HomeMy WebLinkAbout07040447 . JUN. 22. 2007 2:41PM FRor1 : 0~/06!~ß~7 ~7:6~ E L E CT R I C CON N E CT ION;1369S921 -1124b21 '7al5 ~ I UJ. "'I:. \".1-, F~D. 12 2ØNO. 5903~~~ P. 15/15 ._~ C ( ") l J r'~ 1 \' " - ~ A.' I t J t· ~. ~\I.'~ ~,,..- . ~ I ' St. L1Itit Cooney Bulldlna" .loutna DepÞrlment 2300 Vlrglnl. ^~.nu~ Fon ¡at era , FL 34"2 77û-U2.¡Jf5 FIX ,.,2....fi.2w~44:3 Requent for 3O-0B1 Tempon.ry POWOf' Release Dale; i-d4: 01 ~ pl:md[Nwøbør:~Lt~ Q1ol{r- Olf-Lf] Pnrperty t\c!dr__t q lû Q..Q.JAf\ ~l £+_C;, rei ~ ~~........- 1'H"& UNDERSIGNED REKElrt aEQV~T RELEA8t OF Et.ECTlUCAJ~ POWER TO mE ABOVE DESCJtIBBI> PROPSJ~TY, JOR A. PERIOD NOT TO EXQ;BD THIRTY (30) DAYS, FOR TIm PURPOSE OF T.&s]1NG SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PJUtPAJtÁ "[10N fOR FINAL INsrltcnoNÞ IN CONSJDEItA. nON OF ArrROV A L or T'I-Ik REQUICST Vt'E JJER)I;B Y A CKNOWLEDGE AND ~GREB AS FOLLOWS: J. 'thJt teml"r.t1 pø\Wrr ",..., 111 nq....ltlfd Cor Iht IkvI .dltd pøppø~o 111,1,.. a"-' 1Mre wJB bl 110 HQ~I".n=J .t ."y 1r~r olhlr 'ha" 1tw.t ,.nntrted tlr con.\ru~øolt ðWj_«, t,,~ tbrR period, 2, ^, ."III1M b1 nut sJ*".I\llrGJ. -. h...'IW -ø:rel tb .bld~ by all term. aud ~ondltlCJIPI pC CI)'" 8....-11... 'lIc:i1Idl"& Ihd1dIn¡ÐJV¡lloJt P!.'1k.,') 1t"dcJa I. 'ncorpo~_,*" heJ'Cf~ hy rc!fcrcnu. j" All ~untlttlO:M ,.d ",t)Jn~ IIa6d Î1I ðIt ...abeð dOGUØ\ml.ID1illed ".JI!QultemDn~ for 30 o.~, 1'øVier fQ~T«t~'" ...~ be,,, hlH1lkd _d UM ".IJtI. AI "lIdJ' for compliAIM'J: 1r1.pera.JQIL. 4. An r-fl1iG1S tor art ,.tentID' b'1end 50 dlYllnu~t be I1lde In -EUins tfl tltt Butldlftl Omtl.J '~t1ltl die rel~n '01" thr t.q\.'Ht. rower m.y b1 nDtDVlld rrlm &"8 "teo andfgr-. SCDþ WnTs.: Order .Id If to'-!! r.lIlblþK'!ion hu Mt tleen .ppn.Ðd "Itthin 3~ dl;t*. A ~ ottlnG.OO wllJ It- ..qu\r',. to WI the Stop Wøtk Otdn. 'VE HJREUVJtBLEA.SE ANV AGId£ TO HOLDJI4RMJ..ES8,STI LUCÏ;S COt1NTY, AND TßEIJ\BMPl,OYlES FROM ALL tlADILITŒS AND CLAIMS or ANY TYPE Or~AT{fIl! WRICH MAY 41t1SE NOW O]!r, IN THE FU1'tJRß OllT or nJJ3 TRANS4.CnON. INCLt..'Dl.NG ANY DAMAGE WHICH MA. Y JJ!; INCURRED DUB 1'0 THE DrscoN1ŒcnoN OF EI..RCTKICAL PO\llnRIN TJIJr, EV~T OF VIOLATION OF nfJS AO·REtMENT. 'I ~ -----JtI I P-.....~ PI7 ~ ~.&~ ÐA. TE .............................. v ,j X ~6\I.". ~..~'t.~ -All ~ ~..., DArE ~. cibLJDl -~.. ....~ ~~'1iI T......~ I)A TE I ....... fr E.cE.\"E.O f\ ~\)~ 1. 1. -, . '/Jof\(.9 f\.. P\)\)\\C co\)t'\\'l, \--\1c\e st.. JUN. 22. 2007 2:41PM ELECTRIC CONNECTION FROM :ELECTRICCONNECTION FAX NO. :17728715525 NO. 5903 P. 14/15 Apr. 10 2007 12:0SPM P2 ST. LU;C.IE C UNTY PUBJ.lIC WORKS BUILDJNG & ON.JNG DEPARTMENT B 'ILDJNC; PERMIT $tJ.ß..CON· 'RACfOR AGREEM,m St.. Lucie County Contr~cto ' C~rtinca(io.) Nu ber~... J., \ 0 ~ 5 ~tnte ot'FJoridQ Cc.rtlßåttìon Numbèr ()fIIl'pJlc bIt); _~ QC)Ç?~ ELeCfr,C (bnt\Q I 0 (CQmpany NalnelI11diilid~t11 Name) ~,....-- have agreecl to be tIle '61 e Q+r l.c.cJ. ~ sub..çon rdctor for 0..evì~)C '1Uhe J ('fyp,= o'f Trt1 de) (Pr'ht¡ ClI)' Con t 't1ctor) tòr the pròjtct looated at q 0 0 \/~J, f\ílr -\ ++ u rc.l t, . (Project S I at Address or Property 'fax ID fJ) It is understood that, if there i~ any ch llge of stø..:us regarding out,partioipation with tbe above mentioned project, 1 w~lI imm iatelyadvise tbe BuildjDg ÞDd Zoning De¡wtalent ofSt~ Luoie County by p¡::rsonaJly fiUn a Change of Con Lr acto r notice. (FUrtn! ~J,CCDV No. 004{)O) BU~;ness Naln¢; A ddr~,~$; Cjty /S~telZip: Phone; (NBln of the Individual shown on the Contractor's Licéns~) ".. . ,-- - .. .-... -f-._- -... - .... --.. .åØJrl &-~~ -01 DArrE OFFICE USE ONL}': r~~ ÞERMIT .-: J ISSUE DAT ~u" 1.1 \tJot\(6 ¡:\... P\1þ\\G Co\1f\~' \-.\1(;\8 s\.. RECE 8t Lucie County Inspections 2300 Virginia A venue JUN Ft Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 462-2172 Public Work.s . St. Lucie County, FL "CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT Or öL(- Olf<!7CONSTRUCTION SOIL T~ATMENT . JOB ADDRESS 9 ~ 6° \...0'~ ~ ('J ,'. .f + Q: r, PERMIT # BUILDER e·Y"\ ~ ~VV\- ~ S ~ ()~ ~ ~..e ~~ ~~f= s~ b <.{ ~ E'~ S 'Z. PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR PEST CONTROL LICENSE # \ . \esr-\: We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above-described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National est Control Association., Square feet of area treated: /7S-'6 Chemicals used: V\ \\ c\ ---- ~l{ Gtì t Percentage of solution: ; S Total gallons used: Date of treatment: Co~/q - 07 Time of Treatment: Footing ~lst Treatment ORe-treat 4 Slab gl st Treatment , D Re-treat o Driveway D 1 st Treatment ORe-treat o Pools D·lst Treatment lORe-treat .ri Other Gc;r C--C\. º- ~ / .~ /e) 1st Treatment D Re-treat o Perimeter for Final Inspection FBCI04.2.6 Certificate 0/ Protective Treatment/or prevention o/termites. A weather re$istant jobsitt! posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required protective treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the building permit files. The Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area treated, phemical used, percent concentration and number of gallons used, to establish a verifiable record of protective treatment. If the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final buil4ing approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. ~9->- , Signature of exterminator NOTE: There ",ust be a completed form for each required treatment or re-treatment and this fonn must be on tlte job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fail alld a re-illspection fee charged. n _ _ ,_" _ _ .J ¿' 1'1 ~ ,-" ~ .