HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (3) t i 8 MiAM!-Qi4DE MIA I-DAAE`COwTc M611 P C C xROLSgCTTU?Y DEPAR TME3`IT OF-11M ILATORY AN0Sf,U Y01V1iC REBUURCES(REX;) via Room ON BOARD A.i4t ."t0DP.ADM�iViS�RA7 Kt)t�t DEVtSIt?i�t tiViiartSi;Ft'�3:175 2 14 T.(:786j 325.2390 F(786j,315-2$99 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE(NOA) R EVI w Y s�,l�ta°�ilu �vr Q2,amY BirdviSliyiigli% CODE COMPLIANCE D.BsA.Guy lh$irtl Enterprises,,LTD 201 Longhorn Roan ST. LUCIE COUNTY Ft.Worth,TX 76179 OCC t SCOPE:. I This NOA is>betng4ssued under the applicable rules:and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The;dacurrtenta#tort si hniitted has"been reviewed and accepted by,,. g ,j• ode Ctzuizty' tER-Prod,tct Control .. Section to by used'in;Miami;.Dade County and other::areas where allowed.by the.AuthorityHaving Jurisdiction : (A)q This NOA-shall not be valid after the:expiration date started below:The Miami=Dade County Product Control 1. Section{In IvliatnrDade:Cottttt}rj at a/or#tie.AH1(itt areas other than Miami Dade County)resecye tlie.tigtctto have Hits product of material tested fr?t duality assurance purposes.,If this-product.or material fails:to pe"dorm in the accepted:manner;the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may ixinmedtately revoke,ntodify;,or suspend`the.usa of suclt,product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves'the right to revoke tlus::acceptance, if it is deterinined by Miami-Dade County Product Cohttol Section that ttu"s ptnduct i or material fails to;irteet the requirements of the applicable builditig eitlie This'produet s.agprovedas described.hcxoip and has.bee»"designed to.corri ply with,the High.Velocity.Hurricane 1. Zane of the Florida Building Code: , DESCRIPTION CMDADE Satylight .APk'ROVALDOCVKWT-. Drawing 13o:.C:1v1DAi E09,-titted"Largo, ssile impact.Resistant";,prepared by Birdv ew Slcy>lghts,sheet,l of.i,.dated July I l.,2001,with:no revision,signed and sealed'by Scott._Wolters,PE., 9" on July 17,2tll;'7,bearing the.Miantt Dade..County Prodgct,ControI;revision stanip Witfi the'Notice of Acceptance ntimbEr and.the:expimtioit date y the:Miami-Made,County Product Control Seotioti,. MISSILE INTACT RATING. Large anil SmaH M ss4e ImpactAesistant LABEIt i'�le G.:Each unit sl?all:bear a;permanent label with;the manu o;city;facturer's mini,or log state an id the following statement:"IVtlami Dade.CountyPrp4u0t.Cot trbl Approved OtMDCPCA",unl$ss othemisen ted }terein. , RENE`4'trAL of this NOA.-shalt be-,cotisiderod after'a retlewat application-tas been-'filed.and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting:the.peifurmance ofthis product: TERKWATION of this;NOA.Will occur after the expiration date or ifthere bas been a-revision or change-in tffe material;use,atid/Qr tr antifacture.of tlte.firnclttct or,.process IV isuse pf tints NOA a5 an:endb seittent of any l product,for sales,advertising:or any othor ptaposes<shall automatically tenriinute=tlus NOA,Vailure td comply wttkany section of this NOA shalt be cause frtr terminatian,and'ret ovtit ofNQA. l AD RTSS MEN' : The.NOA number precoddd by.,tlie w.dr4.:Nliarn!fDade County; Florida;aril followed. by the expiratimi date may be dispis}?ed in advert ising.literature'. if' p6rtiQtt of trie N0A is disp*g4 then:it j shaIf be.done sit its entirety. INSPECTI0N A c+opyof this entire NOA shall be provided to.the:€aser by the tztana£ecturer or'its disfrsbutars ' and:shall be available for inspection at the jol site at the:request of the Buildi»g Official, Thts N0A,revises 8c renews,NQA#,I:$.I415;09 and consists-of-this page 1 -6tddence subMitted pages L-:I,B. 23&E-3,as well as;approval-document:mentioned above: t The submitted doduriientation was revie veil:by Reliny,A;Maker,_P,E. IVI.S.. tAMi AADE CQt)N1 Y ; fl-{. NON Xa.I7-�0807.27 `Explrattvtrbate.t1110,.7/xQ23 �, a. 01. 40;1, 017 Approvatl?ate,U9/Z812Q � 1 Page s1 4 I Birdvieiy;Skylights. D.B.A.G+ry'E:Bird Eitterpiiies.LTD f i NOTICE.OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE-SUBMITTED. i I. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER.PREVIOUS APPROVAL#08-011702 A. DRAWING 1: Drag by No. CMDADE,..titled "Bl'rdvieiv Skylights";prepared-by Birdvie s+,Skylights:, sheet']of j. 4trted.46/28199, with no:revision,signed and sealed•by Scott Wolters,ers, P E. 3 1 f Bs -TEST ` t. Tess`reports on 1}Air IttfMration Test,per FBC, TA,S202.94 2} Zit�r r'"SAir PressureTest, Loading per FBC TA `'201-94 Desistance Test,.per FB,C. T `202-9 }1;ctr ge.fissile'Tmpiict Test per-,FBC; TAB`201 94 : 5}CyMe 0M l Pressure Loading per FBC, T48 203-94 'along tivifh market]-up clririvtngs and iristallcrfaori`of tfie Brritvr*Skylights,..pi eprred by HZirricane?esi. aboratory,LLC; andTest:RepoetNo: Tl`$04742=07,.. cited �08122107, signed and sealed by Vinu J.Abraham, P.E. „ 4' C CALCULATIONS . 1: Anchor calculations ptepardd;bv Wolters Engi eerziag;Inc.,dated 12118107, signed j and:sealed by Scott bolters,.AE. D`. :QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. ll fiarni.Dade Building,Code Compliance tlf ce{IBCC0}: Lt MATERIAL CERTIFICATION 1: None. 1 F. STATEMENTS 1: Test Compliance crnrd no iinancicrl interest stcitenienl issued by Hurricane.Pest Laboratory,:L.C,,dated.08I�2l07, signed:and sealed by t7nii J Abraham;.P, a. 2: Code eompliahix letter lssued by PVolters Engineering, Inc. dated 0110410$,,signed, and sealed by Scott Wolters,P E. 3_ No fnancial interest letter issued by Wolters Engineering, Lnc: dated 01104108,,signed and-sealed by.Scoft Woltem, P.E i 2., EVIDENCKSUBMITTED;UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL#11- 911.60 A. DRAtVING' c 1. Drawing No. CMP4,P..E08, titled "rLttrge �Y1rss11e.,Inrpact Resistant,,, prepared►by E Bird, sheet.'T of), elated jzrty X;,2007,with-na revision, signed"zrrtd sealeel by:Scott Waiters,,P",'R, � on October 31;2tJ11: elmy'A..MatrarP E.;MS, Product Coietrot etion Supe0it e NOA No.17-0807.27 gxpfratiun Date;011a712023 Approval.DAte:g912812Q17 a �ili't�YIQYY S�'11f!�1t$i t ll.B.A;•t�uyE.°Biird�nter�rsc�,LTLt NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVUDENCE SUBNHTTEII B TEST l; 1. ;ltlone. CAL l:M�-1".IRl7NS 1 I. lVanG'; q. D; tUALITY ASSURANCE g: 1: By Miami-Dade County Department of 1'erriittn £nurroxitrrt,rinx 1egulrtvey ]E: MATERUL CERTIFICATIt)N F. STA:TEMEP+T8 I, Codecomapliance letter sszled by=Jolters Engineer ing,-doled Ocfc ber 31,.2011, . signed-aridsealecX by,86ort_Wolteris, P:E 2. c&af,"dcrte of.Filing with tote StOle o,fTavas,datedAugust 119 .2011,signed;by Hope Andracle, Secretary of State: EVIDENCE<SUBIVIITTED UNDER I: EV fOVS,t "—,'R+DYAL#12412,6:11 A. I-RA'4Y I .: t, Dra�Oing•Tito. CAMADB08, tithid "Large Mwlle-impact Resl tpnf',•"prepare by. 4. B,ir sheet 1'tr 1,dot c10711107,.rra revisitzn,signed .sealed by.Scutt vlters, t'. ,.r�n::113131%Yl. B. TEST 1. tvo n e: C CAI+CULA'I'IO S: I' ' Nbna D, QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. 8,y,. iarn Cau�rtyDepar-tm .. ni,vfRegulatory crrrcl Economiclesources. E. MATERIAE CERTIFICATION ' 4. None:. F; STATEMENTS I. FBC'201 U Code comliliande letter rssiiedEby YYalterr�s Engini vring, ddkd tic verril er 1", 201 sij?wd andsgdlgd,b Soft vlters, P ; elmy:A:3Ytaiiar',P .,iVlS.. , Vroduct Cantr6l Section Sttpervisor 1 NQA tYo.l?Q8022 Expirativa U�fe, 311{J'1%tf}23 -� Approvai I�atet-19 IW617 ' I ,. j a Birdview:Skylights, D.B.A4 Guy E'.,BirTEnterif�es;.LTD NOTICE"'t"F ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SURMITT D 4.. EVIDENCE SUBII+IITT'ED UNDT';R PREVIOUS APPROVAL#15-0415.09 A. -DRAWING, 1` Drawing No. CIYIDADE08,: titled: "Large,Missile Impact Resistant", prepared by;B`lydview S li hts. sheet 1 o .I,.dated.Jul 11 2009 with no revision; sr ed and sealed�Y S � f Y t„ .Sn by Scott Walters,PE.,on June 12,7015., s: 'TEST 1: X6n0. +C. CALCULAT ONS �. Ivories D QUALITY AS SURAtYCE 1: By.ABivni4Dade County Department of Regulatory and'Economic Resources. & MATERIAL.CERTWICATION Idane: F:: STATEMENTS 4 PBC 2014 Code_comgliance..letter•-issited by.YYolters Enrgrrieering, dated yar;h-3.1, 2015,signed'and sealed by Scott Wolters,P.,E. 5.. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMUTED �. I?IAWING 1. Drabving,No. CMDADEU8, titled""wge: tlysile.Impact:Resistant'', prepared"by 73irdvieiv Sky?i lats, sheet 1''o,f'4. dated July- 11, 20.07, with:no revision;. signed.and sealed by Scott i Wolters,P.E.,on:illy 17,2017, B:. TEST' 1• krone. +E.. CALCULATIONS, i 1; None. r U' QUALITY ASSURANCE I. By,Mimni-Dade County Departmentof Regulator and Eco atii'ix`c.Resaur'ees. . ]4 T d E IVIATERTAI,CERTIFICATION L .None. t F:° `STATEMENTS, T. FBC 201 T Cade compliance letter isszred by Walters Er gtneering:dated JzaI 17, -20I7 signed and,sealed by Scott Wolters,.P;, e&y..A.Makar,P,$,'M.S, g: Pro uet eontro)Seetion Supervisor N )A No..1'Z-08{f7.27 �' Expiration Dote,0,1107/2023 A'pprOYat Datet 09728i2017 , E-3 Y 9: �— = Ir�Rrn�ro�irir3trNnrir r€eau[t�tf[lwM+dcilciV }1'1±lira< ,� � �fXilEfit #€CP1n,3CMlAyiabowIBC II 4W XL UCY2 . V` x. slr€ccr Ar�rsv� ALs sso �}araKrenr nr#��rsan°-rr�t�a? g aDt�nryy c s��ir . t ' w._, 2 rs•. I c 2011 tlWGWRN Ra FT 1t ORTi# .:AGJ76 s tttRX'i #PMTSaWtrr3NraFRf(Nr WRSyfri;; Ph&7r w39926#r fx.8175 8960 '��"`��Y '""" -.•,,,, ..,;� LOGAlLU4"hRONi;ACrrGUf2h7E1�liP#C7: ORAWIi3GA Ct�9UAD�A`B�prF�Tit7F1 J(rMA rGriN0Tf'EREAF".riid DRAWN BY: SIRIJ . � - 'D7D�rXGA#.€itaINUMANC€f�st3s<f•TSj UATC: q7/.'1'r12U0� �SCAE,� 1ULLatsdN07[:b, "CON'fINU#�US ttll�iA.SAHTi)F•RkNE t?,a rliva+:Stp r_ Mecta#Yo 16t}pud LARt�R.r~ISSIr E nMPAC'RESISTA £2U8RCR GAS CORw w w w,.wr w I ti0kJ8ST�tR€ESSST�kUMMS€4S 1 � c LOCATED 4"r ROM EACH CORNER AND, . �•" �S 10='i?M ON CCNTERTI4L•RER!TCC6 %3.25D• '^ °+1)72"tRT.ALUMINiAP 0411F AMr{fr(#lTi)'. I � n ra 3> ahir QF �� witi XT Imsctzcvt#sv.Di"M-R } LOCATEa4'.FROMI:ACr#Ctl€NCRRND, apr sst�a , ti�a;€a�toficfnrTE�TTNEa�rrr:R ;scafl��}84-r�Rs ! (S LAYOUT KI.M WOL'11,EMbINCtIRING.I,tdC. {G4AA 271D4� Cttfiti3ARVCTRt3i INC�(UYOffi3 rS}'„ 1521iD7Tfi ROAD W WEST PALM UI=ACti FL 33412 11 � tdlNfAlU&1SfE (EB7322S-19�`,+ t aFNE'RAL N01ki w.••w,. �. $iYitR'.rU; .....;_ - -...�.... aklt 4�ttfz'yi P l .F. i �"� ! GEREEALrrOT£S f 2,�30,; 1: THIS&KYLrGNTtRfETS7H£HVN2PROVISi0N3 ' &THE 6*F.D1MN(7Q17}FLOR104'SUt1MI; ' .O6S-�}-' � tO4rn>s;rs�•1fi'f3nC.ciriinrA#.ak: _..:� � GODS .' t � 2 ,M1 CLEAR tdlttYpIIMREOUtREGrENTfDR 81 3 ,100 l 8HB3GLE8 9URWRftd iNSULJ1TOPi i K„ 1DtE. .126 E Itt3UAT D TNtCeCtrEBflAfIDTNETD i :HEtOHTT04" �D� - '•—- _ «t ''. 'WEEP WLES'AREfiOT.REQUMED,., a; A:. THECURBrBYDTRERS}SFIALLBERROAERLY DENRED AUdBJSD Acrt�#rgREG TO THE STt14TURE AND OR tR la 9(ir'R}kacrs drei:Eurn Sri Fill€ eairi a rear' NOTE' ' AIf wurAura shop boiMMTs il§y Luny milstretl and fiis rGwe#deQ al6cmars. Fastener Lay ScaIQ:WiA` . 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