HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information'a i TropiCale T1 15 Home -. Products T_ = _ j Y z Z1. #r 17 i ropfCaF ' is ciUaiity, heat i urnp designer to it any budge! - oi"rinta;ce titartl1um ;:Lai exchange (Patented 7neU3o3_}=1�.UR� n the = 9�, T 115 and - m modelsl 1�if iCr£}r3i OCeSSGr controlled d i`^rGst cYcfe a(loWs operation dowel LQ Mid Lockable, f i}P-out control panel protected against sun and Weather i?ui►& in drain pan for condensate management .'MD2cE resistant, rust and fade 0roof cant?i=i Quieter than Co+iventlional heat pumps , ted in accordance With AR€ standard 1160 G'I'tact Aq a(�-al- fir s-- he it Cost cntl �' - A li ! httprf/: lv",Ia ua �St R1c' it327. q caicomi�roducFftropical-t1i5f �IQTES: - i _ ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 2. MIN. CLEARANCE 2e FROM AIR COIL DIRECTION OF AIRFLOW LEFT SIDE �j VVATER CONNECTIONS DEVIL A SCALE 1:12 OF VIEW f� it FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW <�7 EDIMEN810N 005 { 115 { A 30.50 { 3115o B { 3625 [ 36.25 1 C { 3531 { 35.31 D { 13.00 ; 713.41) ! E _C 9.25 { 9.25 H 7.90 [ 750 1422 i 4221 I { 7.22 { 722] R1GH i SIDE MESA POWER I OPTIONS EIN RY KO. (DUAL I,`.D_ A.375 a-: 01.125) DFLAIL B SCALE 1:12 Dec.>:Ic:;,;:e.: im�n ::•r :r itan�aLsiih.cot� n;..n:t,-:Is: ca�u� T.- "I sue. ek Open o Head pressure tvii be slightly to moderately low; Sucdon pressure will be slightly high to very high: Amperage(not areliable. indicator ofthis condition); e Littcaid. Sub -Cooling wsBl be lower iban normal; SuperheatudIl be minimal ornonexisrenr_ Suctionline, and possibly a la€gepordon of compressor, will be very cola andpossfoly "sweatina" Emnianafion. Refrigerant is flowing through the system too quiclriy; enough heat cannot be added in the evaporatorto boil off all ftTiquid refrigeranL The main effectis io flood the suction line and compressor udth liquid re igarmt The piimmoxyintlieator of ihis eonclitio3a i Et`,le or no suction line 5uFerheat. A150, as tile -T-3CV 1g nOt hfll&g baCk l ie regtf6d amount of reA; aerant, there maybe flash gas (high pzessttre vapor) preSentintJ UquidEne; this isindicated byreduced Egrddsub-cooling_ E, cfe;�. Condenser I?4",Ie_-r pluw: a Read pressure vjiii moderately high to jrej y high; o Suction pressure my be normal to slightly high; Amperage will be higher than normal: a Liquid Sub -Cooling will be absent: the, liquid line w-Rl be very warn or even hot to touch. When combined with high condenser water AT (see next bullet item),. this condition is a pritae indicator of insuficient condenser water flow. Condenser entering -leaving water temperat are difference (water AT) will be higher than normal... s his condition is aptimeindicatcrofinsufflcient condenserwat-erflou a Superheat will be Hiatt -normal to hiffh- lana aon: Meat is not being removed in the condenser in quanflties sffid-cienr to produce appreciable amounts of liquid reffigerant VTth no litluid seal o ccuiring in the condenser, theliquid linen essence— becomes an extended dischaig-ehne_ Keys to diagnosis_ very warmto hotiiguidline, and ahigh condenser water Delta--? W__ W a '• § r Placement of eater adoorIna --iiaLfiff-o a Every indoor installation is unique, therefore, there are no specific guidelines for this type of installation. For assistance, please contact AquaCal's l ngineOng: or Technical department at (800) 786-7751; they vrM assist ou Mth your specific needs. On -Moor 1USL61 tiom Service and Ouarational Clearances: Refer to recommended clearance drawings following this seCdOn. Allow 241" clearance Wtween the heaj collection surfaces and walls, fences, shmbs, or other objects- Tile heat pump requires lap volumes of aiz moving- over the heat coEectoz Allow 5 feet of vertical clearance between the top of the heat pump and any roof overhang or outer obstruction_ This clearance prevents cold discharge air from recirculating ack into �e he coils (recirculation would reduce the overall petfor;nance of the heat Pump). 4- l roidde at. least 3{3" open ama sa ant of she main access panel. The elechicai panel will need to be accessed during installatioft and service, so avoid any plumbing obstructions that wfilzestfici easy access_ u�._ into, duel fro,• u ti rz itqnnaisUh_ceri Plumbing Regutrem— ents, Gve t ws 'When plannixs,&. phunbina, system layout reference the Plumbing sehenaatics=oRawingthis section as a guide to the sectuetlCeofequipinent;vaivesaitttlnLrs,etc_ Thepluunbingco%urationsiortypicalinstallationsamdiagrammed In operation, itis imperative the heatpunnp receive waterflow Ivithin the minimum-ma;dmummDzes,5pecifiedfor thepardcularheatpump- Shouldthesystemiasationunderconsideiationnotcloselym=-Iianyoftheschematics, contactA quaCal Technical Support for advice and D dance: (200) 786 7751_ Ny.-S and 11deiFse Industry tecirnology changes much too rapidly forAquaCal io specify, -with exactness, any Stems outside and beyond the heatpum� �Fv"Ihatis speci Led is that the beat pump mustbe-instailledm accordance with all applicable local, state, or national codes & standards_ tl O u- eelho to Elect _ l p= :A_1lTropiCatheatpumpscomeequippedwith2"PVC-,plrmabingunions_ Connection.to�sitepiumbin&ismadevia PVC solvent cement to the femme slip socket of the pluBt g unions. AID rb kArenkez in mg ons vrhere hardivsntt,rs are typical, the unions mentioned above allot.=for easy disconnectionlreconnectiug of the heaterftom the plLmbing system' Caution_ do not defeat the function of the union use no glue on the threadeduotion of the unions- ll I Opera. Free: 50 PSI All TropiCal models are designed to operate successful_Iy between flow rates of 20 to 70 grOons-per-minute (GPiit _ Design theplumbitlg system to maintain atleast20 GPIJIriow through tale heater; rile heat pump willnat operate correctly, nor reliably, vrith less than'—) 0 GPTM of ureter flow supplied. IF water slow rates through the treater will exceed 74 GPM. a sprin_ check bypass valve wM be required; generally speak ii g, most residential pools and spas will not require a bypass unless a pump of 2 HP or larger is used (for bypass valve details, see inf-ormation andplumbingschemauc,folioudn ), . ER xmrml Bypass Check Verve Reamdrement For installations where flow rates exceed 70 gpm an additional spring- bypass cheelrvalve must be installed. NO Use of the wrong size ci eck valve may comprolnise the heat pump's efficient:3, reliabili€y , and maj, void tle factory warranty- For models T135, T115 & T657 a 5lb- Spring check valve is required_ (AquaCalPart* 556-) PURR 3-3vdyva7n r -BOW SWA(ADI-M) C-Chi�(i u4 i-Thmgi��am D-Drah F -FRET ^-TEtcl3 to i F-3��m �.-t3Fl�xssC�T%a� MUM -4R? R-Rah . S-SSfmur �micall'aat-11n� �materii;an70 tr�.az-(2F3pump) 16 �G.ix.EU2�iu.fi �. xtec�r-1�x,z�siib.Lur sua��3=>c iris t,tu:.<< W%teLr u " & OUT Comear 120TC For proper operation andmaxsmumefficiency-piping- coming�ou�the pumpand 533ter-AIUSTbeconnectedtowe "JIN" port of the heater: 7 Umv ise_ connect piping returning to the pool/spa to the "OUT' port of the heaten S µ dravvina below*. FROM PUMP c FILTER Ij 3 i Q to FOOL ORSPA Fariureto heed thefollowingmayresuiiinpeiznanentinjrust or death- instaltaiioamadebl,mgraEfiedpersonscaaresultinhazardstotheinstalierand others. Theinfotmalion conaiuedinshisFlectdcaUustil3ationsecdonisiniendediornsebygLiaifedelectdcal atioatechnicFans; fatniliarvi ith electrical, smi iceindusay saffiety, stmdards and meihoas. Blecttical insMilation to bupetiormed blr qualified indhiduals only_ Genet :,? omafiot t a - When possible, locate the equipment disconnect means within arms reach of the heater`s electrical enclosure or as close as possible to the hearer- Al-tays satisfy applicable codes and SIaIldardS. 45, AII ActuaCal heat pumps are desigaed for catlper conducrom only_ la Sizing power wring, be especially aware of up -sizing requirements rewired due to -wing distances. Always saiisiy applicable codes and standards. Multiple heaters installed at same site generally require special sequencing controls (AquaCal pat ASC(number of heaters)); if yours is a mult?_heateriustalladon, conffictAquaCal Tectin cal Support for assistance (500-796-/75I )- Electiical installation should be by licensed electrician only. Connect , EX—teragd, Controllers: See document entitled "Connecting External Controllers to A quaCal lleatPwiTpe"- TLese instructions are shipped inside- heater accompanying the electrical Schematic_ M sir°r?ec:?L�?_7 : e: srr ��7..it: '=l;tieat= FR:.iStiatC St:�*Ci; Gl�i1c Code Reau <red Ciearances; Tn aaaltion to the Previously s[a�ecLe2P� ncerequ%reraents; -ollow all applie�ble loea4 stale. aud.-aa-clonal requirements relative to spacing ftmn other objects or equ°epmem Typical- i m n En9MO clearer taS f` f' Qti�t2dIIa RDin.[1I17-Dfi }��2',�Tt11�L . � dsected a�ag - f` � From unit � a 5 f, minimum owd=d �ir� minimum C? :'if:L3EL', iiF3Pe 2 u Minimum m1--, (\o state) Front Res Pared OveFlaeadd 1 �,s _l1?CIl@3 �3 - lIlCtnSti t� `> } - lnClleS y 3t) -Inches fFroat) Ef"ront, side and --plear IT 901fioIa, RglnwewtRunoff, aud L=dse pe Features Place the heat pump away ftm rain rinoff -&om the rooT. A utter or rain shield may be required on the roof edge above the heat pump_ Relocate or adjust irrigation to avoid crater spray directly onto the heat pummp. Do not locate plant shrubs or bushes directly adjacent to (teat pumps_ Doing so wRlprevent proper air circuladan into the unit; and may inhibit access to the heater when sendce is needed. Consult dmvAmgs above for proper clearances. 1R dpmendPack R _ }! ` omen-, The equipment pad should be constructed to provide adequate drainage and support to the base of the heal pump (see Table below). The pad should be essentially level v&b just enough pitch to drabi condensate and arty outer crater away from the he,, te_ 1135 3 61 X 4T2 An dmg Heater {D Ps Follow allrelevantlocal, state, ornadonalrequk-em atsregarciingv.irdloadanchoring (usehu dcane anchoring ?tit, part rSTKO010)_ As necessary-, contact AquaCal Technical Support, 8007867751; for assstance in detemib3ane bestmethod of compliance. ,: mimaftvd l tr [ nzanu-.& Search eR_:i ac 0 A-11PI's globally r_cogni_ed and :f idus[r`S respected meat aum-- poo?-acc--rs cerciE—td n oraar am orovjce� aucsrandln_= value io equiprnent and compon-ar a ma uftic-ureYs, cusiomers. and go`lernmenz regulaiOrs. A Hiai Ceriifiieu'"j prof uas tare subiecr to riTor ous and co : anuous test ag by a dhird—payy hl�RI b�oq caFozy :li ivri�f con�i ♦`i iQ A4Ri- Qf ill; cro[`7. u�rs certified i/v A ar C s:.d i AH Pi's Director aF Certified Product Pei iormanm a 'gal-iic'1'Se databa==at 'vac) Orgy More infor rnatmon car, be wund oniin a ,n the neat o mp poet :i4i is ce: tirice.i.Or. ?ro!m zirn ('.-jeb pap), and i6he near pui p pout -calel_ _Orr G,tors (web pagge;. CaLegaries: .:4er�1- Pt.itrPS, HGE C-Cys Desjfrast Specs 3601 VieL.ti+ Brochures & Manuals Specs 60Hz Specs 50Hz Warranty �i'1lSOIc�0 80, 60163 `Qr%=10%3 Coefficient -if Perfomziai-.ce 80/80f8I1 80180163 80150163 Refrigerant :e8c Exchanger {Villnout 5ttnsJhinury aqt:acaLcotn/prodncUttngtcd-t1151 arh� i 12,000 06,000 74,000 .C-6 �i ri _0 R4,1 OA ! hermni_inkO nB STUB /n ILL U§\asp CircuitAmpacity mt«mp da»mua Fuse Size 'Alater gDt mlmumf$!ia QgrUm rpm) " te a r %as A% e4 r e aiepflo i rares exceed Ole m TGm SO m& Rfht#b&) e7e (L m/xH) »eab. «Ame6G A! 9m e aE me, � qs am2 6 30170 2 3 38" = s « »mom as acaLcoW&«b/cal- R151 M