HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information CERTIFIEDei www.ahridirectory.org ) Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number:201511506 Date:02-17-2020 Model Status:Discontinued Old AHRI Reference Number:10341503 EFES EIVED AHRI Type:RCU-A-CB 4 �u%� I Series:GSX14 I Outdoor Unit Brand Name:GOODMAN nty, Permitting I' Outdoor Unit Model Number (Condenser or Single Package):GSX140301 L' Indoor Unit Model Number(Evaporator and/or Air Handler):ASPT35B14A' Region: Southeast and North(AL,AR,DC,DE,FL,GA,HI,KY,LA,MD,MS,NC,OK,SC,TN,TX,VA,AK,CO,CT,ID,IL, IA,IN,KS,MA,ME,MI,MN,MO,MT,ND,NE,NH,NJ,NY,OH,OR,PA,RI,SD,UT,VT,WA,WV,WI,WY,U.S. Territories) Region Note: Central air conditioners manufactured prior to January 1,2015 are eligible to be installed in all regions until June 30,2016.Beginning July 1,2016 central air conditioners can only be installed in region(s)for "��which they meefthe regional`efficiency requirement. -------___. __��_..�`\ .a The manufacturer of this,G00DMAN;product-is responsible-for the rating of this system combination. 1 Li 1 . Rated'as follows:in.accordance•with the latest-edition-of AHRI 210/240 with 1Addendumn,1 jPerformance-Rating oflUnitaryl Air-Conditioning ! �. ! Ir— . I Ir &Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment and subject to rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored,independent;third party testing Cooling Capacity(A2)-Single or High Stage(95F),btuh:28000 Lft t i e a c.1. 4 CG �.p�U �r I Ij I I I�?j l ;i(j!,l ((1 is SEER 14.00 " •_1 EER(A2)-,Single or High Stage(95F) :12.00 FILE COPY tModels with"Discontinued"Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant no longer produces AND is no longer selling or offering for sale. Ratings that are accompanied by WAS indicate an involuntary re-rate. The new Dublished rating is shown along with the previous(i.e.WAS)rating. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s)listed on this Certificate and makes no representations,warranties or guarantees as to,and assumes no responsibility for, the product(s)listed on this Certificate.AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s),or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate.Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed in the directory at www.ahridirectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and Its contents are proprietary products of AHRI.This Certificate shall only be used for individual,personal and confidential reference purposes.The contents of this Certificate may not,In whole or In part,be reproduced;copied;disseminated; &WA entered Into a computer database;or otherwise utilized,In any form or manner or by any means,except for the user's individual, personal and confidential reference. AIR-CONDITIONING,HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION &REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.ahridirectory.org,click on"Verify Certificate"link we make He better- and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issued, which Is listed above,and the Certificate No.,which is listed at bottom right. ©2020Air-Conditioning,Heating,and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 132264356226187298 � 3 ENGINEERING Technical Evaluation Report �•: . EXPRESSO DIVISION:23 Os 00-COMMISSIONING OF HVAC ++� EXA.::.s,r.lEnatnemtnp 6pnu Pwdaa evatuaUAn AopaA THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS(S)PAGES.THE FIRST'PAGE MUST BEAR AN ' 160 51'11 i:'.Tt;r�1t St1t7E 106,DBERFIEta BEACis,FL33442 gRIGiNAL SIGNATURE&SEAL OF THE CERTIFYING PE TO BE VALID FOR USE (954)354-D6150 I ENGINEERINGE.XTRESS-COLI (Issued Februaty 1,201E Subject to RenewAtod i,-2ig) (or next code cycle change) F _ •f e •�►s TER-16-3'146.4 REPORT HOLDER: Florida Building CodeSbdh Edition(2017) GOODMAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY,L.P. µ 5151 SAN FELIPE STREET a c e e t• »t_ i HOUSTON,TX 77056,USA 1 877-2544729 j GOODMANMFG.COM r I SCOPE OF EVALUATION(compliance with the following codes): � = Iw THiS IS A STRUCTURAL (WIND) PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ' = ONLY. NO ELECTRICAL OR TEMPERATURE PERFORMANCE ` RATINGS OR CERTIFICATIONS ARE OFFERED OR IMPLIED HEREIN. This Product Evaluation Report is being Issued in accordance%vith the �•'" requirements of the Florida Building Code Sixth Edition (2017) per NOTE;GRAPHICAL DEPICTIONS INTHiS REPORTARE FOR FBG Section 104-11.1.FMC 301.15,FBC Building Cls.16.ASCE 710. ((,Lusm--hve PURPOSES ONLYAND MAY DIFFER IN APPEARANCE FBC Existing Building sections 707.1,707.2,FBC Building 15222,and UNIT CASING MATERIAL: FBC Residential 111202.1, 11x1301.11, FS 471A25, including Brrnrard 26ga galvanized sheet steel ASTM A653 CS cold rolled steels for side County Administrative Provisions 107.3.4. The product noted on this covers,229a galvanized sheet steel ASTM A653 cold railed steel for report has been tested and/or evaluated as summarized herein, bottom base pan.209a galvanized sheet steel ASTM A653 cold rolled IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE CODES EACH OF THESE steel for top panel.Removable top&side covers segued with M042 REPORTS MUST BEAR THE ORIGINAL SIGNATURE&RAISED sheet metal screws. SEAL or-THE EVALUATING ENGity INEER. Knockouts provided for U &control connections. SUBSTANTIATING DATA: INSTALLATION: Product Evaluation Documents Shall fallow manufacturer specifications as well as the information Substanfsaling documentation has been submitted to provide this TER provided herein. and is summarized in the sections below. Structural Englnesring-Catculations STRUCTURAL PERFORMANCE. Structural engineering calculations have been prepared which evaluate Models referenced herein are subject to the following design mations: the product based on comparative andior rational analysis to qualify the ASCE-710 Exposure Categories C&D following design criteria: Up to and including 175mph(Vuit)for up to See Page 2 MRH".HVI-M— Up to and including 17Umph(Vuil)for up to See Page 2 MRH%HVHr— o Maximum allowable unit panel wind pressure connection Up t0200mph(VbIQ1brup to 56MRH".Non-HVHr"EXP C integrity Ground or Roof Application per installation instructions Q Maximum allowable uplft,sliding.&overturning moment "Mean Roof Helght—High Velocity Hurricane Zone for ground and roof applications Maximum Rated Wind Pr@SSUr@� Calculation summary is included in this TER and appears below. NOTE:No 33%increase in allowable stress has been used In the9p5�L8t2CS1 9SpSf Uplift(Asa) design of this producL Microsoft Excel was used to cany.out the 11 calculations present in this report Site sPeac n rated wianalvils nd is not exceeded.ralternate rmitatimns provided TnaftuTheINSproLATroNt The product{s}!listed above shad be installed in strict compfsance.v'stis this ORIGINAL SIGNATURF AND RAISED SEAL TER&manufacturer-provided model specsTicalions. OR DIGITAL SEAL REQUIRE TO BE VALID PER CODE: , The product components strait be of the material specified in the manufacturer-provided product specifications. Al screws must be installed in accordance valh the applicable provisions & anchor manufacturer's published installation instructions. Febru 2018 LIMITATIONS&CONDITIONS OF USI:: Frank L Bennardo RE.,s�)J Iff'Signed by if Checked: ' Use of this product shall be in Strict accordance with this TER as noted ENGtNEER(NG E7tPRESSv' herein, See final page for complete limitations and conditions of use Gordon DtBattfsto,PE FL PE#0046549 FLCA#9685 FL PE#82328 OPTIONS: NQTter�rF7HisyAGEn6F5rtDTenrtrnn.euoAroiar 5tcnatuAr&Enroa>rtras This evaluation is valid for all GOODMAN models present in the table IF'niERErSAM;WAt8GNA7UpE0NPAaE2,? 00CUMVat5pAAraFA016nMy located on the final page. SiGNWn1E,SHAtt.REMAIN IN DIGIrALFOAMV&PR1 MC OPISS OFIHIS OOEUMENr ARrNOT cDN510FiMSIWNo ANpnum rF1HEAE6No016RAts=A'nIRE oNPAGE FINISH: 3.ORTMPAGEDOESNDTCogrA1o,AVENGINE 1MOAIGINALSIGNATORE&SEM.THIS Baked enamel. DOCUMEN115AQiPY10RAFT. `••t–- " Z:apyrE4ht820rae�g rFtankLaennRdoA> t�,ARRigLts,R The FSG 17 dd1h=APPROVED SOURCE(SecUM=aC An Wep MeM PVn.rum ar t app and hY the II&ft pt6d3t.tArte U tolllpatenl and eaweaud N ptB apyti rm9Gr Or p�Snd$es to me"bis.mndsaas WsyrtmS amtyvest E�AWID2 MWeM PIorees M913 poet rhe mfipeta q M40as—is dented in e&Fie and con seal anitr,Vtk �n9 �� cagatled in canaudlnp and proKatag e�eeHn9 fl4atualiotnoletngtedanen!gad tuna�ep�dtdnp eyclean►asls ecpress9ts tegaha Scanned by CamScanner f ' Engineering Express' j TER-16-3146.4 SECTION 2 PRODUCT INSTALLATION Condoner Unit �r _ TIE-DOWN CLIP (GROUND APPLICATION) TIE-DOWN CUP ASTM A653 G80 galvanized cold (GROUND AND ROOF APPUCATtoN) Tie-down clips.See Raaf or ground tables below for rolled steel 0.07:r thick forall structure substrate cabinets tied down at ground NamiTech CUTD 1'w1de and any specifications (Goodman Bracket);fasten cabinet length ASTMA553 galvanized steel (concrete,steel,see schedule below) using(2)anchors per clip from D-07"thick for all cabinets tied down to a Anchor to Host Structure Schedule roof structure,fasten clip to structure TIE-DOWN STRAP E CLIP SCHEDULE Table. Clip integrates into base using anchorfrom AnchorSchedule to pan slot. Host Structure Table and(2)#10 x 318 SS 410 self-drilling screw to fasten clip ROOT Roof Tie-down strap Tie-down to unit base pan.See-rite-down Strap a Cabinet Height' Height' Straps Wti driips per CUP ScheduleTableforcpamount.For Exp C Grp D fibs) Side ground application use 8e-down clip schedule corresponding to 60'height Ground Ground D NA 3 Al 6fl'(8Q9 25'(35') 2 NA i Tie-down Strap 8_Clip Tvoe;(for roof applications) 120 iisa'1 60 859 2 — 1 Worldrig Load Umrt(WLL)is strap's manufactun:r-specr'Sed perstrap_A 20tT(25T)115' 15U) 2 4W 1 miidmum strap width of 1"(s required for all cabinets. Ground Ground 0 NA - 1 Clips heightsshall be adequate to fit SMS within base pan height Verity height 82,BZ 64 IBM 25'11359 2 400 1 on site. 120'(150) 6W(851- 2 400 2 Clips should be placed at centeron each Side and equally spaced. 2WW(2509 1W(1W)j 2 400 2 Cross mernbershall be added and foxed to roof stand.see details in page 3. Ground Ground 0 NA 1 Ct,C2,C3, 6U(60) 25'(359 2 -400 2 Cq,Cs 22xr(15096G 859as9 2 sore 2 21V(2501125(150') z I 60o z Ground Ground 0 I NA 1 The value shaven in parentheses indicates the D1,D2,D3, 60' WI 25'(359 2 MEIJ alto=bie roof height in 170mph conditions, i.e.GO! D4,03,D6 120'1150'} 60'1851 2 (809 indicates an allowable roof height of 60' for 2Wfl'(250')115't1501 2 175mph or 80'for 170mph VuiL ANCHOR TO HOST STRUCTURE SCHEDULE AnchorTvpe Roof Roof = Cabinet Height*Fxp HetghN Concrete 118"thin Min Note:IVer11ca1 StiaV not j 60st-T6 1. Ti-down straps shalt be wrapped arowd unit and roof stand rail,and shall i C ExpD 3AMPA A365teet Alum be tightened using the buckle.Provide two straps peruniL 2. Stcap material shall be either Wait strength webbing and shall be compiiant N= Mff) Ground A NIA N/A for exterior grade use If they contain plastic components,per FOC chapter N A B 28.Or 1'wide 2298 ASTM A653 steel strap secured with(2)#T4 SS sms A2B N A B B to the bottom of the stand raiL 115 o N B B 3- per200MPHNon-HVH2,use(2)metalstraps,up to56'MRH Exposure C. (around A N A N A112,B2N A B B AnchorTvpestoHOsts6fl'85 N B B 25o NIA B I B A--114"ELCO ULTRACONSS4Anchor embedded 3"In3,000psi ? Ground GroundgAN A N Aconcrete,2112"from edge minimum.Cl,4, C3; b0' 1 8 B 8.-114"20 UNC SAE Grade 5 screw m1n.112"from edges with nut and Oqca 2 B B washer OD 0.75"200' 250' B BundN A N A NA.-No anchors apply. Dl,Dz Ds, fi0` 1 D4,05,D6 W B B 200' 730 B S IN ALL CONOM0149 IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMIT HOLDER TO ENSURE THE HOST STRUCTURE IS CAPABt-E OF WITH"AND{NG THE RATED GRAVITY,LATERAL,AND UPLIFT'FORCES BY SITE-SPECIFIC DESIGN..NOWARRANTY OF ANY RIND,EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,IS OFFERED BV ENGINEERING EXPRESS AS TO THE INTEGRITY OFTHE HOST STRUCTURE70 CARRY DESIGN FORCE LOADS INCURRED 13Y THIS UNIT_ ENGINEERING EXPRESSO 160 SW 127"AVE.SUITE 106 DEEMELD BEACH,FL33442 (954)354-0660 EMMEEnrNGEXPRESS.CpM FirmiC ewVft 0 fft-eering azeSV :j pE 1n¢All RtgWSNeSftyw Scanned by CamScanner STRAP AND CLIP LAYOUT STRAPSSEVISMrai -PICAL-CCLIP SEEAJCHORTO HOST STRAP&CUP SCHEDULE -01MGUR,471W STRUCTURESCHEDULE ]RSEEOETARA Sf 14MITECHCUTDSEE RR�SS�ESiE�041Y,V STRAP 8 CUPSCHEDULE TItrDDIN STRAP&CUP i M.MitTECH CUTO SCHEDULE SEETTEDOWN SECUREMEfALMAPTO \ STRAP&CUP SCH@ULE ' STAVDVH(2} 1LSSS!!S f0MSER 6I1-TSALLWANNUM I c ! A4GLErX3'1tE1' RODFSTANO RAR PER SEPARATE .. ROOF STAND RAR ETiGItiE6ilNt3 mR SEPARATE —J L I ENGIHr'S21NG I { STRAP ANO CLIP LAYOUT STRAP AND CUP LAYOUT Sx�rres a/ri9i sms I M BEw+G ntisv f CROSSMWER UNIT 6661 T6AI.UrdMDM ROOFSTANO`RAiI ANGLErX3'1r6- - PERSEPARATE UNiT ENmNEER60G - 771- ( SIEEL410 SHEET' '-14 SMINLESS -T O ` ~`` UNIT - ° htETAtSCREiN Mjz PER SEPARATE ROOFSTANDFUUL ROOF STAND RAIL - ENGINEERING PER SWMATE ENGwEEf3G A 1 AIllD 2 CUP_WNaGUBLn-0M • SCREWS AT CROSS MEMBER -- sar~ttcs o=aat26t SCttEt7SS, pg/p{,NEiV itMITEJTEWCUI SEE: BASEPAN 1L CUP SCHEDULE © (2?=20 x R t*7 c— 55410 SMS BFSEPAN C�� rS54i0Vlf UMT j,.--M�taxs€'SsaTaSPAS � WASHERaNUT -i4 r s E ZC�7 SS 410 SMS t�%&ER s vT MOS Maw Nu?-5 a- rL ANGLETX71i CROSSM&ABER 6086 TEALUMMM �--- ANGLE3'X 3'1r5 ENGNEMNG c oOSSst EMSE-R FRONT VIEW n CROSS MEMBER SIDE VAI EW ci+iae* Tz Note:rnsla emamstensurethatscrewsusedtoiastenft6e�dovme6psxslhthe ungban pan donottouchthecogPrevenUnganydamage. ENGINEERING EXPRW 160 SW 1V AVE SUTTE 106 OEERRSD BEACH,FL33442 Page 3 954 354-0660 ENGINEERINSEXPRESS.COM kLqW13- dQ t-6-AuthlsR ' ! FrankLBentratdpPE,Rio.AURlghtsReservod Scanned by CamScannex SECTION 4 SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS a SUMMARY FORCES SUMMARY outside Dimensions weight Roof Roof lateral Uplift Max Max Max Uplift Cabinet Range Height* Height* Possure Pressure FOM Ovedlun Tension Force D(in) W(fol HIM) fibs) Exp C Expl) (PsQ IPsO (lbs) Pbs4q) jibs) jibs) 23.0 23.0* 253 Ground Ground 43.0 04 2765 22681 985 00 Al 230 23.0 253 102 601801 W1351 92S 73A 3800 1 79702 3465 1 2685 --23.0- 230 25.7 120'(150') 60'(851 1065 842 437.2 91663 3995 3086 23.0 230 25.7 1204'(250')115'(250') 1283 93A 485.5 101853 442.9 343.1 26.0 26.0 325 Ground Ground 430 0.0 2523 420113 1573 OA 811112 26.0 26.0 37.S 103431 SW 1801 25'135'1 KS 734 5432 13287.0 SUA 343.2 0=( 26.0 26.0 325 120' 150 7 ELM loss 84.0 624.9 152$1.7 587.9 3943 26.0 2611 325 200'(230)UW I1S0) 1283 93A 694.2 16990.6 653.2 4395 290 2" 400 Ground Ground 430 0.0 346A 6927.8 2389 -0.0 r-1,CZ,C3, 29.0 290 40.0 60'1801 25'1351 925 73.1 745.7 211024 727-7 426.8 Q,CS 290 29.0 400 142184 imm 60'CRT) 2015 sq.* 857.9 24271.8 837.0 490.6 290 29.0 40.0 200'(250')12Y(150') 218.3 93A 953.0 269083 9304 545S ass ass 41.8 Ground Ground 430 0.0-- 442.6 92382 2602 0.0 02,DZ D3, 35.5 ass 42.8 206306 60,tBoi 25'13511 92.6 1 73.2 952.8 1312413 880.0 6395 04,DS,DS ass 35S 42.8 120'(2501 rair IM 1 105.5 1 840 20962 1 35931.I 2012.1 1 739.1 ass 335 418 206(25o*I!115'(1507j 2183 1 93.4 1 1217.6 1399MA 1124.7 8178 Note: Calculations performed acconfing to the inforinaffon provided by the client. PANEL INTEGRITY SUMMARY Roof* Roof* Horizontal Roof* Roof* Horizontal Cabinet Height Height Strapping Chassis Height Height StraPPI119 Exp C am D Re aired - Sm c Up D Reg uired RV(801 25'135') No w[sly) No Al 320'(=I 60'185') No 31 320'(1501 60'(85'j No 200'1250')I115(350')l No 200'00'3 J115'(150') T No 60'(80 25'0'3 N0 W(80') 2S(W) No 82 120'(151T) No C1 120'(150') 60'(85') No 2W(2501 115'(150'} No 200'(2W) US(2W) No 60'W 25'(351) No W(W) 25'(35') No CZ 120'(25011 W(8W) No c3 120'.5501 60'(851 No 200'(2501 129(250') No 200`(250')115'(150') No 0 W) 25'(35i No 60'(SDI 29(39) No C4 120(1501 60'(851 No CS 120'(W) w(w) No 20(P(250')US(250') No --2w(2w) us t2') No W(SDI 25'(35') No 60(W) 2V5' 1) 1 No D1 120'(150`} 6V(ST) No 02 12C1250') 60'(85'} No 200'(250') 12Y(150!) No 200'{250'},135'(10) No 60'(ST) 25'(35') No _N'(W) 25'(3!n No D3 120'(1.587 W(851 No 04 124' 60'(851 No 700'(250")175'uso ji- No 200'(250) nV(j5V) No RY(SM 251(3V) No 60'CRU) 251(aW) I No M DS 120'(2507 W(85') I NO j D5 aw-(150') 60(851 L No 1200`(250')j225'(3507j No j 1200(250')115't1509l No Ewwwim Expims's 160 SW 12""AvE.surrE 106 DEEFIRELD BEACH.FL 33442 Page 4 (954)354-0660 EmisINEsINGEXpRM.Com Cop*M02Ql6EtignawiAqftTeSSG I Aq FURIft Resented Scanned by CamScanner -N Goodman WID H Goodman W I D H Good Model No. (Inj (in) Cabinet Model No. (in) Cabinet man W1 H can,) Model No. tin.) GSX130181 [ 23.00 25.751 GSX18D311A 29.00 35M C3 VSX14050i 35�60 3825 GSX130241 26.OD 27.60 81 GSX160371A 35.50 36M W .00 3638 GSX130,01 26.00 2V7.50 BI DSXC180361 35.50 38.25 03 ID Cabinet "n_, D2 r3sZ160`181 M2m9C5 Goodman VMod Model "a SX14050i 27-60 M16(lial 5 `50 GSZl6M4!1 35.50 34.63 GSX130361 26.00) 27.50 BI DSX0180481 35.50 3826 .50 03 GSZ160301 35M 34.63 6 - D2 GSX130421 29-00 36.25 C3 DSXCIBOS01 35M 38M 03 GSZ160361 35.50 4O.QQ 5 GSX130461 29.00 36.125 C3 GSZ140181 29.00 34.50 C, GSZ160421 -2900 36.38 ca GSX130601 29.00 40.00 C6 GSZ140241 29.00 34.60 C1 GSZ160481 ... -35-W 34.63 02 GSX130611 35.50 3825 D5 GSZ.1 01 29.00 3625_. C5_ GSZ160601 35.50 1 40-00 05 C*X1401S1 26.00 27.50 Bi GSZ140361 1 29.00 36.25 CS GSZO160241 35.60 34.63 D2 GSX140191 26.00 27.50 1 81 GSZ140421 35.50 1 39.75 06 G9ZC16036i 35,50 40.00 1 D6 GSX140241 26.00 27.50 81 GSZ140481 29.00 315,26 1 C5 GSZC1610461 36.50 34.63 1 D2 C,60, GSX140251 26.00 32.50 82 GSZ140491 35.50 34.50 02 35.50 40.00 Da GSX140301 29.00 32-50 C2 GSZ140601 35.50 34.50 D2 GSZC180241 35.50 40.00 05 GSX140311 29.01) 32.50 C2 VSZ140181 29.00 34.50 C1 1803'1 35.50 34.63 D3 GSZC 5 WX140361 29.00 32.50 C2 VSZ14024i 29.00 34.50 C1 0GSWZC18QW481 35.50 40.00 as 601 GSX1403711 29.00 32.50 C2 VSZ140301 29.OD 3825 CS GSZC180601 35.50 4D.O0 136 GS-.140421 29.00 36.26 C3 V=40361 29.00 315.25 CS DSZOISM41 29.00 3825 C4 GSK140431 29.00 36.25 C3 VSZ140421 35.50 39.75 05 DSZC160361 35,50 3825 D3 GSX140481 35.50 = 3625 DI VSZ140481 29.00 36.25 C5 0=160481 35.50 38.25 03 G-SX140601 35.50 31125 D5 VSZ140491 35.50 34.50.. D2 DSZC160601 35.50 382.5 D3 GSX16'18W 29-00 32-00 C2 VSZ14US01 35.50 34.50 D2 -C)SZC180361 35.50 3825 03 GSX16*241A7 29-XD0 37-00 Cz V-SX140181 26.00 27.54 81 DSZC180481 35.50 13826 03 GSX16-3()1A' 29.00 35j5 C3 VSX140191 26.00 27.60 Bi t)SZC1910601 35.50 13825 03 GSX16-361,A! 29-00 1 39-501 06 VSX140241 26R0 27.50 S1 G=14019 29.00 34.50 C1 C-SX16-421A- 5540 35.75 D1 VSX140251 26.00 27.50 81 GSZ14025 29.00 34.50 C1 0 JW GSX16481X 35.60 39.50 32M hpFk� 06 VSX140301 29.00 C1 GSZ14031 35.6D 34.63 D2 DSXC160241 29.00 3225 C2 VSX140311 29-00 3Z5O 01 GSZ14037 35.50 40.00 DSXC160361 29.00 3925 C2 VSX140361 29.00 32.50 C1 DSXCI60461 35-50 3625 DI VSX140371 29.00 3250 01 0=160601 35.5-0 38.25 03 VSX140421 29.00 36-25 C2 GSX16018i 29.00 3225 C2 VSX140431. 29.00 36.25 C2 GSX160241 29.0D J 32.25 02 VSX140481 35.50 3625 Rt GSX160301 29-,OD 36.25 C3 GSX160361 24.00 33.26 C6 w GSX160421 35.60 36.25 DI GSX160481 35.50 36.25 D3 GSX160601 35.50 38.25 05 GSX160611 35.50 3825 D5 GSXC160241 29.25 32.50 C2 GSXCIS0361 3515 36.50 01 Note:The model numbers an this page may GSXCI60481 35.75 37.00 03 be folowed by up to Uvo(2)alptianumetic - characters.Those characters will not affect the GSXCI6069i 35-T5 4225 D67 structural performance,since they referto GSXC180241 35.75 40-00 Da H mirforimalJor changes not related to the cabinet GSX0180361 36.75 40.00 S-- structure. 7 GSXCI8D4BI 35.r,51 42-25 CIS GeXal8o601 35.75 4225 06 UIAITAMC)NS&CONDITIONS OF USE: Kate.11119stration selected fordirrTensional purposes Use of this product shall be in strict accurchince,6414 11115TER as noted herein.The supporting hcststWdMsbi33 be designed to resist all superimposed toads as determined by others on a site specific basis as may be required by the Authority having iwisdictlan.Host stmohne,conditions which ere no,accounted for in This product's respective anchor schcdtile shelf be designed for 04 0 sits-sP11010 bads by a registered P101hIrst0val engineer.No"aluallon is offered for the host wipporting structure by use of This document; Adjustment facials noted herein and the applicable codes must be considered,Wism applicable. All supporting components which am Permanently Waited shall be plalecled against corrosion,conhimInagan,and other such damage at an Illom Fasteners must penetrate the supporting members such ftl the full length Of the Threaded peon Is embedded VAIN4 the 11121T,member.This evaluation does not offer any evaluallim to Mael large missile impact debris reqtfiremerils UNch typically are not reqt*ed for Uft type of product.AD at The vAnd MIMI?Gxleftrpmell.ITTAWLraymeal or exceed their capacity to ressf The design,64nd toads as stated in the calcTrIaliaps as rezpAred by the FBC. Due to the Indelorminale nalwL%01 lbesewfi%distortion and dencellon cannot be acmrBIPJY evacuated. but wh diaphragm action of a4ernst components and internal stiffeners.The base unit has The capacity lovnifishnid these forces with individual W011101 Pwts being contained. Yesay inspections.during equipment maintenance at after a named shmn.all scw.,s.cabinet components dips,anchor,bolls,shops and cables are to be verified by the AID contractor-ARdamaged eabmetcomponents,loose,cmtDftd.l:'Oyen-screNscr9mbOtbolls sbaUbereplaiedioensure structural integrftyfor huMcanewind lo.TM ENGINEERING ExPREW 260 SW 12"'AVE.SUITE 106 DEERREID BEACH,FL33442 Pa (954)354-0660 ENGIj4EaIN6EXpRESS.00M Cowlah102018&*Te - 5- -- FcankLeetmardo4 one DRighIsResemd Scanned by CamScanner