HomeMy WebLinkAbout06070097 TEflMI1'E PRETREAT SPECIALIST~ Þ Iii! 5LG 0607 - Oðf({ DILIGENT Environmental Services J66·PRE· TREAT aOO-DllIGENT FAX 800-837-8311 TermitePretreat.com State License JB94495 Notice of Preventative Treatment for Termites (as required by Florida Building Code (FBC) 104.2.6 and Broward County Chapter FBC 105.2.2) PEST PREVENTION I LAWN & ORNAMENTAL CARE I TERMITE SERVICES I MOSQUITO ABATEMENT I RODENT & NUISANCE WilDLIFE EXCLUSION & REMOVAL SERVICE ORDER NUMBER SERVICE DATE 2·~ .:1 ~~) 7 TIME DEVELOPMENT NAME (PROJECT) <,. STRUCTURE ADDRESS (LOT/BLOCK) ., crr~ STATE, ZIP CODE ~5¿ CONTACT PHONE NUMBER NOTES TREATMENT TYPE/AREA o FLOATING ~OLlTHIC o CUTOUTS o FOOTERS o PATIO o FRONT ENTRY o GARAGE o DRIVEWAY o EXTERIOR PERIMETER FOR RENEWAL 0 OTHE TREATMENT TYPE ~ o TAMP & TREAT Ia"fREA~ ONLY o FINAL o RETREAT o BORA CARE TREAMENT %~LD TC o DRAGNET o DEMON TC o TERMIDOR TC o BORACARE ACTIVE INGREDIENT ~~TRATlON .25% 0 .5% o .23% o OTHER _ GALLONS APPLIED SQUARE FOOTAGE lOll LINEAR FOOTAGE ~ FOOTAGE ~RIFIED ~ ES 0 NO o MEASURED OR VERIFIED PER PLANS ~y CONDITIONS NlET ES 0 NO DETAILS SAFETY CONDITIONS 'j"". '.... J L"> WEATHER CONDTIONS CONTACT PERSON COUNTY o STEM WALL o ADDITION o BAIT STATION FEB 2 7 2007 Public Works St. Lucie County, FL o OTHER Jð As per 104.2.6 FBC - If soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used. Final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. Certificate of Compliance: The building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites. Treatment is in accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. (Per the Florida Building Code.) If this notice is for the final exterior treatment, initial and date this line {TERMITE MONITOR INSTALLED 0 YES 0 NO} FINAL STICKER o ELECTRICAL PANEL o WATER HEATER OTHER Payment Terms: Customer's payment in full is due at time of initial service. Customer agrees that a finance charge in the amount of 180/0 per annum will be assessed on all unpaid balances that are not satisfied by the due date. In the event a collection process becomes necessary to recover an unpaid balance the following fees will be assessed including but not limited to: collection service fee, attorney's fee, finance charges and non-sufficient funds payment fee. Customer will be responsible for paying all costs associated with any collection process. pL,.' J J ?-S"~7 Date Applicator (Diligent Environmental Services, Inc.) Date Q--. NHO(' ~ Customer (Property Owner or Agent) a ~ - C.o!]) c.O\'q' Bt'ß Df.i:'; .4.~1CL1'OC\".: II (~ ,...~/ . ~ NAHB " ~ IÞI Corporate 3100 NW Boca Raton Blvd. I Suite 106 I Boca Raton, Florida 33431 I 800.487.8190 BOO-DiliGENT 800Diligent.com Ardaman & Associates, Inc. 460 NW Concourse Place, Unit #1 Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 (772) 878-0072 (0(í:..c1- O~ 3 '] ~3 ð~cr 7- DATE OF TEST: 1/24/07 rRl~c:;EIVE·DI IF__'_~ _..tf FIELD DENSITY REP¿RT ¡:>F 2 07 I I I ; / Œ.!,X~",~.;:;:. --- i ~i PROJECT: Kitterman Woods FILE NO.: 06-5586 SUBMITTED TO: The Construction Team & Development Group REPORT NO.: FD-210 (MAXIMUM DENSITY DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1557/MSHTO T-180) (FIELD DENSITY DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-2922/MSHTO T-238) , > ·····.··,/.'1 ..... , ......... ·..Ti'š' .:H ii'L' ~ .. ,,"':,;:~., '/";r .:. -~~ ....:.... Ma" ,····MóistlJre FJ'ld ~.:.? ¡?:;Ji .>~" Test I I.~ ~ i : n~ ¡n~¡hl attirrieof ··..··~¡n '''' .:1. J ;' ~~} ,;PJ "·1m·.··'!· ............ No. "'(16Îfflf testi(o/Ø)·. {16lf t~f ...... ;> , .J : Trash Compactor Building Slab Sub grade FS 1 West End of Slab 10.0 1 04.0 7.0 100.5 97 95 o to -1' 2 Center of Slab 10.0 104.0 8.7 100.3 96 95 o to -1' 3 East End of Slab 10.0 104.0 6.7 102.2 98 95 o to -1' Trash Compactor Building Footings F 4 East Footing 10.0 1 04.0 7.6 99.1 95 95 o to -1' 5 North Footing 10.0 1 04.0 6.9 102.0 98 95 o to -1 ' 6 South Footing 10.0 1 04.0 7.9 99.9 96 95 o to -1' 7 West Footing 10.0 1 04.0 7.1 99.8 96 95 o to -1' 8 Ramp Footing 10.0 1 04.0 7.0 100.4 97 95 o to -1' F-soil directly below subgrade; FS-soil under floor slab; GA-soil in general compacted area; PAV-soil below stabilized section; PSSG-stabilized subgrade; NSSG-non stabilized subgrade; RS-roadway subgrade; NG-natural ground; TOP-top of pipe; BOP-bottom of pipe; TOS - top of structure '-- AS MUTUAL PROTECTION TO OUR CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS AND AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. UJ (l) +-' E s.- ~ L.. ~p +-' C CD E +-' CO Q) s.- f- -- -- o (f) Port St. Lucie Suil 9 Department THIS FORM IS TO BE FILLED OUT BY PEST CONTROL COMPANY Certificate of Compliand£!CElvED [This is a partial treatment only and not a guarantee or warrantWN L. 1 20 PERMIT NUMBER: 060 7 --' QO c¡ 7 ~,,\I¡ PUbliC r ~~ ~ St. Luc' Còunty, FL LOCATION OF PROPERTY: ,~2Ç 'V'-('Ll'j{¿j~\'~ - LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION: BLOCK: LOT: CD ~ CO ~ tPEST CONTROL COMPANyl Hu Montague COMPANY OWNER - P ASE PRINT SIGNA TURE O~ DATE OF TREA M NT ~ C0\A ~~ CHEMICAL US ~ ; 0) CONCENTRATION 3[) GALLONS USED Liquid METHOD OF APPLICATION [Rodded, Soil Mixed, ETC.] ~~v.~OI LIN'EAR FOOTAGE OF AREA TREATED DATE President TITLE tSOIL TREATMENT COMPANY INFORMATION' Diligent Environmental Services Inc SOIL TREATMENT COMPANY NAME 3100 N.W. Boca Raton Blvd ADDRESS ~ SECOND TREATMENT INFORMATION I JB94495 SOIL TREATfv1ENT/DACS LICENSE # DATE OF TREATMENT CHEMICAL USED All work was done in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and in accordance with all State and federal laws governing pesticide application. A second treatment was done on as per manufacturer's specification. 1f the second treatmentJsnot required. a copy of the product label shall be included with this Certificate. CONCENTRA TION GALLONS USED Liquid METHOD OF APPLICATION [Rodded, Soil Mixed, ETC.] LINEAR FOOTAGE OF AREA TREATED Please Note: The City of Port St. Lucie does not guarantee or warranty the preconstruction soil treatment attested to in the above. The purpose of this document is to show that to the best of this Department's knowledge, the builder has satisfied the requirements of the Standard Building Code and the One and Two Family Dwelling Code for protection against termites This form must be returned to the Building Department before your final inspection is scheduled