HomeMy WebLinkAbout06050223 ".' U N \ 5 I 2 G (; 7 ; 0 : 2 6 A ~~ J~ 0, 1 2 () r--¡ ~ '"' REC El~J},:'r_'>'; rã), \ \ tß y ~-~:~;:.:- ...: ....;.. .:::.:=:~:.. .. ...; ,. ,$ HULETT 'ea....¡.-.za~1 ~eM Pre-Construction Termite Treatment 1 a.800-28S- 7378 t , ~ Property Information Treatment Date It> \ 4 \ 01 Time _~ pro. Build erl C ontJ"actor Ob05-6~~ 1 Lot Block -----A I Ii- ¡ Her ÓJl1fit !\Tamc of Builder S1Jbdivision ~Tan1e l\lCD-l\\\~' \"~\ùmDr.1 Street .~ddress (If knO\\!. . , fù(-t \)\U""C~ Ç1...~ Cil)' State Zip ~""""""~r....~_. _ She!] t;ontractot Ivl0JJolithi c CODstruCtiOtl Type ",/ Floating/Stcmwall ~6-_ Patio Entry ____. Drlvevlay ____ . OV;J'1.}er N'am.e (Ifkn~n) Product/Treatment Information Treatment Type: Underslab __ PatioJDrive-way _~ Final ~ Other Wood Treatment Product: Disodium Octaborate (Boracare ) ProbuÎld TC Cypermethrin ___ ~ Other ( &I,fw -- Ie/IYJe.;fhn!ï -. Concentration ' 7 M1xed Product AppIíed . I ijO Square Feet Treated Linear Feet Treated 15 D ~ If this box is checked, then Final Perimeter treatment has been completed and the following statement is applicable: Certificate of Compliance: Thîs building has received a cO'mplete treatment for the prevention of subtenranean termites. This treatment is in accordance with the rules and laws established by the Florida. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. 1òb~f gre~ ¡Applicator's Name (please print) .I£ê/di/;¿ Applicatorls Signature BES-rEO 19 R~.~ 05/06 ¡~·l1Ulètr ~&'Vironmentai Services Oroc6-ó~ ~ , I FINAL I . HULETT environmental services Corporate Center P.O. Box 220928, West Palm Beach, FL 33422-0928 1-800-285-PEST (7378) CERTIFICATION OF PREVENTIVE SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE TREATMENT Owner Lot Block Sub-Divison Street Address 4 7 0 0 - 4 718 MAGNUM DR C~ FORT PIERCE, FL 34981 ~J.1J.l]: ell 1t ßitrr DAVID MANN CONSTRUCTION, INC. Sub Contractor Bldg. # Date 10/02/06 Comments ACCOUNT #338850 During the term of your service agreement, any further treatment necessary due to infestation of subterranean termites (including Formosan Termites) will be performed free of charge. Any structural damage necessitating repairs (up to $1,000,000, see details on subterranean termite service agreement) that is caused by the subterranean termites (Reticulitermes flavipes, Reticulitermes virginicus, Reticulitermes hageni, Prohinotermes simplex, and Coptotermes formosanus-Formosan Termite) excluding Nasutitermes costalis (Tree Termite) will be paid for by Hulett Environmental Services. Hulett Environmental Services will annually reinspect the property only ~t your request. The service agreement term shall be one (1) year from the initial date of treatment. The homeowner shall have the option of extending the service agreement annually (after the first year) for no less than four (4) additional years with payment of annual renewal fee. Please contact our office for further details. Your agreement covers all materials, labor, and service needed to control an active infestation of subterranean termites including Formosan Termites. A service agreement holder can request consultation and advice concerning termites or other pests at no additional charge. This service agreement is transferable to the new owner should the property be sold. Hulett Environmental Services must be notified in writing of new ownership of the property. Your service agreement has a $0.00 deductible. Should you require any additional information, please contact our termite renewal department. This building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites. Treatment is in accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agri re and Consumer Services. CERTIFICATION SIGNED WWW.Dugs.com ©H~lett Environmental Services 2006 HES- pr002 01/06 Rev. 3 Jun 21 07 09:30a ~.~.~ :0~~.2~1 ~gJ.~? e8: 11 ~~: _. 7:~~~.~tp4~ ~~~_. _~:~~_~~ç INSPECTIONS I p.1 PAGE ; Bt./_~6 ---I (" '?-J ~6 ~~.~~ ~t..: .t..·~r.¡-~~~.:-;;:~-~~ . I . . Code CtlmpUap,œ Dlvls50n 2300 VI"."t. "wnw R.. Pierce. F1. 34!IZ Pt1ane: (771) ~·1S53 Fax: (772) .e2-11" htt.o:".t'ucirxo.GlrÞJJa! INSPECTION CARD Pørmit #: S L C" 0605-0223 Conf I: 773 Issued OS~1 0/2006 rnsp Area: Job Location 4700 ..-4718 MAGNUM DR Jurisdiction: St. Lucie COUMty PII rce I: 3408-600-0006-000/9 Owner: DAP Enterprises Inc Project: · Job De!lcription: NEW 1NOUSTRIAt. WAREHOUSE Type: B~lding Commercial Malter Nbr.: City: FORT prERCE lot; 2 810* Subdlv: MidwaV Indu&trfal Park Flood: X Double Fee: No Ehw: Flgod Map: 170,. Cont...ctør Property OvmtIr RITTER ALBERT J 764 SW PELICA.N CV DAP enterprises Inc 92.1 NW 3rd Ave AL RITTER CONSTRUCTION CO INC(772) 878-3955 PORT ST LUCIE, FL 34986 ( ) - P~þanJa Beaeh.Fl 3~~_~___...___~__. Setbacks Left 50.00 Right 44.00 Front 86.00 Rear: 79.00 ~~~.~~ ~~~ 6-7-200'? ~E'J!S!ON INSTAlLING SQUARE D ST;A.NO.A,RD OED 9W!T~~ ~0_A.~~ 6-7-2D07 OK PER KEN ARNOLD (søerls.,~ Vt:1'.1 r"r'd\':~r II T~n \.n.tITu 1.11""".' nc ca r'\.~~"'" 1""" '-l1li\"'"",.1"\ ^11.&. .. 10.." I~,". ~ ï..., '-I" ,-.. ii-' .. ~i~ j; '''''-.., ~.-'~.: ........--.\,. --- 0#.. ~,. . ~......t.\., -J\ ~L-t #,.... ·~I," l-.....~'-w'. r' ,.. 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