HomeMy WebLinkAboutRocha Permit Application 2.6ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date:-------- Permit Number: --------- �LORIOA Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Buildmg and Cade Regulation D1v151on 1300 Virginia Avenue, Fore Pierce FL 34982 Phone: {772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462·1578 Commercial ---- Residential -�X�- PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Fence Lot No. Le3 Block No. _ Propertv Tax ID#:�� -;�013: - CcQ-5 Site Plan Name: __ fu___ � ProjectName: _ ___,,,�,_,,,.c___,Rfl(",.,._,,._,._."'-'"'-------------------------- Setbacks Front, _ Back: Right Side· left Side:---- DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: D Windows/Doors ORoof - ,., g ' 1t1onal work to b�rformcd under this permit check alll}5:ai; apply· OHVAC LJ Gas Tank DGas Piping LJ Shutters OElectric D Plumbing Osprinklers D Generator CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Total Sq. Ft of Construction:-------- Cost of Construction: s __,.o\...,_...,QJ =�---- 5� of First Floor: Utilities: LJ Sewer D Septic Building Height: _ State:� OWNER/LESSEE: �:::,,, \h� �;i;'p I rnv: 'y\)Y:\: :::It Luu e... State: fL. Zip Code:� Fax: _ Phone No .. _ E-Mr1il: _ Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) CONTRACTOR: --�������-� Name: Todd Parolme Company: Suponor Fence and Rail Address: 2778 N Harbor City Blvd #102 City: Melbourne Zip Code: _3_2_9_35 Fax· 321-638-0086 Phone No. :i21·636-2829 E-M;iil: spacecoast@super1orlenceandrail.com State or County License: 03"1-"3"-37 _ If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: - DESIGNER/ENGINEER, _ Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY, _ Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: --- City: State: --- Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER, _ Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY, _Not Applicable Name: N11me: Address: -- Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St Lucie Count� makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the g1Nmit holder to build the sub wet structure which ts in con rct with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or an covenants that may restrict or prohrhrt vurh structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Assoc.anon and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of thrv requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit apohcauons are exempt from undergrnng a full concurrency review: room additions, acccvsorv structures. swimming pools, fences, walls, �igns, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-rustdcntrel use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspec�n. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work rdina vour Notice of Commencement. ___.., ....-1' � �,q #?/<- �A - s _ S1gnaturif'of Owf.er/ Lessee/Agent 'i1p,naturP of Contra'ctor/L1ccnsc Holder STATE OF FLORIDA SI- I u STATE OF FLORIDA ,,_3+ I ue,u) COUNTY OF COUNTY OF CJ('., The forgoing mstrum�was acknowledged before me The forgoing mstru� was acknowledged before me th1dJ_ day of b . 20212.by ttus .u day of /b , 70 ZQ by Tc�·:!.i IY:\ � 14;)1 J ¥'.112 ,i =rtr+J� M fil!-Ol, a, (Name of person acknowledging) (Name of person acknowledging) (v iP i_ \ ----:,_ .fA,t,,11,/1 fYr/X -I' 7!11(} lo, O ,Y v r I' (S :21ur o Notary Publlc�of Florid:r') (Sig re f Notary Public-� Florida Per nally Known )( OR Produced Identiftcatton Personally Known _ __j__ OR Produced ldentrncaucn Type of rdennucat! Type of ldentifrcanon P ,rl11ce.d l�· STE?HAHI£ BROOKS -� , :. • t: Notary Publ�Jft of Florida Comrrus ston No. IR,• . ' )�n!ROOI(� Commission No. - Commm1 · II 312093 ··oo . �ot�r� - te of F,or re ��"' My Comm. Elp11e$ Apr 5, 2021 .•• ft Corrmlision I GG 31209) . , •• (?, "'·· , M' (Jmm Expires Apr� -thfooih Mat ecoeeo tnr:ll.!!h National Not•I) Ai;" Revised 07 /15/2014 -- REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR I PLANS VEGEl ATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVL COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW�IEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE I COMPLETE - ' INITIALS I JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE FILE # 4671519 OR BOOK 4379 CIRCUIT COURT - PAGE 2073, SAINT LUCIE COUNTY 04:07:39 PM Recorded 02/06/2020 STAJEOf _ __EI_QrjdL._ COUNTY OF --�,Y:U,V�L --=---= c Ncmc and addres- ot fee Suuplc tmchotder (,t othct thJtl o;mnce]· 4. Conuac or b -.:a1,w and andrcss Phone �llmlxr Superior Fence and Rall of Brevard County, Inc:. 2776 N Harbor City Blvd, Ste 102, Melbourne, FL 32!l3!i 321-636-2829 - - - -- ' A111uun( of bcod S.n/_a__ __ --------------- l'liunc number .nza, _ 5 Scre1y N�mc Jl)(I Jddr= �nl=•�------- (, Lender 'came and, ddr�,, b Phone 11umbe1, J1La_ - - -- -- - _u1a _ 7 Persons w,rh t'1c Srnk l'f Florida dt'"gnJtt'd by Dwnct ,,xw whoU1 ooucec or oth{1 documents nuy be ,=·cC a� prov.cct by Scctloo 713 13{ ! \la)7 l-lorida 'statutes b Name and ud,!,c,; 1-'l:tlnc number -- -- -- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- -- -- -- -- --- -- _nLa_ - -- -- -- -- -- -- S ln it.l,l1t,011 t,, n.m-elt. ()w;i�t ,k,1ge�l.:5 the fo\lov,1ng p;:r-...m\o;} 1,· receive n ccpv ot th� L,cnrn ', Notnc as r,o, "le(! "' SeclJtlll 711 I.>( ])lb) fl,11td,1 Soucs 3 "h,n(. and arkhecv b. 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