HomeMy WebLinkAbout06080179 EDWIN M. FRY, Jr., CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 3073589 OR BOOK 2840 PAGE 418, Recorded 06/26/2007 at 12:15 PM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Permit No.SL ê..'- (- JlcûCf;- C)\I C\ Property Tn ID No. State of F10rida County of ~.. L l 'jC \ -( e c~-i '--\. The Undenigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in a~conlance with Chapter 713, F10rida Statutes, the followinC infonnation is provided in iRE C~ E1VE D \ Notice of Commencement. _..J _...d Legal Delcription of pro pert yand a ddrel I ifav.uabln '\(€\.~ ~ú_ ,-c- ' ;13· UJ....\C\ UN ~ tI 2007 ! .. (~ , c- \ \- 9ì -e ,-( -(J \CYi, c\ ',- I I : General delcription ofimprovem_entl I"(ì~ 0-\\ Cf('\hG:\(T IBY :._-------=.~.;;=:..! Owner ··C (;. ~- \ CC~ '\ - u\( t. - " r'\\C \CL.L \L 'YÄL' AddreSl c: " c) . eCc. e tL ~ q S ,). Owner'l interest in site of improvement Fee Simple Title bolder (if other than owner) Address Co.tracto~~\ \:..~(A," f \ E~('\ (' t c~ ~I" f'L' -. , "--, " . -~" l (" l ~ ~ Address \ \ l\ \~) ~\ ~~ (=(, 'i... ~\' CJ......\_'" ~(\ I ~(\\ (Ù\\.t~(\ Phone N \., \~'~). ~~(f --ì·· \ LD \ ---, Fu II 'J \'~ - c>L~(-ì L \ L:C1 cç Phone II Fax ## Surety Address Amount of Bond Lender Address Phone N Fax # (l!' ~ ,~- ~., ~r~- ~ Penonl within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documeDtl may be lerved u provided by Section 713.13 <8> 7., Florida Statues: Name Address In addition to himself. owner desigDates Phone II FaxN of Phone II Fax" to receive 8 copy uftbe Lienor'. Notice as provided in SectioD 713.13 (1) (b), Florida Statutes. ExpintioD date of notice of commencement is one year from the date of recording unless. different ate i. specified. Owner Signature State of Florida, County of -Sf k A ~ J Acknowledged before me this _ . day of >. J ~ 20 [[1, by who il penonally known to me or who bl. produced PJQ~$Jof!;ß¡( ¡jr;fIÆ !Jjqr~¿ofJ¡:Jaf-(effiÞ) Title: Not""' Public Commillion Number r.::e huûry J.s,.;)Cf I , a. identificatioft. (Seal) EDWIN M, FRY, Jr~1 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SÀINT ~UCIE COUNTY FILE # 3071927 OR BOOK 283B PAGE 189 Recorded 06/21/2007 ~t OQ~32 AM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT PltnlÙt No. \; \,1J -(:í ol~ - a \"1 q .nÞpertJ TQ JJ) No. State or Fhrid. C....ty of ~ t, L ~ :l" i:i' r CiI..: 0-1.. '-I Th. VndenJ..,. beNh, ..~ aodu "t &lQpnwclllCl1t w'b be Iò" to œ....a ruI propeny. aod In a«ord.œ wid) Cbapter 71], Flori.. Statutel, lie folewJlI1 iaformal_ I. prcMded in dlls Notice of C_ceIDMIt. l.Aipi~u'þrapel1J..dlddmllh..lJIabM ~\-C~ \: ~\o:;:.~ ~~- c.c;'l~·'CCO\q ~?\~ \ \..Jç~ \ F,~, \) ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ L Gè.nl .atriptlo. of -p!ê~.elliI Ow.cr ~()':) ~\' \\e (:L(\ ~~"ì\ L'L - f:. \'Y\~ 'Tç 0C" \ .~",,-. Addrc.. :S~ ~~ ~') (.X~ \-\ \~:n}-A\.I \ 'r ~ ~ ~:,., ~ ¡, ~ L l'-\9~ Ow"èlr'. IDlcNI& III lue of I.pmy-..t Fee "'P~ TltI. bolder (It .'.v tll.. o..er) 4ddrc.. Coa&rlC'toi' 'a~ ~~ ~-t- ~f (, Plio.. , 11"'2 - '5 U - J' J"'1 .4ddreN ' ~ I $ ~~ ~'f it__)!, Bð, J"..~ ''''f.1~ ~ ø ')1 ~ ~ ,.01)'1") !:1 ~q$: ...~" " ~ - Sqmy Addrèsi FaI' 4IDout .f .)J~d 1A.... ~ 'II À~H Ju. hno81 w.~...~ st.te ofFlortdlll".&iId I;;y Ow.:.. uþDQ .1aD. .Q~ 'f 4IUter.QIaCIIQ."y bt terved... p.u..¡dmd by Sledo. 713.13 (I) 1., 11âi1cb St....: Nlme Add~~1 ¡ 1D .ddUiüak CO bimtë1f, ~""DeJ .....teI flaDQe . Fal' of , PII... II '.s" "' rKclyc i wþ)' of the Lleao,". Notice .. pnYldcd ... s.aoJl113.13 (1) (1),. J1ðrtda 81111111t. E~I~tIo. date o'_oUCt ðf aJlUaCI1CàD_' i. ..ycar flu. tilt dltc .'..or_ U."I. dllten.t ate IIlpeclftcd. /~ . zI.z 1·/6 ," OWDer _biN ),~ I ..tlftc.doll~ 11d1: túdla: "'~Jk f':' or tN... .'Nobly ee...... !(.....r )) b (fí q{d ~;~ (81=61) \ STATE OF flORiD" 1" I UC\E COUNTY S ',('0" T,.¡ ('-RT\'f't THAT TtUS IS A TH, '; I,; ..:1:: RECT COpy OF THE c w > - W o w a: ..J u. f/ji- ~c o :J ~o uO =CD .a- :J U 0..3 ,....... c:::) ~ &r) C'-I Z ::::::) ~ ..: CD S\X) \l.2_~ {Y¿~ ynùS~ ~Dt" · ~\ ® ~ ~~A...-