HomeMy WebLinkAbout07040445 -, J UN. 2 2. 2 0 0 7 2 : 4 0 P M FROM : ø~/e~!~e~7 ~7~69 ELECTRIC CONNECTION136~8921 77 24 G ';2.1 73 Ø5 ~ \ f.,..UI. ~ t:. ""~ Ft::b. 12 ~~NO. 5903~~ p, 11/15 ~-~ C () l H-J 1 \' - ." ...: , fit, J I · " .... ~,.¡..~*,,\I.;~ ,,' . St~ L1ICle CaøntY B tllldlnr¡ " Zonlna D.pørlment Z~D Vlrø!l1lt A~.nlle "Ft.trt rteray 'L MH2 7'7~·4Cia.11'5 Fax ?'~4fi.z-6443 Req'U es,t lor 3O-D8" Temporary power Rele:Ð~ DIU!: (¿, .~~. 01 ' Pl:rmltN-tunbcT: :SJJ...-:'.QIQ..l!-O:l~:) ~....... Property Addr._' _ I 3krfLlli£--~~ Dr-', V ~- - ---~ TIfe UNI)JtJ\S,CflŒD HEIŒDY REQTJ1.1i5T kELEASt OF EJ..,E~nucAr.. POWER TO THE ABOVE.DESCRIBED PROP£J~TY, FOR A PIRIOD NO'r TO EXCEED THXJtTY (30) DA YS FOR nu pURpOSE or T.&SnNG I>YSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PNtPARÅ 110N It()Jt FINAL fNsncnON. IN CONSJDIR.,nON 0,' APf'ROVA't or THE REQtJES1' \\"! HEREBY A CKNOWLEJ>GE A.ND ~GREE AS FOLLOWS! J. ThJ. ÞlI'pot.ry pO~tI' "1.... II .'.Quld\id tor the! 1M". .U,I.4 puPpO~!I 0"11, ."d"Ot,.e wtli bt1lO ~a"'l>anc1 .r ...y 't)'P't, oth,,. 'tMn ,þ.t I"'n'ßI'~ br con.tr-a~on 1MIri"_ thif'" periGd. :3. AI .a.... by nûJ' sl'....to:rGJ, ~t b.r"'Y _arel f.b IiÞicr" b)' alllcrml ,.,d Clonðltlollll ,.[ CblJ .1f*OII"n.t., '.":11.'1"* BlI.~1dfn, DlYi.( ' ~ PI'Ut,') whtcÀ I, IßwtpO~-"" ",rein b, refl!rtntt. 3, AU coml(dCJDt ...ð "'tll"'~ I...... Î1I ðaw IØI3lte4 ~oc.ømt IO.tltd . "'aeqUlrttflB"" Co.. 301M" PcrWeI' fOr Tød..." .....,. t-t. h.1lfMkd ItJ'd Ute ,r.".IIO" rt.dJ tor CCJØtpJibK., hupe~IJonl 4, AU I1Iqacs,s ror 8" """RIEl.., bl,ol'lIl. !ð dAY' lIIœt ". 1h141 1ft "I'ftfL'll to !be B11IIdlftC omd.J ,,~tltac die r~U(IØ 'Of ttø tlqVQl rower hi')' bl1l't....ov.d frosu tbe IIIl!!: .a.ndl~.. S.op Work <'h1m ....u.O ., t\p. rinll ÞtI)1ec::ticln hll ,.ð! been .pp,,,vQd ,, ~ht 30 d.,.... A In gf fllno.OO \\rUt bl "q\li.rtd JI1 .. u.. Støpo W~ Orðcr. \VE Hø.nV xBUASE ANV AGtcEE TO HOr,1) HAItMJ..ES8, 8T. LUCiE COUNTY, "ND TßEIR B'~PLOYBES FROM ,~LL 'LIABILITIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF NA Tt1 RE WfllC6 MA V AR5 NOW OJrt IN THE FU1'VRE OtlT or nus 'f'RA,N84.CnON, rNCLt..f1>I.NG ANY DAMAGE WHICH MAY .It INCURRED DU¡; 1'0 tHE DISCONNØCTlON OF EI..i.CTJUCAL POWER IN TJJ~EVE~'t of VIOLATION OJ' TIffS AGJOtEMENT. --AI ~....... 11 "'~TPI'" n DATE -.......-...--........-- 'I '04"& (o-~¡-01 - Wv-~"""""'-~ DATE ~.................. cE.,,,E.P f\e ~1 }U~ 1. 1. ~or"6 p",t)\\C ",n~' ¡:\... \,..\10\8 CO S\· w JUN. 22. 2007 2:40PM ELECTRIC CONNECTION FROM ~ELECTRICCONNECTION 'FAX NO. :17728715525 NO. 5903 P. 10/15 Apr. 10 2087 12:0SPM P2 ST. .LU~~[E C UNTY PUO"r.lIC WORKS BU][LDÌNG & ONJNG DEPARTMENT n I (l,DING lEnMlT $lIJJ-CON'" 'RACTOR. AGREEM ßNT St. Luolc CotJtlty Contractor Cmil1ca1ion Nu ber:..~ ~I 0 5 5 ~tatc ofFloridn CerUfil)a\Ìon NumQèI' (If P lpJI blc): _~ ~~;;J.. 9'3B Elec+r,Q ~Jr"\Q 0 t(O (CompBny Namct1nlltv¡d~al Name) 061 e Q+r L ~ .~ 5ub·oon ractor. for Q.e (\.\-ex '-\()(nQ ~ ('l'ypc (rfTrnde) I (Prí!rJßl)' COßlrltctor) -~~....--- have agrec() to be tl1e It is understood that~ if there i~ any ch nge of status regarding our.participation with the above mentioned project! I w~U imm iately advise lflC 'Building åI1d ZQning Dep&tm"nl ofSt Lucie County by p~'rsonally fiUn a Change ofConlr3ctor notice. (Fonn: SJ.CCDV Nò. 004-(0) BUSINE s QUALß~I:E!~ (Nam oflho Inc1i~ídunl shown on the Contractor's Licénsë) .J.I\ I I I. \1· . . .-------- ~ ~ a..d--~01 DArrE Bl1,ißess NÐln~~ Addr~,'$: CitylSt~talZip: PbQnc: tln~ii I~ OFFICE USE ONLY': J 1 PER:rr * _I - ~ ~ ISSUE DATE ~E-C 1\ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~o{~s ~\... "'"' \ \ c '"' (\ t'l ' ~\.1V.. CO úC,\e st. ~ O?o7'--O!1YY- ',. CERTIFICA TE OF TERMITE TREA TMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT \ ~l~ ~lu-«.. Gx-o ttö ~ I A- JOB ADDRESS { c.. e. V\ -\ ~ X' t\.D vYl e S .. PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR \-\Óhì.e Te 'ðYV) We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above-described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association.. ~(D ~~·\\d .<1.'6 GcY PERMIT # BUILDER PEST CONTROL LICENSE # Square feet of area treated: \~. 5 cg Percentage of solution: A :)- / l~~ ( C)- 0 f Date of treatment: ~Oti~ crist Treatment ~ Re-treat crSlab /' crí~t Treatment ORe-treat o Driveway o 1 st Treatment ORe-treat o Pools D·lst Treatment o Re-t~t [J/bthe~ .~ ~~ a~ º 6" 1 st Treatment ORe-treat o Perimeter for Final Inspection 8t Lucie County Inspections 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 462-2172 12/~ ~t) ~t. l..lJ . lic <'DOl C/$ c *'o/'/r: Ol.¡ S I) ~ J:::I..! 1\[, pe~+- {J~~~h~e ~ 9:1 ~~ Chemicals used: Total gallons used: Time of Treatment: 3~oo FBCI04.2.6 Certificate of Protective Treatmentfor prevention of termites. A weather resistant jobsite posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required protective treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the building permit files. The Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area treated, .chemical used, percent concentration and number of gallons used. to establish a verifiable record of protective treatment. If the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used. fil1al exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. Q~ ~O~__ Signature of exterminator NOTE: There I1IUSt be a completed form for each required treatment or re-treatment and this fonn must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fail and a re-illspection fee charged. n _ _ _ _e _ _ .J I' .. "' ,1\ "" .