HomeMy WebLinkAbout24050639 4- 240,~O~3Lf ,.... ~ - z- ,+cs 0 10-.1 ( architecture .:. planninf .:. inferior desifn MAY 15,2007 TO: ST. LUCY COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMANT RE: OCEANIQUE CONDOMINIUM BUILDING "B It RAILINGS PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT ALL BALCONY, STAIRWAYS AND WALKWAY RAILINGS HA VE BEEN F ABRICA TED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AS SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY THE ST. LUCY COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND WITH SECTION 1015 & 1608 OF _;r,'I-i£Lrn)-~c..~ N. F, 01;..):9, 7 EDITION. ,« /. Î1t-, , ,0 II' !\j 'i.. II ; ! \ --__. '1 --_·/t'¡; /J; -~ ~/~'~,. ~. ,,---...' ..._~ 'I;'I&V~~ ~~LY ~ I~ IV.~ '--tS VIr) M. PUTNAM A!~CHITEC1' I 1 1'1 C .: I ~ .' i t f' .:' 1\: (, : r\! :~ or ,~ T E ~í t r,,) i i"J C: · !.~! 2 1 -: St Luci4! COUD ty Inspections 2300 Virginia A venue Ft PJerc:e, FL ~'4982 (772) 462.2172 CERTI}"'ICATE OF TERMIfE TREA11\IENT CONST.RUCTION SOIL TREA'fl\-ŒNT .. · 4 1 8 0 N' O..'l..th ft¿Q huu.y A 7 A - B.f.dQ B :PERt\1IT I#,? L( Jl:io sv Ii?! JO,8 ADDRF.8S Fold tLefLc.~.F L lj-?£L., "-' Bl1ILDER~ LU.con Vi,v-t£taþtne.-nt·,- ~: ,.... .. PESlt CON1~R()L CONTRACJ'~()R. PF~1' CONTROL LI,CENSE # ~..______ ----~ ---...--...----.. Suns·t~3:t:{~ Pes t Hanagement . - 1509 We, tbe undt.rsignedt bereb)· certify that w'e hav~ p¡retreated tlte above-de.scrlbed<:0I15kuction for subterrauean termJ.tes In acoordð.ftce with the standards of Ute National Pest eo.trot A$SOdation. 6 a L¡fl F~t Squar' feet Qf area treated: ___ Perceota,ge of solutio.n: ~LÞ Date Be treatment: ~.beA t -L!:.~O~__ [JFooting J:J 1st TreAtment CJ Re-·treat o Slab o 1st Treatment CJ Rc-trea.t {J Driv·eway . J:I i st T reatm~nt f:J Re·.treat a Pools GJ 15t Treatment a Re-tft.a.t QJ Other· .SidtLAJ4![i. . . ._.._.__._----...-.......,..,-~~~ U [Sf Treatment Q Re..treat o Perimeter for Final Inspection (;I~ernical. 118M: (~ ~f P e/¡.m·e·t hJt.~Y;. T (Jlal gaU.o 08 ued: ?~~___ Time of Treatulent: 1 Q : ~_~~__~..~_ ~~.---.....~~~ FBCltN.2.fj ":.£.rtifl£- IIf Prolecti..e T,.~JJtmen/.lqrpf'Ø'lllltW', QI temrile!. A ~vetJf:It~r rt"1~ítÙ.td jobsil t. þOfti.P1g bt1a,d sÞ..a.Jl be prol/'ichd to "'A"~i~~ dupf.kat~ l1WJt~n' C..èrt¡ficœte31U t4C:h ~quit"td prQI«:tive !f~atlßen{ iJ çOl'l.,l~/ëdÞ pl·,.vidin.g ø c, ~y lor the perf(Jn ,th~ permlJ if ,,~i;ed t() ï.1Nd t1norlter Co1!Y for tM b.ik 1"'1 pø,nnil.fJn. The Tr~t C'ertifiÇi)J&! ~f:~ll pro'Jiae II.: prlmet used, id~fì.tif}~ oj the. applicDtcr,: tinu œ'i.d d(lze ðl'l¡~ tt-eatRJfMt. \.~ue lö<:atiolt¡ a rea tre;J.t,d, cl~emU::(Jt uu~,\ per(,Le:Jft CD/"iC'£lU.'ClWn and nwnhrr t.;J'gallo11S iUl~d, to u1a.biish a ·v~'ifiaÞlr recçrd ¡)f prmf1i:tiJ.'f tteatmerat, lft!1t IOJ\1 c¡I~J~ic'll barrlét methC)djD,. ter7nit, prcvf"tiQ ~ ~ U$e~ final aJ.uicr t.rf:atm~nt stall be compll!.ltJ prwr wfi/µzl building rJPprova.¡ St Luele Couraty requir~. for thc· .nh.llnsp~dOD, tor <;0, . PttlSllrnent SUdter to be J)JiI~d on tile electri~aJ. panel box CO'4'fr, Jistin¡ aU tke ttea~..... alld deta of Ipplic.dc~ .~J "" NOTE: There ,nu&t be a «IrtJpUitd form for ~aeh req..iI'~d treutrnent or re..treahltellt andthís form. lfWSt be Oil the jolJ site to be pitked lip by Ih¥ mSþfwlor at time .../ ft ICh inspection 0' Ih, .feh~dfll.!J in.~V1eclÜm 'Will laD lJM ø. re",inspectio'~fø6 chnr,_ . R¥";"~4 fillJJfR.., _I ::i P . 1 5, ~ I.' i 2 : J. e ~': !\¡: '3 U [\J .:.; T I~ T E F! E :s T M C: t\~C ¡ !~IL' ~ r" 1 I- ' St LuciE~ County Inspections 2300 Virginia .~ venue Ft Pierce, FL ~~4982 (771) 462..:n'11 CERTIFIC.A TE OF T:ERl\-IIl"E TREA T~tEN·T CONSTRlTCTION' SOIL 'fUA Th-ŒNT 5 L · .. 41 80 N oJrÆh HA-§ hv,·r..tY A 'l A: ... B.tdg B PERMIT #. L cf '10.[0 63 i JOB ADDRESS Fo.u Pd:eA.c.~¿!: 34949 ~____________..__._.__._._ BlTI'LDEK -rJU~ca r~ 'De;v··etq]!~~Jlt.tf'· ::;~ r :: . ., ,........-......--.-~--'....-..-.,... w.-...~~ ....~_____.._~~~..--.-...-.~_...-..,.....-_.._- -..---.--.- PF~T CONTROL CONTR..~CTOR Sunst:.~t:ePe.s t Management ~~...,.~~.....-,..---..-.- ~~--~--"-,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~~.-,,-,,,,,.,,- --...--..-----......--.-..-..--. 1,509 PEs"r CON'TROL L·ICENSE *~_ ....4 ~ .J ¡f J' -,.¥"'tI\r'~..... We,C'be undt.rsigned, bereby c.Ntify that we have 'plretreated the _bovNieKrfbed constructiolJ for subterraDeaD termi,tR In acoordanee with the stalldards of tlte Nati<Jnal Pest CODtroIA.88O(Iaüøn. OtlemitaJ. UM1t _SU41Le.~~eJL Square r~t or area treated; ~_._~ *5 Percentage of solut.i,on: 1 '" Total gallons WIech.' L. Date of ·trea'tDleot: .' ~V ~ emb e.·i{. ~ 2 () C·.?--. Ti.rue or Tr 'eatJUellt: 1 0 : 0 0 '1Jn :JFooting rJ 1st 1~reaunent Q Re··treat . D Slab CJ 1 st Treatme~)t o R~·tteat o .Driveway . CJ 1st Treatment a Re·ueat Q Poo1s r:J 1st Treatn1cnt CJ Re·-treEd !XI Other 1 y¡;t~úo.~ WheúdudJi. ~~_ ø 1 at Treattnen't C1 Re..treat :0 Perimeter for Final Inspection FBC104.2Jj .Cutifu.:Gk D/ Protect'vlll_mUtlJ~ ,rel1f1f/iQQ of t4tmtitt$. A wuth,t ra4êrtanl jobsi; I~ þ~tt~g b(Jard ,hall b~ pT(»I'tJid~ .If:' "I!C~Î\I~ duplk'"tl TrelftJt1.'tn.t Cèrl ~t¡'''øteJ a..r t'ßCh "'.equi..l~d pr.lJlet.tivt. t'~iI~nl i.r c()tnpìðtBd, ptY)\'ÎilÎ1ll B Ci 'py J(}r tht pe.nòtf. the pt.rcni.t is i.:ut.ed lpLttSd IInð'~~r copy jTJr t,^~ bui£li"., penntt .fil_:s.. 17te Tteat1nent CtTt.ficatt· -,hall , pro.vjd~ ,the pl0dr4~t U$~~ iü/tliry+ t)f Ih~ ßpplicalor~ tUIU: and ddlt. of th~ tfltcURWnI, $Ùt !otattoll, c:re.ø treat.d, cheuk'll JUeå.. ~rc'JU COlf.ctlJfralWl'i and nwnbl! r ò.,f gal:t)ns UJ ,dl "i} 6stabJ¡sh a \J.r~1.ab!:6 "~~,,,Þrd. of pr(Jr~tiv~ , trestltat.71'. {f th~ .sDil clu tJlÎC"l bø"net method for t~~'t, J',~ftntto'ì l.t used. final œertor ~Tf!'íJt'''lmt S,~1QU Í}(! ,~cÞf1tI,l~lëd prior lCfin4l bllJltJing apfJro\tal~ 5t L.d.··Count)~ requ.iT ~s (or tbe n.. tnJpe.ctiOD, (or CO,,, Permanfl)t Sticlter to be pJ.eed OD tllf ,electrical p.œl bot to\lÐ\.Ihd:1a¡ aU th~ ~ tree...... 1.111 dates ÐI. applkatl.cNw- . 'R 1 _ . ......<T-_._..........,...-- Nore,· Tit,", lIIusl be .a C()mplded form for el1ch requlr~d tre~trn#nt ø re·t:reø/me.1It and lhisjfJnn must be on the job $1Je to be picked lLp by the I.n'ptt'tor at time oJ each tns~ction of'. tlJeschedw¡4 ¡,,!pectien will JøiI gild IJ ".tj,in$P~ctio PI lee .chtl'lle4. ÞWlf4'6IJ11t12 ;I"., ~ --'-...-----~ ~.~ a n I ~ :¡ 1 .~~ 0 [i 7 1 2 : 4 8 P ~ vi ~: U N :3 TAT E PES T ¡'i'l (, 1"1) T r \¡ C ' ~~¡2 ~ 7 [, St LUC'¡E~ County Inspections 2300 VIJrginia .~ venue Ft Pierce, FL ~~4982 (772) 46Z·~n 71 CERTIFICA TEOF TJtRMI'fE TREA Tltl.ENT CONSTRUC'[ION SOIL TREATl\ŒNT < L 6: .( '1 4 1 8 on 0 Wt fti..g hl.a:ty A 1 A .... B.tdg B PERMIT #L-J C. Jl.f 0 VO 1LJOB ADDRFSS fold ~£.t.-.f!::~4949 BUILDE~C.c:~Ve,\H:têOl1h~': ~ ~~ PFST CONTROL CON1'RA(,-r{)R~~ PES1~ C(}NTROL LIC1£NSE ~ ".," . " ....,. ,.. Sunst~;l.te Pes t: MaDß.g~nt ...~____._..... ------t UJ J& ~~--_.... 1509 ., ~....--_.- 1d --..-.---.--.--.-.--.....-,.. We, the uadtrslgned, hereby cRtify that we b..ve pJr~treated the abo\-e-descrlbed conøt.t.'u.ctioo for subterranean termites in accordance witb the 8tand,ard.s .0( the National Pest COtth"OJ. Åuodation. Squ..n~ feet of area tre~ted: . 34 8 Z "'5 Percentage of soluti~: -_.~-- D . f t . .se.p.tetrl6~~ 19. 2005 ate 0 trea tn1en : ............................-.---~~--- CJhemitaJa used: Ch-tQ!tPyJt.ifi()~ __---............ "''\1 350 TtJhd g&,U(iJ)' -oed.: TilJUe of TI'eatInent:-.2.£.:.£.ª- ~-~-~- Q Footing o 1st'rreatment Q Re-treat ¡) Slab ~ 1st Treatment a Rc..treat Q Driveway ,C) i st Trtll.tmeD.t r.J Rc- treat Q Pools C] 19t .Treat.1nent: a Rc·tr~·aJ Q 0t11er . ~ 1st Tf':atment C1 Rc·..tre.at a PerÜneter for Final Inspection -..----.-.--...- --_\------------_._---------~ FBCl 04.2.6 CÆ:rtVæGt~. 01 PrÐt.eçtWe TTtatmtnI p;J1:NWl!ntÎf:WI f)! wr",:Îtf/$. . A war.Ufttf ytsirt!U'lt jC'!1si'~ posting board shtÛ~ b~ prtJ~itk~ 10 rect.ivø I duplJ,t:t1tt 'Tn,UIf'f.ft1l.t Cd ~'icutCJ a.s ~ach 7l?qU£féd p rolectWt! tr~øtl1l.ttlt J1 . c~mplt1t( Q, pT";Ividinc tJ c 'PY lor the ptrsð.f1, the permit is i$5~t:d lCrltJJd an()ther (.'(Jf" /ø.( the Z,tdliinç ~""it fi!e.s. The TJ'tQtWIent CutificDtò! .rlull pr(),viiJt- the pl }~d 14" ùíe1liity oftht 4PP lù:f: tOT" tínu cmd (ÜJ;~ (1jlh.~ If'aU~, siJ~~ k~(,Qt'WII, (~re(J trcøt.d, eh,tmical ~sed. per~tlt.! COltc~':.l'a&i.o1t ø.nå number Q.f s"lJi1I1s IL; Itd, t,,~jì.fh a veriJiab~rtcord t)f prQtð;(iv!- treatment. It!he suil chttni.c"Z barraef method lOT t~rmiu. pr€tI,r¡.'lOn 1$ usN.. final ttXttriOf fý:Ø'JtJnmt lJaall pc! com.pldld prior wftnal blltidÊlt.$ apprðval. St Lucie CooDty requir ~5 fot the fifta) f11specUoÔ. {Ol." CO, " ~malMnt Sticker to be plaM 011 the elèdrical pand. bOI t:.01l,.r, listiq an the .tra--Þ· ,.1M" date¡ ot apþlkations. _----"+____J-. .~-.....-~-- Signature of exterminawr j-;OTB: The" must be Q ~.f)mpltted form for each rtuJ.¡t.drtd tre,rtlnent (J' fe-trtøtmtnt and rhit jDnn m:u.st be øn the joj ,ilt ttJ be p;ckedllp by Ihe iruptfctn, at tim~ 6/ c~hin$p~ctÛJ" 0' the .Jthtdwpf inspectWn will jtúJ and ,., re..inspedù1nlee chtlrged. ... "n.~4 fi)1JItD -. '. an, ~ [" ~ U ~ 1~': 4 e D ~t,I'1 Ç:i,I~..i\~A,TE PEST r\~T hi 0 ¡ ~~I 2 ¡ -; P I St LueiE~ Count" Inspections 2300 Vilrginia .~ venue Ft Pierce, FL 2¡4982 (772) 462..~!11], CERTIFICA TE OF TJERMI'rE TJŒA Tl\-IENT CONSTRlJCTION SOIL T IlEA T,.,m,NT . 4180 NúJtth ft..-LgruUty AI A. - B.tdg B· PERMIT N. 5L{.diQ2-vbJ1 JOB ADDRESS FQJtt .r.,¿eJtc.e~U4949--......____~___ BUlLDER-I.::~c:(1Yl ·Pe;i.H!~'E!!!.-e:r,.t~ - .~. . PF..sT CONTROL CON'''R.ACTOR_~~~~__~~~pes~:. Må1U1~eaent _..~.tØ<____""~"""",-.,,,,~ PEST CONTROL LICENSE # 1509 ,..: --,---_.~._-.¿..~.--..._--~._~..----.,_..---.._- Wet the 'lndenlgded, bet.by cedi!)· that we have p.-etreated the above-described cOMtntction for subterranean termites I.D 1\toordanct wÎth the standards of tJte' Nati(~nal Pest Control A.)clatÎt'n. .5 P'ercentage or 8011111011: Defe of tr~atølent: ÀpÞ",Lf... 6 ¡ 2. 00 5 ChemkaJs used: Chi,'ltpyJÚóOD --_.._------.....~~~~. 440 T (JtaJ. gallo: r\S used: 4-... I ---:~............--- Square fe.' ur. area treated: _~ 2 , ~6 ~_ Tilne of Trea.tment:~: () a.~~._~~___~_ Q Footing o 1st Y\[reattt\enl o Re··:treat GJ Slab ~ 1st Treatment U Re-tre:af o l)rive\vay a 1st Treatment o Re·~at o Pools a 1st Treatment CJ Re..trt!~at Q Other __-------.---.--. a 1st TreatltJent CI Re-treat o Perimeter for Final Inspection 'FBCuM.2.Ø(~;q¡;4t' ~if Pro'tclittt r'~tm'ntJ~~~;;;1JlÙm -;¡t"n&¡¡e:·l A weatITtr r£s;ltant j"bsìt~ p01tV18 boa,rJ ¡hail be fr,,·;.!id~d lq ,.ec£i-.'e , duptlcate Trea.tJtt.tr.t Cert~ fÎCL£tt:3 4S r:rJë:'h. r~qui.'f!d pri1tl!C!ri1Jt t"Qt:funr is COrnpl(l fd, pr,Þ\,iJin, fl CC p}'for thit penðit the permit if is.1ûed tt) and t'1f1ðrht, CI)PY .~'r tM ltùil~ '¡"g ~nni' Ji'~s. 71t~ l'~I;J Ccttificatt.; .:I¡ãll prt)\iWe the Pf.('~ct nsød. ideJ'llit)t 0.( the dppli~lJt()', time. and dare. .if the t1U1tm,nt. sill locatwn. ß rlø tf~at'd., cMmictJl l-f,Sf,!.rL ¡>f'('ettt çt)ltr;entTilIÍQn and numoe'1' oj'ggllQr'IS UJI'd, to estáblilh a l'uifia1>lt rq<:crd ofpr(lteçtivf I tt't.atmérU .1/1)1., le;1 ch~..ic¡;jl batNtr method. /01 te.rmit~ p~(l~"¡tion tJ k$t~ fiH.al '.t1tftor t?'eatmU1l J'~oll b. ~":(J;"pl~teJ pn()( û....fi¡u11 bUlldU\8 ~:prQval. I St ,Lucie Cour..ty requku [or tbe Dnal inspection (OJ; C?, .a Perl1ulIlt'ul li' Sticker te be JtLtced on tbt elltf.trical. paDd. box CO\fer, Illtiq aU Ib.~. aeatlll... au.d data of . .ppllcatllNt&, . v I Å..JI · I I. ------- c --------------~... ,..~OTB.~ ThtTt musl be Q compltlted form for eaclt reqtÛI',d trltØment or fe*tretdmetlllJltd t1tif form ,ruut bt Oil the job ,w to be picl,d up by ¡he inspe~~'Dr at time øJ . wit ¡"speetio" or the s.ehedu1£4 ÚI!pfcticm. will fail QI1d ø ,..ínsp~ctio"Jee thlVg~d. . i...iI1«4 611. alUl .., ; í; I ; ~: I ~ ¡'~,_, - ; ¿ : 4 ~:I 1\¡11 i:' ! .,: r.1,S ~ ~, T E P E r\~ T II,; . C ~~ ¡ .., r-, f-- , St Luciie COUJ:lty Inspt'~tions . 2300 Virginia. A venue ~Ft Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 462..2171 .. CERTIFJCA TE OF 'JfERM1TE TREA TltlENT (~ONSTRVÇTION' SOIL :rUA T~ŒNT 'Lt · 41 Etr. Nc,/tth A1 A. .- Btdq B PERMIT #I~ '-f 0 ~9_~ JOB AJ>DRESS~~_P·.[g.!ç.$-.L_fJ~"__~~-,f9. BUILDER T~¿c.o n Ve.v ?-¿(~ rJrn(?J:~_u.______~_. ____ Wh _~.__'------'__------------'1"""-'-____ PEST C·ONTROL CONTRACTOR r ~ SunS1!.:ate Pe;~t. Management ..... .........--------,~ ...-.-~....._ _...--.A...,_................ PEST C()NTROL LICENSE' I 1.509 ...._________~____..-w...M .. --.-.......~ We, the ueder$lancd, bereby certify daal we have J~relJ·e8tEd the above·#deserlb~d eonskuctioD C()f subterranean termJ.r~s In Kwrdan.ce with Ute .,Iandards of the Natlttnal Peð( Control. Assoclatic)rJ. (:hendcah usai~ !ffPeJmre.t!V'~ ,.... 1 U d 140 ¡.olp ga ons use ' : ~,_ T' r 1 t tJ 9: 3 0 wn ,.I.me 0 _ . rell Juen · "-~____'"_'__~_'--'-____~ Square fnl or»rn treated: 34 C) L¿n Ft Pertentage of 801utlMJ ~_. Date of treatOlt~nt~ _ JamW}l~~.?.!-..._~_~~~__ .05 fJFooting (J 1st Tr~unen. r.J Re..~treat o Slab. U 1st TreatmeDt r.:J Re-treal a Driveway a 1st rfz:etlment, 'CJ Re-treat 1:1 Pools Cllst Treatn"Jcnt Q Re-treal (J Other ______~. r:J. 1st Trcatlnent Q Re..trëát txi Perimeter for Final Inspection "..¡-"----....... ........ "-IV'~......--.....-........-....... FBCJ04~·1..6· (..rl.í/û.14~ Qf ProIt!cti., TrMlmenllør p~t:·fm·tioIJ I)J't,r",.i.tøt A ttJttJtlttr rr si.durll job.'J it' pc;,ting Óð41J:f lhall b~ pTcvided Îo ,~(:~iy£ dil.plj¡,:tJt~ r''a~4;mtlt,t ('~;·tificø.tt::I fJ.I ~a.r.:h,~qUÁrf!d prlJJ.~~ctit,.~ tr"atT1tt!nl is rðmp181ecl, j1,.,,,~iJûtg a . ~"py /Or tht p~r ()1f. .th~ p~rmit i.r i..~fìed tp dh4 al2ûllt~" c<",'{or tit; bu~ldinl p4f17l~ftJile$. Tht Tttåntkf.nt Cert'fU::tJi~ siwlt P'O\l.Ili.~ d" F'roduct 14SI1 it Id'ltttT;1 (If ,h.e appl'calof:. ti,nt Q,~d d_1.( oj the t'~cr'mflnt,jirt ÙX'llt~()n, 6'~n ,t'~af,d, cl.e,rùcgl,UletJ. ~tëelù CDltrtnlTlltìOA and ftumb~, ~?r gal IQ ItS J led. 'e eJ'lrJblil.h a \o'crifialilt rët(Jfd(l! ptt)tt:c:lr,/€ 1 Tf!tJl,flIf!nt. ll'h~ 10 JI ch r:mical burner method lOT t'-nnit~ þ,."ttrtrwl¡ t.s Iáttl., ¡ . fi·nøl uJt!,-iõt' "'ultmød . (·hall br. f;f}I"p'~liJ prior 10 final builålJtg appr,oval. j St Lucie CO~JntJI n*JuÍ!4t, rer Ute finalfßiI*UO, fe»r CO, Ii Pu....ewøt 'I Sticker 10 1M, pl.etd 011 the el~triCIIJ ..p.a.eI boJC cowr, tdtiq aU the tn8Ut1e.ts a¡.d d.'" (J r .ppUr.a~ t --.J . (;!'?R-/" ~. ature of fJterminalor NOTB: ~'e mUil h, Q. completed ft1rl" ,for 'f4(.!, 'reqairtd tre~ rlm,ent orr'~tr'~tMtnJ:(lnd tAis /fJnrt .nus! be (III the job ,iN to be pitied lip b.)llh, ¡,.' Utl"" tJ.t tim, "/,MCh insplction 01 tl" sthedøJ¡tl i'1!pectiDn will fall tan.d". rt..bt&ptfti.~"lee thørgÆ4. . «nÎlMWI.'NJ ., Structural Engineering 12 January 2007 St. Lucie County Growth Management Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Attn: Ray Wasny, Interim Building Official RE: Ocenique Condominiums Buildings B & C, 4180 N. Highway A1A, St. Lucie County, FL Permit # SLC 24050639 & SLC 24050644 Mr. Wasny, Attached are site inspection reports for Buildings "B& Cn preformed by this office covering items at the request of the contractor and were not required per the Inspection Plan prepared by this office. We were able to verify that, installation of the window and door jamb attachments, fastening of the steel deck and fastening of the plywood underlayment were in compliance with the plans and specifications for both buildings B&C. Inspection of the dry-in was not scheduled for inspection by this office and not a part of the services we provide. Inspection of roofing, roofing components and underlayment is beyond the expertise of this office and is not covered by our insurance. Truss drawings prepared by the Delegated Engineer were submitted by the contractor and were re- viewed and approved for both buildings. We hope this addresses the concerns you have. If you have any questions please contact my office. Sincerely, '/tS/ol CC: File Tricon Development GERDING ENGINEERING CORPORATION STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 4450 WEST EAU GALLIE BLVD., #212 MELBOURNE, FL 32934 PHONE 321 259 7773/FAX 321 259 7104 SITE INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT: Oceanique Condominium, BId. B, S1. Lucie County Pennit #24050639, GEC #137502B SUBJECT: Field Report No. I Inspector: David Jones Date: January 9th, 2007 Present at Site: Tricon Development Time: 1 :20 - 3: 12pm OBSERVATIONS I visited the job site on this date to attempt to verify compliance with design documents of the following items at the request of the St. Lucie County Building Department. These items include: 1. window and door buck installation 2. roof deck and underlayment attachment 3. roof dry-in and tin tabs 4. truss drawings 5. attachment of windows and doors. Window and door bucks, in this application, are used as a filler between the window frame and the CMU wall with the window attachments installed through the buck and into the CMU. The concrete anchor screws are installed as required in the window and door listings. Roofunderlayment inspection was not requested by the contractor and verification of attachment was limited to visual inspection of fasteners protruding through the under side of the metal deck. Plywood grade could not be determined. Roof dry-in and tin tab inspection are not typical elements of the threshold inspection process and were not inspected. Truss drawings were reviewed to verify compliance with design parameters prior to construction. Layout and installation were previously inspected and approved. Window and door attachment installation was reviewed and inspected. No noncompliance noted. Signe~, / /t~(;7 Cc: file 137502-B Tricon Development St. Lucie County LETTER OF CERTIFICATION ISSUED TO: St. Lucie County, Florida We affirm that to the best of our knowledge, the property herein referred to has been constructed in substantive conformance with the intent of the design specified in the permitted plans and specifications subject to the limitations as set forth below. I. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Entitled: Dated: Engineer of Record: Building Address: Permit # Oceanique B, Drawings S-1 through S-9 07/11/2003 Gerding Engineering Corporation, Joseph E. Gerding, P.E. 4180 N. Highway A1A, St Lucie County, FL SLC-24050639 II. SCOPE This certification is limited to the foundation, shoring and reshoring, and structural frame including primary and secondary framing systems. This certification does not apply to elements such as balcony railings, fire protection, roofing, curtain walls, mechanical/electrical systems, architectural components, site work or other elements not contributing to the capacity of the structural building frame. Nor does it include the inspection and/or verification of any safety provisions as required by OSHA or other safety standards that applied during the construction period. We as the Special Inspector did observe that the work was executed in substantial conformance with the permitted Official Contract Documents. The Official Contract Documents defined as the Plans, Record Addendums, and specifications with all Amendments thereto on file at this office. Signed and Sealed this 1ih Day of January, 2007. Jos E. Gerding, P.E. PE0042568 Special Inspector #1032 Tricon Development of Brevard, Inc P.O. Box 320637 Cocoa Beach, FL 32932-0637 321-453-5360 Ph 321-453-3818 Fax Mr. William Hatcher Plan Review Department St. Lucie County Building Dept. 2300 Virginia Ave Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Re: Permits: 24050634 - Bldg. A 24050639 - Bldg. B Dear Mr. Hatcher: Enclosed please find for your review, our responses to your Building Division Checklist of 5-21-04. The attached sheets are to be substituted as necessary for buildings "A & B", and the attached letters by our respective architect and engineer of record are also enclosed for your review. Noted on your check lists are comments about the energy calculations, manual J 's and product review affidavits needing to be provided. Please be aware that these were furnished and signed for by Ms. Linda Pendarvis, at the initial submission. If there is any further needed regarding the above permits, please contact me at this office. Thank you for your assistance with our submission, we remain NT OF BREVARD,INC. Edward Lawrence .rc'iftcflr. . "'¡If . ¡ateri., ~,¡,. July 15, 2004 Re: Oceanique Oceanfront Condos- St. Lucie County, Florida Building Permit #: L24050639 Building Official St. Lucie County Building Department To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised of the following changes to the blueprints for Tricon Development, Inc. for Oceanique Oceanfront Condos. Structural Review 3. Architects statement updated to reflect winds speed of 140 MPH -3 second gusts and exposure changed to C. Plumbing Review 1. Plumbing riser diagrams revised to show 4" waste stack for water closets. 2. Note added to Sheet P-3 Electrical 1. Fixture package not currently specified by developer and will be provided at a later time. 2. Electrical Legend added to sheets E-2 thru E-4. 3. Emergency Generator and transfer switch to be designed by electrical contractor and will be submitted at a later time. 4. See sheet A-13 Roof plan for roof electrical. 5. See sheet A-13 Roof plan. 6. Disconnects added to all hot water heaters. 7. Electrical Legend added to identify readily accessible GFCI protection. 8. See Electrical Plan for location of whirlpool tubs access panel. Access panels are located is such a way that would not require tile or marble grout to be removed. 9. Electrical Note 3 revised to state, "all branch circuits that supply 125 volt, single phase, 15 and 20 amp receptacle outlets, switches, light fixtures, ceiling fans, and smoke detectors installed in dwelling unit bedrooms shall be protected by an arc-fault circuit interrupter. All bedroom hallways to closets and closets entered from bedrooms to have arc-fault circuit. " 10. Bathroom circuiting revised as noted. 1701 S. WASHTINGTON AVE. · TITUSVillE, FLORIDA 32780. TEl. (321) 267-6915 FAX (321) 268-5688 -2- July 15, 2004 11. Light fixture revised as noted. 12. Receptacles revised as noted. 13. No penetrations thru mirror required. 14. Plans revised to show oven circuit on circuit 10 and 12. 15. Kitchen counter-top receptacles revised to show GFCI. 16. Balcony receptacles revised to show GFCI. 17. GCFI receptacle added to Kitchen Island. 18. Receptacles on Family Room side of Kitchen revised to show GFCI. 19. Conduit changed to 5" 20. Noted 21. Noted /// 1/ / 1 \ ~- \ \\ jjk ---. ¡rc~iftcf.rt + ,.ni., . ¡Ileri.r ",i,,, July 15, 2004 Re: Oceanique Oceanfront Condos- st. Lucie County, Florida Building Permit #: L24050639 Building Official St. Lucie County Building Department To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised of the following changes to the blueprints for Tricon Development, Inc. for Oceanique Oceanfront Condos. Structural Review 3. Architects statement updated to reflect winds speed of 140 MPH -3 second gusts and exposure changed to C. Plumbing Review 1. Plumbing riser diagrams revised to show 4" waste stack for water closets. 2. Note added to Sheet P-3 Electrical 1. Fixture package not currently specified by developer and will be provided at a later time. 2. Electrical Legend added to sheets E-2 thru E-4. 3. Emergency Generator and transfer switch to be designed by electrical contractor and will be submitted at a later time. 4. See sheet A-13 Roof plan for roof electrical. 5. See sheet A-13 Roof plan. 6. Disconnects added to aU hot water heaters. 7. Electrical Legend added to identify readily accessible GFCI protection. 8. See Electrical Plan for location of whirlpool tubs access panel. Access panels are located is such a way that would not require tile or marble grout to be removed. 9. Electrical Note 3 revised to state, "all branch circuits that suppfy 125 volt, single phase, 15 and 20 amp receptacle outlets, switches, light fixtures, ceiling fans, and smoke detectors installed in dweUing unit bedrooms shall be protected by an arc-fault circuit interrupter. All bedroom hallways to closets and closets entered from bedrooms to have arc-fault circuit." 10. Bathroom circuiting revised as noted. 1701 S. WASHTINGTON AVE. . TITUSVILLE, FLORIDA 32780. TEl. (321) 267-6915 FAX (321) 268-5688 -2- July 15, 2004 11. Light fixture revised as noted. 12. Receptacles revised as noted. 13. No penetrations thru mirror required. 14. Plans revised to show oven circuit on circuit 10 and 12. 15. Kitchen counter-top receptacles revised to show GFCI. 16. Balcony receptacles revised to show GFCI. 17. GCFI receptacle added to Kitchen Island. 18. Receptacles on Family Room side of Kitchen revised to show GFCI. 19. Conduit changed to 5" 20. Noted 21. Noted Sincere Y. jjk ._------_.~./-... 'Í I~\s ç.) ~cl $ r~} (Ç\) , 1 -:> ð {j", ~ -t f.....L J , .~ ~~ ~¿;. d~ '1 CftJ {~b '"' ( {' ~I'¡ ¡FJ{,.; , 'J ~ I, ~ ~ .~ -, :' f .,.....- ,r.' (.. ,'- i ~ ..;, .__.._.___~.le~-..-_SeL..--I£-.-._-~4!J~-.. ... .......--.-....-... .._.._._k-1±~_.._-~-L..~J__.-..-£t(jJl}l~.~c.. ........ .... ,.-.- .-..--- ____._?21..~.__..Æ-e.~41-~.~--.~L.. - .&...............-..... ___._....c.þ-- ..-........- ---. .......... . ........... ........ ...---.-. .... .... ........ . .-.. .. . .. _._______.._.._.__...___.____Lf1iI-.(!1-f ../:}:.t ..... . _........-...-.--.-.-. ._ ...___ ...._3~_I. _=J__?>~-.~_'-i.~ ~-.-(... ..... -........-.--.. __._____.__..._.. _.~g~l./t?!t..-._..._._-..... ...... ... ...--...-_....... -- $' fA1~ ?~oyt/ ____.______------....... ~~c-7···-..·-········· .... ....., ,;. ., ~'. ,.~ y4-)? : :,J../' .... '0 t ¡ "',~ . 1,--- ' \ . é./ (:I' ~. t' v U L~54(. OJ L,c~ V'-·") ;/ ,.~ .\" t .,. .. V . r;, AA.i ~.""." Î t CI·~f:~ y~. architecture .:. ,Ialli., .:. i.terior desi,. January 9, 2007 St~ Lucie Code Compliance 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Fl RE: Permit #2405Ø639 Oceaniqu_eCond_ominium 4180 N. AlA, Ft. Pierce, FI To Whom It May Concern; Please be advised that all mechanical systems at the above referenced proj ect have been inspected and tested and to the best of my knowledge meet or exceed the requirements set forth in the approved plans and specifications. Sinçerel :'-, 1 \D \ / ,"'w ~ 'f-. Cï ;' ¡rt :1" ~ 1701 S. WASHINGTON AVE. · TITUSVillE, Fl32780· TEL. (321) 267-6915· FAX (321) 268-5688 4f '24-05 Db31 ST. LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT INSPECTION RECORD Occupancy: Location: Dr f?, "'7J,^") 1:9 tJ~ -7'/8'0 8læx;, ß - /l! /9 //} Preliminary Checklist: a Site Plan Approved CJ FD Review attached a Building Plans Approved/on-site o Fees Paid Site Checklist: rJ Site Accessible 0 a Buildinws Accessible a Turnarounds Approved Hydrant locatioDS verified Required Inspections: Penetrations: CJ UL Listings w/cut sheets a Firestopping matches cut sheet info Fire-rated WaIls and Separations: ~:: D olt ~¡:~ ~ ~~~ "\~ ~ I:sJA fC, Results ð/C '- ~ ~~ ÐJ¡ òt< '1<. óJL/ Results I)/L ~ I, '!:h ~ r3rL -,a. rL ~,~ ole.- t>~ 61<. ----...~.-..... Item laspecled and Lee.doa L. Resulll ~~~ JL.~r 1/ _ ".P~ ð)C.. ð>IL .Ji.. - .-.. -- Sprinkler Penetrations: Dat. Item la.pected and Locadon Results O~ IJ: D~ (!)/L, dlC FDC location verified ," c) ~ b~ ñ- ~&\ 7- Fl- fl~P P ~ ~ ~~ Plans and Permit -a~ a Underground visual inspection and hydrostatic testing: · Date lupector ~~ Item Iaspected .Dd Locadoa ~~~Øs Results ~ Aboveground visual inspection and hydrostatic testing: laspeetor Item Inspected and Location J:u:JnA~ g1' ~ II/;lf/().r ~-PIL FlJ:JDL ..ý J il" 0 *r ~~4l.I\ '!;; T rl P Û!)ð"", ~,( 05 I'-MtP ,,~ r=L IIIYð" ~4!'ð.c 7~¡::(. l¡, '0& ~f'p ?~ fi- '¥ Fire Alarm System: a Plans and Pennit \. Date Results ~- p~ ?~~ nJc.. ~S oK Panel locations verified /9l)j) ~ ~N J6 7ë.#~.-v Sf:/)t!..~ / o Functional Test: Date laspector Item laspected aDd Locatl~a Results Mechanical/HV AC: [J Automatic Fan Shutdown requirements verified Duct Detector Smoke Test: Dat. laspeetor Item laspectecl ..d LocatloB Results Smoke I Fire Dampers: Dat. lupeelor Ite.. In.pectecl aad location R....lts ( Smoke Evacuation System: Date In.pector Item Inspected Ind Loe.don Raula Stairwell Pressurization System: Date I.spector Item Inspected aad toeadoD Results Fixed Fire Protection: c Plans and Permit · Hood System Functional Test and Visual Inspection: Date IDspector Item laspected aad Locadoa Results Results Emergency Features: o Portable Extinguisher locations verified Date Jaspector Items Inspected I LocatiOD Results Exit and Emergency Lights Emergency Generator Functional Test: Date Inspector Item laspected aDd Locadon Results \ _,\ Fire Pump Field Test: Date laspector Item laspected aDd Locatloa Results Building Features: 0 Address posted on building Fire-rated Doors: Dale In.peetor Item Inspected and Locadon Results Trash Chute DoorsIHopper: Date I..peeter Item IMpeded and Loe.don Results Flaal Fire Inspection prior to C.O. Date faspector a Inspection Record verified for completeness Dlte - laspector a Final Walk-through AddidoDallnspectioDs and Comments: architectare .:. ,lllliftf .:. ilterior delifft January 9, 2007 TO: St. Lucie Code Compliance 2300 Virginia Ave. Ft. Pierce, FI 34982 RE: Permit #24050639 (Building B) 4180 N. Hwy A 1 A, Ft. Pierce, FI Please be informed that Building "B" of Oceanique Condominiums has been completed and is in conformance with the plans and specifications as approved by your office. David M. Putnam Architect, P .A. 1701 S. WASHINGTON AVE. · TITUSVillE, FL32780· TEL. (321) 267-6915· FAX (321) 268-5688 ~...~~. a···· ...-' .... :t . ..... .......~.....:.... .....:..:~<~.........................::.......::...'.&t:............::...".'.. .... ...~....1'2)..:....:.........::...:....:...:;..:.~.:..:.:.:..:.:..:.::.:..:.:.:..:::..::..::........:::::..'.. . . .' .... .....~. '. . . -'. . . . ; '- . , '. .'.'. .:." " '. . " ~. , .' - '.. , . . . ....'..,. .' - .' '". .'. ' .' . ,..', . ",.'".', ',.',' .",'. . .-' .. . . .;::".. .....,<:::...::> ,0' :'. ,..::--:. . '. ..::::: ,.,~:'::. '" ./: ',:~,.::',. ~., ,.' .:-:..~::-:'-::. ::;"...:-:.:<;.:. .:-::::;.::., .~::.::.' .' . ...,......,..." ..,.,..,.,...,..... ,.'.',,' . . ",'-.'.',' ,.."......-...'..". ,..,......'.'.. . ,'" ,',., '. " .' . ",','.',','" . . .'-.,..',.......,'.',.,.-.,.,...,...',.'. , ",-",. '.,.'--,.-....,.,.,..",....,...-...... , ',',""", ,... " ",.,.....,...,...,............... -::::::::::::::::::::_> :'.:: -::;:::<;:::/:::::-::-::.-:;:-:-:-:'.:, ' ::'>.::: ", ':-:':-:.;.:-:-:-:.;.:-:.;.>:.;.:....-:....-:.: IlE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANC This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of St. Lucie County regulating building construction or use. For the following: 3uilding Permit No. - 24050639 Parcel/Folio Nbr: 1423-130-0001-000/9 Lot # 1 Block: Subdivision: Oceanique CondorniniuIll Occupancy: Residential - > 2 dwelling units - permanent Building Address: 4160 - 4180 N AlA PROJECT Legal Description: Permit Job CONSTRUCTION OF 13 STORY 60 UNIT BUILDING B Description Permit Finaled: 01/22/2007 Contractor KODSI ROBERT D 925 N COURTENAYPKWY TRICON DEVELOPMENT OF BREVARD (321) 453-5360 MERRITT ISLAND, FL 32953 ;:~~~~;~~:::~~m...~~¿¡¡~:%@~~<:;::~~~~~.:m;¡~~:::¡~~~~~~~~~~w:·~·:·'¡:¡ir:.··.':·~~~~~~:m;;~~@:m.~~~~~~*~~~:;::~~:¡¡;~.:m:'·:·=:::~-:::¡:~~~~?~~m::::~::'«<*!~<'<i:',.,.. .<'~"'. .·,.v····· .....«.~.:... ...... ...,:.:* ~:::~... ...;......"".;... ···;~~~:me:~.r;·· .,...........;. ',.·T· ..... ....;.':. ....,;.......;'.;.;0;.... .....~ ...,.. ........,... .... .............. '.' . '.' T·T&.· .............,.. ·····v·... . W~~*'·"<' .....;.... ·m~m~~ß:@~~· ··~W·. ....' ..····;·..·;<·..····..·'w~~~· ..........<...'...... ..~~..,......,,;,....<.. .. ,........,..,... '.' . .."',.... "Y;;%~~ Ray Wazny Building Official Monday, January 22, 2007 Date Printed NOTE: This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named, for building at the above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant will abide by and comply with all the conditions of the Zoning Ordinances and all Ordinances or Building Codes of Saint Lucie County pertaining to the erection, construction or remodeling of buildings or structures. This also certifies that the electrical wiring and/or equipment, and the plumbing work have been inspected and approved. The issuance of this Certificate grants permission to occupy and use the property described herein only for the use indicated. Any change in use will require a new Certificate of Occupancy. POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE GERDING ENGINEERING CORPORATION STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 4450 WEST EAU GALLIE BOULEVARD, #212 MELBOURNE, FL 32934 PHONE 321 259 7773 / FAX 321 259 7104 18 June 2004 Tricon Development, Inc. 925 N. Courtenay Pkwy Merritt Island, FL 32953 A TTN: Robert Kodsi Re: Oceanique Condominiums, Buildings A & B, Highway A 1 A, St. Lucie County, FL Permit #24050634 & #24050639 Mr. Kodsi, The following is a response to the attached plan review comments from St. Lucie County, dated 24 May 2004. (1) Structural plans for both Buildings A & B refer to a wind load of 110 mph. Accepted. I believe he is referring to the three notes on the bottom right hand of each sheet. These notes are required by Section 62B-33 FAG. Please note that the 1988 edition of the ASGE-7 standard is referenced. (2) It is 140 mph in this area exposure "C" North Hutchinson Island. Accepted. On sheet S10 (building A) and sheet S9 (building B) the General notes and the wind load schedule reference the ASGE 7-98 code and a basic wind speed of 140 mph and exposure category (t G ". Please understand that these are two different standards. One is required by the FBC and the other by the FAC. We are certifying compliance with both. We hope that the responses above sufficiently address the building department comments. If you have any questions please call at your convenience. Sincerely, ~G ENGINEERI PORATION ~ / G . · ~11e,lo4- J eph . Gerding, Pí·esideU PE 42568 SI 1032 cc file 137502 MAY.26.20Ø4 9:01AM. ·TRICON 1:..L l"'-Mt..fi I . 1"-"'. ...,,~___ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMJSSION€R.S PUBLIC WORKS DÈPARTMENT .J {/, Fer 't'''.'ftfIannaaon ( ) 0rItIn. WIn 'allow In Mal' ( ) ,.. TCMlt R..,..t TRANSMISSION COVIRFORM Fax # (58t}t82-1148 ) ) Tab APJrop..... ActIon '.... Call GIt 1111. ..... .....4 MAP ( ) "U~H ( ) COMMENTS: ¡OJATJ fllAli~ ~ I J -- )Hft O. _,,"N. 0IaII4r....., .. DOUG COV~. ... fIG. 2 · ~ A. tAWS. Ofø.." ~ · ~I ~,.. 0tIÞIc ..... 4 . CLIFF øA~B. .... ....S ~~_.~-.~.. . 2.3OC Vigfnra Avenu. · Pr.. PIetcIÞ.. 1l.34912 PlJbtlC "olk$: (,56', 462.14ð5 . FAX (561) 462.~2 ~ fJI £no1oeertng: (56 t) 462·'70" 'OX 4624362 · ~ of'l'aact G~ CS6, ) ~.2S f 1 'Å'( ~2.23ð3 ~ of SòW ~ CS6,) 462.1761 FAX 4ð2~'T . TOO CS61) 462-'4~ t9/t9 39t1d tUNn:IO 310m lS 8"Þttz9ÞZLt 9t:-Þt ÞØ£/-Þ~/99