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Product Approval
*� ' ofe t r, 3tion .„ C .. --kis Hmne.T6g1n'!'User Registraaon', ^tit'ropus"Ise�bmlt Stii U+itge( �'`state aiaNsk.,� . . PpatfeztWro,�':[omaet Uf�,yetis SRgMdO;I,tlnkt�-�.Search.� .. product Approve I urea Wbac.ilcer RECEIVER ' aeduel Apiiii5 ml Munu'o Drridu}t ur AQgjrfietla±Sen.iti i'waalkafi,an LCS!-.ApDF<vtlonDetan' - .. .., �� FL17022wR7 p yy y .. AppiicaYionType> Revision �A� 1 1 2Q�Q. Code-Version, ; 2017a ApptlWion Status; - Approved ST. Lucie.County, Permitting" Cartimer)ia OWj 612017V.Aate reapp}y oe/z11171, Archbied Product Manufacturer _ Esitttet�te Matal;Fabritatais;LLC' Address/Phone/FinaN 21¢0'S1N PomB Drive"" `fivmlldafjdn�yahoo Wim' `^" Autlwrized Signature > RiEhard McKuhen ttyaildatlon�yahoo.com, , TetgnicatRepresentati've itichard McKuhan Address/p rie/Em"all 2160 5W Pdijjk Wk.: °Palm City,.FL,34990 {77`2}'872-8034 �rEthaR!(1�ertifab neY, Quality,Assuranoeli6 rosontative.; . Addi eWp6olnr.(E7 11 Subcategory a Metal Roofing Compliance Method; EvatuaUon VReport tltirrt a Flotida Registered Architect&a Ucensed'FIodda Professlonol Engineer :�.Eva(uatibn4kepoiY=Hardcopy_Received , Flodda'EngineerorAmliltect Name,who.devebped the`Eyaluatioh Report ;LOCKS 60VWDEN Flor(da Uisense `' t+P-89704: . Quality,Assuragoe'Entity KeysWne8,rtifications„Int;' - Quality Assurance:EonttarA.EapiYadoif"Dafa ;04722/202+1;. - >- v ` awry R Priesfi P,E VaUdateii a Z� , lraildatiort Checklist->:HariJtpPV Received'_. CerdficaLebfiridependence. . �i„t7022� &ol FL-17022.-'11.SV,CRIMP ssr.tidf Referenced Standard and Year.(o(Standard) iiD8LY1 YsL; TAS 125 2003 UL1897 2012 . �UL�580: . 200fi Equivalence oY�Qrodud stantltis 'Certified By. Z0 SeRions fr6ni theCodie REVIEWED FO R CO® COMPL0ANCE Product,Appro)a!_.Method Methto l optfon D ; ST. L UCO o COUNTY DatbSubrrtkted Q8/1812017+ B CC Dote valid ted' 0e/2s120iy Date Pending FSC.Appmval, 08/28t201T. File .. tSataApprovarl" ” :. 1�0f1U/201T 'lleCopy " 'Summ .aCPbilu�e• . .. ' FL 4 it—Mo�del Nambet or N_emeFJesctip3lon � � __ 1702211` lI sv crfmp.(R6} 26 dauge;steel 318"-rib height,24",wide lapped roof panel mectiankakly attached to, ° 15132"-:p(yvtood.oi'Wood Deck ivlth"fasteners Cimitn of Use im lkmon IeatrliettanS Approvedfor'pealrl.HVHtf No,, F07022'R7 JLFU i�.ndf , Approved for use outside HVH2t Yes Verified,By.:Locke Bowden;P,E..49704 impact Raoistaft No '" Created bylndependentThird Party Yrs Osalgrrpreaiaum:tN/AJ-Table'AEvaluation Repaits_ Other:Rater to evaluation=report for;conditions.Instal)the assernby in<oimptlance; Ft'7h7�R7"A£ FL 1 7022 1 a V CRIMP=tr ttdf with the I istiRation'method 85ted In this report,and applicable code sectiotls`of F8C„. ,Created by independent Third Party Xis' Refer tomanufattureeslnstaliationdnstructlons. '` >- 1702212 2-°Sv Crimp°.:(R6) 0 032 AiWninum,3/6°'Rib helght;121 wwa lapped roof:panel;mechant allY'attached" to 35)32',plywood or Wood Deck with eriposed fasteners Limits of Usa YrtstatiaHon 2tistrueWona ApptoY±id fOr use in HVHZ.No :Ft L.7621'07_TV FL 17022 2 gtP y.CkI 0.632-ALQA1 ssr.ndf ` Approved for se oulelde HYHZt Yes Vehfied By:kocke Bowden,P.E.`49704 Itnirnet Resialtts No, Created'by;IndependentThiM Party:Yes Destgn.pressure.+AVA/r7abie 4, E104'.. Others Refer to evAuitlon,report for•conditions instal)the assembly in wmplianoe, X22`R7 Art`FL y 7027 2 611 CRfMP a 032 AW4 sr odf; with the Uistaliation.inet!iod listed 1 this`repoit and.applical'I coil"secgp-"of FBC; "Created,by Intlepenilent'thlyd Party is Refer to manuFacturer's insbllation`instructlons. 17022,3; "3-`i.s"Mechanical_Seam'(R5) i 5 Hb tielght 16"wide 24 gaug"'steel,standing seam'roof pane mechanically _. attachadtd it/32...plywood ar woed deck wit-1Atdips and Ya9teners umits ot.Use Inatailatlon 2Mtruetlptts � Approved for usaln HVH2, No FL1202Z R7 I f 3702i.Vi�MECHANICA nam=408 5�„"r�odf Apprtived fcr iMe autetde'HVHZ.Yes Yarified By;Locke Bowden,P.E:A9704 Impset,Raelatentt No ,. Created bYlndepenaentThird Partv.jYes Desigti.proir i>fN/A/-TatilsA, valuiiln: oft Other.Referioreportfor conditions andllmitations o6use.:Instag'the F1 tJ n7 t Lx7072 a LS fdfr HAroCA„5pgpl2a_ 'SJW assemblwtteinsWllatloiimethod ilsfadlnthl5}eport,"ntlapplicde `CreatdbyIndepenientTnirdPaY,Yes , code sections of FBC:Refer.co;mepufacturer's,tnstallayott litstructions _ 17022.4 4 1.5'Mechanical scam (R3} 15"nb tietght 16":wide,0 032 aluminum standing seam roof panet.machanically- 'attached io:iSJ32"plywood or Woad tXck with dip5-end fasteners , umi6 of tis" iratalhittoti atrifcttbns �, • .Apppprimd ibr=tweln HvH2.'NO P • ;" F117 R`'7 Yn.II PL•1 i l HA,=AL SEM ALUM�N IM esr.btlf,, 1 03' ,Rasiatantr:No .. ;Created by indep nd nt.Th P, 49704 " ad ruse outside HVHz Yes.. Verified B .tacko$o , y epe entThitd Party Yes; Desi n PressIt +N/AJ Table A iivalii iiion R ria',; Othert Refer to evaluation report for conditlons anti ilrnttation of°usa Installthe• FL11012,11:AE assembly:In climpi16h' Wth.theinstaiistidn::method ilsted Irttftii�iaportand applicable 'Crested byIhdependentThirtt?mtY Ye coda- ' ns"off 8C,ReFer to rtj�nufaiwrer's instatlatJon Instructions. _ 17022,5 . 5-`3 tri Nail Strip"(RS} 1 rib height,16"wida;,26 gauge steel,standing seam roof pard mechanically ettadted tl% S/32"plywood,br wood deck wlTh'tostenars; Installitidn Ynettucttona for`use,n HVH2:ifo EIY70" R7 2[FL'170 a'f"O NST STR1P=�c od[ Approved forwe;outside HVH2:Yes = "verified By:Locke•Sowden,P.E:.4970A ` Impacb Reslmtgnis-No, Created tiy:Indepr ;dent Third Party,Yes`, Oesign,Presauret+NJAJ Table tl Etraluetlon Reports' Otl1w Y ReFet Yq evacuation r¢port for conditions and llmitatfons:of:use I staif;the< EI i7Q2i_!37 AF'N Lp' AI STRtP Qr odf� code secti19 ons of compliance ian a withttheo manufacturer'smothad listed in this report add mpplicabie Created by=l ndependentthird PaitY.Yes= y installation instructions 17022,b; 6 '1 In Nati 5Wp°(RS), 1 db'haigl t 16"wide,0.032`aluminum;standing searnyroof panel mechanically W bttached to:atteched'id,15J32"°plywood or.Wood,Dedcwith fasteners;. APA ved' Instal on Ynstruct!oas rasa In fAMM No_ FJ;170 i f. 22 R7,aj�F1 1707,2,6 Y',0'NAIL 5TRip D 032 ALUM ssnedP ' Approved far use outslde,FiVNZ;.Yes ;verified By:;Lockebowden,P E.49704 -- ImpactRolalstaM:1H6 Created by`independent'fhiid Party;Yes Design'Praasures+NJA/Table A flvaluatton Report' Other:Refer to evaluation report for conditions and limitations of use Insialt:the` EL17022'R7 nE FL 17022.6 I A NAIL SMP 0.032 ALUM est bdf assembly cote sections orf once wit11 thtl instsliatlori method listed in this report arid,eopllcabie ',Crea4ed tiy.IndepehdentThird:Party:Yes C,Rarer to manufacturer's installaflonJnStMCUC)ns. 17022.7. 7 "i:5 1n.Nall,Strip (Pry.= 3 5 db'helght,19'vilde 26 gauge steel,-standing s6m root pati"!mechanically ;attached"to'i5/32°.-plywood or-Vrood deck:with tastene�:, � Um16 o4 Use. YnstalretioH`Yn A 066 d faeusil tn'HVHZ:.No rE1170�> RY YI!= i 5�N1eil tri{ 6.a ceradf Approved for use Yes• verttied 8yt=locke'Bowden,P.E.;49704, Impoct iteatstonti"No Created bjAndependent third Party:Yes Design PrOs rin',+NjoA/Ta61e A. =Z2_=1'7022;7 valuation Repoab' Others Refer to evaluation report for conditions and limitations,of.use Inskail ibe �x Z2`It7 AE Ft 7022;7 1`S Nail Strut 266A skLadP.,. assembly incompliance with the tnstaltation method listed in thlsreport ertd:Appllc;i*, Created:by IndepeailentThIrd:Party:Yes code sectlons of FBI:.Rifer to;manufacturer's lnstailiatianninstruCUons 17022.8 8,:'EMAX Rib'(RSj 29 gaugeste"I,lapped;roof pand.methanieapy attached o is/3Y'plywond or:wood ` ' ,', 'dedswttheiiposed'fasteners: • , umita of use Instatlatio»Imrtructions Approv®d ter usa.in MvHzi Na F1 1 0 „ii7 tt•EL 177n22 B i Mt1X R b csr. [ Approved for use outside HMEt'Yes verified By:Locke Bowden P,E.44704 V impact'Rosistnntr No Created'byindependentthird Party:Yeg. ''DesignPressarb:fi1JA/7able.A Evbluet n. Reports. Ottrer:,Relur to evaluation reportff9r conditions and llmitatibns of use Instali'th©j Fl i o72 j�? AE EL Y370 2.a -M X Rrb-<r.odf assemblyin c0mplianrn w(Nr,tho installadod method 9tsted in'thts report strt&placable' _Croisted by,Independent Third Party:Yes Coda sections,of FOC.Refer to mhnuficturer s ins'0116 ion instructions. i7a22.4 9 "PBR MAX"R5}, 26 gauge steeb:WPp<ed,rooF penal mechanlcaQy attadtcd to 15/32"plywood ar wood deck with exposed-fastenere., 1milbi,of use Instailation Instruction' ApProJed for ace M,HYH2 No ?O1r""fi7 i2 FL'17022 4 PBR'ttIs ddf . Approved for tmvi tutsld Wilds Y6 'Vedfied'Sy.Locke,Boivden P.E:49704 Impact R�asismnte:No _-- Crna[e8:tiy�Independent ThYrr1 PartYx=Yes Deslgir,Preasuree+N/AJ Table A EvatuatlonRaporttl OthorY'Fteferto evaluation report for::conditions and.OmCtations ofusa.Instal)the F 17Q ,g AE FL 17022,9P(IR t8 Fath& .- as`semblyin`compiiance with the lnstailation,method;Bsted In this,-reportand applicable 'Created-i�y Irnfependent Third Partys Yes code'settions of M.'Ref4r iomanufacturer's instatlat on-instnictions: _. . • , , Ruth' Next _. Ton State of fiorlda n an Agre[:'O emcroyer.:t?male l20a7.aJ1 Ra,-ar gotld_ i Prtraiv stotenient.ie .:::gi(Siml$i(tlaffiL Umler norWa law,en as adotois s are public record.If you do not wan[youre4daff addrdas rdeeSaE,in resphnsa to d pvbk-ni�arhs re4ueat.do sot sitiid'etsctionk mr@ to tti;s'tntrty.insteaif,rui,d�t Me oars trr'p>,ene or_ey trail tlbna1 mai:.it YOV hays any CuesUons,please contort 95D.487.r395:"ivrstiaM fo Sttnod;455,2Tsii),flodda.5tatotes;"M"or"a edoberl,21112,Ihanseed ilcrosad antler ehepier 455;f.5.mWrprovFde the bepettm�t wrth ah ems t afa"t"easy have ono.The emalk om.M d may be,reed for ONteial ttimmdrkoj o Wfth t cams":However dit"4 Wmseo m pobr.',ftaid-IF t u dd dotwkh to[wiry a penanei add ess,WaoSe Urov dd a e DryattmeM wah ah arae addrM'nfth'can be madoAM1aW1t6 u.e p,Ai -Tu dotid,iriloe l/you and e,tkerisee uMdr ChaptK%155.PS:pldase dick h2g.:, . Prddud AW*V0At MPb3 M®®®,® - s',• s.: 'hd yr f 3. W. ie`.. ''hKZV°'�" �«.„ �'$ °`s',•�` $,^ Y""{r` �r ra h "S, ay W F � ,�:,,'�'}F'Woduct Report x EMU0 T 'kAp` 'y a 'b.,.r` ,7 J - A zr fix✓ ,3. y >s- s .r J sa # f o^`i `` zx a,«+ssl. x r - a S ? .eh ✓ ,� -, 2 < t7 x� `k r '^3y,°Noun �,a a�.rti � -��. `�'�' 'FiFi� iA #YM� 7Y \71� .c yayep r. `y ♦ny�y� �«`�' u�' $�-' .6 #� 'e '��a" F a ; M + ll�� 'f^'hi'irl"� 1� iWi !`l ! •§ .�' df ✓' AMON'.� • '7 Fr { ^�4;"d" °� x `` t ���.� p1 ",beaszd r°r Z0 ;' & tsr 1.' ''.ei. t: "+'`k:n.sS� -y + x,;s. r j gc ;�` 4.9 �F y w 'u zsa.^ "tY $ Z a .✓ + ng " (� r � a`�'C ✓g z�,� f _ `t`;i `' r �v , � x: w-a �v�'�.;d'ya °�as-, .�4 R � �# �:, rJO, �=, r a s.-q� �^ �. ✓x y,.�gs'�jy� g c t���';za¢•.Sh �Y �cr �' b�i�s 'cr �'s r t��'""� Y �� y ? .�, - , `. a 4'ql, rx `$ G J r`, �. y ✓' I O x' 2: Zhu _•.a ,i' yyµx -; hJv�aF �M{w., wf'�7j :,.r"4'' 1$' t. 1M'�`. 31{ may,• b l .r;"a %rSt tF_.xy.-. 9 ,.ky' ryL'. - �, :s Phy` .szr rz�s --rz s a., r•.e �' r as ,o` € �,-•;r,a,,M�x a,F �.�, a� { a`•e ry.", r s 3. £ '`lr z' x 7 Y 's`,k;,p,€t•,r�w.x La, r z''sp'+ z`r' '�n �. . r � #J!i■ AY a''�'f.� � � mom y.��„'S t�ry��wp,4,rr..tz �y�rw,§s�t�ta � i �� t1t 3 fYtY � i.%^ ✓* ` �� n, " .�� iei[� k , ,sti`f'7„ ax .g, ti #WK n c: a• 3 '4!"`, z, `sa F - 'fYviVZ'g a`"� y rlo� ►�b� � t� to tib. xt 1 k w 5 Sa: }'� i ::C u�16: �' "Y?• ar f i v µav'.x' ^`"r'��.c`r "a "^'�.*•zxrag x a '" s ,n.�.., } ✓< ` r �'v°y ?N'f a t1C r'''acz` -'se " t ``fro, R# s.,�• ,z "10 M; yila� ''RiRt -., 3f%:+ °`, . i ��+•TP � Ki!^�� �3�V� � 2 "`t � 43 9byy o ,.1!' t-,, . L�t , .CoonP a� � 9 ✓ - ii��...`? `` --z° h zf s✓ tq'� fi w K � - e�Y tir x r� o ',e Par .r _ ,. lt* �% Pf� WM1 �1��<T� ,�% >��i:: k� ��§'�'R3.� ".fY•��L F _.�' ���! xr{�.tf }..:s _.,g.y�Y' �` �K+cs^a - u1� �O{Y�9�f.8��sr� �o-alts 19�►�r' i�t� ik+ 6 i��rl!�#N If �iiKtriM� sEt A#iF!iai7Y'iTi �{1� { a ✓j t�'z k ,try ,_' "ia LY {yg,�✓ P" TP�f bivot- ,,� �ar }�"wy� r W � d y { h `M .✓.�i '+e aS �� S `�?�� � 'arK'F: z may'.'t G s r C �,�,, e9A' .�„ar. #� � 't�j�` .�`�'`�` i � r € �.. e i � E'�-s a 4 t t �✓ xF �,+n'-a i�.�,,,, t t a %�`��'� ar ��g .k i� � �s': 4�t � �F rFrnt+'",z£� - f 'U,rp 4� Y°..»t £a'•pCatF.`r'VY Sp` �„ ".. 4 l {y .�5.q{,i ��w%���°�, 'h''s�,,,S f ��'bs�� �S+.yh ?.r '�'Y ' L'^ '.ry v' "�Y'a Sgt q ,p.Yd ��d• �� F, w-c^��f` '� ��� � �� � a q Iro1jrC 3' Y�,�i y✓�,�.r �'G � e " e au`P' :'iuz"a�` r Yr' t a 'tax 59► r x ✓xp'6�"+� Yi ✓k t.' �� h ��4t �, �vycx sr«4 ;, u,r+ � r 1: i-Z 3• C *, ,w L h z'.t A �� .�,F�riS ;f 4 . an "to swis ` .a i ✓ "s+ r D x1 'a`s z• �q a 4 4 t ^� �. f • t y L 5 71 t% tiilYlit2$iorkS � .,. 1:Underlaymentto be compiian�w�#h current,�lc�nda B�+ilding Coc1e{FBG)2017 6�'ed� 2.Mm�mum slope;to tae comphantuwth Fk�nda Binding Code 2017 B bdl.,- no r wtth Manufacttirer's mstallefian`ceferenc� S:zPratluicts are t nplianf for$tate"a Fior da product approval per E2uie 61 G20-� Gcsmpfiance Mt�thbd 1 Ci 4 EngIneentrg ar aijrsis proJect spe fic approval by local autlmrifles w,fjunsdid3on�s allowed by other-M&Iered engineers 5:Fire class�fic (s not,part cif#h�acceptance Shear<d�aphragm values are oubkie this report,; fi SupP framiri i cpm liance w1 BC 2017 6 W,Chapter 22 for Steel,Chapter 23 fur�Nood and Chapter 16ufor St3ur uta!- P Loading F 7' .Thrs i+ port does not,imwa n installatio» recbmm8nded pnxtuctuse outside ofifh�s repott:3 ma r iY tY =FL 17422.5 1,.0 Nail wp,( GA, 1 ,16"YVicl+�`Roof Pan+�l-Daps . • «a,°" in . n v , r T a . Pr , _ Panel ofii+� ° 4 � 1 zf 1f"ov e z n { �, �,� a; ��` ' • x- orgreater;Piywaxl,or �VI(ootl:piank x inte�ra!Snap Lode. i� AppJ+3 IC"Bead Ba�KR§T'Sealant bonntaous:Non9 Mate R+bVert, Flange Pgnceke Head Wood •Screw - (Typical FasteningfPattern Across�Width) , u w a r FL 17922;5 10 Nait S`9�ip{Z GA Ste±®1), 6"'V11 de Roo knel_bbl% s, `Fastener e #.10,)k 1"'Min:per Table"X" -1"Nail Strip RbofP.Anel y i' Seam Adhesive Applibal lon: Deck. F6 Whod 2 15132"or greater PlYWood,or ,4pply 3116"Bead B6sbk'M5Tm Sealant ` -Wei plank Coritinuotis-Along Male,Rib Vertical Flange . . (Refer to Table"A"j Isoria�tricView