HomeMy WebLinkAbout07010465 (2) Kinco/Ltd.of Vera Beach ~OO,/OO, .r L/ ~ Ì> J h.\..'¡ \ 0 <f -J:~\ L- pV\\,,-',~ L{ 070 ) Cl46J YY\ ~ It<- \. a t.) ~c "<.; ... «, c. «¿ J,..t:J J-- .rri 7 UDIL~/LOO( 08:01 FAX - 7725880788 .&h. c 0 ~t PAN J E S. ) N C Heatl", A. Morsc/ra,,!er As.,'oc;ole COlllr."el -. C~\,,~O " ~e b 1.\\\\1 \~~ 1- J \f'Jot\(.s f\.- ~\\C .,(\\i' ~û~.. co~ \,)C\e st.. ~ ...... N01Jernber 20:, 2006 '~"""""""-"~~-..... Dear Sir{Mpd~m: fru. ~~t FlfE:- l<. : ~ .. M q/; fro Jî (~ iko\.. '. ,..1> ~~ ~l ... I'l-J It.", \oA ""'" ~ j11 '-l 0 H f(; On September I. 2004~ Atrium Windows and Doors of Florida, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Atrium Companiesi Inc.~ purchased substantially all oflhe assets ofKlnco, Ltd. Alrium Companies, Inc. continued to operate t1,e company using the name Atrium Wi11do\vs Blld Doors of Florida. LLC. On J\me 12, 2006. Atrium Companies, Inc. merged Atrium Windows and Doors ofFlor¡da~ LLC into Atrium Sllutters~ Inc., 8notl1er wltolly..owned subsidiary of Atriùln Companies, Inc. Atrilan1 Shutters, ITlc. was the surviving entity ofrhe merger. Atrium Cotnpanies~ (nc. then changed the name of Atrium SI,utters, 111C. to Atrium Florida, Inc. d/b/a Atrium Windows and Doors, 111C. Througl10ut (he various 11amc cl1anges and mergers, the tecl1nícal information, metl10ds of manufacture., materials., and otl\cr manufacturing processes tl18t were originally registered by Kinco. Ltd. I,a"e not changed in any material way. If you have any qllestions regarding t)1e corporate structure, please feel free to contact me at 214- 630-5757. (/c .~ C1 . 3890 West Northwest Highway, SuUe 500. Danas. Texas 75220 2' 4·630-5757 W\vw.at rlumcompan iee. com Sincere)y. ~ Heatl,er A. Morschauscr ! ~{¡re ð({-e~1 /;val' (/ñ ~ fí(fkl (Iv 1& /-effr as lid"/- rÁA~-e. Vi. 11((~ fh f f-r, I/¡¿~ 12 t<') J( YfÚ. ~. ~ I , r ~ ¡.JO (~~ :c. ~ct~ ~ q'J ~,!n... ) lid /'0" o~ ~. J..¿·cì c..J ~ J-\. ~ c:. ~ 1\., C(.,f t ,.~ \J o..Þ ~ f(¿~ ~-. 'j ~f f C"_þ)u, ~ 'J l"·s L-Q. t + ~n.. '7 ~ LC Bl.\¡.D~f~· \/ v~ r ·f·1~ ~ ~ ; r- . ~ ~~ rtk lo'r