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Notice of Commencement
FROM SE I FT TOE: (W OF FEi TETORI' AOTo'c- m"> 0 0 MEW Q o uk , on o0rn c= Xm 0. G rnwm v+r"'cn3_ O DN O = Z omN 'm 0 o JN ti W = C0 N on oy n �3 0 O c a Z O O a y AF -.R RECORONG-RECURNTO: PERbnT NUNMER: The utdersi,�ed hereby gives notice dut improvement trill be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter lO, e Florida Statutes, pie liallowiag mfonnation is provided in this Notice of Cammencemept. Eq3 -+ r"`. L. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(Legaldescription of the property&sncxaddress, if available) TAX FOLIONO.: NE 1/4 OF SEC 35 RUN E ON I/4SEC BLOCK TMtCC LOT BLDG wit WLY 728.7 FT TO POR. TH CnNT N a. Nuns and address: b. Intcresr in propeaY: �y'� 2J 5'f� ,. Name and address of Cw aimpfe iitichaWer(ifdiECe¢nt Gam Otm¢ a. CONMkCroRISMtSIE: O'Donnell Impact NAndows & Storm Protection Coao�aor's addres 6402 SE Federal Fhwy, Stuart FL 34997 5. SURETy(iFuppliablc,xwpy,fehe payueW Goad isxmcha�: d Nun, and addr= b. Phone numb,, 6. a. GENDER'S N,NtE: Cinder's address: Phoac number. 772-408-0200 Phan, numher 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owaer upon whom octices or other documents may be served As provided by, Section 713.13 (t) (a) 7., Florida Slaeutes: b. PMnc numb rs afdcsikvxLN Fasav: S. a. In addition to himsetf or herself, Owner designates of to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) (b), Florida Statutes. b. Phone numbs afp¢son or rntiry d¢igeuv(by Owne 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement (the expiration date will be I year dam the date of recording unless a different date is specified): , 20_ (otgnature of Owner or Lesseer'3r Owner's or L Authorized Officer/Directar/Partner/htanager) State of H" � yec,.� County of L+�'.0,"4e (Print Name as Provide Signatory's"Title(OlHce) The foregoing instrument teas acknowledged before me this !`3 f�-' day of i 20 f ei Vr >�:;� 7 by SG.Rf� OQ 1 .d5 EtM' (name of pecsou) (type of authority.... e.g. officer, trustee, attorney in (act) for (name of party an behalf of whom instrument was executed) Type afIdenti6cadan oduced cK Y/a.�r�© .�r.�.\r.�.�,.. /�i��� Stephen C. Bfehl WCommission # GG142160 (S nature of Notary Public) (Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) Personally Knovm _ of ftoduced Identi6cadon e/ Wires: 1 1 l�ed thru Aaron -t2 tNory Bo Rcv, 1045