HomeMy WebLinkAboutLINDA FUSICK PERMIT 1UPFLEMENTiAL CONSTRUCTION UEN LAW IWORMATION: OESiGNER/E N GINEER: _ Not Appiicabfe Na me: Add re-,s� City: — __-- State: Zip: Rhone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable Nano= Add re-v,.: City., Zip; Phone - MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Appii able [dame= Ad dTe55; city_ State; Zip= _ _ _ Phone; BONDING COMPANY: _Ncrt ,+gyp Ilea bie Name: Address. _ _ chy- Zip:= _ Phone; OWNERf CONF RACTORAFFIDVIT= AppJirahian k hereby made to otatai : a permit to dathe wars{ and jnstalLathon sec indimkcd. I certify that: no work or in-#xlEati3n has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit 5R, LudeCcrunty makes no repre-' #�tion that is granting a permit will' authori?e. the rwrm it holder to build thu suhject structufe which is in conflict with anopplicaMe Home Owners Assotiafian rulp5, 41avvs or and cow%enants du t may restriCt Or prohibit suds stnu2ure. Faso consu tt wrth your Horse Ownt-c a Ayodittion and Tftiew your deed fair any which may apply. in can5Werakion ofthe granting afthk reguc-sted perms I do hereby agfee that I wiN, in al'] respects, perfarmthe wpfk in aomrdance with the appffplans, the F1'orida Building i 6-d end St. Lade County Arnendmenrs, The €odlowing building p�rmjt-upplications are exempt from undergaing a full'concurrency rewicrr, room additions, aoeesswy MracLures, swimming pools, krrms, walls, signs, screen raom!� and acrossory uses W another ruin-teziiiderhtial use "VrARNNG T�O OWNEW YOUR FAA IRE TO RECORD A XIOTICE OF OOMMeNCMEJMfr MAY R€SULT IN ToUI. PAYING T"JICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PRROPJEJR'iY- A NOTICE OF MMMH EENEW MU5T BE RECORDM AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE Fib MYSPEiv'FM. IF YINJ IJIITEND TO OBTAIN FIIt ANCINC, CONSULT "11 TO1JR LEWER ORAN AITOi;EY BEFOIZE RECO2DINE; FOUR IMIOTICE OF COMM ENGEM"T." Zkkure erf LemeejCo r itractn; u* {tu nt for Owner SignaEure rf L iC I JoIder r C47I: OF FLFi CNT'i'F STATE OF OR'x, . COUNTY OF � tiL; i � The forWi:rg inorurnentwas a pwledged befom Tne this3j O.uv ol'— 21r by Name of person making slat�m,cri t. Personalty Known Q R Pr-�)dvoed IdenLificat9Dn Type -of 102ri l.i limW.n Pradu,cedr. F r%�r orate Soho JS�gnadire of Notary- Pu' i uP,7.IC sl-:57ATE CF FIC)RIGA 17Q=-scion No- 3fZ573 FR NT ZOMlNG COUNTER REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED The forgoing - !Mm t was acHnowlmhWif be&re me this . day of r 2Lk'-4 tyy Name of person making simLernent Personaily Known OP, Produced idenffiradan Tyrp� of Iden#if i thm Produced OLD` �01O O A ' FM.om (Sknmre of Notary Puhbo- SATE OF i=L2RIDA Como C43315= REVIEW I REVIEWS 1 �REVJFW N I5 REV E1+MfLF I M E EW E