HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information RECEIVED' FEB 0 7 2020 ;. 4 TH(S CERTl:F1CATE SIGNIFIES ST. Lucie County, Permitting 00L E.-,, P M', RGLA : P,"0 Box 338 09 SWANAVIS Lt: HC7HENWALQ> TN 3 '462 ccs#soot IS IN CONFORMANCE WJTH' THE PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS AND 15 LICENSED T.O AFFIX THE,HOME. IN.NOVATION. LAB CERTIFIF -D: LABEL TO, TH.E FOLL6wiNG PLUM,BIN;G FIXTURES:. SHC7V>jE 2 PANS, BATFiTU85 Vi!{TH PRE-S;S_ORED. SEALED i bok,8 M,ANtJFA.CTURED `IN ANY C'1FF�:THE FCQ;LLOWI.NG APPROVED :MATERIALS 'GE_L TED FFBERGLAS:S REI.NF'OACE(3 .LASTfC ACRYLIC:FIBERGLASS RE.INFQI�CED PI AsTIC THE LISTED PRODUCTS.HAVE-SEEN TESTED IN ACCU:RDANCE.WITH THE APFkb-Ri,A-T AS'ME A11219.7/,CSA 6451.0; fi SME A31213 35 CSA €34;x.5/IAF'MC?2124 STANDARDS Jariu ry 1,2019 'Qecerriber 31,1019 Thomas.Kenney .t Oponna Wtlllams 1$$Uance DOe' Exp ration Date VEngineering&Research; Build�rig;Seience Ehgiriee'r: Thts rk�„ifrr�,e 2 .^.o£Y:�s:t:��l1a iico£a.>u,�.eres3on:carce({atiisn.:r�vo.,aicsr,.or�xi?ir3uor.:r�f��+rtif:��ttet�. Non elnnovaiion Research Labs 1 400 Prince Ge&ge's Boulevard(Upper Ma'rlbor`o.MD 20775.1 Homefnh64,4 6mbm r gy, ra �ls e dn R;E.S E A.R,'C':HL A,,9 5 ;M waw4n Bathtub'with Pressure Sealed::Door and Hyd Massage System Certification'R brt_ ANSI Zit *,1 2,ASME.A112.19 7, ASME 112 1915; Manufactured 4y:, C liver Fiberglass 609_Swah Avenue Hohenwald;Y TN;.38462. Report Number::. 06030514 Date Unit Received: 05-02-44 Mp..dl Number; LP2851L11VIoaded, Date U"nit Tested: 05=0;x.14, Un�t,Ser�al,iNtu»bere 1;25416 Date of.Report: -017-30-;14 Date.of Manufacture: 04-1..-444, Tests pertormed:to accordance with_-A 2124 1 2 200.5 Plastic Bathtub and Shower Units 2 0 GENERAL-REQUIREMENTS :2;1' MaterialsPass' Reinfb.f6e bight ,Resor/Filler/Fiberglass/Metal:Fraime Plastic_-Resin Fillers Calraum Carbonate Surface l=�ri sh UVM6 Gel Coat lJrnt Charac#enstics—1Nalkin Bathtub with Pressure Sealed Door and Hydromassage System: 2:2 Dimensional Tolerances Ther unit's, finished trim measurements Ghali:be be tolerance' of i tn"aufaetirer's'stated rough irr.cimensions;. , 2.3 Unit forTesting :Pass Unit;shall::be.raitlomly:.selected from; manufacturors finished .goods: 1 inventory 2:4 Installation Instructions: pass. Wnttert installation_msttaactrors'shalt.be Affixed to the unit. in a visible 2 5. Cde.& nd Maintenance Instructions Pass Wratten care anti Moi6tenanoe~instructions. hW be,<A. jed tc-the unit in a visible IocatiQn.: 2.6' Ideritificatrory Pass i. Mangt4*ror q name. andlor (rade mark;.shall be permanently :and. legibly marited.on the unit m a visible locatign: .i0G £ZNWILt c+!.i x IIVAL IN BATHTUS` AT:RgSUtTS:; Manufactured by QGver be 'I Report# 66030514` Hohenwaltl.TN 2:7 C�ra ;.Bars Pass, � Ratsad t=langes antl Tii�ng Beads. ��A' Bathtub intended for' ao"M a vertical waft shall fncotporate a raked#lan e..or bead not less than 5/i 6``above fhe nm at'ah point. 3.O tt DRKM NS[11P AND:FINISH 3 3 Surface Test, Pass. Unit shatl tie free:af cracks,chipped areas and blfstets Tt a number of molding and other defects or blsftiishes shall not exceed those gnren in Tale 1 of'the refet'enced standerd;; 3,* Subsufface`Test Pass. No`usual blem..tshes or voids ;larger than 1/1,6 of-an 60 in ,diameter shall be observed.below#ire surface finish; 4.0 8T. UR AL INTEGRITY' 4:2 Mainl=ong Cohnectton Test Pass; During and after the appllcatrorl:ofi 5t3 pounds by using a 24 frch.fever.° arrn rn three radial positions, no cracks shat! be observed around the drain opening Dunng;the-toad applicafion:tn.the,three posfttans, fio leaks shalf:be ok sefve& " 3. Point impact l_oad'T'est Pass_:. After the impact`afia i'/z moh, (tat#poun, steel hall front a:height'of 36: tnetYes and 24 inches,r o..cractis or:chips shall be observed'n any_ 0-Ahe, suifaee areas tested: i 4.4 Seat Load Test' Pass 45: .Bottom and Threshold Load Test Pass Bottom Load Measurefxients, t°ecof od under;the applied loadfrng of 30 i ppvgds on three different taottorrt surface areas,shall not exceed the maximum allowable:deffectwn of 05Q,inches.: After removal, the ltnit shall not: exceed;themaximum.ellowable residual de#lechon::of 0;008.inches No graoks shall be abservesi m the:tuo fif a finish, F Residual E Position I7ef[ectidn fleftectton i�iumf;'er, :inches �� inches°,_ 2 Q U27 ;0 Q00 Home Innov_atron l�es�arch.:Labs, Z1`24�:2,-;4SME'Pt12 i97,A�Iti�E A112'(9 15 7�s�Report; I�ege2�of 9' _ i 3 _ s VA"WWU6 TEST RESUL TS Matfofactured by t iivec:Fii�erglass Fiepo:rt 6Q0pb:14;. Hohenwafd,TN Riin�Load�. A 300 pound load shall be appl�ed,''to.the.end and mHd;secfions of the rim No',pr ks shall beYobseri ed ori file surface firiisti: A:=;Pass B=Pass 4.0 -.,Are impact orl Wali SurQunds Test: iVlp' 4.7 Wail Surround Load Test' iWt 4;i'�` Radii LoadTest, Pass: Surface shall slow nooracks,ch"pa,or voids under f he app116d load of 1.0 podnds witf :a halfanch diameter nylon rod on, Ihei unit's radial surface_:areas< `� ` 4.9Unsupported Area Load Test. paw Under ihe:appiica�on of 10 pounds on three drfferert tub`vvail areas,the: measured deflo0b.p. shall not.exceed 0 i25 R7 e-P at any indnndual?f 'load point. Na cracks or chips$ all be obseNed?in the su ave fin shf of MON O$twm Pos�#ion ` De#lecfion PCumter ches' `1 -0 014 3.. 0.065' 5:9 Colorfastness Test QaSe: T11e teat sample shall show no significant change m color or surface: texture after +p0 h'Qurs 4f„:;exposure: to A .xenon a_rc=type: fight exposure"appa'ratus in.acaordahC6...itith ASTM D2565. s f' t i F 3 Howi0 If�Dn Research Labs Z�i`24'1 2 ASME.R11,2.19;7,ASIIAE,Ai 12::A915 Test Repoa Page 3 of 9 S" WAMIN BATHTUB TEST RESULTS Mah` facfurei by Oliver Flbefiglass Repflrt# 6003057 ! Iohenwald,TN. 5;2 Stain Resistance Test Pass. Retings for rerriovai .of the seven stains listed in the,:,referenced s%hdar"d areas fd]16 rs: 7' ,_t3EAGEN . .... GQYlERE.D. . UNC0IFERED`> 1 1:; 81ack cra an' 1 1 2:,Bla�ckliclOiddboe aiish 3:;Blue;washable ink 2 A.-Sen#pan V! fet sotut'ion . :2. ... 2' } 5 l�h sttc1 . Hair.d:e 7 ,.'lodme�solu#iota: Thickness of material las#= #am resistance rating,18 " --Finches Tlae stain resistance rating shall not exceed 5,0' The maximum': allowable thickness of material,rerrioial to.eliminate.tKe:sta�n shall : 0,Q(15 males. 53 Wear&Ctearaatiility at A . Wear Pass l 261, rface frr ish of the three #est samples shall nof'wear gh to the: suppartrtng 'subsurfaces. after 1.Q",OQO sciub` cycles with anabrastve:slurry soiutton:, B Cleanabflity, Pass: "The auerage .absolute loss of wh#e irght re#ledtance-;after appca#ton and removal of.standaid dict=erith lrge►ici detergent t sfail not eXceetl 5:t3:percent: Ther.average absolutedoss•.of white irgl t reflectance after add+tonal cleaning With ,an. abrasive„slurry soiutiorr shall,riot,exceed 2Apercent. t_os after liquid detergent At 16 appl�cn 0 9%Q: Lass after abrasiveslurry rya §c 4 5.4 Cigarette Test Past After contact with three,lighted cigarettes,the test sample shall shouu rioigrntion, progressive glow, or unrepa�rable darnage< Damage tv the surface shall b - easily repairable by asirig a6rasnre ar>dlor` i palishmg�co�pounds, . 55: Ctemicat:<Resistance Test Pass; The surface finish shall;be F,'IhOl 12 re-,agerits>used; Any superficial surface change shall be ease y repairable by using at rasive,andlor„xEoirsiiingcompourids. 56, Ignition-Test Pass Hort3elnnovatibn Research 1_abs .21':241 2;ASME,A L12 9,9,7,,A Iu1E A112.:f;9 t5 Test Report Page4 ofi 9 I i W LK;;N BATHT TES-RESULT Mai dfaetiired by Oliver f b rglass Report# :6,003.0514 5.7 th'Ofm G Shock,-Resistance Types 2,3,,4,5 and 0 Past. No i cracking; .crazing, bfisterrng, sPalling or deiammatiort shall be observed at the':conctus�on i f:aestiiig:. Tl.4.unit shat{ pass the:,ANSI re:�{uirement of`250 cycles:. 6:1` lVaterResistace fest-TypPass: The water resistance rating is determined by evalua#ing each tesf sample,-after 10.0 hours of exposure to elevated water temperature, (Types 1 & 3 1':50°F, Type 2; 212°F�, for: cofor;ehange,,btistenng: change insurface profile;cracks.and; oss::of`;visible:gloss. The water resistance rathg for each':of the'sar�ples fasted shall not !exceed.Ahe maximum allowable.water resistance rating of 9� Each o. the, five°types of fay{ores sYiall not exceetl the:ih 1v dual maX miirri allowable'ratmgof .. 1 at �.Raterd; .Avera a;, u oo . K ")Nater.Resistance Rahn 0 0 Maximum Ay . Individual lat�n 0- l i f \ 1. f Home Cnnovatign F esearch dabs? 21241,,2,.ASME=A112;.19.7,ASN'E,A11219'S Test;Repoif page;5 of 9. W LK IN B.ATHTUB TEST'RESULTSS Manufactured lsy Oliver Fipergtatss- Report#, 800305#4 :HohenwaioljI Tests performed m aocorctao ce with,A$ME�A►1"121;9.:7` ;Bathtub: Bathtub,shl)conform to ANSI Z1241.2:staridard. Sass Bathtub flag been previously. #ested acid listed by Home.Innouat on Research;.Labs.acid i obdlb;ms:.with the ANSL2124.12 star%dard, 2.1.:2Pipiny;System: Pass: A. Intake:; Outer Dia::: 17/$"•' Matenal''fypo: PVC Label orMarwng -ASTM D1785/26a' B: Jet:Connections Outer Dia:: Material Type; ;whiteL.Tlexible Plastic:%PVC Label,df Marlang: SNOW rASTM D1785. 21:3: Joint Requirements:. Pass 21.4 Pump Requirements,: Pass Ptjmp.. ,.Motor.; Make: NuWhirt Make::: NuWhid Madel No PXD75(70 Model No PXD7500 _Serial No: 011714 Serial No..: 011,714- Hq[sepawer, 1: G;FCI Label Loc at<on: t*, MotoC P. &Motor Listed-By UL.%CSA 2A.5` Suetion Fittings: pass: :Quantity: Mafenal vod : Plast o Make:` NuWhift Mddel Nd.: .SSGL GPM.Rating. 7.T8 UL 4""­11' Lis#ed 22 r6ulotioil System Pass. a. Acceptable:Drainage Slope: CoWNS with Sect�on`;5 0; b ;Pump Connection' Attaelied by",removable fittings... 6. Self=:or Non=»raining Rymp. Provade.s drainage for;ptrmp volute d. ;Separation Between Multiple Suction Fitttrig eparation was:riot less han 12 inehes., e. S.ystemmust bewatertrgtaf Home in tovation.:Research Labs..Z1:24.42-j ASME Al: i9:7 A$ t A112.:19 i5 %estReport Page<6 of'9' WALK4'N BATT TUB.;-TES7 RESULTS Mangfactured by: Qliver Fiberglass Re port,:.# 60430514: Hohenwald,IN _ 2:& Installation Instructions: Pass: Roughing In Reference;l:ncluding Overatl pimensions Service Access,;Panel Requirement; Eledncal.Regdirement, Reference to NEC Section 6$t1G,ircluding;:refererice of GFCI protection. lnstallatiort Precauttons,(to theinstaller.) 2.4 Operafion, Use artd Care InstCtacttons Pass; Opera#mg--and.Uss instrt ctions° Flushing;Instructians 3.0 WATER RETENTION REQUlRElNWTS IT ftter Retention Requ!rotnenfs.- _Pass The,amount of water retained in each fiftind must`bs no:greater:than 1 5odracea N6A. akirig shall be allowed'. N inber of Suction Fi tings; i Number of', Water retained:per fitting:' 1 1 oz. 3 3 2° HairEntrapmenRll. in' rs The force;required t4 remove tFe herr from the suction fig ftrnshall be nagreater than 5 p6urids�n atl trials: Trial:42` 1OIps ... TriaC#3:: 10'Ibsa: Tgal;.f#4 Tria1#5` 1:Olbs TriaC%#6, 1.O Ibs Trial#Z . 1 4lbs � Trlal#8= 1 0lbs.. i 'pial', 1 O Ibs i 3 Home,Innova ion:Research Labs 21241 2,ASME,A]1.219,' ASME A112,.A i� 7est Report. Page Z of 9. s f W�11.K''IN Bq' HTU6 ESY RESULT`S; Manufactued,by Oliver Fiberglass; Reporf;# 6003051:4, Hohenwald,TN: 40 'M4RKING ANl);I:�rBELING 4:1 Factory Assembled Urnts. Pass Label shall be .affixed:to.the-exterior ah&adjacent°to the,waste"and overilow:uuh[ch'states, in:3/16`,'irich high tetters:- TUB SHALL BE TESTED., FILL THE TUB UV1TH... WA TUB TO O:VERFL6W DURING ROUE E INSRECTI N AND :INSPECT :FOR LF- AKS-Test performedinaccordancewith:ASME'Al. 1"2'1gIS., 2 t :Materials.: Pass Ntatenalsi"used..in:the:constructron of tate unit shall:;be suitable for•' applicafion�n a:plumbing fizfOre. The unit shall also"'comply with the requirements of ANSI Z124A.2 6 d ASME-112,19:7 if appt►cable;. 2.2 Door Pass; 'The bathtub door shall meet -the performance OdiO rla detailed_ in soction:3: 2.3 Electrical Components Pass> Electrical components:;shall comply :with the applicable sections of 1 <. UL1795: i 2.4 `Daior&;Steal's: , a P3SS�. The door shall have either a primary and"secondary se'af'or:a.pemary seal with atlequate means for drainage. 2.5 Prirriary Seal Matenals .Pass. Matenals used for the. primaryseal shall conform with: 4:following: rec(iuirerhents frortt ASTM D20Q1) Heat Aged for 70 hours Sha((, have.a.rilaximum ,w ter..absorptia6 of no more:t#aan 5°lo when. exposed .to 212°F water,for. ZQ hours Shall;have a rnnrmum tear r.`e"sis#arise:of 14 k(�Trn. 3.1 Secondary%:i NPS The s idbil" seal,,f.,Used,;.stiall Have a leakage of nq,:m.ore Phan o.:5 gahan 20•minutes-when the unit rs filled to the oveif(ow and the primary: seal has been d safzled. 3:2: Ooor Load Test, Pass Tile door.half;withstand a"300 pound, load with:,a deflecfion;of less, #han 0 625` Na tract ing is p9041:ed Home fnr�ov trop"f esearcfi`Labs 2;124,1,2;A$ME.A112.01,ASME A1721:915 Test Report, Page=B of:9 i WALK-1Id BATH USIEST REStlLTS Martufctured ty.;, Oliver Fiberglass. Repast,-*: 6.003051:4: Hohenwald,IN ! 33: Door Cycle Test on Primary Seal Pass: Th'e door.;shall be cycled 20,000 times anc{ then.the,`.06it filled with water:-:No leaking of the primary.seal'�s permitted.. 3.4 Ooor Cycle Test on Secondary Seai VA. vYth the pnrnary seal:disabled, the door sh,all be cycled:20,000 times ani Bien the:unit filled with;water.. The secondaryseal shall have:a 'leakage rate of no more than 0 5 gallons in 20 minutes: 4, Marking Paas 1'he unit.shall k e.mar,ed with the::manufaeturees na "OrtradOfnark,, model number,;and'markings as:reguired,by other.standards. The;unrt was not damaged during shipping acid it did not appear that the urnt:was tampered with'pnor to arnval These tests were pe iformed.under the:direct and continuous 6uperva6idim of'laboratory personnel. The, 151'. . walk in bathtub urni;with hydratriassage system, as' tested, passed fall the.:sections of 'the ANSi, 2124.1:.2, .ASME A112 19:7; and; / SME.; A11219 5 standards as detailed h this report:;: Charies,Amold .Project Manager Home innovation' Research Labs; is:accredi#ed by IAS in accordancQ.with 1SQ;17025 arid:the tests containied within tl is re.,"portare,included m t:,he scope of accreditation This report.shall not be used to claim product��ndorsemant,by Harne Innovation Research Labs be- 'Ib This Cerffieaton report; x maybe distnbuteci in its entirety, Wit",excerpted poitians shali;.not be distributed without priof:written approval of Home;inriovatim Research Labs. t I {i E i r f Home Innovatioh Research Labs 2124.,1 ,ASME,A t 12,19,7,AS,IUIE A1,121915 Test Repoit Page 9 of . %F WALK-IN TUB CO. *****All weights are approximates ***** Model Empty Water Cap. Filled LP2848 175 lbs 73ga1l609lbs 778lbs LP2851 2001bs 75gal/626lbs 801lbs LP2853 200lbs 90gall752lbs 952lbs LP3153 200lbs 105gal/877lbs 1077lbs LP3255 200lbs 105gal/877lbs 1077lbs LP5116 200lbs 85 gal/710 lbs 910 lbs ***All tub models take 30-35 gallons of water to fill the foot well*** Specifications for all components: Heater 5.1 amps Pump 4.7 amps Air Blower 3.4 amps Light.5 amps Surface Heater.8 amps Ozone .5 amps Total amps 15.0 amps In most cases this would require 1 dedicated 20 amp GFIC circuit. Decibels of installed tub 78,decibels with all components running Which is slightly louder than a dishwasher that runs at 50 decibels IMPORTANT INFORMATION: It is strongly recommended you use a qualified electrician that is familiar with ALL t local codes including National,State,City and County agencies as there are different requirements across the nation. Huntington Brass Installation Instructions for: S7424701, S7424702, S7424703 - Thermostatic Roman Tub Filler Faucet ti 1. Temperature valve 5" ) C5 On-Off Diverter 5�� valve 13/4 Spout 13/4" 1 1/4" Door Side Hand shower 0 o � ® ti 5 5 AUgnTab Align handle button with r S i indicator mark F a 1 r3 on cartridge,. •" ¢k p and arrow on . cam' F' plastic cartridge retainer. Temperature Valve Installation . ,. '. k`,vTe'm erature Valve,lnstallation Tem erature Valve Installation �t7 k:.....;1'�•,� ^+..,.�:,.3,;Yom" � —..•.... �e b M Spout Installation Spout Installation Diverter Valve Installation 113 o Diverter Valve Installation Handshower Installation Handshower Installation www.huntingtonbrass.com Huntington Brass Installation Instructions for: S74247011 S74247021 S7424703 - Thermostatic Roman Tub Filler Faucet 11. 12. H C� Attach decorative hose to braided hose To Spout F i3y W Smaller hose zto Handshower Hand shower installation W Please contact Huntington Brass *Please flush the system before using the new faucet and hand shower. Technical department We recommend removing the aerator and hand shower and let water ifyou have any questions with the installation orfunctionofthisfaueer. flush through the new faucet and hose to make sure that no contaminates 1-800-888-6604 will be present to cause blockage or damage to the system. Cleaning&Care: L Huntington Brass recommends cleaning your faucet with only mild soap and warm water.The use of any abrasive cleaners or chemicals will void the finish warranty of you HB product. Troubleshooting: •The desired temperature cannot be reached,water is not hot enough. Make sure the inlet temperature is within the specifications of this valve. Make sure handle on temperature valve aligns with mark on the cartridge (see#11 on installation instructions) •Water temperature is either hot to cold.Will not maintain temperatures.Will not mix. Hot and cold water inlet are reversed. •Flow rate reduced or fluctuating at the tub spout. One way check valves at the hot and cold water inlet are blocked or restricted. •Flow rate reduced or fluctuating at the hand shower. Check the two one way check valves in the hose and hand shower for blockage or restriction. www.huntingtonbrass.com H U NTI NGTON SPECIFICATION / BREAK DOWN S7424801 Thermostatic Roman Tub Filler With Shower Description •Thermostatic Roman Tub Filler with Shower •Two way diverter with stop •Brass tub spout Single setting handshower with pause function •2.0 GPM @ 60 PSI handshower •59"Metal shower hose •Adjustable height shower with rain shower head Standards •Complies with IAPMO UPC1cUPC •ASME Al 12.18.1 •Complies with B125.1 -ADA Accessibility Guidelines for 57424801 f Buildings and Facilities-4.27.4 ®• Controls and Mechanisms •ASSE 1016 Certified and listed Colors / Finishes S7424801 -Chrome ✓ 31 S xr L •f '"'e y //R S ..._'"0.0 T` \ BREAK DOWN Drawing t $ a NO. No. art Deso Qty F. r CTHB0373 PUSH-BUTTON s 2 CTBT0099 SPRING 1 �` -• s� '_r d 3 CTDB0614 HANDLE BODY 4 CTST0117 SCREW 2 i `5 ,.,r•��, CTCP0072 CAP 2 ` CT860035 PIN 1 1 a; � � ✓"• "t 7 1 CTCB0938 COVER 2 F CTRR0247 O-RING 2 � CTNBC416 NUT 2 CTWR0384 WASHER 2 CTWR0350 WASHER 2 '� 5 .4; 3 2 1 6 r 12 CTWT0107 PLATE 2 l" t 13 CTNB0415 NUT 2 � S + �� x F? •• 14 CTST0308 SCREW 4F .t k �.v It �. €u ' - 15 CTCP0561 STOP-RING 1 L �Ik r /-6� 0,, 16 CTCB0937 LOCK SLEEVE 2ay'f _� X71 4 17 CTST0050 SCREW 8 CTMB0879 ADAPTER =<< r1' 7 `.�, jai „i ,i,-,•„ $ ® rJ 19 CTKT0073 LOCATING RING"" 1 u /� 20 ATBA0370 CARTRIDGE 1 6 21 CTY50765 BODV 1 ® -� CvJ 7 22 ATBA0373 CHECKSTOP 2 9 23 ATBA4027 RESTRICTOR 1 24 ATBAD203 CHECKSTOP 1 10 9 ® 4$ 25 ATBE0303 SHOWER 1 11 26 ATBP8019 SHOWER TUBE SET 1 27 1 ATBED201 ISHOWER 1 I1 8 ATBA0212 ICHECKSTOP 1 29 ATBP0056 r).qF: 1 1 3 b ' 30 CTRROO45 O-RING 1 1 - 31 CONNECTOR 1 32 CTFLANGE 1 4 /� �I 33 CTWRO11 `5 WR0114 WASHER 1 34 CTWr0093 PLATE 1 n 3 35 CTB0U 1 16 36 CTD061HANDLE BODY 1 37 CTSTST0135 136 SCREW 1 17 1 4 O .38 CTH50187 HANDLE 1 3 CTST0309 SCR 1 $ $ ADAPTE CTMB0880 R 1 g 2 56 41 ATBA0239 DIVERTER 1 2 CTYB0766 BODY 1 0 O 7 3 CTOP0023 COVER 2 1 CTFB0275 SPOUT 1 8 5 CTWR0018 WA HER 1 �� 46 1 CTQP0030 AERATOR 1 47 CTXB0021 I AERATOR COVER I 1 1 8 CTSTO153 1 SCREW 1 0 e 49 CTRR0108 O-RING 1 50 CTRR0137 O-RING 1 2 61 CTDBO131 BASE 1 3 52 CTWR0146 WASHER 1 4 53 CTPBO649 SHANK 1 8a a 54 CTWRO115 WASHER 1 8 5 55 CTWT0038 PLATE 1 5 CTNB0156 N 1 $ 57CT P0073 V 58 ATBP0313 HOS 1 9 59 1 ATBPO516 HOSE 4 335 [13.20"] 200 [7.88"] syr 901-1363 r 3 [35.48 a 744&, j '� 766-1228 nk z [29 30'] [30.2-48.34"] Adjustable Height ' r -'60-305 12'] Cut to length 055 126 [7.01"] • [2.,59 .� • �--~r -. 0e4 050 p [4.95"] [2.509. a R a 02B 76 13 [5345BB'1.T! [t.t'-,.28� [3.00"] [o.5+9 b b x c 154 [6.05"] Boo [23.5[ 3/4-14NPSM-2B 3/4-14NPSM-2B Inches marked in parentheses[ ] Item Number Type Date 57424801 Thermostatic Roman Tub Filler 12/29/2017