HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding PermitmtE mrrLICABEE IIQFU MIDST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICA i ION TO BE ACCEPTEw DPT�:01 I � ! 0 U Permit Mamoer: Buil( ing Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division z300 viryinia Avenue, Fort rierce Fr 3Y9a2 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 cornrrhrcial RUAI-_r[tial PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at the end of line PRUPUSEL] IRIPRUVLME191 CUCAIIUN: Address: legal Description: Property pax ID at: cite Plan Dame:` .1 s . a V.41WWr2 Project Mame: L ] I rt i-\ � I A.1(, wetbacks Front, (sack: Right aide: [eft aide: of I^AlEtO 13E5i me I lulu or vvuRR: Replacu AC, enact change cot with tun, SEER, .� , KW AC unit lvt Ma. _ C,]' 6iocR Ido. I c.ula5iRuCIIuN INFURMRI101q: I - cnecK an Tnar apply: 'FAL Utas yank 00asPiping Electric 0 Plumbing Elaprinklers oral aq. PL of Construction: Cost er Con�iraciivn: 5 allutters Q vvintlows/Doors Generator poor Root pitch a FL, of First Floor: _ E tilitic ]IUWcr []Septic Building Height: uvvMER/LE55Fff: COIF I RAI.I UR: Name Name: QeffK1„ 450"K HaareL .7 Company: HRZi ARIer:CPrl I�Cui�CriUal tior4i�o� _W Citr: atutc: HUar,3�: 2800 US Hwy 1 - Ci,,: Vero Beach State: FL Zip Cod e,-311UFax: Phone No. D_12- 07 )J "c yip Code: 3ca6u Fax: I-Mlail: Pnone Fqv. 7a- f ' -16L)-7 Fill in Tee simple i We Rolac.� an RenT rage I iT BlMurerlt E-IGIoII I I� Uy b from the Owner listed above) State or County License: CMC'zziw'o3 It value of construc.ion is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. 5UPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: 0EaItiRER/EMI3IRrrR: x not Applicallle MORTGAGE COMPANY: X Not Applicable Name: I1ame: Address: Address: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phuiie: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE MOLDER: x Rot Applicable 00MOIRU COMPArVr: x I110t ApplicaGle Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: cip: Pnon.: ZiF: Phone: I certify rnat no worn or Installation Ras commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Carie Count mz;Rc� no .epPc3e. tQtiv., tRat i. gra..[Ins P rzrmit -III aetRo. i.c tM.ermit RolOer to Rails tRe suRiect structure wnicR is in conflict witR any appllca5le Rome Owners mssociation rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association ana revirw your acca for Qny c3t,ict;ona wFllcn may pply. Gi ronsiacration or tRe granti .g or tni, reyee.tca permit, I Bo RcPe6, csree Oat I -;.iii, in -II rc,pcet., peRoPm tn� :orR In accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. i Re rollowing RuilMing permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessom yy structure!, wimming pooh, renre3, wPI15, aisn,a, 5rN-m rvonl3 Dna Pecc3.u., a.c.. to anvtMcr nun-r..RIc Piti_l -se WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may. esult in your poylns t,�.iec for improvements to your property. A Motice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobbite before the fiat inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lcndcr or an attorney before commzncin. work or recording ,our Notice or Commencement. S Sisnature of 0 er/ Lessee/Agent Signature of Contra r Eicense Molder STATE OF FEURIDA '�IAiE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF sttude COUNTY OF Emig iRe r Ting instr nt was acRnowletlge erore me i Ile r Ding instr a was acRnowie0gel, uefore me this day of20 by this day or z0 ny Dennis Zacek Car" s ZnceR a or person acRn i REviEvv REviEvv ( p rson ackno le Ing j REvIEvv GATE f) ign a or Rot Peie-Stoic er Flo 8o j otarq orida Personally Known x OR Produced Identification Personaily Known OR FroMucel, 10entirication i ,pe or iDentincation ProauceR Type of Identification Produced Cvmmi,.ien A (�eP[j Commission Mo. 1 y(Seal) gULLavAfq s ?' COCEER zuCCIVAN �'=7t5s5 = rAY CO":11t41Ss'[313 r GGA Revised 07/15/LO14 � "' February 09, 2u21 '_ Y COPAMI 5 M ?� %�o,; EXPIRES Feiin:aPy oy. a�21 EXPIRES REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEATURTLE MANGROvE CUOR I ER REv[Evv REviEvv REviEvv REvIEvv KtvlEvv REvIEvv GATE COMPLETE IMI i IMES Insrallarion wa, K V, mc, ... 1,772)567-3100 2860 US Highway 1, Vero aeach, FL 3-960 N1.,king it right. „mcric:.n Rcsmcn;i.-,i aervrr.os u' I lunda, Inc Ucens- # CMC 1241!753 Making it +Fo=k EC 13008E58 r.a0RES5 I,am[ rnOm[ SIz:1! _JaiI r PE EFFICIERCY =1 L , C (� L41t_R __ $ - ll $ S0BIOIAL $ � RIONTMEY EST' 3 C9eld Cl i i,o,nr Cr c,r' CELL PFO; E I!sl. 3tvrt Dale I- y -Z".LC Ecl, Cie11lpl.lion D.j. t-- q -'1-02c C,orporial, Commoner Relations i866t 803.0879 CALL SLIP SIZE TYPE [ SIT -E __. 1 T 19 EFFICIENCY 5 15USTOTAL $ MONTHLY E5T • $ EFFICII•N7,Y 5UBTuIwL ME; NTH EYE51 S�— CUSTvMI!R INITIAES Ir.1 I.Sm-impp INITIALS vuoTw_MI!R INITIALS . vvar. nty." . Pr,na - b,� Labor Warranty:" Pa�tc E 6.. W ,rangy;" _- Parts EaEor CenlprG seriHou-. EacFi. riger C.ampressor Hw_t E;:ehang=r Ca riprussur Heal Pxchangor ...--- 3o31-1 to ur.ruit approval. Finanri.o Priv ded b; Gm.v..ak;, Fixed irl:erosl rmn of a.WWRI9o, eo monllis. Paymunr uxample assumes-ne-tim. $7,500 perch— on appr-v„ I d=t- (APR 7.19%) !!" th i pa,_vril of $82.s-_, n p,.ymen;a.A $..,,.e9, anu'5. amunireu payments of $162.28. P.,.. onto a name Aeeeenl Anrivativm_rge ar $nae apple— an0 is uuu wum firs; re-quirea paymert.Plxcu-nleresl rain of 9.99% ler 84 month=. Pa,—o.,1 exaerrle � �se�.es onetime $:,9ee porar.se on approval data (APR !0,1594] cith I prment .I $10 t, 44. 5 �_, m.e1z el $62,44. and 78.. o.li.co paymcnis v; $ i., i i i. r-ayments assume Ace.=rill A-ti-.ti.rm vh_gc of $39 app63 and is deo rr W lira) mcgeired payment. Fxeo micrral r..ic cl 9.09 9 rut i 3o months. Paymonl ex.rr to a.■-._ vee -time $7.500 pmeL•..aa on .,pprov..1.. I., I—R iv. i iw) will i paymcnr v1 ,1 o i—, 9 payments of $fit 44, _-d 114 _mvrti_vd ffi mwwu el $102 :3. P -Monts ..aoemu --on? ,.Grivalion uiarge of $39..ppti.::md iz dee with first req-ir.d p_; mexl.Fcx.d i.t.rec: rate of 9.99 for : ­ menlms. 11„ ym..-nt .:x,mplu uasumus one-time $7,500 p-xch.:v -n _pp:.v„f dare (APR i O.eea] :r,.. 1 ps;._..nl el $101.44. 5 p..yrrioms c; $92 .9, ane i 39 amorfizou payments of $91.62, P_; meM;: araa.-s Aeo.ent An.iw.;ipn ch,.rge al $n9 applius ..nu in uou wi:h rirw rcquirco p..ymoni. .lherwie_--led, all -a. Hiles.. rip her, IMnlanol..clmpr. D.suunnecl ,E116timme Egeip-ent Slub ❑ 5.,wnd Isolation Pads -Erligeid Tile Conduit ❑ Start Kit 0 Re4igerenl CE. Dlye. _ ,ORefrigeranl Pipe tJ Now 0 Reconmu.,i ❑ Refrigerant Pipe lover 0 E;:pon..ien val:o ,OT --slat -Type IV t_ 17 Coim le t to E;ziuling Electrical C3 Me- Plywood U.ck 'ErReconnect Drain Lino ❑ Cei:irtg $Ener K,1 (Pan & Float) E3 Main Efrain S..1a1y 5-1tch Seal fevew %onnections CI Suppe. t All n Eqc p -crit 0 Supply Plenum ❑ IQe- ❑ Rr�unnc.,i ❑ Return Plenum ❑ IQs- ❑ Rcconnccl ❑ Electronic Air Clean -r _ ❑ Medi„ Filter ❑ PCO U UV Light ❑ Rumtddier__ E7 D-hurrridife_ ❑ O.,tdoor Un P,id 15 Flue Venting 13Eleelwo. k Com .Miert, G Connect I. a lel:mtl plenemm ❑ Deci ModJrcaiions (_.. Won fwr aoope of irk) ❑ Naw Duct System 0 W Deet Work ❑ Fo.1 Piping 0 Elecbi.al W in -g ❑ Horn- Svry cu, Plan - 1 Ie m (364 d.yr.) Cornf.,ri Guarantee JffH-mwe Prot=otte” Ge.-R...tec 24-H.wr 5e._'oe Gear..ntoe 6100rrb Uncono honal Money Back Guarantee■ ,SfA?,srr1Lc' L)Vz7tz 5ECEC1E1)7Jl'IrON-._4 1 02 03 SUBTOTAL ro a-TAL 0 CA5H ❑ CHECK# ❑ vrcl'_Dff Z—^RD iLA5T 4#-) EXP mPPRvvAE (NANCING' 'ARS snot responstble for pre.mohmg deet-nrk. 5ee Tenn! .,.-d Condiicns on the back of this &. ument fori det_:h. • Wrrien customer authorization will by ebto:aed before beg:nn ng any c„forescen audilional or extended work. • ANY CLAIMS F -R C75N3TRUCTIUN DEFEc,15 ARE SUBJECT rO THE NOTICE AND CURE PRUVISIONa vF CHAPTER 558, FLORIDA 5TATUTES. • BUYER'S RIGRT TO CANCEE: anis Is a homd c.ILIt_ti.-. ;,.lo, and If yaw d., not want tRe goods or services, you may cannel trlic ..gx, m.na by providing written notice to Me seller In pa. -ami by t.t,.nr...,, .. by moil. This notice must Inmate mat you do not w_mt tn� g.�ds or c..Ices an' must be'aelivereH or postmarked octore midnight o1 tfie third business day after you sign this agreement. It you cancel :his agreement, the seller may not keep all o. p.rt at -my c_fi down par.-,cnw See ifle reverse side Hereof Tor an explanation at this HgflL • I acknowledge that my right to cancel Illis been e-plair,o?] lo..,c ea ly and In writing, .rind without waiving my ngrit to canal, I .olhotiz. the perfonm..m.c o1 ;h. work, subject to all terms and cond:liema ..et forth .n th. rtizcrac iia.: Aur-ol, pia. cry taxes upon comp elion Notice To Owner - Do not sign this home Improverme-t aentr.ct in bl.nk. Yo« ar. ontitled to a copy of ole contract at the time you _ign. Keep it to protect your legal rights. This home impr.:o-1111. contract may contain o mortgage or otherwise create a lien on your pwzperly that clijulje(*closed on If you de met pony, Bw sero you andersesnd all provisions or the contract belora Yse _1011. CUs UM1R�}IR+h�� e.,:f CDINPANY REPpESENTATIYE _ -' .037UMER SIGNAWRE - s-lrc v 2019 Am.nxam R—cliv:ial R-.-. I I wo--o rv,hu .,..,..won w.„srom FI =2013 Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified R.f.ran_ Number: 97MBB Date: 12-17-2019 Model Stalus : Relive ARRI Type: RCU-A-CB 5erieu : COMFORT 14 AC 0etdoor Unit Brand Na .: CARRIER 0-atdoor U.,it Model Nember (Condona., o, 5ingl. Package): 24ACC424A•'v3'v' Indoo.- U. -,it Modol Number (Ev.perator ana7or Air Handler) : FB4CNF024r- R.$i.n : 5outhea31 and North (AL, AR, DC, DE, P0, Gn, RI, RT, GR, MD, M3. RC, OR, 5%, i N, TX, vA, An, Lu, C i, ID, IL, 17i, IN, K3, MR, ME, 1911, MR, RIO, MT, 140, tuts, MR, Na, NY, t3R, un, PA, Ki. SD, U 1, v 1, wA, vtrv, wl, wY. U.5. territories) Ruglan Not.: Central air conditioners manufactu.w, prior to January r, z'v r o are eligible to Oe Instalm In all regions until aune 30, 2016. Beginning July 1, 2016 central air contlitio..ele van only 5o inrtall3d in ..gion(.,)1.r wnlcn tl1.y moot tho re-,ium.l etno6ma, I�geir....ont. The manufaElurer or this vRISr%I1!R pMuU, is respons1010 for trte raung or tnls system romDlna00n. Kat3u- as rtAlows In aecoraance witn the latest eaHlon or AA5IiPmRl zi 0fzQ -M Aaauf0a 1 j;jr.i9 z, PO fonnenee Kafiri-, of Unitas, Aip-Condi0 pill, K AirrSiXitee Fl.,.t Pu_p tyelpmont and .OB)oct to retina accera.,r by AHRI-sponsored, inuevvnuent, 0-1110 party tesung: Ceeling Car,.011T (PZ) - 5irigl& or RigR 5tago (85F), Btah : 22800 5Er-R : 14.00 EER (Az) - Si.—,,M or RIgR 5teup (g5r) :11.511 fA,..i:o" Model Sts.us ar..Muse mar, a,. r Rips. cor-.itltalion Program Participant is currently producing AND selling or offering for sale; OR Ren, Rlod■1_ th_t a;-- being mark=ted but _r= net ;et being prodweV13rodecilem Stopped" Model States are those that .n _,RI vwrnz ,rvn Frog -ram Participant Is no longer producing BUT is $till selli or offering for stale. nun 4—rn i e an nvo un rV re -rata new 5E Wo a 5 ow" a MCI -1h the re=.e i... WLSI yell , DISCLAIMER ZMRI nuts ,rot onaurso .No ptodocl4st listed on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or geopentsa __ to, and ; ■revs no reopomibllity for, psdestiol Ilsted on this Certlfiw te. AHRI .;.pr—ty dlscliL,w.11 li.blll.r for vam.gc3 yr any Rtnu arlsl„g out of the use or performance of the productjsl, or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings ir. =Ud .RI; fe....od.la and eenfigeretio"T Ilat.d I.-, tho dirt—ry _.—w..hddirec ry.org. T .M3 nNe ouNDITIONS This C.rtlffe.te.nd Its ton -m= aro proprlczary p..00,- or —1111. ,.ds e.rue,cate slIall only be used for Individual, personal and confidential reference purposes. The contes_f ts this Csrtlfieet. �.a; est, In -h.1. or In parL be caprodeead; cepled; dl=o htaw—..; entero. Into,, cc ... pinur o.mausc;,,r rTerwise utilized, In any form or manner or 6g any means, except fop the ewi o indiNd__1, p_mwR.l _Rd eonfid■rrtl_I refumnea. „It4� oRAR1aRIRa, MCta,Ra, CERTI FI CATE VERI Flout. to R m REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The Information for th• nrodsl _iled =n thls ■ortifieeto can b. -�rlflsd _t www..hrlolw.emry.org, elieR an 'vvrlry ea,vrl..To' I,nk vm- male life better” amu .nt.r no _RI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certifical_ -. I-eod, hioh Is 11 --td _b..., and the CaMficate No.. which Is Ils.vu at Evawm r19RL 9iz019Nt1r-Con01dcrntng, Rcm-TIMg, una Ralrigeratlon Institute FEK l iFICATE Nu.: 1322908°1885783021 N1kAM17. I-ranRlin, UFA —Saint Cask Guanty Nrperty App aiber -- All rightb 1 ebm ped. Propzrty Identification Site AnzI ess; Fusel Ill: account 1F: Map 1U: Use Type: City/County-. Ownershil, Nikki Zlark 768 CYPRESS ST Fort Nt Lac' V, r L 34952 Legal Descrif.tion RIVER PARK -UNIT 1 ELK 6 LOT 2 ZMAP 34=3 Current Values Ju3t1Mzi.-1Cct vzduc: SIIy,YOu assessed Value: $79,719 Taxable Value: $79,719 Property taxes are subjec< <o change upon chanbe of owne„hip. • Past taxes are not a reliable projection or Future taxes. • The s,.le J a prvpersy will prm..pr the. m.yal of all _x_mptisnc, eor,, ;;:.d ;PeJ_I ela.cllte�tloRa. Taxes for this parcel: SL7. Tax Coiiectors valce uownloas i mim ibr tnis parcel: Dv—lead Fur 1533 C z rnn33 31 x419-501-00rs-0304 416,, .AiLzry 0100 K3;4 CouRt Sarni Lwcic Cou..:y Total Areas rinisRcMVnavr A:.- (5r): 1,139 Gross Sketched Area (SF): 1,958 ,Lana Size (acres): 0.2 L_,d 57zu (5i ): 8,625 All to be Cv:-%Ct ..t tn:, that, ba is .015.uct to uharigc wid is provided without any warran- © Copy.:sttt Mu5w:nt Luvic County Property Appraiser. All ribhts reserved.