HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4664636 OR BOOK 4372 PAGE 254 , Recorded 01/21/2020 12: 27 :11 PM 5 NOTICE OX C0M.Mf~:NCEMXN-1' Permit Na Property Tax ID No. r T o r--7o.T-6o16 -0&*0 -2 3) State ofFlorida,County of SL Lade 0) The Undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be madeto certaia real property,and In aecordaace witk L Chapter 713,Florida 5tata#et6 the following Information Is provided is this Notice of Comseacemeot Legal Description of property and address if available 1 AJ- a- - S44 �A ri 1-6- 154- 1 33 L General description ofimprovements C owner/lesseeo Address o d -e- Interest is property: n to r,-e < Fee Simple Titleholder(if other than owner) V Address Contractor Phone# 7�.z-416/--9 1 j ',' Address 6,?jgj- SV. %,G v� '�/C'L Cl Fax#7 72 VA U Surety - - - t /A r3 y 4 y� Phone# Address A`14 Fax# Amount of Bond Leader ,t��,p Phone# •� Address_ AdA Fax# ! Persons Within the State of Inerida designated by Owner npoe whom notices or otter do anients may beserved asprovided by Section 713M(a)7.,Flora a Stamen: V Name N/J Phone# --r- Address AW Fax# In addition to himself,owner designates A14 of L Pboae# Fax# to reedve a copy of theLienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes. Expiration date of notice of cOMMeaeemtot is one year*am the date of recording sunless a different date is spe7dned WARNING TO OWNER: 7 ANY PAYMmRI s MA 178 BY TBE OWNER AFTER THS WMIRATION OF TM NOInC&OF COMbMXM1ENT ARE CCR'1SMftW ueRom 10 PAYUMNrS UNDFA QL723.13,F.S.,AND CAXRE=T IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR SdPROVMAEiTS TO YOUR PROP$tTY. A MMCE OF OOMWNCEWWrNXIMBEREC"ORDEDANDPOSTEDONTREJOB&=BEFORETHE kW9 OWECITO'.LIFYOU1 ENEITOOBTAIN 1 FIIItAAN0Nq COA'S= WrfH YOUR LENMM OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE OOMIWSNCING WORM OR RECORDWG YOUR NOME OF I C01i�sCMFJtr. 10 Owedsor A!tlalrlee3 en4KaaaRedSE�7t�cc , y l Sipjatory's TltlsOlnae State ofplorlda,County of �St. Inv a rte Admawiedged before me thea day of209n,by r .� who is ppersonaw`known to me or who las prodoaed _jV*10 ^c * - -gn taertca �Ignatsire of Notary Type or Print Name ofNotary (Seat) Title:Notary Pttbitc Commission Number AWMQ Y; s1r1RRA NCOR.E Damns �� NDt+ryPublic-SratedFtorida •� Commission 1 GG 12a5afi My Comm. JW26,2ul •h�;,� aorawueoB9nwaol+Srpolywr. IHF.RF.DYf.}:KITFI'TIIATTIIIS UOG9?UE\715,1TRUE AtiD CURRF.Cf COP1'(IFAti OF?7CIAL RECO..1OR §"}• Digitally signed b The Honorable Joseph E. Smith DOCUMENTAUTUORIZED BY tAWTO BE RECORDED OR FILED AND ACTVALLYRECORDED OR PILED IN i Date• 2020.01.21 1 '27:48 —055:00 THE OFFICE OFTAE Sr.LUCIE COUNT'CLERK OFTIIE CIRCUIT COURT. THLSDOCUIILN-TNL1YHAVERMACFIONSASREQUIREDBYLAW, i;, Reason: Electronically Certified Copy T,nratinne 9(11 Smith Tnriian Rivar Dr. Fort, Piarra. FT, 449.5(1