HomeMy WebLinkAbout06010115 MAY. 22, 2007 9: 34AM NO. 003U~V J RE~:GJ=BVED~ V~'~ ·4 dOR\~~' (772)462-2172 MAY, ~ 2007 · I P¡Jt.1~'Ç 't\larks CERTIFICATE OF-TERMITE TREA~u~;¡: county,~ · CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMlT,sLC:"O{¿;ÙI-Ö/IS JOBADDREssßJ I~ SprUCtl Vrl'v{l¡; E{.~eYC.t.) ÇL 34qfl BUlLDÉR Qy-f, -h · LA; J ' rOo .. , PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR rrtL~GENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, 1:NC. PESTCONTRÔLLICENSE~ JB 145881 We,. the undersigned, hereby certify that we. have pretreated the above..described construction fOt" subterranean termites ÍI1 acconIance with the standards of the National Pest Control Å8~odation.. Square feet of area treated: 3 22. 2.. ~ Chemicals nsed: 7 r{) btA. ~ 1 J, Percentage of soIn'tion: r 2. 5 0 10 Total gallons used: :3 20 Date of treatment: .5 '2..1 I Ö 1 Time or Treatment: q: 00 A i"1 [J Footing Q 1st Treatment o Re~trea.t · ........ r:r Släb - ... · Q 1st Treatment Q Re.-~eat o Driyeway : Q 1st Treatment o R~-treat (J Pools, . · Q 1st Treatment . [J Rc~treat O Othe? ~\\vUBfi"i6, :L ~'\\ ÑM~ 11,1.: D lst·~-·1men" ~~~ ~~O .....1:. ~. .u.~ L ~ #,¡t.. R Po '\. ~. r1 $l.iìl v ~ ~, -.. .R.e-treat :: l-:' ~ II ~ i h:I P'+. F' al In · = Z i is ~ ~ ~nmeter AOT In spection tIII~: ,.. ~n!: · S~ (i;n:bator A70"T''E' ~"(1 ~~~~ ~ ' " .l V I .I. · · . : ¡P"", 'oJ ~~\ , There must be a completed form f01- each required tt-eatment or re-'#llltñIrmj~m this form must be 011. the jo'h site to he picked up lJy the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection wi/J. fail and a re-inspection fee charged P'BCI04.2.6 Ceriifkate olProtsctÌTJe TreaimentjorpreJlenJion. oltermjtes. Ã weathtr r~a.nt jobiire posting boa.rr1 .shall be p7aviå.ed 'to 'rece.ive '. d1.lþlicate lrearment Certificates. cu. each requited protective. treatment is completed. providfng 0. copy ft¡r the person the permit is issued to and tmother copy for-the bUilding permit files. The Treatment Ce.rtificate shall pl"O'llide the.pro~t Zlsed, idf!Tltiiy oftlze applïi:llZDr, tim4 and àate of the treatl1tet7l, .rite location, area trelJted, chemical wed, percent COhcentraZion and number of gallons usetl, to e..rtablish a 1'erffiahle record a/protective tri!QtrMnt. .J¡ tlze soil chemtcal barrier- method 167 termittl prevenlion. is we¿( final aterior tretltrntmt shall be comple.ted prlo'r to jirwI buikling approvaL .~ . St Lucie County requires for the final inspedion fOt CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover) Dstfng ~ the . treatments and dates of applications. . RSvUsd 6113102 ding ZOOI L 00· d 66lþ 9££ Zll (XV :I) JUI 'saWoH UO~Jnqy tE: 60 lOOZ/EZ/S 0