HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 0Ci5 Hams #Lop in {'Leer pgytatra(Mn H7tSepr[s i SUbm1G 6urcbirge'� Stili aFfidip 'rile9aan5 t�C9nUtt OF BCI55ite MBP unb�. SEDid1 t?►oduct APDrov®1� i ,MMtkt iltMyAMf.!r:rY.P(OSruCCW Afint[La!b.SeNtth Y,AgplIoiIoA'LiSI' ,PP16DitJtd,',. fl k FL17022 a7 , . MAR 1 1 2020 AopltrA 'Type Revision - - ' Code Ve�ion '2017 Application Stats;, Appraveti 5T Lipe County, Permitting Camrnents `08J18/201Tv�dato reaPpiY 08/21117 Arctiivei!_ Pro6&Manufa tWrer Extreme Metal fabNcators,LLC AddrassJPh6ne/EmaA 2160 Sw,poma ONve; Tat m CIty�FL;34990 F . y , - ,' , 'flyaiidettaa�yahae cam t Authorized 5igttptum Richarcl Mc �hen flvalidation :yafwa,Com . Techniial Jtt;presenfative - Ridrard MdG3hen .. Address/Phone/Emait - 216%pyv P pe,ONve '�P.AM Cityf�fJ 34990 dT72�872 8U34 _ '•'tttttard�lamfe6 net , Quaiity-Assutsnce,RepMentairve ' AddressJAhone/,Email - ' ' Categor3t _ � -. Roaflng s _ . - 5ubcaf�gtinl, - -,> q' `:INetal�tooflng - Campitance Method Cwutuatton Report ham's fior°ida,Regis4ered Architect or a Ui�n Elorid Profc9rsionat Engineer �� Eya�ustibn Report;Hardwoy Received, Ftorlda,Engtrteet o Architect Name whp developsd'tHe Evaluation;Report`' LOCKE,BdWOEN. horlda,Lifense; PE-09704" Quality Assurance'EntitV K"'(t a Ceriipi axons,lac'. Quality AssurancnContiaCt Exo3ration Date, 114122J2024 Valideto"By Zachary R pncr 4Y81kiatt6�LCheckiisS=-HaMcopYke ived- .° 'Certi$Gite oUIMcoondence 'f t 70 7 Coi FL 17022 1 5\r-�i•RiMP sir liil - - Referenced Standard end Year-(of Standard} yur > -WA .2003 UL 1897 Zb UL 580 �� 04 Equivaleme of V.roduci Siindards Certified Y, 5ecvon�tram the code" Produd;Approvol'Method,; Method i option O CO'Pz _ " Oate.5ubmltfc7, � _ ` 08116l2t1173 - `Date.validated �08/X301T Date P,endmg�8G'Approval 08/28/Z01T: Da rXjSprovad10/10/2017e 'L'* *do,,Numbar or,Narr a Des ci iptton"-. . 17022.1 1 "SV Crimp"(R6} 26 Gauge steel,318"Nb height;24 wideiapped raof paitm medianic�iy_attadted to a fastenefs ., v i5J3?`P"ood onWood Oeck Mt i .-. mitm omsei installation Instrue orfs r Approved for use M NYNZ:Rta pl S t R7 TT Fi't7(S?�1 S'V CRttt r ndfF' Approved for ifse outrtidm iiVt3LYes, a Verified 04 Locke 9ovSden P. 49704 nipatt Reefetant Na Created by indeparidentThird",Yet,- Design Pressure tNIAJ-Table A 9vgluatbn Repmtia "Othdr,Referto;evalua an re forirondlNons thstall theacsembly,InFtompffence [r 17022 RT AE FL 17022`i's V CRIMP ssr adf.; With the installation methad`listed in this'reportand.appIQ bie'code secrions'of f8C,". -Created by Ind;{sendint'Thl d Party;Yes... Refe Yo manofactumr's,InstaOation instructions. -' '- ` ' 17U22:2 2='sY Crimp"(q6) �bd2 if(nlrWM,j/s_ b Wg"ht,21 wp a lap d roofpanel mechanically attached' W 315132'plywood off,, ood WM ex'used steners; Limits cf UseInstaltstion Instrustlbns Approved for use In HVHZ,.No - -' y61i R7 li 8"17022 2 5-,V_. IMPO 032 ALUM'ns4i = Approved for Use outside HXNZS;Yes Veri0ed By Locke Bowden P.E::49704 Impact Resistant NR CYeated by Independeht Thirdparty Yes_ J)".19114ressures+*k Table A' EVmlueNcts Report®; Othri'Relef,to evaivatton reportfoe-coridition5;InstaO=the assembly ln'compllance 5?�0?s°v aF p 7022 2 s V CRIMP'0 032 A>,UM ssr odf with the Instellation method listed in this report and appiiwbie rA fe seCtiona,af FOC.: ,Created by 16dependentThfM Party Yes• Refer to manufacturer's Installation Ins"ction5r - - - - t7022"t9, "1:5 MecTtartiral Seam" ribtielght Ib,*Tda 24 gauge steel standing seam roof panetvinetihanlcatfy ad to 15/32;pigwaotl'arwaod dedcw(iYh dipg and;fasteners. ; UmltsJbf Use: astailallon InatWCtlena Approved for use in HVHZt.No. F 17 g-taerwantrr at 74n__ eirtf Approved for use outs'"FIVHZ•yes Ved0By Lodte Bowdon P E 49704 Impati Ratictpn#No T CreatedbYflnde dent Third patty Yes e pen 11, r iSastB»Pressure:+NjAj•7ab1e A :, Rvaivaduto Reports Othiiri Referto.evalttatton/ej�Orifortondttinnsand!11,66tions,46 fistautha EJ,17t+>�'R7 E P l+0'7 7 j c MECHaRi aLt m 3At> oil(, assembly facompliance with;ihe inskailddon merhod`Iisted In tfils;report artii�apptiiabie; Created by IndeperidentThird POrty Yes` cotiasecttonsot.fBC.ReferWmanutaiturer's�frutalletionFnstrvftions, �" _ ,,, r,-_°• � � - 17022:4 4="1:5 Mechanics:Seam'(p5} 1 5 Jib height lis"Mf�-0 032"aluminum,standing seem root pa9ei tmchan]Olty i attach edto 15/32•'plywood oC Wood Oack;Nith dips and fastengrs. Umtts of tfse j Inoteilallon Ipatnlgtloru,'.�, Approved for tsse In NVHIM No j 1j70 ? R7 II PL•iJ0224 MECIJAN At SEaM AI"tiMINUM ertuff," Approved.for use oubide;HYttZ Yes Vetifled ey Lxicke,Bowden,P;E.49704 Impact Resistant.No Created by lndependant ThIrd Party'Ye"' '. 60stgn Pressirrei+N/A/Table A EVaiitetion Reports° t7theri Refer to'evaluation report far uondrtforls and,limitations t+f u5a Tnatalt the �t 742 -R7 E1 174'4 M (}fiNclAt aEAM AtUFtINUl�ssr t slf assem(iIY in coMoiance with.tlre installation mathod'.Iisted In thlg report.arid appircatiie'. Created'by tndepertdentThird;Party Yes` . codeasectians of EeC_Itetertb manufacturer's CnstatiatYon.instruttions 17022:5 5 Iain Nall Strip (RS) 1 fib height,16'wkf �ug standing m.oaf panel mechanipily- - W M. attacher to 15132 0 or deck whit firers ttmitaofUsaInsttllleNonlrtstruptlora Approved for use i i HVHZ No ]7029'RJ IS Fl 17022 a t'0 NAn GrrLP ssrildf; Aj1p'rovad Mr us outsldikMVHZ:Yes ' Venfled By Locke Bowden P.E.49704 Impact Resistant.No Crewed by Indeper<tlentThind Party Yes; Octs4g6 Peessura +NIA!Table A EValuatlrin Reports othitr:Refar.ta<evatuanon rgport for conditions and=Hmltations of use Insteii the Fi 1�6 a R7 AE FI:17QgZ,S f`0"a, n� e*Ry, i ii l _ assemblyln.compilance tGiUtafie iristaiWUon methoii8sted tn.this report andapplicabt®, Createdby IndepenpehtThhd Party Yea.' _` :CaileaeRions:o>:FBC.-Refcrao ma0ufdcturer's Installatioo�instrUrtiQRs �.`;.,.. -, ,•. -,- -.•. ,� .,• ": .:,.-. ,. 17022:6 6. !..;all Strip'.(R5) 1 rib height 16.wide 0 032'-alutninutt%standing seam roof paritii mech0nkalty t;,.:.. ... attached'to attaNiedao 15132.plW±ood ar Wood oacfc with,fasteners ... W . t.imNs of UI" Iti Hat 16n XnsMictlofar: ` " Approved fcr ISS o in,MVttZ:No FL17022 R7 Ij x''17092 6 1 0 NAn STRiP 0 0�2111UM r otif. Approved for use otitsddti`HVHZ:'Yits' Ven0ed�By Locke Bowden P•Er 49704 Irapa ix,Reslstant No Created by Inde dent-4111M Party Yes Oeslgn Pressure NMTable A Evaluation Aep>kfs" Others Refer toxeyeluation report far•contlltidasand IrmitaUans'a!use Insfeq the FLi?02 R7 P Fl 170>9 6 1 0 HAIL Ftp 0 032UM s4 adI assembly in compliance with the instaifaboh fnatttod�listetl"tn;thl5 roport and aPPitcabie Createtl by Indepentlent ThIRf Party.'Yes - cnites`��llo:�ofr:eC:;ltele.tomanufacYvrer's,insailat7gninstrvt?tYAns, *,'' - s 17022.7 7-° S In Nali Strip (RS)> 1 5"'tf$xhelght,19,».ride 26 gauge steel.standing seam root panel mediatilcaby ' - - , ;attached to 15/32':;plywoti+d;or wcod�deck'with fasteners., _,.-„ ' Umtle,of Use __ - '� � InoiailaUon Inmtructtona. _ �. roved for use in HYfiZ%pio r E1 y 7711'R7 IC FL'17t722 7 i`5 Najh,9lllh�?uCa a rndf app_ rove foduse outmlde�NVHZ:Yes Verified BY Loc(te_Bowden P E:49704 Impact Ros(atant No Cieared by.Independent Thlyd Party Yes'` OesTpn Pressure +N/A/Table A Ev Uudtion ltepotta "art Refer to.evalUatlon report for conditions,and iimkatlons:af use Instal!the .117022 R7 AE Fi'f 70Z 7'15 N+8�trijl7 a" +odf assembly in cora,ranee itiitli<the instaljation metnad listed in this reportaid appOcabfe' Created'by Independent Thlyd Party Yes cbde"','sections o",SBC Refertg manufacturer s instailatlon instrucbons _ �. `- 1?022:8 0-'EMAX Rib`(RS) 29 gauge steel,lapped foof panel mechanica)ly attached to35j32"plywood'orwaod W..,�. . - deck=with exposed fasteners.;. klmtts.of Use - � .., . `x .. -< Tn�tip><Wri Irtstrictloius =_ ' Apprbvad for ik*in iii HTS Na FJ,17022 (i7 t7 E( 170 `8 AX R tr et bdC Approved for use outside`;HVHZ'Yeas Yotiflti198y Locke Bowden;P.E'49704,— rd :49704 ImpostResiaitant No Crtiaate0:byIndependentThirlfParty•Yes° Oasiyn Prea6ures+ft/A!Table A. EvaiuAtian Reports. Ofhart Reter to evatuadon Fepbrt foncanditions ar tf IimitatlanS,oP use Itista0 the 81170 i R �Z.B F ax Rib ssr odf assembly In compliance with the'installation method iisied fir)tttisroport,and app)tcable` Created-by Independentihird Party.`Yes. ,rade'sections of'PBC.Rifer to manufacturer's iMiafiaUon Instraction5 :7022.9 9-••PBR MAX' (RSj. 26-gauge sleet tapped roof partes mechanlcsliY attached to 15!32"piynYooil or Wood gedcwith.exposEA ftteners ' Umka of'Use. Inataitetion.InstrucUonio Approved for use in HVHzvWo ELi7029 R7 Ti t`L°=f7,Q22 9 PBitR28 cdr bdT Apprbvad ftifHue botskfeHVHZ Yes. VedOad„BY Lake_Bowden,tPSE 49704 ; :rappel Restatant No Created,by Inrt ” `dent;Thltii:Pa*-Yes°. ePen besfgn-Pressures+N/A/Table A Evetuatlon Reporte Other-Re[er ta;evaluation report for renditions and iimitatbns of use Instal:the Ey1Z21 n� aE-PL n 7n2zo P9R Izte�sscodf ° , assembly In camp1t8nce w1th,fhe installation,ittetht d listed in'tfiis repo'it'and appiirabie Created.by IndependentThfrd.Party Yes codesedions of+fl3C,Refentomanufacturees instal latlon'(Is,Eructlons .. -40 , u . , - ' jet t 9(..t c••, Rnn4�.Y.. ,dt.h..sseQ �rtoo ol.ertn,9�7•!$28: ' - - .• _ ',. :.-Thdfitate or rrorida ro 4�MJEea BMpiovai;.544t111ahY2b07.aei]'sMtoef rtodda�i t E14:.81d107i.SS y :bulli norWa bw,einad edtlres'ses`are dubficrerauda dl,yWt'Eo dotwent Your_t(naq,addressrpam9 Nresponse too pudK-rem+us reuurat do no3§enq daWonk toed to qxe antlty.lruMad code t bye dniv tiyptwna ar W - traditbnat toot It you hoes eny 9Geadons,Beau contort a5D.497 1]95 'pattaantle 5eclan.455.]75(1)Ft6(tda Sratald,,eRecdve actdKT1i,201],Iarzmees dunmC'undtr Chapter 455 V.S.muttpnyida trie Oeparprmt W".. an small oddmss k they have`one:The'emoiis prmidod maybe used far offidsi tommuniwtwn%Ah the Qoehlee.Hoj ev Broad a&cutsaro puetr Mood.8 you do sot wish to apply a petsorot eddtesa ptaasa'WovWe die otparttnent with do einad address wt4o rah bgtnad6 ovadswe to"'01 de To diU iW e a you are a iktmft bn4ler.Chapter455,FS dkk flttt;.. Pted-61A 04"1tee±tPbt i ave �, r ,a :� :,M :¢ ''� is '` fz. } - mai r< y: g , y x x i - � 43"`5 l �E.r' v .L °, .. '` ' *X Z u x t' - 1 "' P t"y^u , Vic. .1 ' I A,1 ,L^. 3 "{aye. $ � 1 F '.,' w;4 •- x f,, '�'­;,,";;�'Product Report Manufacturer.- Extreme Metal Fabricators, LLC�,_�­,�., y1m C ,r 3499a [gs E 11—i �_ a Product isr ¢ ga a r f,t # ZS - ,. V i s­":'1j:1, 7i '`- 1. ''h ` F �'. P �' i a't 11 a y t yn � r s r, g f s %omolient With Fld'ide8,Building Code —ed. �� �Izk �� f f r� , Y , o riplran `frith FWWi Prod ii'= ,­S, ro #C �3,x f Y i. �[i i ir'Qrrts i\ aii�o�ii V{"ie 14kid,7.,e7E; c..�� i�`+ s�� �y��'� rx i � Iz� � s p' t , y ,, 2 r 5`" ,` y' d fr f x E c R jix > l� r "x X3$4 r i �,a,t' s z $ ,, j ry fr i i § �. �11 7' ti � �� -3r.,. ""' �,x 3 . fi �}, s ,k :% .S - '3"ate 9 i ; Protlract;5'V Cti 6GA1. 5te:77,e1 R6i f i'enel,R Seer at "*0 ° C� " "M li9d strength:SbUi min.;Attache&to min: {3 ,�H` " 'wod or,:�oo f - - moi¢ t A Deck /min.n.42 s ci is gra'ity With SCr @vv �24�C. erage , i ,y.Y Y f d'C,, �`f ,Y - f J"" ,` { y f til ei ht 5� �a , � � " Corrosion�;esis�11,�ta0�T, 70WOliants SBC a �� 'A I Fa§t+ ne1. Ir # lethtid l£Attac ± nt1.):" e � .% ' �»tllt er i i�w ,?s *",o P et to 3j1 ".ruin.thr� ec1,�111_11k or 8" ► b dmerrt into Wooer►""link.(!6 s�ci+ nt i r gti t m+�e �°` r p ��;r yy�y� _ - t OR, /e i MH QE11- , , ; - ^M z g 't - : �` `"7 3 fh '� de - z,E s - r a - Br's ar ,� a� s�- �' °' a � astemer (Meth"t" 2}3 " 41�tta�ci,Merit VI - - 1-11 ' 1�l+ if ashu r least+Vooi�1 +�r w rr''`tta 7� t f �, - - y"x . � z-. , e, penetra 4 /;16"rei�r"Ahru d>r!�k drr 5j, O*t mens'it od ►len . r su cientaength xo m+eet rn wirer en k } i ' � k ,� '. Ti: y-«".! 3 SFr-FS CZ[ ¢ �` , k �' r,T. F _ hr z- Y t 4 irrderlayrllEret; ` `O be compliant wYit F8C Sec;Che�_'�17 1.lull � f s r s t "Ii Is : P,r, ','',al,C'' z { - 2 ' y r _ x e 3n �. / ,� ,� a _� t r t e,. s a r s 50t�p@ S�, be ire com tlienc+e With ���:S, S07", h P '; 1­111, e 1�t aOr. tni Tt t�lE AItoW brl� ' [�(�ad i:. i.i�'7 „S hili W � � IYI o ;� Ram SPACI� � � $�'..O O� 111. I ?,. _... « . - 1. � A5 rN SPA# ,: ALC Pa1ne11 Widthj, Q, " •. "�4�10111 12" 1 . 1"'O O.G. 1STENE� .. .. W ­11r k # ot h fr 11 F 4 'v tai '�3 ts i #seer@r'tCe Y�ma�'J x iIT4�� rw�TrAl�i �l.T � ls�t4r,,. .y'rc9 ,UfX.._11,3T Y i ys a� iJL 59 5&1897-11'00 Tem Rept Ct 9 .T 05/02J1� "F 4 1 4�', v2 , Test �e £ ,IrAr;,1111 I ��$ ? � � T I 1.11 (Ab` 125-03 f l8 a Y T 5t5 y 66" "3pt.�o$-�5##� 1 T.1122Jy111 "Ny4 y x i ,,-,y , ' , 11 � rG ,f VA719r:a VL �9 "'v'Rli� ��/�Virl�i'w�xy� �VL, F.�� �t/ `w"Wi�*;¢It � '�t s xi s Y�Ji 11P , �� e eke iou k,n #.E aim s r riC ve,a+nk ti t,acquirr �ne�t i� �` -, fit di�bU �+EXtluLts a s , �. s �r - % �3. ".' Uil�ef fir$llMt3rtX3trifll1.+say3 s w� y a v k Cocke Sow n, 'E n maned,trperafted,arY,,, ,, rret!by 8 ►c�uonpa �tm l turOf ex surbutl i�pr+�rtt., " -+r report. I , x�F , "O ' ! � s # y 11 11,Z1 I'll 11 y s , 1 v� a r az tf m «� x � s1­11 7 I t �r x X f f £ { { ^�5; 2 t k t �""? Ftt: i.�.{yyk k �;a. r y,+."asc sa k. M `'�, f 'a ..5. _ , 4.L.._ ,, , .».x".430 ., f',f s .. .,A " ,rz-.J'sT¢L,_. - vim;u <.,A.mow ", 0.�!'. z ,mJ:' !: A'. F1.17{1ZZ 1,, x V Crimp;'{26G1�Steetj, 2 "W de Rauf Panel =-Details Lunda#ions.; - 1 Underlayment t6be brrip ante w4h tuerept Florida l6iidih Code(FBC}20 2,Minimum slope to tse:corriplian#.with Elorida'Biiilding Code 2Q17`6�'ed,and,per wi#t%Manufacturer's rnstellat�on"reference; 3. Prgtlucts`are ccsmpli nt`for State of Fioritla product approbai perR'16 6'1{ 20-3 Compi�ance Mettaod 1 p A. Engineering'analjtsis for"project specific appr'ovai by k cal au honties-WAR o jbtion s ailovi►ed by:ather registerecl:engiri ers: .5,Fire classification rs not pert ofi tills acceptance.-;Shear' 1pphragm val ares are'outside this report 6.Support,fraining'in"compiance:w1l=8 26176 d for':Steei,Chapter 23 forlNood:and Chapter 16 for', , Structural Loading. 7.This report'does"not rmpiy'warranty;instaliabon' recorri render9 produc#use outsrde;of his`:report #8xi 1l2"Mlnor #70 k 7 l Mih porrabte'A•fr rrT©wr rrvcrimpt ooi�Pmi�f - " =5peelag`aattDe�r�r%Pres�rr+s ; e r 75132°orgreat0{Plyurood;or Norritnal'12" Nommai:12" 9,c; trc 112"Min or #10 x'1 9!2"{ulin per Tai ble A"'Nex V1�shor Woadscrew- Spaced 12"o C across the Panel Wdth 1'anet, Refer to fable"Aa for Spgc�ng Along Pahst 'Overlap, Langth-, deck;7x132".orgreater ri . twood,or p'Iltank... a