Re I.14r ' en. acne I ti r., Ore �. o49n I 'n 1.t8 six 'OVre 'AL35 K .1 t.a so -- 'X•t svv ite 4.te ale SIT25,.e, y.Yt .5'S•li e.Ji NC i Tp :. , aril I Itlp In us :all _ /• 635 .55 lose 1]5 778 nG aMMM so $ w via s-rzs 1e,C mn R USG Tiq 5 25y4 fes.rr I fiu 267 trip 445 f»g•e neee t15G TYae `/2'frae✓ .a l 1 05 37e tm axis St2 a,gb STIM eew,aoR nseC eo.. 20ga eao..rn �- 25-94 ni -0 all IN Trye5. 25-9+ fee pe, ase: o-o Solt, Yie 476 ar Qee Ov in TTe wo aw NO No No No 2SO 2150 1112 1112 Pen esM K 435 I0101 sell o..refi ooa +coca K e.ss T 2 both w kw lo ZN' long holly cal' 20-q ,Itelal ar,trlo�!. DAP rtlediury medium Tao bar zMem.wnt r-wlan; See - steel SLID gJOd aeSlgr a box utppor, p2dlc•S Waidni --J ouUelbox ontiet box (afterrlate) . - i YP. DET'S & LOADS USC. steel stud hininy \ f---1w, OWNI c j 4'. Vol: na -har tltecil•p os: an \ ,. w c le RaX.c 24' _ SHF-TROCK branc wow !wills, mglea or toil oat USG else, stud framing systam sDID sdKec (Dptrortall 48 b c OOIR'S-Sbd :-ww(12-bn ;- Yi' a K' l SHEETAOCK Is DOM. -- r.V2ta• 10,-11110 I l4 H �_ hxlu", polwitil, f a.nple fyn �., _ � +'1>^' �•'C ta'D' a'P I ,.'Y 1YT n'r : ,e'P 4'F t1"Y - 1] E t2'T ,a 9- calf- te']" ,PY ,9 E q'6 ts'6 i 26'Y 2.'r 2•T `w ✓ ~• wr m - -. Wpm no1k+ % tr �eae.��r I I w ' ,�lT a'r 67 I ttr e'Y S'F j,2'- for er jto'r es eE 1,- t]'o' t17 ; 15-F "'r 173' 2,3 trT. teT ]; Li / _15 Y 6T 4T TF e'6�tor e9�T'o' a?" t6 TE' t2'6 n'Y e'r jITE 12T 10'Y-.'1�e'E' t�o"P' 137 a2 ♦♦♦ S�Q T. _ sF 4+ _ 14V re e" sF rr e76I ,IT ,or or I uT t,v v ,a r N 6' r9' _ tight Now � Z i � 7� i � L •` b•InM ar.a Ltple coon • _� _ r {1SG type EX toy ,a? nr I1T'T r 12T •.r 1Yr ,IV I}us ,t's' Isle' Iz•.T ts-_•- w.rT ar. S+HMOOK Draw S:2 s"-Dots` e„fyjj t5 1 .rr It e r s r ! T �.I'C aT g'E 112T 4rT e'r ! t I'9' ire' f3 tS£ ,43' tt'r .Fr 1 3 127 t L'C R' ,e'r _ QjpSlx^ pane •SI TV " a'I' 47 TV- Sr - 1o'r IV �-j?' i'Y TF ,]'6 ,tT 9Y t4�y3 t2 IIxf. - 11 n l s£ _7 - e s re sT ! as at' et' i£ .o Y a'Y ; ,z-r „ v e'c : her t.£ re --- lighting 8xnus ' 40tnp tizn:re - ®� 1�i , :3 �•1 �+s a R .� wo..Rrc.n..ac. w..wan uaaaq,v Rona ►'T54° a : -$a. etc erns,.,. •+.♦ea 4aPoa•,. rwpeeT ,v.• nu. asp -+r rsaa- e•e. a:�eae ,611r = y I1 ^ O= S TYP. CEILING � � ■�~ � i ; ����� L ING FttRR;`� G DET'S,, tat LOAD TABLES_ _ - _ X C < t or !ub arild aho-ver DIALDICK Cite Yt, backe, board lectler tYjacl __I or CX, W, LT !D PLIR"TA w Guk*044,lz .-1 4 47r I eqatilic Z�hcsly,� or 12lex Iolitilro •of ;;_;!X 10(lNed MOTiT Lund L;3a! - L 4T,.)u hOfl: cl Pat leveling guide — ----- Ill b L.&in-ntItll:lui or reinfor,:*d r1astic shower receptor k 'i typ. tubl/shck-ilier det's. C& drywall tlari_-n- lype I Lqzalted:'.t;,•twe or laic. lillrilrN4 la. •NI fr"�.If on."J tile. Cdi,;K - - t: Cleet b"j Ja i 16" 0-c. II-krix era W T S�.01 *,an rft�!Vlld (sae 9.,,c C"pri wV4ftl U�r, IW I �-vr ty I,>,) Ilr�TF: jS6 Trt ne wrere Well hav tt Kn,_Zill I:_ C ritft�m Of l A hood se-ftc, IN .1.gvpsr Dye, 'L TM us., 0 A-Ypsum Ital A: an; 3r-t* - aftached to v. WlDr sfics (t(Y Drorclitins Drow 2l) -usG stitel J-('JNW Kl-cl rlf— n 10,r.k I• rian __u2tanllsee roc Aboliil 4 Y Or. EI be** itiscoon head, holding part. ksrnam head, foiluirig Owt. (laarge) @ typ. cavity shaft wall -USG steel stud _�il;l J% sl&,� j sLiw. i G �,Irr r - I V;�5 mllll� Matt M I llit(>lk. �, Ill : jo us :;i " type r--)!Su slz�! slut -errerl or E-su �an head type S J-� screw < screw. 7i7_7 max 4 it %'Of 2112 USG 214USG gypsum board I AP NOQ'!t steel slud steel slud �OINING I'AIR 0, F'XEJ_J�. cross mace--- - — l,' I J Isu slael i-runner ---------- r U-7 cross brace cross bf - WE-:V4 ---I (12' x width) 3A , type S (D— isr, screw attached oaii head sc. elit' - — 2% Ut*:A9 injde c4mor Aeel w,ner NE �, r:1 aa gypsum brace steel stud brace stcl stud & runnel brace IJ %'x 11 %'x24-ga l witeri• , rem] angle - — < 1 HR. Sim. [TL- O 2-3 HF, U:_ P904 IJSG SIN st, Fg.�� 905 I Ui11901 F­1l1rA.io- 1APT11 rL w j tinnr 2F I I wall juo�ctwn • AN4LE RXIE"MA3 PAA1111,111H CE ­1 M , z 0 Z 0 Ic 2. 0 W & 0 a X Mai 0 z 0 t C U 4E ir Ul W z W IN IL < 1- W 1 CL W Ir 0 i- z is C3LLZWAW z O • > cc • 0 z ,j I z 3t L) W ;- CL Y t- 311: zo ¢ Wat i- 0 Z CL X I) W IV Ir 0 1 a 6L 0 M 1-- 0 LL 0 typ bracing Ca- chase wall 6/6" M In. jamb's C& fidlig, part's. typ, shaft wall det's, fire -rated constriction 3 1 fire acoustical perlo"I"brice rating detall & physical data description 9 test no. IT- '.rt.-rated instructio..• 1 't I i I , r + ; STC description & test no. a-oustical perloy.na ice ating Jetall & philijical date de-cription 4 :est no. z 1 hr k STC desmpbon & test no Stool Stud-'&' SHFETROCK brand FIRECODE "C` gypsum panels- -2',V lJSG 46 TL-b942 i7h-- Clee! Slud-2 layers 112- SHEETROR bra.id FIRECODE gypsum panels ea r suds 24'o.c -sing e layer panes ea �& appl �Pil & scre%,, at,.- 48 Based an 354- studs 10 Based on 35/t'stud assemb�y L FM lt,', THE Rl'. gkFIBER sound after, lire brxI5-y_*rls ton -perimete 54OP-21,t'or3�re USG studs -1*.Il/t'or2"THERMAFIBERSour�datten without SAFB--USG-840817 z" L LLLI 2' blank ats - SA-800472 fire blkts stapled -panels appl vert & taints stag -base layer sueA at! -face 55 Based c-n 35,%'studs and W caulked-`!`-3362-OSU M 5 %,-chh 31,1!' 41h" layer strip lamin of , Telw att-pints fin -perimeter caulked-ratti-to bA�ad on V-/2"blarike!s-SA-600421 • Mi7mm assembly with or inthout sound alien tgdnkets-UL Dws U41,2 z Steel Stud- -WSHEETROCK brand FIRE,;ODE gypsum Panels-21,12'USGstudis 55 CK-684-14 24'o.c lit'THERMAFIBEPsound a�-lentaecdktj-2tayers--baseia%er 53 Ba�ed on 1�` thick I'll souriddtlen firebilktsand assP W', 10 width 4 lit, 52 Based on iamir, ta_� layer. TEX J_ Wa 6 I fir, est co 'A'SHEETROOK brand Panels screw aft-sli"face layer sc.ew ati-10"as panels-CK-6434-113 5� Basco on 21,!?'studs, screw aft. fin -perimeter caulked-est fire rating based on T-I 174�OSLJ W wi 7 wildth 4 1/4' blarike > lace layer and 11,12 !s-CK-654-40 I M. 2 h,. panels plain or Steel Sad-2 layers %'SHEETROCK brand FIRECODE gypsum I to 2 HR U Steel Stud -resit narlitioril-- 54'SHEETROkK trand FIREuDDE ­C gypsum 55 S,,,,-650415 48 Based on 34' studs and HR UL #912/910 vinyl ,er- applea sicle-21ttl-004-USG stodsN'ox -base layer screw 5/r SHEETROCK orand Panels-34"JSG studs 24'o,:.-3'THERMAFIBEr1 sound artlen fire Nkts _S4 Based on 24- wide blIds - ah -fac e layer lamir, or screw all- pint; slap A fin or until i-perineley G n t 906 o a: 25" wide creased to fit cavity-RC-1 chan 24'r c . sere v all ont, side -Panels USG-8;;"Oj I F RECODE T-panels- verl Opp! & screw att-pitnts slas; 9 fio-penn* 'Y - Z =7 cau.1k&d----dL Des U411 wi 12 -idlh 6 'A BBN-7704G8 iter caulked-UL Des J451 56 Based on 35,v'sluds and dic 3'SAFB--USG-3AD818 0 I hr es! 2-r. Steel Slud--2 layers st'SHEETROCK brand FIRECODE gy�pum panels ea 51 Based or 21,1?'blankpts in FIRECODE gypsum,�aiie:s__214, jSG or hipriz 9,oints stag -base and face cavity-GA-WP-1548 K: _T Steel Stud- ilz^ SHEETrO-CK ',rand FIREC stcle-2Y.,- LSG studs 24'o C --panels spot STAJU)ARD NOTES < studs 24.'0 c.-single lail er panels one side appi,*rf & at?- ISO SA-atio5oit layers screw.-Il-pin�sfin­penme at �-aulked-GA.WP-IIW will 12 witilth 5' 4" 41 Based or, same c,,nst�clpon 56 Based on Z"SAFE1 in ! I I "THERtAAFIBER sould atten fire bfkts- -2 kilyersoppside-panels appive" withoat I."Aan';etq--TL-69-148 cavity- USG-84081 9 1 Gypsum Wallboard Bearing the UL Classification z Z== screwatt-OS stag& -M--penmet�rcat4ked__eS1r GroVdfil9baSodon as to Fire resistance; 1/2 in/or 5/8in, or tile backer 0 T-3362-OStr Slee! Stuo-"' layers 1/2'SHEETROCK brand FIRFOODE ­C­ �m wl 7 width 4' panels-14.1 gypsum NIA board -as specified and required for Fire Rating as U USG studs 24'0.c,-2 layers ea site verl appl & screw an -pins slag & ftn-U of C 6-1 s.45 Steel Stud-2 karym 1,,V SHEETRMt< brand gypsum panels a. side- I 5A'USG 54 Based on SHEETROCX brand wl 9 w9fth 34* designated or required. Refer to Specifications and UL O stu05 24'OrC' -panels dppl "rl & screw aV speq -joints stag & fin-porimeler FIRECODE "C* panels. 2 fir. Sloe! StuJ Chase Wall-2 layerssit"SHEETROCK brand FIRECODE gypsun. ific requirements. of C 0-21-64 w! 2 width 354" 21,Ystudil & 41,02'sourid alien. ziz ---- panel s92sic'e-15tV'USGsiuds24'oc NIA fve'bLAnkfts-CK-G54-40 panel gussets of s!eel lim braces spanning chase screA all tc studs -panels app! . 2. Insulation : Batts or Blankets or Rigid Foam z use sound I hr. vend screw att-joints slag &'in--UL Des U420 wi 13 width 12' attenuation baits or blankets where noted, or Lnsulation T DE gyp�rri panels-354"US113 40 USG4W>D8o8 Steel Stud-4'S,4EETRCiCK brant'FIRECOL f studs 24'o c -W,Vle layer panels veri or hon- apol I. sca% at,. -pints Kea & 49 Based or, 3- sound alien fire Vol 2 hr es! Sleet Stud Chase Wlall - 2 layers 1�'SKEETROCK brand FIRE CODE ­C gypsum 55 SA-861)907 blankets -thickness as indicated on drawings of as detailed, fin-pet-m.:Ierc-auiked-ULD--stM65-L�sedonpa�isiion, nzin,�ls so side- I 5A'USG studs 24'o c in 2 rows spaced 51/,'aparl but no less than 1 1/2 inches - Rigid Foamed Plastic dPP4-GA-WP 12ft, - blankets in cavity- SA-870717 w! 6 width 47,t' 51 Based an 3- sound aven. fire r;artel gussets Spanning chase all to studs at clit, points -panels app; verl & screw insulation, I to 4 inches thick co 4 all -I '/�-THERMAFIBER sound alien fee b1lts-pints siag & hn-portmeler c"-TL4II5l-128 caulked -es, fire rating bas°d on UL Des U412 blankets 2:5'wide crea.�edloffl 3. RC--1 Channels, (resilient channels), minimum 25 ga. gale, stl. wl 11 width I I' I hr. L_JS G cavity shaft wall systems 4. Concrete Masonry Units : CBlocks) Various design L) Steel Stud- �t"SHEETROGK brand FIRECODE gipsuiii P�rtels- 1 'til" U!,G 38 I)SC-460M classifications; type as required to obtain rating: studs 24 ' oc -single layer panels veri app! & screw &it 12' Oc -pints 4 fin-penrieler C801ked -U of C 7.31-62 B-4 (4-Hrs.), C-3 (3 Ers.), loose Ers.), Etc. If all I fir wi 5 width 274" 2 rK. C&vl1,,Shat`,Wa!!Gypsum Drywal­?Jayers lh'SHEETROCK 39 USG-75031112 core spaces are filled with loose dry cxpanded slag, 72A C' , Studs 47 SA-831 Dal rand FIRECODE -C­ gypsum panels one side- 1"USG liner 47 Based on I' e.ound Wien expanded clay or shale, WR vermiculite, ro silicone L701 hom & J_ Pants set betty USG steel C-H studs 24'o.c -p&rieqs app! lir� biank�� in cavity- 24'o.c -114- THE RMAF18ER soilmid atien fire bilris-panais, apply treated Perlite, add I Stoat Stud-�,Ii'SHEETFIOCK brand FIRE CODE gypsum Panels- 2112" US -a!,-rxnts OPP-vefl prylis unfir-homiZ pt--tils tin- CEG $-11-83- *,ert to side opp liner pariels & scle%,, ati-forits fin -rating also Hr. to classifictilitioj. IIL screw applies with IMIPERIAL FIRECODE "C' Base and veneer finish BB FaIP19 also applies !o aseemoy with 4'FIRECO;pE "C'parielS did p.nis fin- CEC 5. Mortar: 1/2 in. thick, specified 5-984 w, 6 ondth �414- surface -fire -tested both sides-U of C 4-2-75-UL Des 1.1438 111 (311 1 IV. 6. Stucco: Portland cement Stucco or gypsum plaster as V�'SHEETROCK t"" NA specified ;add hourto classification if used. Refer Sleet! Stud Chase Wall-itil' S4EETAOCK brand FIRECODE gypsum panels sa IJIA 2 tir, Shall *Valt Gypsum Drywail CO: side- 154'USG sfvds 24'o c. in 2 rowss spaced 6'/A apail-5t"girpsurn panel Cavity' 0 61 %u�se!s or steel run braces spanning cease screw at-, 13 St,l,ds_pa�jejs I v W FIRECODE­C gypsum panels- i"USG gypsum finer panel$ to drawings and specifications. Z' app art w 2 U- < & screw all -pints stag & fin set lbeil,, USG steel C-ri studs 24-oc _q X inoie Wyef panels ea UL Des U420 wl 6 wpjlr, 103/4* OI f1dr 1041 - side a.Wl ven & 5.�&w 011-Pirits stao on opp sioes IV j Steel Stuo-4"SHEETROC­ 0 rating also applies with IMPERIAL FIRECODE "CBase I i C E (truss 3 IV.) nand F IRECODE sk4e­fiteprooW, steel r41A 11 truss -2-/j-U3GSIu(11s24-c.r m2rows spasadl?'.part- slt-gipsurnpariel venee, finish surtace- -Irre-tested both sides-U of CS-23-75 <�l LL LL C. gmsets"nmrVc�hasearloslude�,Vr&clrcxnts- -ai�jsapp!yerigl ■ L17l 0 2 B-1--Pnts S189 a fin-JIL Des L,805 wl 6 width 14,14, 4M i z 2 1, -v Cavity Shah Wall Gyr*um Drywall-2 IayErs`,t* SHEETROCK 51 < BBN-750412 =47 brand Fl:tECODE "C' gypsum panels one side-l'USG ;I gypsum kne, Panels set belw USG sleet G-H studs 24'0 c - N RC-1 char, spaced 24'o.c -1 it'THERleA1`1BER sound allen C fire bIkIs- panels 8 RC- I cnan screw all 10 side opp kner 13 > C-1-- . _11 partitis-b-se layer appi hoax -ace Over app� ver,-rants Jf fin-est fire rating based on U or C 2-8-72 and U or C 6-23-75 a f4 WTA -rating arse apples with IMPERIAL FIRECOrDE Base and 24 l�­- I veneer hinsh J, Furring Channels. _WU Fail T 0 -03 typical wooll 4- y c s s j M ZL 0 t 4 7. -.-Z ------- .7 Z f U W Ix W F I <a0cDi0� z a a cc W Z 3 O O W Lu W x m G •r p, Q x W F U~ Ix W D W LL W W S W a IL Q W W O W (A W x R } cc v 3 a Q o > W 0 Z w F m Z> W 0) WLLI f U LL~ CC W a w Z O U ~Ix } U W X a(A a x x w JE U f- 0 O W W = F } W f x �. O W w ¢ ~ IxZ 0 LL R cc F 0 0 a 0 m J N v/ Q N O (�amo �qN <O�O O 0 v z Z O W U 1 7 w � •" 7 = O 11 `nLL N LL Z U) o ZJ� LLF .Q WQ n�0 W to aU a �m C!] V zy wo• a�-00 S � � rVIN z a= CL mQoC) w z Q c .Vv L_Uj �7— 3 w U a Q ,.;.�-.�,. _, , 33;:..... ,.< ,.:. � v .m.: ,. - _ _ _ _ ._ _ - .. ._ .. _ m ..... _, ... ,•, ... .. . _...._,. _ ._ .-. .. _ .v,.. � .s9s''��'^� _ :.,xt�`�rs,i, .r.�� mr a»",:"r�-m_�?��`.'.'`.:',.F ,.. �a3; :T; r'. � �,x��e�zPr i % .7 ': ✓:, r�. S � : r, �w�+ vJ _ :•.. �.. r= s K-+..ELS �.•cL. � /.�� _mac—•�[,_ � ' � tea.•_ �n-xis ,...o,' Y { ,� / I � ti r �y'; -. -� � f."' .f i /;. _ // �.. �'/i�•. i'l.'R'.r rt /%fit T'r�. ,:Crr_i ,'Otto jl qj j ! :� -.... �'_ t '. '��-_r-__ _--,�/14 �vl.�'i�-,. .LPL •� i U1 � !/ �` i" •i � �� _.�.v.-.-.� _'��_- , S -11r��•a.�4.-J �.. j�k i `���'I.il����� �.'�r `\1 If ��- ''f � .. _.•I'�/l/r7 ',.y j �I ,- .mot - ' Ic`a ( -�. - ... I` �/�. . -rF' i�i�.. ' � �,.C1 �.��__. �--�_ I__Y^- - _ _/i-- ✓• _ \-- .Udi 'NO'XJ }S.-�,G A'•c;7Y.y' s: �,._.._._.�_. 1 � .!]1!1' 'mot tI_ . � T r �1 z L APT. EI~t ! �. M3 L2) i�i�RESHOf . �C �NTR1t JOOr � v JAMS DETAIL W/ WD TRIM FULL S1 Z E - — I� \,..�• —.ram. �s�.�........�...�..���i��..—a�.e.nw�.w—..I...w-1..��..t�_�^�aw�..wrs.as•�.u�r�r_.-_r a..�. �( T nTr Ct7t r000 I ODOR ----� w t,' tr O.JU 1 SID Q_r:.a.1 wA._Lf4i -xo Fii.It6.Y97 G II a DOOR R+.+ xi GUa.•� � � � � � ' 1 • TLC O.n7 � •• \� ' / •SLv w00 z L Tom_-- DCVCLCO COCC f ' K S'_" Tn T7 S'( i ` ` - �-KRCT DOOR SEE )oor'. SrT h CKY sc .c - J t.14T 111IIr('(Itli 1'lllli II!Ir il'IllII C.r• ` _f i 'zzr .rrL�o .o,�u T: �� r r-� tl • I 1( �� 9) I it ,it�h.ngfl�ll LnI UIIII 7� Inf hl„ R - Glltllili,Jt I hI;III! tlSll / p FI-�-='•''' � ..— .L r ..�.1 - A Z I 1 t• r 1 t t �1—L—.*�---`•----•---- ' ` GARC'C T ♦ r.anC.+c� F' c I r -i - ._ - -J . y. - .._ GO.1C._ SLAG la.y, ik G r \ L's- wooO -0 n - G+1L�YL Crfy. � i l:0`C. 'IL,LD--•_--•-.-.- lll�, ETG-�'t \ SLnCDLt.0 cam.... -.' C. LL %'. TC :-AL 'RA -L 1_N'YCGsp: . 4-r �x> A 6 THRESHOLD 7 DOOR UNDERCUT JAMB DETAIL FULL SIZE HALF FULL SIZE T— H'J�IL,TD! RAIi A,7 SLL! LT!V SEE 5r`"L5 META1 61uC4 'E 4QINL 0-w"Lt --t�Ax I 4I{it' r- I 41. :wB'I fY' BD ON Fuee'D_1 • ufH9 CNED:ILE� gal FIRE] KAIED 4YF BD. Z-- T TRAY COVE LIGHT r-.r14 T — I ��r�..,••r mil_ / 0 -4r-%1 U ? POOL DECK BENCH - 1=1s'i W Ho{A% ' ;.I t-f-j eft-1*i••f r�tlrll i J r. TOr¢5OT ' 4,-,j o e DI rENANT STORAGE WALL LALY tt1L hlUDS�}lo'• !I — Ixl V;kTFICKETA J _ I� FLX LINt ReLfER 1`0 4t'I9UOT FOR ;L15 TK'NSS. TTP JT. -— �*. bAS>: ir5 5El", C1f D LYflfi-rL�.-- L ' - fQUUT / y �• •• • •••[)'^ • • •• 1 •• . = _ ^fib — t 017)0CN(_.�.C(JRf3r.REXT. STUD `1�ALI . $ IEU, FW. PE ki lLlg4 W41R;,AFf'V yH0F Dwt;S- 3P,(tiNr� TO MPeT LQAD3 LON' Poyr AnCilnc I15ERt5 V RAILING Ms•¢¢. LoN: Fit, 15 >rEto)i Cw'D I/211 DT I P 'ZU55!'D PAIr+' Flh lbfl B,P,,LCONY RAILING --�, � :XPAr♦/IDN AI�:HD� !-AL'1'•� ' — "ter i ;; i!11 .Jpt16 bUGC SOLID i ' ;s ' z wpm s, l E �i Y CAL MU GOQC5 CLG_L� M .Tt CJr OtJT . ,t B 1 5/15' 01•r .4LDOueD L . C. METAL rU xpcL "O'eve r1f, 01r. to Tt[rT) L", C[T. C. ADD r.Tw Ooo - --WOG Ti�iitrt mil, "' MTL FUKONy.W/ 1♦ Y�AS� �! itR'��r ��8 4YP�G lY°6' _41 ado WOOD BASEITRIM 3ALF SIE —IUD TKI I.1 },$ • -tttLECTED ■ 0 r z 0 M Z W � oZ 1O Y _• U W I 11J U 0 c 0 U c 0 U z > L 1 U W 0 w 1_ Q w I ~ p z - ` i 0 a 0 a yUj JU 0 z 0 f cr 3 O < U W I W t G W W O= 41 W U a Q z 3 < Q O W m w W O b Z z W i > I w U Z ¢ < w Z < w < W 2 r I U I 3 to 0 C < W Z r 0 z W d LY U x tL aD U u W CC Q 0 �IL 0 g O W 0 a V I 'm w E } 1 _ M i x s i, x F 4 b., k t a �1- i 3 i r..QOvT-s•.r$ 1)Ecou*aiv.•Cr• /f LAL#LX OYQfMit•[ 0 "veron wj ORt►. R+.gourp .yrT _.f RIt,ID InSULATlOtl;��IR i -AS SPEL'0_ l kF 0ECK1'ilJ TEAT£ t L e Y y i N ^�l C t y t' a' I b50E\M M05aYL .ti Y9C. :3 k X la�r•`e,5tti g1� U= r - CNA•G r� G 2UV�N1� AfNiE$IYc •.F'MEWBWIN; ,: '- Rf-.IE.A9taNe AG AL E-6£ \dK � !•01-1 6 WELU - � iwmll .NE a.'lY C\ULK TLYtNED EDGE 1 ' _ - a FASTENED ii o c. s s ,t .. F-' 4 c �n :r y _ L , 1 S I i I 0 4 \ 1 L Pn 4'c e t�. s c r P. n r k t Y i X r sr • S t - f r.+ N a Y } `6 s "e t C . •. fiY^ F H. M, y1 VM - Ji S ' 2 RrES tY F{Li w aSPNa1T III � FCV.MTEpgAq.( - tr J C-RrAA�ED AID � yETAtiFD B>•pfff Cd+Tw.GTOA -Yr#� Iry6, niR •RFVYN JjRC . -S i �f� .1.4..�G Ye 5 •a: a,q op4te prv✓ai...,t� � ��p� � lL r w...+u tie tva'�n�rp 3nnnmti:K ron-i.xtblt.3 �R 9 vuDetailt2er e.aDetailA y 0 � ,- Oaf Drain A - DK SU!EFP/WEb'urC T Zi; w iri. 501 my eE;LET �'RT�act��n�.--.,•-'�� .. /�EYCND WILL � — 'u� �.•:.7PP4Q CDUNTEQ fLAS= r / , L zi i OE AS Kp,, KF4, r+f6r teH -Q�MA, ;C,4 ' /7R�FPli PAD �j jINSL'LDTIN tOHC >v DTYPI(3AL __ 15 /-- One Way Roo! Wnl Moddwd &wm n PWI tte'llic tirane MsR Ras Carron Z =8Y4 V'-T. wtt" W _ 1 A J4. �30FO1 '.JTL, Brsv181wr1 s b Ply&Heel .P :- MEIR Mashing Cement ''.o"Q� InsoiaWn t t• Sip Fiti tBfi-- - Deck • if•P G= F mF%OW v* yR Ua TRjt%SH CHUTE CURD DETAIL (18) A _l:"rO. LOUVER SILL DETAIL, � , �� T Y P R O O F4 V E ROOF SCUPPER, 7' - l—" FLaGO'Or� GKtJ-EiG i 11�J i'11J �«i Za • •'L^'idi c :tRR DET VENTS/rsS_$c I;$�' EMV E[AtJSEG S:AFdFS w tST1E w.TEAR'U'.JFa� /r \ - GUFinne F:tSttYEA�3Eµ-at: wrtr. xoT*Ec i UK REV.FT ��—F.LSTENEAS F+ _ EnA.•so.s..E:os • - JYV NAEviJL4ARES try \\\ 6 w..E OPOErE �1. j F+LSfFwEAS.AAMOi .-Oa Tot~ • r •r�r....L err+u•-AF.TE�.4x wsEA ro cow,rn...+.r R` tiYc nP4 1� C OUE ! E�rL Si a `'' . _ � S:ATT•IG FELTS �i YMEP rMEr4 F�A5.YL(•• 1\ TeAEA MS,M�Ur, ` 2• �JDw:Tp pgwn TYR ROOF DRAIN TIE-IN —1 FLASHING SEALANT 'C'. CLOSURE -- PANEL STARTER—-` SUBSTRUCTURE — PARAPET WALL- A �exo •aSwTP Z _ M < z W o O ¢ n U W � O ¢ a O W F � U W x W ¢ W Z O z O 0 2 ¢ 3 1 O - F < U U d< m O O < f0 W Z } W ¢ W j W LL W Z } ¢ W Z W Z 3 p ~ Z < ~ W O D W ¢ < W ¢ W < W x O W Iff W o ►- 0< < W x o Z 2 _ } 2 W a � W X W W 'K W ¢ ¢ O a~n O n O n '' O f i O I w HIDEAWAY CLIP WITH FASTENER V/ Y PARAPET U WALL W Z W --SEALANT Q �— COUNTER O j FLASHING -- POP RIVET ON 1'-0' CENTERS O U P.tNEL-1 < C Iz --MOISTUNE BARRIER FASTENER ON _s 2'-0' CENTERS Kill COUNTER FLASHING TIE-IN FLASHING P-: } ,— PANEL 3,. IL 1, 4 I ,D mow} `—'MOISTURE 'BARRIER Um y �in SUBSTRUCTURE a , O F b C) all O clJze 01— g" I < �< Z:�. w ■ I I a L O IM > t 1 � 4 Y �7 c O`=_� '. Oo k �_ p =+t L WWC .' 225° CORNED ;IFETY b f 3 ag,3i vt h .y? • t s �.}P ] t r ass a r U xrz,M) Rr , FLR TERMINATIQN p` ` -. All".. 05 INT ELEV. q C. W_ FLR & HEAD �•�r ,w.Iv. 4.3 INTERMED. VERT. SIDELIGHT HEAD TRANSOM C DR line of flr (conc) i 1 'a I 4 , 0O DR HEAD SIDELIGHT HEAD /A-15 51M• q . fl, TYP JAMB Ca SIDELGHT (17) DBL DR JAMB e+ / MTG. STILE @ PAIR T`r`P BLABS DR S. S! li'-E._.L (�T S__ _. _ i >v r w p P i z z < m z n O e d O z CL U w x W p z p 2 3 i + O U LL X � W 5 m 1° O W W m = •� W IL u7 ' O 'K � ( p m O z < )] W U > W m IL 0 m = W ; U Uj (= Z U t Ui = ~ W < w x t x U = 3 r- 1 W < T W Z D z at mg U X W m U W W c IL O O s O IL - - P 2 (� 23 conc cf/or dryv2t I .E Ei tt f,44f 1 a JAMB & INTER. VERTICAL f/ � / r a�(D 12 tI t TYP. XTfJINDOD'At D E TA S, D/SNGL H Ul N G .* z 2. to Llt-uy Reefin v/ aggregate arfwc ing. /issia-Ply goof Ltg Petal. Saofiog i Components AS specified k I � r 4. Felu or wbrav wurprofly{ barrirr U � t 3. Manufactured Coping A attacbments; Alus., copper O a ' or as selected. f3 r p 6. Parapet cap good As. with 1 05 coat., or a. detailed 77 7. goof Sb..tim; 15/32 32/16, or 48/24(Z3/321c.) "A 4n 4 S •,� 2. 4 0., Croup 1 Est tor; attack pet Cod. O iv k : a. Pf{r'd. aeglat, / r ounnr [luhiaa; Copps or A.a. U 1 9. 16as copper, Al. abt.,-at copper fabric C .b ng/ - uet.r.cap as .Pacified. tt ( J y„ l 70.16ot Capper, Al.. drip/gravel .top as Indicated; lac. and Width to coofors to codes - 11. to rrfcane Anchors, N.D. Cale.. `N" 5<:Sa by Stepson"; .:3- O o tea . type as r...ired �. 1 i 1 12. Rigid goof IavL[Son; refer to specifications s 13. Str.p Tf.a. 'Siap.on" (ud, to W.) "ST/FXA/PST/NST' ,+ u" required; N.D. Cole., min allavable uplift of 5001b., - -- - "t ^t or as [squired b, Coda. •" a, 's` �. yt'„ F 14 anchor scrap,"Simpson" "ETA-14, or f.TAT" (conc e.beded t>p)• 15. Skylight; enadited .Lainum, free sad {Laing as .p.c'd. M dN. s S 16. Got go., by tooting gatm 1Q{r., or approved; a1n 4" rise, -V§k'3 tt v: th !goat copper bare tiaehiwg. 41> xr. x`r his a^` 17. Ewg r'd. Wo Tr . sew, was apse YnS of 241s eentsrs. r". Cone 1.4 Um-H . 12 iwa_ . / 4L e end 0ciee p361r. c.c.Al �. drey bam over, viMous as required. g' w., 19 Lightv.1,Et Iesuleting Cone. W ' t=p •A "m. lose.. ose3 M{L gratigratin! 4f ¢. ryacinp sire .s required for lof d s 5 ad 21. Steel Framing xeeb.t.. N.D. Ca] ua spacing of 24" .to e. refer to ual. sections for vidth's. g q 22. Sealant, v.ch backer rod viers required, 23.-Dt2PIT' Ese.rfoe bell Sy.t..; as specified. ,.- Zw'bK PI- interior Wall Ft'i.hr only. r^ < 26. Fipaetded W na let. ttachedv-, ..If furring. �a. 26. I s P.T. Yd atlas attached v/ 1/21a A. t's. P ua Aft. cewcers. 27. 1 a 3 P.T. Wd Purring. _ evev kck ,,dd,4,e" a3 28, 2 s S. or as detailed, P.T. W. ledger pI.. W 1/21.. die. N.D. ( Ej Ia Cale. A.1'.. 6 241. cars.; gin. 6 in, penecracloo( coa, cover) 29. Prsps e1 Scuds as .clfied; else a r... irad. si .firs t 'rp 2, C c o ,u 30. xa ta] Purring, refer to specifications and deuila (Typ J. 1 . O li ♦� re d )i. g in. C.M.U. " /3 1i z xs9 I3. / 9 As. Cale, bartsonul Wall re inf.; eery tat. goons. haus 0W ICN ) / w 33. Stucco finish. 5/E is tk. ei..(for Fire gt[ing ... 3/410 Tex.) O W \•/ ¢ " 3A. 1-11 batt Insulation• ar foamed -in -plat. urethane. �f C " b Y ,1j g- + s'= 35. 5/N in. ylca Ra:W Gypsum U.. tap. i [lot. 1 G O z :,i r+'Fh •444t s... 36. 1/2 fc. Gypns Ad., tape red float for finish. ,O or 2 s 2 P.T. ed. Furring B 161a ...Lets. �� v+< er 38. Finish a .Petifled; refer to Pit. Sch. u mI R a Scheduled of as by Owner. r , C ' 40. 1/1 ?n. (or a dataibl) eompesa able loin[ w I 39. Leaa Mtn vl backer rad wad, aLoc where exposed. C7 Pinar a se..4.lad or selected by 42. 4 iw.Lk. C. 6s6 v1 4 s vl 4 v£v •as)• ralpf '"r !I(� 43. 6 ail wparbatrier a speciiiad r L 44, Tnr.abald, sat is a.Lat• I 'y i rr 45, Compectad .elect f112 as specified e u a Refer to gtcuctura. tot isiof. g data" s _ i7. Ovac6ad Gr.S..gaar sed crack �- % dl. Slldin Class Doer/a Pta rat to specs > - z, Q a u L] 4'. 4 im dv steel pipe ed f1 l/ M rene.e `el �= 'q $ypp fs cent bass gin. of 301, Dpt 121 di••sca(iF c '' '' F .rmT`x •s-. 1 ■ i Z 00 at { Soebss f4 of six was t _ ftttssssss CD o"'oa f ' p S _ 'r gd qos %' w W z tom La .: a "y, t"` x •+`.` r y A . a i j'7 < g[ at F- t vex f .� =",wy::. ¢ P" U ac 5 at y t) sex a 0 0 HI l ,-.n.-.,r •>e -rt.n Y„ .. 4e. ..<. n f- .,":v e ,. �,. , L., r S, _;_. .. "Y i v v y uY{' ZV .. ..«. .. _,a �. „. ,. a 4. �.. { w.. ._ .. b. PL, . .. , , $. _ .... > _ .. _. , t.R '. s ._.-. .. , i, ... .-i. -_. .,. _ ,. , :.. . .. >. _ : r .-.: s .,.._ 'm :. ,_ + s _.. .. r8 [.e.• ';::r 3.4 ,h, ..¢..-, , , v':u ,_. .cn ^1 1. , .> --.. a-si. S: _. .. .. ., ant.. v„"'�,. .. r. ... .i> r.. , _.en - .. .... W � ,- w, _ .. a ,. r. a • n.. :� .r. , ,. r ,. .. 'a _ a.. ... ..-!�' _.. .,i.. Y :' :.tr -aci^' if§'...`�, � l , ♦ ,., wa-teyy yg}8�s.- F< [ � t u4 J. k I I,:i Rv: 2' i'W :i'Y':4 v < "at^"i s tl. 7 x R "t' 5 k sue' t Ftva. L, �� .€ % S air^;y,,a J u q (i i "k i ai 1' h i 1 = J "`�" yr tt i 'a h` i F it ir' yp^ Y .���'�' > a 3'Yr 4 . 44 :`: t ♦ o i �`>,f `* .s- K �%'k-'' S .h� V '4'�r"y�Y i?u"€? ;..ia`�"4«gq h G,°'T�au• ,g t` .,� r�'a E, � ;�� >� � +%, :�a*# � ,+r ,¥'.s �" .. �+Y -G.. �.�, cE �� � e � �4 a _�¥. �' ,:+��P4",r r " ,€. x - ;^{,. ,..;�R�>fi1 .e?s "�'2<::' '#�' L� ''� w" kr„ '�`k�,1n`3'�i a• c,,h i x+ :.r, *,� � c r '.a; � `y ."-`°F �' l aa'" v*, .:r ,� .t ," `� �Y .�P�SL•+- �J" { ,:.t�.vs,,,€"." t �:', ncs'€`'¢r.�'.. s`'4$ �`g '£` �."a• �,� 'x"�;a�'Sa�,Y�': �r ,6s'^ ,± <r.;; ' qR •'d:. {.: z P r - e k w re uW 'd ✓,' iY +t , 'c Esw. -.+fir a "64- ` {r .. v. r .i _„e ., .. �',. ...,{.. e. ::, ,, ,3h ✓r6 :, e e, ♦.,: x ,§ A ..s,e.. e). -., .1 ,4 �._ x .�.=T,'w..'w„ a .J' ra:''a P„ .�( K i� _rz S �F air3 r, 5 v 2 7a7, a 9^ al x 6 G' Y Z' 4Pr ¥4 p Cs r xr t r. , a } } W r"St % 5 40 `@` 1# 1 + 3 3/4' MAX. L �7 SV["UC TUIRIaL� C�XpaNc'3N0N JrON 1OUT&DE CORD ?_ r ff#^" 3 � } i }' o T 0 Po EU V U ORI CEIl V0EB V TI 1%1'/ E L D ED ° • c*L0TTEDD "STEEL PL ATE Ti O TAC mww DD OO OO IF' HE AIL Q`HT �"B A Uu`E F AMNI" H(1'__=)')LL0W METALS G RIANNG 00R JA D ��M�I�Q ..Y i • r y j s +s S �W�+.ro# � 1 F z SEE GLAZING DETAIL 2( 19V._% FOR WINDOW DETAIL �` GJ t A�4, = / is 4 4 £Y h y r x 2a SEE GLAZING DETAIL "*'•" A24 FOR WINDOW DETAIL � >x ' pr h =i 'r" n. M i.� ♦ PS-rti •+ Y 9� r{t>v -XYs' Uhr �O TYPE F M%n �NDOO W HEAD ALUM. ° FRIAME WAN 1f C GRDIgL FLAS H NUr`i r GYP.WALL SEE GLAZING DETAIL 5 y BD. tv 2 .: + s ._ ,; ^M` 'S FOR WINDOW DETAIL { � A2 'r.� Y i \ p D 2 , \ 3 i 1 26 Par a I � 13 6 6 40 \ _ 2 4 �} SEE. GLAZING DETAIL A24 FOR _WINDOW DETAIL R JAM8 loll VpC Q QL ��MQLQHCaD ° S LDNC �LQ3 8 DO0C) �O��D �U3STG�QTC ALUM. Mo Mm) FOR�N i s a i�' !" • x.- - C E x ss ,ttn., 22 SEE GLAZING DETAIL jyx :u A24 FOR WINDOW DETAIL x y _ D I......i la 8" C.M.U. �4 ��MpNDD�/OO IWIn� ����LL pT�YG��pL L, F9p Q po/�\ pjL(j j� 2NDD GFLGFeL�C VELA EZX1PA 1=N ALUMoG�G3gMC� VU��NTEGMIfZAL�-r FL�G�1`SII-U�I ' �0Q o o 1I JO�NI� ® C�ONIC�G�L l�C� Sf�QL� t .�i. was ir�,`r^i '.�' a s.`{L> � . '> ;r: k z}a 4 a KEYED NOTES 1. Dryvil finish. 35. 511 clip angle. Afach to 64, Bockfi[i to grade as 2. Dr)vif insulation Board (D:6), panel stud and to $teel required. 3. Adhere DIB to substrate beam. 65. Door. jamb and shims. with Prlmus/Adhesive M. Steel floor clock. 66. Roof flashing and counter - or ADEPS Adhesive as 37 Steel stud or clip angle flashing. } appropriate. attachment of olagonal 67. Roof ossombly d a 4. Dreinforcing mesh bracing to structure. 68, Soffit framing, embedded in Primus/ 38. Stool cli an le. Attcch toDi Adhesive hose coal. p g G0. Dryvil system pone ralbn. concrole slab and diago- 70. Extend roofing membtano S x 5. Extend Dryvll reinforcing half bracing. to undorsltlo of moral cop mush, bolo coat and finish 39, Continuous channel bedg flashing. onto structural steal studs is Ing with bridging clips al pr ILcom compatible or track a! piano[ odges, each stud. 71, W Pa ble soflit;:, 6. Bock -up rod and Dryvib 40. Wrap Dryv[I reinforcing material, comparbio sealant. 72. Wood studs or floor joists. mesh and hose coal So^d ossombl ). Solid substrate. 2' minimum at underside 73. y 8. Structural steel studs. of D13. 74. Exterior wood film. 9. Structural steel dud (rack. 41, Slope Dryvil System for pos. 75. Metal flashing as required 10. Anchor bait or expansion dive dra[nfige: minimum by oihors. anchor: size ands 76 Bond croaker to pacing slops 6" In 12". pia behind as determined by engl- 42, Metal cop flashing. sealant nearing requirements. 43. DryvItcompatible sealant 77. Meehosi fosloner 41. Steel shims as required at (with appropriate bond { + anchorage. Grout at panel breaker). m coflom and solid substrate 44, Glazing sys!om and shims k '' ``�` .. ,w O between connections as 45. Integral flashing by glazing +z"r,>r^. �'zy �k H required. manufacturer. ' av€- ?••` F `E 12. steel washors With sell- 46. Blocking as required. Q locking nuts. 47. Router cut drip reglot or h 13. Dryvil recommended aosthotic joint In DIB. Z sheathing. 48. SlruCturcl sloe[ stud boat Q 14. Bridging between studs as Kett flanges as required to „;}6».t• � e " '�'yk' , required." `a �^ a y bend la desired rodius. Sa'S Z 15. Power driven fasteners: size 49. Continuous channel and spacing as defor- bridging. y r ' W mined by engineering g 9 , f 50, Concralo column. 16. Ponol erection foloronco 51. Structural steel column. '"q.`a; O Z OS required. 52. Sloe[ clip angle balled 10 O 17. Continuous stab edge frock or panel aboJ - angle: size as dolor below vet., Q mined by engineering 53. line of panel above or ' r requirements. botow�; r_ 18. Stool clip ongle: size and . 54. Continuous broke formed spacing as determined by angle. Y _ W oc U .engineering requirements. 55. Continuous steel origin 19. Structural shim. with punchotl slots: size as 20. High strength boll with detorminod by engineer. vroshors. Ing requirements,^ v F 56. Stool clip angle between 21. Reinforce structural Q steel stud track as defor studs with dn:Iod hole: size mined by engineering and spacing as dote;- raqulromon[s. minod by engineering irements. 22. Concrete construction. requ+ 57. Reinforce stud of bolect t '' r 2J. Cold roiled steel angle. connection as dolor. 7 24, %xfrlical s.:do cl'p.::'ci mined by enginooring ~ to panel studs and porime. requirements. Z - ter of floor edge. 58. Stool clip anglo wlth over I red is it 26. Double structural steel spacing as dotermined by studs at door or window engineering requirements. Jambs. 59, Solld block bolwoon and 27. Stool clip angle with studs of panel with cc nlinu ous dra smoolhdpaced steel In. boles e n p oo 28. Embedded stool plate: size 60. Diagonal tension straps os �'''"'� i •�z rt +"� 1 �' ands spacing as deter. Tx t' e pa g detorminod a engineer. minted by engineering ing requirements. requirements. 61. Steel plate (rack rolnforaea 29. Weld slructurol steel stud moot with punched slot: 8 t k v v (rack 10 stool clip concrete sire and spacing as doles y ? 30. Cost concrete mined by engineering k'ds ^ ^'± beam or slob. requirements. 31. Post -tensioned concrete 62. Wind girl or wind posts slab. equirod by wind loads r u rxry ,•,,,s, 32. Drilled halo or punched imposed on pcnol: silo ^` slot In steel stud bark. and spacing 05 dotorr 33. Interior angio: mined by engineering size as determined by, ogNremo -n,inoorngrnuinmos v �n 63 Provide positive drainage 34, Diagonal bracing, slruc from structure m regwrW, ar 4 Eq >rx k e tU101 steel SIUdi IX h01 I rolled stool angle as dolor. 9 mined by engineering _" i r• >i f: R s r ukomepls.. 9 �" � 4 :: °�$ `•'.. v'rk.w.'`ti.xo �`b>r ,. r,;! 'Yt6. � i I "� ■ , El Fill' 03 c,. It 2 S4 S &' a s h k F i 1 � a: x f 4 F a re r �tl�' id HORIZONTAL SPANDREL PANEL TYF''. APPENDAGE ATTACHMENTS 1.1 EAST ELEV. WOOWINDWALL 1.3 LIGHT GAUG m - V ! 9 S' 4 A ,v. .. ! ... 'i: ..... a v 21 I �MATERIAL •�,�,� `INTERIOR FINISH s ' IM J © %4°•y 5y E 1 99 IE MR A0VB V 3 . III III III ► III 111 ,,, III III III 0 ` 1 j � L F �i 5 w 1.v>= f w 4,'ryi .i. 5 7"4`, i>-y�•.e?-spa �' m �;�:" ,:��,tkaY�„ D MOVIEMENT COON/ °2 o Oo LTED PANEL TO PMEL TO ° � C���p Qf��LE TO �TEEL PLATE BOTTOM T'FIQCK'S �, � , .:> : _. ;; EMBED TYP. @ CQ82T ELEVATION Mill It 5 Xf �r ft ] Y vfx e"5 t' F£'#3"} t.:, 4 "L"}� , • d }b { �.( " a: W .. fi r. . `..} VY ;Si .r1i 1 y y✓y :$" II 114 - p kyr, ° FWD er d C 5 > 1 4 2 40 6 13 3 3/4' MIN. } "' "* m n w- s- DRV �T 8 d4 S �E V E ZX%,FF".:.x A.a V8O_ V VTo > B V B L� AIR 11 V Il U L5 L� S >e r , btu. V } $ t� irn zi t x' nb ' ` r+v S.a il+ , .r' g y , y � ✓ k pt �y Ys v�Ft,. ... krcwas 4 : s ° e fid, wya r„ y g s d s �� * ' �. �;. u s r c h t ! r ,_F IN y i^ ,a.�£y n r ! 6•t � r . ,-iY r.,i �bl �� .�� �,"� ��yY..r� w >«.i "b"y.'�: �aA ad W, E IS q # ,.2Sa � x �x 1 a� c��n y �� °�'a �;Ya #• rr21 '�h�+�, .�,>5 -.z s' x �! y >.t" {I5 a zfi r •� 5 FR n 9 x r s sty }•^x .�'''.5(3 � .`rs' ` � v�fT r��'y� t :• x�' ,� *, ^. -Y 'nr.1`' L •��tn. sty r � a �' J3,�'i�',*'``. r�- 1 by �,+,l' i` e -_fit �'., 2 a �� 3''•s, s k'. €L q sE x 6 Irk ' n., �'L � sv,�3x, �F�3x .4=�k-� a� ?*Sas-a's' •g� '� Y". u� - '� 1. *'+. x .:'•y hors. a �' -. a .�'��u �+y b'� 3- x '�''#�. s^3s r ' :� .� ;: `� k "�}� ,i gy. � , ` °�i��`s yyk4 '§" '{s kY � L 't -s,, i cy"I'�,{, .fit ,,f.�♦Y�zu`yy� �, K. � y 8 3 f n n m xp KEYED NOTES Y k " 1. Dryvit finish. 35. Steel clip angle. Attach to 64. 5acklill to grade Of €, 2. Dryvit Insulation Board (DIB). panel stud and to steel required. , 3. Adhere DIB 10 substrate beam. 65. Door. lamb ono shims. .+.rni " with Primus/Adhesive 36. Steel floor dock. 66. Roof flashing and counter or ADEPS Adhesive as 37. Steel slue w clip angle nothing. appropriateaBaahmecl of diagonal 67. Roof assembly 4. Dryvlf reinforcing mesh bracing l0 structure. 68. 50MI framing. i embedded in Primus/ 38. Steel clip angle. Attach 10 69. Dryvil System Adhesive base coat Y pmembran. concrete slab and dingo A Extend DrYvit reinforcing not bracing. 70. to and roofing membrane cap 0 fm skiing. underside of metal cap mesh, hose coat and finish 39. Continuous Uannel bridg- (lashing. onto structural steel studs Ing with bridging clips at 71. Dryvi: compatible soffit a track at panel edges. each stud. Dry,c1, rr- 6. Backup rod and Dryvil. 40. Wrap Dryvli reinforcing ' 72, Wood studs or flow Joists. ' y compatible sealant. mesh and base coat 73. Solfil assembly. g. a i 7. Solid substrate. 2' minimum of underside 74. Erioriw wood Irim. s v s M1 9 r 8. Structurol steel studs. of DIB. w ` ` 9. Structural steel stud truck. 41. Slope Dryvii System for pos- 75. Metal Noshing as required r $4 W. Anchor boll w expansion (live tlralndge: minimum by others. anchor; size and spacing slope 6' in 12'. 76. Bond beaker lope behind sY < S as determined by engf- 42. Metal cap flashing. sealant. x r^ nearing requirements. 43, DWI compaliblo socant 77. Mochanicd lostonor. 11. Steel shims as required at (with appropriate bond anchorage. Grout oI panel breaker). bollom and solid substrate 44. Glazing sy5tom and shims between connections as 45. Integral flashing K g g b Ygia:rng required. manufacturer.( 12. Steel warners with self- 46. Blocking as rog6lrod. w1 T locking nuts. 47. Rot; or cut drip rectal or M ' I& Dryvil-rocommencrod aoslnpfic joint In DIB. . r Lseathing. 45. Structural stool stud track r, z3 n r IL Bridging between studs as Kett flanges as required to {' required. bend to dos red rodiW, #y - nG, RYA Power driven fasteners, ,uzo 49. Continuous channel g = and spacing as dolor. bridging. 2 i mortal by engineering 50. COrlcrOle column. requirements. 51. 5irudurd steel column k 16. Panel erecli0n Ioleranott ' as required, 52. Stool clip angle bolted to 147. continuous slob edge track apanel above or below. angle: size OS deter- 53. Line of partial obovo w mined by engineering x:. requirements. baler/ i8. Steel clip angle: Size and 54. Ceinlmuou9 brake formed spacing as determined by angle. enginooring requirements. 55. Continuous floor angle { 49. structural shim. with punched slots: size as 120. High strength boll with determined by engine_. J washers, Ing requirements. 21. Reinforce structural 56, Steel clip angle between slugs with drilled hold: size T. { Leal stun track a deter and s mined by engineering Pacing indoinr- _ requirements. mined by nts. engineering - e r 22. Concrete conslrucibn. requirements. �w 57. Reinforce stud at bolted- -,, : s r _ 23. Cold -roiled Steel dingle. ' 1 -connection as deter• fig- n y # Td. Vertical slide clip, Attach mined by enginooring sx j } +::. (r b Pan I sluedds QrW pOrime- requirements. c +. � a -.'z�1 x..c. - �'., ! 0 9w g 58. Stool clip angle, with over 25. Cwncrele shear wall. sized drilled hole: size , } 26, Double structural steel spacing as determined by ry Studs at door or window engineering requirements. ',. lambs. 3 lam 59. Solid block boMoon end `'-- 27. Steel clip angle with studs of panel with connu STW -Iaaetl steel in. OS Site,P betden. " S O OtO' Sltp 28. Embedded e 60. Dio on I t n i P in o s a irons as 9 P L In 0stleter- t Dods determined b engineer. -a spacing 9 re oa v g I mined by engineering Ing requirements. requirements. M. Steel plate track rolnfwco 29. Weld structural stool stud meet with punched slot: track to steel clip angle. size and spacing as doter �30. CaSbin-Place concrete minocl by engineering beam or slab. requirements. Ss •w _ 31. PosHensioned concrete 62. Wind girt or wino posts as I n i ° q C slob. Impulsed by wino loads w ' - 32. Drilled hole w'Punched impo;od on pone size $ 5 rI "Ys a 4 u k 3'" - slot in steel stud frock. and spacing as dialer Y� : n t mined by engine(((33. ring Interick olignmenl angle; eq u mmmnis. 4T°' v � v size as determined b -� v. I 6J, Provide strive rain .� d o o eng ineering r uiremenis. Po 9 9 g eq tom structure as nt #i required . rac ntx I i Ir s uc-.. � o- 4 F 6 Ltr . s or hot. A'Ineering ' a ram'= 1 7 t4 Yki k ",#k. k ♦. r x t T Y • / d tyiJ. V , ,: 1 & e +ry4 ekyy" -a "tera ,q x� h k;' se, £�, s .✓ik Y�.� Z a a 0 0 0 t rn R a X Z ¢ Z IL W O ; O W W W O Z Q X m W Z R W W LL ItW R W Z IL a W W O W ,.... to W Z Rcc F 0 3 a ~ a G 7 'LU O Z R H R Z} 0 to W a W ~ LL 0. ~ W a W Z O X X U 3 R ~ W X ayaxxW O W W = , W 2= 3 0 W F U.cc� Z '+ H 0 0 LL 0 a T. J ♦ V. 1. r i r y :>t t 'tl t �w • d q rs �. ~T yyA4 E" • 4 t s �M1 A All • - b i � • .. ,fit '� a • � I ' ,��� art �,*: . • - f /rya •• � u .I � R W M da©Upt- to 2 x G. a ui x w Z -.. _ N#36BAODS- 8 /� 7 BOT. 7 # 8 BOT. - ,— S1 EACH WAY EACH WAY W` ro 3 #5BOT. 4#7BOT. 4 B C D E F C H J k L - M N EACH WAY LONG WAYit 1- a , uj DESIGN ERODED 6 # 5 BOT. 6" 'V 11'4�W 6'34te" 10'2" 4'6" 4'6" 10'2" 613B5e" 11'4141e• I 6' SHORT WAY '� n , CONTOUR LINES 61,V1 1 161h• I 1 I I I � I I -- I 19'-2y4• 15'-2A' 1 15'-214" 19'-211" `" N • O, a b O b b `o 1,-3" 1,-6" 1._6" 1r_3. 7 I - 7 I I I I 1•-511" V-6" 1'-6" 11'-5W _ . o. ELEV. TOP C P I 3 PC 2 -6" 5 -6" 1 -3 1 -6" 1'-6" 1 -3" I 5-PC m +5.00 rn 5-PC m Sr_11. a +s.00+ ;, +s.00 a 1 P. C. 2 P. C. I +8.00 N.G.V.D - — ----- - -__- DEPTH: 19" DEPTH: 2'-4" e --- -- — Q Q -----r-------rt-- -- _ Q ' -- --- -- � 5 —' 3 P . C. 4 P C - - - - -.- - I - DEPTH' W'x W 0. < W rut 0 W 0 W x W H Uj W V Y IS w 7 w ii7 Lu W2OW to :1 �' 'ZU. -� Ix- Vi O MO" O Ix 0. 1 ), EXISTING GRADE --- -- — 7 # 8 BOT. 5 P. C. I I � DEPTH: 2'_4" 5-PC —{I- 5-PC LONG WAY DEPTH: 2'-10" I I I n 14'-8" 14'-8" 6VI I SHORT WAY C LOG WAY19'-2i8y9 # 7 BOT. -- SHORT WAY b - _ �— ` W " I I I N II i I II w= n I- n N o to N � I �, I • in is m 1 Q m 9 I N TYP. PILE CAP DETAIL n V" - 6Ln in _a io 80—PC b 1 -3 ' 3 -0. 3 -0" - - 7a I Ia 1-3" 1-5. 1' -5. 1-3 —PC oI 5,_4.5 ' " VERIFy ROOD. ELEV TENSION PILES THESE ROWS TENSION PILES THESE ROWS 8,-6 - . �.: (� n PIT EPTH.o ._-. _L. I I I I YC h IMM v v ue.rlH: �—Tu Y . a a I a I I to c 5-PC of of o n o o 1 N N I 12 13 I ` r , w I I I I b n - 5—^ / O 1� 14 0 ~ PAPER JT. „ PAPER JT. _ _ _ _ m I .BETWEEN BETWEEN I 6'-8" 5'-135" 5'-13b 6'' a. 20'-0' 9'-3%* a 10' 2K a 9'-34h 20'-0" ` © O. o I ro n I J o ���1✓✓� IVIT ��J// M r I I 4'-2" 4'-2" I I 1 m 8•x12" CONC. STUB e'r c0 8•x12" CONC. STUB °r° COL. FROM CAP TO COL. FROM CAP TO — - - - -. - STAIR GR.BM. W/405 STAIR GR.BM. W/4#5 VERT. & #3 TIES 0 8" I I I VERT. & #3 TIES O 8" I 1- o { g 1 s 16 17 18 1 s 20 @ �'� °° — y% r � m , 3-PC 4-PC 4-PC I 4-PC 4-PC 3-PC • /�,i L +9.33 0 l2'-10�45e• 17'-5Ne' 4'-i• 4'-1" 17'-5Ao- 12'-10145e" T 706 TOP 9@6 OTTOM O.L. 21 03-13C14'-4' 3—PC 34'-5" I 34'-5• {I 68'-10- TTT N I I I W ({A� 6—4-4- 00 I N N 2 Z O_ ' 1 t9.33 +9.33 I 2121 1 — — — — — — 5'-ti5• 5'-135• � � 3 PC 3 PC 15" 7 ® 3'-0. = 21'-^" 15" < F 0 U N D A T 1 0 N P L A N SCALE 1/8" = 1'- 0" 23'-6" n 1. REFERENCE ELEVATION +/- 0'-0" = +11.50 NGVD 2. ELEVATION OF TOP OF CAPS (EXCEPT WHERE SHOWN WITH Qs.DD ) SHALL BE +9.66 NGVD. 3. COLUMN AND PILE CAP CENTERLINES SHALL COINCIDE UNLESS DIMENSIONED OTHERWISE. 4. ALL ELEVATIONS GIVEN IN DECIMAL FEET ARE BASED ON N.G.V.D. ALL ELEVATIONS GIVEN IN FT.& INCHES ARE RELATIVE TO TOP OF GR. FLOOR SLAB (t0'-0"). 5. MINIMUM BOTTOM TIP OF PILE ELEVATION IS -15.00 NGVD. 5. SEE SHEET S-2 FOR GROUND FLOOR. 80 PILES ELEVS000SHEAR WALL psiSPI LE4w C1AoP 1'-3" 2'-1 A- 2r-1 A-1'-3" 6,-9. 6 P. C. DEPTH: 2'-10" f 'I 9 U H.A.LUTEN ASSOC.INC. " O CONSULTING ENGINEERS I ' 211 S. Federal Highway [ ' { / Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 .� To the best of our knowledge the L FILE #. L90022 plans and specifications comply with the applicable minimum building codes. This drawing has been prepared, based upon information furnished by others. While this information Is believed reliable, we cannot assure Its accuracy, and thus are not responsible for the accuracy of this drawing or any errors or omissions which may have been Incorporated Into it as a result. , 9 N 21 1 25"-3 5 B- 9"-1 3 a- J4 -s Zb -o W-41h'I 1 8 0 5'-5" = 43'-4" 2'-117%' -5 W-BY4" W-BVi' 9 0 5'-5" = 48'-9" 1" BREAK -AWAY JTS.— ,�— --- —U'�� — --- — m I 0'-.735 "m -LF +C� IS _6LI+oroimIv - IIIIIL +11 50 +11.50 . p_4t POUR 8"X8' MIN. CONC. CAP OVER 1EACH a m W411 I -- L--_ o a Qk 04F- +2075 +11.50 POUR 8"X8" MIN. CONIC. CAP/4IOVER WA SFEGM4'E4 N AP SL m G-MEN-T SE— Ert A Tt11.G50-0'-0 OpRSA • 1 ON O N.mOI Fm_76 EL I�III - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DBLME SH YP.1 Fm-16 T+1P1.50-0'-O" OGR.SLAB ;_ - o - 2#5 CONT. � r — — — — — — — — — - - - - - - il Fm-18 m 11'-74Y' 11'-7%" I 8'-11Y" 33'-3" JE Fm 16 I ® 4-------� -- —� O LLI I I I I I I I 9 O lOI i II 10 °D Fm-16 in L-------U --- c-- -I I I I --------------- 51 CONC. SLAB ON VAPOR BARRIER OVER COMPATED FILL I a WITH 6X6,W1.4XW1.4 WWM. of I .W55-0" oI E SEE NOTE 5. BELOW. I O+1P f I I E m 12 I�----- Fm_16 13 --- _j `I 1-B" 11'-3"•Fm-18 , r Fm-16Fm-16 PS - - 1 IE I m I I 14 LL oI I I I I 1 E I +11.17 I` 41 I �, I I 1 I I m +11.50=0'-0 L — FJ�] —1 L__F1n,.8 i i I GR.SLAB N I I �I I m I r----------, �--- a I �1 I E v I M m a I _ I +11.50-0'-0" I I TOP GFERAB IE E'I i I I a I N n I 115 16 I t` I m I I I 17 I rl I� I I I I 18 ig ° Fm-116 O 20 E a I - Fm_16 77 1 It - °j < m-16 IB'-6'/x" o SLOPE 2' ID_BL I+11.17') L-- c I 0 ,_ ' 22'-3" 0 ---- --- — Fm-16 15'-10Y4 --- T e -3'l Ou�i o -0'-3" 21 +11.25 - - - - - - - SEE ARCH'L E ARCH' 14'-4' PLANS 14'- 4 11SEE ARCH' CURB PLANS PLANS 34'-5' 34'-5" 68' 10' I MMM MM I [MIME] ■R ■1■��1■H ■1� Ir■1■■I�� I� ATk +9'-10Ys" T60 +21.38 NGVD 2nd FL ,..', •..'�.-', .'. :..'.',. OMIT REINF'C. h GROUT ---__ IN TOP FlLL-IN BLOCK ___-LUDAR TYPE JOINT REINF'G. THIS JOINT--' ONLY, TO BE CONTINUIOUS OVER BREAK AWAY JOINTS (NOT ATTACHED TO COL) FILL ALL CELLS SOLID W/GROUT �— #5016"c/c #501 — 8"CMU THIS WALL AND ITS FOUN- DATION IS TO HAVE NO _.,16____JPHYSICAL OR INTERLOCKING ATTACHMENT TO THE BUILDIN \ COLUMNS OR FOUNDATIONS. — 80CMU #6016"c/c GRADE SLAB. " SEE NOTE 5. z 4"x2" KEY WAY IN FOO NG F F-60 3-1 Y JTS.O W-4"ec MAX. BREAK -AWAY w' CL. •` CONTINUOUS THRU FOOTING AND WALL w ELEVATION ��VIIE1W�� ��pp•�a� fir- F�DOOTING IS TO STOP 1' FROM EACH SIDE OF COLUMN SEC II 0 ®II �1 'A' SCALE 1 /2" - 1'-0' GROUND FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1/8" =1'- 0" 1. FLOOR SHALL BE 4" CONCRETE SLAB WITH 6X6 W1.4 X W1.4 WWM OVER VAPOR BARRIER, ON COMPACTED FILL. 2. ELEVATION OF TOP OF FOOTINGS (EXCEPT WHERE SHOWN WITH 11to.e ) SHALL BE +11.50 NGVD. 3. ALL FOOTINGS ARE NOT TO MECHANICALLY OR MONOUTHICLY CONNECTED TO ANY BUILDING COLUMNS OR PILE CAPS. 4. REFERENCE ELEVATION +/- 0'-0"=+11.50 NGVO 5. PROVIDE SLAB CONTROL JOINTS AT COLUMN CENTERLINES (WHERE POSSIBLE), BUT NO GREATER DISTANCE APART THAN TO PROVIDE A MAX. PANEL AREA OF 25 SQ. FT. JOINTS MAY BE FORMED AND KEYED AT MID DEPTH WITH A BEVELED 1"x2" KEYWAY OR SAWN APPROXIMATLY 1/4 OF THE SLAB DEPTH NO LATER THAN 20 HOURS AFTER THE POUR. IN NO WAY IS SLAB TO BE TIED MECHANICALLY OR KEYED TO STRUCTURAL COLUMNS, SHEAR WALLS OR PILE CAPS. 6. 'TE-1' INDICATES B"X B" THICK EDGE WITH 1 # 5 CONTINUOUS BOTTOM. 7• COORDINATE SLAB ELEVATIONS, STEPS AND SLOPES WITH ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 8. ELEVATIONS GIVEN IN DECIMAL FEET ARE BASED ON N.G.V.D. ELEVATIONS GIVEN IN FEET & INCHES ARE RELATIVE TO +11.50 NGVD = 0'-0". g, ALL WALLS AT THE GROUND LEVEL ARE TO BE BREAK -AWAY OR FRANGIBLE WALLS. THEY ARE TO BE INDEPENDENT OF ALL STRUCTURAL SUPPORTING MEMBERS SUCH AS COLUMNS, ELEV. SHEAR WALL, SECOND LEVEL SLAB AND PILE CAPS. WALLS ARE NOT TO BE MECHANICALLY FASTENED TO TO ANY BUILDING STRUCTURAL SUPPORTING MEMBER. B'X8" MIN. CONC. CAP W/1 p4 (NOT CONT. OVER SK-AWAYr JT.)� DO NOT EXSTEND REINF'G. INTO CONIC. CAP FILL ALL CELLS SOLID W/GROUT-� {�5016'c c (OMIT WHEN WALL IS LE. THAN 4'-8" HIGH) IS WALL AND ITS FOUN- NIJ D ATION IS TO HAVE NO YSICAL OR INTERLOCKINGTACHMENT TO THE BUILD1 OR FOUNDATIONS. 8"CMU - FINISH GRADE OR #6016"c/c TURF BLOCK PAVING (SEE ARCH'LPLANS) w +10.83 N RZv1 Xaa SEE CL. F-44 F-36. 17 3144" CL 0 0 o o: a. n. Q M . tD m M 3� N I b 0 3Vi CL 0 W In 0 o 0 a5 as 5� Cm n 3W S E C T P ®N SCALE: 1 /2" - 1'-0" 8-2 LOWEST HORZ. STRUCTURAL ELEMENT TIED TO COLUMNS. (OTHER THAN STAIRS) HONSUTIN ANSWER S CONSULTING ENGINEERS '211 S. Federal Highway L Boynton Beach, FI. 33435 To the best of our knowledge the FILE L90022 plans and specifications comply with the applicable minimum building codes. This drawing has been prepared, based upon information furnished by others. While this Information is believed reliable, we cannot assure Its accuracy, and thus are not responsible for the accuracy of this drawing or any errors or omissions which may have been Incorporated Into It as a result. aN �� Y i f f PARTI KInD71 ' n � r•� 4. � r r-� r-. a r•. f 1 7'-10 3/8" I SCALE 1/8" = 1'- 0" SEE NOTES FOR TYPICAL FLOOR FRAMING. 1, ALL PORTIONS OF 2nd FLOOR SLAB NOT SHOWN ARE THE SANE AS THE TYPICAL FLOOR FRAMING . n(B) n nn I n n nn Z i•• U W IL 0 Q 0 U 4 0 10 , cc W cc 2 4 W 0 r' 0 W W W G I. I F W r 0 t1 i. a: W W lu x W W p tair w � O> I #5015"T Z p F W 0 Z #4 016"c/c <o AtW 2 # 4 CONT. y iq h• .try I O I I } CANOPY 8"X5" CONC. CAP O W u I 0 U. W S SLAB W/2#5 CONT. N f" #4015"TEMP. $ {. #4016"c/c 8201 _—. F W__LL W -O ® x 0 LL a I GROUTED SOLID IN ELK. CELLS. I (V SLOPE 115" +9'-101♦2" x 1' COL. 08 SECOND LEVEL SLAB BEYOND 7 5 27K 4 i ♦ 4 5 6 y. 4 5 4 27K - 27K 5 xj 4Y4on 3Y4 4 27K 27K 3Y{ 6 N I Q. Y4 N 4 { 614 1 4 ut 27K ` 27K { �� m 3Y4 27K — _ 4 4 1'1 4 � 1 1 27K 5#5 5#5 N 5 �{ ♦ 1 614 ♦ Li ♦ Lh 4 27K I. 27K 27K 3a• 4 614 ♦ Yz 4 Yz 1 ♦ a Ij 27K 27K 4 4 1xt 4 2 1 4 27K 27K 1Y4 61h 4Y4 V4 Ly 4 4 27K 3Y I Y4 I., l 4 6 ♦ 4 5 6Ve e 4 14 1 4 27K I — 27K 13Y 6 ♦ 1Yz 27K 4 4 27K 4 6 4 27K 27K ♦ 1 4 J 27K 27K 1 5 5 5 5 3 27K — F7K 4 iw 6146 M/4 ,n 14 4 N 27K 27K 95 3Y N N `'' n •Y4 a: m ♦ 27K i G___ I 27K 5 x 5 ao f 3Y4 b 2 vt N 1 14 27K 3Y♦ ^ If 27K < 6Y4 614 's +` Co{ 4 ♦ { { 27K i N p 27K "' 0 N { 4 Lk 5 4 27K p I• a n 27K 3Y{ 3V4 4 n °0 • 2Y4 614 14 2Yi 4 27K m 27K 264 3Y 3V4 214 ♦ 611 ' ♦ Yx #4®16 x2 3 p16 z2 3 Sh ♦ 1¢ 4 27K 27K I • 2 4 6Y2 C' 6Ya 4 4 Ly Y4 4 27K 27K 4 2Yi 2Ye m 61•§ 27K 4 5#5 4 4 5#5 4 4 27K 2Y♦ 6 4 4 h w 2Yi 27K 4 6Ye I yg 4 i 27K 2Yi 614 ♦ ♦ 614 27K { 61h 2Yi � ♦ 27K 614 { 6 6 V4 nn yi 4 — N5x8'4" { 6 BOT.b `� �2#4 4 6//5x8'4" 4 27K 27K ##4 X8.0" 6Y4 80T. 4 ♦ X8'0" 27K 27K 5 4p14" 45 92 —� p14 5 4 � rn ♦ M 4 4 4 4 4 4 27K I 27K 3Ya 3Y4 j ♦ ♦ 3 #4pi4" 4014" 4 4 27K 27K .3Y4 Yi 46 3-3Y4 4 ♦ 27K • 27K 1tih n "� tYz 3 4 4V4 3 3Y4 33/4 4 3 27K 27K 27K 4 1 41 ♦ 4 4 27K 3Y4 I 3Y4 15 4 `., 61i ♦ in o 1 14 2 27K "I 1 27K 3 4 5 4 in 4 5 2 s m 2 5 4 5 N 4{ 4 5 27K ♦ If 27K 3 3Y4 6Y2 4 4 m v aw 3 4 _ — --��.-- 4 4 rn 3,4w, N �* a, 4 Y4 3 27K V2 n x of � 27K A 0 2Y4 514 ti "� •N VARIES I VARIES iv � 51h 2Y4 � 31i % 27K "4 N 3 N 4014A%8'0"'\ m M m 014%8'0"- 3 N --2 ---- 2$4-- 17 M Gl m YJ M N .. TYPICAL FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SCALE 1/8" _ ,'- 0" 1. FLOOR SHALL BE 7 1/2" CONCRETE POST -TENSION SLAB. SEE 'POST TENSION SLAB REINFORCING DETAILS' ON SHEET # S-8 2. BEAM TOP ELEVATIONS SHALL BE THE SAME AS ADJOINING SLAB EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED WITH ( ), 3. FLOOR WORKING SUPERIMPOSED DESIGN LOADS LIVE LOADS - - - APPARTMENTS = 40 PSF PUBLIC WALKWAYS = 80 PSF DEAD LOADS - - - PARTITIONS = 20 PSF 4. ALL REINGFORCING BARS, CARRYING BARS AND SUPPORT CHAIRS IN SLABS THAT ARE EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER (EXTERIOR SLABS) ARE TO BE EPDXY COATED. 5. SEE 'PARTIAL 2nd FLOOR FRAMING' & 'CANOPY & WEST 2nd FLOOR EDGE FRAMING' FOR j SECOND FLOOR FRAMING THAT IS DIFFERENT THAN THE TYPICAL FLOOR FRAMING. ( f SECTION 'A' SCALE:1/2" t S-3 • I I �'III�IIIIIiIi` in .I 0 }- V Z 0 0 z ae a L5 f U > 1 0 0 a U 6 f J LL CANOPY & WEST 2nd FL. EDGE FRAMING PLAN SCALE 1/8" = 1'- 0" 1. CANOPY SLAB TO BE 7 1/2" CONCRETE POST -TENSION SLAB. W O SEE 'POST TENSION SLAB REINFORCING DETAILS' ON SHEET # S-7 U z z 2. CANOPY SLAP IS TO HAVE # 4 0 14"c/c TEMP. REINFORCING an i THRU-OUT THE SLAB (NORTH -SOUTH DIRECTION). O w 3. BEAM TOP ELEVATIONS SHALL BE THE SAME AS ADJOINING SLAB EXCEPT 7 = y WHERE INDICATED WITH ( ). 4. CANOPY WORKING SUPERIMPOSED DESIGN LOADS LIVE LOADS - - - 30 PSF DEAD LOADS --- 20 PSF / 5. ALL REINGFORCING BARS, CARRYING BARS AND SUPPORT CHAIRS IN SLABS THAT ARE EXPOSED TO THE !n WEATHER (EXTERIOR SLABS) ARE TO BE EPDXY COATED. H A LUTEN ASSOC INC I if CONSULTING ENGINEERS ' 211 South Federal Highway L0 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 To the best of our knowledge the FILE # L90022. plans and specifications comply with the applicable minimum building codes. This drawing has been prepared, based upon information furnished by others. While this information Is believed reliable, we cannot assure its accuracy, and thus are not responsible for the accuracy of this drawing or any errors or omissions which may have been Incorporated Into it as a result. co Q'Nb b w '�0 H ' Q bN b� �( Y • r-1 N gN U " OW � warac LLF- Q y-1U W 0:< EL LU a �A '• LLm WN7 1_ OW oCC GO V zy W' _ a00 x� c �U0z o PQao Nv 2 U U z . }. cc an w z LU F 3 w U Q cc y d a 0 - 4 , —roc -W--sue 0 cc 4/14E 5/12E - 2 i1 W Q t140'-2L't ih,,9 4/12E F� i t140- r.. ' 2Yx" Q O Z 4 t 2 2 3 4 TB1700 - - �= W -W x W - W18X119� / • / " o Ir x .t m W 6" 1 , 2• t TB17oo . . TB1700 ° GW W W O I O 5/8" 5/8B 0 ul :I a F• <S w 5/wtB 1- $ j 5" $ at W Q i. Y _ .i I 1 1 /2" W10X33 � � � t- tC �" m. 7 CAPIPLATE -- I 2-Yi BOLTS U - - --- IF REQ'D. y W Uj N 3{ 4-Yi ANCHOR Z (7 LL I,_ W 4 W: BOLTS LLJ"� I @ W W i 8V4X8V4XV4 TOP ROOFING 00 * d n g j� 4"DIA.X .337WALL PIPE BASE PLATE - - "� II- Z r, LI:.'...'. ��.'....... 1/2- �= ,/2 ELEV. MACH. RM. 3 z 3 3/4 3 3 4 WBX31 4-5/8" ST. STUDS i W EC Q $$ . / 3-3/4" BOLTS SLOT BM. 9 ►�. to (j µQ, Q WEB 1 3/4" x 13/16" \\\ 4" FILL-IN SLAB WITH I I II I I `ROOF SLAB COL. FACE I 3/1 3/IOB EA.WAY B1601 61601 II II I II II DETAIL 1 (+133'2Yz") � I 4/12E 4/12E (+133'2Yx") p SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" II II i�.'. Ik II SEE MANUFACTERURS SHOP DRAWINGS FOR REQUIRED LOCATIONS •. OF W8X31 BEAMS. THE CONTRACTER SHALL CONFIRM IF TWO BEAMS 2" ` ARE ADAQUATE TO REACH ALL SUPPORT POINTS OF EQUIPMENT. H. HI ! ®E •� //�� 4/98 Y P10L SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" , 4 S-4 Y f0 SEE SHEAR WALL .1 SCHEDULE 1D 27K 3Yi 3Yi 1Ya 6 a 3Y4 a 27K -t { 27K Yi Va 2 6Yz 4Ya 6Nt N 4Ya 6Yz 4 a a 27K 27K CURB REQ'D. AT DOORS tl I{ 3Ys 2 " 4Va 6Y4 4Ya 'n 2 4Vz 27K 2 5 CONT. ttt 27K--ow 3Ya IN CONC. CURB #4 DOWELS ..' CURB REO'D. AT DOORS 4 016•c c #4 DOWELS _ I 27K a 5 5 ♦ 6Va a 5 5 6Vi 2 m a 27K / I 016"c/c IN CONIC. CURB 3Yi 5 5 n 2 6lh a 615 a ly 2 27K L Y1 6Y4 a I 27K 3Yi o TOP RF.SLAB Ir 3Ya 41h 2 ^ 6Ve a 6Yt 2 4Vz 3Ya 27K +124'-2L'i" _ 27K 3Yi 4 2 a 6Vi a 2 4Yz 27K I 27K 3Yi 4 2 61h a N 2 TIT_ 3Yi ., . 6Vt a 6Y5 3Y27 i K -27K N 3Yi 411 � 2 6Y§ a ¢ 6Y4 � a 614 2 �., 4Y4 3Ya 27K 27K-or a 2 6Yi a e ELEV. SHAFT a 6Y5 27K ROOF FRAMING PLAN SCALE 1/8" = 1'- 0" 1. FLOOR SHALL BE 7 1/2" CONCRETE POST -TENSION SLAB. SEE 'POST TENSION SLAB REINFORCING DETAILS' ON SHEET # S-8 2. BEAM TOP ELEVATIONS SHALL BE THE SAME AS ADJOINING SLAB EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED WITH ( ), 3. FLOOR WORKING SUPERIMPOSED DESIGN LOADS LIVE LOADS --- ROOF = 30 PSF DEAD LOADS --- ROOF = 20 PSF MACH.FL.=100PSF 4. ALL REINGFORCING BARS, CARRYING BARS AND SUPPORT CHAIRS IN SLABS THAT ARE EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER (EXTERIOR SLABS) ARE TO BE EPDXY COATED. SECTION A SCALE: 1/2" = V-0" S- 4 i 5Vi 22 ��+ 31 BYk") 22 10'I244 22 B16027Ya" 22 22 T81700 TB7701 (+131.8� 22 (+140'21h") (+140'219 ) r-- —1 ----- I w 0 I I I II la I wt2 ut3 1 I oV) 14 14E 115/12E mTw 4 12E 412E m$ T----1I y OPEN � o I WALL BELOW p N n I 0 g I I M^ I► (—_ --I I A� II /(+11631 21 22 22 1 1 B1602 S-4'8Vt") (+131'864•) I I I a l l iB1700 N aI I 22 < oJl L--B2 n —J owl= 22 22 (+140'2Ve") 22 I 40': r (+131'" 811) 3 12E I 3� 5"/6" N 3/10 g N + 1 n m+ mn + A4I� ELEV. MACHINE ROOM PLAN SCALE 1/8" = 1'- 0" m NI + 0 a I,, c=1 a` to 1.. 22 W i W+ T131700 (+140'211") 22 G z; 4 12E1 O N o W > 1 5 8148 LL 1 d SLAB I B cc SLAB" I T01P A& I S-4 )' 22 (+1440'21k")Op 22 U Ida 2/12 I IOD M 13 OM !mon � Atli ELEV. MACHINE ROOF PLAN SCALE 1/8" = 1'- 0" H.A.LUTEN ASSMINC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 211 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FI. 33435 To the best of our knowledge the A�1111 FILE # L90022 plans and specifications comply with the applicable minimum building codes. This drawing has been prepared, based upon information furnished by others. While this information Is believed reilabie, we cannot assure Pts accuracy, and thus. are not responsible for the accuracy of this drawing or any errors or omissions which may have been Incorporated Into it as a result. C/ NN VJ a NCO �a0 0 O �Q�nN �� a W U� i W = -w OU1 O �Z 0z Z O LL� .a wo: 4� U CU 0: ' a ..,a �yU 1� • ~m W LL W�,W C/) (J zy ll! o= I)-t, rc- U N� C zaoo cc Lu m z Nv J F 3 W N fL ,o a e _J Q H W H 0: O a w a Z � Q_N J n amoz z XC) x N Q Z I U Z U Q O U to a QOM UM QMJ. f- W fnN Zad Ou O W O Z W M f n Q Cow U U w L n L n y W o IQ0 m O• �s� l4' � 3 r�712' 3 z w O m m moo O N m O n Ze LL `v 3 0 Z O >- W m 0 n_ fti Ca J to 1= n n m J m J J. fn !n ` W.S J r aDi U)I Z• J ~ J N J m QQ ID ZJ n F2 of IIQ ® a ik U F-Q Itn .�., wU ofF- J Z=� Vn wx J N •'W= { mQ m mW FAN \, avia \\ \\ a \1 m o _ o 10 o f iz \\ Z Jo-- ®l `ol m m mo W \ n Im W ' \\ \\ LLIZ z M7 U J U Q c Zn MF!Z 0 00 0 a_ 0 Oaw UDO 0� m D m • Xik^Y 7'-Sv M I M N + io 661, 4' -o" a Qr U O Z W (y N 0 LO �U N N L N v 0 00 U N o x I L I E m o l 0 > > w N O N N + LLi + w + 8'-6" 7'-6.. mW mw i WQ ®y s \ CnW w It O • N Ov I` ZW qk o I �I\\& Fez on FEZ Fcrf�IN I a�< F1 \ Q F0 Z aLna. I \ \ amg m fr \ m I\�,\ I 11\` Ll� ' I i I i l \ LI N\\` I I l-I�. I I a L7 �\ I I L I 1 I I Lj I I L I I M \ } I I-1I I \ I I I CZ, I C) 0IW L, I . m} I \\ I m} I o `� I o o 1 0 l 1 Jn WI ® \\ I^ j I mr m> I I I -I,\ I mI® ,\ m �I \ I I LI \\ I �-1 \\ I if- IN\\O Ia ii m N N .V' -� Q m J m Q m m N i fn H J e J N N O— O N j I w N 6 d J Ln N I > O J N 9'-8" 8,-81. m Q J . O M I 0 7 z + \ N N N N N N r N 0 —� >+ >� >N �+ > N f- >�>, 00 J O J- I .J fM J-d' J N J n J '-- O 5 N ON c0 LO 't t7 N t0 N hJ+"+O+oO+�+LO+0+d' I J 00 +I + 8'-8" 8 FLOORS ® 8'-8" 8'-8" = 69'-4" 9 WE -J J Q Z 3v OfX QO La w4 on of W O N Li � LL] _ I — I: a 0 0 \ Z U �u mw w >- U m m 'V) W zF® _z F Z o O'q CLMCL o 2 US - #IIIInJ J z0 Mz ZD Uj o U m 9'-10 1 /2" M�\ ma i0 LE m Q a I E w > O K z Z tD LD K=U Q p� U > 0 L Saa J + II W a In 0 I 5'-0" N.T.S. C w— 0 H.A.LUTEN ASSMINC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 211 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 To the best of our knowledge the A1M1M1M11' FILE 8 PROJ.L90UZZ plans and specifications comply with the applicable minimum building codes. This drawing has been prepared, based upon Information furnished by others. While this Information Is believed reliable, we cannot assure Its accuracy, and thus are not responsible for the accuracy of this drawing or any errors or omissions which may have een Incorporated Into It as a result. ` :j 0 z 0 (, l J WI s 1 aa_. 2 � I U OI O I ( I U I J [ W N N UU r I U e: dc R U. - NN U) a N 0 W O i InN IN 0 0 z z w L� QL • o t-i :a U N o y rr LL 0 �Z�;z Z 'O w N x Wa; a u< ao 1�•Fm O>W W `ALL I .QW Q C/) U A-t 00 L�3:... U L C i _ , m. x 1z 0Z W z Qon NY a K <Lu vUi a •o 0 I BEAM # Bl B2 63 _- B100 8101 B200 B201 ELEV. SIZE 8X16 8X16 8X22V2 8X16 8X16 18X30 18X30 "E" REINF. I I I 1 # 6 TOP REINF. 2 # 5 2 # 5 2 # 6 2 # 5 2 # 5 2 # 7 2 # 6 BOT REINF. 2# 5 2# 5 2# 7 2 5 2 5 # # 2 # 8 4 # 9 #3 STIRRUP 10 ® 6" 0 5"T 0 12 ®9" 5 ® 6" _ ®s T O ®13"T/0 ®13"T/0 NOTES BEAM # B1601 B1602 B1601 TB1700 T81701 ELEV. SIZE 8X24* 14X26 8X24* 8X16 8X24 "E" REINF. TOP REINF. 2# 7 2#9+2#10 * 2# 7 2# 5 2# 5 BOT REINF. 2# 9 2#7 2# 9 2# 5 2# rJ #3 STIRRUP 8@16" O12 00 O 8016" * UPTURNED *EXTEND CONT. * UPTURNED NOTES ACROSS 14' CONC. WALL. DEVELOPED LAP (INCHES) BAR SIZE CONC fc KSI 3 4 5 5 19 16 15 6 27 23 21 #7 37 32 28 #8 48 42 37 9 61 1 53 47 #10 78 67 60 11 96 83 74 18 S-1 I S-2 "E" BAR 7 TOP BAR #3 ENCLOSURE TIES 1/5 "T" "T" T/5 1/5 "'T ® 4"C/C WHEN CALLED FOR IN S-1 S-1 S-2 NOTE O 8" BOTT BAR DEVELOPED LAP ADDED LONG'L REINFORCING BOTT. BAR BOTT. BAR (SEE SCHEDULE) "BE" BAR "BE" BAR Y 'BE' BARS *'V LAP (INCHES) BAR SIZE CONC fc KSI 3 4 5 4 20 20 20 5 26 26 26 6 23 31 31 7 45 39 36 F8­1 59 51 46 9 74 1 65 58 BE BARS BY 1.18 WHEN SAND CONCRETE WALL BEAM LIGHTWEIGHT CONC. DETAIL IS USED. DETAIL ENCLOSURE TiES CANTILEVER s-1 s-z S-3 BEAM TO WALL AT COLUMN A 1/4 1/4 1/4 NOTE S-1 S-1 S-2 'C' S-3 STD. HOOK "E" BAR "E" BAR' • TOP BAR TOP BAR TOP BAR l , Oor a. N • m o \ p. \. .Q. s o •� �O 0 a \ o \ o w BOTT BAR 12" BOTT BAR 12 BOTT. BAR m i' m o o HOOPS OR TYP TYP LONGITUDINAL BEAM 4 BM. DEPTH GREATER O O 'v U1 STIRRUPS SPACED REINF'G (SEE'REQ'D q THAN 24" BUT LESS O 0 m FROM FACE OF 6" MIN.(TYP.) LONGITUDINAL ADDED I , THAN 30 BM.DEPTH GREATER THAN4 SUPPORT AS PER BEAM REINFORCING' z i. 29" BUT LESS THAN 42" O 0 HOOK AT SCHEDULE (TYP.) NOTE ON THIS SHEET) N I (i BM.DEPTH GREATER THAN f 41 BUT LESS THAN 54" END COLUMN 'BOTTOM�,�TOP' AND 'E' BARS NOTE: V4 S-2 OR S-3, WHICH EVER IS GREATER. Uj 'E' BARS: Y4 S-2 OR A S-3, WHICH EVER IS GREATER. BM. DEPTHS GREATER THAN 53" REQUIRED LONGITUDINAL BENDING DIAGRAMS _j O I j 0 I ADDED BEAM REINFORCING CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE BEAMS AND SLABS 2X4 CONT. BLOaDNG x 1. O -INDICATES REINFORCING AS SCHEDULED. 4X4XYY•X4• ANGLE a Nn n-XxTX SOLC/C jta��i(( 2. ® — INDICATES ADDED REINFORCING AS REQUIRED BY "OLT BEAM SIZE OR AS SCHEDULED. WENOLT r 3. ALL ADDED REINFORCING SHALL BE #4 UNLESS NOTED ON SCHEDULE. PRE-ENGINEERED = O 4. SEE BENDING DIAGRAM FOR LENGTHS OF ADDED REINFORCING. CONCRETE (� y �e A TRUSSES BY OTHERS C ONC`+RE i E LINTELS LS SEE ARCH'L.PLANS 0 FOR DIMENSIONS 2xs P.T. 4 1 LINTELS SHALL BE USED OVER ALL OPENINGS UP TO 8'-0" WIDE WHICH ARE NOT AND LOCATIONS. CONT. EDCEn I .. CON2X6 . L r IL_ CONGBM. CONT. LEDGER HEADED BY SCHEDULED BEAMS. - MANSURD TRUSS 4X4XA'X4• ANGLE (BY OTHERS) UNTELS SHALL BE 8"X 8" PRECAST OR CAST IN PLACE AND BEAR A MINIMUM OF U l I 6 SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW I I III 8" OVER MASONRY. WHERE CONCRETE COLUMN IS AT OPENING EDGE, LINTEL SHALL ADDED REQUIREMENTS BE 8"X 12" WITH 2#4 TOP AND BOTTOM, -POURED IN PLACE WITH COLUMN, -AND BEAR 4X4XN•X4"ANGLE WHEN NOTED IN 'BEAM SCHEDULE' ABOVE A MINIMUM OF 8" AT ENDS WITH MASONRY. r;HiLn_KWK ear 41M M'X4• ANGLE A PROVIDE ENCLOSURE TIES AT DISCONTINUOUS END; SEE DETAIL BELOW. Q BB TIE BEAM TOP AND BOTTOM REINFORCING SHALL BE CONTINUOUS WITH 30 BAR 'BOLT �.... , DIAMETER SPLICES (MINIMUM). EXTEND TOP AND BOTTOM BARS INTO : In ). ADJOINING STRUCTURAL BEAMS PER BENDING DIAGRAM, THIS SHEET. G E N E R A L N O T E S i- V © CONTINUE BOTTOM REINFORCING TO 1/4 SPAN OF ADJACENT BEAM. / r' �. o D HOOK TOP AND BOTTOM REINFORCING HORIZONTALLY INTO ADJOINING 1. PLACE SCHEDULED HOOPS OR STIRRUPS AT EACH END OF BEAM,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. STIRRUPS SHALL BE TYPE 'S-G' & HOOPS TYPE 'T-2' CRSI'TYP.BAR BENDS'). ih'BDLT Lc 6 'TvcER _ ! PERPENDICULAR BEAM. ( ) I � zxe P.T.< EO WHERE BEAM IS WIDER THAN ADJOINING BEAM, HOOK NON -CONTINUOUS TOP 2. BUNDLE TOP BARS WITH ADJACENT BEAM TOP BARS IN PAIRS OVER SUPPORTS. 2XGCONT.__LEDGcGNcsN. 3: POUR 'TB' BEAMS ON MASONRY AND POUR ALL OTHERS PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF MASONRY. MANsuRG muss BARS (NOT AUGNING WITH ADJACENT BEAM) IN FARE FACE OF COLUMN. (BY STEERS) —� { 4. 'TB' TOP AND BOTTOM BARS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS WITH 30 BAR DIAMETER SPLICES. FO WHERE BEAM ELEVATION IS HIGHER THAN ADJOINING BEAM, HOOK TOP 5. EXTEND ALL BEAM REINFORCING INTO CONCRETE WALLS AND ADJACENT STRUCTURAL SiDE VIEW FRONT VIEW BARS (NOT ALIGNING WITH ADJACENT BEAM) IN FARE FACE OF COLUMN. BEAMS ACCORDING TO BENDING DIAGRAMS AND 'BEAM TO WALL' DETAIL. © ADD TWO LONGITUDINAL BARS AT MID -DEPTH. 6. DROP BOTTOM OF 'TB'S A MAXIMUM OF 28" TO FIT MASONRY. ADD 2 # 5 WHEN J O DROP IS OVER 8" uyu�uy�- '�® ����®� u ®� u ��� H BOTTOM REINFORCING IN TWO LAYERS; SECOND TO BE LOCATED 1 1/2' - LL U)Q N� CLEAR ABOVE BOTTOM LAYER AND LENGTH SHALL BE 2/3 THAT OF BEAM, 7. MARK "C" IN 'REINFORCING' COLUMN BETWEEN TWO BEAMS INDICATES REINFORCING NO SCALE CENTERED IN MID -SPAN OF BEAM. IS CONTINUOUS THRU THESE BEAMS. W - wC AT ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM ROOF LQ NN 8. HEAVY LINE OR SPACE BETWEEN BEAM NUMBERS IN SCHEDULE INDICATES REINFORCING W O L�,.-c vim+ I 'E' BAR REINFO IN TWO LAYERS; SECOND LAYER 1 1/2" CLEAR BELOW TOP. IS NOT CONTINUOUS BETWEEN THESE BEAMS. O 2 `4 • ^• J SEE SECTION OF JOIST LEDGE FOR ADDITIONAL REINFORCING. 9. 'T/0' THRUOUT BEAM. m [, ID �� K HOOK BOTTOM BARS AT FAR FACE OF COLUMN. w ff L 2 BUNDELS OF 2 BARS O 2 C) M 2 BUNDELS OF 3 BARS / 0 U) z 4r'z j N 2 BUNDELS OF 4 BARS H W '0 N S 4 BUNDELS OF 2 BARS LLF P 3 BUNDELS OF 2 BARS T 4 BUNDELS OF 3 BARS /. H.A.LUTEN ASSOC.INC. Q 3 BUNDELS OF 3 BARS U� 4 BUNDELS OF 4 BARS _ ,® CONSULTING ENGINEERS W a� IL R 3 BUNDELS OF 4 BARS 211 S.Federol Highway Eo 'L Boynton Beach, FI. 33435 LL To the best of our knowledge the FILE # L90022 W (n j plans and specifications comply with the applicable minimum building codes. W This drawing has been prepared, based upon information furnished by others. E-1 I'm - While this information is believed reliable, we cannot assure Its accuracy, and U zt @ thus are not responsible for the accuracy of this drawing or any errors or LH ,;c ", •,� omissions which may have been Incorporated into It as a result. I^ ay • 1D•a _ tt� a �t w� U —, o xti z x�0o W _qQo„ a rr a NJ j U a cc a za. W^ 4 �: W j w g a Lu w 41 E'wau'10 W 0 Iv i w 0 LL w W' 1 0Urs-rU 3 w w �l (- C Z' U M w Z O W 2 F i O w to Z) 2 U. 0 [C f MECH.RF. --— ELEV.+140 —214" A,* 133'-31i MECHII L. ROOF 8 X 12 ELEV.+131'-8 " �` -_-.. COL. 22 ELEV +124 -21Fe' 14TH FL. ELEV.+114'-614' - - -, 13TH FL ELEV.+105'-1014 12TH FL. ELEV,+96'-2A' 11 TH FL, ELEV.+87 -614' - 10th. FL ELEV.+78'-I OA* 9th. FL. ELEV.+70'-214" `v m mm 8th. FL ELEV.+61 -10%' mw mm m om 0 mm 7th. FL ELEV.+53'-2A" I n Ro a ODw to CO om oa 6th. FL ELEV.+44'-6It" -_._... O - 0 0 PO U y &fx. AFL ELEV.+35'—t0%0 4th. FL ELEV. +27'-215" a 3rd. FL ELEV. +18'-614" -- w 0 0 rk os po 0 0 g 2nd. FL *: ELEV.+9'-1014 0- W 0 0 W p � N W � N W - n m m � m W 0 0 0 U s ` ` 0 —< p Q 0 FOUNDATION 00 ELEV. SEE PLAN COL. SIZE 12'X40' 120X36' !,12'X30' 12"X40' 12"X26' I 10'X36 10"X30" 10"X30' t " B X78' 8" X 12' EACH � EACH FACE WTLL FACE WALL `A' LWALL `By --- COL NO. 1.5,11.14 2,4 6.10 7,9.12,13 15,20 16,19 17,18 21 22 L3,8 L Li— LL-1i il L-11 I ELEVATORSHEAR 99ALL' — IG GG tl0 P'i YY 11``99 i COLUMN & SHEARWALL SCHEDULE 1. COLUMN AND SHEARWALL DOWELS ARE TO HAVE 90 DEGREE HOOKS RESTING ON THE FOUNDATION BOTTOM MAT REINFORCING. 2. ALL COLUMN LONGITUDINAL REINFORCING LAP SPLICES ARE TO BE 30 BAR DIAMETERS' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. SEE "SHEARWALL/TENSION SPLICE" TABLE ON THIS SHEET FOR SHEARWALL LAP SPLICES. 4. SHEARWALL HORIZONTAL REINFORCING SHALL BE LOCATED ON EACH FACE OF WALLS CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING SIZE AND SPACING. 14" WALLS--#3 0 8"c/c. Y� za:wl�- xz T-to4.' xaawx$ a Q`0 0 - ,.--- U I". ►�- � C7 0 W � X WALLA I r _r us a W ROOF HOOK COL � " -�• `d BEAM FIR __ -_ _VERY. REINF... _ }(-� II(- �f �� _.:_. __ -_-_� L-- Li �. 2 A6 In U O Lam+ 0 ©®® © H L- W W W 0 { SLAB BELOW TOP - A4 A6 B6 C6 D6 � NON-CONT. BA TO BE EXTEND 22 BAR DIA. IN COL. ABOVE. 0 N 2 W PLACE LAST — SCHEDULED TIE 3-(MAX.) BELOW SHALLOWEST BM. OR SLAB FLOOR BOT. REINF. w BEAM OR (TYP. EA. x SLAB LEVEL) y w U w F E BM. OR SLAB o E6 A8 88. C8 D8 EB F8 GB H8 18 JB to W x it f U; REINFORCING & Wa 0 RS Q W U Q ZCQ TO o o EftHIIIIEMI 0-HDE1HDE=0 a w t: UJ1 4ILI " I G = m g o A10 810 C10 010 E10 F10 Al2- B12 C12 D12 E12 Fit G12 H12 - - '" C1 } U IT' 4 < x X 0: 1'• U h jr aW rM SLOPS 1:6 .BEND MAX. TYP. STARTING m m 'm m 1Y MIN. a: 2 0 POINT I I lAP x r LL 0 t>W ADD03 TIES 3 iv io 3 _ y 0' EL TIES a AT. BEND. 1. e' MAX 3' APART. POSSIBLE ALTERNATE - - - ADDED TIES TO TIE ARRANGEMENTS MATCH SCHED. TIES - $ COLUMN TIES ARRANGEMENT DETAIL! 1 1. COLUMN TIES SHALL BE #3 FOR .VERTICAL BARS #10 OR SMALLER. FOR BARS #11 AND LARGER, OR ANY BUNDLED BARS, USE #4 TIES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. t a z 2. TIE SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 16 VERTICAL BAR DIAMETERS, 48 TIE BAR I 5� N DIAMETERS, OR THE LEAST DIMENSION OF THE COLUMN, WHICHEVER IS SMALLER. al 3. SEE THE "COLUMN REINFORCING PLACEMENT DIAGRAM" THIS SHEET. -tea 114" t COL. FOOTING T-10i'i OR PILE CAP T-� WALL A - COL DOWELS SHEAR WALL DESIGNATION PLAN TO MATCH COL VERTICAL pL II REINFORCING TYP. Typ_ COL. REINF. PLACEMENT DIAGRAM _ d 1'-4" STD. 1'-4" ALL SCHEDULED FOOTINGS SHOWN BELOW MAY NOT NECESSARILY APPEAR ON PLANS MARK SIZE BOTTOM REINF'G (U.O.N.) PROVIDE 3" CONC. COVER F-16 16" X 10" CONTINUOUS 2 # 5 CONTINUOUS F-20 20" X 10" CONTINUOUS 2 # 5 CONTINUOUS F-36 36 X 12 CONTINUOUS 3 # 5 CONTINUOUS F-44 44" X 12" CONTINUOUS 3 # 5 CONTINUOUS F-52 52" X 12" CONTINUOUS 4 # 5 CONTINUOUS F-60 60" X 12" CONTINUOUS 5 # 5 CONTINUOUS F 2-0 2'-0" X 2'-0" X 10" PAD 2# 5 EACH WAY F 2-6 2'-6" X 2'-6" X 10" PAD 2# 5 EACH WAY F 3-0 3'-0' X 3'-0' X 10" PAD 3# 5 EACH WAY F 3-6 3'-6" X 3'-6" X 10" PAD 3# 5 EACH WAY F 4-0 4'-0" X 4'-0" X 10" PAD 4# 5 EACH WAY F 4-6 4'-6" X 4'-6" X 12" PAD 4# 5 EACH WAY F 5-0 5'-0" X V-0" X 12" PAD 5# 5 EACH WAY LAP HOOK I LAP1 . TYP. t� -a •I < z z CLOSURE TIES SHALL BE THE SAME SIZE AND SPACING AS HORIZONTAL REINFORCING < 3 i F: { W SHEARWALL CORNER U. AND END DETAIL i W I I t u W G z { I oq �I J , Y -. LiLJ s I I UJ � I I I Il f I�iI'I I I Is NOTE: THE SUBSCRIPT "m" IN Fm-16 INDICATES THAT THE F-16 FOOTING IS TO BE POURED MONOLITHIC WITH THE SLAB. FOOTINGS ARE NOT TO MECHANICALLY FASTENED OR KEYED TO COLUMNS, SHEAR WALLS OR PILE CAPS. At W Ia i W U t ". SHEARWALL/TENSION SPLICES INCHES BAR SIZE F c= 3000 F c= 4000 F c= 5000 F'c= 6000 5 26 26 26 26 6 33 31 31 31 7 45 39 36 36 8 59 51 46 42 9 74 64 1 58 1 53 H.A.LUTEN ASSOC.INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 211 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FI. 33435 To the best of our knowledge the FILE III L90022 plans and speciflcotions comply with the applicable minimum building codes, This drawing has been prepared, based upon Information furnished by others. While this Information Is believed reliable, we cannot assure Its accuracy, and thus are not responsible for the accuracy of this drawing or any errors or omissions which may have been Incorporated into it as a result. J IL W4v�+ U Z U 1A -A -3 O w zOW N a � oiO I J - 4 cwcc 'J cc A ICU a .m i W I' w �Nom t �I C!) L) zN Wo cc , :C oz Lu m Z no ii � 3 w U) a .o o _ r— 18" MIN.) OF �TRAIGHT CABLE 3"(MIN.)CLEAR FLAN VIEW AT OPENING �J UNIFORM COLUMN HEAD -HEAD WHERE TENDONS . REINF. * EAD APPLY ERE A BANDED BE TA TENDONS DIMENSION. BM. CENTERLINE (HIGH -POINT F TENDONS) TYP �`'�' `��• TYP. 'CHAIR OF BEAM SIDE MID -SPAN COL. CENTERLIN ULOW -POINT ((HIGH -POINT F TENDONS) bF TENDONS) \ SLAB BOLSTER (SEE TYP. DET.) SLAB PROFILE DETAII 1. ALL SUPPORT BARS SHALL BE 44.(SEE MFR'S DWGS.) PLAN OF CABLE CURVATURE 1. CURVATURE INDICATED ABOVE OCCURS IN THE MIDDLE THIRD OF THE SLAB THICKNESS. #4 SUPPORT \ / P.T. STRAND P.T. STRAND BAR SLAB BOLSTER TENDON SUPPORT IN SLAB 1-#4 T&B SLAB SECTION CONT. EDGE TYPICAL COLUMN HEAD REINF. PLACEMENT DIAGRAM CENTERLINE OF STRAND GROUP 1. ABOVE LAYOUT IS TO BE USED AS A GUIDE ONLY. CABLE AND BAR QUANTITIES MAY DIFFER FROM COL. TO COL. 5'-0" MIN.)2. AT LEAST ONE UNIFORM CABLE SHALL PASS OVER COL. PERIPHERY. LENGTH OF TRANSITION CURVE 1'-3" 1'-O" 3. BANDED CABLES ARE TO BE LOCATED OVER AND AS CLOSE AS PRACTICAL TO STRAIGHT MIN. COLUMN PERIPHERY PLAN VIEW TENDON ANCHOR 11h" 12" MIN. MIN. TAPE ALL +CTENTERLINE OF #4 T&B CONT. EXPOSED RAND GROUP CHAIR BOT. BARS STRAND N F— i— _ � I— ~ CENTERLINE OF SLAB6» P.P. 2-#4 DETAIL FOR SLABS DETAIL FOR SLABS CONT. 7' THICK OR MORE LESS THAN 7" THICK DEAD END STRESSING END VIEW ANCHORAGE ANCHORAGE TYP. FLARE AT TENDON END POST TENSIONING: MA"rERIALS - Prestressing Steel: Shall be seven -wire stress -relieved strand for prestressed concrete conforming to ASTM A416-86 Standards, having a guaranteed minimum ultimate tensile strength of 270 ksi. Strand Coating: Strands are shop coated with an appr-eved grease to prevent bond, reduce friction, and resist corrosion. Sheating: Coated strands are enclosed in an extruded plastic sheathing impervious to cement paste, allowing strand slippage. Anchorages: Shall meet the minimum requirements as set forth in " ACI Standard Building Code Requirements for Reinfored Concrete.' FABRICATION AND SHIPMENT - All tendons will be cut to length and marks for identification both by color code, as called for on the shop drawings, and tagged as to length. Sufficient length will be added to each tendon to allow for stressing. A minmum of 12 inches for stressin end is required. Dead -ended anchorage will be shop presented on all tendons that are to be stressed from one end only. Tendons requiring intermediate stress will have anchorages appr-o:;imately located on those tendons during fabrication. All loose anchorages, wedges, grommets, etc., will be packaged and marked for identification and shipped to the job site with the tendons. A fabrication order accompanying the shipment will indicate the number of tendons, their length and color code, and the hardware and accescries shipped. Upon arrival. at the job site these quantities should be verifie by the purchaser. Care shall be taken in the unloading of tendons at site. It is recommended a nylon sling be used to prevent damage to the sheathing. Tendons are to be stored at the job site in such a manner that they will be sufficiently protected from corrosion due to the elements. Packaged hardware must be stored safely in a dry location. INSTALLATION -'Using the tendon placing drawings, locate and mark the anchorage centerlines. At the stressing ends a /4" hole shall be drilled into the edge form. A stressing anchor and grommet are to be nailed securely in place against the edge form with 26d nails. (It is recommended that the grommet be dipped in form oil for easy removal laver). Place the bottom back: -up bars along the perimeter of the slab. Place the tendons according to the following sequences: Banded Slabs: 1st Place al) banded tendons 2nd Place all uniform tendons Une Way,Beam and Slab: 1st Place all beam tendons 2nd Place all uniform tendons :nth Place temperture strands (If any) Remove ties holding the tendon coil carefully to prevent sudden uncoiling. Uncoil the tendons starting from the dead ends, placing each one approximately in line with its final position. At the stressing end strip, place the sheathing back so that it is flush to enter the anchorage. Push the tendon through the anchorage. Note that there must be at least I'!inches of strand protruding out from the inside of the form board. If tendon is to be stressed intermediately at a construction joint, the form shall, be split or notched. The tendon shall pass through the notch, and the sheathing must be stripped just enough for stressing. Nail the anchor, installed loose on the tendon, to the form with split grommet. Be sure sheathing remains in anchorage. Each tendon should be adjusted #3 HAIRPIN f TYP. TENDONS TO BE TIGHT AGAINST UPPER CORNER OF BEND. TYP. TENDONS TYP. HAIRPIN DET. ADDED STRANDS ARE GROUPED W/ CONT. STRANDS. ADDED CT0 A Ant 1-#4 T&B PLAN AND CHAIRS v SECTION CONTINUOUS STRANDS ADDED S-I-RAND DETAIL SLAB CENTERLINE oil for- alignment and profile along its full length. Use chairs ano support Liars, according to the placing drawings, to attain the correct profile while maintaining a smooth parabolic curve. Place top back-up bars along the perimeter of the slab. Tie top and co bottom back-up bars to the anchorages or tendons as shown.* Dead ends are to be tied to support bars and/or chairs as shown. Sn--9 Check tendon sheathing for damage. Tears or sections without sheathing O that are more than 6 inches in length, are to be repaired prior to concreting. Placement of banded tendons should be centered over columns with all tendons in the band placed as close as practical within the design ahear section of the columns. pn Placement of the tendons in the uniform direction should be such that V0 .at least 2tendons should be placed inside the design shear sections of d the columns. CUI\ICRETING - At the time of concreting, a workman should be assigned g to maintain tendon alignment slightly ahead of concrete placement. Care must be taken to avoid stepping on tendons or support bars. 49 support bars shall be used. Any tendons displaced must be returned to its original position. Concrete should be placed in a manner that will not cause dislocation of tendons or reinforcing steel. Be certain concrete is well consolidated around the anchorage zone. Proper vibration in these areas is highly recommended. d STRESSING - The stressing operation may begin only after concrete test cylinders, cured under jobsite conditions, have reached a minimum strength of 2800 psi, Care must be taken during stressing operation to assure both accuracy and safety. The stressing is to be under the immediate supervision of a person experienced in this operation and must maintain strict control over this entire process. Stressing shall be accomplished by means of hydraulic jacks equipped with calibrated hydraulic pressure gauges. Calibration charts shall accompany each jack/pump/gauge set. (-Preparation for stressing may be made in advance by removal of edgeforms or bulkheads and grommets. Check that the interior of each anchorage is free of cement paste. Clean out any paste found. Insert wedges into each anchorage in such a way that the slip is vertical. Place wedge halves evenly in anchorage. All wedges should be placed before stressing the tendon. Mark: each strand with paint or keel at slab edge, or at a given distance from slab edge. I_Iese the following sequences for stressing: I±anded Slabs: lst All uniform tendons 2nd All banded tendons Une Way Beam and Slabs: 1st All uniform tendons 2nd All beam tendons 'th All temperature tendons (If any) Position equipment for stressing, and proceed with CAUTION (Do not Position any body behind the equipment during operation, or between equipment and building edge). Stress each tendon to required elongation as shown on the shop drawings, Dr- up to Bit% of ultimate strength, whichever comes first. Never stress above 80% of ultimate (See ram calibration chart). Strands stressed from both ends do not need to be stressed simultaneously. Elongation from one end will probably be greater than that of the opposite end. To determine if the proper elongation has been reached, add the elongation from both ends together. A measurement of within 5% of calculated elonqation will be considered satisfactory. Toe wedges are then seated, the pistuns retracted, and the jack removed. Measure and record final elongation. Accurate records shall be kept of all jacking forces and elongations and submitted promptly to the Structural Engineer. After all elongations have been checked by the engineer and approval given, the excess tendons will be quickly burned off to within 1 inch from the slab edge. The anchorage shall then be coated with a corrosion preventative material (Such as asphaltic or rustoleum paint), with the pocket recess filled with a non -shrinking grout. MISCELLANEOUS - Coring, drilling or power driving of fasteners into slab will not be permitted unless it can be determined that such action will a'_ not disturb tendons. Inserts should be cast in place. W Shop drawings for tendon placement show dimensions for tendon and support 4=9 har locations only. For other dimensions, such as edge form, opening, and other locations, check with the structural and architectural plans, Q Deviations In Tendon Placement: c Vertical locations shall not vary from dimensions shown more than 1/8 Inch in members up to 12 inches deep, and 1/4 inch in members over 12 inches deep. Horizontal locations shall not deviate more than 21 inches. CD When conflict arises with location of mild steel, tendon location has priority. MECHANICAL OPENINGS: All piping that is 3 inches in diameter or greater shall be individually sleeved with circular openings no greater than 1 inch over the largest ppnn part that is to pass thru the sleeved opening. The above sleeved VO openings shall have at least four inches of concrete slab between them. All lines less than 3 inches in diameter may be grouped in a single O opening no larger than 144 square inches in size, o0 Where larger openings are required for pipes or ducts, and are not shown on the structural design drawings, permission from the Structural Engineer shall be required before the openings are cast or cut. Openings of 144 square inches or less shall have 1#4 bar at 1 1/2 inches off the edge, parallel to each side of the opening (4#4 bars total), located in the center of the slab and extended a minimum of 12 inches beyond the opening at both ends. Added reinforcing for larger than 144 square inch openings (Unless o� detailed otherwise), shall have 2#4 bars at 1 1/2 inches off the edge, 9Z parallel to each side (8#4 bars total) located top and bottom of slab (! inch cover) and extended 16 inches beyond the opening at each end. O o n CONSULTING ENGINNEE SC ' ' 21I 5 rederv( Highwdr, LA;� Boynton Beach, A. 33A35 To the best of our knowledge the FlLE d 90022 0 plans and specifications comply with the applicable minimum building codes, Mile this information Is believed reliable, we cannot oesure Its accuracy, and This drawing has been prepared, based upon information furnished by others. CL thus are not responsible for the accuracy of this drawing or any errors or omisslons which may have been Incorporated Into it as a result. a- L) U Lit W Cry In- o0 0 >X lu 0F - va a: a. x a 0WwiWdz X 2 , W 0 f to u. W: WX d W . CL "' a w W 0 z X < W_U s z > C LU W 2 0 Z 0 U Y 0. S 4 ul I- 0 n 4 cc W 1 I W J 0 W W W2,.l0w i M 41 Z W (t tzrnO0 a 0' a ift L Q-M �h to ` 40 Z 0 V., uJ O 3� UlI (,> �I O I u. w; m. is U w F z U x a ILco NN W Q•w0 W U O z 0 z L ..rY.`' )--i oS 0 m0 w z v.. UN 0 W sw O o NZ, W 'o Q _J m sc 0. oC) cc D Z� ao, 0 a • �m O (si (n C/) Zy Wo• U � z w z MO LU DETAIL 5 NUMBER S-4 SHEET NUMBER WHERE DETAIL IS DRAWN DETAIL MARK SYMBOL I �r .--TOP OF HIGH FOOTING -3'-4' + TOP OF LOW FOOTING STEPPED FOOTING SYMBOL SEE "STEPPED FOOTING DETAIL' 1� SLAB THICKNESS 3 12^+—TEMP. REINFORCING G SLAB SYMBOL p z i ` is a .. Ad 4i.) i� 'TA) rr' i, I• e ELEVATOR STEEL r.. BEAM BY OTHERS b SPACING (INCHES) �-4/1 B CQ BAR SIZE B - BOTTOM (OL) OUTSIDE LAYER T - TOP (IL) INSIDE LAYER M - MID -DEPTH (H) HORIZONTAL IF - INSIDE FACE (V) VERTICAL OF - OUTSIDE FACE (EW) EACH WAY EF - EACH FACE *(TEMP)- TEMPERATURE rL� CENTERUNE E (SEE BENDING *PLACE TRANSVERSE TO DIAGRAM), MAIN REINFORCING IN 'INSIDE LAYER' REINFORCING MARK LEGEND _4_0 FOOTING ELEVATION SYMBOL FOR FOOTINGS NOT PLACED,AT NORMAL ELEVATION f- ELEVATION WALL ELEVATION SYMBOL r- ELEVATION T/JST (H.P.) JST - STEEL JOIST STL - STRUCT.STEEL BM CONCRETE BEAM C.T. CONC.TOPPING (H.P.) - HIGH POINT (LP.) - LOW POINT CONCRETE ELEVATION. SYMBOL * SYMBOL INDICATES 'TOP OF CONCRETE' EXCEPT WHERE NOTED WITH ABREVIATION S Y M B O L S p. ADDITIONAL BARS AQUALIN AREA TO HALF OF 214' t1*10 INTERRUPTED BARS (MINA # 5 TOP h BOTTOM) IT7I 5/8• PLATE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON PLANS. S TW j' 10 of 1\ T FACE OF 4--5/8' ST. STUDS PLATE CENTERED CONCRETE�2-5/8'0 BOLTS. ON EMBED k STEEL SLOT SM. WEB PLATE 1%0XIA4' NOTE: SEE REQUIRED ADDED TIE REINFORCING DETAIL AT EMBEDED BRACKETS. SHT. S-8 ALTERNATE `A' I , 1 /4x4x0i STEEL PLATE ELEVATOR STEEL as g BEAM BY 3-dC7 STIRRUPS OTHERS x7 03 C/C EA. SIDE OF STEEL BEAM ALTERNATE TYP. ELEV. SEPARATING BM. CONNECTION DETAIL 0 P E N 1 t 5 X 3'-8'0 / 45 AT CORNERS PLACE AT� SLAB. AREA OF INTERRUPTED REGULAR NOTES REINF'G. HOOK TOP BARS ONLY. 1�AT OPENINGS OF 10' OR LESS,OMIT ADDED BARS AND RUN NORMAL REINFORCING BY SIDE OF OPENING. 2. * HOOK BARS AT AFFECTED ENDS WHERE BAR CANNOT BE EXTENDED PAST OPENING. 3. OPENINGS SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE SHOP DRAWINGS AND REINFORCED ACCORDINGLY. 4. UNLESS OTHERWISE DETAILED ON PLANS. ALL OPENINGS SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING SIZES ; a. AREAS COMMON TO TWO INTERSECTING MIDDLE STRIPS ; OPENINGS SHALL BE UMITED TO HALF THE WIDTH OF THE SMALLEST COMMON MIDDLE STRIP. b. AREAS COMMON TO ONE COLUMN STRIP AND ONE MIDDLE STRIP: OPENING MAY INTERRUPT A MAXIMUM OF 1/4 OF THE BARS IN EITHER STRIP. C. AREAS COMMON TO TWO COLUMN STRIPS; OPENINGS SHALL BE LIMITED TO 1/8 OF THE WIDTH IN EITHER SPAN AND, SHALL BE LOCATED NO CLOSER THAN TWO TIMES THE SLAB THICKNESS FROM THE COLUMN. 5. ALL OPENINGS SHALL BE REINFORCED AS DETAILED ABOVE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. TYPICAL REINFORCING OF OPENING IN FLAT SLAB STRUCTURAL NOTES ----------------- GENERAL: The drawings are intended to show the general arrangement, design and extent of the work and are partly diagrammatic. They are not intended to be scaled for roughing -in measurements, or to serve as shop drawings or portions thereof. All details and sections shown on the drawings are intended to be typical and shall be construed to apply to any similar situation elsewhere on the project, except where a different detail is shown. The contractor and all subcontractors shall verify all grades, lines, levels, conditions and dimensions at the job site and as on the drawings. They shall report any errors or inconsistencies in the above to the Architect/Engineer before commencing work. The contractor and subcontractors shall lay out their work from established reference points and be responsible for all lines, elevations and measurements in connection with their work. If any errors or omissions appear in the drawings, specifications or other documents, the contractor shall notify the engineer in writing of such omissions or errors prior to proceeding with any work which appears in question. In the event of the contractor's failing to give such notice, he shall be held responsible for the results of any such errors or omissions and the cost of rectifying the same. The contractor shall use the structural drawings together with the architectural, mechanical, and electrical drawings to locate depressed slabs, slopes, drains, outlets, recesses, openings, reglets, bolt setting, sleeves, dimensions, etc. Potential conflicts shall be transmitted to the Architect/Engineer before proceeding with the work. Submit one sepia and one print of shop drawings for Architect/Engineer review before starting fabrication. There is a period of 7 days for review plus time for redrawing of corrected items. No shop drawings shall be submitted for architect/engineer review until after they have been reviewed and noted for construction method, dimensioning and other trade requirements by the contractor and stamped with the contractor's approval seal. Engineer assumes no responsi- bility for dimensions, quantities, errors or omissions as a result of checking and reviewing any shop drawings. Any errors or omissions must be made good by contractor, irrespective of receipt, checking or review of drawings by engineer and even though work is done in accordance with such drawings. The building contractor shall be responsible for the erection and safe stability of the frame until the structural system is completed and capable of resisting all design forces. Make adequate provisions for erection stresses and for sufficient temporary bracing to keep the structural system plumb and in true alignment until completion, including all the elements which are a part of the wind resisting system. Erection operations, including the installation of temporary shoring, shall be carried out without loading portions of the structural frame and non-structural construction in excess of their safe load carrying capacity. Where the load capacity of the structure may be exceeded, shore constructed portions of the structure, as required, to positive foundation supports. The general contractor shall be responsible for verifying all dimensions in the field. Any inspections by the engineer are in the form of random sampling quality control only and do not relieve the general contractor from his responsibility of building according to the reviewed drawings. CONCRETE: Unless otherwise called for in specifications or drawings, all concrete wort: shall conform to all requirements and recomn.:ndat.ons of ACI 301-84(85) "Specification for Structural Concrete for buildings." Concrete to be a min designed in accordance with ASTM C94-86a, and a strength as stated below, at 28 days, with a plastic and worktable mix. A certificate of manufacturer's mist and strength is to be provided. No water to be added after truck leaves plant without approval of Engineer or Plant Engineer. Plant control is required. MaXimlAm MIX time at point of deposit is 9ii minutes. f'c = 3000 psi (U.O.N.) Concrete Pump Mix with pearock aggregate may be used in lieu of concrete mix with standard coarse aggregate only if approved by the Engineer of Record. If duch approval is given for structural beams ur Other st.ructural members, the 28th day concrete strenght (f'c) specified above may be increaoed by an additional 1000 psi. The maximum water soluble chloride ion in concrete at the .'-Elth day strength shall be 0.15 % by weight of cement for ull exterior balconies, slabs, and stairs exposed to the weather. The concrete supplier shall furnish certificates indicating the expected maximuir, water soluble chloride ion concentrations (contributed From the ingredients including water, aggregates, cementitious materials, and admixtures) in hardened concrete at an age of 28 days.] REINFORCI'ING STEEL: Bars to be ASTM A615-66, GRADE 60 (U.O.N.), free from oil, loose scale and loose rust and bent, lapped, placed, supported and fastened according to the "ACI Detailing Manual" (SP-66) and the "building Code Rquirements for Reinforced Concrete" (ACI 318-891. ;hop drawings shall be submitted for review. Welded wire mesh shall conform to ASTM A185-85. Epoxy -Coated Reinforcing bars shall be used for all exterior balconies, slabs, and stairs exposed to the weather. Reinforcing bars shall conform to ASTM A775\A775M-85, and to the above specifications. Use non-metalic or epoxy coated chairs for balconies, slabs, and stairs exposed to the weather. Use plastic tipped chairs for areas within building interior. All balcony, slab, and stair surfaces exposed to the weather shall be coated with a weather proofing material such that the steel reinforcing is fully protected from weather exposure, and therefore meets thie ACI 318-&9 (7.7.1c) requirements. FuR,MWORK: , the design, erection and removal of formwork including shoring shall meet the specifications of ACI 301--84' and the reccmm endatione of ACI 3,17-78. Formwork: to the soffits of elevated structural dements such as beams, joists and slabs shall not be removed untill the supported concrete has reached at least two-thirds of its specified 22-day compressive strength. 2 t C3 W W C7 �0.OU0►- X a U�•.'' W 0 fi N IXZ (9 W w a iY t- W 41 rc to O,x W W - iC I ju W h W 4 W Iz IL Z a. s ?. ~ u u. 0 4 vW't W 0- F Z KCL. W O`w Z tt 7 Z' ' W 2E ua > U x U, 0 I F' s f. {. i r ,�­-- 0 0 .-a_- 0 0. —J I , STRUCTURAL STEEL: Shall conform to the following ASTM designations U.O.N. Shapes, Plates and Anchor bolts (A36-84a) Pipes (A501-84) Tubes (A500-84, GRADE B) Machine bolts (A325-86a) Welds (AWS A5.1, E-70XX ELECTRODE) Steel to receive shop coats and field touch-up of paint in accordance with "SSPC Specifications." All welding, shop 'Fabrication and shop painting shall conform to the the "AISC Specifications," (Bth Edition), for the design , fabrication and erection of structural steel for buildings. Shop drawings shall be submitted for review. MASONRY: Units shall conform to ASTM C90-85, with precast lintels as necessary. Vertical reinforcing, where called for on plans, shall be ASTM A615-86, GRADE 60. Horizontal reinforcing shall be Ladur-Type as manufactured by DURO-WALL, or approved equal, and placed in every second coursing. Wire reinforcing shall be completely embedded in, mortar. Wire reinforcing shall be lapped at least six inches at splices. All masonry walls shall be attached with Dove Tail Anchors, or approved equal, at all vertical joints at concrete columns,(withexcePtiohAt9t,pund$looe)- Masonry grouting, where called for on plans, shall conform to ASTM C476-83, C270-86b and ACI 531-79(83). EXISTING COMPACTION: Existing soil shall be compacted to ge% Modified Proctor (ASTM D1557-78) within a distance of 5 feet beyond all building edges. This compaction shall be effective 24 inches under the stripped subgrade or footing bottom, whichever is lower. At least one Field Density Test shall be performed for each O000 square feet of area. Density Tests are to be made 24 inches below the compacted surface. Results of Proctor Test(s) and Field Density Test(s) shall be furnished to the Engineer. FILL COMPACTION: Fill shall be clean, well graded sand, classification SW per ASTM D2487-85 with less than 12% passing #200 sieve, to be verified by sieve analysis. Compaction shall be accomplished by using a static roller having a minimum total weight of 23,000 pounds. Remaining fill shall be brought Lip in lifts of not more than 12" and compacted to 96% Modified Proctor (ASTM D1557-78). At least one density test shall be made per 2000 square feet of building area. AUGER -CAST CONCRETE PILES: Huger -cast concrete pi 1 es (({ " di a. > . UD.�t/ On/ Fou,✓p��jp�/ iol9✓ The installation and design of auger -cast concrete piles shall be done in accordance with all requirements and recommendations of ACI 543R-74(80), "Recommendations for Design, Manufacture . and Installation of Concrete Piling". The required safe load capacities shall be 70 tons for compression 3 5 tons for tension. All auger -cast compression piles are to have /*/O centerline of extending a minimum of I ' pile Ce-O into pill and to be hooked 3" from top Of pile cap. All auger -cast tension piles are to have /,,0// centerline of pile extending the full length of the pile and to be hooked 3" from top of pile cap. A compression and tension load test shall be performed in accordance with the "Applicable building Code" criteria. All piling installations shall be performed under the supervision of a qualified, registered gectechnical engineer who shall upon completion, certify the safe capacity pf each pile. Load te6t(s) shall be made on piling in place. The criteria, as set forth in the Applicable building Code, shall be used to establish acceptability of the tested pile. Load testing apparatus and procedure shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to the begining of the test(s)• Location of the load test(s) shall be at the discretion of the Engineer. 73"v<io✓ e*/l �E�/TE4Lr.✓E. H.A.LUTEN ASSOC.INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 'f 211 South Federal Highway LBoynton Beach, Fl. 33435 To the best of our knowledge the FlLE B PROJ. L90022 plans and specifications comply with the applicable minimum building codes. This drawing has been prepared, based upon Information fumished by others. MTe f 's, hfonmation Is befleved reitbWe, we cannot assure It7 aceuraey; arras thus are not responsible for the accuracy of this drawing or any errors or omissions which may have been Incorporated Into It as a result. in 9 HE Ln L) Z J ar to w Z ' cc .V ¢ ABOVE SINK[ pj I n CONNECT SEWER. ( CML SM 7777� R, a U z u 0 0 cc uj 0 x CL x z z a W0 0 UA UA C3 W z cc UA uj < o I W < (L LU w W 0 x < > w 0 z cc f cc z LU Q 0 LU C3 W < 0 L) x u -K �: ��.. 's� �,�" k` P < a O U O i a cc. Lauj x z 3 z n. W 0 O W z O o z Z LL W S W W S W W I S 1< W W O cc y W = G F U 3 a r < O > W O Z < S f S Z m W U < y y W k t W < _ O 3 ~ W S 2 z U O W W = Wi=3o y = ~ Z W S S = r W O a) O U. 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N.E.PA 13 — SEC. 4-4.9 NORTH SPRINKLER TYPICAL FLOOR SCALE: 3/ 16" =1 ' — 0" WOJCIESZAK do ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers 2185 East Ocean Boulevard Stuart, FL 34996 (407) 286-8696 2-1 142 3—u T72 3 5-2 IMP, w 3 15-2 _6 8 Z 1Sol I1-0 I 40 IN �,I; �Pqr� FWAMIMMIM = I MMWI�� mm�� �Nl wl IS 0-4 1/2 u o It E x z O uj z 0 j z cc w LU w x w Us CL Ji CL uj W 0 x ffi im x cc 0 CL Cc cc Z 61) >. 93 4X- UJ w :E CC 0 *A z O 1 F O M Z Zi oZ J OJ W 2 W O F a O � F U a F U k W I� •� H a z z i CO I a H O W 1 LL O w aLL U) i= �O r 4 t WS yELU R7 6 ' EL � F.O � LLm i W (�' C� r �Uow s �20 u U =a z 2 m Q oz Q own J W H Z 3 W ^� (J m a ¢ t o F 0 t :f 'vim X Y: �w l: lx n l•xbl • --------------------- ' F i }`�kx� b u e+' `��.r�*x +,•° � % � �� h r r '3 � � #. �� +� "� - i .�.} xs '-' '�qr ,v, Y '< ` _ ..#rs X �k:,L>e _ �,at . c`i" , ,' ✓8+� `saa ♦„z .:'�'�' rEg ...ms �&., v ,c C". � S•a yg ' s 'n:.3 t � -'� 'I'm` � .d"' ,+ � t � }ras� re' >�'�- 3 � f �S{. �ky,r✓ '3".Y'y'k� �.h.. ,c`r + - s r '..da R '+ f'ae�vaf 4.$"`' 0 ml�— wail IMi 2.�.x'`. ` ^.'y.+ � �a� • 1 4 � .a"5` r a t _ �' 4 s, Uxw��`ih ra�.fs. 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I , -1 T,� I 'R, I I I ,r,� I e - C, , � � , , , , J � "i; 1_11�� , ual jobsite conditions may necessitate slight alterations in air terminal and ground rod locations. ir, I I � ,k, " , , . ­ " I � . , I , , � � , 11 I I OOF - I I � � i �1;1 i I I "", � I , , r , I 1. � I I ,. , I , I - , , I ': ; , , I , 11 � - � I , � . y � . �, , � . I , i": ii, , � � , I , I �, a , ",_ ,� , , , , , , , 'i ,� , ,i� i'll, � �� - . � . . =�, -1-1 R-ay. I, � � ,,, I � � , , � I T', ­ - 1, .� �� 11 - �- I IT,— - - �''. '' �, I I _­, - " 4, �, "I' , I - ,I, 4 11 - � i'l 1, ' All adhesive type fittings shall be set in place witti application ol hot root pitch or A/C No. p899 adhesive X ___� I � . 1. . , 1, �., T, ��, , i, � I I , "i,i.�-­­­-;­4�,-4- ­T,­­11 -T,", I I'' I � ,,, �-, , "' I "I - �', I' I , ,i� ,compound before roof gravel is applied. - , - - , I , � I ,_� `�_, ", � -, '' � � ,,�,� , - ,i- i - K i,i�, � I'll I ­�n­ �1, ­ "V� I 11 ­1 11 11-111, .9 " " t%�� L V, ,� -, � ,� - I '­ I � _4 " , _"" , " � I terminals shall be placed on 20'-O" maximum spacing around the roof perimeter or ridge and within 2'-O" ,,T­,,,rIT1. *­� , I I I , I I , .1 - ,­­111,�i� , ­. ­ � T I, 1, I I L - ,-,, -, I I 11 I I I I I i . I ."n-, - 'T, I I- I ­ 11. I I I'll !,,i,' I �,__ I 11 I i- ­ ­ . _. �_ i , " 6; ,'�, j I." , "�' ','f�, "� " ,�, 1, - " � _ ., I It, 1;� 0 , , �'F, I , r, ",11 � , I i_'In I "I' , I 9 � I . , I : `7 " ', " � I ,i ",_', � utside edge, , , ��,,�w ., � - � I* I , �;, � 111�­F 'I; � ­ . , ,,I' il I , , I i� I % , ,�', - - _V.6 ,�ii , , " .."Ir", "I " ', - I - I I _ A IKT� ,,, � 'T , �� ,, I - _1 I 1�1 , *,�� �'ik, ,- -, �1' _'T: �� 7 I, �� :�,' , 1, - j I � 1: I ; , " , �,' I"I, �,;, "', Iii, - : " -iT :,,,�,, � ,I, a_ &x mx-,_ , 1 ,7 - � ,�� i � , I - I � line preferably at point of entry to the structure. - I �T!�,�,�,`T,:­_ � -, - - '' I I I I I'll I 1. upp'y - I 11 i�,, , I , I I I , � 1 1 � 1. I � " I I `," , . _,'i, � I ,. ,111 �� �_ ��, " I , �, �,4 : ii � � , ,­V:11� � 11'� I �", 11: � "I I . 11 i I 11 "I, , ".,;, ii, I ::" i�'1.4 101 I =t,section materials shall not be installed on aluminum root or siding or other alumi- � I'll ,�11 ­,, � .1 1, I I �_, T, I . , -:i,� - ,, s alu ' # not be hstallod qn,q ,� ­ I 111�, , - N I I �_ ,� ��'Ilkll 11 I , I , I , , " ,li ­`( I , , ,�'__,�,� , , 1 __ a, minum lightning ffp� -T , �, I 1� I I , 11, I 11 - I , �!', I;,-��i;T,i,�-_-�� f �,�,� 2� "li , ,r, Z " , 01 I , " , " ,,� - , , ,,, j__ ;�L I I - 11 I , " � ii � , - ";', , ,� � _ ," �,_ _ � I , , -, , � , � I - -,� 4-,,, .,,q- , , I .. ,_,_,,",_, I. � I , � � � 11 I , , i , ; r �� ii , � ­Ti: � _ I '. I , �, � ling or other copper surfaces. i5i!�,t-,�7,� :,�T-i,� � -�,��,�%�J'_rA ' - 'I _ii� - , :'�,, 11 - I � 'r _ - - r_ - -, , � - I "I'll �, i , . : , ,,, 7 ,, �� ­x i, I, �� - `,7iiZ,=`­ , ' �" , " ,,,ii_',':, I - 23 L I e 11 - , :" , I , -� � ,�� Ti, ' � ,: - " 11 �, , .11 W � , I � ,� ,­ , , -I ., I :_ , ,,,L 1, , , , *�­,�`! ., ,,��` ­-­�,,�,T 7� W � I , I � 1, T, '. � _t ��` , " �- " I 11 11, I r , . . 11 Tr , I - _� I � , 11 1�, � . � "I 'I, I "I � I ", � '' 1-1 e not labeled each individual ftern of lightning protection materials on the roof 1 6 1 H < = ': �., , � , , T�I.' _�,i- I 1 "i, y, we hav It% I'_ I ' - ,, . �,,�,Ti?,'!�,,­ ,'i"i, hewn installation details and have called out each of these details on the roof plan only at . I , , , 'L �4 6 I iv� "I "I" ", r, I � 11 I I I "", ,% I Z i < -;: * - ­ - � -1 �� ,­_,�, -I' 1� - � ­'_ I Z I - ,�_: �, _ ,� I - . �, 11-1 ,,,, ­ � i 0­4 O'" I ­ � , " , I 1-1,1", 11 �. � � I- ' � ' 1� " li, , � , "T , _�A , , �, I . ��, � I � ,,_ , , , 111 _ , , r:, :,' �_,�,,', " , ,i�i�, '11, 'i: � ,-,; ,,.,! � _"",_ - , (0 , , _ � 11 I I ,,, I I 0 ­11 I , , � ;� �­ , I - . UJ! W cr , 1! ,� , �,' , , I " ". I'll I '' tTT" "rw-, ­ �_�i ­4" � ?�,�!�;K, ge, - , 9- " - �A - - -tection system shall be installed in a neat and inconspicuous manner �� 11 � � , T� i. 'T',�,ii,,� _ii,, - -11� ­,"'," , I , - , ,,� ­,"', ��,i-TZ,I, , ;,,�'1,6'� I'll �4 -I ,� ii. 1.5 � ,, . , - , , , �,� I I '�' 'I " _ii11'­!­ I , �I , � , :_ I� "" i'L ... "', -T,,� �­,i 1�1­_ I ', ,p , , , " ii,�V, 1� I : .- ,','�T,� ­,'iiTrI�j;V_ I � I - � ", ,­ - I ­i 11 �, cri �� I 1_+ " � I I 1 -IZ4 , i, - ip"�,'P, I I I ,�­, �I , ""' ' - 11. 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I '_ ,T�Z . . , I 1 %Ii,�1,14� ,�, ,,,, I fasteners and miscellaneous accessories shall f INS e an installed . 11. au T �,_ , - i r- : ,,� i � , _�, ' " � I �'?.'i Zi,l�, , 1: I "i , , I 11 � 11, "K,It�� ii­� , , , ,,�, � ", � I i� , .1 �' I I �,� ­� I � ' 'L ", ,,,�, �� ­, - �, ­� - ..­_­._1. 10 " ­%�, � 11 ?%,7Y4��K' , f,+ 11 4. I I I .� ,� , I �, �' , , I 1, - 11 - v ,- I � 11 'I', � -�­ ­,T ,J�i,,�T�P, , , ­_ ,-, I . 1�1i­ I I 11 I r " - ::a i 4' " ­1 �, A,_'iii;T,�*4�,Z"4��'17'1'i` I - I - "T" - ­,�, , ��L ,,,,, � ,� I i I � 4 11 � �'O. 1, M5�,' �:��-':*,I'J�M, � �T,11,t,, '% I- - '�_- -1 "I � - L�T,r, t� '. , � , _ _ 1 - I 'All reinforcing, structural, framing and miscellaneous steel shall be made electrically continuous throughout ,tp--��w�-�7l�7,�,,��w�f�-3�ILW�, ,1�11,1,! T­� _i�2 " I` , ,� �� I I � _- Z, , , _', , I"-','- , :, �,,�,, :- I,"', " '' ,.,,- _ I W I _� I", i- L I I -1 I "I � k : , 1�fO�, ,,',�,�­j,�.,,,,,,­ii r I , "', , T,� I , _� ," ' " ", I , ,,, , ­­ � , ' r,�, 51 K�r��'t-*Rl : (a M _�', II - I - 1­1 , 'i I I , �­­ � I I .. I 11 I - I N �r,l Till, I � - I �Vj,ff iT �, I , , � construction by welding, clipping, bolting, or other approved methods. � W , � _�, ,�'T �, - ,:, - , �, "' - , '­�., � , I I . - I - ,I, -. 1� "'T­,, '' , 1 _��12�0�;,,�Pl, ,'?��,i,i�,T, ��_ ', , , � I. . ..... �,,,` � ", 1, ,_iI, . Ik '%,'�,�",T, , � 't, I "; : . 1: " H C-W : 7' I L '�Ii` ­iiLl ,-,-, 'I_1�,_ ,,�'., "., ,;,- �,4,k, ,, ,i,2,4`A.,k I g j, -4 � - � , I x ­ ,I, I - � ��,klie ,,gif� pj I - I � . - I ''I I L ­_ I I - ,�� ,Z . . .... .. _41" _r_f`T!�4,.fii.A I I _5 L, ,�,� ,% I 11 I I �L , -­",�'T?e`� � , ", �__ � . -1, �,f­ � ... .... 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IN) 2" CONDUIT RODS AND GROUNDED TO BUILDING STRUC __ TORE OR , HOUSE ELECTRICAL RISER G G1 i I G2 PANEL WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH (COORDINATE WITH MECH. CONTRACTOR & VERIFY LOCATION) 60A 10HP .)#6 THW CU FIRE PUMP 1-1/2" 50HP CONDUIT (4)3/0 THW CU (2)#10 THHN CU IN 2�''' CONDUIT IN 1" CONDUIT CONTROL PANEL PANEL "G1" 16 UNIT GARAGE PANEL "P" GENERATOR 150KW 150A POOL EQUIP. (VERIFY LOCATION) 200A (VERIFY NEMA 3R DISCONNECT 400A LOCATION) 120/208V 30/4W/SN (4)-3/0 THW CU IN 2" TO FP&L TRANSFORMER NEMA 3R MAC GUARD BREAKER 120/208V 30/4W/SN 200A IN) 2" CONDUUITTHW CU (4) 1/0 THW CU IN 2" CONDUIT — (4) #3 THW CU IN 1-1 /2" CONDUIT PANEL " 8 UNIT 100A #4 CU IN 3/4 CONDUIT TO 3/4' X 10' GROUND ROD 2185 East Stuart, Ft TES 0 i a z 0 N z oZ JOJ U N\\ W sW U 0 s 0 U 6 z 0 U Z 2 O 0 W 0 cc a F W W 2 0 Z O Z 3 O U W U a N ❑ < N z0 i < W t W w < W > 2 W U. N z Z W W i ~ U f = Q < 0❑ ❑ W G W G W m < > $ T j W 0 F 0 Z W 2C5 < i Z z W W x 2 Z U ❑ W W = � .. __ W N i D = F- 3 o Z W m 2 v S F W 0 S ._ �- N O LL O a. .- c7 a U z cc m W Z Z J h 3 W U < ¢ < N n O O I �� v� wnsuu�ng cng�neera i ' ti 2185 East Ocean Boulevard l p€ tl< >y Stuart, FL IL 0 0 0 F < O U 0 .'S'•'�.N Q S X z Cr z a w 0 3 0 W W 0 z W w F U O j z Cr W W W W ¢ W ¢ W < f D O W 6 W W 0 ¢ N W Z¢ F 0 > w 0 z ¢ f ¢ Z W < w m z Z Z 3 O 2 ~ f < N < T ¢ U O W W N z W ¢ S Z Y— LL O S •• N O U. 0 O W z O N z 0 Z J OJ Y U ` W ./ Z W U M 0 a F ¢ 0 f U H z 0 U �E W J a U N WOJCIESZAK Consulting 2185 Eost.. Stuart, . .. _�•>.�� ems" w 0 t ASSOCIATES i OBI O. z z 0co IW i i Gi u 0 z Q s m Q uJ Z J H W u < 0 a a 0 46ANELB J, 11, 1 TT -oo-ow �TW OARD TMH11 C I R EMR . . . . . . . . . . . I RIP TT NUM.Fb 120/208V, Ai., C 225 RATED AMPS 111 41,1­ A 4, MAIN 4t4w�u fAltQVOLTAGE 120/208V -3phase/4W/SN OCATI L ON ELEC TRICAL ROOM SELECTION OF SEFW.,fto*� W RATED AMPS 150 8 URFACE BUS A 176 BUS B 168 MAIN 10 THW COI, KVA 60 116, I Service Rating - 26170 208 V Neutral - 16596 208 V A] BRANCH POLES INTERRUPTING RATING 10,000 an", entrreurrenE &enrvIce CIR. BUS AWS N "M Mj LOCA Ccl CONDUCTORS CONDUIT CTURER CAT. N ER ' TRIP Num. I _,_T, INELBOARD T R WA" 1 2 IT, 3 4 11- 0 T N AD CALCM '"'0 E 120/208V-3phase/4W/SN LOCATION 112 OPTIONAL METHOD MOUNTING FEEDER CC FEEDER CC 26 Units MANUF2 a BUS MTV, A�S CIR. 11 A 220.32 General Lighting Load = 3W/FT2 x 78,808 2,36,424 236,424 22 0.30 Small Appliance = 2 x 150OW x 26 78,000 78,000 X" , , PIN Laundry Circuit 150OW x 26 39,000 39,000 fuel 1 11 9A I N­�,�, 220.30 Electric Range 10 KW x 26 260,000 260,000 w-- V-v W, r 4.5 KW / 240 Volt x 26 117�000 -0- Security Gate ="I 04012 KW / 120 Volt x 26 31,200 31,200 C166" biyer 5 KW / 240 Volt x 26 130,000 -0- i Lighting-TenNs Cl. mod Disposal.864 KW / 120 •Volt x 26 22,464 2Z464 Microwave 1.2 KW 120 Volt 31,200 31,200 CA I gg Lihtin-Tennis Ct. 01:121aw" NER AHU Fan x 26 37,310 -0- g oog gd Heatin•(Clin•Nelecte) 208,000 M k om A� N 'Other Total Loacr 1,190,598 698,288 APPLICATION OF DEMAND FACTORS 33% 392,898 230,435 4_1 p ------- own can, Service Load SAAAN SELECTION OF SERVICE EQUIPMENT Nwa TABLE 310.16, 1. SwAft Rating - 392,898 360 V ALf 'S 1092 mill o �� at - 230 435 360 V AW$ 1 1230.90(a) iv_ - ir ME 250.23(b) *4*Ws Aardoactem Am 3jWMCM CU & (1) - 300 MCA& QU 1[4 saW lic niank use 120Q��� #10 WM MMMIMAW BMW 1 1 20 rt estic Water Pump FACP nA W � _J717: , !M-0 Pt, AgEt" Z, m EQUIPMENT F X BUS IS REQUIRED DOR LATCH IS REQUII BOILER R( SURFACE er is 26 L�, U z % INTERRUPTING RATING 10,000 Aid FOR DISTANCE SEE rc ELECTRICAL LEGEND LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDUL MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS SYMBOL TYPE D ir� HEIGHTFINISH MOUNTING REMARKS LAI*•-SIM NO WATT S Single Pole Switch - 15AI120V 42" AFF KLP DRS*W 2 35 Three-way Switch - 15A/120V Recessed x" S3 42"AFF, White S4 I I OG1 C/I 178SH 40 White Recessed Four-way switch - 15A/120V LigWoker Aj 42'AFF S F Rheostat for Paddle Fan <C Timely 841-8BR 8 G2& 40 Brass Surface 42"AFF. Garage Door Opener 42"AFF KLP S I 4ORSHPF-LE 1 45 White Cove SHUT DOWN CONTACTOR Ceiling Fan LigNoNeir 1 1 OOIC/i 17f, -100 Baffle OR RELAY (FURNISHED FF1 Exhaust Fan- BY MECH. CONTRACTOR) Timely 841-6-BR s Surface 40 Bras Sim p le ".06,0WIlf nG KLP WA240-LE ti White Surface Sedea Lightolier 6000 br 6357 Hea;i" 75 While Surface switched 4 Lightolier 184:3 Duplex 75 White Surface Recept" - , , i 1-1 11, �' L� O O *,d above counter levelt 44 Crescent CU 1 5W 8 Surface Power Receptacle -Type and size as noted AHU SMOKE ETE CTOR DETAIL (D Junction Box - 4-square or octagon By Owner KLP STQM T12 35 Surface TelephoneOut V R 100 we IPower DisconnecL,. *e and size as noted Cove r"mq Electrical Panel Surface Conduit Concealed Conduit in Slab or Underground Surface i------------------ Conduit Exposed Cove Surface SUBSCRIP VP: Va Ipor pro* WP: We Surface IG: is i Ir "Win 117YPES ()P ARCIIILEGEND: SECURITY F ALARM P RATED VOLTA(W.%% -8phase/4W/SN LOCATION Detector 120MV a UNIT GARAdE RATED VOLTAGE 120/208V-3phase/4W/SN LOCATI(J� GA' pariment Smoke RATED AMPS I OOA IkWACE NEMA 3R RATED AMPS 150A MOUNTING MOUNTING I(9 Fire Alarm Smoke D F elector MAIN BREAKER FEEDER CONDUCTO MAIN BREAKER FEEDER CONDUCTOF0 W, (4)-#3 THW CU, Fs❑�P to Aiwim Speak BRANCH POLES 20 FEEDER CONDUIT 1/Z LES 30 FEEDER CONDUIT 2" t. BRANCH DEVICES PLUG- 04 MANUFACTURER CAT, NO. VICES PLUG -ON ----------- MANUFACTURER CAT. NO. 'JAEAKER BUS AMPS CIR. BR E DESCRIPTION S (D IDESCRY CIR. R DESCRIPTION BUS AMPS TRIP B C A B Prn)l C RIP C A 20 20 1 I Door Opener 1 14 LightF*eptacle- I 1 2 1 e tacle 1-3 tacle 20 1 14 SD Light 20 1 3 P"'j- I C 1 tacle e. 20 (HM 14 7 Li eptacle 20 _0 7' EOLI 20 14 f Opener 4 14 ,Door Opener 5 H eat Derec 4 1 13 14 ire Alarm GontwT I 14 Apartment qgVq,PWW, 15 16 4 Door Cont 10 ener 1 1 14 Aparti �nent Sec 'Opener,12 14 TOTAL AMPS BUS A 56 BUS B GROUND BUS IS REQUIRED HA CONNECTED KVA KEYED DOOR LATCH IS REQUIRED 14 INTERRUPTING RATING IQ25�b AIC BOTTOM K FE*fo*, iago"" VAR TOTAL OT AX 113 BUS B 95 BUS C 86 GROUND BUS IS REQUIRED 36 KEYED DOOR LATCH IS REQUIRED CON INTERRUPTING RATING BOTTOM 10 IIEIMARI t DUCT DETECTOR HOUSING SIMPLEX 2098-9649 WITH PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE DETECTOR 2098-9201 WITH 110VAC POWER ADAPTER 2698-9747 Con3ultIng Eel 21185 East Ocean Stuart, FL 34996 TES 286-8696 CL 0 U 0 0 cc Uj wt 10 = CL X Z 3Z CL W 0 0 Uj Z W Uj cc W W "A U cc = < 10 Uj 06 W U.1 0 cr rq W X cc OL < > Uj 0 Z X Z in (41 Uj V. 0 L� L) Cr Z LAJ U5 Z 0 X tl U Z U U Z flo Z a:"o W Z Lu i n a i 4 1, 1.. w CONN Tp CONTA VIA _rI CLOCK #12-I/z„ -.• 8#36 HP-1 - `\ it CONNECT -rO - r 10'O" CONTACTOR t - C i/ \ ; x TORS IN VIA TIMECLOr_FK �{ „ . F"s►+eo GRADE � s- x a� 7FIZ 3 >s , o l� I ,III!lTf'1� u 0) D - U Ll ={2 m ._,: gL_ e Rtp t j 7 4 i c�#3 k.: G2-9 -- , - - 1.- i, - - NORTH O ELECTRI SCALE: 1 /8' = l a a^ 9- 1 Y .h .r. ,. d_., .. a. fz:` t4;.r!` r `- � ' i µw.., , t t .. ,..: 1 �, R'✓l, ...:. ,. , :0..:� v - G2-9 PANEL _ G2-1,3,5 IT2 177c .00R PLAN r � J dL� P a+ a! s,. . WOJCIESZAK & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers 2185 East Ocean Boulevard Stuart, FL 34996 (407) 286-8696 h gg r W U W z � O O j Z W< a r W W 6 w W W 0 IL 0 W O U W I 3 a a r p n r< > t a � r U W 0 a 2 0 < W 2 O I I W < w O- < I z - W i W a Z ; 0 a 11 O V 0 S O w 0 r w i 0 JO } J v o a O � I- Q O U u W x u f QNM dz 10 Id. I I M t•CAI•� O � �r zA q 1� ri m S ot M ei a o G,Af2Ac�;� 4 l,Jc>0�1 >zM L <>Jv, ,r+et-.1. g " , � — iA x 1A vJF-0 1 IA fZ.. I iU"P OH, &x8) v.AL. Cox (.0 C5-1 c ami• �Fr•t ¢F- 1 e- Gr- Ct+x 12 C.G•1 2,50 Gr-Pxt 12KIZ 12 x 12 (,eGt -------------------_— FA U 1 _ �tG=ts 4',[?( I 1 I I I — �' 3♦�" I I I I ! I _— — — — — — — — — p } f I � li I x �-�— lox, w ;ZA , I ;ZJ t.JJ c IF p.Sy' a,,c ,.5 0, f i �..._.� cA v-P tc..-r7yi x' AC - a> 1 I '"' i I I I , I I { laX I � / r - I ' � I 1 r i I � I � N i2�`eE C rf 4v wry ML IRE VISIONS x�-�awms Ilica: x z a a lw 0 0 0 A m x i 44 be 4 ? ;" 40 w � 3 m V g, r t r } Y4 v iwAlf A1R C^.401TION140 HILL.. YORK SROWARQ INC. -w0 � Jhe. by Hill .rr. by vATe ij191 At k14 ..,,a., i.„... MV7 13 ..... . immo 14-w 2 is -4— F7 ------- T— ---- 1-0 Gat --- - --- - - - - --- it 11 IL it it i----------- t CD F coo IL Z + C; 4, —�JO, /T--K\ --------------------------------------- r W p6 IZxCo 5F- 13 e5A-rFA Cc> Co 12 x e:, -- F-i lox co 10 w --------------- IE Ell ,jx t,' 14 - xCO fpz- ------------------ 44, LAJt4 CF:" 10 L------------------- F-W 6 A, vc to .40+ Dr=r.I/ L.15A;ZAyPAD RM,"2 - 5LJ TY'F�NCAL FLOO'Rl '�_`_�'LAN NO RTH a 101 A/c, PLAN SAME A,s uar-T a­IAAD r- - - - - - - - - - I x REVISIONS AIR CONDITIONI-40 Ac 2 HILL YORK BROWARD INC. oft Hill THE PHOEr\�O< APP. BY OAT 14 dil 01 z z a l'- 00 0211111 i.�l ilk " r y 8 b y Y •) �S 'd d t �' f ¢ h � l ! 4 I s a i a t _ { } x 1 s � 1 i r i i " I i _. REVISIONS 'r m $xr . t. .Flay X i y eu y f�#"• eke 2 ? A l.hY'' K -q $$ ID ((1 d �f�� a% 5 � a' It t J SPECIFICATIONS AIR DISTRIBUTION Metalaire or Equal A. B. Supply Register Ceiling Diffuser (SR) VHD w/ O.B. Damper C. Curved Blade (CD) Series 5000, Model M-2 W/OBD D. Return Grille (CB) LID w/O.B. Damper (RG) RH E. Outside Air Louver (OAL) OAL-4F w/Bird Screen DUCTWORK A. Suoply and Return 1" thick fiberglass type 475 per B. Flexible Duct SMACNA. Shall be equal to Thermoflex G-KM C. Dryer Exhaust class 1 air duct. Shall be galvanized sheet metal fabricated and installed per SMACNA low velocity duct standards, D. Outside Air Duct Same as dryer exhaust duct. E. Toilet Exh. Risers Shall be non ducted 2 HR fire rated drywall shafts furnished and installed by others. Shaft construction shall be in accordance with local requirements. CONDENSER WATER PIPING ! A. All condenser water riser piping shall be "Type L" copper. B. All branch lines shall be "Tee Drilled" w/brazed connection. C. Roof piping shall be schedule 40 PVC. D. PVC piping to be painted w/reflective paint. E. High pressure/temperature flexible hose w/factory applied brass fittings to be used at each heat pump connection. F. Clean out valves shall be installed at the bottom of each riser. WORK BY OTHERS A. Condensate, make up water, overflow and tower drain piping to be furnished and installed by other plumbing contractor. B. All dryall rated shafts/chases to be furnished and installed by other division. C. Exterior wall louvers for gen. to be furnished and installed under other division. D. Cooling tower structural supports to be furnished and installed by general contractor. E. Air conditioning louvered doors to be furnished and installed by general contractor. F. All apartment doors to have 1" under cut by general contractor. G. All power and control wiring by electrical contractor. H. Concrete bases and pads by general contractor. I. Gas tank and gas lines by gas company. GENERAL NOTES A. All equipment furnished shall be U.L. approved for application (or equal testing approval). B. All slab penetrations shall to safed in accordance with local code requirements by applicable division- C. Air conditioning units to be mounted on non combustible support w/isolation pad. 14" A+Je�Le 'l2 <L6V/Ih IJA�Erz 2 "STEEL ?`PE 14 "ITEEL PLATE - ti1.��bfL ro p�F L Atro¢.,A7 1, P'T«-! rAJ AIJn P+T<.a-J GSY U.G, FROOF= PIPE SLJPPO�T +-4. r. A-, 6 _ CCOL�Ii�G TOI 1Cr�i SCNt-- ULi . oPeR- G.T. ,.Jo. cT• I MA�JJa✓aGTJ .Gz MAWLEY OR EOJAL MopcL Q1= 2110 -IATEZ of , 4- ATa;Z oF: 'P as -7 - 7.5 Y Las. �noo Pdl"IP SCHEDULE FJrir �Jo. Ir-1AJJFacrJ2Ea mc:,C)EL ,-10. s12 - cY,Pt-i B�JP rIP KPM rY�E TD. J. vo ACE PI R P 2 P$(SoLS2) TAGco 02 EGk,1A L FI 1 LSoFj' �LISoCO 'Z 02 .a g 1W2x1$'2' 200 45 5.0 .5 7.5 i 1'7g0 7 C Opp ODP Cos ' 15' 20a I ,S 4) spa a�i� Md -- ______— [7ES14+J CSo.J�iTleyJS -7E, DPJ. Cv4" IJe, i,j&-r! (L 4eATtrt s+js JrJflerZ Ac 41-J+T "JPPLY pJcT F-LTER II cQ-1rJEr)tiATE �Z�ti� II F-Y j-LJ0MQ--jZ ' I 7ER✓KE A,cc E'�'7 II 1 �s+pf'deT-sc.Jo-e To 1 - 1' N7C MODE PAD y lTYP. & A roRJe Z) 31.1 1-JO�-,E'7 whTER '- 7PPLYt Ra-rJR�J 514" %2Ai,J I.-J/ R+^�zR•-� T¢QP 3Y PL.Jr'tP.�tz 3jS' 34LL JA'7 (rYP- OF 2� TYPICAL APARTI" IENT A/C UNIT - �. k QT.(. FAI�,j 10 _ >✓b.EF �Cv715 E 200 25 Qap 120j 14> 2 -7 y sc' P>S, Jog „ M4f 4 4.0 4 (2.1 (so014 q.p c,P�- 21-4- ?20o 14 Co.4 E�-S Gs'J, ELeC SDE 10-32-D (i3o .10 US _ h1C.1 T:f•Ce'S+�hE STbK `,o5-8-2A-D 100 I .10 +i8o ! hlr+l roF 7 T2AS.J 16 1 . oB P - 24 - D I $O EF--B Ash V-4,2. 5De 8 24-0 140 „ EF �oKv Qr�. SDE -a .24E 5o - EF 10 e-A20/ PceL Avg- 'S(so 1 00 — 1.5 EF-11 ME,-JIb 0HPj Cv84 Q>O — 2.5 EF-12 TYR Apr raLg - 1.5 Ef by Prc� 3coo rbR. as - I.5 F,F 14 PJ 1 Rcc,F o2 AL `-CAE 12 24 - yt� D OF-15 r, N SDE-1(y 24-A Q400 +l4 E F-1to QaOiLP..Q QN SDE • 10 - 24 - E ' S0 `IQrJ „ Sc -SPEED ��TRaLtER PSG - f��nZr> Sc_EgE 1 kIn-, - "AL-L , o`/E[Z FLOIJ BOILER SCHEDLLE L' ac,-II_+,J'/'42 cat eQL AL �, PPe2 - F^� GAS A�0ILEJZ MODEL* G8895 SSS. �� P5Tj'S h1PJT COCo(o, o >3rJ'S ��TPJT, 130" el-ITE211.1�, lcoo L.EA�II.ic� F5ALL V CTYI') P' J'1 P 0"G vj-�. 5OILEF') PIPING CocUrL, ToNEIZ oRA�I.I--I/ }�- 6LEEo �M F-,ALL 1/. 1 I lrYF) T�IERr"1 lrYP) r-IAAE-JP CFsy FL..Jr-,e. -r-) 17a�7 314 007E P:qt.,,j r r J -<cEI ITZK 2acikEg CTYP) To OwAiIJ -L-. "rae,aez_ (F-Y PLJr-1Pxje.) "jr u PJn? 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