HomeMy WebLinkAbout04121241 May. 3. 2007 10: 03AM No.5541 P. 2 BELFOR Ce¡ PROPERTY RESTORATION May 3,2007 Lorie Gerstemeier Building Tech II St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce~ FL 34982 Re: Meadowood Golf & Tennis Club a.k.a. Panther Woods Country Club Hurricane repair - roof replacement Permit # SLC-0412-1241 Dear Lorie: We received your cOITespondence dated 3/30/07 regarding the captioned matter. Your letter suggests that this permit has expired or remains open in your system. Please know that the roof replacement was completed and final inspections were conducted. This work was completed in early 2005 prior to the club re-opening. I have attached a copy of the St. Lucie County "Inspection Card" which shows the final inspection signed off on 2/2/05. Would you please acknowledge receipt of this correspondence and your concurrence that the referenced pennit has been satisfactorily closed. Please call me with any questions or for further infonnation. I can be reached during business hours @ (800) 922~3848. Sincerel}: I!LPORU5A 79 Cuyahog3 Fall,; Jndu;triat Parkway. Penir:sllLa. OH 44264 · 800.922.3848 · ~h: 330.9J6.6~6a . fx: 330.9] 6.b47Q 24/7 emer~e1)c.y h~tl¡n~ .800.B5b.3333 · www.b~lforull.com ·May. 3. 2007 10:04AM No. 5541 P. 3 I i I .s?;<~,~~ Cod. Compliance DIvision 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce. FL 34982 Phone: (n2) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462·1168 INSPECTION CARD Page 1 Pennit #: SLC· 0412-1241 Canf #: 3072 Type: Roof Issued: Insp Area: Master Nbr.: Job Location: 9425 MEADOWOOD DR City: FORT PIERCE Jurisdiction: St. Lucie County Lot: Brock: Parcel: 1327 -701-0005-000/4 Owner: Meadowood Golf and Tennis Club Flood: Elev: Flood Map: Project: Job DescrlptJon: REPLACE EXISTING ROOF W/STANDING SEAM ROOF - 22240 SF.. 5.13/12P Subdiv: Monte Carlo Country Club Unit 3 Appl Name: ARTHUR NEWMAN Contact Phone: ( ) - Appl Type: Double Fee: No Contractor Name: ARTHUR NEWMAN BEL FOR USA GROUP INC Cert Number: 21966 Business Name: Setbacks Left: Right: Front: Rear: SUB..PERMITS Permit # matYI l!I Cert # DBA Job D85crlctlon INSPECTIONS - For Requests~ Call: (772) 462·1261 Rea DescrlDtJon 136 Roof Dry-inlTin Tab Pr Date Ru Descr;Dtion o Pending Date (j - ~,~ -,5 )) 19 qo Comment9: 136 Roof Dry-Inrrln Tab o Pending 600 Product Certification o Pending c¡o 9 z,"'Ì// F SIZE 0 HE ROOF --f\ c:=3) Z - z.~S OJ Comments: Comment9~ DRY-rN ROOF WILL BE DONE IN 2 STEPS BECAU 999 Flnallnspectlon 2 o Pending Comments: /" . May I , r 3. 200 7S1 0 : 04AM, JI" ---., ALL "'~OPOSED WORK i-HE t: tJLAN~ ¡- ARE StJBJECT TO AN'l ~ORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD fNSPECTORS THAT . _ Y. E NECESSARY IN ORDER TO ;;;>};. '.. ::~ . ~\~~~PTH ALL APPLICABL&£(1Qii8e County :.~. . BulldJng and Zoning Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pieree, FL 34982 561-462-1553 ~OI:~RACTOR COpy . ./ - .. I .~.l~ S'f, ~UOt_ e01JN1V SlJllD/NfJ DIVISION RIVIIW ~ FOR C II ReViEWED BY _DATE P N AN P RMIT N MUST BE '<ePT ON .)OB OR o INSPEC7"ION WILL Be MADe Design CertilieaUon for Wind Load CompJiaDc:e , This Ccnificati01l is to be çompleted by the project design ~bI&eet or eagiaeer. This Certi&ïation must be submitted with aU appJications for buiJdiag penDÍ1I inwJviDg the CODStrudÍoo of new midence (single or muIti- family), residential addition, any acceuory SIrodure requiring . baiIdin¡ permÍt, and any DOnresideotiaJ structure. This Certifiçation shaD Dot apply to interior renovations (provided that DO stmctmal walls, columns or other similar COIDpOIIWt ìs being effected) IIDd certain other DÚnOr building pennits. For further assistance,- please con1aÇt b ~uiJding Inspection Office at 46~lSS3 or 462-2172. Pro ect Name Street Address . It-=~~.~' '" ""....".... ."'rll' Cel1lflcatlOD Statement: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, these plans and specifications have been designed to comply with the applicable structural portion of the Building Codes CUIIeDtly adopted and enforced by Sl Lucie County. I aJso certify that structmal elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. . DeåIm b!!meten and AallD!RtIou Used: (please check or complete the appropriate box.) 1. Plorlda Building Code 2001 Edition ..,¡ ASCE 7-98 2. BuDding Desip is (cheek oDe) Enclosed:1!....- PartiaDy ED~losed ----+-- OpeD Building _ J. BoDdlag Height: .#i ~~ 4. WiDd Speed Used ÎD Building D~sip: tog Q 3 secoDd gust s. WInd Exposure CIass.ifIcatlon (refer to eIpOlllJ'e tabla In BuDdiJIt Code !dentUled In Li.e #1)~ & 6.. A venae Wind Velodty Pressure on Enerior Faces of Structure .;..~. :_1 PSF 7. Peak WiDd Velocity Pressure on Estenor Faces of Structure ..-I? € Or ¿" PSF 8. ImportaDce/Use Factor (obtalll from BallcUIIg Code): ,~ I ~ 9. Loads: Floor PSF Roof/dead 17 PSF RoofllIve z,c::Þ PSF 10. Were Sbear Walls Considered for Structure (cbeckone): Yes NA No _CifNo, attach RplaudoD) 11. Is a Continuous Load Path Provided (check oDe): Yes1:!.A.-No _ (ifNo,attaeh e:lplanadoD) 12. Are Component and Cladding Detall Provided (cbeckoDe): Yes X- No ____...:.JifNo, attach explanation) 13. MbÌimwn SoD Bearing Pressure: N h PSF As wjtnessed by my seal, I hereby certify that the information iDduded with this certlftcatloD is true aDd correct, to,the best army knowledge and belief. Nam~: _H-A(l..J) e\{ ~Oe. H¡JI!Jf SLCCD Design Firm: ~ONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ,\RE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF rME GONTR~CTOR OF RECORD Certification #: f 2. 3 2 B g I Date: rý f~ 4- · May. 3. 200 7 1 0 : 04 AM No.5541 P. 5 BoiJding InspectioDs 2300 Vir&iDi..Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Phon, (772) 4~2-1553 Fax (772) 462-1735 3/30/07 Reference: EXPIRED PERMITS To ~On1 It ~y Concern: . OUR STAFF IS WORKING ON EXPIRED PERMITS. ENCLOSED IS A LIST OF EXPIRED PERMITS JHA T NEED.TO BE TAKEN CARE AS SOON AS ~SSIBLE. rHB O~'S THÅTNEED A DRY.:.IN INSPEC1}ON AND HOT MO~ WE HAVE AN AFFIDA VIr THAT WILL ~ED TO BE SIGNED BY BOrn HOMEOWNER AND 'C.ONTRACTOR IF YOU'RE UNABLE TO CONTACT H01\ŒOWNER AN : ~~~E~·~~R WiLL BE REQUIRED. tHËFEE'S WILL B~ WAIVED ON THE PERMITS PRIOR TO APRIL 1,2005.. , AFTER niAT DATE, THE REN~WAL.FEE IS $SO.QO FOR A 90 EXTSNSION. YOU HAVE 7 TO 1 0 DAYS FROM THIS NOTICE TO RESPOND TO US AND YOU . HAVE30DAYSTOSCHEDULB. IF YOU HA VB ANY OF YOUR CUSTOMERS THAT DID NOT DO THE WORK AND' THEY CANCELED WITH YOU WE NEED S01dETHfNG IN WRITING TIIAT YOU ARE ASKING TO VOID O,UT THESE PERMITS. \VB NEED A LEITER IN . 'W!UTING TO RENEW PERMITS, ALONG WITH A PAYMENT, WE HA VB A CiŒDIT cARt> AUlHORlZATION FORM THAT CAN BE FAXED TO US OR CAN BE PAY BrCHECK MADE OUT TO ST LUCIE COUNTY OR CASH. I I j , J . , F~URJ; TO COMPY WIL~ RE'SULT IN THESE'PERMITS BEING TI1RNED OVER TO CONTMCTOR LICENSING DEP ARTMENT- . . IF YOU HA VB ANY QUESTIONS~ ~LE~SE CALL tyffi A:r 772462-$26] Th'ånk· you, lQRIE .GERSTEMEIER B.~iÎd~nQ·T~h II .. .'", ¡' · May. 3. 2007 10:05AM No.5541 P. 6 .?if~.~ Çode Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 482-1553 Fax: (772) Outstanding Permits by Contract. Name ARTHUR NEWMAN Contractor Number 21968 Date Prfnted: March 27, 2007 Pennit ., 0412-1241 .þ) Pennlt Type Roof ApplÎcatlon Type Status Over the Counter ~err Expired Address ., 9425 Street Name Unft9 MEADOWOOD ...a.~·1 ~ -, - ." ;,~'J,\,~,_-,.: -. , - "7 ~-: " -: . . ~ ". ./'P' . ..:.:_ , - -~ .--.-. ... ..-.. ·1 I ..... BELFOR .¡ PRO PER T Y R E SiT 0 RAT ION May 3,2007 Lorie Gerstemeier Building Tech II St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Re: Meadowood Golf & Tennis Club a.k.a. Panther Woods Country Club Hurricane repair - roof replacement Permit # SLC-0412-1241 Dear Lorie: We received your correspondence dated 3/30/07 regarding the captioned matter. Your letter suggests that this permit has expired or remains open in your system. Please know that the roof replacement was completed and final inspections were conducted. This work was completed in early 2005 prior to the club re-opening. I have attached a copy of the St. Lucie County "Inspection Card" which shows the final inspection signed off on 2/2/05. Would you please acknowledge receipt of this correspondcnce and your concurrence that the referenced permit has been satisfactorily closed. Please call me with any questions or for further information. I can be reached during business hours @ (800) 922-3848. Sincerely RECEIVED MAY 0 7 2007 PERr\¡1ITTiNG St. Lucie County, FL BELFORUSA 79 Cuyahoga Falls Industrial Parkway, Peninsula, OH 44264 · 800.922.3848 . ph: 330.916.6468 . fx: 330.916.6Ú70 24/7 emergency hotline 800.856,3333 · www.belforusa.com ;;g4~t1~~Ä Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1168 INSPECTION CARD Page 1 Permit #: SLC- 0412-1241 Cont #: 3072 Type: Roof Issued: Insp Area: Master Nbr.: Job Location: 9425 MEADOWOOD DR City: FORT PIERCE Jurisdiction: St. Lucie County Lot: Block: Subdiv: Monte Carlo Country Club Unit 3 Parcel: 1327 -701-0005-000/4 Owner: Meadowood Golf and Tennis Club Project: Job Description: REPLACE EXISTING ROOF W/STANDING SEAM ROOF - 22240 SF - 5.13/12P Flood: Elev: Flood Map: Appl Name: ARTHUR NEWMAN Contact Phone: ( ) - Appl Type: Double Fee: No Contractor Name: ARTHUR NEWMAN BELFOR USA GROUP INC Cert Number: 21966 Business Name: Setbacks Left: Right: Front: Rear: SUB-PERMITS Permit # Status PT Cert # DBA Job Description INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (772) 462-1261 Rea Descriction Pr Date Res 136 Roof Dry-inlTin Tab o Descr~ption Pending InSD 19' Date 136 Roof Dry-in/Tin Tab o Pending ~_....."'~" . . f/.·} . /~"4) ~J . Comments: 19 Comments: 600 Product Certification 0 Pending ~ 9 "t ~ ~ ./ L Comments: DRY-IN ROOF WILL BE DONE IN 2 STEPS BECAU F SIZE ~OOF --C\ 999 Final Inspection 2 0 Pending c:Y 2. - l. - 5 (y Comments: ,~/ CONTRJ'CTOR COpy -)I.J,~ (J L ~'f; LUC': ~ êOLJNiV BUII..DINQ DIVISION REVIBW' · FOR C ,. - REVIE'I{ED BY . DATE PLAN AN P RMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NO INS. PE~""'lON WILL ~ BE MADE Design Certification for Wind Load Compliance This Certification is to be completed by the project design arc,hitect or engineer. This Certification must be submitted with all applications for building permits involving the construction of new residence (single or multi- family), residential addition, any accessory structure requiring a building permIt, and any nonresidential structure. This Certification shall not apply to interior renovations (provided that no structural walls, columns or other similar component is being effected) and certain other minor building permits. For further assistance, please contact the Building Inspection Office at 462-1553 or 462-2172. ~ ;~<;. <- ~ '':~~\ '~. .,f .2-..., '.. ~.. _A "~.,d. , '. ~ <:<C'. '. ,.. ~4 :~',: _', I;V~·I~··'··· ~w' . <:' ~. {~t~t~~ THESE PLANS ANn ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECl . ~ ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT . MA~{8E NECESSARY IN ORDER TO .:;', >:' ,.. . r. . "'"'.:~ '"ITH ALL APPLICABLS£ClLìiSe County ··t Building and Zoning Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 561-462-1553 Pro·ect Name Street Address Certification Statement: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, these plans and specifications have been designed to comply with the applicable structural portion of the Building Codes currently adopted and enforced by S1. Lucie County. I also certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. Desi2n Parameters and Assumptions Used: (please check or complete the appropriate box.) 1. Florida BuDding Code 2001 Edition 'Ii ASCE 7-98 2. Building Design is (check one) Enclosed ~ Partially En~losed ~ Open Building _ 3. Building Height: 4-5: p--r 4. Wind Speed Used in BuDding Désign: t~ 0 3 second gust 5. Wind Exposure Classification (refer to exposure tables in Building Code identified in Line #1): B 6. Average Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure .; a.b :1 PSF 7. Peak Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of Structure - Î 5' r tp PSF 8. Importance/Use Factor (obtain from Building Code): I,,~ 9. Loads: Floor PSF Roof/dead /7 PSF Roofllive z.(!;) PSF 10. Were Shear Walls Considered for Structure (check one): Yes tJA No _(if No, attach explanation) 11. Is a Continuous Load Path Provided (check one): Yes ~ No _ (if No, attach explanation) 12. Are Component and Cladding Detail Provided (check one): Yes X.- No _(if No, attach explanation) 13. 'Min'imum Soil Bearing Pressure: N Æ PSF As witnessed by my seal, I hereby certify that the information iDcluded with this certification is true and correct, to, the best of my knowledge and belief. Design Finn: :"OfWEALED Ft,STENERS OR ATTACHMEHiS A ì,] t- rt'! J r~ l¡ C ~ ~} (ì ~.J ~ ! ~i ¡ L ["11\1 0 b Tn F .' \ h r: ! r ¡ L ('1 h, ~l_¡ i -j ! t V I ~~ : . ,4 . i 1~.1 RE(~Of{D Certification #: Pe. 3 2831 Date: I~/~ 4- Nàme: J+ARve\( ~Of;H}JtJ,1 BuiJding Inspections 2300 Virginia.Ave Fort PierceJ FL 34982 Phon~ (772) 462-1553 Fax (772) 462-1735 .3/30/07 Reference: EXPIRED PERMITS To \\!horn It M{lY Concern: \ OUR STAFF IS WORKING ON EXPIRED PERMITS. ENCLOSED IS A LIST OF EXPIRED PERMITS THAT NEED .TO BE TAKEN CARE AS SOON AS I>,OSSIBLE. THE O~E'S THAT NEED A DRY.:.IN INSPEC~ION AND HOT MOP WE HAVE AN AFFIDA VIT THAT WILL NEED TO BE SIGNED BY BOTH HOMEOWNER AND .. ÇQNTRACTOR. IF YOµ'RE UNABLE TO CONTACT HOMEOWNER AN . ~NGINEER LETTER WILL BE REQUIRED. THE FEE'S WILL BE WAIVED ON THE PERMITS PRIOR TO APRIL 1,2005. AFTER THAT DATE, THE RENEWAL. FEE IS $50.QO FOR A 90 EXTENSION. YOU . HAVE 7 TO 1 0 DAYS FROM THIS NOTICE TO RESPOND TO US AND YOU HAVE30DAYSTOSCHEDULE. IF YOU HAVE ANY OF YOUR CUSTOMERS THAT DID NOT DO THE WORK AND THEY CANCELED WITH YOU WE NEED SOMETHING IN WRITING THAT YOU ARE ASKING TO VOID OUT THESE PERMITS. WE NEED A LETTER IN . Wl{fTING TO RENEW PERMITS, ALONG WITH A PAYMENT, WE HAVE A CREDIT cARD AUTHORlZA TrON FORM THAT CAN BE FAXED TO US OR CAN BE PAY BY CHECK MADE OUT TO ST LUCIE COUNTY OR CASH. FAILURE TO CaMPY WILL RESULT IN THESE PERMITS BEING TURNED OVER TO CONTRACTOR LICENSING DEPARTMENT.. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL ME AT 772-462-$261 Thank" you, LO~IE .GERSTEMEIER Build~ngT~ch I1 .?Ãf~~~ Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462..1553 Fax: (772) Outstanding Permits by Contract« Name ARTHUR NEWMAN Contractor Number 21966 Date Printed: March 27, 2007 Permit # 0412-1241 ftJ Permit Type Roof Application Type Status Over the Counter ~err Expired Address # 9425 Street Name Units MEADOWOOD ....pt\~\ ~ ,-", lImææelifiit!1