HomeMy WebLinkAbout06060612 ~.... (At;E¿iÄ"M..<k~¿*;.; ;::.::::;:.... .... ..:..·.::·(:·:~1tr!Mt~:t::t1::;;:·:fu;m·:;:·:¡;·¡::·fl:l:·m¡l:t:::::;:.:..··..: CERTI,FICATE OF OCCUPANCY This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of St. Lucie County regulating building construction or use. For the following: I Building Permit No. - 0606-0612 ParcellFolio Nbr: 2433-502-0002-000/1 Lot # 2 Block: Subdivision: Estates of Longwood Occupancy: Residential - 1 & 2 family dwellings Building Address: 3604 PROMENADE WAY tl Legal Description: ESTATES OF LONGWOOD LOT 2 r/j Permit Job CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 5/3 Description Permit Finaled: 06/15/2007 Contractor RICHARD A ADAMS III ABURTON HOMES INC 8000 S US HWY 1, STE 303 PORT ST LUCIE, FL 34952 (772) 336-4700 Christopher Lestrange Building Official Friday, June 15, 2007 Date Printed NOTE: This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named, for building at the above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant will abide by and comply with all the conditions of the Zoning Ordinances and all Ordinances or Building Codes of Saint Lucie County pertaining to the erection, c<?nstruction or remodeling of buildings or structures. This also certifies that the electrical wiring and/or equipment, and the plumbing work have been inspected and approved. The issuance of this Certificate grants permission to occupy and use the property described herein only for the use indicated. Any change in use will require a new Certificate of Occupancy. POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE RECEIVED I JUN 1 2 2007 ! LßY:. · .1G~~~i CERTMCA TE OF ,TERl\fiTE TREATMENT . CONSTRUCTION SOn., TREATMENT PEmvrr: # SLC. Dloetn-Õ{P, 12 JOB ADDRESS 3loD<1' Pr-DI7Jf>J'X)dL Way, ¡:'} I.~et'ce J._FL34~ BUILPER Certl .Ç~.eri .BU.I'ldl ~ CorJ.rø.~-k,r'" . PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR D:r¡'!G~T ENVIRONMEMTAL SERVICES, INC. r~"'''' PAGE 0 5 '~Lo\J---º-Z 04/12/2007 10:48 5613g35882 St Lucie County Inspections 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, FL'34982 (772) 46Z.2172 PEST CONTROL LICENSE # JB 145881 We,. the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above-described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control ~ociation.. Square feet of area treated: 2> -, 3 -l ' Chemicals used: 'P f D bu J "j d Percentage of solution: · 2 '5 c i ~ ' Total gallons used: 3 8û Date oftteatment: 'y Time of Treatment: 8:00 AM , , ft , 'J . ø ~ ~ ~ J"/l ~ ..,." e'N"r Np¿,' . .).'- ...\~I;;f.,1L. ~¡.~. ......... O~· ~ú~ ~ '.Q"' ~ 0 Q\ f? ~ .)0-......... ~ ~, ~ ~I ~,- ·",z '~: ,.. ~ · It.... r='" :: -l.'fi E·' :; 0 :: .; ~ ; E m :~ ... .. "- y", :: . '~ ~ r-, . S1gn .. . 0 r Ó 4· í' Q ,.....11'1 1J;.'tN ]V, J TE: ", :I.r'J.I ",........ There must be a completed form for each required treaiment or re-trea.t:rJfÆ1Pð.»Nthis form must be 017. the job site to be picked up by the in~peci;(rr aJ time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection wjll fail and a re..inspection fee charged. o Footing o 1 st Treatment I:J Re.l.treat 0- Sîãb - .'. o 1 st Treatment Q Re-treat o Driveway ; D 1st Trea1ment ORe-treat D Pools . I:J 1 st Treatment o Re-1reat o Other CJ lst'Treatment o 'Rewtreat [¡I Perimeter for Final Inspection FB Cl 04.2~6 Certijic~ of PrOtèctWll Treat:m.ent ler pre'Pention 01 termite,. Ä wt:athtr ~isttrnt job,.fi:te. portlng bDtJrd shall hI:! p1'Y:1VidM to r~cdJJ~ .. duplú::a:tt Trea1inent Certtficatu. as .eDi:1h requirad protective. trMtn'Ìent is . CòmpZ,1&Iþ prDV'idi11g D, t:Dpy for the. person the permtt is 'i.r~d to and anothtu copy for·the b7li1.din.g permit files. 1M TreatmcM Certificate ihaZl provide tM product use.d, id611ti1y olthe. appliétaó'r, tÏ:17'I4 and Il.atè of the. trßllt1tI.ent, site loca.tion, a.rea treated, cMmictll us~d.J perce1ù c()nc~ntration and'number ofgalÙJIU used, trJ esta.b.li.!:h a verifiable. record ofprotecti:ve treatment. .Jfthe. soil chðmical ba.rrier methodfi;r termite prevtntion t.r used, final e.rtuior tT~atmlm;t shtill bl! ctJ1T1pleted prior tc jiJu:l building approvaL . ... . St Lncle County requires fot the final inspèction for CO, it Permanent SticlÅ“r to be p1a~ on the e1ectrlcal panel 00% CtJ"ter, llsting ~ the treaàDents and dates or applications. . RcvisBd 6/13/02 tlmg