HomeMy WebLinkAbout07040444 JUN. 22. 2007 2:39PM FRO~1 : a2/Ð6!~ße7 ~7:6~ ELECTRIC CONNECTION13698921 "17 Z -1 G '21 73 C5 ~, Lil~ ,¡. r. .......& F!:b. It 2Ø'NO. 5903:~ P. 7/15 ,'" · ._~ (nUN 1 v· · · I I· , ¡ I ., ..... ~"'-~"."... 5\:, Lucie Co¡¡nt:)' Bulldlnl " Zontna Deplu1ment Z~O Vlrglata Å ~Inu. Ft)rl.l'lert.e, 'FL MM2 17þ·4ôa.11'S FIX ?'~.ti2v5'43 aequest for 3O-Vøy Temþorary power Release Date: ~ft- 01 · peMltI:N:gRlbtr:..s1C.-:..01Q'-t:Q.~t\4 Prop~rty Aðdr.tfl q 3 3~.,JÍe.Cl5 ~Q lLS-t $ +[u"+ - TH'& UND1t11.5.Gm;:t> HEtŒB~i' REQV:¡ST RELEASE OFELEcnttCAJ" POWSD. 'to THE ABOVE DISCllaRD p:ROPEJ~TY~ FOR A rERIOD NOT TO E~CEID 1'HI}tTY (30) DA YB, "OR TØE PURPOSE or T.¡SJlNG ,!)YSTEMS AND EQUJPMBNT IN PREPAIlA '['JON lroR FINAL 1NsntTION. IN CONSJDtR,nON OF ArrROVAL OF 'mE REQUEST V'I. hEREBY A CKN OWI.,BDGE A.ND A.GRES AS fOLtJO\\'S: J. 'I',,!. tlmportry 'ow,... ....1,.. I. "'tQuu'_ tor Iht Jbovt 'Ultd pappo~e otdJ', art!! tMfIe wll bl no HC"'!..pgy ..r I"f tr~. .lh.... Chd ,,,.t ~nnt1Led h)' CO,.u"u~don d.Dri1ltt ttt~ IJR'ø peritJd\ 2. A' ..... by ~nn sl,ldr.lJ.r'f, ~f b."''' ql'ft 'AI iblfJlI) \1)0 .¡¡ ter1n. and ~ndJtI"lII or tbb .~\, htc:-1ucn..g 1I\\~\dlnl I)I.vI.lo,. Pðlky 'Ufhtda If Incurpor~..d harth. .., rc!!u~ncI. j. AU condltl'" 111d "",Ir1~ I&ced Î1I tM .Itla1re4 ~"\Ør.III. iDtltIed 4'.eqlJCrda"tI roJ." 30 .." ~~ ror TetW· ban .11 f\lIßÜtd -,11 ~ ,tl 'JIl.. .. "lId, tot eOnt,Jinooc In:lptllilklil\, 4. An nqllatt fl1t al'\ at,"(1 !fI" blyol'ul30 dlY' Inl15t Þ4 11114. In .,¡un¡ ty the B1II1dJo~ Orn~IIJ ,,~tlhC d\r. fCUt'ß røt ,hi t.Q'-"'t. Powlt n1.11I1. ""'OVid rro)'n t"lI .ale QnCVgc . SlOP Wotk Ordtf 1.10 II ~\e 1MU" tft')1~tûm hI. ftð! beeB .ppr"vað "Iltbln 30 cfl~". .4 ho of $UIO.OO will þt¡ totquin4 tll utt ita. Stop Wørlc. Orl1er. \VE H:&:REBY )tBLE~SE AND AOkt£ TO HOL)) HAI\~LES9, ST. LlTcÏ:s CO't1NTY, AND 'mEIRBMPLOYlBS PROM ~LL LIABILITIES ANI' CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OFNATt'R! WJlICB MAY ARIØ NOW OJilN mEFUt'OR"&OUf Orl1Di TRANS4.CnON, tNct.t.'DJ.NG ANY DAMA.GE WHICH MA,1' IE INCURRED DnE TÒ TU! »JSCONNECTlON OF EJ..iCTJUCAL POWJtR IN TJfJt EVEWT OF VIOLATION or THIS AGREEMENT. -.4 ...-------- ....... ~ V "'if - ............................. D~TE v _L -v- ~ -ÓA. -r€ ~~~:1~O 1 r - ..& ..,.A~ 1)1\ 'FE ... .....-- RECE'"ED JUN '1. 11001 PUbUC workS Pl. st. LUcie CountY, JUN. 22. 2007 2: 39PM ELECTRIC CONNECTION FROM :ELECTRICCONNECTION FAX NO. :17728715525 NO. 5903 P. 6/15 Apr. 10 2007 12:08PM P2 ST. LU~~(E C UNTY PUBI~IC WORKS BU:[LDJNG & ONING DEPARTMENT D tJJDINC; rERMIT $VJJ..CONI' ·ftACTOR AGREEM ENT St.. Lucie County Contractor Cmification No. ber: ~ ~ \ 0 .5 5 _ st&te ofFJorida CcrtWc2ttion Num~~r ()f8p "1c b),:); I;;-~ QQC2~;2.(rÓß EJ ec +r J (2 (bn,rù2ql (0 (C()mpany NarnrJInt.lividU;ol Name) ·&f e c:+r l {:.~--.-; sub-con rfictor for Q.-e (\ \-e.)( '-\(.H)'\Q ~ ('l"ypc ot~Tr.\de)· (PtiJ1)ruy CO 1(n~ctor) .....--- h¡..ve ngreceJ to be tile 1òr the project located at ~ 3 ,3 í rUlS \.lJt. Co ~s 5 +r-L¿t I (Projcçt S ec Address or Property ,Irax ID I) It is 11nderstood that~ iftt~ere i$ any Cl1 11ge 01" status regarding oUf·partioipation with the above mentioned project.. 1 w,n inune lately advise the 'Building and Zoning Department ofSt~ Luoic County by pc~rsoria.lly filin a Change ofConlractor notice. (Fonn: SJ,CC()V Nb. 004'{)O) IIusiness N£tlne~ Add~,9~: CltylSt~lelZip: Pbonc: s QUALn~~n. (Nðm of tho Indívfdunl9nown on the Contractor's Licenst) - ----- -.. -..~_.- ----...-- ~-a.R·Ol D Allrr:; OFFICE USE ONL}r: I, PER~=- ___I : Issue DATE ~e.P 1U~ 111001 · . 'A.·orkS b'\C ",. Fl. pu county, st. \...uc\e