HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application AIIAPPLICABL.E INE. MU E CQMpWr QfQf APPLICATION TOSEACCEPTED 2E 0— M 'Km-Al Ilif CID n- "D c IV',AD -4 2020 Permitting ermitting Departm 5t ent U St. Lp� iie County, FL 23 �e Phone-(77.2)(_-46 1�553, Fax.'-(7717),.4621,45779c"C t4l,'i7t, L &M ot, '-anw % y- -J, :! a Add�tionalwork to 6e performed under-this 6kcheck allthat PIV, M_eehanical Gas Tank? Gas Ing Mnibino, MlOs "tO(7 :Roo _�'Fjt� 'Electric A f Ploom total Sq ffo pqoq nn sq.Ft o First ;Floor-: $ �6 Utilifies; _Swed Septic Building Het ht _ _ ... . .... _. _ ._.__ . _ _, g _SF,,`7,66r - mpany., Address Address AyState .� z ' Zip Cb& -c - Fit'- 4 Phone.No 4 '-7 9 Y '84 L6"��- X" 'P.h6he-N'6' 77 7 4,7 14, V< P Fili - Vi Vil, P fit n I ftomlhkOWnerlid6d -6b6W)i 'L .................. o e— iie&;, cammericeineiiis'-i. qu'-' DE5IGNER :ENGINEER: Nat,APplicpb(e MI RTG/ GE COMP14NW Not" Name:, Address A dress +- ty _ .St... ate r �p Phone Zip _.r r. . x it EEE SIMPLE TITLE'HQM.DER Not Applicable BQNdING CO11tlPANY Y Not Applicable; , City, Ztp' Fhane Zi _.._. T PltbnE' OWNER/CONTRACTt?R AF,E4DVlT AppIicailon-is hereby made is obtain a permit to do he wo k:and s�rstollation,as:st�dicated Gcertify thatsna.work,or:installatson has commenced prior to tihe Rssance of a,permit, St:Eucleoun, makes Ito representat�sn#hat is granting a perfnrt will authorize the permEt:Fofderto butii�the subject s#ructure whrch,rs_rn.con �ct:tnrith.any.applical te.Home O.wners:Assoc�ation,ru(e ;bylauus ar and-ncovenantsthat may restrict or p'tohib t such` stcuGtu e.:,Pleas acorasutt.witlx;:_our Horrte;.Owners,AssOnatian acid reu�er�i your deed for any fiestr ct"ionssty-i eh may"apply;?, In.considers#ion of the grantrngof th!s,requestei#perm,rt,I da_terelay agree drat 1 will,:�n all respects.perfarm the yvi k �n accordance w�tli the approves!plans,the Florida Building"Colles and S it uc e. uritVArnendhientsr The fotfawsng iauildrng permft applications are exempt Ecom uniergotrg a full cdnctrrrency review room atlrirtrons;- accessory_structures,swimming;paols fences;.walls,signs,screen rot?ms and.'.accesso .usestoanother non= al use "WARNMNG TO`OWNER YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A:NOTICE OF COMi!lYiENCENENT NAY RESULT U1t 1 OURr ?'AYING TY�IICE FOR MN,PROYENEM. TO YOUR PROPERTY; A NOMM: OF COlY1NENGEAiENT MUST"BE`RECORDED AN1 P05TED ON THE JOB SI BEFORE THE`M"IRST MNSPECiiONt IF'YOU kMNTEND`TO;OBTAIN;FINANCING, CON5Ut1` WI1H_YOUR_LENDERsOR;AN.ATTORNEIt.'BEFORE-RECORDI1VGYtIUR NtICE,OF COIHMENCEMEN7:'' r 1, -.I r Signature of,UuvnerJ Lessee/Contractsr as Agentfor'Owner 'Signature ci.f tZ ctorjEicense Holder STATE;OI`Ftt3RlDA + Z-ve STATE 61if.-PIP OF - _ =� The tng rnstrUr�ge, t�was acknowledged 6-efore;me The f sing mstrurn n ;wras acknowledged before me this _!IL day of�_ Liltt ZE} hX I&ay of " i- Name of.petssn making--statemen' Alame of person mawng state ent.,M _ Personally Known_OR..;Praduced icientifiotton!.. _._. _ Personatiy'known tOR..P, otiuced,ldentifcatron -. ' iype of Identrficatrorr Type of Idenitfication, , 'Protltaced G _ Produced (S�gnatur of Notary l?ubisc Stat F a " tgn re;of Notary Pu lis Sta o a } u• tory Putatid State of rt a r a* V tatyPvbitcStateafflo . ; eltssa L 8utterleid ' !leItssa L Butterfield ;:COrr1l711SStOn N4, r a Commiss�oh GG.3 1'n sston No - �V tU�`� 'Ys= .�Q$$t& ommissmn GG,3o20 5: 0211412023; REVIEWS' FRONTONII�G SUPERVISOR PLANS s VEGETATIdl1I: SEATURTLE MANGROVE; COUNTER' REVIEW^ REViEUU WEVIEW REVIEW „; REVIEW, RFV;J DATE RECEIVED DATE - Y- _CC7MPlETEC?_ , r : , i x � . m