HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAEI A RPUCA$LE IWO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO $E ACU PTED Date- . P1aminp ard Development Ser%dces &v7dfnq cmd Code JReg+ulratran Div&jorr 2.TE6'Arffinro.gypr54Ae, Foft Pierre FL_W9G2 PhDne: (777) 462-1553 Fax: (77;t) 462-1578 Pe-rnaZ N umber: Bu 1Id it ng Perm it Ap p 11 catio n Com rnerdaJ Residential PERM FT TYPE: I P ROPOSE D [still PROVE MENT LOCATION: Address: Peoperty Fax iij #: _ �{ y — +`-j Lot No_ .. site Than Name: Block No_ , Project Name: OETAI)_F D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CONSTRUCTJON I N FORMA'DO Nr= AddrtJonaf work to fit purfarmed under this permit- checkall that @POY: _Mech,oAcal _ Gas Tarok Gad Piping _ Sftutters _ VVindows/Doors Zet.ric _ Plumbs rkg 5prinlders Generator Roof P itch I otaJ 5q_ Ft of Constru{tlon: Cost of Cnn-imctign: � . o OW N ER/LESS EE = Haan e Addres3: Zip Code:__04 fax: Phone No_ , - E-F11a1: Sq_ Ft- o F First door_ Lhli ies: _ Sevrer _. SaP-,Jc 8uildir4� Height - Fill irl fee 5ienple Title Liok�eir oin next page (it ci-ent fmTn the Own -or Ifsted above) C04NTPAC-FO R: Name:- �ornpanw; ,Address: City: zip code: Fax_ r u Phone N o - r St". or CDu nrty Uuse If vakm cf ounstru{tion Es 52900 or more, a RECORDM Notice of Commer ement is mgmhvd. K wahae of HVAC is $7,500 4jr mare. a RECOLRDEB Notice of Oommew5em 4 reWired- SUPPLEM ENTAL CONSTR U CTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION IDESIGN ER/ENGNEE R: _ Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: � Not APplicaMe Name: Ka M-�: Address: Address; Cftvl _ 5tne; City_ state, Zip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TTnL HOLDER: Not App icabF& RO N DfING COMPAN Y, _Nat Applicable Na me: Name: Add ressAddress: __- Y=-- Zip- Gh Z. - Zip: OWN ERI CONTRAGi OR AFt I DVIT= ApplkAtkM is kTeby made tip obtain a peru t to do the work and installation as indiQttcd. I certify that no work �`r inVAlla#porr has oxnmenved prior ta the imuance of a permit St. Lucie Cou" niske% ni) icprewnta5on thiFt is gaantiircg a permit wi® arrthorL-0. the perrr,Lt hoWeT to build the sub?ert strut-wre which If irr Conflict wn with any applicable Home Owners Assadation ruIe�, � *r a�rci covenants that may r estria air prohiM such structure_ Pleaw amsuft With your name Cvrtcrs Association and renew your -deed for any restrictions v thiich m�LY apply, In consideration of the grapUnj1 -ul this requested permit 1 do hereby agree that I will, in all r�.cp , perfosm the work in -ucujrdarrce with the approved p4ans,, the Florida &dldi(e CAodcs and St, Lurie County Amendments_ The faldowirrg bupding permit app€icatiw-s are cxc mpt from andeWirg a fuel amw-u -rencyr review! n&orrr acle6tipns, acces +rV strucWres, Swimming pools} fence}, walls, signs, screen room ancF aas$ory uses to another non4esidertti.al use 'WART: TO OWNER' YOM FAILURE TO RECORD.A WrX1 OF =MMCSMSvt MAY FMSULT W YOUR PAYWIC T"FOI FOR NPRIO►'ElMI EMITS TO YOUR PROPERty. A POUTICE OF W14fa11E110 MIENT NRAST BE RECORDED AMU POSTM OdY THE JOB SITE BED O RE THJ� 19RST FMISPEC6i W F YOU NUTEND TO 01WAM FMLANCINO, CONSULT WFTH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTUffMEY BEFORE TOUR RUTKE OF COMMENCEIIINEAFi.71 i;a#ure of }�etQP$a]t br STA F9UOA COU NTY OF The torgoing instrument was t«'wr�xt cr before nae this I U do off._. � 2U� by Name of person roaking statemi�nk, Personally I(newn Z OR Produced IdentiTioation f icde"tification used _ 7nature-of Notary Public -State of }�rida a F u55iort N*6d �,,Za-y I] 71 REVI EVVS t RO PIT M NI GG -sup i COQ R REVIEVV R .... DATE RECEIVED DATE7119 - C�A+LPiETEU fetir_ 110dcT STATnF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Q . The fa%aing instr-umzi ,ht was admowkdge+d hefbre me this jZday of "n�� few J Name of person. making aa*eni?nt. Personally Knowrti OR P%-Jutcd bdentirication Tvpe of ldcnMication Prodleed LIL /I"— ignature tart'LO uhlic- 5:a# r,f Po I i Ja ) VLGETATION 5EATLI TI F REVIEW REVILW