HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application A�y/� t fy,� [�!g�yy� �A T�y�^ �}� ` p,�s rtr �`( yv 4��y.pay AllAPPUCABLE i{7CO MUST4111*!GOl O.,LfTED CO' 74��4+f4A TV iiE.AC,L T 7 G s o t " . c r4 5 3� n z.•m :�>x k F..r ° yn.:�q,,r y�y .m flat S xxr t1Yi3 rF ' ��I+d� 18 9 z `R " t�k+• `ro s ✓s a �= a :w { 'n,Ate} '�;.• `l @ Spxw ' a'_:A .. .- .f:_ tr� nir�unrl Z1lsapmntnris De ..: permitting p p 2 t artm :. adding andvd Regulation Dr�ra �nri r �:uc,a county 2.10t,0igrnra A4v h re,art PTerce Fi 349$2 { PE3csne, 7721553 Fax 77 X662 153 -COt311'C# �'= RLSId: Pltli 7 r f-, .1 #A: 5.1 y y ER 1111(T TYI r /� G �� , r S, I 4 �^Q,�{�C_ �.� i I/✓l .:k� .t�•'� ^ •.,.� -Address, d Site Plan Name' 91ock No ria�Lt Na _ r� �W /tl va Hey /n 6�e�v�n dpi a•lo.�. ,Jc `t�,.-([5 �; ,ate off a >�.s, :.3or 4 �<>..Ge� .77 ,.. :,�. .,<.,.: a z 4'' 4 m777777777,77 v >n...,..`,r7 .�. a, .-.7777777777' `l dd�t i,al vuock bsr per arr u d r this p�rmrt Chet �Il chat400.1 Ivlecharji al sf T k Gas P�pZn <F k Shutters: x Wind6WVDOOtt:� _ Slectr� z �Pl rrtbiiag Sprsnklers; � 5r i otal Std Ft of Caanstructic�n Sq Ft t�f,Frrst`Flrir w ft i)f CJrlstrliCttlA . - OQzR :. Llttltl��� Y eSev�rer b S�ptw�� u�ld�n�fl����tt O:• n erne o`u c lvame leA o X1ddfo r�s5 int t an£ o LY D Y S Pn G. i�ftat #ddress 33 yl SE SI� r S a= : podgy 3'(9 j a fax .._ f City -F� - _ State �C. Phon� to 77 2 ,x 1'/9 1gCdde 3- 7 (0 7 E W r r lino: <a : lax x i q I di n fee simple>'litie I`d"a" un next pa ;(ref dtff �erl;�fr TE N1 1 i c lcr e__-�e� soa c,<s e o fr�rrt=the"_ner lasted above _ kor-County Li�ensef -yam If value M{��rutudo is$409 mors,a REC{3Rt3E0 IVot�te of C®mmencemerEt�s required , r x ... It value cef tIVAZ is , �nr sms�re,q RE+�tJRUtO 4lotke ofaxnriencerent es rxtluir£r! _ r DESIGNERANGINEEW, NoVl vlecahle 1V1�RT�ACa t7�t1tIPA1�Y Nat pplicabi� tvme 'Name,,,. Address: Atldress Qtyt _ . pity Zip: Pham . Zip Phone FEE SIMPLE T131.£;FII�I[3E# I ok Ap la able I t3N©!NG 31�tE1?, idY t tat ApP[r ble 1 Address 4, _ !~Jame: a ' e Atlr�resx City7-7 Cr#y Zip> Ph6ne: ; , ".' Al Phone. _ k C?ttUldERf CC11V I�AC7 t31;�tF#:IDAVIT Application+s',l ereby frarade to o aan a permitto do tfi:: ork and rnstati t+t+n as;indi aced. !certify that npacsrk nr+nstallatfbn has ctsmmenced prtnr to tht issuance of a pa:rmat '5t Lucie Caur+tyyT'makes:rio'repres�ntafian that rs ran,t n .a it Iklll, uthanz the p r it.h+stii r to builei'xh`e sa�bjett structure Which is in conflict with-ahy,applicable:Monte'O here 1Asse+aratfbh-ruics:byta+rrs car'in cciyenants•that may restrict or probibit such F a str+rcture Fiease c ari ult wiE%ya pr., pme Ol vners Associ tia�ri:arati reu+eW.y+sur did farany r6stridtions;i+hick ma}j apply In consideratloriratthe grantan ®f this1equested`pe ait,l d4 hereby agree Ghat t tiurilt rn ail resp s,p form the viaark in accordande jai€h I+ ;apprr3ved plans;the I ioii+a eliding fides and S#-Lucie county Xr ehrirn ts. The vllow+ng b +ld+ng permit app!+cations ars ex rnpt fri m un djgraarng a faati concurrency revrew 'rt+om additions accory strturs, tivimming'pi�of ,,fences,falls,sign ,serer;rrC�oms;and`accssory.uses tt+anesther r+ora res+cient+at'use "lhllltlliilhGvTi t31A' R.: t 9$'{11►11tiRE Tt#". t3IZD A.14 T#CE OF I�1 1lttC1 MENT IYIAItk iS LT t 1 YOIR I?�i►1fi G;; WICE.; J I QYEM1El11�a..3 'YD##It rRQPERTTtl 0 IIJOT r,, F. YliEtliiCEI1tEN1 Mllsi 6E C IRbAP'AM' PISS.ON Tlilr;.IOB:51 tE;BEFORE FAY.iNri#'E+L?I011i #li Yt7li1 I JTE4Yi#.Ttli::C3STAiN,F#14iAAJClfJ41#:;'i`$IN'St LT- 'VYITH t(OitA l EIt O14;AM1 AT6t)RAii)rY`B1E i}til REC#y 3TAtd>:YOUt4;1 NOTICE OF_C{3M141ENi`EMEN7;p.•.. .' ; Sitraature,c+f OWT,ier/Lessee/Cphtrattof as Ageaat fear O icer Sfgnatirre of ontractb�/Licewm Helder_ S 17^i.t E OFFLORIDA, rt 3• < T J ti 7 C i.i� ;C 'R.� ®�R �C l nlr`t•c� �yCH X72; JCOUNTY al'`. f he gar Dani;instrument was-atkno vledge before nib The i`drgoang tnstrumeniwas atitraotvlei#ged lJ #erre me ' Ehis. dayPf. t kA� Y': thissiayif �fGr�fS(c� ,20 by Nat e o perseiri making staters ent. ' Name:of person makti g sta[eznent_ . Ptsot+aily Krstawr��OR'Produced ldea�4{€i�st+an persanaliy gno�vn �_{3i3 fPraduced tdeaatrfcatran _ Type of Identifiirata Tye$of ldentaftisn Produced._- . Sr�Y AWF,,ORD t'�©lured SION#OC265055 U y �o EXPIRES:Ociober 03`,2022 ,ign re oE, to rY 'aabl+c«5txte nfflisr+da j { riatur o€lVt+tari' -ublac State+�f`i 1 r b° � ;K+EGAN CRA' RD rr�fssaor3 �( 5 Seal My COMMISSION# 65055 { #„ Co IS9aa ,p 55' EXPIRES`Oo6be 0 2022' ! _. . w . REVIEWS t RI�NT Z MING St3PE ViSC�R PLANS V 4aETATIC�hI SEA T PTLE MANGRQVE 43'u-4-T R REVIE' V. REVIEW ftEVlEV1a rt VlElif; RE1++1 1N RE�'IE1�( ,; SATE ;.,b ItEGEEUEO A CJATE {Jt+o1PLETED eV. a