HomeMy WebLinkAbout07050171 JUN. 22. 2007 2:38PM F"ROr1 : 02/ÐS/2Ø07 U7:G9 ELECTRIC CONNECTION13698921 7724G217J~ ~, L~~~ V~ Ft:b. 12 2~LNO. 5903;~~' P. 5/15 ~-~ f '/l ~ r'~ 1, ~I 'I ..:~ ~,.J.'~~lI'~',.-li II I . 5t~ Lucie CountY BuUdlnll " Zonlna Department 2300 Vlrg1nle A ~.nu. Fori. riera, ,1. :MH:¡ 772.~~3.11el Fax "~~d'''5.t43 Request (or 3D-Day Tempor..., Power Releu$e Dat(!: L~' 01 · petmhNlImbtl':~:.Q1Q 5 -..Q\1 \ Property Add,..f q 3 0 t 1\L\t..@~ W.~ ,d"V ................- TR"& tTNÐ"SIGlŒD HE:EŒB~t" 1t:EQ{J~T R£L~A8E OF ELECTlUCAL pOWER TO TJŒ ABOVE DJSClUBAD },ROP!Ji~TY, FOR A PERIOD Norr TO EXCUD THIRTY (30) DAYS, FOR TB~ PVRPOSE OF T&SnNG /;YSTEMS AND EQUl'P'MENT IN J'ØPA.RA '['JON FOR llNAL INSncnOI-(. IN CÒNSJDEIt'- nON OF APPROVAL or '11m REQUEST Yf'E hEKED V ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGRBJAS FOLLOWS! J. 'fþJ. bmpot.rf plJw,r reJ..., I. r.Quld'.s tor thts .kVt .t,lfd pllrpose ",,),. .nd UMI't: tfjl b. øo N.O~>.ftc" .r ."y type. olh... ,run 1b.~ ~nntl~ b~ ~on.,nsl!lton dbri.(C t~ tbnI r«'"Od, 2. A' wIt_as b)' nur ,1,,,.lu:rIlJ, w, h.f"~ 'Rrel '0 -bid" b)- .u,em- and ~OftdIU~n. ~C ft)III~I'1, Jllcluclll.C lI.i1dIJtI Ðlvt.lo~ PðlkJI) wht~l1l. tnCtOtpor.."d hart'" II)' r~fercncl.. 3. All tônð'tlø. I.d "4I,.tn~ 11Mad Ï1I tM ICe-abed dMutaenl iD1ftlMl '·aequlrfll1a,." fat JO 1M" rO"'tP fÐrTølln¡t' bI" ." f\1Jt11kd ....11 L1M )f,ml" Þ re.dy tor eOldplt.nee tn.pøt;lwn. 4. All ,ltllD'1 fDr un ..'.a.lrtJl b'1ðl'l~ 50 'Iyi IÞn~t b, nT.d, In -rtttlll tu Ute B1dldJo~ OfJJcl,J .tftUMC &.he rCIJOn 'or &hl r'~"'IJt. pgW~t mlY bø rtMdV.d froJn tile ødt~ andf~. Stcp Wark Ordtr lUlled II ~he ,jn., lb')~tt101i hili ",! tJlOn ,pprf""od 'Y"ltbih 3~ d.).. A In at 'lno~OO ~nJ It. reqQlrttl t(J UtI th. Sf'.otI Wørk Order- \'YE H~R'E8YJtELEA.SE ANV J\GUE TO HOI"DJlARMLESS, ST. LUCŒ COI1NTY, AND Tߣla :EMPLOYEES FROM I~LL LIABILITIES AND CLAIMS 07 ANY TYPE OFNA1rtfRE WRIt" MA V ~RIØ NOW OJR 1M THE FU1'VRE OUf or nus TlAN8~cnON, INc¡,~TDING ANY DAMAGE WHICH MA 1~ BE INOURRED D"tJi: TO tHE J)ISCONNBCTION or Er~AJ1CT.ICAL PO WER IN TII'E EV~1ST or VIOLA TfON OJ' TlflS ACJ'RltM'BNT- ~ ~l.... ~ D~TR ...~~... v .,...-1 -Æ "J T1 DÄr& ~"~P'l MlI>.IA A~"" ~ E.LE:CTRIc^L CONTRA C~r åiiG'tJÃrUII.ø; ío ~~:QL bATE . ~~ RECEIVED JUN 11 2001 publiC Works St. LUcie county, FL. JUN. 22. 2007 2:38PM ELECTRIC CONNECTION FROM :ELECTRICCONNECTION FAX NO. :17728715525 NO. 5903 P. 4/15 ~pr. 10 2007 12:0SPM P2 ST. LUÇ.IE C UNTY PUBT.JIC WORKS BtJILDJNG & ONING DEPARTMENT . D tJJDING PERMIT ~VJJ..CON~ ·RACTOR AGREKM ENT St. Lucie Coonly Contrnctol C~rtiûcati(lO Nu ber: ,_.. ~ \ 0 ,~ 5 u State ot'Florioo Ccrtlncatìon Number (If ßJ1priC blç): ~ OCX:¿ ;>.C\ófS . EleCtrJo (bnnc2~110 (Cumpnny NameJ1ndf"¡d~.a1 Name) '£f e Q+r l ~.~ ~ sub.con rllctor for 0..e (\ -\-e)( 'i(¿YY\Q.~ ('l)pc: ot T tad e) (Pr'ÍI't)Q.\Y COß(nu~tor) -_.-- have agreee) to be tl1e for tbe project looated a( l1. 3 0 \ r\CL-htrrG W 1fProJect.S . AddressorPropertytrax. f') It is understood that, if there i$ any en llge of status regarding out-participation with the above mentioned project, I w~l1 imme iatelyadvísc the Huilding land Zoning Depadolcol of St. Luoic County by pvl'sonally fiUn a Change of Con lrac tor ootice. (Fonn: SJ,CC()V No. 004-()O) S QUALEFIF;:(l (Nam of the IndividußI shQwn on the COhtractofs LÎcen9è) . No ~~.. I \ I·· -.. -.-.---..-__L-- --... (p r~a.~ 07 DA'rr~ Business NQ~nè: A ddl·e.~~: CityISt~te/Zip: Phunc: èlnail: OFFICE USE ONLlr: , PERM~. -/- = ISSUE PAT RECEIVED JUN 2 2 2001 Public Works St. Lucie County, FL