HomeMy WebLinkAbout24030306 11/09/2006 04:24 '11/09/2006 15: 01 ""~j.'" PAGE 02/02 PAGE: 02 fel M'+ j:þ. SLC --1..JfODOi3Db 1-øOO-DILIIEIT FAX 800~37~8311 Dil igentFL.com State Lioense JB944W::- NOV (as requ,ired by ~:~~:u~~:::~:~t~~~2.~r~~6t~:;~~: 2~~m~:~ FBC 10S.ß)~ 7725645765 LLS DEVELOPMENT CO I 5bl _ ..682 ~ ¡ ~ I 1._ TERMITE PRE~ TREAT SPECIALISTS "~'H~---"""" '"--"'..... ~~1 ~"'r:;¡;--; ~ /R 7 -~" ~~ i It-; ;:t / \/ ~ ./ ¡ .; . t'¡ / " ~.'" ~ _ ~ _, ç - J _____".. I ~ _"" ---' ,~ _______ """,,-,""""" ,.-.... ,_ c:!.--.:::. ~ posltn Servloe Date \~~~\-o,\ TIme Builder LL~ ~~~, Lot BloCk Section Shell Subcontractor í - DevelOpment NameIProject V}J \~l. M. e:r~ ~~..J"'- C~~ IrJ,atmQl1t 1YP~fAœ. Structure Address S~ oS ~~~.á ~(,1~~ F~oating 0 MonolfttUc 0 City lPt~~"'b~ Cnty ~~ · LV""<G, Garage 0 Driveway 0 - Patio Q Stem Wall D Owner Addition D Cutouts 0 tooters 0 Notes -----.w Front Entry a Other V' r Treatment/Product Detail Tamp & Treat D Treat Only iSf Treatment Type: Initial Under Slab ~ Retreat 0 Final 0 Product: Probuild Tcð Dragnet a Demon TO Q Termldor TC 0 Other q Concentration: 5.25% a .5% Q 1.0% a Other Gallons Applied: S . ls-D ~- Sqoare Footage: . I' I ~I J t I ~ ., I I I, .' ,.'_ ~ ' ~. Linear Footage: As per 1 042.6 FBC - If 9011 chemical ba1Tl~r methOd for tênn Itg prevElf'ltion is used I Anal exterior 1reatmant shall be completed prior to final ÞUlldtrrg apprDYat. Certificate of COmpllançe: Tnie bunding has been treated in accordance w11h the rules and laws estabr1Shed by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Fu rther, the treatment compUes with the Florida Building Code. ,\ \,... U, 'I "....'\ ~t-^ EN r. 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If this notice is for the final exterior treatment, inítial and data this line Applicator _M. \ \f e" ~ Date \ (./-1\ -o~ DILIGENT elVED AR 0 5 2007 _56-PRE- TREAT BOO-DILIGENT FAX 800-837-8311 TermitePretreat.com State License JB94495 TERMITE PRETREAT SPECIALISTL Environmental Services Public Works St. Lucie County, FL Notice of Preventative Treatment for Term ites (as required by Florida Building Code (FBC) 104.2.6 and Broward County Chapter FBC 105.2.2) PEST PREVENTION I LAWN & ORNAMENTAL CARE I TERMITE SERVICES I MOSQUITO ABATEMENT I RODENT & NUISANCE WilDLIFE EXCLUSION & REMOVAL SERVICE DATE 2. -7~'1'- 0'" SERVICE ORDER NUMBER TIME WEATHER CONDTIONS CONTACT PERSON 'C:~- TREATMENT TYPE/AREA MLOATING 0 MONOLITHIC D CUTOUTS D FOOTERS D PATIO D FRONT ENTRY D GARAGE D DRIVEWAY D STEM WALL D OTHER o ADDITION o EXTERIOR PERIMETER FOR RENEWAL TREATMENT TYPE o TAMP & TREAT 0 TREAT ONLY PRODUCT A PROBUILD TC 0 DRAGNET ACTIVE INGREDIENT o DEMON TC o TERMIDOR TC o BORACARE DOTHER_ ~ FINAL o RETREAT o BORA CARE TREAMENT o BAIT STATION CONCENTRATION A25% 0 .5% o .23% o OTHER _ GALLONS APPLIED 2·~ SQUARE FOOTAGE 2~(') LINEAR FOOTAGE $õ SQUARE FOOTAGE VERIFIED DYES ONO o MEASURED OR VERIFIED PER PLANS JOB READY CONDITIONS MET DYES DNO DETAILS SAFETY CONDITIONS As per 104.2.6 FBC - If soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used. Final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. Certificate of Compliance: The building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites. Treatment is in accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. (Per the Florida Building Code.) If this notice is for the final exterior treatment, initial and date this line~ 2- Z 7- {,'17 {TERMITE MONITOR INSTALLED 0 YES 0 NO} FINAL STICKER o ELECTRICAL PANEL o WATER HEATER OTHER (fYf J/ Þ Payment Terms: Customer's payment in full is due at time of initial service. Customer agrees that a finance charge in the amount of 18% per annum will be assessed on all unpaid balances that are not satisfied by the due date. In the event a collection process becomes necessary to recover an unpaid balance the following fees will be assessed including but not limited to: collection service fee, attorney's fee, finance charges and non-sufficient funds payment fee. Customer will be responsible for paying all costs associated with any collection process. 1·-'}]-D-7 /~ Date ~r (Diligent EnVIronmental ServiceS, Inc.) I ,n /-fff ~·Vf ';;;JA.. Custo'mer (Property Owner or Agent) ~ NRQ/ ~ II a . ~e~ ~ ~ - GOlJ)cm.~ Bt'tT ~ .4sI\n\n"f': (~ Új}I~!~ ,...-./ ~ NAHB l1li BOO-DiliGENT 800Diligent.com Date Corporate 3100 NW Boca Raton Blvd. I Suite 106 I Boca Raton, Florida 33431 I 800.487.8190 ..' .,' ~ ' PROGRESSIVE ENGINEERING SERVICES LLC RECEIVED MAR 3 0 2001 March 28, 2007 Public Works St. Lucie County, FL Mr. J. Luman Dial LLS Development Co. 863 33rd Court SW Vero Beach, FL 32968 RE: Permit #24030306 Chapel Building At Lakewood Park United Methodist Church 5405 Turnpike Feeder Road Ft. Pierce, Florida Dear Mr. Dial: Today, I performed an inspection of the installation of the window and door storm protection panels at the above referenced project site. I found that the installation has been completed in accordance with the product specifications and that the product design wind pressures exceed the window and door design pressures specified in the permit drawings. Sincerely, Progressive Engineering Services LLC 1 03 BARBARA COURT SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 TEL (772) 589 - 6879 FAX (772) 388 - 0428