HomeMy WebLinkAbout07020302 (2) JUN. 22. 2007 2: 40PM ~ FRO~1' : e~/eG!2øa7 a7:Sg ELECTRIC .C.ONNECTION13698921 '1"' 24 G 21 ; J 5 ~ I UJI. j. t::. 1"01,,.\ Feb. 12 20 NO. 5903~~~ P. 13/15 --~ ." . f(/l~r'~ 1, \:. .. .:. ~~'''~''''.~'. ';' . St. L1Jc:iO CoøntY Dul1dlnl" bnlnø Depllrtment 2300 Vlr3ipla A ".nue Yort "trat. 'FL :WH2 '1'12.""'~.¡ 165 FIK ?'~'(i2...5d.43 RequOti.t for 3O-D01 TemþoraJ:'Y po",et Relep~ D"~: L~· 01-.: Pa:rødtNumbtl':S1t~Q191::-03~ J'ropcrty Aðdr.-I ~..lN ·n~.rl£+ C" (t/\ t. ............ 1"11& lTNDdS'GlŒÐ BE:RED~( lUtQV~T REL£A8t OF £T..ECnICAL POWER TO Tim ABOVi DESC.X8ED PJ(OPEJ~n", FOK A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED T81Jt.1'Y (OO) DA YB, 'fOR THE pURPOSE or TiS11NG In'SŒMS AND EQ'UJPMENT 1N PJŒPÂ:R^ 110N roR FINAL 1Nsnc:nON. IN CÓNSIDR'110N OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST \\'E hEREBY .ACK~OWLEJ)GEAND AGRBBA5 fOLLOWS: J. 1'".. tfmpor.ry pqWtf 1'1111... It "'Q~û1.ð ~r the: _kg. fI.I14 puppMe ..]'1 .nd ~ wid b. øo H41)tÞiflC:¡Y .t ."y \ypt:, oth.r '-.. ,...t ~rmhted br ~,~'rQt!tton tIaIft-e t-..1bm pe~o'¡, " .AI.'.... by 00" .~...tlll·G~1 w. 1w"''Y :a~rcl tb .'JtlCl'! bJ alll~r'ml and t\ondUI!Jn. or tblJ .~t; Jþdv.'IUe,lh..,ndl", DtYldoJJ Pðltt,· ~hleh I. tnco,",Or.II"" hard" b)' refmmct. j, AU condlU/)ØI IU n'.'"~ UJtM Î1I ta I",~ .f04IIl\cnt tDtltltel ~Juq'Utremlflt.t rOt 30 .." p~el' torTøllnt' ~'fl bee- I\lØMkd -,11 ~ "'0'11- 11 nldy for ecIEbJlltnøc.e In'J'tll:lkI~ 4. An 1'11181811 tor II" ...t.I1-'''' b.,ond :lð ..,. m~t .... mille In -nuN b tile 8vttdl6. om~I.. ,~WtC &.he raa~ 'ot' lht ttq\1f11t. row If tn.)' be rtlßl)v.d fram tbE db: andl~. S'CÞP Wo~ Ordtr '-td I' ~\fI rjetl.1tI'pedìall ha. Mt &t!tI' .ppnyod ",jtbit1 30 dl).. A t9:o of $1",,10 QlJIf till "q'tred tø 11ft th. Stop Wøt"k Ot(h:t. ''IE ")J.REIY RELEASE ANÐ AGtc1tE TO HOLD JIARMLE'SS, ST. 1,Ucm COt1NT\", AND tøi:IR EMPLOYEES FROM ~~LL LIABILITIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF NA TtfR! WRICH MAY AIlISJ NOW OJt IN THE FtJ1,'01\E om O~ nus 'fRAN,..cnON, INct\.'DING ANY DAMAGE WHICH MAY JIB JNCURRED DtJJ£ TO 'fBE DJSCONNSCTlON OF )t1.ECTRICAL POW]tll IN Tlnr, EVFl'lT OF VIOLATION or THIS AOJU&EMEN'r. ~ ~"'-b4 P'WW -.. ~ ... ~ """'-...-- ,. DA1'~ ....~...-..... I IJ k ~ ..,... ...- ~."''''' ... ~-.- .......~, ~ V" ~D¡T&- ~-a.~J01 ~ DI\TE· N~""-If'i I. ~...... .. ~.....-- ~E.cE.\"E.O . }U" ~ ~ ~1 c \fJor\(S \.... pu~\\ oúf\t'I' ~ st. \..úc\e C JUN. 22. 2007 2:40PM · FROM : ~LECTR I CCONNECT r ON ELECTRIC CONNECTION FAX NO. :17728715525 NO. 5903 P. 12/15 ~pr, 10 2Ø07 12:08PM P2 ST" LUCIE C UNTY PUBJ:.,¡C WORKS BU[LDJNG & ONJNG DEPARTMENT B 1JJÐINC PERMIT S1JJJ-CON· 'RAcrok AGREEM RNT St.. Lucic CÖ\lnly COJ)trttåor Catißcation Nu ber; __ (1.1 0 5/5 _ State oíFJorido. Ce.rtlficaUon Num~èr (Jfø 1pJi blc): ~ QQQ :;¿q3ß . EIee+rJo ('bnt\Q~t( (Company Nf1Inel1ndivid 1 Nnme) 'Sf e ~+r l r.~--i ~ub-con råctor. for ~-e (\ t€.>c 'i~ J ('lypc:: ut'Trnde) (PrirrulIY Conlrttcto\') -~~I- have agreed to be tlle for the project located at q ~ 5 W ì Nlr", f+ Cì re! ~ ~(PrQJeC1. S ~ Addres, or Property trax ID 'II) It is understood that, if there i$ any ch nge ofSta1'uslegarding our·participation with tbe above mentioned project, I w~11 imme iatelyadvise the Buildmg tmd Zoning Departn~enl ofSt.l",ucic County byp ~rson~Uy filin. a Change of Contractor notice. (Form: SJ.CCf)V No. 004..()O) BUSINE S QUALn~IF1~ (Nllm oflhc Individual shown on the Contractor7s License) J ~I"___--_ ---_.._. -, I'''~ Business NÐlnè: A ddl·t.~s; Ci ry/S t~te/Z[fJ: Pbonc: OFFICE USE ONL 1r: l-=~~- :1 R". ISSUE PAT ðe r-- 1. 1. -' ~\,)~ 'l'Jof\C.S f\.. P\&t)\\C oøûf\W! \..ûc\ø 5\·