HomeMy WebLinkAbout06020574 ..../ ~ /2 hi....·.·..~..·.·..,' >."...'i.i. )"....ii<.. 4'41,,:..;,;;.);,,2' . '. ~"'. ",. . '.', -' .' ,- '. , -, . . " . - . , . , . ., ." " .~ .' "". '-', . " "",-, ,- , '. '.' This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of S1. Lucie County regulating building construction or use. For the following: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY I Building Penn it No. - 0602-0574 Parcel/Folio Nbr: 3402-608-0 127-000/5 Lot # ] I Block: 42 Subdivision: Indian River Estates Unit 7 Occupancy: Residential.. 1 & 2 family dwelJings Building Address: 4906 SEAGRAPE DR Legal Description:TNDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT 07 BLK 42 LOT II Permit Job CONSTRUCT SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Description J Permit Finaled: 06/20/2007 Contractor NEWMAN JAMES W JWN CONSTRUCTION INC 1036 NE JENSEN BEACH BL VD JENSEN BEACH, FL 34957 (772) 232-1744 ~~~~: I~I.. ~--= Christopher Lestrange Building Official Wednesday, June 20,2007 .Date Printed NOTE: This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named, for building at the above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant will abide by and comply with all the conditions of the Zoning Ordinances and all Ordinances or Building Codes of Saint Lucie County pertaining to the erection, construction or remodeling of buildings or structures. This also certifies that the electrical wiring and/or equipment, and the plumbing work have been inspected and approved. The issuance of this Certificate grants permission to occupy and use the property described herein only for the use indicated. Any change in use will requ i re anew Cel1i fi eate of Oceu pan ey . , POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE UUI LUI LUUt U~.~~ '\oJU.L....,~....J....J'-'UL I M'-AL.. TERMITE PRETREAT SPECIALISTS BII.PRE. TREAT (]¡J-ttt);oz-osJi !!!;!ILIGENT TermÏblPl1dreat.com Notice of PrevllJSJIilment for Term: u..n.. JBM4I5 (~requjred by Florida Buildiag Code (FBC) J04.2.6 end BtOWArd County Chapter FBC Æ.-r PRfNl!NTION I LAWN A ORNAMENTAL CARE I T&IUIITE SERVICES I 0 ABATEMENT . AODSlr & NUtGANCII WlLDIJÆ EXCLU.ION . REMOVAL _..r-~~----- ------.. --'---.."",_ "~'-_ ('ÍJ II J GE N_i~") \~. L ;'J I,~.,., . J"cf p~?:..- t (; ì)rt f r'£"! // '~ --~.-._~ ""-~__~--r-~.....r.r- seRVICE ORDER NJM81A SERVICE DATE TIMe ~ ~UNNY CJ CLOUDV DEVELOPMENT NAME (PROJECT) s COUNTY ~TIII!Mt~ C flOATING [) MONOUTHIC a CUTOUTS 0 FOOTERS Q PAllO Q FRONT ENTRY o GARAGe Q DRIVEWAY 0 S1EM WALL Q EXTERIOR PERIMITEA FOR RENEWAL CJ OTHER C ADDmON ~~1YPI! CJ TAMP & TREAT j CJ ~AeAT ONLY ~Al (J RETREAT o 80M CAÆ TREATMENT [) BAIT STATION !I1QI1IHa Q BASEUNe ~BUIlD TC C) DAAGNET a DEMON TO Q TERMIDOR rc IJ BORACARE 0 OTH!A ACTIVE INGREDIENT CONeSNTJIATIQII o .08" Q .12" ~2S" Q,5~ Q .23% tJ 0THeR--- GAlLONS APPLIED ......... ~ '-'0 pea"', I'" ~ -:';'-;-š ~ ., .11 #/.. l' IJ .. ..~.. /...t.øo ~\~\ ~ I( t'\\ · . . . ,.". : : .~\~ ~.~. \ ~Q"~ 0 R \ ~...:., ..- .. --........ .- .... 'tr .... -......... ~1!0JlIME z... SO JIðU--š FððTM& ~ f!QOT,taI:~ ~ ONO o MEASURED OR VEAI'IID PER PlANS ~ MØ!JX- JOB RI!.ADX..(2OIIDtnðNA ..,. CNO DETAILS As per 1 04~.e FBC - If 8011 ChemiCal banter 1TIIIthod for tenntte prevøntion IS used. FInal exterior tre8tment {thall be cornpIeIed prIOr to final building approval. Cerdr~ of CcJrnpIIInc« The bulking hr&8 t8CeIVed " compIet& ~ for'th8 pnMWItlOn of _ tfJrrnites. TlMtmønt Is In IICCOftJInQt with ruIe& and laWIestlbhhed by the Florida DepøI1ment of ~ and Con&unw SeMoø. (Per the ~ Code.) If this noIce 18 tot trIO ...... $CtI!rIor tr8êtment. initial ~ date thi$ h ~ ~.s; I> ~ MONITOR INSTALLED a YES a NO) ANAL 81ICKQ o ELECfAlCAl PANEL ~An;A HEATER 011-tÐl ........... _.,.,.....In fill Ja dUe . dme or InH181 MrVIoe. CutdønMw 8IfM' ... . .... 0hIIge In the 8IIIOIR1t of 1_ ..., 8111M11 .. be .IUIl ..d on II unpIIId b8IIInOM.... .. lICIt......,..,. ~ till due.... In" event. caII8ctIDn PI\'OISI ~ MtJ...-ytol8ClMW.. WIJMIId ... the ... wII be "'1'1_ ......... Itut nGt ImIIIMI to: collection"""" fee. ~ ,.., ........ ct-veø ... _ fImcI8 fee. .. be .. with eny colectlan pnJC8M. f-b D8ht ~ . ___ .._..~.~.~ @ S. .. Corporate 3100 NW Boca Raton elvd. I Suite 106 I Boca Raton. Florida 33431 1 8CJO..œ7.819O ?nn7_n~?n nQ·~ DILIGENT ENVIRO 5613935882 SOO-DILIGENT SOODiligent.com Page 1