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01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032877 Brenovil, Zulia 779.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,654.00 !0032879 Cassinera, Bryan S 850.00 !0032883 Eloizin, Jean 449.00 !0032884 Fogarty, Nicole Forgarty/Tallahassee/Legislati 135.00 !0032888 Hutchinson, Frances A Hutchinson / In County Mileage 98.83 !0032889 James, Leona 600.00 !0032894 Roberts, Tessa K Develop & Implement Water Cham 525.00 !0032900 Adams Remco Inc Color copies .058 per copy 213.21 !0032902 Allied Universal Corporation Swimming pool maintenance & tr 472.50 Swimming pool maintenance & tr 236.25 CHECK TOTAL: 708.75 !0032913 Correctional Risk Services Inc Inmate Medical Expenses 3,300.21 !0032926 Famoso Inc Temp Clerical Staffing 426.87 Non-clerical staffing for even 362.10 Laborers (Common Labor) 42.60 Laborers (Common Labor) 42.60 Laborers (Common Labor) 340.80 Laborers (Common Labor) 543.15 Non-Clerical Temporary Labor f 2,483.78 Clerical/Educational Assistanc 81.32 Clerical/Educational Assistanc 29.86 Maintenance/Janitorial C18-01- 272.64 Non-clerical staffing for even 113.60 Non-Clerical staffing for even 369.20 Non-Clerical staffing for even 184.60 Non-Clerical staffing for even 113.60 Temp Clerical Staffing 443.61 Laborers (Common Labor) 42.60 Manpower services to pay for t 99.75 CHECK TOTAL: 5,992.68 !0032931 Heavenly Place Home LLC Off-Hours Voucher Program -Di 963.93 Off-Hours Voucher Program -Di 1,142.40 Off-Hours Voucher Program -Di 1,085.03 1 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032931 -Continued Off-Hours Voucher Program -Di 1,205.20 Off-Hours Voucher Program -Di 1,112.55 Off-Hours Voucher Program -Di 20.00 CHECK TOTAL: 5,529.11 !0032932 Hi Life Property Management LL 1,100.00 CHECK TOTAL: 3,743.00 !0032936 JBM Property Management LLC 1,150.00 !0032942 Magnus Solutions Inc Keynote Speaker for Spark Grad 800.00 !0032944 MobileGuard Inc Device Monitoring for County I 978.50 !0032945 New Horizons Of Treasure Coast Grant Agreement 178,210.75 !0032946 Ochard Grove Venture LLC 505.00 !0032948 One Florida Realty 603.00 !0032955 St Lucie County Fire District Plan Review Indrio Road School 178.20 !0032957 St Lucie County Tax Collector CSBG/County ID Assistance Prog 31.25 !0032961 Treasure Coast Courier Service Courier Services 240.00 09843726 Fla Dept of Management Service 12/19 A34-432104263 BOCC 225.31 12/19 A34-278621670 I.T. 56.25 CHECK TOTAL: 281.56 09843729 Florida Power & Light Company Recreational Lighting Maintena 110.00 09843730 FPL Care to Share FPL Care to Share Program 500.00 FPL Care to Share Program 414.40 FPL Care to Share Program 500.00 FPL Care to Share Program 247.79 FPL Care to Share Program 474.95 FPL Care to Share Program 214.31 FPL Care to Share Program 491.07 FPL Care to Share Program 269.00 CHECK TOTAL: 3,111.52 09843731 Ft Pierce Utility Authority Acct# 63853000-166018 AGR 73.57 Acct# 10003433-233211 Parks Fe 11,732.70 2 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 3 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843731 -Continued Acct# 74143900-232794 Parks 6.99 Acct# 52462000-228422 ERD 272.51 Acct# 1400000-150572 Facilitie 2,373.54 Acct# 1400000-150572 Facilitie 26,242.57 Acct# 14000004-150738 Library 10,185.29 Acct# 14000007-156990 Parks & 2,934.54 Acct# 14000007-156990 Parks & 723.20 Acct# 14000007-156990 Parks & 375.26 Acct# 14000007-156990 Parks & 573.11 Acct# 14000007-156990 Parks & 1,545.23 Acct# 14000007-156990 Parks & 561.97 Acct# 14000007-156990 Parks & 1,636.68 Acct# 14000007-156990 Parks & 5,365.28 Acct# 14000007-156990 Parks & 229.16 Acct# 14000008-150588 Parks & 15,589.95 Acct# 14000013-225615 Parks-Co 577.54 Acct# 93000032-221458 IT 3,905.96 Acct# 93000223-246592 IT 519.47 Acct# 93000232-230712 IT 418.58 Acct# 93000281-230713 IT 692.05 Acct# 63859070-221458 IT 466.81 Acct# 93000374-235064 IT 502.29 CHECK TOTAL: 87,504.25 09843732 Gardner Bist Bowden Bush D CONTRACT C11-10-367 -PROF. LE 1,127.50 CONTRACT C11-10-367 -PROF. LE 2,007.50 CHECK TOTAL: 3,135.00 09843736 PageFreezer Software Inc Public Records Compliance for 4,548.00 09843738 PRCP-Stuart LLC 2,435.00 09843739 Sam's Club Operating Supplies for LPCC Af 75.52 09843746 Wells Fargo Bank 2,497.32 C0022194 Baker & Taylor Inc VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 251.85 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 44.85 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 10.35 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 124.20 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 6.90 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 27.60 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 1,324.80 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 17.25 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 27.60 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 3.45 3 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 4 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0022194 -Continued VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 55.20 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 3.45 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 24.15 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 44.85 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 6.90 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 106.95 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 34.50 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 1,469.70 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 10.35 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 10.35 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 1,135.05 VAS pROCESSING -cONTRACT#c18- 31.05 CHECK TOTAL: 4,771.35 C0022195 Brodart Company Books for Library 680.26 Books for Library 86.41 Books for Library 508.31 Books for Library 10.74 Books for Library 950.50 Books for Library 11.59 CHECK TOTAL: 2,247.81 C0022196 Carlon Inc Swimming pool maintenance: Bul 71.40 C0022199 Constangy Brooks & Smith LLP CONTRACT C09-09-339 -PROF. LE 770.00 CONTRACT C09-09-339 -PROF. LE 150.00 CHECK TOTAL: 920.00 C0022201 Fort Pierce Alternator and Sta Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 64.20 Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 112.43 Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 113.55 CHECK TOTAL: 290.18 C0022203 Horizon Distributors Inc Irrigation Systems, Supplies, 206.88 Misc. Small Tools 27.00 CHECK TOTAL: 233.88 C0022206 Kauff's of Ft Pierce Inc Towing Services for County Lig 49.00 Towing Services for County Lig 40.00 Towing Services for County Lig 49.00 CHECK TOTAL: 138.00 C0022207 Konica Minolta Business System STATE OF FLORIDA C600-000-11-1 271.13 SVC 7 SUPPLY PLAN B&W @ .0045 127.99 CHECK TOTAL: 399.12 C0022209 Lewis Longman & Walker PA State Lobbying Services-C16-12 5,000.00 4 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 5 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0022209 -Continued CONTRACT C00-06-391 -PROF. LE 1,035.00 CHECK TOTAL: 6,035.00 C0022212 OverDrive Inc Service and content annual cos 15,000.00 C0022214 Scripps NP Operating LLC St Lucie County Attorney's Off 246.24 C0022221 UniFirst Corporation Rug Cleaning Service 3.95 Carpet Rental 3.95 Carpet Rental 3.95 Carpet Rental 3.95 Carpet Rental 3.95 Cleaning Services -LPCC Floor 26.41 CHECK TOTAL: 46.16 C0022222 Xerox Corporation Copier Supplies 73.81 Copier Rental Supples, Service 132.97 CHECK TOTAL: 206.78 H0003992 Internal Revenue Service Social Security Taxes Payable 38.86 H0003993 Florida Department of Revenue 12/19 SALES TAX 2,847.91 12/19 SALES TAX 1,429.05 12/19 SALES TAX 588.08 12/19 SALES TAX 31.28 12/19 SALES TAX 268.74 12/19 SALES TAX 231.37 CHECK TOTAL: 5,396.43 H0003994 St Lucie County Tax Collector Resort Tax for Savannas & Fair 2,025.08 Resort Tax for Savannas & Fair 165.26 CHECK TOTAL: 2,190.34 H0003997 TIAA/CREF Financial Services Deferred Comp EE, ER & 457 Pla 360.02 V0013778 AT&T Mobility Acct# 287288213584 58.60 V0013779 AT&T Mobility Acct# 287288213786 57.24 V0013780 AT&T Mobility Acct# 287290238085 57.24 V0013781 AT&T Mobility Acct# 287288213750 57.24 V0013782 AT&T Mobility Acct# 287291014551 57.24 V0013786 AT&T Mobility Acct# 287291702106 57.24 5 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 6 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0013787 AT&T Mobility Acct# 287288213469 113.48 V0013788 AT&T Mobility Acct# 287288215172 303.00 V0013792 AT&T Mobility Acct# 287288214358 117.20 V0013793 AT&T Acct# 772 V30-2091 091 2,733.34 V0013794 AT&T Acct# 772 V41-0430 247 155.71 V0013795 AT&T Acct# 772 V41-1824 824 57.41 V0013796 AT&T Acct# 772 V41-6175 175 459.71 V0013797 AT&T Acct# 772 464-1683 455 0455 784.83 V0013798 AT&T Acct# 772 429-5307 001 0451 3,494.82 V0013799 AT&T Acct# 772 462-1734 601 0452 11.60 V0013800 AT&T Acct# 030 360 5406 001 12.54 Acct# 030 360 5406 001 39.48 Acct# 030 360 5406 001 36.15 CHECK TOTAL: 88.17 V0013801 AT&T Acct# 030 522 4150 001 314.24 V0013807 Directv Inc Cable Television 240.25 V0013810 Federal Express Corporation Acct# 15.11 CHECK TOTAL: 30.57 V0013814 Jamex Inc Software support/Maintenance u 2,914.48 V0013818 Reed Elsevier Inc CONTRACT C16-08-381 ONLINE LEG 525.00 V0013828 Visual Edge Inc CONTRACT C19-06-786 -HP DESIG 364.00 V0013829 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct# 642100400-00012 36.07 V0013834 AT&T Acct# 772 V98-6028 028 85.64 V0013835 AT&T Acct# 831-000-7294 969 962.60 Acct# 831-000-7294 969 726.70 CHECK TOTAL: 1,689.30 6 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 7 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0013836 AT&T Acct# 561 N04-0007 007 1,154.70 V0013837 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services -Finance 258.93 V0013839 City of Port St Lucie Acct# 0874055287868/500 SE Pri 28.10 V0013840 City of Port St Lucie Acct# 0874055027122 500 SE Pri 11.48 V0013843 City of Port St Lucie Acct# 0874055205957 / 1664 SE 511.48 V0013845 Federal Express Corporation Acct# 6.61 V0013846 Federal Express Corporation Acct# 30.31 V0013849 West Publishing Corporation VARIOUS SUBSCRIPTIONS 569.00 V0013850 Union Bug United LLC Display tent, banner, stand & 1,690.01 FUND TOTAL: 367,909.47 7 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 8 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001473-EMPA FY 20 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0013793 AT&T Acct# 772 V30-2091 091 2,178.61 V0013835 AT&T Acct# 831-000-7294 969 726.70 FUND TOTAL: 2,905.31 8 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 9 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001585-CSBG 2017 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032947 Okeechobee Board Of County Com Family And Social Services 2,832.00 !0032957 St Lucie County Tax Collector CSBG/County ID Assistance Prog 179.25 FUND TOTAL: 3,011.25 9 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 10 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001591-CDBG Small Cities CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032904 Black Street Enterprises LLC Jeremy Humphrey: 150 SE Celest 10,031.60 Jeremy Humphrey: 150 SE Celest 9,340.20 CHECK TOTAL: 19,371.80 FUND TOTAL: 19,371.80 10 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 11 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001607-Continuum of Care Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032878 Briphil, Vesta 800.00 !0032881 Davis, James W 454.00 !0032883 Eloizin, Jean 580.00 !0032885 Hanna, Lorenzo L 650.00 !0032891 Ledgister, Mariela L 645.00 !0032927 Ft Pierce Utility Authority Acct#41798100-153331-Auguste M 96.81 !0032930 GNS Real Estate Holdings LLC 696.00 !0032933 Hinkley Investments Inc 457.00 !0032941 Madison Vines LLC 53.00 CHECK TOTAL: 704.00 !0032948 One Florida Realty 444.00 !0032964 W & F Financial Services LLC 1,200.00 FUND TOTAL: 6,726.81 11 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 12 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001608-Continuum of Care Grant Chronic CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032876 Blazie, Bryan J 591.00 !0032883 Eloizin, Jean 695.00 !0032887 Hoffman, Dolores R 462.00 !0032893 Patil, Darshan P 750.00 !0032898 Williams, Andrew J 1,004.00 !0032903 Black Bass LLC 1,352.00 !0032930 GNS Real Estate Holdings LLC 567.00 !0032934 Housing Authority of the City 539.00 !0032936 JBM Property Management LLC 1,100.00 !0032941 Madison Vines LLC 475.00 FUND TOTAL: 7,535.00 12 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 13 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001609-Continuum of Care Grant Family CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032896 Rouer, Brandon T 609.00 !0032897 Smith, Bruce D 900.00 !0032924 Empire I Holdings LLC 800.00 !0032934 Housing Authority of the City 451.00 FUND TOTAL: 2,760.00 13 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 14 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001834-TCERDA CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032922 Dwyer Environmental Services L Ground Maintenance at the Rese 1,600.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,600.00 14 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 15 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 101 -Transportation Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032899 Workman, Trevor P Workman/Lake Wales/TTCMOTT 16 78.00 !0032923 EFE Inc Heavy equipment parts and repa 76.09 Heavy equipment parts and repa 180.36 CHECK TOTAL: 256.45 !0032926 Famoso Inc Temporary laborers 1,789.20 !0032938 Kelly Tractor Co Heavy Equipment parts and repa 509.77 !0032950 Ranger Construction Industries Asphalt C19-08-792 112.32 !0032954 Southeast Highway Guardrail & Guardrail and Handrail repair/ 6,000.00 Guardrail and Handrail repair/ 450.00 CHECK TOTAL: 6,450.00 09843729 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 07436-19009 Road & Bridg 6.81 09843731 Ft Pierce Utility Authority Acct# 89000001-162643 Road & B 345.82 Acct# 97001010-162643 Road & B 2,911.87 Acct# 14000010-162643 Road & B 1,571.02 CHECK TOTAL: 4,828.71 C0022197 Cason's Auto & Truck Heavy equipment parts and repa 1,773.54 C0022213 Palmdale Oil Company Inc Oil 3,927.10 C0022219 SSES Inc Repairs on Sweeper andVacCon 1,277.57 C0022221 UniFirst Corporation Uniform Rental 55.09 Uniform Rental 55.09 CHECK TOTAL: 110.18 V0013777 AT&T Mobility Acct# 287289832765 228.96 V0013830 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct# 642100400-00011 36.07 V0013845 Federal Express Corporation Acct# 11.75 V0013846 Federal Express Corporation Acct# 23.09 FUND TOTAL: 21,419.52 15 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 16 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 102 -Unincorporated Services Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032926 Famoso Inc Temporary Employees 400.44 Temporary Employees 1,467.84 Temporary Employees 383.40 Temporary Employees 1,467.84 Temporary Employees 281.16 Temporary Employees 1,467.84 Temporary Employees 255.60 Temporary Employees 1,467.84 Temp -Clerical Assistance 467.04 Temporary Employees 1,467.84 Temporary Employees 281.16 Temporary Employees 1,467.84 Temporary Employees 298.20 CHECK TOTAL: 11,174.04 !0032952 Reliant Fire Systems Inc MONTHLY ALARM SERVICE FOR CODE 42.50 09843721 Bradford Electric Inc Permit#1902-0367 0.42 09843723 Equifax Credit Information Srv MONTHLY CREDIR CARD REPORTING 20.00 09843724 Expert Shutters Services Inc. Permit not required on mobile 0.40 09843734 Master Craft Aluminum Products Permit# 1908-0476 Voided HO. c 0.40 C0022202 Haisley-Hobbs Funeral Home Inc Pet Creamation 211.00 V0013789 AT&T Mobility Acct# 287291668859 106.98 V0013808 Datamars Inc Animal Micro chips 3,990.00 V0013818 Reed Elsevier Inc CODE ENFORCEMENT-TWO USERS @$1 262.50 V0013827 Visual Edge Inc PLOTTER HP T3500 364.00 FUND TOTAL: 16,172.24 16 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 17 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 102001-Drainage Maintenance MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032906 Bowman Consulting Group Ltd In Engineering 620.00 C0022211 Nature's Keeper Inc Sod 5,040.00 V0013784 AT&T Mobility Acct# 287272770043 61.83 V0013804 Acme Barricades LC Engineering 223.20 FUND TOTAL: 5,945.03 17 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 18 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 107 -Fine & Forfeiture Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032882 Desrosiers, Danielle Tuition Reimbursement 652.98 !0032886 Hissong, Kathleen A Tuition Reinbursement 652.98 !0032901 Advanced Computer Technologies 3rd Party Billing for Microgen 255.80 3rd Party Billing for Microgen 204.64 3rd Party Billing for Microgen 1,244.89 CHECK TOTAL: 1,705.33 !0032953 Satellite Tracking of People L Global Positioning Satellite E 11,537.40 09843731 Ft Pierce Utility Authority Acct# 1400000-150572 Facilitie 33,558.16 Acct# 14000012-224476 Faciliti 3,465.29 Acct# 14000012-224476 Faciliti 2,198.31 Acct# 14000014-253290 Faciliti 32,249.38 Acct# 14000014-253290 Faciliti 3,268.68 CHECK TOTAL: 74,739.82 C0022207 Konica Minolta Business System Copier Rental/Lease 134.02 Copies 71.22 Copier Rental/Lease (12 months 96.45 Copies 5.32 Copier Rental/Lease (PSL Drug 89.58 Copies (black & white @ 0.0055 0.81 Copies 1.34 Copier Rental/Lease Okeechobee 94.48 Copier Rental/Lease 96.45 CHECK TOTAL: 589.67 V0013802 AT&T Acct# 561 N25-0036 036 269.79 V0013824 Trilogy MedWaste Southeast LLC Waste Recycling of Drug Testin 172.28 Waste Recycling of Drug Testin 28.32 Waste Recycling of Drug Testin 35.40 CHECK TOTAL: 236.00 V0013826 United Laboratories Inc Operating Supplies - 325.50 Operating Supplies - 546.63 CHECK TOTAL: 872.13 V0013831 We'll Floor U Inc Maintenance Improvement - 9,432.16 V0013838 City Electric Supply Company Building Maintenance - 210.56 Building Maintenance - 599.54 Building Maintenance - 772.95 CHECK TOTAL: 1,583.05 FUND TOTAL: 102,271.31 18 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 19 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 107001-Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032967 Ramundsen Superior Holdings LL Payment for the CAD,RMS & MCT 379,435.63 V0013793 AT&T Acct# 772 V30-2091 091 30,156.00 V0013847 Language Line Services Acct# 9020903027 12.28 FUND TOTAL: 409,603.91 19 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 20 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 107003-Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0013793 AT&T Acct# 772 V30-2091 091 2,731.34 V0013848 Motorola Solutions Inc Service for PSIC and Conventio 3,095.07 FUND TOTAL: 5,826.41 20 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 21 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 107006-F&F Fund-Court Related Technology CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0022193 Americas Office Source Inc Misc Office Supplies Computer 375.69 Misc Office Supplies Computer 405.47 CHECK TOTAL: 781.16 FUND TOTAL: 781.16 21 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 22 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 113 -Harmony Heights 3 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843729 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #63274-23023 Engineering 238.78 FUND TOTAL: 238.78 22 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 23 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 114 -Harmony Heights 4 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843729 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #63284-21059 Engineering 595.38 FUND TOTAL: 595.38 23 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 24 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 116 -Sunland Gardens Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843729 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #63214-20074 Engineering 672.97 FUND TOTAL: 672.97 24 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 25 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 117 -Sunrise Park Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843729 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #63124-23038 Engineering 147.82 FUND TOTAL: 147.82 25 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 26 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 119 -Holiday Pines Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843729 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #63114-25000 Engineering 836.81 FUND TOTAL: 836.81 26 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 27 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 123 -Queens Cove Lighting Dist#13 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843729 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #63254-29071 Engineering 400.50 FUND TOTAL: 400.50 27 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 28 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 127 -Pine Hollow Street Lighting MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843729 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #26390-79421 Engineering 538.68 FUND TOTAL: 538.68 28 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 29 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 128 -Kings Hwy Industrial Park Lighting CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843729 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #00955-92549 Engineering 656.81 FUND TOTAL: 656.81 29 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 30 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 130 -SLC Public Transit MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032926 Famoso Inc Secretarial And Clerical Perso 778.40 C0022222 Xerox Corporation Copier Supplies 73.81 Copier Rental, Supplies, Servi 132.99 CHECK TOTAL: 206.80 V0013783 AT&T Mobility Acct# 287290283484 66.77 V0013810 Federal Express Corporation Acct# 8.81 V0013845 Federal Express Corporation Acct# 6.61 FUND TOTAL: 1,067.39 30 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 31 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 130127-FTA FFY 2016-5339 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032880 Couto, Patrick 11.34.10 -Rehab/Renovate Bus 250.00 FUND TOTAL: 250.00 31 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 32 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 130129-FFY16 5307 Transit Oper & Maint CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032963 Vision Management LLC Provide technical assistance - 1,500.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,500.00 32 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 33 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 130134-FTA 5339 Bus Shelter Maintenance CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032914 Council On Aging of St Lucie I 11.15.04 -Buy < 30 Ft 6,445.05 FUND TOTAL: 6,445.05 33 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 34 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 136 -Monte Carlo Lighting MSTU#4 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843729 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #63424-23016 Engineering 2,433.91 FUND TOTAL: 2,433.91 34 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 35 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 138 -Palm Lake Gardens MSTU Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843729 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #78922-20349 Engineering 335.34 FUND TOTAL: 335.34 35 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 36 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 140 -Airport Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032917 Day Dreams Uniforms Inc Uniforms 71.40 !0032926 Famoso Inc Contract Labor 568.00 !0032952 Reliant Fire Systems Inc Other Contractual Services 100.00 09843731 Ft Pierce Utility Authority Acct# 50000025-205652 Airport 29.78 Acct# 14000000-205652 Airport 12,065.60 CHECK TOTAL: 12,095.38 H0003993 Florida Department of Revenue 12/19 SALES TAX 2,013.41 FUND TOTAL: 14,848.19 36 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 37 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 140001-Port Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843731 Ft Pierce Utility Authority Acct# 10005921-232794 Port 28.54 H0003993 Florida Department of Revenue 12/19 SALES TAX 43.68 V0013785 AT&T Mobility Acct# 28728714026 126.20 FUND TOTAL: 198.42 37 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 38 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 145 -Mosquito Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032900 Adams Remco Inc Copier Rental/Lease Inspection 85.70 Color Copies 27.66 Copier Rental/Lease -Administ 151.80 Color Copies 32.54 CHECK TOTAL: 297.70 09843731 Ft Pierce Utility Authority Acct# 14000005-168298 Mosquito 788.83 09843741 Stewart Materials LLC Coquina rock for Impoundments 1,942.60 C0022221 UniFirst Corporation Inspection Division Rental of 19.33 Imp. Div. rental of Uniforms s 29.16 CHECK TOTAL: 48.49 V0013810 Federal Express Corporation Acct# 7.60 FUND TOTAL: 3,085.22 38 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 39 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 147 -Bear Point Mitigation Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843742 Swampland Tours Wildlife Survey on Bear Point 208.33 FUND TOTAL: 208.33 39 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 40 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 160 -Plan Maintenance RAD Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0013793 AT&T Acct# 772 V30-2091 091 2,040.00 V0013807 Directv Inc Cable Television 110.87 FUND TOTAL: 2,150.87 40 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 41 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 183 -Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032926 Famoso Inc Temp Services 193.04 C0022198 Comcast of Colorado/Florida In Acct# 8535 11 493 0054685 255.72 C0022205 Interstate Express Courier Services for 19th Judi 247.80 Courier Services for 19th Judi 309.75 CHECK TOTAL: 557.55 V0013802 AT&T Acct# 561 N25-0036 036 269.79 FUND TOTAL: 1,276.10 41 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 42 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 183006-Guardian Ad Litem Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032895 Rojas, Carlos N Cleaning Services for Guardian 425.00 !0032949 PSL Business Center Monthly rent & CAM cost 14,365.12 V0013821 Temp Tech Services LLC Preventive maintenance on A/C 450.00 FUND TOTAL: 15,240.12 42 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 43 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 184 -Erosion Control Operating Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032907 Bryant Miller & Olive PA Erosion District Legal Serv. B 3,668.23 !0032960 Thorn Run Partners LLC Erosion District Portion Lobby 2,000.00 C0022209 Lewis Longman & Walker PA Professional Services -Sand 422.50 FUND TOTAL: 6,090.73 43 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 44 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 185019-SHIP 2018/2019 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032928 Gentile Corp HarveyJones 2604 sterling CT.F 6,990.00 HarveyJones 2604 sterling CT.F 15,430.00 CHECK TOTAL: 22,420.00 FUND TOTAL: 22,420.00 44 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 45 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 187 -Boating Improvement Projects CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032915 Culpepper & Terpening Inc Engineering Services, General 510.00 !0032920 Dredging & Marine Consultants Hydrological Services 7,545.00 !0032958 Summerlin's Marine Constructio Pilings, Treated 700.00 FUND TOTAL: 8,755.00 45 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 46 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 189114-Home Consortium FY 2017 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032928 Gentile Corp Harvey Jones: 2604 Sterling Ct 8,870.00 FUND TOTAL: 8,870.00 46 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 47 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 189115-St Lucie Home Consortium M18 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032912 Construction Management of Flo 7401 Arthurs Road, FP 13,163.89 C0022222 Xerox Corporation Copier Supples 73.81 Copier Rental, Supples, Servic 132.99 CHECK TOTAL: 206.80 FUND TOTAL: 13,370.69 47 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 48 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 189116-St. Lucie HOME Consortium FY 2019 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0022215 Scripps NP Operating LLC St Lucie County Housing Divisi 451.25 FUND TOTAL: 451.25 48 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 49 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 190 -Sports Complex Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032916 Damian's Lawn Maintenance Inc First Data Field 1,075.00 !0032918 Dennis Prinz First Data Field 4,875.00 09843728 Florida City Gas Co Acct# 6461605672/Meter#2609094 262.99 Acct# 5155354612/Meter#3640835 26.72 CHECK TOTAL: 289.71 V0013820 SiteOne Landscape Supply Holdi First Data Field 1,174.95 FUND TOTAL: 7,414.66 49 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 50 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 216 -County Capital I&S CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843729 Florida Power & Light Company Interest Portion- 135.88 Principal Payment- 1,066.12 CHECK TOTAL: 1,202.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,202.00 50 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 51 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 310001-Impact Fees-Library CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0022204 Ingram Library Services Inc Books for Library 1,159.26 Books for Library 20.54 Books for Library 205.49 Books for Library 23.01 Books for Library 29.91 Books for Library 372.31 Books for Library 62.31 Books for Library 56.39 Books for Library 47.10 Books for Library 18.41 Books for Library 9.62 Books for Library 171.74 Books for Library 636.57 Books for Library 618.07 CHECK TOTAL: 3,430.73 FUND TOTAL: 3,430.73 51 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 52 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 310006-Impact Fees-Transportation CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032919 Dickerson Florida Inc Engineering 68,274.48 Retainage 3,413.72- Credit 86,322.73- CHECK TOTAL: 21,461.97- FUND TOTAL: 21,461.97- 52 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 53 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 310007-Impact Fees-Library "B" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0022194 Baker & Taylor Inc Books 897.55 Books 156.08 Books 37.57 Books 443.61 Books 21.46 Books 120.78 Books 5,193.00 Books 83.29 Books 97.90 Books 17.39 Books 190.00 Books 5.99 Books 102.78 Books 131.92 Books 26.74 Books 423.22 Books 107.65 Books 5,860.73 Books 49.95 Books 52.44 Books 4,102.94 Books 182.05 CHECK TOTAL: 18,305.04 FUND TOTAL: 18,305.04 53 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 54 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 310008-Impact Fees-Parks "B" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032939 Kompan Inc Weldon B Lewis ADA Playground 30,826.50 FUND TOTAL: 30,826.50 54 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 55 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 310207-FDOT-Kings Hwy/Indrio Improv CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032919 Dickerson Florida Inc Engineering 142,613.95 Retainage 7,130.70- CHECK TOTAL: 135,483.25 FUND TOTAL: 135,483.25 55 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 56 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 318 -County Capital-Transportation Bond CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032935 Inwood Consulting Engineers In Engineering 30,744.25 FUND TOTAL: 30,744.25 56 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 57 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 324200-FDOT -Airport Expansion MRO CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843737 Park Environmental Equipment L Buildings 49,975.00 FUND TOTAL: 49,975.00 57 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 58 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 324205-FDOT-Airport Expansion MRO CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843743 Titan Florida LLC Buildings 9,108.00 Buildings 3,956.00 CHECK TOTAL: 13,064.00 FUND TOTAL: 13,064.00 58 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 59 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 382 -Environmental Land Capital Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0003993 Florida Department of Revenue 12/19 SALES TAX 42.82 FUND TOTAL: 42.82 59 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 60 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 39016 -Sabal Creek MSBU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843748 Young's Communications LLC Constructin Services 91,395.00 Retainage 9,139.50- CHECK TOTAL: 82,255.50 FUND TOTAL: 82,255.50 60 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 61 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 401 -Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032909 CDM Smith Inc WA#22 c15-01-122 exp 12.31.19 6,287.50 !0032911 Cliff Berry Inc TRUCK AND DRIVER FOR USED OIL 172.00 !0032921 Duval Motor Company FSA19-VEL27.0 CHASSIS/FSA19-VE 36,062.00 !0032923 EFE Inc PARTS AND SERVICES SOLE SOUR 367.34 !0032926 Famoso Inc contract labor @ landfill 3,761.77 CONTRACT LABOR AT SINGLE STREA 35,398.06 CHECK TOTAL: 39,159.83 !0032938 Kelly Tractor Co PARTS AND LABOR AS NEEDED 722.65 !0032940 Life Safety Systems Inc of the FIRE MONITORING AND REPAIRS LA 104.85 FIRE MONITORING AND REPAIRS SI 104.85 CHECK TOTAL: 209.70 !0032965 Waste Pro of Florida Inc curbside collection & disposal 376,482.15 09843720 Action Rentals VRB LLC 20' scissor lift #63 2 month r 325.00 09843725 Ferrovial Services Solid Waste Services Canellati 4,989.17 09843731 Ft Pierce Utility Authority Acct# 52463640-155413 Solid Wa 424.57 C0022192 American Portable Toilets Inc 52 WEEK 2X'S WEEK CLEANING OF 166.92 52 WEEK 2X'S WEEK CLEANING OF 166.92 CHECK TOTAL: 333.84 C0022200 Flagler Construction Equipment parts as needed 5,581.67 C0022213 Palmdale Oil Company Inc LANDFILL-INV/GAS(141550) 11,505.52 LANDFILL-INV/GAS(141550) 14,736.16 LANDFILL-INV/GAS(141550) 1,172.01 CHECK TOTAL: 27,413.69 C0022216 Scripps NP Operating LLC St Lucie County Solid Waste Ac 348.84 C0022217 Scripps NP Operating LLC St Luice County Solid Waste Ac 1,938.41 St Luice County Solid Waste Ac 7,082.00 CHECK TOTAL: 9,020.41 C0022220 Total Truck Parts Inc PARTS AND REPAIRS FOR HEAVY DU 163.47 PARTS AND REPAIRS FOR HEAVY DU 10.92 CHECK TOTAL: 174.39 61 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 62 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 401 -Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0022221 UniFirst Corporation rugs 45.23 uniforms operations 125.30 uniforms single stream 164.62 CHECK TOTAL: 335.15 V0013791 AT&T Mobility Acct# 287290550734 38.17 V0013806 Crigler Enterprises Inc parts as needed 209.41 V0013819 Safety-Kleen Systems Inc parts washer unit and solvent 160.00 V0013837 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services -Solid W 741.51 V0013844 Dell Marketing LP Latitude 5590 i7 16g 256gig ss 1,450.00 Docking station 330.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,780.00 FUND TOTAL: 511,338.99 62 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 63 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 418 -Golf Course Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09843722 Callaway Golf Sales Company Golf Course General Ledger Nov 106.42 Golf Course General Ledger Nov 406.50 Golf Course General Ledger Nov 241.50 CHECK TOTAL: 754.42 09843731 Ft Pierce Utility Authority Acct#14000003-206590 Golf Cour 4,541.08 09843744 U.S. Kids Golf Golf Course General Ledger Nov 485.65 C0022208 Legacy Turf Group LLC Chemicals & Fertilizers on con 951.50 H0003993 Florida Department of Revenue 12/19 SALES TAX 97.99 12/19 SALES TAX 8,598.66 CHECK TOTAL: 8,696.65 V0013803 Protect My Ministry LLC Pre-Employment Background Scre 92.00 V0013811 Global Golf Sales Inc Printed 3 1/4 tee for give awa 90.96 V0013812 Global Golf Sales Inc Golf Course General Ledger Nov 338.37 FUND TOTAL: 15,950.63 63 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 64 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 471 -Water & Sewer District Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032909 CDM Smith Inc Professional Services 2,400.00 !0032943 Masteller & Moler Inc Professional Services 12,821.25 C0022192 American Portable Toilets Inc Portable Toilets 68.91 Portable Toilets 68.91 CHECK TOTAL: 137.82 C0022221 UniFirst Corporation Mat Nylon/Rubber 3.85 Mat Nylon/Rubber 3.85 CHECK TOTAL: 7.70 V0013805 A Courteous Communications Cor Answering/Paging Services 76.10 V0013815 MCI Communications Services In Acct# 4DX37909/Sewer Plant ope 34.06 V0013833 AT&T Acct# 772 V10-2140 140 643.02 V0013837 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services -Utiliti 258.93 V0013846 Federal Express Corporation Acct# 12.12 FUND TOTAL: 16,391.00 64 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 65 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 479 -Water & Sewer Dist.-Cap Facilities CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032909 CDM Smith Inc Professional Engineering Servi 6,050.00 FUND TOTAL: 6,050.00 65 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 66 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 491 -Building Code Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032937 Joe Payne Inc Contract # C19-09-699 9,600.00 Contract C18-09-642 9,363.87 CHECK TOTAL: 18,963.87 !0032952 Reliant Fire Systems Inc MONTHLY ALARM SERVICE FOR PERM 42.50 09843721 Bradford Electric Inc Permit#1902-0367 2.03 Permit#1902-0367 1.80 Permit#1902-0367 150.00 CHECK TOTAL: 153.83 09843724 Expert Shutters Services Inc. Permit not required on mobile 5.00 Permit not required on mobile 1.80 Permit not required on mobile 100.00 Permit not required on mobile 1.80 CHECK TOTAL: 108.60 09843734 Master Craft Aluminum Products Permit# 1908-0476 Voided HO. c 1.80 Permit# 1908-0476 Voided HO. c 1.80 Permit# 1908-0476 Voided HO. c 125.00 CHECK TOTAL: 128.60 V0013790 AT&T Mobility Acct# 287291037585 104.26 V0013837 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services -Plannin 258.93 FUND TOTAL: 19,760.59 66 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 67 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 505 -Health Insurance Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032905 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Jan 2020/68060 40,029.00 Jan 2020/68060 60.65 Jan 2020/68060 1,152.35 Jan 2020/68060 667.15 Jan 2020/68060 8,430.35 Jan 2020/68060 3,093.15 Jan 2020/68060 3,639.00 November 2019 Adjustment 606.50 November 2019 Adjustment 121.30- CHECK TOTAL: 57,556.85 !0032908 CareHere LLC Other Contractual Services 23,282.18 Professional Services for Care 108,843.49 Medical Services 39,758.67 CHECK TOTAL: 171,884.34 !0032910 Children's Services Council of Wellness Payments for CSC Staf 107.65 !0032929 Gertrude Walker Supervisor Of Wellness Payments for SOE Staf 161.48 09843727 Florida Blue Group Ancillary Dental: 03K728/Medical:68060 61,174.16 Dental: 03K728/Medical:68060 7,129.14 CHECK TOTAL: 68,303.30 09843731 Ft Pierce Utility Authority FPUA Fiber Optic Lease 409.00 Acct# 1400000-150572 Facilitie 503.81 CHECK TOTAL: 912.81 C0022210 McKesson Medical-Surgical Inc Medical Supplies for CareHere 685.85 Medical Supplies for CareHere 32.86 CHECK TOTAL: 718.71 H0003996 Symetra Life Insurance Company Symetra Monthly Stop Loss Prem 8,534.40 Symetra Monthly Stop Loss Prem 142.24 Symetra Monthly Stop Loss Prem 93,878.40 Symetra Monthly Stop Loss Prem 19,771.36 Symetra Monthly Stop Loss Prem 2,702.56 Symetra Monthly Stop Loss Prem 7,254.24 Symetra Monthly Stop Loss Prem 1,564.64 CHECK TOTAL: 133,847.84 V0013841 City of Port St Lucie Acct# 0180292212428 / 1680 SE 334.05 V0013842 City of Port St Lucie Acct# 0180292212433 /1682 SE L 144.68 FUND TOTAL: 433,971.71 67 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 68 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 505001-Risk Management Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032951 Relation Insurance Services of Tulip Policy Renewal #SRPGAPML 2,500.00 V0013803 Protect My Ministry LLC Pre-Employment Background Scre 989.20 FUND TOTAL: 3,489.20 68 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 69 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 611 -Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032892 Macdonald, Allison Macdonald/Boston/Exhibitor at 243.94 V0013791 AT&T Mobility Acct# 287290550734 58.60 V0013813 Indian River Magazine Graphic Design for Digital Ads 300.00 FUND TOTAL: 602.54 69 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 70 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 625 -Law Library CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032890 Knowles, Gale M secretarial Services Law Libra 825.00 !0032925 Everlove & Associates Law Library Services for Janua 14,999.67 V0013817 Reed Elsevier Inc Acct# 422MBJ3LV December 2019 1,597.00 V0013822 West Publishing Corporation Acct# 1003226352 November 2019 3,594.77 V0013823 West Publishing Corporation Acct# 1003294303 November 2019 1,277.65 V0013832 Wright National Flood Insuranc Renewal Policy# 09 1150219549 1,362.00 Renewal Policy# 09 1150219549 500.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,862.00 FUND TOTAL: 24,156.09 70 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 71 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 630 -Medical Examiner Agency Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0022218 Southland Medical LLC Morgue Supplies 359.61 V0013809 Florida Birth-Related Neurolog FL Birth-NICA 250.00 V0013825 Trilogy MedWaste Southeast LLC Solid Waste Disposal 540.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,149.61 71 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 72 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 650 -Agency Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032955 St Lucie County Fire District December 2019 Impact Fees 13,674.24 December 2019 Impact Fees 478.53 CHECK TOTAL: 14,152.77 !0032956 St Lucie County School Board Dec 2019 Impact Fees 139,091.52 09843739 Sam's Club Cookies and Supplies for 4H Ev 199.97 FUND TOTAL: 153,444.26 72 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 73 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 801 -Bank Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0032959 Teamsters Local Union #769 "JAN Union Dues 3,407.00 !0032962 United Way Of St Lucie County United Way 2,137.97 !0032966 HealthEquity Inc Flexible Spending and Dep Care 954.19 Flexible Spending and Dep Care 13,693.44 CHECK TOTAL: 14,647.63 09843719 Account Control Technology Inc C. Petagno 188.02 09843733 Internal Revenue Service Robert Yardan # 80.50 CHECK TOTAL: 121.00 09843735 Naderpour & Associates P.A. R. Hicks #2016CC001467 206.57 09843740 Social Security Administration # 35819951219 10.00 09843745 US Department of Education T.Kelly-McCloud # 136.35 09843747 Windham Professionals Inc. K.Flynn 3998 246.00 H0003995 Florida Department of State State of Florida Child Support 36.00 State of Florida Child Support 5,581.16 CHECK TOTAL: 5,617.16 H0003997 TIAA/CREF Financial Services Deferred Comp EE, ER & 457 Pla 32,859.84 Deferred Comp EE, ER & 457 Pla 4,263.58 CHECK TOTAL: 37,123.42 FUND TOTAL: 63,841.12 73 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001 -General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 11101 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,114.19 512000 Salaries 110000 2,504.00 11102 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,114.19 512000 Salaries 110000 2,500.80 11103 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,114.19 512000 Salaries 110000 2,157.60 11104 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,114.19 512000 Salaries 110000 2,495.20 11105 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,114.19 512000 Salaries 110000 1,990.40 1210 512000 Salaries 120000 24,209.61 515000 Special Pay 120000 900.00 1211 512000 Salaries 120000 5,600.00 1225 512000 Salaries 120000 10,305.60 514000 Overtime 120000 216.89 515000 Special Pay 120000 300.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 120000 60.00 1301 512000 Salaries 130000 18,571.20 1320 512000 Salaries 130000 8,758.12 1330 512000 Salaries 130000 18,206.21 515000 Special Pay 130000 300.00 1350 512000 Salaries 130000 2,400.00 1410 512000 Salaries 140000 31,153.60 514000 Overtime 140000 341.76 1420 512000 Salaries 140000 3,080.80 1510 512000 Salaries 150000 2,136.00 15101 512000 Salaries 150000 1,514.83 1920 512000 Salaries 190000 2,400.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 190000 18.46 1925 512000 Salaries 190000 20,884.02 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 190000 55.38 1926 512000 Salaries 190000 12,754.67 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 190000 7,177.50 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 190000 101.53 1930 512000 Salaries 190000 24,601.61 514000 Overtime 190000 8.32 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 190000 36.92 19301 512000 Salaries 190000 11,004.80 1955 512000 Salaries 190000 84,376.55 514000 Overtime 190000 2,224.73 515000 Special Pay 190000 300.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 190000 313.82 2360 512000 Salaries 230000 6,002.40 2510 512000 Salaries 250000 7,625.88 514000 Overtime 250000 42.75 2920 512000 Salaries 290000 10,890.40 74 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001 -General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2920 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 290000 2,953.12 3715 512000 Salaries 370000 16,703.21 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 370000 961.31 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 370000 18.46 3720 512000 Salaries 370000 1,991.20 3920 512000 Salaries 370000 16,854.27 514000 Overtime 370000 8.41 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 370000 110.76 3921 512000 Salaries 370000 5,812.80 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 370000 36.92 5310 512000 Salaries 530000 14,054.64 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 530000 2,447.23 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 530000 18.46 5420 512000 Salaries 6919 838.80 6420 512000 Salaries 640000 12,898.18 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 640000 36.92 7110 512000 Salaries 710000 93,798.54 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 710000 2,317.30 514000 Overtime 710000 345.04 7210 512000 Salaries 7102 3,044.80 512000 Salaries 720000 40,239.50 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 7102 2,523.06 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 720000 3,607.34 514000 Overtime 7102 4.80 514000 Overtime 720000 1,113.46 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 720000 83.08 72101 512000 Salaries 720000 8,156.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 720000 18.46 7215 512000 Salaries 7106 1,811.20 512000 Salaries 720000 40,589.61 512000 Salaries 7220 2,812.80 512000 Salaries 7270 3,092.80 512000 Salaries 7420 6,289.60 512000 Salaries 7510 6,104.00 512000 Salaries 7511 13,019.77 512000 Salaries 7910 650.01 512000 Salaries 7914 2,082.80 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 7220 802.28 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 7914 1,022.68 513100 Salaries-Temporary Employees 7102 174.25 513100 Salaries-Temporary Employees 7106 624.27 514000 Overtime 720000 634.91 514000 Overtime 7420 1,658.80 514000 Overtime 7510 15.86 514000 Overtime 7511 67.89 514000 Overtime 7910 6.10 75 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 3 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001 -General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 7215 514000 Overtime 7914 6.09 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 720000 55.38 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 7510 18.46 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 7511 18.46 7912 512000 Salaries 790000 9,265.18 513100 Salaries-Temporary Employees 790000 200.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 790000 64.61 FUND TOTAL: 668,177.19 76 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 4 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001477-FCTD Disadvantaged Planning Grant ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 836.49 FUND TOTAL: 836.49 77 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 5 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001479-Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 540000 1,627.31 FUND TOTAL: 1,627.31 78 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 6 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001585-CSBG 2017 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6420 512000 Salaries 640000 4,480.20 FUND TOTAL: 4,480.20 79 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 7 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001591-CDBG Small Cities ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 540000 245.07 FUND TOTAL: 245.07 80 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 8 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001600-Section 112/MPO/FHWA Plan FY18/20 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 10,609.64 FUND TOTAL: 10,609.64 81 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 9 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001605-Surface Transportation Block Grant ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 1,340.79 FUND TOTAL: 1,340.79 82 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 10 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001606-Metropolitan Planning/Sec. 5305d ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 2,440.73 FUND TOTAL: 2,440.73 83 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 11 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001607-Continuum of Care Grant ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6420 512000 Salaries 640000 314.16 FUND TOTAL: 314.16 84 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 12 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001608-Continuum of Care Grant Chronic ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6420 512000 Salaries 640000 336.60 FUND TOTAL: 336.60 85 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 13 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001609-Continuum of Care Grant Family ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6420 512000 Salaries 640000 179.52 FUND TOTAL: 179.52 86 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 14 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 001834-TCERDA ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3716 512000 Salaries 370000 2,400.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 370000 18.46 FUND TOTAL: 2,418.46 87 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 15 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 101 -Transportation Trust Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4110 512000 Salaries 410000 80,636.69 514000 Overtime 410000 1,017.09 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 410000 92.30 4115 512000 Salaries 410000 53,764.67 514000 Overtime 410000 150.83 4117 512000 Salaries 410000 8,550.85 515000 Special Pay 410000 291.00 FUND TOTAL: 144,503.43 88 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 16 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 101001-Transportation Trust Interlocals ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4115 512000 Salaries 410000 1,785.42 515000 Special Pay 410000 9.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,794.42 89 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 17 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 102 -Unincorporated Services Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1510 512000 Salaries 150000 28,819.17 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 150000 36.92 15101 512000 Salaries 150000 6,434.83 514000 Overtime 150000 58.17 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 150000 12.18 2415 512000 Salaries 240000 18,354.01 514000 Overtime 240000 239.74 3920 512000 Salaries 1924 2,286.40 512000 Salaries 370000 6,766.50 514000 Overtime 370000 8.75 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 1924 18.46 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 370000 36.92 6240 512000 Salaries 240000 7,226.46 513100 Salaries-Temporary Employees 2057 6,153.34 514000 Overtime 240000 1,330.75 FUND TOTAL: 77,782.60 90 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 18 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 102001-Drainage Maintenance MSTU ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3715 512000 Salaries 370000 1,795.20 3725 512000 Salaries 370000 21,517.07 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 370000 92.30 7912 512000 Salaries 790000 1,007.60 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 790000 9.23 FUND TOTAL: 24,421.40 91 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 19 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 107 -Fine & Forfeiture Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1940 512000 Salaries 190000 14,424.01 2120 512000 Salaries 210000 90,264.82 512000 Salaries 250000 4,101.60 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 210000 2,686.26 514000 Overtime 210000 20,211.51 514000 Overtime 250000 269.17 2360 512000 Salaries 2053 5,609.60 512000 Salaries 230000 31,178.42 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 2053 2,205.90 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 2054 2,219.69 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 2056 1,096.30 712 512000 Salaries 712 7,493.18 512000 Salaries 719 5,243.20 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 719 10,203.98 514000 Overtime 712 143.44 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 719 46.15 FUND TOTAL: 197,397.23 92 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 20 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 107001-Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2120 512000 Salaries 210000 5,801.24 514000 Overtime 210000 515.74 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 210000 9.23 FUND TOTAL: 6,326.21 93 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 21 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 107002-Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2120 512000 Salaries 210000 3,752.07 514000 Overtime 210000 515.32 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 210000 9.23 FUND TOTAL: 4,276.62 94 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 22 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 107006-F&F Fund-Court Related Technology ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 601 512000 Salaries 601 11,752.67 FUND TOTAL: 11,752.67 95 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 23 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 130 -SLC Public Transit MSTU ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4410 512000 Salaries 440000 3,397.20 FUND TOTAL: 3,397.20 96 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 24 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 130133-FFY18 5307 Operating and Capital As ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4410 512000 Salaries 440000 3,556.80 FUND TOTAL: 3,556.80 97 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 25 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 140 -Airport Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4210 512000 Salaries 420000 16,778.00 514000 Overtime 420000 249.38 515000 Special Pay 420000 150.00 FUND TOTAL: 17,177.38 98 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 26 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 140001-Port Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4310 512000 Salaries 430000 7,414.80 515000 Special Pay 430000 150.00 FUND TOTAL: 7,564.80 99 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 27 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 145 -Mosquito Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6230 512000 Salaries 620000 12,978.83 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 620000 46.15 6233 512000 Salaries 620000 9,072.18 514000 Overtime 620000 31.13 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 620000 36.92 6234 512000 Salaries 620000 12,984.83 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 620000 1,141.55 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 620000 18.46 FUND TOTAL: 36,310.05 100 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 28 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 160 -Plan Maintenance RAD Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2570 512000 Salaries 250000 4,291.16 FUND TOTAL: 4,291.16 101 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 29 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 183 -Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 601 512000 Salaries 601 5,064.50 FUND TOTAL: 5,064.50 102 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 30 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 184 -Erosion Control Operating Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3710 512000 Salaries 370000 7,873.01 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 370000 18.46 FUND TOTAL: 7,891.47 103 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 31 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 184001-Artificial Reef Program ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4117 512000 Salaries 410000 2,076.80 FUND TOTAL: 2,076.80 104 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 32 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 185019-SHIP 2018/2019 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 540000 1,670.77 FUND TOTAL: 1,670.77 105 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 33 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 189116-St. Lucie HOME Consortium FY 2019 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 540000 2,334.99 FUND TOTAL: 2,334.99 106 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 34 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 190 -Sports Complex Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 7210 512000 Salaries 75201 21,831.71 514000 Overtime 75201 1,025.27 FUND TOTAL: 22,856.98 107 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 35 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 401 -Sanitary Landfill Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3410 512000 Salaries 340000 72,947.70 512000 Salaries 39011 18,270.37 514000 Overtime 340000 10,561.30 514000 Overtime 39011 521.59 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 340000 36.92 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 39011 41.54 FUND TOTAL: 102,379.42 108 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 36 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 418 -Golf Course Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 7250 512000 Salaries 720000 9,944.01 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 720000 3,811.17 514000 Overtime 720000 96.12 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 720000 36.92 7260 512000 Salaries 720000 6,868.80 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 720000 2,056.23 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 720000 18.46 FUND TOTAL: 22,831.71 109 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 37 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 471 -Water & Sewer District Operations ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3604 512000 Salaries 360000 17,547.91 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 360000 55.38 FUND TOTAL: 17,603.29 110 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 38 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 491 -Building Code Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2415 512000 Salaries 240000 58,031.77 514000 Overtime 240000 434.44 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 240000 24.74 FUND TOTAL: 58,490.95 111 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 39 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 505001-Risk Management Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1331 512000 Salaries 130000 4,012.60 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 130000 16.61 FUND TOTAL: 4,029.21 112 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 40 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 505002-Health Insurance Administration ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1330 512000 Salaries 130000 3,693.36 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 130000 1.85 FUND TOTAL: 3,695.21 113 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 41 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 611 -Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5210 512000 Salaries 520000 6,458.80 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 520000 27.69 FUND TOTAL: 6,486.49 114 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 42 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND: 630 -Medical Examiner Agency Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2710 512000 Salaries 270000 52,645.43 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 270000 934.80 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 270000 55.38 FUND TOTAL: 53,635.61 115 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 001 General Fund 367,909.47 668,177.19 001473 EMPA FY 20 2,905.31 0.00 001477 FCTD Disadvantaged Planning Grant 0.00 836.49 001479 Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program 0.00 1,627.31 001585 CSBG 2017 3,011.25 4,480.20 001591 CDBG Small Cities 19,371.80 245.07 001600 Section 112/MPO/FHWA Plan FY18/20 0.00 10,609.64 001605 Surface Transportation Block Grant 0.00 1,340.79 001606 Metropolitan Planning/Sec. 5305d 0.00 2,440.73 001607 Continuum of Care Grant 6,726.81 314.16 001608 Continuum of Care Grant Chronic 7,535.00 336.60 001609 Continuum of Care Grant Family 2,760.00 179.52 001834 TCERDA 1,600.00 2,418.46 101 Transportation Trust Fund 21,419.52 144,503.43 101001 Transportation Trust Interlocals 0.00 1,794.42 102 Unincorporated Services Fund 16,172.24 77,782.60 102001 Drainage Maintenance MSTU 5,945.03 24,421.40 107 Fine & Forfeiture Fund 102,271.31 197,397.23 107001 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur 409,603.91 6,326.21 107002 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar 0.00 4,276.62 107003 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper 5,826.41 0.00 107006 F&F Fund-Court Related Technology 781.16 11,752.67 113 Harmony Heights 3 Fund 238.78 0.00 114 Harmony Heights 4 Fund 595.38 0.00 116 Sunland Gardens Fund 672.97 0.00 117 Sunrise Park Fund 147.82 0.00 119 Holiday Pines Fund 836.81 0.00 123 Queens Cove Lighting Dist#13 Fund 400.50 0.00 127 Pine Hollow Street Lighting MSTU 538.68 0.00 128 Kings Hwy Industrial Park Lighting 656.81 0.00 130 SLC Public Transit MSTU 1,067.39 3,397.20 130127 FTA FFY 2016-5339 250.00 0.00 130129 FFY16 5307 Transit Oper & Maint 1,500.00 0.00 130133 FFY18 5307 Operating and Capital As 0.00 3,556.80 130134 FTA 5339 Bus Shelter Maintenance 6,445.05 0.00 136 Monte Carlo Lighting MSTU#4 Fund 2,433.91 0.00 138 Palm Lake Gardens MSTU Fund 335.34 0.00 140 Airport Fund 14,848.19 17,177.38 140001 Port Fund 198.42 7,564.80 160 Plan Maintenance RAD Fund 2,150.87 4,291.16 183 Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir 1,276.10 5,064.50 183006 Guardian Ad Litem Fund 15,240.12 0.00 184001 Artificial Reef Program 0.00 2,076.80 185019 SHIP 2018/2019 22,420.00 1,670.77 187 Boating Improvement Projects 8,755.00 0.00 189114 Home Consortium FY 2017 8,870.00 0.00 189115 St Lucie Home Consortium M18 13,370.69 0.00 189116 St. Lucie HOME Consortium FY 2019 451.25 2,334.99 116 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 190 Sports Complex Fund 7,414.66 22,856.98 216 County Capital I&S 1,202.00 0.00 310001 Impact Fees-Library 3,430.73 0.00 310006 Impact Fees-Transportation 21,461.97- 0.00 310007 Impact Fees-Library "B" 18,305.04 0.00 310008 Impact Fees-Parks "B" 30,826.50 0.00 310207 FDOT-Kings Hwy/Indrio Improv 135,483.25 0.00 318 County Capital-Transportation Bond 30,744.25 0.00 324200 FDOT -Airport Expansion MRO 49,975.00 0.00 324205 FDOT-Airport Expansion MRO 13,064.00 0.00 382 Environmental Land Capital Fund 42.82 0.00 39016 Sabal Creek MSBU 82,255.50 0.00 401 Sanitary Landfill Fund 511,338.99 102,379.42 418 Golf Course Fund 15,950.63 22,831.71 471 Water & Sewer District Operations 16,391.00 17,603.29 479 Water & Sewer Dist.-Cap Facilities 6,050.00 0.00 491 Building Code Fund 19,760.59 58,490.95 505 Health Insurance Fund 433,971.71 0.00 505001 Risk Management Fund 3,489.20 4,029.21 505002 Health Insurance Administration 0.00 3,695.21 611 Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund 602.54 6,486.49 625 Law Library 24,156.09 0.00 630 Medical Examiner Agency Fund 1,149.61 53,635.61 650 Agency Fund 153,444.26 0.00 801 Bank Fund 63,841.12 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 2,678,966.82 1,500,404.01 117 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND SUMMARY-MOSQUITO FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 145 Mosquito Fund 3,085.22 36,310.05 147 Bear Point Mitigation Fund 208.33 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 3,293.55 36,310.05 118 01/24/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #17-18-JAN-2020 TO 24-JAN-2020 FUND SUMMARY-EROSION FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund 6,090.73 7,891.47 GRAND TOTAL: 6,090.73 7,891.47 119