HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit AppAIIAPPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR Date.3117l2020 APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Pcrmrt Numbcr: ffisNi.{trs$!$sffi wsffi $$slp Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulotion Division 2)C0 Virginia Ave nue, f:ort Pierce tL 34982 Phonc: (112) 462-1553 Fax: (7721 462'1578 Building Permit Application Commercial Residentia I , prRMlrrYPE'Electric - Residential Ll_89 P_o! E? | ryr PRg! E \tEII rgSArLQl!_I Address: 5857 Dream Court propcrtv I ax tD y. 3410"507-0041-000-3 Lot No. Sitc Plan Narnc:Block No. Drrrinrl [\iemn'Whalen Residence I orrnuro DESCRTPTToN oF woRK:L**___ Relocaie 30 circuit 150amp panel. Move panel from kitchen to dining room wall. lnslall ncw rcceptaclcs, (2) locations l.t_:ONSTRUCTION INFORMATION ;I_l Additional work tcl bc pcrformed unde r this pcrmit - r:heck all that apply: _*Mcchanrcal Eicctric _* Gas'Ianl< * Plumbing __ Gas Piping _ Sprinklers _ Shutters __ Windows/Doors _ Generator ._- Roof _=_ Pitch ior.'rl Sn f-l of Concrrrrction:Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction' S ?,11!"9,9-9- Utilitics: .-- Se wcr - Scptic Building Height: CONTRACTOR: 5131np Francine Whalen i Namc: Kent Blosser Addr css; 551 0 l?airttrcc Trail Com pa ny : Blosser Elcg[iq r^it,r. Ft. Pierce*''t' _Statc:Addre ss; P.O Box 7305 Zip codc: 1199? _--- Fax: phone y1o.7 7 2-323-1 1 1 4 1^;1,,. Porl Saint Lucie trlSIate:' - Zip codc: -11-el!Fa x: E-Mail:phone p6 772-33'i -0055 Fill in fee simple Title l{older on next page ( if different from the 0wner listed above) E-Ma il rrrblosser@gnrail.com State or County License-fc1t9gf70 lf value of construction is 52500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. lf value of HVAC is 57,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Comrnencement is required. t ZiP'. Phonc JLorE' i Zip: __ phone : --- I I I rEr stvtplE rlrLE H0LDER; -- rvot nf piil.nr" I aorvorrvCcorvrFnrrrv; - - -. - N; A;;[Jl.''--],Nl rmn l-.I r!drrr.-.-_ lNamc:__ 6.y"*:*forrrrnl-ron nirrovri, nop i.u, on , n.,"on.ro" i" "0,1,. ;;;;, ," J.,r," *",r r"J .r,r,r;,";;;;J.;;;;-I certify that no work or installation has conrmenced prior to thc issuancc of a pcrmii SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORIVIATION: bTsiG N E [/TN61N i fn: ---*-=__ N otAp p tr.r n r. - MORTGAGE COMPANY: Namc: Not Applicable STA'TE OF FLO}TIDA couNry oF ____ _ _S'Lf.uje Thc forgoing instrument was acknowledged before methis 18 day of tYlOfCh_ zdeCl ov (Signaiure of I'Jotar / pub TA]ION St' Lucic countv makes no representation that is granting a permit will a,uthorizc thc pcrmit holder to build the subjecr strucrurewlricl't is in conflict with any.9'ppllcatj.le ttomc:owfie rs Aslotiaiioniuiei, oyraws or and covcnants that may restri* cjr prohibit suchstructure. Plcase consult with your Homc owners AssoCiaiion rna'ievi6w'voiiioeeo'roi-anii'iestrictions which mav applv. ln consideration of the granting of this requested permit, ldo hcreby agree that lwill, in ail respccts, perform the worktn accordance with the approved plans, the l:lorida Building Codes andit. Lucie couniyAmendments. ihc following building pcrmit applicaticlns are cxe mpt from undergoing a full concurr0ncy revicw: room additic.lns,accessory structurcs, swimming pools, fence-'s, walls, signs, screen rooms and acccssory uses to anc.lther non-residential use "WARhIING TO OWNER: YOUN FAILUNE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEM Y RESULT IN YOUR PAYTNC POSTED qJ'TTHE)OB SITE BEFONE THE FIRST INSPECTION. tF YOU MUST BE RECOROED AND IYITH R LE}DEN OR AN ATT Y BEFORE TTECORDINC Y ANCtNc, CONSULT (ENT-', Signaturt of Contractor/Lice nsc fJolder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY 0r St. \ r rc_re Ihe forgoing instrumcnt was acl<nowledged before me this l8___ day of . .trlo*,f.elr _ _ , zo]eo nv {er* $fs=er__ Namc of person making statcrxcnt. Personally Known - I/ _ OR procjuced ldcntiiicar jon Type of ldcrrtification Produccd Corn m issi RFVIEW oATL. _' 8!CE rviD DA II r"oN{PL.tTIn Rcv.2/7 /LLt j couNlER 1' ZONIN]G SUPt-RVISOR Rt-VILW i RFVIEW I l SEA I-URTLE REVIEW MANGROVT I REVITW t----- I I -.i.-., 't I -l I xn * __!!98ry!ub!lc stotc of Frof$6a | )TF --Sut€tte-RilctiE f -i t'rtv Commission GG 135736 jd einir"s 12t1z'?021 l(ent h'tc...=ar Nanrc of pcrson mal<ing statcrnent. Pcrsonally Known - ,f_ OR produced ldentification Type of ldcntif ication P rod u ccd i Rt,.VIEW I