HomeMy WebLinkAbout07020049 J un, 26, 2 0 0 7 1 0 : 3 2 AM No,9011 p, 5 DATE; ~(/ ;,'/ 0 7 PERMIT NUMBER: ..<}Lc. - 070~- 00'1'1 /, 77J~t{~-'W3 .: RE~UEST ·FOR 30 DAY TEM"PORARY POWER RELEASE i .. ST. LPCIE COUNTY BLD'G. & ZONING 2300 VIRGINIA AVE FORT PIERCE,} FL 34952·5652 Ph. (561) 462...2165 FAX (561) 462..1148 PROP¡RTY ADDRESS:' ~g:a~lf lJ~Þ &£. ·TØE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL· POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED, TIllRTY (30) , ·DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF: TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN . PREPARATION ·FOR FINAL INSptCTION. IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE ANn AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. This temporary powér release in reqµested for the above stated purpose only, and ·the~e wUl b~ DO occupanq· of any 'type, ,other than th~ ermitted by constructioD dunDg this time period. . ~;p 2. As witness by our signatures, we hereby ..gree to abide b eA~s aDd conditions of this agreen1e~t, including. Building. Division PoU~Ch is incorPorated herein by ·referenee.. . . . 3. All conditions and requiremoDts.listed in ~lio attached document entitled ßRequirements for 30 Day ·Power for Te~tins~ have been, fnlfiUed and the :pr~mises.is ready for complianc.e inspection, . ' . I . ~.uEREBY ~LEASE AND ÁG.fmE TÖ'lÍöLn·HA:äMtÊSS, .Sf."LUCIJt COiJNTY, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LIABILITIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF NATURE WInCH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN: THE ,FUTURE OUT QF THIS ·TRANSACTION,INCLUDING ANY DAMAGES WHICH;MAY BE INquRRED DUE ~O THE DISC ONNECTIÖN' OF EtÊëTlüëÄL"PÔWÊRÏN TiÏÈ EVENT OF VIOLATION OF . .TIJIS AGREEMENT. . ç¿ Z'"Ý¿4 -- .SIGNAT ' F; , b ß. ,".".s ef4S. Þ'I')C'C . # ~ · ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR J un. 26, 200 7 1 0 : 3 2 AM No.9011 ft!r#JH-# - 0 ?DZ.- OO~9 INSULATION INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE TO; Adams Homes of NW FL Inc. J08#: 44345 JOB NAME: SDÐC Home LOT ~ BLOCK: 57 SECTION: 6 JOB ADDRESS: G204 Dlland Ave.. Fort Ple(Cè The undersigned hereby certifies that insulation has b""n installed at the above dðscribed property as follows: ]. Exterior CBS walls have been insulated with ............................Check (Jne () Spray on cellulose to a. thickness of N/A inches~ which thickness, according to the ( ) Fiberglass blankets manufacturer, FiMFoil V> Alwninum Foil Density N/A will yield an tlRtl value of 4.1 ( ) Other Exterior Frame wa.l1$ have been insulated with ·...........................Check one () Spray On cellulose to a thicknè$s of 3.50 inches, which thickneSl$t according to the ( ) Fiberglass blankets Ina.nufacturcr, CertainTeed ( ) Aluminum Foil Density N/A wit) yiold an "Rn value of 11 ( ) Other Spray Foam 2. CeiIings Level havo been insulated with .........................Check one () Fiberglass blankets to a thickness of a.5 ìnchos, wbich thickness, according to the V) Fiberglass loose fiU manufacturer! CertalnTeed ( ) Aluminum Foi! Density N/A will yield an "R" value of 19 ( ) Other I Cellulose Ceilings Cathedral have been insulated with .........................Check one () Fiberglass blankets to a thickness of 8.5 inches, which thickness, according to the CI) Fiberglass loose fiU manuföcturer, CertalnTeed ( ) Aluminum Foil Density N/A wiU yicld an "R" value of 19 ( ) Other Cel1ulose SAB 3. Interior knee walls have boen insulated with·................................Cbeck one (I) Fiberglass blankets to a thickness of 8.25 inches, which thickness, according to the ( ) Polyurøthane manUfa.èturor~ CertalnTeed ( ) Spray on cellulose Density N/A will yield an fIR II value of 19 ( ) Other Cellulose 4. Garage partition walls of conditioned living areas have been insula.ted with......... n........................................... +....... n............... . Check one to a thickness of 3.50 inches, which thickness, according to the manufacturer, Certain T sed Density N/A will yield an ttR" value of 1 1 V) Fiberglass blankets ( ) Spray on cellulose ( ) Polyurethane ( ) Other MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ONLY: The common (party) walls separating different tenants $hall be insulated as follows - FramcIMetal stud walls R-ll (Min.); CBS or Concrete walls R-3 (Min.); by EnDrgy Code requirements. See Energy Code Rev. !lS7, paragraph 903.2(b), on page 9-17. latest edition. These !'minimums levels of insulation" are not included in the Energy Calculations, but shan be installed in th~ field, NOTE: Densities of sprayed on, loose fill, Or any other composed-on site insulation shall b . P.C.F. (lb/ft3) average ofthree (3) IIDRY SAMPLES" of actual installation. LEED FIRRPROQPINO & INSULA TJON INC Insulation Contractor Ft. Pierce - 02~ 11904 Insulation Contractor's CC# Insulation Contractor Signature 6//~Lo7 Date of e'"ertificatÍon Builder's Name - Builder's CC# .....,......,........t..!f~..~ ROBUTAI~,,~ . · A Camml DDo8e3e .JI E.,. 511712010 . IlIhIØ IIbìdt ~ AeIn. Ine ! t W f t 114. II ",..." t.. 1~'I'.þ... ."~"I"."''; P. 4 ~ a ~ ~