HomeMy WebLinkAbout06030548 Jun 01 07 04:04p p.1 . . . . " -." ...... - . . - ... ..... . ..: . .....". . BOARD OF COUNIY COMMISSIONERS Environmental Resourœs Department Director: Vanessa Bessey Phone: (772) 462~2526 F~ (772) 462-1684 Fax Cover Sheet ~~'b1Ïf,1 Name: J'¿(l ;~ If(no I d Organization: r ~ - ~ ,r I l ~C\Í/ (', - " } 1'"'\ ~, ·C")¡~'ì ~) j (:\ n\v, \ O/~^~_~ .. (l~. ~ \PJ2.,. UrlO~ . () b.O .3 -- Q-~ ..~ - . Fax: Y l£':~ - (0 Lilt ?) Phone: Date: t)l~') / D ; / C -/ SUbject: liD ~ ~ E. \~j) ({{ (( c:t ~ e · ~-, ,/ Pages: Jinduding cover urgent Reply ASAP. Please /For Yoar Records Comments: --r- '-.:? c ~.~ - \ ~ L)...) ,,'-," 'V'\ s\'\..X nv( ~~,) ì^l) if tx-\f --k ('\ ~C('^-k S -té d C( L( C'{ \J 1 (¡ --t~, I d "--e ¡ - ~ ~ (\\ --\~.« (r: ( (! -t) L( C:' f ·iL ~.{ (:; ( c1 \1 { () \ (;~~ ]'\0., ~\..;;. L' -I" ./'- \ 1 ¡ I" . - '. - " .. t --i-c " ,,' i\ \.....1 l .~. \, l L ,Î\d --'-, L\...íC ~ lO.n.1·) /\ .. ì'Ptf¡ L< l (~.. rvu I...) C., YI}':j~\6CtY, :::~\'"',-.( L,\'(\ck.. ~--\Ôòd . ~'-Clc,-\')-+L~ (-e Ç·'1v- Ci.'-h (;,~ \_:~I \ \. ~-\Ú ~--c. -\D \\f- c(rYìpLL·-\c Ç;(··.fC/ C c;'\ (1: -.IS ~ is~ç~tQ..d - ---(l~«y) r: ~ / ... n t (.1\ A - tt · '~-( .Z\lo-:s"ifl --.--. - ¡ (f?/5/2007) Kenneth A~~C?19 ~.'5am~.n.~~¥g6~Q~-Q?:9.2~ Page 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ENVIRONMENT AL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT June 4, 2007 Charles & Beverly Kamensky P.O. Box 1167 Montauk, NY 11954 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Kamensky, This letter is in response to your application for a building permit to construct a dock at 493 S.E. Verada Ave. in Port St. Lucie, Florida. The purpose of Section 6.02.02 "SHORELINE PROTECTION," of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code is to ensure minimum protections are in place for the waterways. The North Fork of the St. Lucie River is a valuable natural resource that must have reasonable protection against man-made silting and pollution by the intrusion of foreign matter in surface water run-off, and the erosion of waterway banks. Per Section 6.02.02 (B) a shoreline buffer is required for development on the St. Lucie River shoreline: 1. Applicability This sub-section shall pertain to the St. Lucie River and its tributaries as follows: a. North Fork of the St. Lucie River Those portions in unincorporated St. Lucie County from the Martin County Line to the confluence with Five and Ten Mile Creeks. For purposes of this Section, the boundaries of these waterways shall be broadly construed to include natural fingers and oxbows, including man-made enhancements for boat channels... 2. Development Regulations Two zones are hereby created. The boundaries of the zones and the restrictions applying to these zones are as follows: JOSEPH SMITH, District No.1' DOUC COWARD, District 2 · PAULA A. lEWIS. District 3 · CHARLES CRANDE. District 4 . CHRIS CRAFT, District No.5 County Administrator - Douglas MAnderson 2300 Virginia Avenue * Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5653 * Phone (772) 462-2526 Fax (772) 462-1684 www.co.st-Iucie.fl.us (6/5/2007) Kenneth Arnold - Kamensky06-0~-q7.~<:><? Page 2 a. Zone A (1) For a platted lot of record existing as of August 1, 1989, Zone A shall consist of the area from 0 to 50 feet from the mean high water line, when the site is located downstream of the Gordy Road structure, or from the ordinary high water line, when the site is located upstream of the Gordy Road structure; or No development activity or shoreline alteration, including alteration of native vegetation and habitat, shall be permitted, other than that associated with the construction of a private access point, including docks if permittable under applicable laws. Native vegetation along the shore is important for wildlife habitat, as a buffer to pollutants entering the waterway, and for aesthetic value. Hapter 7 of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan clearly states that water quality and habitat protection are priorities for the County. The best way to prevent shoreline erosion and to protect important habitat is by planting native vegetation (i.e. mangroves, sand cordgrass, fakahatchee grass, sabal palms). Per SLC Shoreline Protection Violation letter dated 03/30/06 and Vegetation Removal permit #20060637 (see attached), ERD requires planting of an upland 50' vegetative buffer, parallel to the shoreline, including native understory, shrubs, and trees. This restoration is long overdue (one year) since the lot was initially cleared without a vegetation removal permit and issued a violation with restoration requirements. Therefore, the dock permit and certificate of occupancy (as stated in the original violation letter) will not be issued until the following conditions are met. ERD requires, per SLC LDC 6.02.02 and violation requirements: 1) No soil between retaining wall and MHW to be removed. 2) At least one tree (i.e. gumbo limbo, oak, seagrape, buttonwood, satinleaf, water hickory, strangler fig) every 30' (100'/30' = 3 trees), or a minimum of three sabal palms clustered/30' (9 palms). In addition, 50 native grasses and other appropriate native understory at least 3 gallons in size (i.e. wild coffee, sand cordgrass, fakahatchee grass, sea oxeye daisy, firebush, saw palmetto, beautyberry, myrsine, simpson's stopper, wax myrtle) clustered under the trees. 3) Existing native vegetation on-site or adjacent to site will not be impacted during JOSEPH SMITH. District No.1' DOUC COWARD. District 2 · PAULA A. lEWIS. District 3 · CHARLES CRANDE. District 4 . CHRIS CRAFT. Distrkt No.5 County Administrator - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue * Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5653 * Phone (772) 462-2526 Fax (772) 462-1684 www.co.st-Iucie.fl.us · (6/5/2007) Kenneth Arnold - Kamensky 06-04-07.doc - -···-.--..-----..h-~----·--__..__.__....4·_...............__~._.u_ _ dock construction (leather fern and spartina grass) except for plants located directly at piling sites, in which case shall be relocated elsewhere on-site, along the shoreline, at a mitigation ratio of 4:1. 4) Prior to the start of planting, please provide ERD with a formal or informal landscape plan showing the types and locations of plants so staff may review for consistency with above requirements. Please contact me at (772) 462-2526 or at Hamiltom@stlucieco.gov should you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, ~ Uity fl~()-f\¡ Coastal Resources Coordinator Ecc: Vanessa Bessey, ERD Director Amy Mott, Env. Regulations Manager Lydia Galbraith, B&Z Ken Arnold, Code Compliance Aburton HOl11es, fax 336-4799 JOSEPH SMITH, District NO.1' DOUC COWARD, District 2 · PAULA A. LEWIS, DÎltrlct 3 · CHARLES CRANDE. DÎltrict 4 . CHRIS CRAFT, District No.5 County Administrator - Douglas M. Andenon 2300 Virginia Avenue * Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5653 * Phone (772) 462-2526 Fax (772) 462-1684 WVJW .co.st-Iucie.fl. us Jun 01 07 04:05p p.2 . . ~ ---.~----~--------'-~---r'-~---"------_.~o..,-___.-r.- . . . . . .. .. . '. '. I . . , . . .. .... ¡ .. t. .. NOTICE OF VEGETATION REMOVAL- -EXEMPTION' Exemption #: 20051102 Property Owner: Kamensky) Charles Date Issued: 11/3/05 Contractor: Dan Divan Project Location:. Lot 57, SE VeradaAv. PIN#: 3419-530-0057-000-7 Project Name: Kamensky, Charles Date Expires: 11/3/06 Site Inspection Date: 11/2/0.5 Project Description: Retaining Wall Field Notes: On November 2, 2005, ERD Staff conducted a site inspection of the above-mentioned property and identified the following; 1. H.4BITAT: Uplands: Subject p~operty is a 1?revio~lyit:npacted remn~ pine flatwood. -.. .·Wetlands: Wetlands exista1orig.the.~~ore11n~ of.-the St:~11;ci~:~yer: . . ... .... .,.:.'.:.:; 0·~t ~i4~~H~'~~p~~~~#S~ 4. SIGNIFICANT ARCHAE9.L9G~Ç~:·.QR~STÖRIC FINDJ'NGS: .None.i4entü;i~d,,_ - . . " . .>. . I r·. .:~. . '... ... _ - . _ . ) _ .. . _ _ COD-ditiODs ofIssaance: Ex~tion~~ws forithe reIl?~vaI of two ia~~ioák;:< 24~ DBH ~d one Cabbage palm mlli a dear trunk of less· than 1 o 'for tht·:,~Q~~ction of an upland rétåining wan on property < 1 acre. NO OTHER VEGETATION REMOVAL IS AUTHORIZED. Heavy machinery shall A VOID or be used WITH CAUTION under or near any native tree or on/in any native plants to he preserved. as so not to cause root compaction or excavation. THIS IS NOT AN AumORIZATION TO PLACE FILL ON OR RE-GRADE PROPERTY. PLEASE CONTACT A PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR TO DETERMINE IF YOUR PROPERTY IS AFFECTED BY OR LIES WITHIN A FLOODPLAIN. ·THE APPLICANT SHALL KEEP THIS EXEMPTION POSTED ON-SITE AT ALL TIMES . DURING LAND CLEARING. THE PROPERIT OWNER AND/OR AGENT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINlNG ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND/OR FEDERAL PERi\1ITS. Thomas Rehyansky Resource Protection Coordinator ---. .-- .'--"-- Jun 01 07 04:05p 12.. 13. p.3 omCE lISE. ONLY: DATE FILED: , PLAN REVIEW FEE: ~ CONCURRENcy FEE: . RECEIPT NO.: ~ RECEIPT NO.: . PERMIT NUMBER: lJSlJ9- I(;~" CERT. CJ\P. NO.: ALL INFO MUST BE COMPLETE & FILLED IN TO BE ACCEPTED l~~a St. Lucie County BuiI~ing .and Zoning 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 34982-5652 772-462-] 553 f ~iJ~¥-· · APPLICATION for B~D1NG PERMIT CERTIFICATE of CAP ACITY/ZONING COMPLIANCE . . 1. 2. 3. 4. PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION/SIT~AD~iŒSS; Lðr _~~ S.E.. V~_ 4~~--.. /6rJ. .J~&.~ SlDNMIE: . ¿';'~<t Avi'" t¿~~~S]TEPL-\NNAME: ..k:::-:fJ.";--;J'-·¿,/0;-,"":Jne-*!.s~ . PROPERTY TA.,"( ID #; - 5 '1/ 9 .- 5J D -- ð6.5? - () Ôð/5/ . :YJ.ð" ~ 7 /?J L/ I ~G~L.DESC~TION (attach extra sh~s if~eceS~3XY):' ~ 3 //1 ~c;/('· 3~ /'-1 I/t'~ LJ. t£:1u:l7) ;/?/{!{ II, ¡¿ n~ 9.; Slr~ tb~_--P" . PLAT ./ -.; 6: PAGE q. 7. BLOCK 8. LOT In BOOK / I NO. L NO. f ~ . NO. / PARCEL SIZE: ACRESlSQ FT. J1 A<:. LOT DIMENSIONS /,J7j I X /dl) , 5. 9. 10. 11. SETBACKS (ACTUAL) FRONT: BACK: RIGHT: SIDE LEFT~ SIDE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (Check aU appropñate DOXCS) ~NEW CONSTRUCTION (] EXPANSION/ADDITION [] RESIDENTIAL [] COMlVíERCIAL [] OTHER.(SPEaFY) {.] INTERIOR RENOVATION {] INDUSTRIAL '78 />U'Tecr .Ld¿, ~-I ð,c 14. Sq_ FtJCONSTRUCfION: 16. VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: S l~èJV,ø The: value: of Construction is used CD dctt:múnc the amount of pc:rmit fees to be assessed. Sl Lucie County rc:sc::rves tbe ñght to question and/or modifÿ the indicated va.1~ or constructiÐn ¡fit is demonstrated lhat the submitted figures ace not consistent with $imil~ types of con&lrUction activities. U the value is .$2500 or more" a RECoRDED NotK:c ofCommc.acemcnt mISt be submitted with this .applic:atioø. SLCCDV Forrn No.: 001-02 - ~_... - __a.._..__...__._ _ ___. Jun 01 07 04:05p p.4 ., - >·.;·.3·t~~~~~~~t; t..' ' ..- . . rAME: .DDRESS: , ;ITY: /If¿~C 'HONE(DAYTIME): @~ -IP?ð email: - 0 - F THE FEE S ITLEHOLDER (PROPERTY OWNER) IS DIFFERENT FROM THE OWNE ~L IN NAME AND ADD B~LOW. ~EE SllvIPLE TITLEHOLDER: '\DDRESS: ~: STATE: ZIP PHONE (DA YTIlvIE): ABOVE~ PLEASE .~ ) ,/ J9~1 --- Lit! --- ~ ~ ... . GP~~ STATE: (9?J) ,?10/- fY3.? FAX NO. - ~y. ARCHITJENGINEER: ,fa (/Ic· tuekr ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: PHONE (D~ YTlME): (77),,) "} M' - Ý'50 I ZIP ,.3 fj!I9? ~ ema if: .a- ð ......... ZIP BO · COlv1P ANY: ADDRESS: CITY : ZIP MORTGAGE LENDER: ADDRESS; CITY: ZIP IMPORTANT NOTICE: 'Vhe "t· " - ~ . · . it will b,e voided and return d tn a permb 1 IS .Issued and 1t IS not pIcked up within 60 days after notifit~tion .e Q you y mail. ' STATE: Jun 01 07 04:06p p.5 . c'. ..,- - ._-,~.,_.-=-......._.. - ~.: : -.r- _ ~ Department of Environmental 'Protection SOutheast District 400 Nt congress Ave4 Sufte 200 west Palm Beach, FlorIda 33401 CcUeen M. Castilre Secretary Jeb Bush Governor SE.P 14 æ05. Charles Kamensky P.O. Box 1167 Montauk,: N:Y. 11954 Re: FIle No.: 56-0230847-002 'Pile Name: Kamensky, Charles Dear Mr. Kamensky: CÆ July 8, .z005, we received your application, and. on August 18, 2005, your application was complete, for an exemption to constrUct approximately 100. linear f~et of an upland retaining walL' Tlle project is located on the Nor~ Fork St. LucÌe River, North Fork St. Lucie'River Aquatic Preserve, Class m Waters, adjacent to Lot 57, Veraåa Åvenu.e (parcel ill #3419-530-0057-000-7).. POrt St. Lucie (Section.2ï, TOw11Sbip 36 South, Range 40 East), 1n-St. Lucie County (Latitude N 26° 19' 14.05". Longitude W -800 19' 58.83"). Your application has been reviewed to determine v.:hether it qualifies for any of three kinds of authorization tb.a.t rnay.be necessary for work in wetlands or waters ofdle United States. The kinds of authoriza.tion are (1) regulatory authorization, (1) proprietary authorization (related to state-owned submerged lands). and (3) federal authorization. Tbe authority for review and the outcomes of the reviews are listed below. Please read each section cårefully. Your project may not have qualified for ~ three forms of authorization. If your project did not qualify for one or more of the authorizatioJJs.. refer to !:be specific section dr:a.Iing with tha.t authorization for -advice on how to obtaÍn it. 1. R.egulatory Review. - [GRANTED] The Department has the authority to review your project under Part IV of Chapter 373, Bonda Statutes (p.S.), Tirle 62~ Florida Aci.-ninistrarive Code (F.A.C.), and in accor,jance,with ope.rating agreeme.nts executed between the Department and the water :nanagement districts, as referenced in Cbapter 62-113, F.A.C. Based on the information you submittecL ~e have determined that your project is not within the jurisdiction of the Departme~ pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida. Statutes (F.S.), because all of the construction wiJI take place on uplands. Therefore, no further authorization is .required.. . . Any modifications to your plans shoo1d be submitted for review, as changes may result in permits being required. No temporary dredging or filling, sln!)e grading or equipment access is allowed in.iurisdictional waters during project construction. The Department'~ jurisdiction may exten~ ahovemean higb water where listed wetland species occur as defined in Rule 62·34(), Florida AdmiDistrative Code. 2. Proprietary Review (related to state-owned Jands)~ - [NOT REQt.J1RBDJ The Department acts as staff to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund (Board of Trustees) and issues certain authorizations for 'the use of sovereign submerged Jands. The Department has the authority to review your project under Cbapters 253· and 258. P.S., Chapters 18-20 and 18-21, F.AC., and SeedoD 62-343.075. F.A. C. Your project will not occur on sovereign submerged land. Therefore. pursuant to Chapter 253.77, F.S.. authorization ñ-om the Board of Trustees is not .required. "Mort: Piorecti017 Less P"11cessJ:" ----.. .--- Prìnc~d on recvded 06~r. ---- § C) :t 3:JNf'.3NÆ !JOH ,F À <: :- ~ ·1 <: rr, i\ r---. ~ I: ,~. ~1iJ!...... \.t ~~o ~ ~ ::ë: ~ )C. 'i~"- ~ aJ. -. Jun 01 07 04:06p $~ ~~ ",. ~¡ 27.81 ~ Q:) N36~6'{J ~W 150.001 130.00'(AI) .. .~.. þ~ ~~ ..~ Q -m. "" ')C. ~ x U\ ~ ~ "Q. 6" ... ' ~ ~~ ,ç:; -.. 1J~ ..¡." .,.. .~ ~ "\ ~ ~ ~ 2::!'1 ~ ~~ , ~.... ~i I: · ~ ~ ,OO-ogJ M.OOt9Z;9~N j -t ) ) s:: ~ ~ ~ n¡ ~ (n · ~ ~:"oI . P\ :...~~~~;.~" ::tj f'1 ~ ' "t ~;x: s: ~ ~ · ....I\~,~~ '. s: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :ij ~. :u ;:j ~ .!!1~~~i;i~'· lï'1~~r!i~~"" s: :b: ~ rsn, "'~r.. , ::.<: ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tij --., ;tJ ==ï:f :b: ~ ..:~.,~·;~'.~~t ,~ . ~ ~ .... tI) ::i ~ ""( i ~ ~ ,..... ~ ..·/~~'~i-~~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~..:;:t.~. ~f~' ~ 0 <: ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~..o:j~~~' ~ ;6 "-U · .. ~ I (ij ~. . . !it~.~ . t:P"l ;ï! ~ ~ ~ ~... ~ ~ . ·<~~t~W . ~ hi ~ ~ ;f -.; n ~;t.. '''.b''~.~~ . ~ t§ ~ ~ n; ~ ""( :iI ~ · ·....,.;.~.:j~}i¡·'. f -:' ~ ~ ~ ::ti ~ ~ ~ ;;:s ~ . ., ! ~'~~f' , ~ I ~ 'f t:) .a.. ~ ~ ';'··~,-:;~·.~~!"':'ì~' ' ?tÞ tìj t) ~ ~ ~ "'"i ~ ,....:.~:;~~. '. ~ "\i ši f5 tj ~ =a.; , ~·r~~ ~ . ;ij ~ ~ A ~ ;::t I~~~;~~- . i! "( A ~ ~ ~ ~ :. . 'J~~m~f< ~ 2'\ ~ ~ "õõ. ~ . 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',~'-. .~, ...r....,.~ ~::~.,."...:'.,~-';~: ._~' : '7, .,.'~r'.. . _,_ ----., "-- -- .--.--..-- - - --- ~ --r. .:..'~ ..,J> ." .. . · .'~ :~: ~\:.,t - "- ~4~ : ~ ~..: ~:;¡ :.. ~ rl" ,'"~ .:.:.5·:, t:ir.., 1 ,"",: . ,...t;". ..,....... : I ~ ·~i~".., , ,.~...,\ "" - .~ ~ p.8 _. .... ',,--.. ....;;..~ .~ ~ Jun 01 07 04:08p Pig · lfj) NOTI~E OF I VEGETATION REMOVAL EXEMPTION ! THE APPLIC.~ SHALL KEEP THIS EX~MPTION POSTED ON-SITE AT ALL TMES DURING LAND CLEARING. Exemption #: 20060637 ,Property Owner: Kamen sky , Charles Date Issued: 6/21/06 Land Clearing Contractor: N/A . Project Description: Single Family residence Proje,ct~Locatiºn: .~t 57 Verada Ave.PIN#: 3419~5~9-QO~7-000~7 Field ;.lotes: ERD Staff conducted a site inspection of the above-mentioned þroperty on 3/1106. The subject site has been previously cleared through permit 20051102, for the construction of an ~p]and retaining.wâll,bowever only one (1) tree; remains on-site and bare soil dominates the landscape. A stop work prder was issued on tl1e sit~ 3lJ(,q<5 by " . "'1· .. . ,. . :....... '. ..... We~l~ndS: Måh..:rriade canal adjacent to the North·Fork of the St. Lùcie River. Required 50ft. setback. 2. WILDLIFE: None Identified I 3. VEGETATION REMOVAL: No vegetation to be removed. i 4. SIGNlFICL~NT .t\RCHAEOLOGICAL OR mSTORIC FINDINGS: None identified ~ I I Project Name: NI AI Date Expires: 6121JÇn Conditions of Issuance: I· · According to St. Lucie County Land Development Regulations (Chapter 6.00.04 D) this project qualifies for a Vegetation Removal Pernút Exemption. I Silt screen must be installed -around tbe project area d~ring construction and land alteration. Prior to a certificate 'of occupancy the shoreline shaU.be restored in conjunction with the 3/30/06 Shoreline Protection Violation. ¡ I I . . Please Note: M~r~ H-eLdec~er, RtsouY"Cìe PrDtectto~ GDordtlA,.~toY THIS IS.MQI. AN AUTHORIZATION TO PLACE F[lL ON OR RE-GRADE ~ROPERTY. PLEASE CONTACT A PROFESSIONAL I SURy"EYOR TO DETERMINE IF '·OUR PROPERTY IS AFFECTED BY OR ~œs WITHIN A FLOODPLAIN. THE PROPERTY OWNER ..Ä.ND/OR AGENT SHALL BE RESPONSffiLE FOR OBTAINING ALL APPUCABLE STATE ANDIOR FEDERAL PERMITS. ¡ I .__.__. ._~ a_ ..... Jun 01 07 04:08p p.10 -1{\~·Ve.\ ~,. ~ DATE SUBM, JTIED:·' /2~ /"" ~ FEE: ' I. PEJU11TNO: ;'~.~? : .:,..> ...'.,.":.,.: ,:,/ ~~:1 :.:,: >. '::"::.'.': ST. LUCIE COIJNTY NOTICE OF VEGETATION REMOVAL APPLICATION . ..... .. .. . . . \, . .. ~ _ . .': . '. I _ .' ~.. . .... . . ,. . _ .' ,-' - ,. . - . Plea.se comp]ete the requested infotmaTIOD and submit to the St. Lucie County Bui1ding & Zoning Depmment. For aàditionaJ 1nfonna~ion, please contact t~e St. Lucie. Co~ty Environmental Resource~ at (772) 462-2526. Filing thjs appl1~atlon does not resu]t~ m an authO?ZatloD to commence m:y vegetat~on removal or a] teration. Prior to the commencement or any vegetation removal an approved VegetatIon Removal Pennit or Exemption Verification is requjred. Incomplete applications ""ill not be accepted or wiII be returned in accordance witb section 11.05.06 (c) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code.. ~ LAND CLEARING O;\lTRACTOR INFORMATION IF APPLICABLE: · NAME: 6 PHONE NillvffiER: ?~·-1l(6b -~C NJ'uL - , ADDRESS: FLORIDA REGlCERT # ST LUCIE CO. CERT. # BREIFLY DESCRIBE mE VEGETATION REMOVAL ACTIVITY Ál~D THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY TO T AJŒ PLACE ON THE PROPERTY: PLEASE CHECK.ANY OF THE FOLLO\\J1NG THAT APPLY: TH]S PROPERTY CONTAJNS A WETLA~~. _ TH1S PROPERTY COJ\TAJNS SPECIES LISTED AS ENDANGERED, THREATENED, OR / SPECIES OF SPECIAL CONCERN.' . X- TillS PROPERTY ABUTS THE NORTH FORK OF THE ST. LUCIE RIVER, TEN MILE CREEK, OR FIVE MILE CREEK. THIS PROPERTY ABl7TS THE INDIAN RIVER LAGOON. The app]ican~ is encouraged to participate with the salvage of this vegetation. Native upland vegetation which cannot be preserved or relocated on site shall be considered surplus. The applicant shaH attach to this appHcation a list of the available vegetation including the species names and approximate quantity and sizes of each species. The applicant shaH physically mark (so no inadvertent destruction occurs) available vegetation on site to afford easy identification.. The vegetation shall remaln available for removal for at Jeast twenty (20) business days after issuance of the permit, The applicant:is encouraged to participate with the salvage of this vegetation. UPDATED 412003 Jun 01 07 04:09p p.11 PART] - EXEMPTION AJ1y person who intends to remove or cause the death of any .vegetation pUJs~t to any of the foll~wing exemptions must first_fiU out Part 1 of this form. The burden. o~ provmg ent1tl~ment to any particular exemption shaD ]ie, at all times, with the person or persons clallmng the exemption. PLEASE CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING~ I. The minimal removal of native: vegetation necessary fOT the clearing of a path not to exceed 4 ~ in width, to provide physical access or view necessary to ~ODduct 2. survey ?r site examination OR 10'. Î11 widtb to provjde ve.bicular access necessary to conduct soli percolaTIon or sOIl bore tests. for the preparatloJ1 of bona fide site development p]ans or vegetation rnventories; provided such clearing or removal is conducted under tlle direction of a Florida registered surveyor or engmeer. :2. The removal of native vegetation in a utility easement, drainage easeme:nt. stonn water ~ement tract or facility. or right-of-way provided such work is done by or under the control of the operating utility company and that company has obtained alJ necessary licenses or pennits to provide utility s~rvÌce through the easeme11t4 3. The remova] of native vegetation which has been determined to be a safety hazard~ destroyed or damaged beyond saving by natura) causes or CðtlSeS not covered by other sections of this chapter,,· is infect~d with disease or is infested wíth insects, or which constitutes immediate peril to life property or ot:rees. 4. The removal of native vegetatÏon, upon any de~ached single family residential lot or parcel of land having an area of one (1) acre or less. This exemption is, however, subject to the followjng condhions: A) Nothing in this exemption shaH exempt any person from the landscaping requirements set forth in ,Section 7.09.00 of this Code; B) This exemption shaH Dot be construed to allow ilie removal or alteration of any protected vegetation without a Vegetation Removal Permit on any exempted Jot aT parcel ofland by its subdivider unless the subdivider 1Dtends in good faith to construct a residentia] unit or units upon the lot or parcel of Jand prior to its sale. Advertisement or listing the [ot or parcel of ~aDd for sale without a Tesidential unit shal] create a presumption that the subdi\'ider do:;s not L'1tend to construct such a unjl and that the 'intent is for a subsequent p1L~has~ to develop tbe Jot or parceJ. C) No native vegetation twenty-foW" inches (24U), or greate;, dbb shall be removed from any residential parcel (including those in the AG-5') AG-2.5, AG-l, AR-l, RE-I, and R'C zonÏng districts), regardJess of parceJ SiZf:7 \\'ithout an approved Vegetation RemovaJ Permit and an approved mitigation plan. The Pub1ic Works Director. or his designee may reduce the requirements for mitigat10n 'on individual residentia] Jots lh acre or less \vbere a protected tree 24" dbh or greater must be removed in order to provide for the reasonable use of the property. _ 5. The removal of any TIOD-natjve vegetation. _6. The folJowi.ng activities do Dot require the appljcatioll of a Notice of Vegetation, however may be required for BuildiDg Pennit approval or other such authorization: ($0.00 Fee) . a. No vegetation to be removed. b. Preserve and ~arks Management Activities. Vegetation removal activitjes associated with an adopted manageme.nt pian for govemmeDt maintained parks, recreation areas) wildlife management areas, conservation areas and preserves. Tbe purpose of the vegetation remova¡ activity sba]] be to protect 2.Dd preserve the natural values and fimctions of the ecologjcal communities preseDt, such as, cJearing for firebreaks, conductiDg prescribed bmnsJ or construction offences. c. Eri.st~~g Agricu]~1 ?perati.ons. Vegetation removal associated with subsequent harvesting actJvltles, except wlth]ß required preserve areas or deeded conservation easements, which are part of the on-going activities of tnë existing operation shalJ not require a pennit. Initial UPDATED 412003 Jun 01 07 04:09p p,12 clearing of a site is not an exempt activity. Bona fide agricultural activities incJude commercial Dursery. tree farm, aquacu]tl:Ire:~ ranch, or similar operation. ¿. -Routine Landscape Maintenance. Trimming or pruning of vegetation ",-bich is not intended to resuJt in the eventual àeath of the vegetatio~ mowing of yards or lawns, or any other ìa:ndscapmg or gardening. activity which is commonly recognized as routine maintenance, replacement or re1andscaping which does n~t result in the eventual death of any vegetation, does not require the approval of a Notice of Vegetation Removal. PART II - VEGET.'-\TJON REl\10VAL PERMIT Applicants removing vegetation) and who do not qualify for an exemption must fin out Part 11 of this form. Piease complete ALL of tbe requested iDfol1IJation. The Public Works Director, or his designee shall iSSlJe a Vegetation Removal Permit on]y if sufficient evidence demonstrnting that at [east one of the folJowing criteria has be~n satisfied. I. The applicant fOT vegetation removal pennit shan demonstrate or why preservation of the e>:istÏ.ng vegetation is not practically feasible and prevents the reasonable development of the site. 2. The r~mo'Val of the native vege1ation is the minimum necessary in order to implement a FinaJ Deve:opmeT:t Order. 3. A Final DeveJopment Order bas not been issued, or is not required by this Code for the intended non-agricultural use of the land and vegetation is the minimum necessary to 3110w for the construction of the intended use or improvement. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR \'"'EGETA TION REMOVAL PERl\11TS: 1. Vegetation/Tree Survey - FOT individual singJe-family or dup]ex development lots, the site vegetation survey may be a sketch prqvided that the sketch accurately and comp]ete]y depicts the areas of vegetation rernova] and protection. . For any resideDtia] deveJopment activity wbich requires the submitta1 of a site plan approvalr or any non-residentia] development actjvity, '[he site vegetation survey must accurately depict tbe 1ocation of all propose~ buildiDgs, structures) driveway's, s-eptic tan.1<.s, and other improvements dravm to scale; and th.e existing vegetative condjtions on tbe project site~ including an jdentification of wbat are;:,s will be impacted b)' the proposed deveJopment activity and, wbat ar~as are proposed for protectionJpTese~ation. The individual 1ocations of all COUIlty-protected trees, measuring the minimum sizes outlined in Table 1 of Section 6.00.05, that are located within all areas of proposed improvement and within twenty (20) feet- of all proposed improvement areas sha]! be shown on the pJan. For the purposes of this requirement) improvement areas shall inc1ude ë.l] subdivision lot lines and maximum buildable areas~ as identified in Section ] 1.02.] 0 (A)(3)( d). 2. List the number and type of trees to be removed (example: t\\Io 12" Live Oaks, one 24" Slash Pine:. etc) 3.Mitigation Calcu]ations aDd Plan (If required) The Vegetation Removal Pennit sha]] only be issued after an a~ceptable mitigation plan has beeD reviewed ~d approved. Prior to the issuance of any zoning compliance,. certificate of capacity or other recognized authorization for the commencemenr of the perm.1tted deveIopment activity, the rep]acement trees shaH be pJan1ed, relocated, or preserved or the appropriate mitigation fees sbaH be paid to the County. UPD~~TED 412003 --- -0··_·· Jun 01 07 04:10p p.13 ************.*******.****.*.*****..*****~***~***~**********************¥************** PLEASE HAVE THE FOLLOWING ACK.:"'JOWLEDGEYŒNTS NOT ARlZED: I CERTIFY THAT: (CHECK ONE) A. ( ) I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE ABQ\rr: DESCR1BED PROPERTY. B. ( ) I ~~ NOT THE OW;lliR OF RECORD OF TI-Œ ABO\lED DESCRIBED PROPERTY; HOWEVER, I R~ VB AUTHORITY TO ACT AS AGENT FOR THE O'NNER OF RECORD. (PLEASE PROVIDE DOClJ}.,Œ~T A IION). I CERTIFY TIlA T ALL n...:'FORMA TIO:...1 SUBlv[lTIED \\7JTH THIS APPLICA TrON IS TRUE AND ~- KNJ\VLEDG /'" . _ . _ ~þ.. 0--. ~~ OWNER' AGENT SIGNATURE · CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE ¿ · t....... ...çmnwj.~~hm.'t'!Mm~~ : TRICIA K. OSTRANDER . II 1··············..·........ (SEAL):· ; ~~~~~~ Comm,DOOO45Ø3 (SEAL): : TRICIA K. osiRÄNö..·....·· ; È~r:> .~<tw~ ~pires 512612008 · _",IU,., ER . _II> '" - B . i .l~. Commil 0D0434S83 ************¡~~ ~**o~~ ;:r¥fll)t~-i **********.**********>Ie$. t"* .... ~~- ***~~** : "11."" Ronda .Natary Alan lno ~'? ~t#- B ~ ·..·..·......··..···..·..···~··.."FrŸrt . FlCE USE Om., Y ; ~;t,~.~,,~ gF~od~ thru (SOO)432w42 ......... ~ ncla Nota Iv, VEGETATION REMOVAL PERl\-ITr APPROVED ..u·····....··.......2...~·~~no EXEMYTION VERJFIED ---K.. - APPLICATION DENIED _ SALVAGE OPERATION APPROVED ST A TE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. L1JCIE The foregoing instrument wasJcknowledged before me this \__ day of ~.J~, 20 ùb bye1tM,(d ~~'5 +i+ , who is _~aIlY imow to~orhas produced ~~t~J Signature of Notary -:\f \.'~ð..., O-s. -\-..r ~ ~Q./ Type or Print Name of Notary Notary PubHc ~ Title CONDJT10NS/COMMENTS: STATE OF FL·ORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE Slgnature of Notary --r;: ~ ~~ WvCuì doN Type or Print Name of Notary Notary PubHc / Title Commission Number UPD.Â. TED 412003 Jun 01 07 04:10p p.14 Environmental Resources Department 6120 Glade Cut-Off Rd. Ft. Pierce, FI 34981 772-462-2526 Fax-772-462-1684 3/30/06 Charles Kamensky PO Box 1167 Montauk, NY 11954 Re: Shoreline Protection Violation-· St. Lucie County PIN #3419-530-0057-000-7 - Lot 57 Verada Ave. ,Mr. Charles Kamensk~l~ As discussep. on March 9, 2006., and per St. Lucie County Land Development Code Chapter 6.02.02M Shoreline Protection (copy enclosed), "No development or shoreline alteration, including alteration of native vegetation and habitat, shall be permitted,...n in Zone A which ... "shall consist of the area from 0 to 50 feet from the mean high water line... " ~'Zone B shall consist of the area between Zone A and 300 feet from tbe mean high water line..." in which there are further regulations which c·an be found in your enclosed copy of the SLC Shoreline Protection code. Since all vegetation was removed within zone A with the exception of one (1) laurel oak tree, it is required that the area· is restored. A stop work order was issued on March 1, 2006 and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) was notified, as I am aware they are pursuing violations on the property as well. You shaH comply with the FDEP regulations, guidelines, and enforcement, including mitigation and restoration, you may complete your upland retaining wall in compliance with FDEP guidelines, and then you shall restore Zone A w:ith native vegetation which is consistent with the.N orth Fork of the St. Lucie River (see attached list). From the date of completion of your upland retaining wall you sh all have ninety (90) days from the date of notice or the county may restore the vegetative growth at its own expense. The cost of the restoration shan become a lien upon the property of the upland O~lner upon which the violation occuITed. PJease keep the Environmental Resources Department (ERD)infonned on the progress of work regarding tbe compJetion of your upland ret.aining wall. If you have any questions or need furt~er assistance on this matter, ple·ase feel free to contact me at the letterhead number or addr-ess, or via e-mail at heidecm @stlucieco.gov. Sincerely, ~~ Mark Heidecker R'esource Protection Coordinator St. Lucie County ERD ---.--.--...--, --- Jun 01 07 04:11 p p.15 Environmental Resources Department 6120 Glade Cut-Off Rd. Ft. Plerce,.FI 34981 - 772-462-2526 Fax-772-462-1684 , cc:" Vanessa Bessey- SLC ERD Director Amy Mott- SLC Environmental Regula~ons Supervisor ·Brion Pauley- SLC Resource Protection Technician SLC Code Enforcement Department Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) . -'-"-----.---. ----..- .. ..---. .- Jun 01 07 04:11 p NATIVE PLANTS FOR LANDSCAPING OR RESTORATION ON NORTH FORK OF THE ST. LUCIE RIVER. TEN MILE CREEK" AND FIVE MILE CREEK SHORELINES Hammock Habitat: Grasses/Ground Covers/Vines: Smartweed (Polygonum spp. - native) Spid,erwort (Tradescantja ohiensis) Coontie (Zamia llonäana) Purple love Grass (Eragrotis spectabilis) Muhly Grass (Muhlenbergia .capillaris) Sand cordgrass (Spartina bakeri~ Swamp lHy (Hymenoca/lis latifolia) Swamp fern (Blechnum serruJatum) Le~ther Fern· (Acrostichum danaefoJium) Shrubs: S'aw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) Beautyberry (Ca//icarpa americana) Marlberry (Ardisia escalfonioides) Myrsine (Myrsine floridana) Simpson's Stopper (Myrcianthes fragrans) Wild Coffee (Psychotria nervosa) Wax Myrtle (Myrica cerifera) Primrose Willow (Ludwigja alata) CaroJina Willow (Salix caroliniana) Trees: Water hickory (CaI}'B. aquatica) Gumbo Limbo (Bursera simaruba) Strangler Fig (Ficus auraa) Live Oak (Quercus virgíniaáa) Laurel Oak (QuercuslaurifoJia) . Cabbage Palm (5abal palmetto) Satinleaf (Chyrsophyllum o/iviforme) ~ - --.L .. _ L !.I._&_ ... ------.. p.16 Jun 01 0704:11p p.17 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' Environmental Resources Department Director: Vanessa Bessey Phone: (772) 482·2526 fu: (772) 462-1684 Fax Cover Sheet ~ T--n"M ~- . Name: Organization: , 4l p,,-,/~ ~ Po /IJ4.. Fax: ~3G" 0/79 '1 PhOne: Date: ¡;/¿/ /~6 ... . ~ Subject: R4~~r'd: ¿~ ((., ~~...~ 4-v@ Pages: / tJ ~dïng ~ urgent Reply AMP, Please .LFor Your Remrds Comments: 7h-^~S .;" 4:.we-t.,o A-.-/ ~~~~.I ---.--....------ ---------.. - .. .. ----...........