HomeMy WebLinkAbout05100102 J!J~-22-2007 12:33P FRoM:DE&T I)~s T West Palm Beach Vožce (561) 689-4299 Facsimžle (561) 689-5955 E-mail: info @detwpb.org ~C;,~~, .;;' ..,7:R/J!!'::!';'. ';,:?; r':J'J: 'Ç. ,:~ ,-"";.'1 :ø:.S:~ 'S-:r :4".~1 ¡ Geotechnical Materials Testing Inspection Environmental 561-253-0789 TO: 7724626443 P.1 DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, IN . Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Mr. Ken Arnold Inspections Supervisor Fax No. 772-462-6443 Company: St. Lucie County Code Compliance Division Project No. 05-23-5664 From: Rita Gorman Date: 6/22/07 fT..3/.;:r.~.~.,,~:ø::fI;'I::I/'JIIí:.fT-' ;.g;':I/:ø;z;ø::.Q :ø::g;~:s: ~:.!T.:.ø:;W:"W/.6: S:lW:.'I:~:4:s:g/'&;S;:ß::.:;;:ç; :5:-;¡;;:¡;;;ø;:J:;; í$;:t'J': 9/:5:;ø:-:Z-:.!1:~.:1;,·~:8 6j:a-C;:Q/Q;C-;'-':;;',g: -:..!i; :&-" .::;:::;¡~ .s:, .;.::. r:, Total number of pages, including cover sheet: (3) RECeIVED JUN 2 2 2007 Message: Dear Mr. Arnold: PUblic Works St. Lucie County, FL Please find attached inspection results for framing (650) and Roof dry in (136) for Runways End Phase I (0510-0102). If you have any questions or comments regarding the attached inspections, please call me at (561) 689,,4299, ext. 210. Thank you, Rita Gorman Hard Copy o Will Follow Via o U.S. Mail DDHL o Hand Delivery o Will Not Follow If you did not receive the entire fax or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (561) 689-4299. Port St. Lucie 523.4 Northwest Enterprise Drive Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 Phone,· (772) 343-9787 Fax,' (772) 343"'9404 Sarasota 8260 Vico Court, Unit B Sarasota, Flol·ida 3424D Phone: (94:1) 379-062J Fax,· (94J) 379-506J West Palm Beach 1~:15 Omar Road West Paln1 Beach, Flontda 33405 Phone,· (561) 689-4299 Fax: (561) 689-5955 DET 02A J~N-22-2007 12:33P FRoM:DE&T IJI:B I· DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. 561-253-0789 TO: 7724626443 P.2 REPORT OF FRAMING, WINDOW AND SHEA TI-IING INSPECTION JOB NAME: lOB ADDRESS: CLJENT: CONTltAC1"OR: ENGINEER: &4 RCHITEC~r: DA TE: SHEET: PROJECT NO.: BlJILDING NO.: l)ERMIT NO.: SUMMARY OF INSPECTIONS/STATUS OF WORK I ~ming taSO I J Sheating ( 1 FiJ4e WalJs r J Fh'e Penetrations r I Wi'ldo\\'s (1 Exterior Doors { ~the ,.. /k. ~ ~ ~,~SS¿fJ '3\0 I 1 Initial Inspection ( ]Pa,.tiallnspection I J Work in Pl'ogress , ReinspctHoll _ LOCATION I!.~~I.~ øf=~JJI- ,4/Pdûr .61f~ ~~ . .ÇORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED. FROM CONTRACTOB DEFICIENCIES OBSERVED: r J NO r~ (See Above) o Apþl·o,'ed o Rejected ~ .tiët.¡~~ 5tH nclHrd Inspector BN#:// iy cc: Contractor (Site) Mjc'.ael J. O'Connor', P.E. Executive Vice President Florida Registration No. 44082 Special InspectOl" No. 981 1225 Omar Road, "'Jest PaJm Beach, Florida 33405 Phone: (561) 689-4299 . Fax: (56]) 689-5955 DE-' 70 T"'t~~ JUN-22-2007 12:33P FRoM:DE&T UI:E I DUNI(ELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. 561-253-0789 TO: 7724626443 P.3 mB NAME: JOB ADDRESS: CLIENT: CONTlù\CTOR= ENGINE.ER: .4. J~CI{ITEcrr= REPORT OF FRAMING, WINDOW AND Sf lEA TIlING INSPECTION , ~"I~ ¿r~ ~~ .rAf:"~-w.¿_ J'!~~. : _ DATE; SHEET: PROJECT NO.: BUILDING NO.: l)ERMIT NO.: p-- ð~-~ð2 SVMMAR Y OF INSPECTIONS/STATUS OF WORK f J FJ'sming I J Sheatirtg f Fi I~e Walls ( IFiJ'(~ Penetrntions l J Windo,,'s (J Extc";or DOOJ's I II °1~ ,.: f!,/~, ,ø¡",= ~/ I~ ;,µ.w~ 13\0 I J .Tn ¡tinl InspecUolJ (1 PAJ·tial Inspectio n J WOJ'le in PI'og,'ess LOCATION /JJ.L ~K~ ~ESUL TS OF INSP~~TION ßIlHS -----------.... .-.--:.:---...- ----.~.----,- CORRESPONDENCE R1£CEIVED. FROM CONTRACTOH . -=- --------- -.--- DEFICIENCIES OBSERVED: [J NO -, .-----.. l 1 YES (See Above) o Pending o Reject-fel $tnflcl;IJ'd lnspectOt· BN#: ///¡Y cc: Contractor (Site) MicllaelJ. O'Connor', P.E. Executive Vice President Florida Registration No. 44082 Special Inspector No. 981 J 225 Omar Road. ~/est Palm Beach. Florida 33405 Phone: (561) 689-4299 . Fax: (561) 689-5955 I)El70 l,...(.~ JUN-22-2007 12:34P FRoM:DE&T Ð~sT West Palm Beach Voice (561) 689-4299 Facsimile (561) 689-5955 E-mail: info@detwpb.org !., - ';:~:',": ;&; , ,':' . . " ..... :':;;'.!l'. ::/: ~-'~;'~',J¡.~G:,-;;¡;; Geotechnical Materials Testing Inspection Environmental 561-253-0789 TO: 7724626443 P.4 DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Mr. Ken Arnold Inspections Supervisor Fax No. 772·462-6443 Company: St. Lucie County Code Compliance Division Project No. 05-23-5665 From: Rita Gorman Date: 6/22/07 t·· ::;~¿~.;;~::1';',yr::.:..;,:;',:~'·':§:..:J'::Z~ .:¡;;";^';;, ,:;7: .~";:,,;G::',/:-. =^::.;::;r;'..;:.--:; ^..I;~ .:;:'; ~S";'::S;·:Q,:-I":::S::.7&: .£;;::.-'7C::J;;:~'.-:..!;"': ¿;;';~.:~:-ß: ;:;:;s.':...."'7:&:;,:¡~:D!..~~:e¡t;.!:7:.:t;T.,&; :~~:t:.;#.::t:::.:::'(Ø;$.:~!:;,;f.¥...:r. ~-: ,:::-:.:.;':'. ',';': ~::'.'" Total number of pages, including cover sheet: (3) Message: Dear Mr. Arnofd: Please find attached inspection results for framing (650) and Roof dry in (136) for Runways End Phase 2 (0512-0569). If you have any questions or comments regarding the attached inspections, please call me at (561) 689-4299, ext. 210. Thank you, Rita Gorman Hard Copy D Will Follow Via D U.S. Mail DDHL D Hand Delivery D Will Not Follow If you did not receive the entire fax or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (561) 689-4299. Port St. Lucie 523A Northwest Enterprise Drive Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 Phone: (772) 343-9787 Fax: (772) 343-9404 Sarasota 8.260 Vieo Court, Unit B Sarasota, Florida 34240 Phone: (94J) 379-0621 Fax: (941) 379-5061 West Palm Beach 1225 Omar Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Phone,· (56J) 689-4299 Fax: (561) 689-5955 DET 02^ JUN-21-2007 08:59A FROM:DE&T Ð~6T West Palm Beach Voice (561) 689-4299 Facsimile (561) 689-5955 E-mail.' info@detwpb.org r; s -[;:.~ -u.~:S:,~~,6'::JI;Z ~"1,:;I:9/..a.£87""/Æ/~ Geotechnical Materials Testing Inspection Environmental 561-253-0789 TO: 7724626443 P.l DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Mr, Ken Arnold Inspections Supervisor Fax No. 772-462-6443 Company: St. Lucie County Code Compliance Division Project No. 05-23-5664 From: Rita Gorma n Date: 6/21/07 rJ::b'/.'N-J/ß/M::I/D::S:,~I::6:1- J:: :S/4.~:.!::.~·~;_:&:-s:z:.c::S::G:-'/mß/#~":&:~ß$:S: :g:~;ç;:M:I7."~:.IT.~:.u;ø;:G;:6~::;:u'/a6::!1F/8/6 :o:/O-cz;::c;(#{O/g:Q/:O:O::Q;.C: G: ;c:.~' ::~ ~'.;.':!: ,.;; Total number of pages, including cover sheet: (ijECEIVED JUN 2 f 2007 Message: Dear Mr. Arnold: PUblic Works St. Lucie County, FL Please find attached inspection results for framing (650) and fire penetrations (170) for Runways End Phase I (0510-0102). If you have any questions or comments regarding the attached inspections, please call me at (561) 689-4299, ext. 210. Thank you, Rita Gorman Hard Copy o Will Follow Via o u.s. Mail DDHL o Hand Delivery o Will Not Follow If you did not receive the entire fax or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (561) 689-4299. Port St. Lucie 523A Northwest Enterprise Drive Part St. LucieJ Florida 34986 Phone: (712) 343-9787 Fax: (772) 343-9404 Sarasota 8260 Woo Court, Unit B Sarasota, Florida 34240 Phone: (941) 379-0621 Fax: (941) 379-5061 West Palm Beach 1225 Omar Road West Pulm Beach, Florida 33405 Phone: (561) 689"4299 Fax,· (561) 689-5955 DET 02A JUN-21-2007 08:59A FRoM:DE&T 561-253-0789 TO: 7724626443 P.2 ()~8 T DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTINA~E' ED REPORT OF FRAMING, WINDOW AND JUN 2 1 2007 SHEA THING INSPECTION JOB NAME: JOB ADDRESS: CLIENT: CONTRACTOR: ENGINEER: ARCHITECT: Runway's End Commerce Center 3200 Industrial 33f Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL Trimcraft DATE: SHEET: PROJECT NO.: BUILDING NO.: PERMIT NO.: PUblic Wor St. LUcie C ks , 05-23-5664 1 0510-0102 SUMMARY OF INSPECTIONS/STA TUS OF WORK 14 Fire Penetrations tìO [] Windows [] WindowlDoor Attachmellt [~ Framing(,SO [ ] Sheathing ( ] Fire Walls [] Drywall Screw [] Other: [\If Initial Inspection [] Partial Inspection [ ] Work in Progress [) Reinspection LOCA TION ()~ r , ç~ '0 C-&.... 'I' 01"\ I ~T ;:=/ zrbr RESULTS OF INSPECTION (i p p ~ b V ~ ¡,\S Ñ c> \' e.. ~ CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FROM CONTRACTOR rrö..J\ C)<- \. U L r::- () f2. ()") C:.."Ï c... \ :Ù~ L"- 4-~ Cn ~ ,. A ~ " c... ~ ð I Y DEFICIENCIES OBSERVED: [ ] NO [ v('YES (See Above) o Approved o Rejected :::s- A ~ '<- ~ Pe=- t1. \( . ,¡l- James Parker Standard Inspector B'N#: 4597 Michael J. O'Connor, P.E Executive Vice President Florida Registration No. 44082 Special Inspector No. 981 cc: Contractor (Site) 1225 Ornar Road, West Palm .Beach, Florida 33405 . Phone: (561) 6R9-4299. Fax: (561) 689-5955 .DET70.Truss JUN-20-2007 03:01P FROM:DE&T Ðl:s T West Palm Beach Voice (561) 689-4299 Facsimile (561) 689-5955 E-mail: info@detwpb.org r:.:.;: ::.;' _r..,,,:~. ~.~ :'~.. ::7/.'/i' :;'::";-;,.'0;'c~,,::: ~-: :J.1;;s;a:':::S;:M':¡¡'~ Geotechnical Materials Testing Inspection Environmental 561-253-0789 TO: 7724626443 P.1 DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Mr. Ken Arnold Inspections Supervisor Fax No. 772-462-6443 Company: St. Lucie County Code Compliance Division Project No. 05-23-5664 From: Rita Gorma n Date: 6/20/07 ti.'.:.t.:';:~ ;.t;;.~7t:: ~;~!'¥.::.!:;:&::-.:~:ø;:fZ.~;;:;;::ø:1I::1;. .~~~y ;~:;c ;!;';~$/..!r,¿g;;g: :&;:&;'/.6:21/ :s;;g;-:.u:-:t!Z~:.c: :.!ZS~.:?: ~ :t7/.&:::z.:sr:$:'-;,!;;;;ç::.?:; ';"''"'?9/::'' ~;::,::c.:.1$;;&;:&/J.1::'::: .5: C .;!;:~'!;;, ':~ ,,' ~!;. ::;: Total number of pages, including cover sheet: (2) Message: Dear Mr. Arnold: Please find attached inspection results for electric rough (238) for Runways End Phase I (0510-0102), If you have any questions or comments regarding the attached inspections, please call me at (561) 689-4299, ext. 210. Thank you, Rita Gorman Hard Copy D Will Follow Via D u.s. Mail DDH! D Hand Delivery D Will Not Follow If you did not receÎve the entire fax or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (561) 689-4299. Port St. Lucie 523A Northluest Enterprise Drive Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 Phone: (77:2) 343-978'1 Fax: (772) 343-9404 Sarasota 8260 VieD Court. Unit B Sarasota, Florida 34240 Phon€): (941) 379-o6~1 Fax: (94J) 379-5061 West Palm Beach 1225 Omar Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Phone: (561) 689-4299 Fax: (561) 689-5955 DET 02A JUN-20-2007000731:03~~3F:ßr:fi;4~92661 06/20/2 " 561-253-0789 RUNWAYS END TO: 7724626443 ... DUNlŒLBERGER P.2 Ig} 001 REPORT OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ()I:e T DUNkEL.BERGER ENGINEERING &: TESTING, INC. JOB NAME: JOB ADDRESS: CLIENT: CONTRACTO~' ENCINEER: ARCHITECT: DA YE; SIfEE1~: SUMMARY OF INSPECTIONS/STATUS OF WORK I J Tenlpo.....ry POwer 'DMpect'on I t Electrical Sel'\lices f J Unde"ground JI18p~t'on r J Tr;m-out JD.pe~rion '- V Slab Inlpeerto.. , I Other (u¡e area below) r VJ .Jd-eb-11t Jn8p~tioD 2 -; $ I J FiDAI fntperetiolt I q/' ',,¡tja' In"pf'ttion r I Partial hISJ)f'ttioD I Work iD Progress I J '4/ ~.~-.¡. ~_~ ¡ '--.-...~ ReiD5Pfction r£,.. 71f/ð ~ I~~'IIL '~I--""- .-...- _.~~ 1'8 OF IN~PECTI~ ~ ~ PI} If ~ I ~/1t ~--¡. --J/I ..¡v ?IlJ- Q ~ SORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED :OM CONTRAqOR -?;{ .. ~ - . - ---- ~ ~ Alf;¡e~~ '¡A4 ------------.....- '.----- --.~ ---'.--..-- DEFICIENCIES OBSERVE.Q: f~O ~------------------- (' J YES (See Above) o Rejctted ;tabd.rd I nspeetor )N#: 1.3 (b ·C: Contrac~r (Site) Mi~hael J. O'Col...or, P.I!:.. E~eeu.i"'e Vic:e Pres.ldent 'Iot'ida Re&,stht10n No. 44081 SpeeiaJ Inspeetor No. 981 J 225 Omar Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Phone: (561) 689..4299 . Fax: (561) 689.5955 , DE·r70.Eh~clrjc~1