HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Acceptance WAMI'�ADE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY * PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD-AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION RECEIVED T( 86)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OA wwfv.miamidade.gov/economy MAR 0 5 90-0 Amarr Garage Doors 1.65 Carriage Court ST. Lucie County, Permitting Winston-Salem,NC 27105 SCOPE:This NOA is being issued.under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials.The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below.The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section(In Miami Dade County)and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify,or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance,if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein,and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION:Model 950 Heritage& 655 Oak Summit 1000,2000 Steel Sectional Garage Door up to 18'-0"Fide(DP+42.0,46.0 PSIS APPROVAL DOCUMENT:Drawing No.IRC-9518-165-26-I,titled"Model 950 Heritage and Model 655 Oak Summit(24.-a)1000,2000 Short,Long,Flush and Oak Summit Panels",sheets 1 through 3 of 3,dated 06/07/2007,with revision C dated 04/02/2013,prepared by Amarr Garage Doors,signed and scaled by Thomas L.Shelmerdine,P.E.,bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING:Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING:A permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo,3800 Greenway Circle,Lawrence,Kansas, model number,the positive and negative design pressure rating,indicate impact rated if applicable,installation instruction drawing reference number,approval number(NOA),the applicable test standards,and the statement reading `Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved'is to be located on the door's side track,bottom angle,or inner surface of a panel. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product,for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County,Florida,and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION:'A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA#17-0517.11 and consists of this page 1 and evidence page E-1 &E-2,as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Ishaq I.Chanda,P.E. j I NOA No.I7-1010.28 MIAMIDApE Expiration Date:October 4,2022 j Approval Date:December 28,2017 Page 1 X 1 Amarr Garage Doors NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. Evidence submitted in previous files A. DRAWINGS "Submitted under NOA#13-0503.05" 1. Drawing No.IRC-9518-165-26-1,titled"Model 950 Heritage and Model 655 Oak Summit (24ga) 1000,2000 Short,Long,Flush and Oak Summit Panels", Sheets 1 through 3 of 3,dated 06/07/2007,with revision C dated 04/02/2013,prepared by Amarr Garage Doors,signed and sealed by Thomas L.Shelmerdine,P.E. B. TESTS "Submitted under NOA#12-0228.04" 1. . Test report on Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environments per ASTM D 1654&ASTM B 117,prepared by Architectural Testing,Inc.,Test Report#A7420.01-106-18,dated 04/12/2011,signed and sealed by Joseph A.Reed,P.E. "Submitted under NOA#12-0228.09" 2. Test report on Forced Entry Test per FBC,TAS 202-94,prepared by American Test Lab,Inc., Test Report#ATLNC 0912.01-11i dated 10/13/2011,signed and sealed by David W. Johnson,P.E. "Submitted under NOA#07-0820.04" 3. Test report on 1)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,per FBC TAS 202-94, 2)Large Missile Impact Test,per FBC TAS 201-94, 3)Cyclic Wind Pressure Test,per FBC TAS 203-94; along with marked-up drawings,prepared by American Test Lab,Inc.,Report# ATLNC 0604.02-07,dated 06/30/07,signed and sealed by David W.Johnson, P.E. 4. Test report on Tensile Test for 3 Samples per ASTM E 8,prepared by Hurricane Engineering&Testing hie.,Report#HETI-07-T735,dated 06/26/2007, signed and sealed by Candido F.Font,P.E. C. CALCULATIONS "Submitted under NOA#12-0228.04" 1. Anchor calculations prepared by Structural Solutions,P.A.,dated 01/25/2012,signed and sealed by Thomas L.Shelmerdine,P.E. ..D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the Yh edition(2014)FBC and no financial interest issued by Structural Solutions,PA.,dated 05/08/2017,signed and sealed by Tomas L. Shelmerdine,P.E. t��4�,1• �.�4 Kms. Ishaq I Chanda,P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.17-1010-28 Expiration Date:October 4,2022 Approval Date:December 28,2017 �-1 Amarr Garage Doors NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE:EVIDENCE SUBAIITTED 2. New Evidence submitted. A. DRAWINGS 1. None. B. CALCULATIONS 1. None C. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER). D. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. E. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to FBC 2017(61h Edition)dated 09/11/17,prepared, signed and sealed by Thomas L.Shelmerdine,P.E. F. OTHER 1. This NOA revises NOA#17-051.7.11,expiring 10/04/22. Ishaq L Chanda,P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.17-1010-28 Expiration Date:October 4,2022 Approval Date:December 28,2017 E-2 e I/F0.•DLRAPE ::1 (TPPWIN IN txTM IT r �cog ntr�A4�0.D vxp u W Om!)raW.STt71. xnACIL71 ld GA.7WRA3AFE v ON P➢LXSiFR T47t91 Lr x 3/v HEX HCA➢SME16T (>lattlOiCTAL TDP TaL.LER A➢.NSTA➢LE RULER CARRD:R V/614!La• tJW xIME ATTAC{0]I nr rAgi EN➢STILE SRACxET A71ACtl0 VIC iTAClED Y!(2f t/a'>r l/r ® xIX Y!W 1/4..3N• AU=ARE V 0C Wtk=ArTACM V4'x 3M•M FrAD DOLT.&RIFT PER➢RACKET HE% sgma WAV I/(•x I/ 4DLT W ILRS SCREW P@ wh= . S I7 1(KaL RvIROSS ATTA;xIU -;.0- 14GA.DIx+ASAFE RO.LlR 1460.IR➢kWF ROLLER CARPTOZ ATTACHED Ta TOP SUTMI 5 Yi'N X 1e G4 4k7f READ SSI:EHS AT - CARRIEq/�TTAE11E➢m s V/(4)1!4• CS'R-TROSSC WLV.StFEL R-TROSS • .• FNDI CODER i71LE - R•TRtISt V/(D>Va• x 3/4' HEX HEAD ATTACHED DYER T%iT"IOH FIANDE OF _ 0/N TR7t TOAD SCRCVS SCREVs Pet RRTFR fIlCllllQ:Y!(37 VN x V4', _ xE1t KA O SCA6'S AT EAM WD 2'10 ROLL XWEL 15'SIFJf 0 I/P'x X m Dn, 0 R-TPL%SI -'� ` _ _ STILE ARO 4^J VT x 3/N FAJ( CARE FALLER Y/7116' TA()IED V/<9/VM 7C Yv NERD sCF1EYS A7 GL11 II%NERSAL ADhR FDR IChD SfliCVd AT QIDSfal:.t AND C U' ➢ALL SLfA 9S' SLIffi LDCK EltGPG�6E3d017D VELRATICppyL STDY Atm 3 1/4•x 3/4'1$7( SHATTS (2A MOM"CH MME Dim SALE 90 vw/7/1�R F OR 1T�61(�➢AmR�iDDUi.)�1TdC1iWm 1AD TrMESCREV9 AT FKJ(GAITER TYPICAL TDP-TITRES 1 PRODUCT RENEWED ICAC L nURaSAFE CENTER NWGEI/ NMI- ` p '� t!a'.x a!4'fD7t I;£,W ssREvt iLEd.• as complylgg n•Ith tho Plorlda Dullding Endo ORDY11C T AfiV6Aw ' NOA�To. 1T-0577TYPICALTERAW END t�LUCCEE 3 Expimaon a&1010412022 A (t N* -O 0•Z� NIS. `J ra ai tsp+tilir Osis 's Z- Enn HWE BYC-"43'ECC/.StRUT ATMOIED Miami-Dad Pmtluet Control - �S� n AT Rex SEE RAID.E'f>DH PAM S FDR sl t(DA.tt011.CR CTRRICR FAD SCREVS Fl x Alm mom SECTION CDPfiGI$AIIDR ATTAAGD V!tl>V4'%VN rJtix GOITER STt1£ 5 t/2'R X m-T N PER kiRRXX IEAD S l li pT l/l, a _ sECTDW 6•R-TRITS)GALY. ppmuE EAD c= • SIEFL R'TPDSY ARALTL'V Y! DH BOROR SCCTDRH /9 Va•x 3H•IFX Igyn • 1•-D• _ _ -_ _- _ _ -- __ _ -_ _ ➢OTTmH SRAIX£i m W S(RCYS A7 FaOI ETm STU 2•A peri STLLL ® V TYIaEAW➢X V4'IP7C mJ bT FJ41 i1T1TE2 STAE HUMCARE F=M ® C L3 A Y/¢S•STCR Atm N 11NaATSDIdR I TAA•IIA.T RETAp N 3'i?0 Cut STAR DR TRREAMI Z W➢EN PATtEt• . _ ._. ECTTDN iFL'DC111 13 DA OM 1677tH ---- ➢RACKET AT7ACI0 /(3l VYxV}• 5 REx/tEw saavd - - 4 TsxR cTION A—A(WEE JEV) • ,,�3, �.y PBTIDULV AEYLSFU P:Y 1TOff RI90G am ' �3t�y�23�' I G'd TYS f TVa E(ROYs W. m°0P19I}�8^hht3C FL'1187 A CLfmCfBmQlli@sOf itA@'DiG J/11/�B Si!' ntRis sm wt a �,r. �No !d R m=ima 21C T�WLS 6 t¢uTtiEs c J"j- p� }➢'-➢'HAx O =okFcaD 102MI"WO 4Aa P.L , lip IN=ELEVATDINuOurnCw>ps}yug w}Ablluidp bOmAd / IHr➢a➢stra.eet 13AX sl$ ,ti��' t�':.`SH .t °i•. ;4 AtroCDtriAm Olo .C�$• `H EA*bl+ �fw,&2� F7 UPTMNAL VI NTDEr DE9±a3ou g LOADS +`~QCt•��GENSC•, I ILTs rJ / No 0 9 9 vDaD uD>f DE1D!m FACT ERD 3fa£tv POi SF4TILP1 2 X B CIP(tlt SPr TO 4 T' l I 3 3/4•int( 17/0 x t-s %Lo-va•m•.sEcnnm 31 SSATE OF 'W QmRD➢R L 1 N x2-1 x17112 awl'=LOTH�i �3��I LARGE MISSILE ���� a�� � (n w LA=fm Sn,•. LARGE UMs¢E J •�O�IC~f O FI T��'•��od� timala,. ATTR Hta d I y't-TiR'm IMPACT. RESISTANCE &IPADT �� °°0�3�•""••• C=UPPLiED 3REXERS Y WS7A13FS7 Am A➢RF$VE 70 fMC1ttOR FACE t31..IIIIRIA 1D DatRS RESISTANCE i� FL 7j lTf�[1 317A AVD(27 AT iN£TDP .raj➢eRAt02T a7TACa9 m aim➢mTmT Hsa aN➢v/aT DnG•x 1➢re r nnL¢g7EEy DAC% 27 LA G Rai AaB A7TAOSD m DDgL•Ay,CeS• a[DiDD�l1SDit0 ITA4 Ci 9t93VJmAL "`,_;+/ TRACK Y/NsiiD�➢SRT e o C(NYDttVANCP YAtH'THE PFiO[EWRE DESClD➢FD LY AS1)E , ' 22 Oe.amv. LNIVOML FSSD,ROA pA�7A TCG TA9 201 Y02 ARD 3W THE tO CARRIAGE C=T VINSTON- Ot,IOL PACS WVAtDW=M '.:I .-' ' �" i_'"•. - D1KIDlF tam S'r ATTMtYD p .^+H071N ON THE DRABniO3 Ke"R8 GLCHxATEo WTH OD RIVETS DR tn]tsaED USd10 ASLE 7-70 kSRI'THE FP.lDi'dNC PAWdIEIFRs(➢fit MODEL#950 I=AGE IDOD,8000 i B VA hx in •L, ••'_:• _ AMRO T T Dlxatd SxtR Ai 7L4 L D tx THE tRoOF T FRY StDP MCI=K055 0.1K 9L�&L�SiOakT(?btEmmtt Pemela .4pq) IOODr 2-000 11314"]x1RASAFE RDLixR CVtAER A�rAG�D TD R- TatD ePt7:D 2t2 1=3 1➢3 170 788 Lea Ntwh Y/(37 V4'z 3/4'W7C P` SCREVS EIF09JRE LEVR. D O C 0 D gT 0A7cr, 1 TRACK MOUNTING DETAIL IAEAN R➢�HPnt1T ,s ,s 2D IM e� n4[whim EC-9518-165 26-1 C NJA DYY&R 1 ff 3 1 L X!PALL Sim MMUCANC AU LER V/9T an AND w 23.12 GA:GALV,STFEL 17 G0.GALV,FLAT LEAF iPHGE AR POLI MAIM USES FORSTARTER PLATE ATTACHED V/(4) AP.ACW ATTACHED Yom/fW X3 I. SPTJFt B13LTS OR RIVETS 2'GALV,STEEL TRACK A55't61N1lA1H T=MESS Illiii L11W HEA TRACK 13PTMN s I/B'1NGA R-TRvss ATrac7ra e� •• rnI DD Ga■z sre AAM V/t81 7/M Y O/4'I6'X NEA Z&SAL'02. aR ATTACNED V/0 N.T.S sccEtz AT oN E" E A w im%t m'sAaff A 10? . eo i7,4Y5�f hTiABRIF]H TOP FUTURESH . /RODUC F NEVtSLt91 I •r�Mybs+hY ur paY. ' Wdinco- PRODUCT RENEWED PRObOC18EVlSP� pRDOIICfRGY1S51) •1't�Giai.•4fe o I eomplyIng with tho Florida � comlyly;il�, do FTefido ua,owjyhQvd11SoF1A& 13 GA,FLAG BRACKET ATTACHED TO VO BaOSin CodoCdr JAHBV/C3)9/16 BTA, L-5/0'LAG IXILTS �SL, �� 4 NCIA-No. 17-0517.1.1 , ,,•„ta, O.O cyto yc15- d ANP TO TRACK V/L4)V4'-20 x 5/0'TRMX - SPLICE 11I1Ts-AND NVIS Expimfft.O M10104l2022 . BY t Pw&d(J-kol Mfan IryoytcfOPnUdi IVLICE IRA=AT TM LMATM Miami d• rodact Control V/W YY-UO TRK%SPLICE SALTS L MM MMURE TO J"VTTH CO 5/16'1114 x I-&S' LAO OA.TO i G'i' fESthPGO1 O'E84SPSS G[E WOOD JAMB ATTACHMENT TO STRUCTURE A m=wTumRR;RER1m0as vupB Dl VW ML x I-SIN' LAG BOLT Almon TD.GND ?%6 VE4TN'd6�A'aB AT'TAEHN-NT'®YO[iP FRLVE MR'S`-i�x 0 RM'G1 H1 fOCNi10 11/tlRi AT EA.VA77A 39`t T 5/16'X 3'LAG SCREWS STAFJW.G.FRDH ENDS THEN 1E'0:'. I me EiRMAHT) C P.ItEO.CSGOUmSTACtA-A(�BOtJ +RIO P Y a VFR Al .tApM ATTACWI F TO _DDO Plt L*WCRETF MLTI JU HLTI SLEEVE ATtCCFOR 3/0'X LIV44'G ST RTRM 6�FROM ENDS 7M IV ILC.a 1/4''ENPELLYENT) ,,L{laalrtllglA01 y�. .U�m CALM STEEL ITV/umm REEL@AD CTRu-BBLT)3/e'xA4'STARTCiO 6-FR101 ENDS THEN 22'O,C.t2 V2'0W.DHENT) uy T �� ae��+y L.�Hfl/y��,++,,�- t x 14 . pP,.••' 9 T al ATTAC}D D V/CJ VV-20 x 9/O IQs\.��OE�I61. Q S[ i'%3'T7 SCREVS STARTIlIG 6'FFIDI ENDS,11SE PAIRS OF FASfENMS DMGN!AADS ICI 2�n a TRPSK SPCRC DELT i HUT CO-APART)AT 0'OG 0 1/2'E4EEDNENT) 4-A20 P:F Lt. `1�r•NA S 'fi� FAAV ERS CILTI 1/4' Y APAM AT 11.6C 0 1/44''EHHTEDNWL)ARTZM 6'iR021 ENDS,USE PAIRS OF .•66.0 PSF IClg 7� HD-TI EEVE ANCHf6E 3!B'X B-L4•sTARFM5 FF DS THEN 12'fLG 0 V4' TO VO4ST T7CBED%Et1T)QTR,use FASTE%EPS FBR Iit , w C-BO BLUCIENRESTRICTIONSSTATE OF LAGS AND BOLTS CACI BE CUUNTMMK TII PEWINE A FLUSH MINTM SURFACE. +JAM BY .PREPARATION IF VLAM AASSR.EV= MMMNPACT RESISTANCE Q"FL +h+InVNAI.ppA CONCRETE HO:LOV B GRDUTID BLO STRUCTURE STRUCTURE STRUCTURE STRUCTL!4E J/{e1`-' A F)1 • SEE(TABLE?�FGR 167 caaR1A0E caxT YPCTmI•sunb aa.eras WYAN0.9LCO11 JAMB BRACKET SPACING i L 95 jF850 73ER11`dfi;10(10, O1 STANDARD TRACK CMFIGURATMN FOR 6'6'UP TO 14'TAIL D=S I/2'IS 2-3/Y .Rt 3-1lt'NIN 4' kIOOTSL#&35 Od$SOAflOa(24gq) fOCO�2000 t Kra JAMB Short Lon FhlAh&Oak Smnmit Pan 31DBALBT DAE (61P85IUllRR 8 MM Of 0 1 DAE 06R12 DOM M=LMUM EE BSIkMM SII2 1 3 TABLE 1 TABLE 2 DOOR SECTION HEIGHTS DOOR TRACKATTACHMENT SPLICE HEIGHT Bim 02 #3 R4 #b 08 #7 1#81 HEIGHT A B C 0 E I F I Q I H I J K I L I M N S $ 114 _a s2AR,29 1 >HIva 'ii14": tp6 !• .,.: -". QW INS" 21" 21" 21' -21" 21" 18" 18" 21" T 3" 14" 27' 38" 46° 58" 68" 76' m SFIB'.0.m 1401, �t.8 M_99.;: m in 3,r', 12'6" 21" 18" 18° 18" 13" 18" 18" 21" 8 3" 14" 27" 38' 46" 56° 6V 78" Via."1E' 8°' 8.2 s' S:> �•..•n.'. - 9` 11'6" 21'.21- 21" 18" 18" IS" 21" 9' 3" 14" 27° 38" 46" 56" 68" 78" 88" 160" - - IT61 718�n m�$'�;'...X'-,�," I;� .ce_.� _ Wit AZT _.....w 8 _8&'��-..9:A. ,:ice; .:sLe.• .�G.�E: 1' 21' 21' 21" 21" 21" 10' 3" 14" 27' 38 46' 68'P68' 78" 88 100" 112" • 21" 18" 18" 18" 18" 21° 11' T' 14'1. 27' 38" 4 88° 68° 78" 88 100"tt0" 124" 211' 21" 21' 18" 21' IZ3" 14" 27° W46" 86" 68" 78' BS° 100"110"12Z" 13fi• 4.3:18' 18" 8 16, i8" 13' 3" 14-127- SB" 46" 56" 68" 76""88" 100"IWO221-1 IW 14B" 6 6� 21" 18" 18 21" 14' 3" t4 127" 38°, 46" 58' 68" 78" B8" 100"-114-1122-1134-1146- 160" ALL TRACK A7rAC18.1F1(7 SPACING+/-2'ALLOWED W114 SYP NO.2 OR BETTER ONLY PRODUC r NEVIRED �psp(ylsswitY Liu FtolTda • . Gaddin`Ra,M NTEBOR OF GARAGE' Asrptun N. ! -,NOD•2� - • MAX.VT1bTH 18'O' �° Z2_ VEESIML jAna12ADS PRODUCE REh the ED • DESIGN L1TAD5 as�omp�ying vrath the Florida TONL.BS/FT ® B —411.0 oGodo . r¢oA-No-rto.• 17-05.17.41 SEE NOTE 2 Explmftn 01010 412022 A ttYAFCNi m IBM Su RAORDDS 7JIL/M 8 mn TuT7C2 IIJ&Jtl SPECIFICATIONS ANO NOTES imrrd- Product Control C 41DEO8M41gI lOMWA-AOM-fi') wa 1.ALLTHE LOAD FROM TW DOOR IS TRANSFERRED TO THE VERTICAL TRACK• tjl"JII ' FROM THE TRACK THE LOAD IS TRANSFUMED TO THE Vl7RRCAL IAMBS, TUX WE ry i< ADID7� CA ER RECEIVES NO PORTION OF THE LOAD PRO'DUG783v1sw ta :14 NNTHE,DOOR. 11#YhO"3h9rFkrJ& DMIGN LOADS Zww�o�Q�,.�CEN�• ��%' AZ. vA sic'•,Oi j' 3 q 2 EAdi TTGAL IAMBS MAk6PJld DESIGN LOADS OF. ' BCS+ +420 PSF N Z` M• $ +3ye.o LBsFr & —•}76a tss Aca�no.Wo�371� '"t.ti;' Pd0 OA48h7 •[1'g a 1 9 tyi —46.0 FSF C 3.DOOR AND HARDWARE WLL BE DESIGNED,MANUFACTURED 7 ...ttt ' AND INSTALLED WTTH STANDARDS AS SEF FORM BY DASTNA SIZES MWECT *• +_ O i ;* g G 4.DOOR SECTIONS SHALL 6E 24 GA.(.Ons)MDL ETT MOR SINK TO W-.GgT 'O: 14 ;�—k•'�' ROLLED FORMED,W/BAKED ON POLYESTER FINNISH PcemdL3aha1 RESTRCTTONS q9T: E OF •�.`.". S.DOORS USE(1)B.5"ISOA R—TRUSS PER SECTION P wEvttea O�� Q..•a�r x . AND(1)3'20GA STRUT ON ALE eO1SDM S'cCTT0T1 'nomwyyfAg ri'tbabcomtk LARGE MISSILE �,C"P l O fT LO,•��\p• . 0.REFER TO TABLE 1 FfltSWMN CONEKIURAMON. DWId.QCDds IWACr 'S+r•••^'• . 7.SUPPORTING STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE DESIGNED Aa�37o .Ja RMWOUNl�. FL tq OIVahV eta - g� . BY A REDISIRFD PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER FOR WIND LOA05 Li INDlcm ON THIS DRAWING N AODITWN TO OTHER LOADING& a! 8. THS APPROVAL REOVIRES IRE MANUFACTURER TO DO TESRNG OF ALL b1a�u proyM l(.W!! CODS USED TO FABRICATE DOOR PANELS LENDER THIS NOME OF AVAILABLE TRACK COWGURA71ONS ACCEPTANCE. A MINlMI1M OF 2 SPECIMENS'SHALL BE CUT FROM EACH COIL ua Se!M a mRr V:N M-VLM Ra enm VVVAKWXM N.T.S. - AND TENSILE TESTED ACCORDING TO ASIM E-8 BY A DADE COUNTY T,(ODyy�g50 RS@iTAG&1006.2DO6 - APPROVED LAB SELECTED AND PAID 13Y THE MANUFACTURER, EVERY 3 Mp]ybq, 865 035 SEM(249a) LQOO,:4000 i MONTHS.4 TIMES A YEAR THE MANUFACTURER SHALL MAIL TO THIS OFFICE Y� (246n) , A COPY OF THE TEST REPORTS%NTH OOMrTRMATION THAT THE SPECIMENS Sho a 18vah&Oak 3amaiLi Paneie i WERE 11 TED FROM CALLS AT THE MANUFACTURER PRODUCTIC4 FACILITIES (R APV OAIE OPAWO TATER ' AND A NOTARIZED STATEMENT FROM THE MAIDTFACWRER THAT ONLY COILS •8 B, �� �(�-'.��"16J"�'I WN YIELD STRENG1H OF 34.000 PSI OR MORE SHALL BE USED TO MAKE I DOOR PANELS FOR DADS COUNTY UNDER THIS NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE. [501FRL mm L ukma PL m a WTLFD SFA S 0'3 I