HomeMy WebLinkAbout04122091 I Date: /~ ~ ¿} /. rr ~ Fee Due: si5 'O¿' . , I Rec~ipt# Vqd~ ,. ~ Permit # 6'1 I a -¿}Ð91f . St. Lucie County Building & Zoning 1) 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982-5652 C· 1) Tel. 56] -462-] 553 . ,. .'C.-- SPECIAL TY PERMIT APPLICATION Qx;t ~,;J ~ o Electrical o Shed o Plumbing o Demolition o HVAC o Gas ~ence o Siding See page 2/or instructions and additional paperwork required/or specialty permits 1. Location/Site Address: 75ó 2; /1l rrtÆ.mCt,v Av£ H/ f¡e/U-- H (3v'C¡S--¡ 2. Parcel ID Number: /'101./ (¡;;O 1·../ oc> 7t) - 0 (JOllY 3. Office Use Only '·~e./ 4. owners.J;0rIfa:, /J ,.1 ~ : Name: t<O!JeC.-r ~(/l5 Address: 7.5'83 (/Jrra /nay AYe- City: r Ir P ieðlv State: Ú Zip: 3 «7 5'1 Phone: /.7? j ft;~., 6. Value of Construction: $ ;¡ ~ÓrPO .., 5. Contractors Information FL Reg/Cert #: . (}<.o-nlA) County Cert#: Business Name: Phone Fax OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the information contained in this application is correct and that t ork wi)1 be done ~ oi"b:;liC71ï ¡p;~:le laws regulating cZ~onl a zO?l~ ~ / PRINT QUALIFIERS/OWNERS NAME \.. ¡J _. \ SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIER/OWNER STATEOFFLORIDA,COUNTYOF ~'.7~ ACKNOWLEDGEDBEFOREMETHIS ~I DAYOF C(!} 2~BY 120~ .{JD¡¿rl~HOISPERSONALLYKNOWNTOMEORWHOHASPRODUCED (~... 1/ - AS IDENTIFICATION. 4-.:S~ I ì S' Sr..¡70rð ~J. I'I./~ A~:75 · I-UlrY)PÞerilseaJ) t"L- -VPEORPRINTNAMEOFYOTARY / TITLE: NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSION NUMBER "~~~';~~?,, AUDREY B. HUMPHREY ~:rå'~'r~ MY ~OMMIS~ION # DO 190387 -:'~·~~$i tXPIRES. March 6, 2007 ",7i"ê¡f.~~~" Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwr~ers S1. Lucie County Specialty Pennit Application rev. 8/25/05 dmg . - . . . ... . St~ Lude County Buil( · & Zoning Department . . ~ ~ J()··.Virginiâ- ~.venµe . Fort Pierce,FJorid·a 34982 (772 )462-1 ~·53 O\\'1\ERlBl'ILDER AFFIDAVIT DISCLOSURE STA TE~IE~T F.S. 489.103 (7) EXEl\1PTIONS State law-requires construction to be done by licensed contractors. You have applied for a permit under an exemption to that law. The exemption allows you.. as the owner of your property. to act as your own contractor even though you do not have a license. You must provide direct. on-site supervision of the construction yours~lf. You may build or improve farm outbuildings. a one-family or two-family residence or a commercial building at a cost of under $:!5;OOO.OO. The building or residence must be for your own occupancy. It may not be built or substantially improved for sale or lelse. If you sell or lease a building you have built or substantially improved your self within one year after the construction is complete. the law wil1 presume that you built or substantia))y improved it for sale or lease. which is a violation of this exemption. You may not hire an unlicensed person to act as your contractor or to supervise people working on your building; it is your responsibility to make sure that people employed by you have licenses required by st:lte law and by county or municipal licensing ordinances. You may not delegate the responsibility for supervising work to a licensed contractor who is not licensed to perform the work being done. Any person working on your building who is not licensed must work under your direct supervision and must be employed by you. which means that you must deduct F.I.C.A. and withholding tax and provide workers' compensation for that employee. all as prescribed by law. Your construction must comply with all appIica I ws. ordinances" building codes, and zoning regulations. Initial I understand that the building official and inspectors are not there to design or give advice on h~eet the minimum code.. Initial ] understand that as an owner-builder that any contract disputes v.rith sub-contractors and I must be handled in a civil court with the advice of an attorney. This department will not mitigate any contract disput~~. f{ff . J Dltla) 1 understand that if I compensate any person or company for work performed they are required to be licensed in this jurisdiction. If for some reason they do not possess a license, I may be responsible and lia r the cost of the license. Initial I understand that if any person that is unlicensed and uninsured gets injured on my construction project- they may be entitled to ,,'orkmen's C...ompensation. I could be held liable for all doctor. lawyèr and related~.l cost. which could include loss of W:1.9P.S during recovery from their injury. Initial. ._ . To qualify for this exemption under this subsection. an owner must personally appear and sign the buildl.1~ permit application and initial the above. J hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the above disclosure statement and that I further understand that any violation of the terms of the ownerlbuilder exemption shall be reported by the Building and Zoni ng Department to thh~~rida State. Department of Professional Regulation. Signed and acknowled on this ~ day of Z/r&r:Ln-.... vof:!O~. I ch. A... /.... 1: A /'/ STATE OFFLORIDA~ l I · COl'~TY OF ~.~ T fore!!o¡n~ in~ rument ,w~s ac:knowled~ed before me this c:Þ1 day of (;}J~V . '20_i'G by - - (. (f\lS ~'ho is personally known to me or who has produced F ,,-. 1> e... (" ( ~ ~J5 identification. :;§ Type or ~~~~tary$· Ik(y}P~J 1- i ~ 1 è: ~,~' -.. t :17' \ P l! ~ ìi ,-" Com m J S S ion !' u m be r ':''$~Af.\\¡:~~~ ~*/ .:*~ . . . . ;~~·...·o~W , ',,9r..~~\,,, AUDREY B. HUMPHREY ~;1Y COMMISSION # DO 190387 EXPIRES: March 6, 2007 !30nded Thru Notary Public Underwriters ~4~~~.> Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-2522 http://stlucieco.gov/ce Building Receipt Date: 21 December 2006 Receipt #: 0000049261 Job Address: 7503 MIRAMAR AVE 'ermit Number: SLC- 0412-2091 Received By: humphreya Amount: $50.00 Paid With: CK :redit Card Number: Check Number: 4067 Paid By: ROBERT ADKINS Sign: Robert Adkins 7503 Miramar Ave, Fort Pierce Fl. 34951 772-466-3542 772-519-1364 Case # 49801 Permit # 0412-2091 Mr. Grim, Maiga Auguste, informed me that the contractor who pulled the permit and built the fence on my property never called for a fmal inspection. Permit # 04122091, case # 49801. I would like to change the contractor to myself for the purpose of speeding things up. I believe that they are no longer building fences and probably would not be very co- operative. They got into the fence business after two hurricanes and I believe have moved on now. I understand that I would be responsible for any code problems, although I don't expect any. At this time I would like to ask for fmal inspection as well. Thank You, Bob Adkins ?~~ ('e11 ec-,) e;C f? /rejJ,VpeTm;f.; r /í? /i /}/ / ¡-q~' ~{ (