HomeMy WebLinkAboutnotice of CommencementJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUC IE COUNTY FILE # 4684928 OR BOOK 4393 PAGE 1621, Recorded 03/09/2020 04:59:11 PM PiRM11 NUMBER. 161 d lU j _k The cnderslqrW hereby gives Renee that Improvement will be mads to otxia In real property, and In act+brdarrA with Chapter 713, Florlda Statutes, the fallaMng Iniormatlon Is Ixv ided in this Notice of Commenremml. 1..DESCR IanON OF PROMTY (twat dwIption of the proVfty & street 1 ditm, If atrdltaWe) TAX FaLJo NO.: 2421-605-0025-000-7 SItBDtVIS10N range Blossom Est 13L0CK_.±__TRACT,_LOT_ 2 Bu* ulirr� 2403 Melon Ct, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IFAMO1lEMEW: Replace Windows 3. 01Nli R INFORMATION OR LESSEE INFORMATION IF THE LESSEE CONTRACTED FOR TME IMPROVEMENT: �. dame � nd eddrefs: Cody Lynch 2403 Melon Ct Fort Pier .FL 34982 tL i11leresl to p(QPOV, Owner e~ Name and address of fee simple StleWdor or dufereN rmm OWiW h9ed above): 1. -8. CONTRACTOR'S NAME: THE HOME DEPOT t~or�4radGors address 6500 NW 12th Ave #`1111). Ft. LaUderdale, FL 33309 p Ps�ark ramose: 764.224-2010 S. SURETY Qf appllcabie, a ropy of the piymed bond Is snxNd); a. Name sod address; NIA b. Pt*ft ftmber; a AmwrA of tand: S 6. LENDER'S NAME: NIAS. LENDER'S tender's addrtsv b. Phone amr4 r: 7.: Persons within the State of Florida de3lgnMied by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (1) (a) 7.. Florida Statutes: a. Nark and iddress: b. KOM numbers, a des"t d pusonr 8. a. In addition to himself or herself, Owner designates of to receive a copy of the t_ienor's Noliee as provided in SeCtion 713.13 (1) (b), Floc! da Statutes b. Pnoft rmty of person or qty designated by Owner- 9., wner-9., Explrallon date of notice of commenc&nent (the expiration date may not be before the completion of construction and anal payment to the contractor, NO will be 1 year from the dale of recording unless a different date Is speclfled): -- -- . 20____ WaNINk TO OME ,ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE QIMARE CON91 DFflEQ NPROPFER PAYMENTS -UNDER CHAUER�}ER P XP TER THE EWION 7 J3.IQN OF THOE NOTICE QF CQMMENCEMENT L -t FMS16M JES. 6NQ CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMORS Tn YQURPROPERTY. A N0TiCE OF C0MMENCFMrIVT Ml1ST Ar i U or penalty or y, i declare tha read the forego[ng rwtice of commencement and that the facts stated therein are true to best of my k edge and Ile__p - Cody Lynch { I• owners or Leswets (Rrint Nara and Provide Signatoryls TitlelOf#t e-) [zed O[flcer/D ortPartw/Manager) State of FLORIDA County of bicr?.' /V/ / The foregoing In t $adcnov before nw is cid of �� �26 � n9 � y 2U by as OWNER far SELF ( m of t ) (type Of SulWity,...e.g. ofAoetr trustoe,•attorney In fact -- ` (name of party on behalf of Mw 1nsh meat was ex Parscnally Known or Produced Identifkat Type ar idenlincation Produ 5E@iEl (Sjg t 1L" or notary pubN nl, type, err Stamp Commisslonned Name of Nobly Public) . R+N •io Scanned with CamScanner