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Wind Load Calculation
Planning&Development Services Department c Building&Code Regulations Division L41- ' 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982-(772)462-1553 Certification for Design Load Compliance Project Name: CVS ROOF Project Address: 301 PRIMA VISTA BLVD Permit#: Occupancy Type: B Construction Type: V INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: •This certification must be completed,signed,and sealed by the design professional of record. •Submit(2)copies for residential,(3)copies for commercial with all permit applications involving the following: o New Residences(single or multi-family) o Residential Addition o Any accessory structure requiring a building permit o Any non-residential structure. *Note:Form not required for Interior renovations provided that no exterior structural elements are affected and certain minor building permits at the discretion of the local building official.Contact the#above for questions. DESIGN PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS USED:(complete all that apply) 2cr'37c� ® 1.DESIGN CODE:Florida_Building Code 2017(6th Edition)using ASCE 7-10 FOR � �� ���� 2.Structure Designed as(check one): X Enclosed Partially Enclosed Ope COD3.Risk Category:_I X11 111 IV Exposure Category; X B C D 'fin LUVE COUNTY 4.Design Wind Velocity 150 mph 116 ASD N/A LRFD End Zone Width: 5 ft �� 5.Mean Roof Height; 20 ft Roof Pitch: o.5 ;12 Parapet: N/A ft 6.Components&Cladding Design Pressures Used:(PSI:,based on 10sgft @ 15'MRH,clearly label on all plan openings): 16.0 16.0 16.0 24.2 24.2 N/A Zone 1: -24.2 Zone 2: -40.6 Zone 3: -61.1 Zone 4: -26.2 Zone 5: -32.4 Garage: N/A 7.Design Loads:Floor: N/A PSF Roof/Dead: 5 PSF Roof/Live: 20 Balcony:. NIA PSF Dock: N/A PSF Deck: N/A PSF Stairs: N/A PSF Fence: N/A PSF Railings: N/A PLF/CONCENTRATED 8.Were Shear Walls Considered For Structure? X Yes Not Applicable Explain Why Not; 9.Is A Continuous Load Path Provided? _.&_Yes Not Applicable Explain Why Not: 10.Design Soil Bearing Pressure: 2500 PSF Soil Test Reports Submitted? Yes DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: I certify that,to the best of my knowledge and belief,the attached plans&specifications have been designed to comply with the japplicable structural portions of the building codes currently adopted and enforced by St.Lucle County.I also certify,that ste5ructurfi elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the design forces s ecified s L' p IN ` ��` ��'� '���� Paul Welch P.E. 29945 / 5115 � .1 r C A. Print Name Cert#&Co.Cert Auth. Paul Welch Inc. 1984 S.W.Biltmore St.Suite#114 Port St.Lucie,FL ,Slgnature,.Da#e,and'S Company Name&Address SLC.CDy4Formt#OLU�12 I{eviseci 3J15J1��(1b1 ': File Cova S MEASUREMENTS J 21 -r( Q e r SQUARES Fed LINE MEASUREMENTS Actual Squares: 86.71 Sqs. Eaves: 0 Ft. Total Squares Rakes: 0 Ft. (Inc.Waste at 5%): 91.05 Sqs, Ridges: 0 Ft. Hips: 0 Ft. Valleys: 0 Ft. Step: 0 Ft. Wall: 391 Ft. Pitch Change: 0 Ft. PITCH MEASUREMENTS CATEGORY MEASUREMENTS Pitch 1112: 86.71 Sqs. ice &Water Shield: 0 Ft. Ridge Vent: 0 Ft. Rake Edge: 0 Ft. j4a 0E; va."Vi pr. 0N%A,9CeV Eave Edge: 0 Ft. SoNrC S _ Step Flashing: 0 Ft. Apron Flashing: 0 Ft. Gutters: 0 Ft. Gutter Toppers: 0 Ft. Down Spouts: = 0 Ft. CqP' Row; PAUL WELCH INC. MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL CIVIL ENGINEERING 19B4S.W BIL7MORES7:SL/FM&I 14 ; L ELE CH,P.E.FLA RoRr5AtjvrLurjL-,FLN 2 PA UL 9945 MAR 0'4- 2020 File COPY '1 Building Department Product Approval Submittal Affidavit Permit# Building Address:301 PRIMA VISTA BLVD Contractor:TBD Opening Schedule :Swing doors,Overhead Doors,Sliding Doors,Fixed Glass,Windows&Skylights Product Model# Manufacturer Attachment Method Type Building Product Spacing,Embedment&Stiffener etc. Design Design Pressure Pressure -ZaA V-1 -M-2 ,Q.'C'tglAH99R VERSIWELD Z�ai�2=�Ja%(o. i zow.-. ROOF SYSTEM FL#14207.1 TPO VERSICO ROOFING SYSTEMS SEE ATTACHED METHODS 1&2 1 T'-45* Q,-?tELGU1MwT a a zomp- I have reviewed the above product approval information and approve it. Name:Paul Welch P.E. Certification Number:29945 tea. CD PAUL WELCH IIVC. MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL CML ENGINEEf'aANG 1984S.W.EX7WOREST.SUITE#114 PORTSAI NTLUCIE,FL 34984 PALL WELCH,P.E.FLA REG No.29945 rK, t� ONEMO etc. TABLE ZH:,STEEL ort STRUCTURALCONCRETE DECKS-,NEW CON$TRUCTION,REROOF(TCAIR-OFFIoR RECOVER S'Y'STW TYPE 1INSULATED, • 'i i i tnsulaiion Layer(Ndte'14) (ft+gfi Cover MDP System Deck(Note 1) Attach P p fl No_ T e Membrane Fasteners Fastener La Lap Seam yP (Note S) spacing Width Spacing 1Afetd Min.22 ga.,type B,Grade Min,1.5-inch,one Prelim, VersiWeld or 12-inch 1.5-inch SC-201 33 steel or more layers, attach VersiUleld Plus HPV-X Fastener and HPV•X Plates ac 5-inch 91-inch O.C. outside -37.5 any combination Min-22 ga.,type 3,Grade 33 steel,6ftspan,5/8"diameter Min.1-inch,one VersiWeid(min. addle welds6'o.c.,sideis s Prelim. nominal 60-mil 1zinch Inc 40fi 1utinch SC-202 s cured 24"o.c.w/W-14x1" or more layers, Attach or Vers,Weld ) HPV-XL Fasteners and HPV XL Plates D.C. inch O.C.a.c. outside -37`$ long self-tapping hex-head any combination plus screw Min.22 ga.,type 8,Grade Min`1.5-11nch,one Prelim. VersiWeld or Trufast 015 EH0 Fastener with Trufast 2.4"Barbed Metal 12-Inch 55- 66.54nch 1.5-inch -37.5 SC-203 33 steel or more layers, attach VerslWeld Plus Seam Plates D.C. inch o.c_ outside any combination Min.22 ga.,type 6,Grade 33 steel,6 ft span,5/8"diameter Min 1-Inch,one puddle welds 6'o.c.,side laps Prelim. VerstWeld or HPV-X Fasteners and HPV-X Plates or#15 Roofgrip with 2- 6-inch 55- 138.5-inch 1.5-inch -45.0 SC•204 secured 24"o.c,w/X'-14x1" or more layers, attach VersiWeid Plus 3/8"Eyehook Seam Plates(AccuSeam) D.C. inch ac outside long self-tapping hex-head any combination screw Min,22 ga.,type B,Grade Min.1.5-inch,one HPV-XL Fasteners and HPV XL Plates(steel only)or MP 14-10 12-inch 5.5- 114.5-inch 1.5-inch 5C-205 80 steel or min.2,500 psi or more layers, Prelim. VersiWeid or (concrete only)or M-10(concrete only)Fasteners and NPV-X ^�5.0 attach VersiWeid Pius D.C. inch o.c, outside :d structural concrete any combination Plates �a o HPV-X Fasteners(steel only),MP 14-10(concrete only)or CD- Min.18 ga.,type B,Grade Min.1.5-inch,one Prelim. VersiWeid or 10(concrete only)Fasteners and HPV-X Plates or#15 12-Inch 5.5- 11A.5-inch 1.5-inch i SC-206 33 steel or min.2,500 psi or more layers, 45'0 g=?� structural concrete any combination attach VersiWeid Plus Roofgrip(steel only)with 2-3/8"Eyehook Seam Plates o.c. inch o.c, outside l 1 (AccuSeam) Min.22 ga.,type B,Grade Min.1.5-inch,one Pre4m. VersiWeid or Trufast 915 EHO Fastenerwith Trufast 2.4'Barbed Metal 6 inch 5.5- 114.5-inch 15-inch SC-207 33 steel min. psi or more layers, attach VersiWeid Plus Seam Plates D.C. inch D.C. outside 45.0 structurall concretteo anycambination Min.22 ga.,type B,Grade 33 steel,6 ft span,5/8'diameter Min.14nch,one VerslWeld(min. puddle welds 6"o.c.,side laps or more layers, Prelim. nominal 60-mil) HPV-X Fasteners and HPV-X Plates or#15 Roofgrip with 2- 6-inch 5.5• 1145-inch 1.5-inch .--45.0 SC-208 secured 24'o.c.wl K"-14K1' attach or VersiWeld 3/8"Eyehook Seam Plates(AccuSeam) 0.c. int h D.C. outside long self-tapping hex-head anycomb�nation Plus screw iMin 22 ga,tyPe,BN,;rage Min 1:5 rnch,orte; M.1- Fastener sk i anlyj iViP Ut 1f1(�nnseteflniy)or GQ t12=1ncn L�5-1 1x:14 5 inch t1;5=inc t (Prem) Ver�ttNeld or = .• '45'61 _. 5 2091 80 stegl or min 2,SOO.pst or more Igye x :. (10( ncrete only)fasteners and HPV 3C Fiaie,or1S Roofgrip; -__ r (attacfi� VersitiTtld`Pliis� W. - a,c iitcti; o.c. auisiifei "structural¢oncrefei ny cqm matfoni t(_eel orilyl tiurth 2 3/ �Eyehogk_Seam;.plates{AccuSeano),i _ _ st - Min.22 a., Min.1.5-inch,one g type B,Grade Prelim. VersiWeid or HPVXL Fasteners and HPV-XL Plates or Trufast#15 EHD 12-inch S_5- 90.5-inch 1.5-inch -450 SC-210 33 steel or more layers, attach VersiWeld Plus Fastener with Trufast 2.4"Barbed Metal Seam Plates o,c inch D.C. outside any combination NEMA ETC,LLC Evaluation Report[35230,11.10-R21 for FL14207-R21 Certificate of Authorization#32455 6r"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21:06/1012019 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen,PE-59166 VeMVWeld TPO Single Ply Roof Systewns,(717)245-7264 Appendix 1,Page 30 oi,72 EMO I e66e• vi •' DANCE/ • •• bECXSECUREIVIENT • •o• I • ' • 11 rolm L,I WN a I in I • A• HILTI PART STEELSUPPORTINd MEMBERTHia(NESS(INCH) X-ENP-19 L15,X-ENP-19 L15MX or X-ENP-19 L15MXR t>0.25 X-EDN19 THQ12 or X-EDN19 THQ12M 0.25<t<0-575 X-EDNK22 THQ12 or X-EDNK22 THQ12M t=0.25 X-HSN 24 0.125<t<0.375 S-MD 12-24 x 1-5/8 M H WH5 0.125<t<0.25 o • HILTI PART MAX.SPACING MAX, MAX.SPAN(INCHES)ALLOWABLE Min.2:2 ga.steel ( Min.20 (INCH O.C.) DESIGN PRESSURE(PSF) ga.steel Min.18 ga.steel Min.33 ksl Min.So ksi i Min.33 ksi Min.80 ksi Min.33 ksi Min.80 ksi e°�pr� L;lir — 12 -45.0 72 72 72 72 72 72 6 -82.5* 72 72 I 72 72 72 72 �1 6 -90.0* 68 72 { 72 72 72 72 pa o 6 -97.5* 63 72 j 72 72 72 72 6 -105.0* 59 72 j 72 72 72 72 6 -112.5* 55 72 67 72 ?2 72 -ENP-19 L15 6 -120.0* 51 72 63 72 72 72 X-ENP-19 L15MX 6 -127.5* 48 72 59 72 72 72 I X-ENP-19 L15MXR 6 -135.0* 45 72 56 72 72 72 X-EDN19 THO.12 6 -142.5* 43 72 53 72 72 72 X-EDN19 THC 12M 6 -150.0* 41 72 50 72 69 72 X-EDNK22 THQ12 6 -157.5* 39 71 48 72 65 72 X-EDNK22 THQ12M 6 -165.0* 37 68 46 72 62 72 X-HSN 24 5 -165.0* 35 65 44 72 60 71 or 6 -172.5* 34 62 42 72 57 68 S-MD12-24x1-5/8MHWHS 6 -18D.0* 33 60 40 72 55 65 6 -187.5* 31 57 39 71 53 62 6 -195.0* 30 55 37 68 51 60 6 -202.5* 29 53 36 66 49 58 6 -210.0* 28 51 36 63 47 56 6 -217.5* 27 50 33 61 16 54 6 -225.0* 26 48 32 59 44 52 *Limited to fully or partially adhered roof coverings. Information is provided as guidance for use at the discretion of the Designer or Record and Authority Having Jurisdiction, Neither NErA0j etc.nor Robert Nieminen,P.E.purport to evaluate Hlid fasteners for compliance with the Florida Building Code. NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 035230.11.10-R32 for FL14207-R22 Certificate of Authorization#32455 6'"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATion Revis'on 22:12/10/2019 ©2019 NEMO ETC,LLC VersiWeld TPO Single Ply Roof Systems;(717)245-7264 Appendix 2,Page 1 of 1