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St. Nichols Greek Church 41590
f ll1 ST.LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONE S 2300 VIRGINIA AVE FT. PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 ATTN: JESSE, BAXLEY, RECORDS MANAGEMENT PHONE: (772)462-6493 FAX: (772)462-649I� RECORDS RETRIEVAL REQUEST REQUESTED BY: DATE: f' DIVISION/DEPT: L PHONE: RECORDS REQUESTED: BIN/BOX # GS# DESCRIPTION ITEM# DATE(S) . ll T m • C' e 7c, r F: F, ,._DATA TRANSMITTED BY: PHONE: 0 FAX: MAIL/COURIER: 0 IN I PERSON: I. RECORD(S) RECEIVED BY: /7 r DATE: RECORD(S) RETURNED BY: f L l DATE: RECORDS) RECEIVED AT FACILITY BY: DATE: COMMENTS: 1) a ' °7o' RETURN SIGNED COPY WHEN RETURNING REQUESTING RECORDS �. � SLCC/y: 9/24/09 r Audrey Humphrey From: Danaidys Rodriguez <RodriguezD@kgplp.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2018 10:23 AM To: Permits Subject: RE: Permit Search - 2525 S. 25th Street, Fort Pierce, FL 34981 Hi A search of the property appraisers office shows it was quit claim deeded to The Fort Pierce Hellenic Association, Inc. in 2010. The structure was built in 1975. The parcel ID is 2420-141-0002-000-4. Thanks, Dee From Permits <Permits@st ucieco org> Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2018 10:04 AM To: Danaidys Rodriguez <RodriguezD@kgplp.com> Subject: RE: Permit Search - 2525 S. 25th Street, Fort Pierce, FL 34981 Hi, Was this building always a St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox church? The plans are very old and the only way to find them is by name as the computers Came into existence in 1990 with St. Lucie County. Kind regards, Audrey Humphrey St. Lucie County-BOCC Permitting Tech Ph: 772-462-2166 Fax: 772-462-1578 e-mail: humphreya stluc How are we doing? Debra Zampetti, Su From: Danaidys Rodriguez Sent: Tuesday, December To: Permits <Permits@stli Cc: Danaidys Rodriguez <R yourfeedbackto at zampettid(a)stlucieco.ora 2018 9:37 Subfftt: Permit Search - 2525 S. 25th Good Morning, it, Fort Pierce, FL 34981 Cr v,.�e �► We recently sent out a public records request for 2525 South 25th Street, Ft. Pierce, FL 34981 and were advisdd by your department that the property is located in Fort Pierce. The Fort pierce building department advised that the building was annexed into the Fort Pierce on December 15, 1986. As such, it is ,my understanding that Saint Lucie County would have any and all original building documents prior to 1986 for this property. Please provide the requested documents in our original request. If there is a fee please provide an invoice and an executed W-9 in order to process payment. Thank you, Dee .Please Note: Florid has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the pubic and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and / or copying. Your e- ail communications i will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error,. please notify the ser der by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. Property Card Page 1 of 1 Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser --All rights reserved: Property Identification Site Address: 2525 25th ST Parcel ID: 2420-141-0002-0004 Sec/Town/Range: 20/35S/40E Account #: 27574 Map ID: 24/20N Use Type: 7100 Zoning: R4 Jurisdiction: Fort Pierce Ownership St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Inc 2525 S 25th ST Fort Pierce, FL 34981 Legal Description 20 35 40 S I/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4-LESS E 40 FT AND LESS S 15 FT AND LESS FROM SE CDR OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 RUN N 15 FT AND W 40 FT TO POB, TH CO W TO W LI OF NE 114 OF SE I/4 OF NE 1/4, TH N 5 FT, TH ELY TO R/W LI S 25 ST, TH S 1 FT TOPOB- (4.41 AC) (OR 3252.371 THRU 73 ; 3252-377) Current Values Just/Market Value: $I, 0w Assessed Value: $601,t Exemptions: $L101,t Taxable Value: '.. Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Ofdce Download TRIM for this parcel Download PDF ,00 Total Areas $0 Finished/Under Air (SF): 17,439 Gross Area (SF): 19,051 Land Size (acres): 4.41 Land Size (SF): - 192,099.6 This information is believed to be correct at this time but it is subject to change and is not warranted. ® Copyright 2018 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. https:Hwwv7.paslc.org/RECard/ 12/4/2018 30567 .42 kgpl 03 1*57 p.m. 11-27-20111 1A Daneld7s Ro - Paralegal TwoDim Comer- Suite 2000 9130 S. Dadeland Blvd, Miami. Florida M56 Telephone 305470-3700 Fiscl 305.670.9592 Emalh padrizumtll� tatetn TELECOPY TRANSMITTAL FORM DATE 11/27118 Y-- m : Sa3n#Lucie County Building Department FAX NUMBER: 772-462-1578 FILE NUMBER: 18-4051 CASE NAME: Argyriou o ; Emine Del Nuila SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NUMBER OF PAGES TRANSMITTED (INCLUDING COVER)4 IF YOU HAVE ANY DIFFICULTY RECEIVING THIS TELECOPY, PLEASE CALL IMMEDIATELY AND ASK FOR EM1NE Vj5L AGUILA. ORIGINAL TO FOLLOW: , ,_ Via Mail _ Via Ovemight X Fax Only pro pe,.Y Y IS 113GP.At,0 .� T&2lxfnrnratiart rammttrd iu ibir tree `"' lr as rut "" and roajlr`al. Ii ir' only far llu rrre affhe indr`tddialar rn3iA� seared fxlorw If16r nmdm aftbft �trtagr it ant the inter.Ara`t#bfdru7, ymr err berrby that any dirremivaraaa, dirttlLubDn ar mray;cfrbi mmnumiranaa $abittly juabibilvl. Ifjett hme attt'�d tkir comtnaa+tattan is trrvi; plrarr nat� ur im `ly lry nlepbaur, alLK7, ana talu a rlx " atmar tow or fbr aLnv add rrr v a tht U.3: FmtalSmix IY/e mill m abmaa fa tag, T1-E}ca. BMANIT 0 WESTPALNIBEACH 3056700542 M 03:15:05 p,m. 11-27-2018 2A KLEIN GL(3SSER, PARK &. LOWE P.L. Novembar26, 2018 VIA FACS MILE Saint Lucie County Building Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 462-1578 Tvm Daaan Cww. - Suim 2000 Ma,'§mth Daddcnd SOukvard hV=t 1466da33150 Tdcphovc: 3016M.3700 Dirm! 786.219 2M I Pam 305.670.8592 A0ft ezDQu kV(pmm RE: Property Address: =5 South 25rh Street, Fort Pierce, FL 4981 Dates of inquiry: Inception - Present Our File No.- 184051 Dear Records Custodian: ?lease allow this letter to serve as our formal public records request for the following: Copies of any and all permits, inspections, approvals, building Construction documents, internal .memorandum, and notices from inception through present for the property located at 2525 South 251 Street, Fort Pierce, Florida 34981 including any and all environmental, building, fire, safety, state, and city code violations, complaints, citations, ad reports. Should you have any questions as to the be relevant or available, please contact th# or if any additional materials Please note that this is a time sensitive request and any efforts in expediting same would be greatly appreciated. Please forward copies ofall records by email to RodrimiezWo k¢nln.com or by U.S. Mail at the above address. We would also be happy to make arrangements for the materials to be produced in various formate, as may best suit your convenience. Please simply contact us. We agree to compensate you for the actual costs of duplication of any records we have requested, pursuant to the fee schedule established in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes; If the nature or volume of the public records requested necessitates extensive use of information technology resources or extensive clerical or supervisory assistance of personnel in your office, we agree to compensate you for those costs as well, subject to the fee _se a established in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. MIAhII 2 WESTPALUBEACH MV00542 kgp' 03:15:16 p,m. 11-27-2018 3,4 Saint Lucie County—Blulding Department November 26, 2018 Page 2 As you know, §119.07(1), Florida Statutes, provides that a person who has custody of a public record and who asserts that an exemption applies to a particular record or pan thereof shall delete or excise from the record only the portion of the record to which an exemption has been asserted and validly applies, the remainder of such records shall be provided for inspection and examination. This section further provides that if the person who has custody of a public record contends that the record or part thereof is exempt from inspection, he/she shall state the basis of the exemption which he/she contends is applicable to the records, including the statutory citation to an exemption created or afforded by statue. Additionally if requested by the person seeking Vt e right under this subsection to inspect, examine or copy the record, the holder of the record she state in txritiug and with particularity the reasons for the conclusion that the record is exempt. It is hereby requested that you state in writing both the statutory citation to any exemption whichyou claim applicable to any record and the specific reason for a conclusion that the requested record is exempt. If preparation of that statement identifying the basis for redaction or exemption of records may be cumbersome or time consuming, we would appreciate yourforwarding at leastthe redacted autopsy reports, investigative reports and any supplements without delay and follo,edng up regarding documented reasons for exemptions at your next reasonable ability. If a large volume orcomplicated duplication of photographs or other materials may cause delay, we would, likewise, appreciate the reports and supplements being forwarded, ahead. We are happy to address any of these or other matters that may assist in easing and streamlining your response to this request at any time, so please do not hesitate to contact us as you proceed. As you know, §I I9.07(1), Florida Statutes, prohibits the destruction of any requested records, including any which you claim are exempt, for a period of 30 days after the date on which you receive this written request. We would appreciate your preserving the materials and information beyond that time period, If extended preservation is not possible or otherwise problematic for you, please adAse. In any event, if a civil action is instituted to enforce the Public Records Law with respect to the requested records within the 30-day period, you may not dispose of the records except by court order after notice to all affected parties. Upon locating the requested documents, please contact us and advise as to the actualcost of duplication or any necessary research time and we will be happy to forward a check for the same. If you or any staff assisting you has any questions regarding this request or responses as you proceed, please do not hesitate to contact us. We lock forward to your replies and remain available to assist you as often as may be helpful to you. KLEIN GLASSER PARK & Lowe P.L. 4056700542 kgpl 03;15AI P.M. 11-"-2010 414 Saint Lurie County —Building Deparunent November 26, 2019 Page 3 Sincerely, /s/Damaidys Rodriguez Danaidys Rodriguez Paralegal to Brett A. Kaplan Im Danaidys Rodriguez From: Karen Murphy <kmurphy@city-ftpierce.com> Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 3:45 PM To: Danaidys Rodriguez Subject: Re: 2525 S. 25th Street - Research Request - City of Fort Pierce Building Dept. Good afternoon Ms. Rodriguez: In lookinE at your request, I noticed that the property was annexed into the City on December 15, 1986. You may want to include S!. Lucie County in your search efforts as we do not have the original building documents. I have plans beginning in 1989 a A would be happy to scan those for you if needed. Should you have any questions please let me know - have a great day! Karen Murphy I Executive Assistant I City of Fort Pierce Building Dep�kartment Phone::772.4, 7.3188 Fax: 772.467.3849100 North U.S. 1.,Fort Pierce 34950 Website Fecebookl Survey TARS IOURRUSC MY n F oDrP PIE "To provide community leadership, qualify public service, and a safe environment for all citizens, by an empowered team of employees motivated by pride in themselves a it their work." Tell us how we are doing! Customer Service is a Priority for the City of Fort Pierce. Please take a moment to complete our customer service survey by following this link: http://www.citvoffortr)ierce.com/FormCenter/Building-6/Building-Department-Customer-Service Fee-73 From: Karen Murphy/cfp To: rodriguezd@kgplp.wm Date: 11/26/2018 02:56 PM subject:2525 S. 25th Street- Research Request - City of Fort Pierce Building Dept. Good afternoon Ms. Rodriguez: !_L.--._ I am in receipt of your research request for the above address. The Building Department can provide you with some of the information you are seeking such as permit information, including permits, inspection reports, plans, and building violation information. The fee to begin the research request is $6.63, and any further charges will reflect my scanning time and media costs (disks, etc.). Since it seems the parameters are so broad, If you could specify what information may benefit you the most, perhaps I can save you time and money by honing in on what you specifically need. If you would like to complete an open/expired permit and building violation search for this address, the cost will be $25.00 per parcel. This search and the one above are two separate searches with separate charges. We accept checks made out to the City of Fort Pierce Building Department or cash in person. With regard to Fire information, I suggest you contact Kelly Machado at the St. Lucie County Fire Department at 621- 3400, and for Code violations you will need to contact the City's Code Department at 772.467-3000. Just a reminder for the the future, please direct all research requests to Linda Cox, City Clerk at cityclerk@city-ftpierce.com. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Kind regards, Karen Murphy I Executive Assistant I City of Fort Pierce Building Department Phone: 772.467.3188 Fax: 772.467.3849100 North U.S. 1 Fort Pierce 34M Website Facebookl 5urv-ev FORT PIE CE 'ro provide community leadeiship, qualitypublic service, and a safe environment for all citizens, by an empowered team of employees motivated by pride in themselves and their work.' Tell us how we are doing! Customer Service is a Priority for the City of Fort Pierce. Please take a moment to complete our customer service survey by following this link: http://www.citvoffortpierce.com/FormCenter/Building-6/Building-Department-Customer-Service- Fee-73 Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail and any associated materials from all devices. PA PLAN REVI)rW *AMC OF PROJECT: a,&C-,e eRrWODOX Ctlu.2cg? Z5Z5 So.'05'%ST. OWNERS .57-A/1cyocy-5 6R6&a e97WPox C41oReq CONTRACTORS 'elculmo W JAy/5 OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: .. e4 55 ff 6�",4.6c A5Y Yya .57714E TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: / HEIGHT AND ARZAs be-," Shoo OCCUPANCY REOVIRENENTS PER CHAPTER IVs Iles 3G Z Ad of Zs37'� CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS: (A) FIRE PROTECTION: (9) EGRESS REOUIREMENTSsPk- OTHER REOUIREMZMTSe (A) ELEVATORS: Ali} (B) SPRINKLERS & STANDPIPES: A//4 (C) COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS - INTERIOR:Ae (D) ROOF COVERINGS: &0- {E) LIGHT - VENTILATION - SANITATION: lMe (F) HANDICAP REOUIREMENTS: Gt/X s - 91" 0 ST. LUCIE COUNTY- FORT PIERCE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA TELEPHONE 465-6655 PLAN NUMBER 1404 DATE RECEIVED_9-26-86 CONTRACTOR: Richard K. Davis PHONE NUMBER: ARCHITECT: Nathan A. Carras _ PHONE NUMBER: OWNER: St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church LOCATION: TYPE OF OCCUPANCY: Assembly (Class B) TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: SIZE OF BUILDING: _5.600 sq. ft. NUMBER OF FLOORS: ;I REQUIREMENTS: TO COUNTY BUILDING OFFICIALS _1, Occupant load for pew seating on first floor only calculated on 504 Linear feet at 18°_per_ person comes to 336 NFPA 1nl 8-1.7.1 (c)_ 2. Mechanical rim wa It Shall he one (1) hnur fira ratad with Salf r1oLLYLg._3[4J Qur���—_..___ 11• •• iWWWOUNIMM =a ammusimme. . •im •- CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU ON ALL INSPECTIONS- UR NOTICE REQUIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS �ST. LUCIE COUNTY PEAPPLICATION PERMIT NO. __ --_ ( CODE # ) SEWAGE PERMIT NO. 1 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT __ 6t. 44A-9- JOB LOCATION/ADDRESS: 2525 South 25th Street / P 33 Vh2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 20-35-40 S 1101 of F '1101 of S 112 of N F 1/4 of C F. 1/4 of N.E. 1/4 Less E. 40'-- N 220' of E 3301 of S 112 of N.E. 1/4 of S.E. 1/4 of N.E. 1/4 Less E 40' ROAD IMPACT: DISTRICT S/D LOT BLOCK UNIT ZONE FEE MAP # FLOOD ZONE SEC --- TWP — ELEV RGE -- TAX ID # 2420-141-0004-000/8 #2420-141-0003-000/1 ZONE GMPP LOT SIZE/DIMENSIONS 312,661 X 620,98, _ EST COST 5nn,000.00 SET BACKS: FRONT 100' REAR 414 ± SIDE _ 601 SIDE 185' _ SQ FT BUILDING: LIVING AREA 5& O O th — ACCESSORY ARCHITECT: NAME Nathan A. Carras AIA PHONE—1-219-931-5909 ADDRESS 649 Cherry Street CITY Hammond ST Tnd. ZIP 46124 CONTRACTOR: STATE REG./CERT # CGCO10961 _ COUNTY CERT # X NAME Richard K. DAvisADDRESS p-0- Box 1A6 CITY Fort Pierce STATE FL ZIP 33454 PHONE 461-8339 OWNER OF NAME St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church PROPERTY: ADDRESS 2525 South 25th Street PHONE 461-7194 CITY Fort Pierce STATE Florida ZIP 134A2 STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared �t �4R!� /�' AU)i who upon being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information contained in the foregoing application is true and correct. Applicant Sworn !o and subscribed before me this '1ST/ day of i Notary Public, State of Florida at Large My Commission expires:. SCHOOL IMPACT FEES Required E] Yes jfNo Amt. Pd Date Pd Posted q i I Al .x r` Ai e ,A� d i. c IIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIifIIfINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIifIINIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIfIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIifIIIIIlT, IliIIIIIIIlIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIlIIifIIIfIr IIIITIIINlifIfIINIIIIIIIIIIIIINilIIINIliIIITlIfIIIITIIfIIIIIIIIIifITIIIlIIIIIIIIITIIIIIiIIIIIINIIIIIINIIIIII11 lei. 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If m, - ; .01 vo ` T , , % Z-4te i 11", 1 l IN A y Nq,fFAt i I a oxx Flo a N y A G1 f, is - j I ' I� 1, 4 iftgftI -11 &1 - - tI� Y Q-A, -fU y-', 91 IG . i", "Prwly t; AN Iy l, If � I , ''Ill I I 'I l, , , Nil I,, I '-I "I ' N A IQ- I I & I,, If .4 ny I- N I I , 0'! - , - ,1 4 1, 41N, ""'t"Nilt, , '. I , , I Ao I I,I, -M V F' fP - fil, A 'll"NIA"t I'IM. No - - � " , I " I I'll I ` " I "I I iI 41 , , -",I"' 'I `mIt _;,I , I I I I II I I, " N1 %4, W t0f," Y I I , , w J -1 PIT In IV Il" `,�_ "'If 110 hu -1 t - - , I AV,- " gO,ii I A "y's- 5% .". , I " I I I , - "o, 14 to mom! , A M -I 1 -11, "1 o"', I MIN", Afi,opylm��iowl f, I Avy QI-,% iwv Q N S in, I � 1 & 4 1 a nos "P -in I mox I ," f , 1, 1, - � 0 1 v Im get 1 11 1 "kI W�, et, 41% 0 li I' ei %M,105-vi AN I 1 11 1., 1 150WA tilt. , N � -ANNNIAWI, 1 4 "y A, A� M, Noy-, "I II -wo- jNA '115 A 1 A", -Y'O, _', Piti,, N_ jN4O fj ne oil Who 1 0, QV, P, 'ItIo, ,, - , , I A "f, WASM N, A, '0- l,� A A - TI-S, ito AN I I )l, " I A,A -IlO , of . , Ii 1 0 so loij, 71 qn., _fft I, o' of AoI 1 1, � 1, - I, Is ", MQ4 P 7 1 A IQ 111- P AII ISTS I! " 1 , ; io, yi�e000qp Y is I I 'M' , I ", N, I, NA ME, I , P y J. GA MIS 1 if; W A, , 1 , , , I fill 1 "Itit G I I "A 1,0n, "PMqiAWWj I , I � I � I - � x, . I iA, NI 9, vMy""PoI Nil J 1". - _ '' , - , oI At' I,tt ol W , I, - , - y 'Il ALt Ml,_ Ali siy L,,I �,,i 1 01 -N.,_ Mi- A, IFp Q, I T A I 1 -11 -DW ININ �AoII o'- - , I -,I, - I -It"' on it l, "A IN, A- zg elit;fIty". A yff Z. 3AIJO, ""YOWNIA0 �tm'� I All 4GI QNIQI 01` 0-00 owl 4 5 _Q� P,, I may IR NAFAN:fIl', yi:l� yl 'l,QIt " A I"I" , N, 0 I'll Af, 5M, A, JZ - I'VII, I I, � y 1 4%, ,M:N.l-% 11 A, - -11 - , P i A�I-AIJ 1 mqA I '" , , l l-KA "ZIN-iii ' In _I It, Nf,y._V I l ;-V, Vy elik: At TAN, A, VNI-, y, t"If It �lio fill SIN"11 4 MAP a" ZITO _A0 sw W I, ..V A, tA 'R In N, if,' o' A fl�'lo lit. ',A Qwr or "Its II I, I polj,�, 4 y", rt I I l" I I 'Ayf 11 V I- , n a - o 3 A f, - ei:�t;" 'IWK, l I 'I' 'I, je � y TAII'll I,-, -tirs t 11 ZA "'I" IN I N 'Itfify I, to _4 Z j- a- j- W, go grow, P -,i-f SIR 5A fpjV,IlI:Q; IQ, ty, 14 11 0 "I-Mamp y - I G1,1111,F "I j"J" I� 1k, kNo "Int V 2 111 'N" I IN f IN 19W - W"S PM A N" Wyk 11 -0- A oQfjA,,f try �,I lyr, INI A- " V - a "I'l I :'y A y,_A1 t-1" - 61to "A",ty""i Fit aA N_ I, oy Nmeol-l", :1 'V I -IQ o I, I l, W P s" Nil . . I ...... I , \ ft� n if 'At A Who AI , I - ifi )WAS t- VN, QX40,7I III �lkf, I !I All 'I *.-Mav� in IN, -A, '111 J, -I NIJI, IQr-Vi NV -A, Af 1poyl Eel F � 4l. ,i I � , %, It, AvN, 1, 4 IN IA n Qr f, II "Ift"I'll I I t ,Vt� Ali "I Not%& 1 my IIIAT. If, ANN ,�e , , Q 1, f",tf,,A 11,11NAA4 , y"I'vi lit fit I I, !I T11 A Ay. yfrit,,� VIA "I mg OIL ME I I Ilk 'e P MAN= I, ef§ AW". Ift-, �,t Ion A i,�liwrs I A 11 1, Is. I Gl fl, AI :A It A %'� ,, I . li It; ow Qii It-, VIM I I "A I "I M Igh on Ift. _"�Vlv- r- -V ml V ,4N10dyf -os� a 4ag IN A MUSI 1,0,7000, IQ, it W."WPIND N' A qq on, IT w, 4l Itka ... . ... eVl� I , I. oril "Al Pry VIl,�h-w" waI'17 _,Q, -y"glAmy, -N A4 AN I'll I fity, -to. I I IT,4 Nmt;� - , " owl, AT, PNqI 11 1,— 1 "W" _11401- A P-41 If QQI Ilyoi __,AYr ifilItmI I tile IttlitilIVyi olit'Il. fe, I� IN. A- IfIloo q yQ NAC,Tnol NI tm K" Aj,QAM FCV,_ IN . .... . 11NAA AIA111 w, III if t "N It F. Iro "TIM, . lw-ga"i It 4_yN'f 1 Ir, I IT", ""my'"Ur 0, Ify , Zi I �Ilfl, lit ley At, I o tIl , I owl own ,I I i y I tiir, I O'A o VQIX A�,�`oiQ tV7,3 17 1 N .5 N, ftuAI, fy AI A I. f Iy"A, I it I, i _ I., 11 .1 ", -,, :1 ifNN1tNm�1A' QLQyIF I'r N QVIS W341 4" lik" N-I og; A I A E -LAW" wynoi 'Win 11 I,f w, 'IF, To, Map W W I IN; � � �,I , , !.It r.it"Ai I ,�, I ZI, Nit it I, - 1, L,1,Io - - fine' yrti Won 1 0, W I I1Iy_1,,fjyyly1Vt` I� .15"IM 0, 00 NA, lI1_tAmI,,, it o VVI _AVy ON A -I AV.NVNINkt� 47: f, '�_l l � I I r,@11 IN" ill, Tom& "'M - �, I? , , 1, 1, y iy , , , I Q CGV NAVIIAPI,�Pnu "NA 107 40,014 -1 11"', j, y1I I�II -A' kW�I�V,"ASZ' 111 0 PTI w, CIA`, A, EA" TWI .1 y,Q,,FAl-- fy it, -A! I I I a- A A Ilk 20 Or"M xg 2 eVymNiV spI is, ovum, KqNI,NQ, 1 " e, NO _IAN, 1 "T JAZ No I A IyAf I.Ittf J%t "it I g, lim- , I "It I III I K" I AL I , :0 WWWN, WA No 6 11 VAII G, I G, "i o 'i "te MR INV 1 41 , 1 1 UV!t I` ip, lit"I At I V V, I � 11", M, a youg"y- fog Ilt 1, 9; J l glyr- TOO. 4:6 ifyc WAS W q k I -or tI st11ly,"'Ir O�Ik' At ��yfr lq 22, W. - yo lit, W N, All TNWVWP All- IF I Hill o fik QlW to I iI` IN %I*- I W INII.WK I qn,A_"r PM 't 'floy".1 "A',ti, IN yrMPA91 0" ai� IN111.1 �N n At, a a 11, 1 6 if I, If "llp IN 'I Q�_olt ol. -l'ir, It Ai Win, 4m ng Vio, it'APNtli I 'lff §ttv slit 6 A ,I,, 'j, 0 IIN N"In '5 o� NAN �00 yr _AyYl VII14I K ln.N. VI fi&4; JZ,J',� A I q,; toy IF IsE i Am I, VVfylmZX'1e'yVAyi QI IIIfIIII'0114 VI VI IN Nt,,� .",A gyp %AA Ar N& yNN 1 W "y' ,UA,,I *6 **V I '"'I UF r1i , fl I_ lo, 4AA` ot -X: I �"IAAAAV -I I Ny_ y Nn"togi IN i i� mrplolI�CIIA,Mn II I A 4 A, IN, if if gog W11 1,A N FNIA,yi'k"M 3, lyi�_g I - , W K ", , O`A'§ g"j", ,, " Il yyJtWF "Iff, "I VV If, Aft A, moin "Itavol k"tMd"7'% 10, I4i "A N, ImAyAl I , ',I� l �� "Il ,;Ni At gy , - ., A -1 1-1 1 oxf, WT .1.1 AI 1 11 1, 1" yNi 4"ytNII �NN IF y,�L lorly)-Woy tfxI AIII N,�f, It sAfts N"04", N 11, MI, IN fil N I �l A, IA j, -'4 Il_`�,__ ll yVGI INVIt %§ M"QI, H' Igo vap IlIp., t; ll j=,I N, 4A 4`1 Ir VOnNioAN'zGQ7IQi NORM plf Y, AP .. 7e.i Py RE` W A, V_ Qn "N SNI - Ott "A P��ju 1 54 "S ,JIIAM I W 4� FIle F om VIA ,4 iFF I-o I-Q, eyl- Ifl&,,M,Ai YVAP No W Q g4s, Mile 7' O_ ,,jyjj! Two Q, S. "'III'IrInif. _, g 1 1 , _A m mang,l - - I I �� �� tot M all I New qv if, I MR �,A:fjIfIW iyroA?�,, -j"Allt"IN0 AI At qrsons'A J` SAN," it, ol Nifit, �'%ol',AINANL' o"'ill" qVV x, I _ , I I"- r i.,, "t, A'N�,I fftl� oft V M PIN, ip! iNK-1 JAM" - mg-lig IV '' k"'I - 'I " l",A_4 "I"o", . - " i1i.,Clr ETC "NIT W A lgA AN -1 '5, V1 "AV i Aqf VII QW0"wi Ftl If, fk, W IMP , j�4 A, In"" ri 'NI! "WK 5 A`o� lot ty7r' �4% yVAAQFyyA: Itt 0NI �,,Vrfllo,oilo o vr,ol N, I All ,Aos I I Qy� 1, P 0 0 on, Jny 0 on a NAPI A QVIT 1. M-- fly I g"M ,I. - M.II, N, Ali 1 k A 0* o I I I I QQ 11.0 "Alt yQ I R - SJUL AW IT, 61-1 4, 1 1 "if 41 T' i "III f,rQAy AlvnQI. IQ I 51 Om"VIN' at to NAI, -N, IN Wl' AI yN V ol W WIMP a IN, If 1 -1 , , ""' 'I' It A ... ... N, NVIN5W ogll "All PA'o ;q VI 1,15 '�g N, "AIN", to y�N Nil N AQ xi-Q-1 oinks' F G"',i N� _'1I A q N Ill I vvw AmW A I A� I NX? Mo "too AV NtM q I"'I'A NmN Firm %A,I, IN A11-11 4' "jim�Afoalliv e_1I`1jyfN`r Nwi`-V"r Qt�ZVIQ`V� vt INI r NO, ... . . . AIiA t VAIVIN in 0 ,tffi, ". III AG yok -W` IN "g,yo flit A a P W VC fl, "FIN I tiIINNV1mfoC it <VNAE'i",, Ly_ANiOfl, o-ty, '2: VII "Kiii I- I�QI '1111111- yo.. Aitlin ktft,?Mt' k l if Ay "o , , , -�'y 11AMM 4J "I IN AM WIN "K&MAI -A AnAW&A 4MAt" p Nil , I �, 'N "'e"N'r zQ,44P, "NI IQ`o,fQe;tf"I fi�oy,;M iZ MEMP . otl 'I I I , 'A N' Iy I I ,,p QX A " " 5, 2 1 1 1 111 , ll I " Mg 1; py" I "Mi 'N ogni a CV'QA Q, -I q I,'-, I I 1 -4 Al fgil',f�l:`Ni A loil WKS IN M IN 1 Q$i INCAS osog NZ io Ill �Alf,�, I I -A, A A_ I, W a" 41' Wk MY IS I NW I w A l l u Ij JT� TV "Ill"A' Sup,W, "l- IV, 1. 1 1, - flay "."Ity", 1. VIA- a- I- I " - - 0 Q, 811 51 � MAIO QKU , --p -1 12 IMIJ - "A I � A - I - , U , , '' r nt, , It, I I A, - IF -,Z -E. I. Nat ,I Q 04--, RIF qyjyV N, iI,ft AV t" III' - - I " K" K glisly- "__y,qUqryn"? n F, I� AT 11 Ink, 01,0.1"A V I i 1 W.W 110 Ple no, , 0111 1 y Elm y" Int - WAN not n; _14114 II I'VI Ii I-� ZV IN A I 34� .... .. _- 0, 11-11, %Vi If,, ��,Afii "Ni-, I,,, T I 'I -As ,Ai�-' 11 I'll 11 A ILI ',5A 1 " f"N"J", jN , 1,111 � 1 11 - I - I A. "o, 0, I,., _,"N I I, ",Qr,G_, I . IV M_ fyolim,f, I It, , _', I Alm �II,IQQQ 1 4 f i;A - _ - - , "N' " - �I` l , 11 Gy M'W l, f'i SA. W iA, VII 1 Nl oli,IN, Jo', Mg�iiv,, MIS, I I I WW W W Am I,, , �AIA,Nio,wywl A a tV AV III "y" I 'Ito A WIN AW A f A, III "', I 1A 1 1 " " IN Wowx -4, IT I,� y"N"n QI I", I.Nii, i�fl �I V 'r e4 N, og, �Q "Aft �oyf-� ofili 1 7, , ,,I, IF NI QuIt yo f f 1, 1, Ve Aj, �ei Q, Q 0 AN Iof l 0,17"r-; WA, -IS, , , " I I, AIoyllof 'I ,,I " . I N,Iy Y. fit it I In IN Vyi ''I I' I In A-,* I I N"i"", Vl "y"e, It, If V I ;y,oi, 1 A MY W WrX III Q IQ, 'f li� fr' T yt�j I -N r`1Y t A F oTo _0 x NNI,iI 'm Nay y N ov Ale 55, 011 V -'s .,;OF -y`lQQ1%WQ1 ""I 'f" -I I it"fAwot 4 R, tigt,�Arp olN IQ�Af xf�n Wy in !2!1 IA , f,f N"A - Q� 0 IA 'fj V F5 I " , III I", � I I , , -1. AWWW Not yeom I &IN cI ,I Net" -4% y` lyn_; o 0 1 7 j, "IV fir, Alt "'I '-po"it-W, e,, ,,yo - , - - " - , ", , - : I W � tf� Now It, IQ` N"A"'Fliy m4 NOI, It e� ry-N lz A Nil 4-no A ��,Qyf Q,, T A. Wri IVY, IoNn . . .... JIV, ,�`o o MIA Go �y, I I ,, oi; N t, Qy'", I efilxl"J, AW INA I, , I " to N Il , 0M V ,Nf 'yl�,',j I, I 'I III, � N, sQ ;v An A NI -,IN " 'lU III ioAIAyy`,1yrI*TIIqN,I iti 0" " I - I'- r It IIZAXA19,09 IS FIN oc'n, P A, WN yi, Q AK ow I 'I Qo,�' op --f ti, A tea Of C t"', A, Irly i "Ill, 0 QN: , qF I 1 .1-0 ty I� No 11 y_ 0 a', ..... . 7, 1 VIM A, `iQ," -4f I'll" jig, I Q'N 147 A�ytlt I 'Ayl A of Wom", it , I', , �0�y, , 1 'r III Af A', __`11tQ!Iigf N A ity "y _1 BW Ufl� r11 Q,eo,Q V�j"l Nl a ADA,, x yo� WfZ 0 -A 'o,"VNIII IN, "I A, I A 111A 'MkI A IA I ATM, o,I IQ it III No i's 'ZIP 1 I'll N' MItrill 1 Ap', 'N, A MIN U Int f ;T It Q. ol't Ni In "o,mIk"yo, 3 to j L, 1 1 AN IR In!, 1, "A'A"-, I, PAN, Al, Go W A, f IV It, 0IN , " " � X� Pf'1yo_',YNmI Nl- I'M 21 "Wof"... 12' Ir gloxI T�l I lo�' I IQ` rl" U� tew n, ", .-,Q 'IA tof ill I fet", I I'll 11 IN , R _4: "VII - . "a I " -, "" A, JA Ii t N! I N -oyi I ly ALI -Ivy WinglaN AV, In -a IS Wf rV, 7 -VA fV, , I - ! - - I . '"1W low W 1" 0 Vft Q It Al IVA, A, irt" III I - ', -�,l - , -V,� I V I., I Ar. of' if 'III ol W-0 A,ni o"i y, ;V l - , I N4, "M go IV T I, "', 11. - I � INN et I,it I I it "Imil"NOSA - " in ", Air I, tie, "VI A -:A A �11'i rk� � NI y� �y, A 1. 1 A WAS N, o no , I A 4 1 1 41 KIM most lA ly _'y It, - I �,Tjo, "A , , F, � l gq_Aim , I I Q, tI 1 1, to, to 1 WARP lit. �j ", III' _ I Itj "In "I Th, IC, INIA N'10 t fIto, NII to i o I I �AZO;ot ott IQ 71", A, 'i", , __ I t i ��, V yW_ �,t I A�`,j"�ff W "y"IsFINIt"ll iAI mi� m, p, y'PrgyMAI I'%Q yo��f __ it �,ft - , I "I � I I I , , ., e t � Z, _" I 'At"t 1 4 VI Is, now, W V iVf�yW,tI;QytylIy I PON; ISO, yx -my ?1 1 Nix �Affett,,,q -jAy ; ol"'," A I IIAIN I I I'll, I, QNFQI1.f'L;,Q N, I .-F, :,"I,, "_"I I- Xii;,'Iyl, IItI "'on - IQ CIA OCT owl OWNIS III oA,VfrNI`I_. ran" 1 -A, If �k oerA:,Af`yft",ta4��VI 'af; -Aelm 4, A Ty. JI yi� NMI lwyl I, jolt 1W 1:0- t -a" ,-aoae 1 N, VI 7" . t�4, NI N� MAW* a I Yo &INT 1 01 1., I -y ..... I "NO ,� "i� I i V. "I l ol YOW v W", X IS. I goo ly ZIP1 _'Iff , - , I 'A, to, it t,-I ,A 1 Rag I � I I l 1 11 1 1 ,1-, _AII 11, , Q_ - 'I, I it y" IQ 4170 In - -#I!,' M-A A— qM=WA,, ""I - -, ,io - Yy,,I "I" "yU I 1 0 gIA. "If 5KQqAoUWAi -no I I f Ar 0, I,� I I Fit IV ;1 11, 1 11 IV n A Ins. "If f r, J: -4g N A�yf t IQ A, o W SIgg, law., Y, 14, at, �6r" Winthhos, - IWAIP FIVI' I I, 1 2 f4i %:OA T" IF I, I,,v *,� I V I 1 .4 , , , , Ar Min I t ggIty --y Pof A N Ni full WMI to yj V ti,,, % fl, At 4 WeNNII �Wyjk tFF, , &_ -orl IINI I o, "" l '_ - - mj q A h A A I'm I .... .. Q �y A, In opplily I l, A. `AA "'KA 111497 f',,QA"ye y" W, I'I" W 1 "1 1 W 'IN it ljqM-m A, It. I" If, l-,, f if, V, OUT, fol", Its I . 1 - lQ, V 11 " VV I f " ;, .+, , t , I III "Il I N 0 V ge �, - 'V�: -, , I, - . 1 " r " I It 0� -,VIA Q,` 'fhf"�%C IiNK ff,,;p,' � if yoly r , , A,II. � V` I, ly, I- n 'IlF I I f 1�_ NI oz I I, A,,y,.,1A. or lir, 3 At I _PW I I o A A,;;AjlQA1� - 0 WS WIN ON xyi,iiolfaii, 02 -AW ,A J%,, , V i I; , 41 N Ito, I .. ... .. 4 on IA, N I I I, i Tv o al, Paii, n Q I W41. of if I ,�,IiIfNy iA I 'ar 114 Q If I jNI I " , I I I I - A to I - I I I ;I! , ,, 1, ", 11 1 1 �, &W � , , ; 441 -Ayt Army, A, 41W, III xj> "y3iltj 3 A y 1 1, 'f of, - 1. 1 Af,N, III, WOW yQt IN , I , I 11� - in E "i " K WRI IV, 7 V. q-W I, I U"VAII kyjAIM -4 l 0" XY, IN f .:,5111 A _Ytf,V Y, __ I , , I N, A 'M Inn -no I, V " I I "", , MCC" 41 WI III , 'Io'' - fc, ZNest, A;oNQIyA, Nil 1 1 fi Yj All IA�A� St, f" %,A f "I, I, f,- "I pi, yn fo, I I, A V IN, I ... .. "'I y k,"y, of. ifeet I - if' IN ilmynyi T N o' A An _0 T 'l 'k I I A mril"An I;,; III, A,,-,,, :, hip -N, A0,yiAAf I:, NINy z i lk 4 1 jF7 4' t y , I I W, I ' I I i J, 0, 11 it tN, -1, n lioI I'M "1 011, A gm-1 I �N Iivyy, I -,,,I�A, 1 ; , o 3 1 : Im - Sol nd eeylIy� INII "N0iZIf of last I 1101 Oro: '00 W, W WnNIG, I t7 'N" "NIN : f i �:, " " � 11 r), I, A�IOIO 1 1 "I", 111"i-If, - V, 1.5AI " , QN-,"N I � 7" f 1 � Its � MOM M��, QI eYI'f, 014 '4 I, I I I A,;�- , Vf t �A_ I I I Q of j I I WO I-S �f N%� Ar'' Nip "t i, ft 7:1 Q TWO V, N't 'I V, N I, 44�w V, WA XF, �tf t t- Q' tJ I W It tl 71, It, 101 It, i d ba ��f k ♦ vs q 1 ooa r a M e3�ld YA V` ) � J �: 7 fiSP7'M lA Y6. t T � � ✓Y r��f!L�,,�,4t A��. �J v ;. t i � dry r u M 3 f� x —tLi l — I - - _ --- -� -�_- �1 LT -------- -- �-4- I I � 5/� �- 2�-q U• . mod? B/ lI'� /i' �1 ' � 1 2 1/i t s/ ' / 2 1 C� �r i J L. r 5, r / I 1 l� 0CG Tis . .e u � I(y i y- „ ., �,C V-1 ✓' �'I. i-- -', `/� � �pj`Y a •.::� Exf�4N5/ON C-3CL-r5 3 , �Cf�,''ISION ':�CLTS sj iJ/�' �1j� % BJ/4 u 2 /2 criK-TiZI!✓1 4- / r 77 ro •• 1 6 r" -�q 1 u 0 Fo-� `� �. A iVry � —J Z U O N f) r- � W LU CM U cc ��0 LL (.) CC O LU CL J Ln L 3 N 0 U z z Q Y/ � a � U _ N W a (ID t = z .0 N a li U) z Q a c 0 U w z Z — a o vj c z ° W a 20) �o O 0 Q H- N >- ZQ ui a pc N Q N U) U Cl) Q CC Q z = CC a U C _ Q U z 0 654 /2 18 OF 13 W � Jw: 0 ro r U X © N ® I— � W W cc M U) _r 0' cr �/ O u- r� � L Lij N LL Lu _ U ~ WOW <(1)`a J ©Nrr U-) N 0 U z f-- Fz QZ Q a U w z Z z — a o Vj o z 020) w Q 20 aCY) U = u, OVL cn CY Q a rn ce Q N Z Q W W N Cl) V > Cl) Q W cc Q V cc _ Q U z 0 SHF-ET 19OF13 I `�� .^,� �° z . �, "' F z ��`�{.ry wp � S . 1 r r , tP �, �. rrwq A F 41 001 - L1 -; 4ii n © ©01 II 111111111 I — N \9f 1 I F-5 P61 LAI LF' a - 1` —1-- — F�7 I I - - _ -�- - c� 77777 777 -- — �— ,, ,, � A� ` 11 I j I. 3�'�' • 81, � to=�i. 8' - — F'Z I _ F-1 N -4 A T�k to i• IGtG�ni�� {� ® u I I ©I 1 � I I ILv 4'ICo Qc SLAB w1 1 LAYF0 Couco W 1.4%l4 DETA1 ) oyEe VApoiz BA221E2 and w Ind Gil :4-6 1 1 �— /177777 c�' I , -14 +N 1 NA i ------- -- ��I I i<<II IIf�III.,�I�te:I IIII(II� 1111 �II1I11�111 � IlIiFl 111i1 Milli )11')' ►►11 71 - I = F-5 =3 _ I 10 I IIII11111I Illlll �IIII[; I' i to © t�- 4 © 4'>' G" © O gijl Zo'' 411 C>_ 4J41 a NOTES: YF0UNDATION PLAN T 1. GROUND FLOOR SHALL BE 5" THICK CONCRETE SLAB -ON -GRADE (U.0.N.) _ scnLE 1/,4 REINFORCED W/ ONE LAYER 6x 6 - W2.0 x W 2.,0, PL,ACED OVER VA.��R BARRIER, OVER COMPACTED FILL. - 1 2. ELEVATION OF TOP OF FOOTINGS SHALL BE (-) 1'-4" BELOW FINISHED ��� FLOOR ELEVATION 0'-011, UN_ESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Z LP-Y;FZ5 CcxCpvei i dK t4 t-AF-5l-4 THUS: A 11 3. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR SIDEWALKS, FINISHED GRADING. A, — — VERIFY ALL STEPS, RECESSES, SLAB FINISHES, ETC.,W/ ARCHITECTURAL A FLU FLJ: DRAWINGS e _ 4. SEE SITE -BY OTHERS, FOR .BUILDING ORIENTATION. _ ,PLAN, I 5. SEE GENERAL NOTES ON DRAWING S - FOR A:YDITTONAL, INFORIMATICN.ET n' V �^ Yr o m a �N 00 O w H �o R E .ter w YY M M � M us 00 2©" p �i a d 0 � w � w a. Y� O Lnco) OB NS, 6 114 5 jj (-]IJEEIT N° — OF � SEAL �I jj J.__ �_. ._ i m e 6 fz IT 2 t Q- e' - -I T'RU4�0t^ I , a { 0l1—,.�.t8xIro - s� ' — WIS,g� [o ,r t_.. _ — - _— - -- �_ - ._ _ -- -- — ----- ---------- x x \ , di a , 0 , . t RT lap w t so Ft�; r` j iZT6- ' c b t t3 ROOF FRAMING PLAN ` s 1; OOF FRAPiING SHALL CONSIST OF EXTERIOR STRUCTURAL I PL?WOOD, &PA GR,\DE C--c.., WITH O w EDGE CLIPS AND/OR .BLOCKING OVER PREFABRICATED WOOD TRUSSES, ON A i'RAMEWOPK OF STRUCTURALSTEEL, U.O.N., Wui ROOF SHENIiil% SHALL BE NAILED WAOd GALVANIZED NAILS ON 4" CFNTERS AROUND THE j BUILDING PERIMETER, 6" CENTERS A'T PANEL EDGES, AND 12" CENTERS IN THE FIELD. 1 f Qr 3. " CONCRETE FOR COLUMNS 3 AND 8, . AND FOR TIE BEAMS W/EMBEDS ?'OR THE STRUCTURAL STEEL 0 j FRAMING, SHALL ATTAIN A MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 70-1 OF THE ULTIMATE 28 DAY STRENGTH PRIOR TO ERECTING THE FRAMES OR SETTING TRUSSES. + w i 4. ROOF TRUSSES SHALL BE SET AFIER COMPLETION OF ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL IqWtING, BOLTING, t < AND WELDING. THE SEQUENCE FOR IRAMING & FINISHING THE ROOF SHALL BEGIN AT THE BUILDING PERIMETER, AND SHALL PROCEED TO THE CENTER DOME. 5. REFER TO MECHNICAL AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ROOF PENETRATIONS AND MECHNICAL -- �-- — -- .EQUIPMENT .OPENINGS, SIZES, AND LOCATIONS. VERIFY W/ENGINEER t'kI04 1'0 CONSTRUCTION. ,-9 N 6, SEC GENERAL NOTES ON DRAWING S— FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. i c 4� MI Q � � 44 of now 44 w s u m 4+ � CA ty 00 ■ Pd 14 14 . �. \ � ; --- = A` ^ C�/ ro .�. . � �..? 2 . .. .�.'6 ; dw . �< C :� » .�� / � .f . .� . �). \§ \ JOB w, ' Ean45� j� S�«e NO > b 5 A g of v W i I p� �a6uo Tca kio Of p��� 4T TO WIgV-7Ga I _ r r yr i rt 77 n� l :w� n' " ZG5-4°,cX-Y4k , v -... 14'M.l 4"Lc, ' 1/ N7� r - tw-z. o; y + ..� !ry ei . ...� '�4 t iCJEe oF� Y ZCa 1 `. SC A. lLIE 2',4 4 Ll _ o p '21i5 x, a, S �[ 00 lw u ILI a. 4 y i i 9m �d e jjj }t ,1 1/3 SPAN I - 1/3 SPAN I OR SPAN 2 ( LARGER OF AO,iACENT SPAN- TYPICAL) -- Ci (U.N.Q) GENERAL NOTES �� -�- _ - %- I ^ONTi1J000S TOP E�/1R ._, MI SPAN TO B f jSP D LICtD AT (E) ji 1- FlA P rnNSTFLICTIutd: --T- -= ( (�AR aa (a�BAC�' ---�' I, `--I , 1. Ali construction- ,,,: �IN,ELS: shall conform to the Standard Building Code, Project bG4 P to b -t.": B" >; S" w/1 #1 _ #2 ties - d" rain. NOTE: Floor or -.roof - ;_.•-.....��.:._�.,. Specifications, and Construction Documents. ,_ns !�. , < e p) tb � _ tmer-�t_ beams must be r ng width atar,vi lintel (typ). Enticed lintel S" beyond opno 2. G.C. shall coordinate all Architectural 1 Mechanical with Structural P (min). provide dowels from eels to match lintel steel w!;er: framing into - prior to proceeding. Any deviations to structural details must be con- shear key at coi Lace. La' steel Cools. Provide i ' ;: 2" r P -t -- -, ;; bar firmed in writing by Engineer prior to proceeding, T. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS! Verify Plan dimensions in field and notify -- i ✓ Engineer of any discrepancies prior to proceeding with construction. 4119HAfdI961= 1120440T; f l f„, N � f mechanical trenches, incased '.. 4 _ ,. vocation o all Openings s ri / N ., g- ,door and roofi _,;. _ s, I, S �FcriMFtJ�E,.I LLF,Uo :conduit or piping and anchor halts shall be verified with manufacturer s Second Floor l�v psf L'L. r=;oof 2� psf DL. sJ�Sop dr•:wi nq's and/or mecha..ni cal drawings r^construction.+- I -. _.. _.: �'� >rF."i 1 , .., tf,.i+ ,_ ;. CE , � - 2 rr a prior to, Verify a ..:�, y_. _..,, . ` 1 psi Fart. TO Q=_f LL roof drains, _'spa _1 _,._ _s, -rr?d ao�l ers with 1 tt••��II nn �+pq y,� ` 100 psi t_L. drawings.: DPP- - Architectural and. i`t. r ham r..l M AG P11-i1Y! - _ __ NOTES , i �•, - - - „ BE r Max. Wind Velocity = 110 mph 9TRUCTURAL STEEL W i Vow ;.rr< I,' :'`S4 Ci f, }'1 b ,j rh.1r,- a ;� ; q` o 1. Structural steel shall_ ..-, J C :; ryT _M. - -T, !� .,5 +nr_ angles !:,Pdm= c - , - o --_'_!._._ cited. :. erecter per 'latest -'.r4 - - angles, °..plates faor-Y- 2 , hors indTotr• r'h, Ir nfrr of W (. i rm'rr�� t::_r r ��n a' � J '' _d p latest ._ _ H._C spec, _ c,_rbe _ s shall 11. de cone. r 'V- ^;', ir•;:^ t. '.p. A1' r-ol. 'ha . Reiative elevation top o+ floor slab is O'-t_r (See Plans and Schedules). filled & conform to ASTM 500 Grade P Fv 4•6 si, Al - - C birs iodic] ;+ +r{" lop E ir•, IkO end „f -, l pipe Cols. shall be ,.)- r ( i ,1 t..l., �., ae.7n)- See Architectural drawings for type ''; limits of floor finishes,.. °; sLab. _ cone.. filled. - 4 Where bet:ms terrttinate at concrt,te -stab, lop steel 10 extend `5 X bar nt) into ! `. anchor bolts shall conform to ASTM A-Z07 bolts double nut o St3h. recesses. .. ._. All with c.c leveling.. All splice and connection material shall- cc..n+orlm t ASTM o .rt.Ont eIC`v1 rn. ;r e ,o��;.(.. +..} { n.. . G i�T _ ,a _.�� _ c, f,-,I.IJP, LC. 8r:.f. r11•�C Ie�81 UnieSS otherwise noted, D. MENSIOfJS:. %' bolts with washers (unless Other wise noted). tcr .shall. verify all .dimensions I site locations in field & cor- T. Bracin t -.`, Yirr ',•n an CV , ..,. ,. rP!nF , C•- 1t, _.r_ =' g r f)l.SC) Section l.CC). The erection ,bfsteel framing shall be .. _ ,r�'�`1 (J °-elate with shop. drawings & construction document's prior to commencing Carried up true and plumb within the limits define tic 7( '7. {�r: ,rY15- \.' - defined in _ec._.i__n , ,h: of. i :.I, work. Notify Engineer of any discrepancies prior to proceeding with con the RISC Code of Standard Practice and temporary bracingl� - os' . ,_ + t�.,.:: ,,(ry c q, -.i+ h\f . strr_iction. duped whdr-e'•rer necessaryto accomodate. all l loads superimposed shall b_ intro- b grade =? 1'n��- imposr=d on the ' stracture. incluoinq equipment and the operation of same. Such bracing CONCRETE: be left in Pace as long as may be required for safety, I. Concrete shall reach desired minimum ultimate strength f'c'= 5000 psi in 4, All splice and connection material shall conform P to ASTM A-76. All fie 28 days u.o.n. on Plans Schedules. All concrete shall be ready-mi=;=d splices snail be welded. (,_t.o,n.) .with mar... coarse aggregate of T/a' (r=rSTM.C-==) in conformance S. Erection bolts may be used for alignment, with ASTM Spec C-94. Min. cement. content C bag/yd.,Type I or II per S Fabricator shall submit C" ppAA �^. ASTM C-1.00, & admixtures shall cnr,+or, + hop Clings o P L � ._ � � Pv" . J � E'i � _ n _o ASTM C1FGa. See project specs, " t Er',-; for renew rear to fa,r 7 `.r-,. `_ t 2. Slump and cylinder tests (ASTM C-71) shall be made by an inch WELDING: - odes,. ----------•- -;testing laboratory. Provide tests with each concrete pour d/ _ Welding snail certified :_ ..--.------ Jar and/or ., - g aAi be done by czrt.. welder ,_,sing t.^e tatapproved..,,; ,. ., •. _ tests with each 5u yds. of E latest _ _. _,. concrete placed, A.W.S. techniques. , .._ , .:r FFIf4F F -lh{G: ME:.HANICAL ANCHORS: ---- --- Reinforcing steel shall be deformed, new billet steel ASTM A61t< grade 60r Anchoring Shall ` +, � �;. r - t accordance -, --r-. r._:_a, r -q equal, , �On r -_ All _e5 _o be in with chapter 1< CI ua .t- ty .; f; r,a to �Pp , _IS d_, u.o.nt Fatri q_ r.._�_, �r,_,_.,_Ed herein.. �:- cation andplacement of .steel shall comply with the. 198._: Code of Standard .. ,_.O,> I e - Erman. ,r_:ctic_ F'rccedures'. Fabricator shall submit shop drawings review prior ---- +. - All e grouts ,cation. Fabricator or compensate - u:: rou_ r _ shall com en= s t - P > shall be Sii::a products, - - p c__ for face __hill _hrckneseas. P Y 9 p Jr�'uL_�, or E.q'_ral,. °'< -shall be rep dot when cutting steel for masonry units. applied Per manufacturers specs 5 recommendations. .., c . ,., _..... STni!rTiUPPL ,_LAB NOTES WOOD 09M't\1G: T 1 Wood +ra,r, s ,. S 1. -Eric legend- - - t:n� hall be pressure treated ooutlern Fine " ..v iz.- P � - - structural No...i or - � ,. r ._._ .-t - ..., " i equal.\ Minimum stress shard be F =r'0 - _=, '-,n-. -o - ,•...,•'J � S1 L f1 (l 1 1 - . `top reinf. .bars (�i4" min.. cover; 1..coeer for scabs -on- b iJ.. _p ,. .,,._ _ _..Psi: rv=•_r. poi - `-f ..,.._ 2' m grade. Crank 1 in 6 nL recesses U.o.n. 2.Nails shall be min. Ind not dip galvanized common, u.o.n. See arch. :dw s. + 9 - ' for -Pr1 rt .PB nail 111 i i n,� r_? _ snail conform ASTM -1-: 07, shall. be hot dip qa \. .bottom reinforcing bars (C14" min. cover; I f;^' =^ Bolts '< 1, .screw- ai - , , _i- -- 7 cover for slab� encnr.de.. Meoanchors shall be .al�. Hilt: fasteners or equal. Provide wabhzrs -y G. n-'. I r4 : •, » accordance length of slab Steil to be in accordnce with ALI 718-30. All. ,-hit r,o!_.... 1, mardwar s for wood to wood f ominq ° Wood '-one. connections, shall be Pipe Openings be sleeved per detail below Li."o,n, ,�_ - d �.c '. • r . §Jt, di,.' ;vIv. a5 marlVt +C t!,r F,=i'. F, \, 'r+a__h Products, Or- ual I _ , I_ _ J , .n +i rt: =,0z.LLr_FF=lcirr; _ minimflrr, safe allowablesoil-bearing capacity of 2500 psi was assumed : for foundation design, as Predicated on successful completion a+ site � - a _i. pr paration. - T. The egl_rivalent of steel interrupted.by openings s snail be .,}- q ;i7ed' to Sides. .._. CCtitr-arctic shall :provide a minimum qr :; equally v spaced soil borings � 1 _end a minimum of 5 r bar # beyond eo enin' T P g to a' a,4 Bars' Shall e;, _ __ , - -- , opening, Too .creel de_Ith Pair ��. toot, I,li Soli profile shall be ton - r• .interrupted by openings to terminate. with 130 dear h *. a - P t.1,.ua`_d by a ueo+e - degree o,4. (5ae...,at: andFlorida,_clinic 1 J E.giri_-wr registered in F,n . � recor'rn_. d..: der ctll ) - -'- , _. _ ., eR _i OnS Or crffiG ed. �-� L'1,.. G,_ f '-'y LY .. afarUpon .-Lt... ..eSSf it 1. COm 1 .� >' '. .. P p etion of soil stabilization and prep�rration, the ""11• 2." shall contractor submit written ,cer 1ric.ation by the uuoreci, L-_,.. tr,gi CCL!.li•1fJ NOTES:nS_r tn,�.fbearing `-' ... -a_ �e - the soil will l attain a minimum - tm nail bear i r c- -'. t.• *.- 14 All column bare shall lap of :d tray # u.o.n. Sol ice to occur in long r"ace:. p,_{ ..-:- ,, ' ..•,. , - c of column and/or inside of corti nu.ous beam tee . - �_,, :i ` L , I:._#� _. � t--_es�f,_tl' cgrnpletion of compaction efforts, G r` ._:,;, •. -... I + _ _ steal. excavate to - ..;. _ - .�.. All column steel m>ay he spliced indicated -_:n r ���nr - �.. ="�.� : - . I I d _.N.. ..,5. fCr,ndatl On b,=rcP fOCrn. `'.. E.: foundation, o -.i _ __.+_. _ _ _ + .. ._. __ 7 i� Concrete "' ,_„_ ._... _ -, ::.St-. �t_mWa.l �.. ._., a� r j N. ,. _:orlvr �,_ecoverage o-,;N. r=ir;t,-.,rci:-,�r -, �, .. ._. -•. -.:.-, .- «. . _.__ pr=r r_un,.r�-,..._t.. - - _.., ter_ . a_ies ,. ,ins [.' , n -.- e - -_ o t,? `-i - '..:.,n... otherwise �ti 1/_;" inside _ _-dr•_,w.;+.gm [i• ,q i_._ St Cm Wal1S ...a carp d altar r. i r _herrli ,mac r,rtt_,�). .,� from ^.t r, '-:L-•7 -r -g t_ b.�ic r':ti �Linq- o�i... _.. ... :r__ - __ Y b. -- ,scar C_. bars ,' ,.t+rct'f1.11:,7 r.*nsiaG snail be compacted q r. .. _P' �,-u1C!mn biro snail terminate .with yn oegree c. gt r act '_.',e -^r -. . I_ p C...i�, 1n ma.,) la.ye•Y All soil - - } .+aCr.f 7. t1 1 r (existing e ) T - or L_w. clean - _. additional r� Cj shall ra for _ r - _+. _ i _.enin son-•.d_.. _i �.tlr: detail. d free t, , of , , FOFrwc:r-.. s.. organic. deleterious and/or material. Compact fill, a sled -type, vibratory camPactor, W1rh soil saturatedmaruar -ne-ited. Sharing (' °Tb-r Ia!,(r' .' o' ir „- , s; s 1r.0.1„, follow -- rre rc m m t n e e'd Practice ract.re t_yr clear,,water during compaction process to within �rof opt imum_imam compacted to 95/of ma;density, asdetermined by Aa_rTG T_,SC, Test toConcret� ro„wor4,_,_.- ,hotm -neriC_r_007-rr._ T_sti*tte Standard r_i 047-68. be veri?led by Geotechnicai Engineer, C 0 �.�.°Y,.,_�L',.�."r,�.�...._��• �U ...�.. E MrQhF ..'.._., ,,.w.,..._...a.,.=...,..w.,_.,._w.,....e�.,.,.,.,.,.�e,..,........ ..,...„».,.,•..p,.,..�.,,.„,..,,.,.,..._,,•.,,,...- fl t 1. All bier{: conformwith i 1 JF_ - _._ ..: .., .:..., ,.- � ,> masonry nanuf ac t,_Lr �s i r. TN ! i .- c e . ,y+r _. , - - - .. -_ - c, _ -options. Masonry shall h-,- <; •r -, and 0 _.- _plan for location. -r ..y.,b, A<•nnasonry units shah provide a m.nrt_rPre =,r,-rarh:m=l 50. 7 - a- r� w a. V Yd W CL Mp� ri• 9111F � I ` I - 00 � I °M VL M / uo l , i r I , I , 1 i �� W N - U 7� 1 n i oj lit Ca { t[ S+ }a I i �/t J C ) i i L-r r\j 0 I Lv01 { t I L 0 'p s ( fn{ V � I F to , I , _.tii1 masonry un1ts mo_-.711 by wet just Prior to i - laYang; °,. rep` dame' (Prier).._ - by spraying for at least48 ter shall be i<virJ plumb, level ^r re r s y to llnoy Masor.r.' construction shall conform to '. ,._ ( ... �,. .. i t rrELA;r-FFESTFt_V;ED CONCRETE: :. Concrete for Precast-Pr-estressed."Derma-s an:" hollow core slAtt. uni-c' shall be designed to attain a minimum '.day combr� ��p-. �. .....1 ....� _ssive strength _,t, w p p 5000 psi. (Minimum r c=4r,r.!Cr psi a*_preleasz). Units shall be:,pla,rt-fabr-i- strands shall . - cited in accordance with F'CI .. standards, � n F'res+r•essinq : he equi ✓glen+ to -,," ..lam .-.._ Manufacturer shall. submit_drawingsi:. rc" ..,.a........_, ....,.._$.e„ ..«,>.,,.�. ..,.,.. - shop to. Architect for rc-view prior to _--_: I 1 �e! {/�.a� �.,-,q fabrication.. I i tl 4� S' t $EDULE ' • w 4, The ✓1....., I �..._:�_ ._.�:......._ __,.-_ __::..- _____..., .___.__ __..:._.._.__.. shop dwgs snarlinclude complete design calculations, sealed by a PF r registered in the -State ofFlorida. Said Engineer shall have minimum '-^ ire _ yrs. e:.;perience in prestressed cdncrete design. (See Gen.• Notes for - - E superimposed loads.) 5. All 4 prestressed _one, members shall maintain a. positive upward camber •,. - under fl_til dead load. Members with zero or negative camber will not be \ acceptable. Camber data shall he included in cars submitted by mane.-: factrirer and verified in field. Provide inim._I. ;:r m bearing at _ {see. dwgs.). 6. Location of al.mechanical opening_ and/or cot -outs shall.- be approved by manufacturer.-:7777. . WATERPROOF MEMRF,f~fJE; , "" Ir,� Ali reinforced walls X columns below grade and/or with bar{.:fiti on one side +only shall be coated with waterproof _ (� j teen ° type.) wat._r ro: t membrane. (See Arch.dwgs. for lo,_a r GROUT. --- .... T� All leveling grout shall be hi-straneth non -shrinkage non-metallic ""` ',' or "Master- Builders".� 9 - - - J oi4.:a" a ,ll;,inq ., p:acinn shall be in Conformance with mina.- � tart Urer S SpeCS. o- _ } Tit REAM _. ✓ . �. 4S z j » col flee beam bottom may be dropped ry window door heads a Ina,:. Of 24".Add ## / ,.ja .both bars °< extend 8' beyond ea end of opng, See plans ?, sections., � _ CLAY PIPE- �FILL WITH GRAVEL :IUNG PLUMBING- 1 FLOOR PLAI V.T.R- d.$' UPSTAIRS BATHROOM REVISIONS I JOB NO. DATE ISSUED DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: SHEET P - I 0F SHEET8 Us 14 Z: M 11 7� % J T SANITARY ? w UNION ArJ4, 77 Fl 7- TANK bRAIN 4sJi -t rv. �� SINK N H. N50VE BATHROOM P4 COUNG W.B. r�W.c. LAV. fX o t ' 65 r -INAAM RISEF In P3 3 ae H.B. W.C.PI LAV cl) cl .j LL Lm vi " to co 0 (1) 0) cm 0) 0 UJ 4) -w co co .c > Lo co) 0 N o CIO C) 4) W 0 U ui MEN) U) 0 P-- 04 ti tv) REVISIONS JOB NO. DATE ISSUED DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: AIPPROVED BY: SHEET P-2 OF SHEETS Y 1 , 7"'�" �' "' - . I I �' I '�X - .' , - �' , � � � - � � " - W#NY r x* ; g a' Y x _ P 3_` y, u I ' , k F� tk " d b �i y a e la ` ill ': , i1 w, r `. ', r ,' nu . *1. r.�. '�'1. Y.. � 4 ALL. Y "x l , S' t. , I '. ,�-( . > 4 S -I a s k" + Wn k.b I A 1 '. a , r, ,`.iat ' ' i,"; I..: P,d ¢ I . I, �_ 1 ' ° „;; C f P .., s .: . ... ., {'. ... ,. - ., ��. t' » . " .. 'r. '- 3 i; h 2T C FM � j" 4 .. I.. y 9x8 4 ' 1 a f '4� e{'"" .I'4 Y yv. x 11 'V �{ al I .._11, . AIL�51 T rr�'� P F Y ,., • . 11 . A" i �.p 11 1. f I ".. I' •- . F I, �. I -' , } IL At r. n i'r• 'y'va /�y D it ' j Y i f. �a > 4• �� >' _ EXHAUST FAN - 19C> NUTONE QT-$O /--��-. I 1 IJ 4"0 TO W.P. LvALL CAP CFFM `J/ �� f I i ;-ll I , � I 4� "' , ?Jy t.i�n'. �ll�` rt �! - �'' n I '1 #. h ; 1 I u "'4j °4yM1 is'rl �,' 1 ' - V*�. �'' u' Y 1 y E iS nail- 1. �.. L x r� $ lF i , 11 11 3 ,, Cc X 4'' t A I { 4 a 1 I� Tq. c k, 1 f fl' 1, * ", , Q " E. g4'uN I ,p . v " Y .via 17' ( i,: v ws ' . ti" ' CHASE UP ,. .. .11 . R I i % RE FRIG ERE NT LINES DOWI" AI-IU- I I -I TO CONDENSING UNITS CONDENSATE LINES `�` "` IN. poWN TO CRVWELL a Nr�iz i „A. �'`' ....:= .<::.. t' , ;,:? ,.i = .: ;« _ SEE OF'iAIL-. �.. -. _t 11 72 X 10 R A. ---�' CHASE UP 3SOo cF� �� i S t k it, M1 s t k i .{ ;P a�x plI �r� �s/, NY. fV�$, .erg n is �, ."x 'p�rr*G>v ..d` 1 4f' `"5 . EXHAUST FAN— q"OOTO W.P. WALL CAP U X 11 �V a 1.Q o I � XO �L Q LL V0� Z=x �—X o— Qo0 I Y�� w REVISIONS JOB NO. DATE ISSUED DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: SHEET 1 OF SHEETS t rv{Or 133- NAVE - N i D4 - NAVE - N e D5 - NAVE - N ] D8, - NAVE - N ] x. ..` .w D7 -Track 7 N D8 - Track It r) D9 - Track - D10- Track.MAW ei 4. P A " M ■ f Y� L 32 > Q L 20 O r it i5 9' DIMMER BANK LOCATION T i yFt E WP Y` rlO Y � 6 fi x i © m i -.. r —... . .= III I i ;I I I ' Master station -Bogen r0;4WITI"*, speaker-Srnrrxiolier 840`'," 2+li w, 10 oi rt f ' Conduit from microphone outlet to `s microphone cable. Microphones and i R -" It to amplifier r�rx f17)` A.,. 1—yyH'10 W panel IILY �Se 4�Y. L 3/411 conduit to exterior e I it 2003 CU- IID wv I Y y MA COI L 2A O GF1 wP V � O� Z a' M ' ^n C0 V W Q ` (.) 1. N c0 C/) ,c o N 00 c 4, i Q LV = t0 y CO N LO QCmo N ` o co Cl) V "v 0 W c✓1 O N CM a 2 U U) QU a' X 0 O I O cr 2p `- UOw Z=w a0 o � LL W W REVISIONS JOB NO. DATE ISSUED DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: SHEET E- I OF SHEETS m m� br wroWa .QI,; 1 ditm m "D7", De., T90, use only. co"patable nth A/ treat strip' 9 ' a � r A, q, r` s r I n i �J'jpl- i t x' k T \ 4 `%y Y �`f f try ::Y • r '4 n TYPE "B"—TYPICAL m L I C P' ll� 0 0 I � it ,I 9, IT ©� O i3 I o I 114 4 t ` + O 4 , a 1 I: t L I i ,1r: ll a ECOND I FLOOR ELECTRICAL' M L I� L 4,(o �/J 0 ►WI 0 j V M ., M W U. � Q U co ^ ch Co 0 cm O CY •L U cm 00 Q W CO p) N co Q CO) m C7 C C. �V dv IL O w N M REVISION APPROVED BY: x`A.Kl. w. ....: TOTAL AMPS BUS A 3! # CONNECTED KVA 1U1 INTERRUPTING RATING;' B 71M= 80 3 110 3 20 2 150 2 GROUND BUS ❑ r KEYED DOOR LATCH ❑ FEED IS TO BE BOT GFI PRQTECTED CMm r""GROUND BUS C KEYED DOOR LATCH 0 FEED IS TO BE BOTTOM 0 PROTECTED is le _way switch-1 "`6.r cadescent dimmer- yy ,. 1{�100EK^l� W fault protecti 5W� ;, O M M Floor/microphone outlet `b64 W 664 CST - co 'rovide with 1 duplex Simplex r `Telepho r 2 ^ ' Weat F £ r> r !A J K Mas erco v Pa 7n C0 _ — Conduit Conduit s� 1wm tI • w.__M, FINISH MOUNTING Surface Surface Surface REMARKS � f 3 .O • • �` LA• �• • • — IFa� i9 as rA�, r »° A A P '3 • 4 • • • 7 d' C) V M eM W LL L. N V 0 Cj)Q .c N 00 W czLo N C N Q C m O C �V dv �.i O W N O N. N ti M JOB NO. DATE ISSUED DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: ' ECKED BY: ROVED BY: SEAL " SHEET OF H it L (� N CO O (D .0 p� CM co Q W := Co ca N oo CV +r 'o _> oo-% Lo Q�mO N 0 m vv WV O � N 0 ~ N Pft M• 0X0 o = 0 LL. U p LIT Z=W a0 0 Ld REVISIONS JOB NO. DATE ISSUED DRAWN BY: DESIGNED.>BY; CHECKED BY: q APP OVED BY: SEAL SHEET u ME --I SHEETS