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Timothy C. Boudah, P .E.
1499 SE Port Sf. Lucie Boulevard
Port Sf. Lucie, Florida 34952
Office: (772)398-0342
June 22, 2007
Mr. Carl Peterson
Plans Examiner
St. Lucie County Code Compliance Division
2300 Virginia Avenue
Fort Pierce, Florida 34982-5652
Aquanique Ocean Club Condominium
2700 N. Highway Al~ Fort pierce, Florida 34949
Inspection of Exterior Door Replacement
St Lucie County, Building Permit No. 0701-0244
Dear Mr. Peterson:
On behalf of the Aquanique Condominium Associatio~ Inc. I have petformed inspection of eight (8)
exterior door installations placed at the ground floor level within the above referenced condominium
The eight doors inspected, are located and designated on the permit drawings, and summarized as follows:
Door #1: Single 3068 out swinging~ rrame and door manufactured by Chern-PmfDoor Co., Ltd.,
model HPSD-l; registration no. 74281; existing metal stud jamb opening.
Door #2 & #3: Double leaf 6068 out swinging; rrame and door manufactured by Chem-Pmf,
model HPSD-l, registration no. 74284, and 74285; existing metal stud jamb opening.
Door #6: Single 3068, out swinging~ rrame and door manufactured by Chern-Pmf: model HPSD-l,
registration no. 74288; existing metal stud jamb opening.
Door #7: Single 3068, out swinging; rrame and door manufactured by Chem-Pmf, model HPSD-l;
existing metal stud jamb opening.
Door #8: Generator Building; Double leaf 6068, out swinging; rrame and door manufactured by
Chem-Pmf, model HPSD-l, registration no. 74290; existing masonry jamb opening.
Door #9: Cooling Tower; Single 3080, out swinging; rrame and door manufactured by
Chem-Pruf, model HPSD-l, registration no. 74292; existing masonry jamb opening.
Door #10: Single leaf glass sliding door with 3'-3 ~"x 6'-10" clear opening; manufactured by
Besam Automatic Entrance Systems, Inc., model "Urn-slide Resilient." The continuous
exterior aluminum angle jamb reinforcement and continuous interior anchor plate along the
jamb and header have been installed in substantial accordance with the Architectural details
(Sheet R-2, Revision date 5/3/07) requiring field verificatio~ and meet approval of this
Mr. Carl Peterson
St. Lucie County Code Compliance Division
Aquanique Ocean Club Condominium
Inspection of Exterior Door Replacement
St Lucie County, Building Permit No. 0701-0244
June 22, 2007
Page 2 of2
In accordance with the permit documents, as prepared by John M. Foster, Architect, which include product
approval literature for each door manufacturer, and revised door fTame installation details, dated 5/15/07,
we find that all eight doors have been installed as required.
This letter bearing my seal and signature is being submitted to the St. Lucie Code Compliance Division to
document my inspection, on June 21, 2007, and approval of the installation of the eight exterior doors, as
listed above, which have been installed in accordance with the door manufacturers' test reports and the
revised door replacement details provided by the Architect.
Should you have any questions or need further documentation, please let us know by contacting my office.
Respectfully submitted,
Timothy C. Boudah, P.E.
State of Florida Registration No. 63179
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cc: Mr. Arthur Heon, Aquanique Condominium Association, President
Mr. Michael A. Brandt; Coast to Coast General Contractor
613 So. 21sT. Street, Hollywood, Florida 33020
C:\tboudah\CLIENTS\Aquanique CondoIDoor installation Inspection letter SLCO- 06222007.doc
Office: (772) 398-0342 · Fax: (772) 398-0342 · 1499 SE Port St. Lucie Blvd.· Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952
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