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Inspection Docs
V/ Planning & Development ServicesFRECEIVE©Building&Code Regulation Divisi• 2300 Virginia Avenue AN 2 2 2020 Fort Pierce, FL 34982 s 772-462-2165 or 772-462-2172 r. Lucie county, Permitting Fax: 772-462-6443 ROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT Re: Permit# ! 9 JI—491 ? ` GLOIJ I, 'IAW% , licensed aa(n)Contractor* Engineer/Architect (Please print name&circle license type *FS468 Building Inspector *General,Building,Residential or Roofing Contractor or any individual certified under 468 F.S.to make such an inspection. On or about 1'-'�0 -&2 0 , I did personally inspect the roof deck nailing (Date) work at: ?�.�►> 5% ( ob site address) Based upon that examination I have determined the installation was done according to the current edition of the Florida Existing Building Code Section 708 or the product approval submitted (whichever ism st str' ent). / Signature and eal License# STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF _ G( Sworn to and subs�c b/e�d"before me this�day of U 20 by � t-�i� ®'7 Lp/ S�/P�c%r.—Who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification. Notary Public,State of Flori Signature of Notary: Commission Number. cvq (Seal) En Notary Public State of Florida • Shirley Clark My commission GG X w expires 0/30/2023 927881