HomeMy WebLinkAbout24030475 81. Lucie County RECEIVED Building & Zoning Departm~ 2 3 2007 2300 Virginia A venue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Public Works 772-462-2165 St. Lucie County, FL Fax 772-462-6443 Request for 30-Day Temporary Power Release Date: d2 -;1.3 -°7 Permit Number: )LtL) '3 C> Lfi S Property Address: /7/'1 ~d.... ~~./ 4. 4~ ~ 3~~5 THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY (30) DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR FINAL INSPECTION. IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. This temporary power release is requested for the above stated purpose only, and there will be no occupancy of any type, other than that permitted by construction during this time period. 2. As witness by our signatures, we hereby agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this agreement, including Building Division Policy, which is incorporated herein by reference. 3. All conditions and requirements listed in the attached document entitled "Requirements for 30 Day Power for Testing" have been fulfilled and the premise is ready for compliance inspection. 4. All requests for an extension beyond 30 days must be made in writing to the Building Official stating the reason for the request. Power may be removed from the site and/or a Stop Work Order issued if the Final Inspection has not been approved within 30 days. A fee of $100.00 will be required to lift the Stop Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LIABILITIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF NATURE WHICH MA Y ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUT OF THIS TRANSACTION, INCLUDING ANY DAMAGE WHICH MAY BE INCURRED DUE TO THE DISCONNECTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER IN THE EVENT OF VIOLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. ~ ~ ~ø2:!3""/} 7 St. Lucie County Building and Zoning Department Requirements for 30 Day Power for Testing I. Form entitled "Request for 30-Day Temporary Power Release" must be fully executed and posted in the Building Department record files prior to inspection. II. Inspection RequirelTIents: 1. Address numbers shall be posted per county Ord. No. 7.05.09. 2. All entrances, exits, windows and garage doors must be lockable. 3. All circuits on exterior shall be terminated in a box with weatherproof cover. The same applies to a disconnect. If circuits are at or above 7'6" from grade they may be capped with wire nuts and taped. 4. All breakers must be installed. Any blank pace must be closed b a breaker or approved .filler plates. 5. Interior Wiring: All receptacles, light fixtures and fans must be trimmed. Any fixture below 7' 6" from the floor or mezzanine that is not available at the time of inspection must have an Inviso plate installed. Fixtures at or above that height may be capped with wire nuts and taped. 6. All slTIoke detectors lTIust be installed. 7. Kitchen cabinets must be installed; any exception for special conditions or circumstances must have an approval prior to scheduled inspection. 8. Sewer and water connections must be complete. Only well pumps are excluded from this requirelTIent. 9. Exterior construction must be complete and weather tight, including stucco, siding, roof and soffit. 10. Permit work shall be substantially completed except for back orders, paint on exterior, carpet and/or floor covering, pumps, air conditioners and driveway. 02/06/2007 08:24 772P71ðQ93 ST LUC I E HI: AI _ TH T)EPT PAGE 01 I St. Lucie County Health Department DIVISION OF Environmental Health Division Environmental Health 5150 NW Milner Drive * Port 51. Lucie FL 34983 :~::y (772) 873..4931 * Fax (772) 873-4893 Bio-terrorism Response + Beach and River Water Quality + Institutional Food. Body Art t Group Caret Migrant Housing + Minimum Housing + Mobile Home Parks + Fuel Storage Tanks + SUPER Act + Water Systems + Wells + Pools. Septic Tanks + Biomedical ~/aste + Sanitary Complaints + Rabies Surveillance Arbovirus Surveillance (West Nile Virus) + Indoor Air Quality + Emergency Response F COVER PA JEIVED FEB 0 ö 2001 Date: To: Public Works St. Lucie County, FL Comments: ~L/Óßð'l1-S- From: ~0 D Catherine Holler [J Bruce McLeod o Kevin Turner o Ryan Frasier 0 Tracy Hunter [] James Moses 0 John Hanson D David Koerner [J Jodi Polissky D Sonji Hawkins 0 Carolyn Mabry [] Shelia Swank CON FIDE~NTIAL ThiS fax transmission may contain materia' that is confidential under Florida and federal statutes and is intended to be delivered only to the named addressee. Unauthorized use of this information may be a violation of criminal statutes. If this information is received by anyone other than the named addmsseé, the recipient should immedíately notIfy the sender at the address or the tElephone number above and obtaÎn instructions as to the disposal thereof. If unable to contact sender, this material should be destroyed. Under no circumstances should this material by shared, retained, or copÎed by anyone other than the named addressee. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of St. Lucie County regulating building construction or use. For the following: ¡ Building Permit No. - 24030475 ParceI/Folio Nbr: 2212-500-0005-000/7 Lot # 3 Block: Subdivision: Carboy Industrial Park Unit 1 Occupancy: Storage - moderate hazard Building Address: 170 BOYD RD Legal Description: Permit Job COMPLETION OF WAREHOUSE & OFFICE FOR FISH DISTR. CHANGE OF Description CONTRACTOR-REPLACES PERMIT #22090688 REVISION 5-12-2005 RELOCATING AIR HANDLER FROM THE ATTIC TO CLOSET 1 DUCT WORK CHANGED 1 LIGHT FIXTURES CHANED FROM DROP INS TO SURFACE MOUNTSI CEILING CHANGED FROM ACCOUSTICAL TO GYPSUM-ABH Permit Finaled: 03/15/2007 Contractor DAVID MCGEE HARDEN & MCGEE CONSTRUCTION, LLC (863) 634-7490 Raymond Wazny Building Official Monday, March 19, 2007 Date Printed NOTE: This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named, for building at the above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant will abide by and comply with all the conditions of the Zoning Ordinances and all Ordinances or Building Codes of Saint Lucie County pertaining to the erection, construction or remodeling of buildings or structures. This also certifies that the electrical wiring and/or equipment, and the plumbing work have been inspected and approved. The issuance of this Certificate grants permission to occupy and use the property described herein only for the use indicated. Any change in use will require a new Certificate of Occupancy. POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE 03/06/2007 13:4b ß3/øl/2ee7 13:42 86376307~1 77246' J RECEIVED ') MAR 0 6 2007 public Works .. St. Lucie couoty, H..., ACCURATE PIC OF ~~EE SLC INSPECT 10" ~~~~ ~~._- St Lucie County, IDSpeetionSft E C 2300 Virginia A venue Ft Pier~e, FL 34'S2 (17'1) 463-2112 01 '" CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIl., TREA TIYtENT PERMlTþ,-\()'3lJL\'\5 JOB ADDRESS L 70 0¡d teL A·0er('c~ 'fJ. BUlLDERHAt.d-¿Jj=:rjY1C(Jh£ - ' ~TC~TROLCU,;:~Çí~:~I)~~~~6f~~~~ PEST CONTRt:)L L" tW"-:·" 'C. *_~.~pS021 L We, the undeni~,,"1 "e""e~' ..~jfy t,b~t We b.~e þreì.reai.ed t"~ .bvve·descrlbed coutructioD Cor subterranean tern'...... in .~..."U~,d.nœ wit}) tJ't: 1t"~1";.,b.I1I:¡ ()f tll~ National Pest Control AssÐdadon. Square feet of ar.. treated: C"~nnit:.I. Used:~}(, It'etÞrì ^ ~. Percentage of solution: ~ S 10 Tut'ai ~uljons \laed: · ::í) -- Date uf treatment: .. _ ÇL{.28J 07 Time of Treatment: {fA.: r m o Footing tJ 1st r~·~"t:n.;n~ o Re-tr~at ~,..... b l.J. ,") .\a a ] st Treatme~t U Re-treat CJ; Drivf;,v,~y Q I & ~ 1tr'.:'a tml ~11 ~ o Re-t~t [:J Poryls U !s~ t r~~"Ji"eljt C] ~.~. !te~~l o Other - ----.----.... -........ - --""""--- ......... - o 1 st Treatment ORe-treat ~Perimetel' for Finai lnsp~ction r -~Bêi;;:z.;ë~~;;'~.. D;"'~;::~~- ;;.;~;¡; pr.".ntiq,. ,,/ ",.",;UI.  wt!tI.lht!r niilt4n! jobsit, posting board VUlU bl! provided 10 receive d""licø.t~ rf'etltmtlnr Ct,.,{fie.~~.f IU ~dch r.qwir.d protøctiva 'rfatm.cnJ is ~Citt.' " ;t~d, pròvtdi", Q C.1"} j.,. .. tlt~ p" · '?74 tñ J ;:"6,' mi~ ¡~ ·ssuød to rmtl I al'JOther copy for th.- -'lIûdi11& p~Tmi' filcl. 77t4r rr.",,,,,nt Ç61'fiftt:Øl~ ShA.ll P '" '«1. t .'~I' ," l'Cul., '. "/. -l. itltmtity 01 th, a JP J~ ·le, ' I;.,. c: å 'old kte of the I trfQtm~nt. "fl. location. ør. treQted. chttHtlcøl u.s«i. JH,.~tl&t CønCf~Jf'tJtit 1I ~ .;." ~ , ",./~, .',;, ~ 'If' ,a lions fU~d, to ~3tablilh a. "'l!r.'jiabI8 record af pr"Qt~clive r tr~"tmen'. IJ ,h, soil cht:mical barritr methtHl to' t,,,,,,ifC ,,.,\lft1l'u,n. is fl.lfId, t ~","~l ~~ ~,.: :>, ' , ',1't' ,n ,,( ,;, s hQ t! ,. i '':'" J"pl~It., ! J' .'·~o'" to final b u i¡din, appro "Q.1. I S& Lucie County require. for the nul inspcc;tion for CO, a Penua..t ~t!~k~t t~ b~ p!eœd ~ft thS! !~~I ,-ael W eoY.r~ IÎJtinlalJ the '. ~·.~~t 1_".:1'U It ,i I jl&~~·S ot -'~J!J]ic.~.n.~.,. ^~01~~· Th~~f m~H.' t'c. t.;. ;,~mp/~tøtl form f~~· eac;, ,-elJuì,:,d trf!øt"",,¡ or ...,,·1;4Ùfr.~,Jt ond this lorm MIt$t b, on rlil! Job file to b~ picked up by th. 11I$P~~tOT tZt tiM~ 0/ ,øch insp,ctiðn "r th~ $cll~dul.d in$peetiofl will filiI ~ ,..., ~J r~-inJrlectinn fe. c"ar"~d,,