HomeMy WebLinkAbout07020281 Jun.26. 2007 10:32AM No. 9011 P. 3 .. I~ 7'¡¡~t/ÁJ... 'W3 : REQUEST FOR 30 DAY TEM·PORARY POWER RELEASE DATE: 6.l / ð r ~P-t 7 PERMIT NUMBER: Sl.c.. - 07ocJ. -0;28 L I ST. LUCIE COUNTY BLI)'G. & ZONING 2300 VI·RGINIA AVE FORT PIERCE~ FL 34952..5652 Ph. (561) 462...2165 FAX (561) 462-1148 PROPERTY ADDRESS:" . I -.. 7'1 f? I 5ìJ,(-p C£lftlf BLVD. ·THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL· POWER TO THE ABOVE DESC~ED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED· TIDRTY (30) ·DA YS, 'OR Tim PURPOSE O~ TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREP ARATION ·FOR FINAL INSPECTION. IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: I 1. This temporary power release in req~ested for the above stated purpose pnly, and the~e will b~ no OCC~PaDC.Y' of any ·type, other than that permitted by ~A, '~,-~,...'... " . construction dunng this time period.. t¿ø. f!A 2. As witness by our signatures, we hereby .gree to abidè by all terms aDd _1J~ condit,ions of this agreement, including. BuDding. Division Policy, which is ø ÍDcorporated herein by ·reference. 3. AU conditions and requirements.llsted in the attached document entitled AiRequirements for 30 Day Power for Testing- have been fglnned and the :premises. is ready for compliance inspection. .. .' .' WE HEREBY RELEASE ANn ÀG·REE 1'0· åÖÏ.D B.ARMLÊSŠ·, .St."L'UCIit COùNTY, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LIABILITIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF NATURE WHICH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUT OF TŒS TRANSACTION, INCLUDING ANY »AMAGES WHICH ~y BE INCURRED DUE ~O TBEDISCONNECTION"ÖF ELEctRìëÄLPÓWERÏN THE EVENT OF VIOLATION OF TinS AGREEMENT, tMSf of 4) ¡:'¿ ~¿. -' .SIGNAT ~ F II ~ £ ¿"M'11..$ u,.,e, ~/C N c. · ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR No.9011 P. 1 H 0 ME'S Of Northwut FkHtda, In~ ~ = 708-8 SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD · SEBASTIAN FLORIDA 32958 · PHONE: (772) 388-9856 . FAX: (772) 388-6078 FAX COVERSHEET TO:-.B.øß~ FROM:_~~M ~~ FAX#:_~:.:fkl"'~~..J Jh- PAGES:-.£_____ PHONE:_________ DATE:_!d..~þ.¡----- RE:____ cc:_______ o URGENT o FOR REVIEW o PLEASE COMMENT o PLEASE REPLY o PLEASE RECYCEL T~ f~ y..~~ ~'f I ¡' . .-~---~.-..-~-~.-.,. ~......,.... ..·I'''~IU~.._... ' " ,"" . . ,....., ..,., . "" .. '._.,..'. _..... .. " J un, 26. 200 7 1 0 : 31 AM II No.9011 P,2 pt-fìJ'll r - 07oa.- - OJ.i/ INSULATION INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE TO: .Adams Homes of NW FL. Inc. JOÐ#: 44405 JOB NAME: Spec Home LOT ~ BLOCK: 75 SECTION: L JOB ADDRESS: 7901 Santa Clar~ Blvd ~~kewood Park The undersigned hereby certifies that insulation has been installed at the above described property as follows: ]. Exterior CBS wal1s hav,"" been insulated with ·...........................Check one () Spray on cellulósè to a thickness of N/A inches, which thickness, according to the ( ) Fiberglass blànkets manufacturer. FI-FolI (,¡) Aluminum Foil Density NJA will yield an "R'1 value of 4,1 ( ) Other Exterior Frame walls have been in$ulated with ............................Check On¡:, () Spray on cellulose to a thickness of 3.50 inches, which thickness, according to the ( ) Fiberglass blankets manufacn.trer, CertalnTeed ( ) Aluminwn Foil Den$ity N/A will yield an fiR" value of 11 ( ) Other Spray Foam ~ ~ ~ ~ 2. Ceilings Level have been insulated with .....,...................Check one () Fiberglass blankets to a thickness of 8.5 inchest which thîckness~ according to the (I) Fiberglass loose flU manufacturer, CertainTeed ( ) Aluminum Foil Density N/A will yield an fiR" value of 19 ( ) Other CellulosEl Ceilings Cathedral have been insulated with .........................Check one () Fiberglass blankets to a thickness of 8.5 inches, which thickness, according to the (/) Fiberglass loose till manufacturer. CertalnTeed ( ) Aluminum Foil Density N/A will yield an "R'I value of 19 ( ) Othor Cel1ulóse SAB 3 · Interior knee wal1s have beon ÎInìulated with................................. Check onc ({) Fi berglass blankets to a thickness of 6.25 inches, which thickness, according to the ( ) Polyurethane manufacturer, CertalnTeed ( ) Spray on cellulose Density N/A wiH yield an "R II value of 19 ( ) Other Cellulose 4. Garage partition walls of conditioned living areas have been insulated with................................... ....... It.................................... Check one to a thickness of 3.50 inches, wbich thickness, according to the manufacturer, CertalnTeed Density N/A will yield an "RII value of 1 1 V) Fibcrgla&s blankets ( ) Spray on cellulose ( ) Polyurethane ( ) Other MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ONLY; The common (party) walls separating different tenants shall be insulated as follows ~ Frame/Metal stud walls R-l1 (Min.); CBS or Concrete waIts R-3 (Min.); by Energy Code requirements. See Energy Code Rev. Jl87, paragraph 903.2(b)J on page 9~17 latest edition. Those: 'ImÎnimums levels of insulation" arc not included in the Energy Calculations, but shall be installed in the field. NOTE; Densities of sprayed on, loos¢ fiU, or any other composed-on site insulation shalt be the P.C.F. (lb/ft3) average ofthree (3) !fDRY SAMPLES" of actual installation. Builderts Name - Builder's CC~ LEF.D FIREPROOFING & IN~U!tAs TlO~ ~NC Insulation Contractor Ft. Pierce · 02.11904 Insulation Contractor's CC# ·~'!..I!'-"..JIlllnø;¡ . :1 ftQIIRTA. 81 I ¡ 1~~ CQrn~ ODOII,. i ¡ f"h e. &17/10'0 i 1 "(j"Nlf,i fIbiGt ,....., Aan. 'no I ' ~ · · .,.. .., .,... ".I.h .,....11..... i.....,..