HomeMy WebLinkAbout06050361 ¡Jd:li (J1t:::C£-Q% I IlI$C ., I ¡fr . ~ J ,. '", ' __.;...¡¡Ti-T ... r. ':llbllO ~t~ Pre-Construction Tennite Treatm~t:.r·~ .j' . 1-800.285-7378 Property InformatiOQ T~altDate~-It/.-o7 'nmo B/a:J Lot -----:-- Block ~ Builder/Contractor R/~krd f ç tC: ~ NetØfJ otBuildcr ;k.\]tJI1-es &mbrCø. Subdivision ~a.me 7cflo -7t.1(Z an07erc.'~;' J~ Stre;t-tidre$s (If~ .p{-: H.erce, f-7 ð¢¥SJ City state Zj;p c:ß c-.-- ~ - Shen Contractor C~ctimJ.1YPe MonoHthic K. Floaíin,glStl3DW.U _ iPotio -- Entry ___ Driveway_ w- Owner N~ (Itk11own) ProductITreatment Information 'fieatment Type! Underslab _ PatiolDrivewa.y _ Final v - Other .----. Wood Treatment -.- Product¡ Di~Qdium Octaboratc (Boracare ) Other _ Frobuild TC Cypermethrin . V R~/,fY ! Wme:-/fJ r ( T\ MixedPioductApplied _..1.£ tj ~/s ' Linear Fe~t Treated II 0 Cœcentranon Square Peet Treated ..., ~f this box is checked then Final Perimeter treatment has been completed and the foJlowing statement is applicable: Certificate of Compliance: This building has received a complvtc trœtmCIlt for the prevention of subtemanéan termites. This treatment is in accordance with the roles and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. 70berf ßrew~ Applicaror's Naw.e (please print) .~~ Applîcator~s Signature HES- no 19 RoY 05(1)6 ,. I.., · 1 f\ /") f\ 11"'\.1 -"u\o\',... *-~....__ _""_,,,I ~ -_./ _ , _ IHI ¡ r r 1 r J ^ f\ 7 · fl· PlI " " <[cJT,\~ ØU~~i!!!Q WAlkER DE§iGN &. CONSTRUCTioN CO. ::;;:i-r ~~~u~ -< 7 ] ~ =-o~~~~~~~; =- =~ -=~~~...r- ~~~ GENERAl CONTRACTOR WEB PAGE walkerdesígnco.com Please Call (561) 998-0001 Immediately if you can't read FAX. FAX COVER SHEET Date: ~)fÞ'7 ~&)~~PP'dS ... PUblic, "'; . L....1.u '!\r····f -... 01. cÇ.~-:.,¡~·, . To: ATTN: FROM: C 1I¿¿r;.£ /Ø'tldK/ Job Name and Number: ~u~r L(/ø~~ ~ Number of Pages Including Cover Page ~- COMMENTSh .. i ¿Jd¿ -/?Z;e 1111 r..#- . ~ ~ /~Ø/T-7f ~/4/ÆVlS ¿J~~-93C2t? ð¡;,¿;~l""-' 0 3 ~ l CONFIDENTIAL The Ìnformatiort' contained in this message is intended for the use of the individual ot entity to which it is addressed, and may contain infonm1.tion which is privileged @d confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, )'QU ars: l1QÖ~ iliat any dissemination, or copying of this communication is strictly pX"ohibited. If you have received this communication in enoJ", please notify us immediately by telephone and retuJn the original messago to us at the address below via the United Stltes Postal Service. Thank You! THE ORlGIN.AL OF THIS TRANSMITIAL VfILL ~ WILL NOT , BE MAILED TO yOU. 66 ~O EAST ROc;£RS CiRcle 0 BOCA RATON, FloRidA' }487".2619 (561) 998,0001 (561) 998;()}79 FAX WWWII walkerdesignco. com