HomeMy WebLinkAboutIsland Reef Restaurant 454550E # �A R k L Y'�ry F 'if.' t .w�y5 �3. a • '� , d k R 4^IIRT .. lI_..erg'-••' w __ __ _ _ s _ ST. LUCIE COUNTY PERMIT PERMIT NO. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT APPLIfoR4 _2- 3V, O \SEEWAGcE( PERMIT NO. _ JOB LOCATION/ADDRESS f L�i2� I REQUIRED ROAD IMPACT: DISTRICTcyr -�-Lf ZONE —' )__ FEE S/D MAP # i�ty_ FLOOD ZONE AtO— ELEV LOT BLOCK UNIT SECg1�'�� TWP �7S RGE AVt PROPERTY TAX ID ZONE C GMPP LOT SIZE/DIMENSIONS ^ EST COST SET BACKS: FRONT s -7REAR _ SI E o� PJ SIDE SO FT BUILDING: LIVING AREA ACCESSORY CONTRACTOR: OWNER OF PROPERTY: ADDRESS � cam'. r A.-W�ITY ST p�`1 ZIP STATE REG/C CERT - C y COUNTY CERT $#_ NAM )&O�'tj ;ti ti]L� ADDRESS �3 • �� -- CITYC7:56J� STAT65 =Pf ZIP�� PHONE NAME ADDRESS —[� q M c� Fi 1 Y,\ PHONE CITY—S�EIt% �G-�CEi STATE ZIPS STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE ^^, l Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared who upon being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information con e f a at' rue and correct. Applicant Sworn to and subscribed before me this I day of ji V= , Iq2�. Notary Public, State of Florida at Large SCHOOL IMPACT FEES Required ❑ Yes ❑ No Amt. Pd A`Y Commission expires: Date Ed _ Posted not PLAN REVIEW "mot P - EifaNE OF PROJECT: ATfv%24v j G au.UGE C ON TRACR: ToRs,/(,?;r'cR ,l�Evac, ccfeP, ` ICY CLASSIFICATION: OCCUPANC' TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: r HEIGHT AND AREA. // '-o "f ' 573z OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS PER CHAPTER IVs p cz T� 0 is � CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTSs NpTE/ o Lai - z (A) FIRE PROTECTION: # ' /"A""'�/'' (E) EGRESS REQUIREMENTS:d�u/uj . OTHER REQUIREMENTS: (A) ELEVATORS: X14 (E) SPRINKLERS & STANDPIPES:'=' (C) COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS - INTERIOR: '. (D) ROOF COVERINGS: Z>!- (E) LIGHT - VENTILATION - SANITATION: "TL (F) HANDICAP REQUIREMENTS: �jlcfitild wca �lG�' laCbt3 ors T ST. LUCIE COUNT PER IT APPLI "° I01\1 V, PERMIT NO. (CODE'#- ) SEWAGE PERMIT NO. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT JOB LOCATION/ADDRESS: Cs (��+Z1(� ^� Ala QUIRE`D1' 7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION ( IF,�f 160 /FFT!1!0C JA t ] ' o-�--r , No , Z, ROAD IMPACT: DISTRICTCO' —L14--t ZONE __�_ FEE S/D MAP #eD FLOOD ZONE AtaELEV LOT BLOCK UNIT SEC�� �Z TWP RGE PROPERTY TAX ID # - 3 ( ice=Qne) K�- ZONE � G GMPP g- LOT SIZE/DIMENSIONS ^5 4 � � b X I �� Y �® _.. EST COST SET BACKS: FRONT REAR__ SE r _ SIDE —� J%7✓'Zlfj SQ FT BUILDING: LIVING AREA _ ACCESSORY _� ARCHITECT: NAM D C Z PHONE ---.—.__ ADDRESS A "'/W'ITY ST &4_ ZIP�'a45? CONTRACTOR: STATE REG/CERT # (�!Y00 COUNTY CERT #�� dy- NAMC L\41��`�r ADDRESS �_)-6L S, S CITY;:56J!�O STATe�_ ZIP i S_ PHONE - OWNER OF NAME 111 &Ak X. teWWSTt� PROPERTY: ADDRESS _ {�,tYr� A M PHONE CITY �C iiyy) ���� STATE �s- i,, ZIP STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared who upon being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information conyrrre a 8 �j�e��_ rue and correct. cam Applicant Sworn to and subscribed before me this �_ day of SCHOOL IMPACT FEES A Pe R N D Required [I Yes [I No Notary public, State of Florida at Large Amt. Pd BYY. DATE My CgSrymission expires: Date Fell -- Posted _.___ TO: Building & Zoning Division DATE: 2 —� PAVING AND DRAINAGE PLANS ON PROJECT rj Icl'Aj E E F AT /� _ T A name address _ ARE APPROVED. COMMENTS: ,7 Signed: Engine, Dep . PLAN REVIEW NAME OF PROJECT: AT4-0/2.gv7- 4 L ov..JGE OWNER: eAi�, weLey, 7(2usjE�c- � CONTRACTOR: Jup,rcK .16,,6,c -f, OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: f HEIGHT AND AREA: /6 =o"4 ' 57FZ /� OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS PER CHAPTER IV: CZ T CONSTRUCTION REOUIREMENTS: (A) FIRE PROTECTIONS (B) EGRESS REQUIREMENTS:la �Z-f OTHER REQUIREMENTS: (A) ELEVATORS (B) SPRINKLERS & STANDPIPES: /-'"/4 (C) COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS - INTERIOR: �y'' (D) ROOF COVERINGS: d( (E) LIGHT - VENTILATION - SANITATION: CfC (F) HANDICAP REQUIREMENTS: ctiC.Iln- 1 /� I I ST. LUCIE COUNTY ROAD IMPACT FEE CALCULATION FORM: CHANGE OF USE Name of Feepayer _ _ _ i__c_r�/ Address Date (1� r,L�-1 _ Permit $ Road Benefit and Col action ZoneII/_ M In the case of a change of use, redevelopment, or modification of an existing use which requires the issuance of a building permit or an electrical permit for a mobile home or recreational vehicle, the Road Impact Fee shall be based upon the net increase in the impact fee for the new use as compared to the previous use. The impact fee calculated herein has been determined based upon the fee schedule adopted in the St. Lucie County Ordinance No. 85-10, effective February 1, 1986. This Road Impact Fee Calculation Form: Change Of Use is authorized only for those land use(s) listed below. 0 FEE PER UNITS UNIT IMPACT FEE NEWND USE: / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 FEE PER UNITS UNIT IMPACT FEE PREVIft LAND USE Iq ------------------------------ NET INCREASE (Fee for New Land Use Minus Fee for Previous Land Use) vK, Tt � 3 3 / c -. Cd /000 ST. LUCIE COUNTY ROAD IMPACT FEE CALCULATION FORM: CHANGE OF USE Name of Feepayer - - - - - - - - - - Address _1DJ1 Do - '.�- A t A- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date _L/Q2 _I/qO �- Permit #--4 t2r-j Z - - - - - - Road Benefit and Collection Zones"_'P'/ In the case of a change of use, redevelopment, or modification of an existing use which requires the issuance of a building permit or an electrical permit, for a mobile home or recreational. vehicle, the Road Impact -Fee shall be based upon the net increase in the impact fee for the new use as compared to the previous use. The impact fee calculated herein has been determined based upon the fee schedule adopted in the St. Lucie County Ordinance No. 85-109 effective February 1, 1986. This Road Impact Fee Calculation Form: Change Of Use is authorized only for those land use(s) listed below. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # FEE PER UNITS UNIT IMPACT FEE NEW LAND USE: ----------912------------------- ,4 FEE PER UNITS UNIT IMPACT FEE PRE�VIIOOUS�LAND USE �t'��D. 3 - - - - - - - - ------�f3611`7------- -- - - - --- NET INCREASE (Fee for New Land Use Minus Fee for Previous Land Use) \�_(' 5)_7-a9. JID JOHN M. FOSTER a ARCHITECT P.A. 927 N.E. Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 (305)334-3388,878-51111 TO �)'jf �� _. f'f f7 -N WE ARE SENDING YOU p'"Attached ❑ Under separate cover via_ ❑ Shop drawings C3'Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ LI l TIEM TIF UIRMSEGU't�G�L DATE �✓� �Oa No. IITTENTION 1.- wE 'SLR 1^ 4� — ❑ Samples following items: ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION � I&Fo N`S - Sl THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ®"For approval ❑ Approved as submitted a, For your use ❑ Approved as noted 9-As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19_ COPY TO — ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US SIGNED: 11 ar¢laauraa an rat 11 aobd, ANdlr m4ffy us at 0.". BUILDING PLAN CHECK ST. LUCIE COUNTY- FORT PIERCE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA TELEPHONE 465-6655 County PLAN NUMBER #1596 DATE RECEIVED 12-229-87 __Jupiter_ Development_ Corporation_ _- PHONE NUMBER: sj8^_� 119 ITECT: John Foster _.________PHONE NUMBER: OWNER: _ ISLAND REEF RESTAURANT LOCATION: 10900 South AlA PE OF OCCUPANCY: Assembly TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: hip unprotected SIZE OF BUILDING: 5,732 sc. ft. ________NUMBER OF FLOORS:—. 2 REQUIREMENTS: -- ------ �9 Stasrc sha]7,i,_r,_o=ly with. NFPA 101, :5- Minimum width 44" ✓F Minimum height of riser 4" Maximum height of risers 7" Minimum tread depth 11" 111. All exit doors shall be equipped with panic hardware in accordance with NFPA 101, 8-2:.]�1.1 11. All doors with fire ratings shall be equipped with rated framing and assemblies. ✓. 4. Hood system shall be equipped with a: fire suppression system in accordance with NFPA #96. S. Kitchen shall also be equipped with a 40BC fire extinguisher. other areas equipped with a minimum rated fire extinguisher of 2A-10BC every 75' of travel distance. e 6. A permit for the installation of the gas tank shall be issued from this office; plans submitted and approved before the installation of said tank. Gas tank shall not be located within 25' of building or property line. v _7. Tvpe VI construction on second floor over 5,000 square<feet shall be sprinkled. k a_e.d for revisions.'..k CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU ON ALL INSPECTIONS 24y�HOU NOTICE REQUIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS REVIEWED BY:/- DATE FLORIDA MODEL ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SECTION 8 -- SIMPLIFIED ANNUAL ENERGY METHOD AOMINISTt RtD 87 THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 8C STATISTICS NON — RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS PROJECT NAME: ISLAND REEF RESTAURANT PERMITTING OFFICE ADDRESS 1A JURISDICTION NO.' CITY, ZIP CODE : St. Lucie County, Florida PERMIT NO.' BUILDER : ZONE 8 OWNER BUILDING CLASSIFICATION(S): BUILDING VALUE 3 SYSTEMS AIR CONDITIONING UNIT NUMBER TYPE EER SEER COP TONS 7 U 8.5 12.5 (2) U 8.8 10 �L U - UNITARY C - CENTRIFUGAL P — POSITIVE .DISPLACEMENT ENVELOPE Net Area U WALL NO. 1 1000 .15 NO. 2 3071 .15 ROOF 3253 .09 RAISED FLR / INT WALL 3253 .09 GLASS 1307 .9 TOTAL COND. FLOOR AREA= 3253 S.F. LIGHTING TOTAL KW = 6000 Compliance with Section 8 was demonstrated by a Prescrip- tive Measures methodology or by Dual Calculation. ❑ 807.2 Supermarkets ❑ 809.2 Basic Features 1 807.3 Restaurants Q 809.3 Dual Calculation ❑ 807.4 Kitchens Budget HEATING UNIT 14UMBER TYPE JIL COP BTUH 1 E 1.0 68,000 2 E 1 0 51,000 E — ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE HP — HEAT PUMP G — GAS O — OIL COMPLIANCE l SECTION 8 BUDGET - —� BUILDING MSTU/SF SECTION 4 BUILDING MB-TU/SF �— CALCULATION METHOD: In accordance with Section 553.907 ES.. I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered -by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. "~ _ OWNEWAGENT� DATE: Review or the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indo date compliance with the. Florida Energy Cone. Before construction is completed, this building will be Inspected for compliance in accordance with Section 553.908 F.S. BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE 0 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION APPLICANT NAME: APPLICANT ADDRESS: Cr-1 APPLICANT TELEPHONE NUMBER: `l " GZ E,C� Ci LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PARCEL: (Include street address if available.) PROPERTY TAX ID NUMBER(S): PLEASE HAVE THE FOLLOWING ACKNOWLEDGMENTS NOTARIZED ON PAGE 2: I CERTIFY THAT: (Please cneck Box A. or B.) A. [ J I am the record owner of the above described property. B. [ J I am not the record owner of the above described property and I nave autnority to act as agent for the record owner. I CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION SUBMITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. Signature� /� ` E t:5 Date // // /,-P,) v' STPP Application 6/3/87 Page 1 of 7 - t STATE OF FLORI6A + COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE Before me personally appeared to me well known and known to me to be the person described in and I who cutup tnj,s ,instrument, ay acknowledged to and before me n- tat ��_a a executed said instrument for the purposes nerein expressed. WITNESS my nand and official seal, tnis gT/V day of A.D., 19 B8 Notary Pub l - State of Florida Notary Public. State of Florida at Large My commission expiresMyCommissiouExpires Sent. 3.1988 BONDED THRU FLORMA NOTARY SERVICES if IF BOX B. ON PAGE 1 IS CHECKED, PLEASE INDICATE THE PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME, MAILING ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER: Owner Name: Owner Address: Owner Telepnone Number: PLEASE INDICATE THE STATUS OF THE FOLLOWING PERMITS FOR THIS PROPOSEDPROJECT: Dates Permit No. *Pending Issued Denied Army Corps Engineer's Dept. Environmental, Regulation Dept. Natural 3 Resources ��CcS,�%�tY � i ssL�- Soutn Florida Water, Management District, Otner (Specify) * Date Application Maoe STPP Application 6/3/87 Page 2 of 7 PART 2 - CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND INTENDED USES. DESCRIBE BRIEFLY. USE ADDITIONALSHEETS IF NECESSARY. 4 Private Single Dwelling [ ] Private Multi -Dwelling [ J Public [ ] Commercial [� Beacn/Dune Project [ ] Beacn Access Point [ # Mecnanical Beach Otner Construction li Cleaning [ ] Seaward Of Dune [ ] (Description) -"�S � � R(�Fii✓ NAME OF CONTRACTOR: SCHEDULE OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION PERIODS. SEE ATTACHED GUIDE- LINE #3. Phase ;; From To LINEAR FEET OF SHORELINE SEAWARD OF THE PRIMARY DUNE UPON WHICH CONSTRUCTION IS PROPOSED: (If applicable)) �t�"`--- STPP Application 6/3/87 Page 3'of 7 DESCRIBE PROTECTIVE/MITIGATIVEMEASURES TO MINIMIZE CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS ON SEA TURTLES: (Refer to attacneo Guioelines for assistance. Use aooitional sheets if necessary. A copy of Environmental Control Ordinance EC-86-02 is available for purchase in t'ne Building Division.) I g5z-_z— at w t ^cL. 47, ti lC 72) VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT, AND MATERIALS: r f A. Number of vehicles anticipateo ouring construction B. Type of vehicles gt t n � E- L i C. Type of equipment ano materials to be used seawaro-of the i primary dune (if applicable) d D. Location of beach access points to be used "in moving equip- ment ano materials to ano from the construction site. l 1 t i STPP Application 6/3/87 Page 4 of 7 a CONSTRUCTION AND SECURITY LIGHTING SITE MAP CHECKLIST: [Tne maps and information required in A. and B.l below must be submitted. Use the site plan map to depict the additional infor- mation in B., if applicable. Please bneck submitted items. Mark 'IN/A" in the space provided for B.2, B.3, and B.4 if not applicable.] Applicant, Official Use Use A. St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Map (witn subject parcel nignlignteo) [ ✓] [ B. Site plan map drawn to scale witn a north arrow including: I. Proposed site activities [ E/ J [ 2. Temporary.nignttime security lignts n (Location/number/positioning/type) 3. Ni nttimeconstruction li nts j (Location/number/positioning/type) 4. Extent of areas illuminated seaward of the primary dune [ l STPP Application 6/3/87 Page 5 of 7 PART 3 - LIGHTING INFORMATION DESCRIBE PROTECTIVE/MITIGATIVE MEASURES TO MINIMIZE '',LIGHTING IMPACTS ON SEA TURTLES,; INCLUDING MEASURES TO PREVENT DIRECT ILLUMINATION OF AREAS SEAWARD OF THE PRIMARY DUNE. (Refer to attached Guidelines for assistance.) 7-r T PROJECT LIGHTING SITE MAP CHECKLIST: [A site plan map must be submitted for any applicable informa- tion required in A. below. The site ,plan map from Part 2 may be used if both construction and light information is clearly depicted. Please check submitted items. Mark "N/A" in the space provided for A.`1, A.2, and A.3 if not applicable.) Applicant,Official Use Use A. Site plan map drawn to scale with a north arrow for all areas within line of sight of the beacn including: **1. Nigh ,intensity spotlights, flood- lights, and other fixtures (Location/number/positioning/type) ++2. Other light sources (Locat,ion/number/positioning/type) L [ 3. Extent,of areas illuminated seaward of the primary dune [ [ ** Incandescent, fluorescent, mercury vapor, nign pressure sodium, etc. ++ For wallmounts, balconies, walkways, roadways, parking lots, decks, signs, recreational facilities, oune crossovers, ooaruwaiks, landscaping, etc.' I I STPP Application 6/3/87 Page b of 7 i t PART 4 - INFORMATIONAL CHECKLIST CHECK THOSE ITEMS BELOW WHICH ARE PROPOSED FOR THE PROJECT. EACH ITEM CHECKED MUST BE INCLUDED ON THE APPROPRIATE SITE MAP. Applicant Official UAsee Lv J Use [ } 1. Buildings 2 Recreational Facilities 7 [ ] 3. Parking Lots/Roadways L L/7 [ '7 (paved and unpaved) 4. Pedestrian Traffic Ways a'. internal Walkways ( ] L ] b. Beach Walkways/Decks [ ] l 7 C. Beacn Access Points [ 7 L ] d. Dune Crossovers [ ] L ] e._ Piers [ ] [`-7 f. Otner Structures [ 7 [ ] 5. Ground Level Barriers a. Improving Dune Height 7 C ] ID. Planting Natural Vegetation [ ] [ ] c. Hedges I ] [ ] d. Privacy Fences [ ] [ l 6. Dune Vegetation Sprinkler System [ ] [ } 7. High,; Intensity Lighting (incandescent, fluorescent, mercury vapor-, high pressi,ire sodium, etc.) a. Spotlights [ } [ } 0. Floodlights C. Safety/Security [ } I } 8. Low Intensity Lighting a. Wallmount Fixtures C [ 7 D. Landscape Lighting C L } C. Balcony Lighting C L d: Parking Lot Lighting [ L ) 9. Tinted Glass 10. Window Tint/Film [ ] [ ] 11. Other: -(list) [ ] [ ] STPF Application 6/3/87 Page 7 of t Official Use Only STPP Approved Application No. STPP- (bate) STPP Denied Building Permit No. date t' rf 4cST ST. LUCIE COUNTY SEA TURTLE PROTECTION PLAN APPLICATION J Instructions: i A. Please read tnis'form carefully before making entries. B. Type or neatly print all applicable information using black ink., 'Write "N/A" if information requested is riot applicable. C. For applicants that are not required to submit a site plan, a copy of a completed St. Lucie County building permit application may be substituted for the 'same information requested on Pages 1 - 3. D. If you have any questions about filling out this form, please contact the St. Lucie County Planning Division,' Office of the Community Development Director: (305) 466-1100, ext. 316. Approval Requirements: A. The Sea Turtle Protection Plan (STPP) shall be approved by the Planning Division prior to the approval of a site olan'or issuance of a building permit. B. Beachfront"lighting shall be approved in accordance Part 5 ofthis application prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. [Tne requirements in this application were adopted by the St. Lucie County Environmental Control Board (County Commissioners):_ on December 1, 1986, as part of the St. Lucie County Sea Turtle- Protection Ordinance, No. EC-86-02.1 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Building Code Administrator FROM: Environmental Principal Planner(— DATE: January 25, 1988 SUBJECT: Sea Turtle Protection Plan File No.: STPP-88-01 Applicant: Island Reef Restaurant Attached is a copy of the above subject plan which has been approved pursuant to the regulations set out in the Sea 'Turtle Protection Ordinance (EC-87-02). Please note that after construction and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, compliance with the plan must be certified according to the guidelines set out in Part 5 of the STPP application. The applicant should have a copy of the Part 5 guidelines. Please have the applicant contact me if there are any questions i regarding certification. 1 •` � •1 LUUH rLNN IIPit "-b BUILIFIfJG SLL 1UIVb W-1 LUI'IdING h! tart -7 INTERIOR DE7AItS P-2 MEZZANINE & LOWER ROOF PLAN E-3 POWER fLOGR PLAN -5- UINDOW & DOOR SCHEDULES P-3 PLUMBING RISER E-4 DICK, IIKI FAR PD6 P-4 FIXTUR[ & EQUIPMENT SCHEDULES E-5 DETAIL" - - ----- T' 74 6 PROPOSED SE"O _� CtURE: ISLAND REEF RESTAURANT OWNER: CHARLO CORPORATION RICHARD PFORDRESHFR, PRES. PROJECT COMPLETION: A.S.A.P. AFTER APPROVAL ZONING: CG LANDUSE: RM WATER SUPPLY: EXISTING, PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM: EXISTING, PRIVATE SITE AREA: 77 , 537 S . F . OR 1 . 78 A[. 41 f - BUILDING: �,, 7S'-v S F . 9 0% pcvlf-� DECK AREA: 1, 00; S F . 3"/ f4. &I TOTAL AREA: 8,80C S.F. 12% PARKING: 31,672 S.F. 41% OPEN SPACE: 37,065 S.F. 47% TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACI: 38,502 S.F. = 50% PARKING CALCULATIONS: BLDG. AREA: 6,83D S.F. DECK AREA: 1 , 9 7 0 5 . F . TOTAL: 8,800 S.F. -t- 100 88 TOTAL 88 PARKING SPACES REQ. STANDARD SPACES PROVIDED: 86 HANDICAPPED SPACES PRDVIDED: 3 TOTAL PROVIDED: 89 ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN THE STATE� HIGHWAY A.I.A. RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL MEET STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING REQUIRE- MENTS . ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIAL SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY LANDSCAPE CODE. MATERIALS SHALL BE FLORIDA #1 OR BETTER QUALITY, 8' HIGH. N, ";N­ -AREAS NOT OTHERWISE INDICATED SHAI-4"..m BE SODDED. - J-1 .......... A CA IEC PARKiNG < (o W Z vc 1010 ww TIM _j L1_ 01) )L ...... ..... . . . . . . . Typical Detail Typical Detail c) Standr-rd Parking Handicapped P&tkinj < LLI Space Space X PLAN V P, z . . .......... . LLJ U CC) w ) a) L11 > uj n W uj uj 0 TA W, QR" AA"i o < REAR E�EVATIOIN rw ";T uj 0 z 75; 0 4'� 0 R W a &4 !7f IN. 51 0W U011 �14L11* Z < 0 _j fT- LL D LIJ rr H LL] LIJ 01 0 LL z D El ou z Z _3 < LJJ 0- w U) _j — I 14 � b 15 16 17 I • 1 ,, ,u,:, n s';yt +`'�'i rG II 4 ° N v, �p3+',r rrw `xS:i:': P.x': 8�k` � FFki uaS�3,+� Y7 � I i� 1 r < 7 �i8" I -e -9�a �_QI/2" �!p1/21 2-103�4 -ROW Yw A 11 IIU .4 . o'/all 5' � Y4" CEO _ E 701 n"k ¢m., v r, v 7 4 a^.�.»t"'.^,gq, ,s's's r a ,a ,. 1` „x "� . , .� D � ° yia"$rts•,`* txri"-, �5,rk�Pi'V'I s'��"*` i +� 3.,?vk 4 § "vxri"x'``�' b x'^�"�xr-^<''�k p,.,. w'' `iY�. t"" <t*3v�� '`rft-y.�v1r S?'?.'�_"' �.a*��z r.lpy r• e a s+a s ,... tea.... w .,. _.«., .. e:. .. , .. ;.. .... - . ., , - x r ,are . rc > t,-:. ....... ,. .., '.x s . «.. ,,.. >� > :•,_"�'" , @r. ..xr� 3. v , .. , .vq�. .. a. .d -, v.,... r , .::.. ..• v. :'. ,..,.. ... ,..F , P..w, ,.. � „ ".,: W. , ,.. 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(fl � .Wm ' 16" C� AUGERCAST RILE wN 0 �7 14 L� Z cL� 4ww�FP . gq� -411-7 �'� ° 12 1•IE.9 FZ as �� . O ter" Z 14" (� AUGER- CAST RILE 0 SECTION 3 „ OK CONCRETE 1 ��k n IN ss �x�t y w k T � n e tl r C 5 - 2- 4 PILE & CAPS r Piling Specifications 8 Nota'r `r' - a � {i'i'i'" Y'g, 14Yi 16" o:r U4� diameter, _.cast in pT�ca, augured piles, A ton capacity. 2. Piling shall be installed by an experienced piling contra ,or. Prior to commencing work, contractor shall submit to architect. the following: 2.1 Drilling equipment to be used. 2.2 InstaIlation procedure. 2.3 Concrete design mix. 3. Piling shall be installed within an accuracy of 2" of design location. 4. Concrete for piling shall be 4,000 psi at 28 days. 5. Reinforceng steel shall be deformed bars, conforming to RSTM-615, grade 60,,� tallation: 7�' W F11: piling shall be install @t6Ji'1 for on the truction documents and in accordance with Standards B' ing Code, Section 1307.2. _ 2. The auger a be used to retain the shape of the. hole and and shall b 'thdrawn carefully during concretingto prevent adjacent soil from collapsing'. = 3. Contractor shall document pile locations, dat,'X _ L kr nai.aat�tan e�1 th A fi- .,; t. riovide for'r f tfard cyli`h era An 001 d"ubY`C yards of co. a placement. Break, lindens at 7, j ng installatiorti 11 ba supervised by a ` Professional Enginre uirad_by Standard' Section 1304 .�i +•.- '",t M DININ Yam. +Rfl�iRi��.ii�i�;>arant[tu�etaast�aaj�?�a;. • = - �. M ail s a e i i i ,J^ W X onn m. roster 4 > � I ' C ltect 27 N.E. Jensen Beach Boulew Jensen Beach. Florida- 33457 305) 334-3388 878-511 14 F.E. Description Dora _ . .REEF ISLAND t These drawings and specifications as 4 . instruments of serHce ore the property of the. the for i architect whether project which they are prepared be executed or not. They ore not to be !' used on other projects except by ogmemerit in a writing. x <opyright o 1987 foster. fkchltect ; . fAl rights reserved v "S � Sr v 5� u t ib f 1 t I s i , I , 1 t 1 1 i i I . i 1 t r I a 'f 4 ti ,t #, f x ;{ r{ 4 t i `I 20 21 .4-0 �N Sa DrJT T These drawings and specifications as instnxtients of service are the property of the architect whether the project for which they ore r F L. prepored be executed or not. They ore not tube used on other projects except by agreement in uniting. Copyright 0 1987 Date .loin M faster. Architect - R!1 rights reserved Sheet 2 of £3 .; I' f 9 s Y E r" 4 4 ?9 L�7PHL.LI t20 OF.I LOW POOF sf ..�'` L Is iF If Oil NIGH ROOF 5 r i t i ll , l T 5 L Yt fsl s S Us —.we+..µ'' �• t t ✓i 1 4, K s 1* 3 • . t M cc c0 T111.5FL&,5 GUARd+ 9tZOvlt7L 40"Mtt4 W19E coI-ITII.I. STSZIP of L200F TV&FFIC PAV VA NTERI&I- cEDAT2 SNL�KEh QG t FLm'H%"G, tj1iJ11..16 WEST ELEVAT MULTI-OLiVVV4.6 5GLLE 'A"-iV' woov W10vow 4,TtZW — 6 T fPIGAL . &LL TO �E 01-LVL VLE. i OM I ST FLOOR ALUM. LouNrL Z5 4,&o(wpY 4. gkol \OPTJOW,&LL I„d?T1GE �L F b$ k ty Wb,LV-YVtV 4 tUOLWe 4E6 Or'P4: VRt.\W1kd6 t s Architect 927 N.E. Jensen Beach Boulevard - Jensen Beach. Florida 33457 - (305) 334-3388 878-5111 4 Member fimericoo Institute of Rrchitec- ,.,,-... -- - - t I L � ALA wN 4FS N,.im+✓ &tlN 'i PZW tmr A r" S `� These here do cation i W, the property ; - s architect whe, aie,t for which ST. LUC4E COUNTY, Y', FL. prepared bz xe not tab used onothe AMemenri A 1987 4 - 8 D ommissinn ALUM.AWN1I4& W11-1poW5, o>°ERAVLe F12oM I@T FLOOi2 TIFICAL . &Lu M• 'MULTI - OLIDIN6 DooR ALUM. PARL�LLLL gj C.GK1" 5LIDIMG PNLS• T E L E VAT I O N 7oLIp CORE poOT2 — NORTH SGL�LE I/4"=1l-0" GL.LY. 51 ELL 2V 4pLy LIWCP LT g GIZAYFL F20 FIhiC> ;oPP�-R I=LAaNIQG � `ILITE$Rl(bm F'Lo FR MjWtp I Ty P1CP L TOP OF t='11-1 5M0011-1 CE9Al;Z L&q 51DIWC1 4,STO-. GUTTPlk 6, NTIN. WALKWAY S2 Al LIt,IG PLUM. MJITI-gL191NG poal2h � TyP. x .�'3..., .., 5*d> �+ . . . �._,;;<«�1 . -�1. , ...i. . Mu> ,.. ....'Xb.3�zr,,,�.C. t'n. ,x�.,�dM��vv.;. a,„d,. ✓s5d'i�b�.4- �?..r?P .a { �> .' ... _ ..,§,> �.. ---- Arch[Cect ' 927 N.E. Jensen Beach Boulevard - Jensen Beach, Florida 33457 — s (305) 334-3388 8711-5111 Member . « ricon Institute of }�WkG�' mH>MauY.sW' IISAN� ...__ ...-_.. �m si `�yf iKt m ti+e �° • � rw a .-...... # "`"I - "Ain , mv� °'3 �n r.4c1 ?� �s," P, A P T g -ky. _ _ _ ra '�' AUlh is 'NT�t k � �a s�i>A �� "`+� ��� 'Gill OdlG'! Nm�yS {Yxt + z' '�*...'" # �e °." :,� '•1.,,ysu z�y,°'s a w 1987 7 S . z 2-a D e > Commission "� �� r �a kz !_�, �; r r �...� 1�t9 '" r;� ' Ira, r•k� � #.�"�{`t,e r ETAIL 2 I%"..ICoil �-to �y,�h L��f:g�shlb 51 {lL�hll/raL Ix+ WOOP LOUVER-5 W 2x+ plzArnE 2x¢ woon evrutn 67 Ico'I oz, wIT4 (1) OJ° x Co" bo uf3L� TT b�w hl rj _4x to WOOP �UPFOR-f _ ATTs,7644 -ro waop bEc f-1N Cn 6t4b woot;' ST UP w, 4 rL\/ 7nncrr 1, SECTION A A6 SECTION a.6 12 6 12 SECTION A6 AT cl VLv sNt�K�S 'LLT 4 I x4 71rMP- PR117 f;r r, — TYP coUTIlJ . TQIM DUPLE T.itG. LCV— t 91 7 u T) 2 0" 1' 2" WIN SECTION D A6 DETAIL I %1{= I I-o'i to 2 Z 451P-;6.V6L. '�1T0P' 611-1 i TEIz + 13, a" ! G�f�°6 f` GUTTLGR GGN i:R F-LL\SH IQmac, Ppoylt2C cOWTIW. L\LUM. PL nl UWVE-;{ TF{L\c✓ vootz tvL1'L5 YV&L.YWAy oe cK FIZC�MING, SE.�, yHT . Jahn M. Foster Architect 927 N.E. Jensen Beach Boul, rd Jensen Beach, Florida 334 (305) 334-3388 878 l Member f riericon Institute of R chit MAND REEF REST UR--AN T ST. LUCIE COUNTY, _ FL 2 �o These drawings and specifications as instruments of seMce ore the property of the architect whether the project for which they ore Prepared be executed or not. They am not to be used on other projects except by ogwment in uAting. copyright e 1987 John M foster. Architect Poi rightsresened Sheet ,A 6 of e r I r] h r1 RAYV DG.LL L2EF. cL�•S E5 11, _0� coNDwD- 6.DGE., T. 11/2" ALUM. e-0QTlpl 8 Fool fLL\I L w/ P0518 0 = I FRONT EL. iT LLB r-r2OF 4" �h Lywood I t 1- 21, `-PLhhTIC LAI(i �/411 pLy W ood� 112 "PLY WOOD x -r 4'1'4 101P-E "P LINE w Nkrpe r' A'T EA4::rF rILE? -- Tyrlcwl COuI-17ii_r2 , ns "i INTER. ELEVALS VA f2 ry HL,1 LL���E.9 CIpER cyLAgS p q I N T12oUGH OQ V2 "TLR. I 11 7 4 1-7 FL ywoon 41I 1-ro P.T. 2�c6 GOhI'[, CL15T< -..-ter{ FR c SE � 1'12n PLYWOOD 0 \� eT. ?.,4 woov gl 05 _ rtzt uG'• 24µ .C. NORTH WALL �Gu SjOM MQO G. �trr.F, ct�5� FRONT EL.. rizo IC.L L4C SOP O2o41T & ®L�cK OPI OF LL\V• MODE GZAToa MICA ARK PINfS I --)GLLL Iltjil=ll_pu 4 F 2!pl i II 3/QIIPLywooD Wf MIC/-\PI>JthH 6Z4 ' g r co ra - 5hN f� Y 14 m �1I2"DRYWALL olfi PLJWOOD� 2x45 uph �2x2 sueeoRls q2; P ywoon / r RAv! 6S.R FRONT ;.EL. WEST WALL NORTH WALL WOMEN TOILET yQziv y ,jjim :f*'�� SECTION a A7� fig; fix' CASHIER CNTR. 4 Architect 927 N.E. Jensen Beach Bou((-,.,ord Jensen Beach, Florida 33 (305) 334-3388 878 1 (Vlorr!��C:f F�iK'rl N, Ir),. , f ,` 1�r". •,i - '"", " a= rhese oruwingti and �spealicotior ^w TM instruments of service are the property , architectwhether the hi(hthe QOUNTY#- .prepared re red be executedornot)m not otherused on t 'lt II exiting. Copyright C 1987 Commission 112_85 A D4te__ 1 hn M Foster. Ar<hitecl All rightsresenred IN ', . r✓ Sheet A % of , 8 n: ? a 5tvnl� 30* FELT oN hI171L16 .. y,1"ExTER, pL�yd 30WFELT 01.1 VI nfJLR, /2110gy`jw�&L.L. 014 PLywbov 2 c6 PICL\MIi.1G 3/�un�%QItTVZ1Vi cnuL� �cL�ULK bUMPCYL StRI(' E CO 290AV �°FC-ti FLti5Hu�1G It4TER- TIZIM l.\h III Fitt. Ill 1`HI_O YJoov Fto 12 - 7RIM CUT L7GE up � TypI��L h r lilil Vitt„ w. WA," PIZOYIDE_ wNE.ATWILIZ- ST121P - 2,c6 F4�AMII.IG 11.171iR.TRIM L\� CtEQ . 2 2x2 w0. MTL. rLVC- 1/211 >,RI W 6.O" V.O. ®R CF, FL4\tHIt.1G .CUT -V&r- Up _ o�.FLh5u1NG ' 1Y2' -TRIM _ HEAD L\wV-IING WINDOW CL\d L14 co PP�C32 F'L A5 2K4 woov 5111 :7 NG ii SEE tI69LV LE 7 - : 7-r - ll� __ C 'DOOR TYPES I D i!1 SILL D It LLL\VLL. oill 211,4 it y/Pl"DR/W&LL 1,4.M.FtZWL FILLED V211vaYwALL LL\c.H 61W12:YJ LLh. til61ZOUr ''I INITE.5t."i k6 RILG2'0 51/411ck,-7I wG eoo� a d) _ L\LU Ir1.411L pEMCO 23�A _� Vol,PT. ii VILCX W( �aaK �p 2A4 <it•UT7 wl:ll Q11 .I STOP 19 Yd11-1170w Ty PE O iiiiLle,ii KILL t P.T. 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D r WOOD 17 3668 '+ „ D WOOD g, ` I e"�'�Ii� + a1�"' p 18. 3068 `s,Y ' D W001) a>* §s`4�"F'' D 19 3068 �, D WOOD a rvT n ,.. .. , r" w. "v.. , .. . ... .. 4'•x^:. .�34�'v�.'t+ -.a,. _ '. 4 rv. I.' m« 5t. , rr' ::,. ,... .. . dr... .. r ,>.t. n Y Y.. {a, r... r•, .x� in ..-. . .�..:. x [. _ :, r..w, ,. i v ..,�A !rl L':.. „ f:; •q . .. .> e . , _. ,. , �.:.' s m ..F ,_r... :4:. t ._.,. + . }.. £1 , dr:' ,.a.. a. ,:.. a. {a..,..h x ....<rL.• 5 z e... ,.... ry .... , ,:. .. n , r. ..,. n ,. _.., ct. _ ,_.. �, < , ,,. _ ., e. .... .Y.. R .,-n ...x ""Yv ...r .. .. ..- .w . .. .:., .::3 ... - y $..x.. .,,.,.. r ,.. ..>„er: r.., rx. « :. s ,, r. .•. w.n : ' 3-John M. Foster O R.O� uur' ... S rH ,. ;. "' . -, r ....:._ w?t .Ja:ilr. .Y,#+.r. n. .•aseaNr. e G".F-:. ,a.:;a.a..t x �« ,r,...., a z.u..,,,. „1. n ' + ),, a .'•,i.4.Z...x"C. .LL. d Atchitect mri. - }, t» v. rrn .q+r> ,{i• ' _ r. .:.... . .... . t ,>, ..;.. r r'#e r «� , S 1,:..Ya ., ,§v ., =v .''. : ,, ., +s a r , a , r; P £' •„ rN.E.Jensen Beach <' r� 9Q7 N E Jensen Beach, Florida 33457 „ ,,. *'C IrC 1a s;t.i I # <>,r'4',,ts,. r rJ,` t:S'..,.'. ��i ,e S ; r l •L(j'B L .o•- b ,.. i 'II x r ( 305) 334-3388 8%85��� _ LdI.a.. �,.. 1-12^�i iG AT.� ARC;: Member Fi lt,�eryrityc®pon��Institute of @�R�4g<hiptse�c[t}ys.�. [eta r'I ; nP iiii rR� Y ISLAYOGDO yPnEMtnt3 � � L?zXripron DO" 4CZ TA A These drawings and specifications os ••a insRuments of seMce ore the property of (M orchitect whether the project for which they ore ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL Preporedbeexecvedornot.iheyorenottobe used on other projects except by agreement in ua ting. Copyright 0 1987 John M foster, Architect Commission 2 -P5 Date RII 11z'i(i- } �aopEv- 3-4 4d IH-S--3 sKT sT-� - �aopEv- 3-4 4d IH-S--3 sKT sT-� - V. J. GEKE`,' ASSOCIATES �ONSUITING ENGINEERS 754 JENSEN BEACH BLVD. JENSEN BEACH, FL 33457 (305) 334-2600 -- IZ 87 TM 57Ar(b optX&, S AND R � : RESTAURANT DCXE 9y Descnptbn Reoised These drawings and specifications as instruments of service ore the property of (he. architect whether the project for which ftV ore prepared be executed or not. Theyore not tobe used on other projects except bV agreement in Cop K)v e 1987 John M foster, Firchaea PoI rights reserved ST. LUCIE COUNTY, F L. Com IS IO 'Z, 65 Date "14-81 Sheet s T of q t Gu - V. J. GERLEY --- --- ASSOCIATES CONSULtING ENGINEERS 754 JENSEN BEACH BIND. :._ JENSEN BEACH, fl 33457 (305) 334•2600 - — j ` L"'!) Vie t . a� 4" A } .,p, U These drawings Ions as ' instnxnents of seance .:., ,..,,'arty of (he architect whether the project for which they ore t prepared be executed or not. They ore not to be r C O .JN'f Y — __----r- 'k used on other projects except by agreement in 6 writing. Copyright o 1987 sat n - u • e-.•. •— , ,l Y t 4 T 2 oF4 r,nrn .F F % FF-�:- Rlay Ptp Ms J I SMOOTH CE-Vtjz 'S'l9wo 0I1 '!'0'4 SECTION '/4 11=11-0 I A 0 �yt X 0 o +12 sEE t IF R -V',�RMPW 4 A"I OF, "Am 7011 V. J. GERLEY, & ASSQCIATES CONSUL-TING ENGINEERS 754 JENSEN BEFIr'l BLVD. JENSEN BEACH, K 33457 (305) 334-2600 M� ISLAND REEF RESTAURANT DOM, By 'Chescription Pewsed Thesedrawings and specifications as instrumnts of seance ore the property of the. architect whether the project for which they are prepared be executed or not. They am not tobe used on other projects except by agreement in uriting (opyrioht 0 1987 John AA Foster. Architect Fill rights reservzd ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL. HL EDG. ,S E C T 10 NJ S Comps'! 14 a E35 Dote Sheet ST3 Of 4 ' T i � � t .•IS 3'al „�. � � S ml�v'��I rt s s 6 e*. � � '� "b�,,, f V �i ` '� f�T s d k T- tjo1(dGu Co — w�lf I! WI b. 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Ira,I " uq P*G C`s`,.4 s z,m.(',� „.... _,. -., _,_.._.._ «„•„.�.mw.�..,rw+w aaw».,-.0 �..va'w..n..,war Ncsax�.axnxxr. ,w , ,,... ..... A r + SE � - are c pal` r V, -.icon 2 i v»✓:.. i._.r tom, . MZ"'A'R,R'�6maf9ra�mn-u.-o«:AmW4Muwamv+mmwarvv,.�aN+w ,a maW'.vaMre++e.9"auP�-mitl:5u3M:'Cs�.Tvxvw+vmmun-,.,.a. w.. n.wwn m.nm.v,rv.�+,awn-. ¢..ro, . -. �.1 %4 WEST ELEVATh y l h ■ I■ ■ I■ ■ ■ ■ F * Yy F n }pN a n. ORT EAST ELEVATIO(` J 4x8 coOT -rw;?.ij 'few rrops�1�T1aru.. i II ' ward �HUTTE4c - Al �GvvLf+.eD w� 2' ('.►r1�Lti -- I - I I I) c�Pc r Rc LE oN I 2x o�q r4-mp- " , 5 1 SECTION SECTI 1 ""c"MIT G ><+ �� 4 tI Z if,L; k, f "tYg'" i S i y�z�tt- TT ■ 11 i ky, if 71 %4 t. 4 X 4D I,' T-0 C VAA�i -------- ---- - k ----------­------ r4' , \1 QV4(j -CV ji, — 'I�j 1 ?e7 G j"Y i, V" ti IJ 'vl TjOi4 6)F ALL 6.* 1194 Old Dixie Highwav "Idto 2 F! Lcl� e Four Jiy's I SL A 14" D R (E'E 1,71 G S le'A' OS gty Of - ----- ore merit in ----------- iT i is r t TA { ME All �/ yJALL GI..EANauT 5&wV4 FLOOIZ I�\ it 4jP ► `411���uai�l G�RouNp P- 2 i PtU-17` rr l I M x w. P 2 4e I P I 3u P-3 P 4 I��z" �rl P-4 r Y1 $i FID-I 4 ( 1 4 x P �; r A A IITA F-)\/ nIF—n A" , U % }'W ,r DROP 3ELovJ yRpaµt7 AT GoLUMN �r�; s� 515LoN GI(Z04ND 8 sJn c d To Low 90OF .. T Ito t� j � Wei�taT cA)T I( 0A { I eU f -"WigoT VENT PPE ECPoCJ---P { AT C OLUNIN `-� 7,T--TAI L DWy P-5 f I tl. l SANITARY RISER O "12Ir 6IM4 SUPPLIED P-3 BL'pCj 6HuT-c'FF VALVE- P EWv4 FL001Z AlawVA e1goliND. WATER RISER - NOTE: PF-OVIPF SHUT-QFF YALdF-s FOR PLUMW44 FIXTWW.-5 4 eh%'-Fi PIEI ►'-4 P-4 �4 i IATF14 P1= OWNER 4(. !!�.Tae� u P ABOVE FLOOR FOIZ OWNED 6UFpL1ED PLUMBING RI.(7- ANY Pil' 1194 old nixie Highway Suite 2.0 Lake Park,Florida 33403 "ot1f JC1 �8 (305)844.750B ;Jconiulting,lnc. Consulting Engineers IDarm.+.mnae+.vvm+aar. E P6M1n4 vy t�GYLiI,J(�O(1 . sed These drowings and speciflcotions os RESTAURANTinstruments of ser-Ace ore the property of the. - --- — — brchitect whether the project for which they ore prepored be executed or not. They ore not to be ST. t_t_JGIE G`OUNTYr � used on other projects except by ogreement In writing. Copyright o 1987 .---- ._---- Jom M Rosier, Architect �-Jrflrnission 2 - 8 5 All rights reserved 1 '. .i , , 6 `n .. .; a i�v W —0- 35c� cam! 300 cr-m 300 CFM - --------- 450 �H t -nTL)t.? TkAA-1 OELDW %0� -TO CP/ � �o Pe AT- ITZN\15010 1160\11FM. f:� �:f, 1 5 A x -Fo ACO-2 J I!Vo booiO 4pl R E�:, LANG r 3LA),41f: OFi: I L x Ic HC 6TEL L: ,1411 cD TI i ffro �w o F-V ri CZxTRhCT0K To RM J4 r- A I \L S1`1001-0 Pli;, I 6FFLOV4 I LnAOIKA& DOC-9. (IbeF- Or -TA I L... Q) B M( D171- (7,WP 118 "/21 A= C NG - I -112"X 19 -1/2" -04 rwi HVAC FLOOR, F' M W SCALE; 1/4"z I'-01/ 14 Son Cr-m b L ACU AIR CONDITIONING UNIT CU t1l"I.1i"J."FNEING UNIT F C. ti, ; �,! 1 1 COWE"T"ON SA.R. C.D. .`,rFUI"R ";XED BLADE GR- I'3T G F t DAMPER) E. R. EXHN/ DAMPER) ',, 0. A. 1. V. D. kill D. W/ LOCKING 0i -)CKING OPERATOi--t OPERATOR I"i AL'I", "N J, 'W- T -X CFM ME 1194 Old Dixiel-lighwoy Suite B Lake Park,Florida 33403 Four Ja 's (305) 844.7508 Consulting, Inc. Consulting Engineers D -8 -r" F-le-6 swr. ISLAND REEF Attolsed These, drominq% and �;Pwifimtiorv. w, RESTAURANT instruments of seroce are the, property of (hr, whitext whether the project for uhikh they orv, ST. LUCK' COUNTY, F L. prepr)re,(ibooyv,(t)tv,(Ior(iot 1hryorvwiioI)e, owd on other projrxr,; mropt 17y oqfeemefjt o mrf(Ing. ((j)yright 0 19fl7 hhn M (wwr. flfdlila(t till tioW, w-miwt) (ortifni55iori P I-)!-, Date, Sheet M -I of 4__1 30x P)O O/A vfUTLOUVERS i DuCT- HIT� IT'll -IAKI I E-(,-/--F I Cl; IN 194 Ol d D; r rii rho 2-B --S ------ --------- ISLAND R E SwJ TA U R A R04 cod of sennce are the pr;-1,rlNY ll;[ of , -mt,xr whether the project for i= they c-L S T - L L C! E C, 0 U NJ 7 ;, cxwutedornnr ? nOttet F L- 2 H5 A'A'e -- - ------ - - NE SEQUE DE -TAIL- FIRE DAMP NO SCALE UL TW AGE COOL STA IN RE Ja CYCLE T ER IN WALL rT� J LAT & ,�. �"Y � xk )E SHALL KIM _ PANEL . TW iSTATS SHALL :NAND. DAMPS M AIR IN VENT COOLING. DISCONNECT S% UNDER HOOD UP BLAST EXHAUST FAt4 ,,.': +, ,, a ,..yx. v ,• t .,,. aa.. 'c:.. x..< -f $". , d Y ,.,� ,:'s C' .�,.t' '! t�° �i:'t. -I'• CFLAR s ia' ." , . • 4 >ar. ... a t ;"' � s y € .. r. , .,J>,. '.!^,...,-s .[ ., _ v.. • ... • >n... , hs t �zP 5c`wcv .c. c. +31°. i6F,...>.& ,.u' :.�}*� . € n �f'a la � �'y,k SF•q 1 r .r...,,, R , - iv WITH NO.8 CADMIUM F_AT FLASH & SHEET METAL SCREWS F'l"yr{ COUNTERFLASH 6"O.C.81 CAULK ALL y AROUND,�� . PREFAB CURB 3'-4°(M1N.) . ry ee ROOF WELDED STAINLESS STEEL DUCT. t x 'FIRE PROTECTION: PROVIDE AN "ANSUL" R-102 FIRE SUPPRESSIOfJ SYSTEM c a'r fK.'YY d INCLUDING "ANSULEX" LIQUID FIRE SUPPRESSANT AGENT, TANK AND WAL , ?„ BRACKET, DISCHARGE NOZZLES, REGULATED RELEASE MECHANISM, DETECTION CHEMICAL JUNCTION BOX TO SYSTEM AND AN ELECIUMBER OF PIPE SIZES, NUMBER F GAS LINE SHUT OFF VALVE. THE SYSTEM CAPACITY, SUPPLY P( NOZZLES, ETC. SHALL BE DESIGNED BY A LICENSED 1 FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEER/CONTRACTOR AND `SHOP DRAWINGS OF THE ENTIRE o 18 GA.GALVTOP SYSTEM SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL. VAPOR PROOF MARINE (nnAx� r gTROLLED FROM AGE HEAT AND ALE A PPA RATU S TORS SHALLA AND LOCK ' .. "' N HOOD WITH UP -BLAST EXHAUST FAN 3 t�l-3 ,n: a x..r ..°J.• [,c •'�''•5r ik, ... 4 s 4' 'wk.d. �T4n,et`i'-v.,.�°"i':`�s$z?a'�Y.�",1� G CONC PAD W/ UNIT ON PAD --� 10.10 * 10 WIRE ON GRADE GRADE-4 F t Til�nl�nl�ill�rli�ill�►t) 1�111 RADIUS ELBOW (TYPICAL) -,, SEAL FLOOR PENETRATION INSULATED TO BE WATERTIGHT REFRIG. PIPE INTERIOR FLOOR SLAM, V` In�Iu� 18' t TURNING VANES ' FIXED f"t M)=TAL RAE'FL ,. , G g �kz w "Y, ✓ssvr SEE PLAN FOR SIZE I I°THICK LINED IN ' SPLITTER DAMPER �� ON SUPPLY RE; ' OUTSIDE AIR Dt r E INDICATED ON y, r SPLIT rr r u TRfn_ �' - ROD VW LU.,Klilt, aoiUAUt(AN 1. a P i L y R 4 x SPUTTER F ry ,.. DETAILS SHEETqV,�� SCALE- AS NOTED. y ` rR ,? r ..s`y", 4 x.. 1 ` 3, rs a x �k .ay.yr' ., '` S, tM :4h i •Y... Y .µs++-: "1 ;,'i tirF45 ors"' r . ,n r;:. tr t r,%. .. i '�'�:=r s '� �.. �z`_� „* .,`... ;: .: ,5*'y% x:,Rs ,e 4 ,tlF .fi✓ pt•� TM v% tT ,y „," a ..r 3, t . ,kt .=,rs m.'"'I Y . r4 "+. y ,�!.'.t•. �y, ?e=�' "D° DIM. iE ROUNDED rEEL DAMPER SPACER REQ'D. ON INSULATED DUCTS TYPICAL DETAIL OF SPLITTER DAMPER 5 NO SCALE 1194 CId Dixie Highway Suite 2-B - Lake Park,Fiorida 33403 Four days (305)B44.7508 1cnsul?ing,fnr. Consuifing Engineer:i These drowir,9s and specifications as RESTAURANTinstruments of service ore the property of the —---------- — — � architect whether the project for Mich they ore - L,LJ= CC 1 rlJ—1 (o Fh_, prepared be executed or not. They one not to be used on other projects except by ogreerrment in Copyright a 1987 Prchitect Commission 2-FDccequ rater . e 1v AI '711Lei1f"i�t SPLIT SYSTEM AIR CONDITIONING UNIT SCHEDULE AIR HANDLING UNIT CONDENSING UNIT DESIG. CAP.(BTUH) MODEL C.FM. H.P. E.S.P. ELEC1: DESIG. MODEL COMPRESSOR COND. FAN ELECT__ i -�-- --- �--- A C U SENS. TO1AL V. PH. CY. N0. R.L.A. N0. E C..A. V. I'FI C`T SIZE ( 1031&00 I(o0JC0 1T`1�4"E '+25c) Z.o .55 Zoe 3 (nb f3TA-150 Ti?/-* E Z ?3.69 M8 3 (OO t1C� �2 72,250 123) 5o Z08 3 & 0E 2 5 3 2 1`l. b 2�8 3 �b ?C5 MARK EF-1 C-'IHECK yeJ �G r r ti2< Gw b -, e� 2-7 <_x HOOD rv�" SP�tS WAlae21�or1 1 c: Via. L. W"} C" ' C HE A "R `R SELECTION BASED ON LARK �� SERVICE C - t 1,1H MAKE TYPE DH - I ke00- I - HFAT �. p fa: C y DH- 2 DH-3 (�EDD I-HEFT �< A.... , ELECT- er E.1:) REMARKyS F 208v- 3gf &e4 .a..n+ufwfr t CL. C)CHEDULE d $r E' M r t.! 1 Z E i KW £ R E M AiR KS M WXH HTG KW REMARKS W1 COIL GUARD WIC411- GUARD HVAC SCHED NO SCALE ff �Q 1194 Old Dixie Highway . Suite 2-8 Lake Park,Fiorida 33403 Four Jays (305)844.7508 C��eulking,ina, Canaulting E:r�;n�era ISLAND REE- RESTAURANT These drowings and speutications as instnm ents of service are the property of the -` architect urhether the project for which they ore prepared be executed or not. They ore not to be ST. LUC;E COUNTY L• used on other projects except by ogreemerit in uxiting. - Copyright c 1987 -- —.— )oM M Foster, Architect Commis ion - %rE 5 Date All rights re -mod q 1 (D\,- 4 '` �1 . �EYIT ff � � ^LEGEND SYM DESCRIPTION CIRCUIT CONCEALED IN WALL OR CEILING IR RUN UNDeRFLOPR OR UNDERGROUND CIRCUIT RUN EXOOOJ NUMBER OF CROSS.MARKS NO. OF CONDUCTORS ----- - HOME RUN TO - NUMBER OF ARROWS INDICATES NUMBER OF PANEL CIRCUITS. CIRCUIT DESTINATION AND NUMBER INDICATED RECEPTACLE - DUPLEX RECEPTACLE - DUPLEX, TAMPER RESISIANr, SAFETY 203 W 15A NEMA5- SLATER CAT SG-62. MOUNT 48 INCHES ABOVE FLOOR IN NURSERY, KINDERGARTEN & PRE-SCHOOL CLASS ROOMS RECEPTACLE SPECIAL PURPOSE, 3P4W GROUNDING, 20A, NEMA SWITCH SINGLE POLE SWITCH DOUBLE POLE (2PST) SUBSCRIPT PILOT LIGHT SUBSCRIPT LIGHTED HANDLE :;:0..b"ziC_ SUBSCRIPT CIRCUIT CONTROLLED (NOT TIME CLOCK) SWITCH - LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL, OPERATES LOW VOLTAGE RELAY IN/NEAR LIGHT FIXTURE WITCH - LOW OPERATION OF 3 VOLTAGE CONTROL, ONE LAMP LAMP FIXTURES SWITCH - LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL, TWO LAMPS OPERATION OF 3 LAMP FIXTURES PANELBOARD LIGHTING PANELBOARD POWER LiGHr FIXTURE FLUORESCENT LAMP SEE SCHEDULE FOR TYPE & NO. OF LAMPS I FIXTWE - INCANDESCENT OR H.I.D. LAMP DOLE FOR TYPE & NO. OF LAMPS LIGHT SEE SCHEDULE L MOUNTING OF OUTLET WL TLET SYMBOLDESCRIPTION CEILING MOUNTED e'-x52`, 31 SAME AS "A" EXCEPT B"xlO SURFA 1414 Da CEILING- 16"X 46" DM CEILING '16"X 48" E EMERGENCY WALL -BRACKET 36" 44 CEILING SQUARE, 1 Nli N, RE H, SAME AS "H" EXCEPT I WALL BRACKET 36" JUNCTION ONLY, Ux, 1UNDER COUNTER SOLID FRONT lit" ,WALL PORT HOLE STYLE M STRIP INDUSTRIAL, SYMMETRICAL IN FLOOD HORIZONTAL SPQ, ISLE RECESSED, WALL ' «xcmMnHL mu|tb ISLE RAILING MOUNTE A: The Electr tractor shall visit te and KET ^ WA _ coordinate k with the existin O P C: All wireS larger y61 b* T D: All Electrical or k 11 be per e Southern Standard and / or any local Building Code, the Nationa;_,� t codes. 'All E: All power an S be by the Electrical Contractor . jp Cant and all Sub- tractor* .. //"v^`v= Architect "^nu/pr bIt drawings I Provide phenolic name lat electrical equipment. This shall include but not limited to disconnect' switches panels, etc. Nameplates shall be 3/16" white letters on' black background, fasten with a minimum of 2 screws J: Provide a guarantee against defective wor�,manship, materials or equipment for a period of one year from the date a+ K: Wiring devices and coverplates shall be as selected by the EP {\/! *k A���]//�/�~ . NO t)[�AUE. FIXTURE SCHEDULE SYMBOLDESCRIPTION CEILING MOUNTED e'-x52`, 31 SAME AS "A" EXCEPT B"xlO SURFA 1414 Da CEILING- 16"X 46" DM CEILING '16"X 48" E EMERGENCY WALL -BRACKET 36" 44 CEILING SQUARE, 1 Nli N, RE H, SAME AS "H" EXCEPT I WALL BRACKET 36" JUNCTION ONLY, Ux, 1UNDER COUNTER SOLID FRONT lit" ,WALL PORT HOLE STYLE M STRIP INDUSTRIAL, SYMMETRICAL IN FLOOD HORIZONTAL SPQ, ISLE RECESSED, WALL ' «xcmMnHL mu|tb ISLE RAILING MOUNTE A: The Electr tractor shall visit te and KET ^ WA _ coordinate k with the existin O P C: All wireS larger y61 b* T D: All Electrical or k 11 be per e Southern Standard and / or any local Building Code, the Nationa;_,� t codes. 'All E: All power an S be by the Electrical Contractor . jp Cant and all Sub- tractor* .. //"v^`v= Architect "^nu/pr bIt drawings I Provide phenolic name lat electrical equipment. This shall include but not limited to disconnect' switches panels, etc. Nameplates shall be 3/16" white letters on' black background, fasten with a minimum of 2 screws J: Provide a guarantee against defective wor�,manship, materials or equipment for a period of one year from the date a+ K: Wiring devices and coverplates shall be as selected by the EP {\/! *k A���]//�/�~ . NO t)[�AUE. FIXTURE SCHEDULE LAMPS WATTS TYPE 90 2-40RS 55 1-40RS 90 2-4ORS lBO 4-40RS 90 2-4ORS 145 3-4VRS 40 l-38SL 70 2^38SL 110 3~38SL 140 4-38SL 40 ' l-30RG �30 2-F13DTT 15 1-F13DTT 20 2-PL9W IB8 2`3ORS MANUFACTURER'S CAT. NO. CRESQ5NT SLT 140-,B CRESCENT SLT 14'-E CRESCENT SLT 240 CRESCENT SLT 240-8 CRESCENT 14 BNM240'DLA CRESCENT 24 BNM340-DLA 1 [AMP CONNECTED FOR NIGHT LIGHT & EMERGENCY CRESCENT NJW140 CRESCENT NJW240 CRESCENT NJW348 CRESCENT NJW440 �� � �� CRESCENT SRG130 PRESCOLITE CF10S025~3 PRESCOLITE TO7OG PRESCOLITE CFR8EM- 472EM^120 CRESCENT SRG230-FB 8 1~T5-BW ALKCO SF~108-RSW 5 1-20W/FDF LIBHTOLIER 3637 O 2-38SL CRESCENT RN24g -HQl TS70 KIM AFL3/?0MH120 DB`E/WM/DB-E 0 2-BW/T5 D5VINE F615Vl-3-F^120 » DEVlNE LMLM5100-PL9 /D/MED DEVINE B275-35HPS` 12O^C43 WITHOUT AUX. HEADS STEP LIGHT S 1/94 Old Dixie Highway suite 2-B ' Lake Pork/Florida 33403 Four JOy'u /3[}5\844-7508 Cunsu�Un�,�nuCovou!��0U Fng�nonr� [hese drawings and specifications as RETAURANT instrumprits of seroce are the property of the architect whether the project for which they ore used on other projects except by ogreerneix in writing - John M Faster, Architect m Kol 91 a k.- Pit Tc - yty ke "4 1 • Ak p M 14 - 2, Z" k7 A. .. .... Ij �7N • — ------------ ---- . ..... . T On 2 If7 Fmir Joy 3AOr— IX, "W t4 5Aer— Co na u t i n 1 Y) C, Clon8i!Jinq Ermn5n, DO vi 0 Tf 6w MAI rs{ rye Wt,3 JTO�, CAP- PAwfL E (7rc, ISL ND1 R F!, -Ij S on ot� Of 0 r r Im b 4 f t aP i9 �t`.gt �� +F i LIGHTING PLAN w ervg dF 3F.` i arcs r d q.a b /� 51. A LE 51j- roo a ,F 'Yti+ Fa+ i��R, " 3 affix A t x `f.'/ Y5'bxtrp rFr `+.F,:. s • xtis a xxA .;�. i 2 , $ a W k a r ,sha y � ✓ „f `ice,. 7'k. ,x: s,, ._._ _.� -. _ ��k . r[ � r ;�. =jy�„q , � -� v _ ,_ r r S Will; } >> T I KI BAR ELECTRIC ' WER � LIGHTING FLOOR 0,00011 4• x" r # n i xyS I a V� PLAN f 0 -BAR SECTION 3/m''=1 rA )N Suit Old Dixie Highway Suite 2-6 r 3/8"= I' in E' Lake Park,Florida 33403 Z�]Four Joyrs (305)844.7508 Consulting,lnc. Conaultlno EEF: ET. LUCIE COUNTY, FL. ommission 2 - 85 Dote C Dom I By I Descnot on Rewsed These drawings and specifications as instruments of service are the property of the architect whether the project for which they are prepared be executed or not. They ore not to be used on other projects except by ogreement in writing. Copyright C 1987 John M foster. Architect All rights reserved '71-ieet E-4 OF 5 �eyr�s�Y TYPE F)P"EL60APC> MAIN LOGS C7h1L`( SERVICE ?,5X4 w �� „ NEUTRAL 150 A ' lzo PANEL A C VOLTAGE WFMAINS I50A MOUNTING rf-Usti LOCATION MEC+JAlliCA POLES ZA zoonn VA TRIP POLE WIRE REMARKS CKT NO. CKT NO. REMARKS WIRE TRIP POLE VA � G 0"700 20 3 I Z A140-1 3 q A H v- 2 ) 2 ZO 3 Z,100 r (o 7 2ooco (90/3 (P OUCT PEAM—=k-) jC� OUC�T NEATER-2 S 50 3 15'cco i l 12 SPAC.e Oti4L`( I5 Ili SPEC CSY�IL�( I� ICO I% I� 21 Z2,. hPf4C-E C*4L`( 2 h 2q SPP�C'E 2 5 ZCo �7 29 3o X> 1 3Z TYPE NEMA �1 Ftr3Ca.G—nLYI�-f; MAIN L-I)GS U,1-4L'� SERVICE i � 3v�J \ „ NEUTRAL /00A VOLTAGE IZo/ LPANEL a Lr P MAINS 1 0O A MOUNTING FI-0 LOCATION -PKI 6AR POLES 12 VA TRIP POLE WIRE REMARKS CKT NO. CKT NO. REMARKS WIRE TRIP POLE VA 3(e0 20 I IL f3Af2! GI its I Z Allag NF. PTI-= 2 12 e0 e 3500 100 I I2 TOiL.Ei 1-I6"T5 3 q 300 eolI 12 v'ECEPTACZES 5 RECE-PTA,G-E6 12, ZA 1 300 -7 S �0 0- ►.AA►" 110 tl IZ TYPE MAIN SERVICE PANEL NEUTRAL VOLTAGE MAINS MOUNTING LOCATION POLES VA TRIP POLE WIRE REMARKS CKT NO. CKT NO. REMARKS WIRE TRIP POLE VA -a wa Mai 1194 Old Dixie Highway Suite 2 6 Lake Park,FTorida 33403 Four Jay's (305)844.7508 _ 1 Consulting,inc. Consulting Engineers REEF CANT Y F L. � dB' °`Xpn These drawings and specifications as instruments of seance are the property of the architect suhether the project for which they ore prepared be executed or not. They are not to be used on other projects except by ogreerrivx in suiting. Copyright C 1987 John M foster. Architect All rights reserved Date Sheet., E - 5 Of I 3 5 7 4 6 0 DESCRIPTION A,$' 4 6 0 DESCRIPTION A,$' CEILING MOUNTED 8"x 102'' A* CEILING MOUNTED 8"x52" 44" ME AS "A," EXCEPT 8"x52" x Ate'-' .,SAME AS "A" EXCEPT 8"x10 $ �ILING 1'x 4' - SURFACE C CEILING 2'x 4' - SURFACE' D CEILING - 16"x 4e' ;D, CEILING - 16"X 49", Dm CEILING - 16"X 48"' D9 CEILING - 16"X 48", E EMERGENCY F WALL -BRACKET - 36` i FIXTURE SCHEDULE LAMPS WATTS TYPE 90 2-40RS 55 1-40RS 90 2-40RS 190 4-40RS 90 2-40RS 145 3-40RS BRACKET - 36"{', 3 JUNCTION ONL MFRONT,i C 1 t"}NDER COUNTER - SOLI NOT USED M y'iP - INDUSTRIAL, SYMME REFLECTOR {V: ,OOD - HORIZONTAL SPOT SLE - RECESSED, WALL P ,,- RAILING MOUNTED NOT USED PLE CIRCUIT NDICATES LENGTH OF N IMMING, TRACK 3 ON ll-LY 40 1-38SL 70 2-38SL 110 3-38SL 140 4-38SL 40 1-30RS 30 2-F13DTT 15 1-F13DTT 20 2-PL9W RO 2-30RS s , MANUFACTURER'S CAT. NO. CRESCENT SLT 140-8 CRESCENT SLT 140-E CRESCENT SLT 240 CRESCENT SLT 240-8 CRESCENT 14 SNM240-DLA CRESCENT 24 BNM340-DLA 1 LAMP CONNECTED FOR NIGHT LIGHT & EMERGENCY CRESCENT NJW140 CRESCENT NJW240 CRESCENT NJW340 CRESCENT NJW440 CRESCENT SRG130 PRESCOLITE CFIOSQ25-3 PRESCOLITE T070S PRESCOLITE CFR8EM- 472EM-120 CRESCENT SRG230-FS 10 1-T5-8W ALKC❑ SF-108--RSW 70 F--38SL CRESCENT R1'1248 85 1-HQI TS70 KIM AFL3/-;011H120 DB-E/WM/D8-E 20 2-8W/TS DEVINE F615`J13-F-120 10 1-PL9 DEVINE 15 1-PL13 PRESCOLITE 37CF-1 w MARCO T 610 ()K GUA' I50 1-150A21 STONCO VW-20C r " 4vf'`ING MOUN) 10 1-PL9 DEVINE HDCO2-PL9-120 HEADc,, . 15 2-7FL LIGHTALARM SX80/SM-FL W/ 1Ta "i WEDGEBASE 7WTH AUX LAMP 4 x id'iA-,r. AME AS "X' EXC' 15 2-7FL LIGHTALARMS x 80/0 n 20 2-2WT5 DEVINE F615VIO-F '. SERGE 35 1-35PAR4406 LIGHTALARMS ELF605 =r 80�Hx30"V BEAM F T}.ERGENCY LIGHT PANEL W/O LAMPS LIGHTALARMS S12E4 TS/90 MINUTE$. 9h RACK LIGHT FIXTURES SELECTED BY OWNER AND FURNISHED ALONG WITH TRACK ADAPTS CONTRACTOR FOR INSTALLATION AND AIMING ' 1 �.FECESSARY S DIRECTED. BRACKET- GYIN°WA L MOUNTED 90 I-90 RAR38/FL/ MARCO B43-6 MEDIUM WM 11,4160 BEAM BRONZE FINISH 3y ui 1194 Cld Dixie Highway Suite 2-B Lake Park,Fiorida 334 Four Jay is (305)644.7508 Conaulting,lnc. Consu111ng Engineers Dare I W DCSrrO'0n ISLAND REEF These drawings and specifications c RESTAURANTinsvixnents of $eOCe are the property of tf architect whether the project for which they o prepared be executed or not. They are not to t ST. LUCIE COUNTY, F L. used on other projects except by ogreerrarx venting. Copy icht c 1987 John M foster. firchae<t Commission 2 - a s Date fill noh[s reserved Chnof E i ( �F ♦ _ 7Y _ e`:v 1 n1 .u'•:' .!sa"'�t a ..: A�b. rr T D +riCHf, r?4'��..kti$4: n.,A t.._; �',Y _. - _I JC ^_:A(^Y•.1"F'� ''S,"\"�Z1 YK51Y t'r.YU N 75 \tyti, , BRACKET CYLINDERS �1 + �• Marco's Extruded Cylinders offer functional designs and sturdy construction. Many finishes and accessories are available to meet any design requirement. SERIES )oiT , B43, B46 ) I TE PLAd CYLINDER DOWNLIGHT F<)TURE A. . Vi"'•}`-# .},sy •et +y'�, ,'"�,t.�µ a ' �� U.L. Listed for wet locations '4146.` 'Finish must be specified: P. S, K, L, M, D Catalog /l Description - Mar- Wattage/Lamp B43-4 41/2" open black interior 75WIR30 Accessories Specify: B46-4 41/2"back baffle 75W/R30 n3 Single reflector for A lamps (not available on 41/2 inch units) B43-6 6" open black interior 300W/R40 - Dimensions: 76'-clear•cone-`- " ­300WIR40" B43-4 A = 4'h" B = to" C = TA' B43-6B 6" black cone 300W/R40 B43-6 A = 6" B = 11V C = 8%, B43-6G 6" gold cone 300W/R40 B43-8 A = 8" B = 13" C = 10%" B46-6 6" black baffle 300W/R40 B43-8 8" open black interior 300WIR40 B43-8C 8" clear cone 300W/R40 B43-8B 8" black cone 300WIR40 B43.8G : 8" gold cone 300W/R40 B46-8 8" black baffle 300WIR40 B44, B48 SERIES y i F;✓`'y CYLINDER UP/DOWNLIGHT U.L. Listed for damp locations i I I Finish must he specified: P, S, K, L, M, D 4 Accessories Specify: t 114 Pair of reflectors for A -lamps (not available on 4% inch units) a„�• . s ' 126 6 inch roundel top lens for U.L. wet locations 163 8 inch roundel top lens for U.L wet locations , Dimensions: _ B44-4 A = 4&" B 16' C = 76" 0A � B44-6 A = 6" B = 18" C = e'/," B44.8 A = 8" e = 22' C = 10V Catalog N Description Max. Wattage/Lamp B44-4 41/2" open black interior 2-75W/R30 B48-4 41/2" black baffle 2-75WIR30 844-6 6" open black interior 2-300W/R40 R� �7 B44-6C 6" clear cone 2-300W/R40 B44-66 6" black cone 2-300WIR40 B44-6G 6" gold cone 2-300WIR40 t f B48-6 6" black baffle 2-300W/R40 Finish Legend B44-8 8" open black interior 2-300W/R40 P White paint B44-8C 8" clear cone 2-300W/R40 s Satin aluminum B44-8B 8" black cone 2-300W/R40 K Black paint old cone 2-300W/R40 L Light bronze B44-8G 8" g M Medium bronze EP B48-8 8" black baffle 2-300W/R40 D Dark bronze 0 - — - -- -- i OE Nv�H E TC-� t ;Xtw �t T I 3 2 I I 5w1TCq ! u _ _So DRP- tl I Pu m "�• 1 A(G 9C)WN PANEL 11 \ACP" I n n n n MEZZANI NE �6-per- i�5Aer I I n t X\14N TO 1 I : T n -- L — — �3ABC TPA c li-- CA) (r3) (C) 2�0o yl vIMMER _ RFD 2 NTo-3P � — — —i --�,.. �-\a,�/car=F 5wlrc�l 1-I T 5 pININCj\\'12voN7 GoNr I � PANEL LGP-V —( P�LAGK aLLl , gtUE 11TSt2 itil Ho°�[ES`r Kerlujc or / OFF 5W i j cH GoNT. ?AN IF- L HT:�;,2 IT _? 4'' N HvijE`>5 GoNl PAh:CL LLI'-I' �P 2nA �l Q/ Q) Cy3LAGK f / 1 lu �r tz_ SAMc Pin1 PANEL, CT'(PIGAL FbIZ >=AGH ZoNf= ) - eAeC, r'K'DYIDE ADEQUATE_ BACK SUPPC�T Fog FJ-'k(_f-A FIXT0RE 65,91P`RC»C. 50 L651 �. PAVT SN0Wn1 ARE P2E�Gc�LIj� Gf?TALULi r UNibC_K� / FoR Ho(LIzvN ��RIEG GoNTRvI �. {J W �wPTY I t/z" Cou Dor r 6EE ARC44ITIECTUtZAL SITE PLAtJ FOR LQCATIOPJ5 OF F,)TI)RE LAf4D6(Af6 06I 1 i I lr-6 ) bSTVESri LI vNTiW.:r CONThCf_ PANEL LCP-2." i9,0L_ PANEL LCP- I " - - UB EMI � 1194 Old Dixie Highway ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN—LIGHTING La"e2 B Lake Park,Florida 33403 SCALE = I /4'' 10" �3 Four da (305) 844.7508 ��I C12COITZf FROM COhITAGTOP,CA131tiIET TD= Conaultlnq,lnc. Consulting Engineers OVIOE 13-PARILWG LOT-3#6,3PVC' - mF-CLOCK TC,--7 C-I�OF2M 13DUtJDAQf 3 ID ,3/4''c TIME CLOG, -M-8 --- ', 1D SOUV [300 W O AIZ�(- 3'A 10, 3/41'G TIME CLOM Tc,- 0 E-SOtTM F 1TR-D2)vE- 3*10,304"G TImcCLoc,L T-G-q r ' 6EE ARCY►rTEGTUfZAL 517E PLAtiI FOR LOC,A'T1otit5 ISLAND REEF , Dote aW DLXrvion �_�, - ANO I E�, OC RESTAURANT These drawings and speoh instruments the of service ore prole, , architect whether the project for which fficy or\` T. LUCIE COUNTY: FL. - prepared be executed or not Theporen^�•- used on other projects except by ogrev:i.. writing. Copyright1987 - _ John M foss ter, Hrchitect Commisspr) - s ^. Dote RII rights reserved - cj Sheet �77,77 eo I t , k SECTION A 119 Old Dixie Highwa) ZSu r. tA LokCd&rk,Florida 3. 41 Fo u r*rj y91� (- 7.5 0 8 Consul Ag Engineers