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Building Permit Application
i' zt j ALk APPLICABLE IPIFO MUST 8E COMPkETE6 FOR APPEICA fl0tlt TO BF�GC�PTEI3 ' 1: .' Date�P Permtt tVumber _ - Bu�Iding 777 Applicatro " - • � Plantttn�anctlJevetoprxent 5ervtces' . B"ild' anCtC de,fiegulaban Qrutsta ` ,2300rgtnraRvenue,Fart RtePc°e FL 34J&? . Phone (772yj462 X553 Fax, (772}4fi2 15?8grnriercral R�stdent(af.x j Y.. FERIilT APPk lCATI©�f FQR _._ F - r �enc� X MY Address 1287 S Irtclian RGve Drr ,terasen Beach,Fl 34957 „ ` :z _... MI[t,SR S,S/D ALL:THATrPART OF N 145 7$ O S t8f178,FT C2F f.OT 3 LYG_EOF kl il-egaL,D`escrtptizn.. A9©FTiN OF,ANQ/!TO W R/rh7 OF,S INp R(V't7Fi-LESS,RD (OR;376t 780 . t P 00# 450raperyTax = 'No., Site"Klan[�am :.Chnstopher Bawr; Btock.No i Prolect_ ameStinstopher Brgvun ; ; Setbacks EontRtght,Stde' �� : ".�s,, s 'i s - 3 -$'.T*c.�.`�!}r 'i�+r" s bW,; a'�:.'_«_a.�, �:. ' 4 4 4�i s n.a"_St°.�i+ir.�• c. . � A 1 i tnsfall 9g' Of41461p, ""n'u, ,ence;wtth 2°4' gafes 3i4 A IV14 .E;° .�'+� .71�1�J r®IY�� ,. f•',P.IQ f t'^.X :n .,,'.t i ''}@ i X •�, a ani > -. a . onal`Wor to Ge- crfor un,er.F�'ts petcnit. checlt a1 aPP Y„' ,HUAC Gas Tanis. Gas Piping Shutters:. WmdowsjDoors �. �,E(ectrtc. Plutib�rtg5prinklers_ Generator° Roof' T tal S.q Ft of;Ganstructton ,S, Ft of lrst`Ftaor: _ — .. — Gost of,Constiuction 3655:, ” Uultties` ` Sewer, Sept!cv Building HeFght-� I v � - _.� xf*� �s.. � 3 ..;,� ".'�,,�...',, a. �v "�4-�,..., •�..:-;�x ;:r °�?�� r P, <m°0.r'� y x ax'` f,ax'-�-# ' �ffi�f .i9' "�� .��"`.i:-„. -e'";:.="f`# t �^ 5�•�t w, '� �t: ` [`5s. .....z"*;;- � c-,a-?,,Txra:. t.. -,:£. f i .k:5.a �' '::�';•, _ i , r - Name Ghnstopher Brown Name Todd ParoGne . Address 12387`S Indian iver.Dnve_. Companys Supenot Fence and Rail - ',CEty Ft.Pierce Y State �- . ., Address 2778 N Ha�6or Gtty;;Blvd#i:02' Zip Code 34957 Fix Gty;Mel6ourno tate ;Phone No dip Ca'tle Fax �29'i6 321 s3s oa8s E M sPhone No 32,E 8362829 z 4. E F�11 m fee sttnpis Tttie holder on no page(if different 1 Nlaiispaeecoast@super�tartenceanc3rad cnm ; �' from,fhe Qwner listed above., _ State<or County License 3 - - M_ El 9337 -<If value 6 xorts-6vctron-is$ZSOQ or more;a RECORDED Nonce of„Cammencemetit�s,required , „ . .._ y fi AV INPl d ! s r "I�ESfGN5 ENGINEER:. Not, _liea6le £' P,P RlfDRTGAGE:�OMPANY }` ^NotAp6(lcaktle Addr.:ess Address: ,: Ctty State:: City: Stater _66 .. �°" P� : dip' � Ph#6 EEESIMP ETITLE HOLDER: _ Not AppUcable $OMDIN6,GOMPAN_Y; �NQL.Applrcab(e Na - :.. h; � Address _ , <�►(�,. _ ,RE%one - - - Zip. _ Plone . __ 1 certify thatinamork or,instaltatian:,has_comMericed prior to Lhe issuance of a perrri t St Lucie County inakes,t�o reQCesentaZi6ti that}s granting apePrrtifi;wrli aatttorixrz fhe peSmt hoidertn lutld"thqlssjett structure: wh[ch+s in eoiiftctylith:any-applieabip:Home:O.vunotsA�soer�tiortr►files;bylaw'�'aran`d'coveit�nts'thatmayrestrictar:p'rofihit�uctt� stJuctttre,.Plea totisult<wrthy ur:Name:Qwners.Assacia#ianandreviewyourderdfor„anfrestrtrtronswhiehmarapPtY> to consiclerationof tyre gr ming of this requested`permrt,Lf da hereby agree that l wrl(,in altrespeets,perform the+ctrl in accardarice:with the:appraveci pians,#he-Elnr3da;BGildirfg Bode artd S.X.-lticie Gsiunfy.Arnendments She fal!'awing building perplrcation's iew.gt ro addtbons, '��c¢esso_ry°struGttrres;sw�mrrtinggaats;`fe=ntesystalts,signs;screenraetr'Ytsand:accessory uses to;ar�iatt�et non resitlenttal use; ilt.ARNING Tcord a Notice iFggi.+ent may'result 4n yrsurpayingtwice for ;mpravemgn s toiyo-ur pia erty A°IVottce of Cor mencetnent,must b” recorded qn_ pibtfe on the�obsite before the"T"ast inspection_ f you intend to nbt am financingconsult with lende 'an attorney bface„ corriiri'&ncin .woecor o. Notice of arnmencerrrent., i,n fi a + w _... ""$(gnature of tl r e/Cesse /t5genti Signature ..Cprtractor/Lrcens HotdeC STATtiOF PLOW, STATEOl<ELOR _A `�EyUNTYOF COUNTY OFA 1m01 1 he forgoing instrument was•acknowledged before'me. "Tileforgoing ins`fru e t was acknowledged before mer ` this daK of 2Q? by' this 4 �iV:tme of person acknowledging;); �' Wame:of person atkrtaw[edka gingf "reof:N4kary Q`ulli t State a [or'da;I fSig a... atar�C t'ub[ic Yate f Ffotrd rsoristty Knouin OR :r d Perso iiy Kno ut .+ OR k0;,1 coducedtd'd if%catian Type of:ldenttfic ,e r BROOKS Type of,ltlentificatiouaetl t6�Y a� Noiary Pubttc State TFToifi1 Eamni[ssion Na i m i 6n,mtsston� 5fl2423 Camm ssron Nr� .. _,�, omm Expi, r, Nb1aYyc State of Florida ".9ondedtt+rough Natlgnattiatary Assn ��` commission A GG 31`2fl43 , m-'__$tiSd Q1 fr$fQI „ 9onded°.thrauglyNatiottal No ry�Assn RE1/[EW5 PRO(VT ZONtTiG ,Sl1PERVISOR. „ PLANS VEGETATION; SEA jURT[E MANGROU! COUNTER REVIEW RV[EW REVIEW REVIEW REV[EW RE1t1EW Vl ._. _ _ .DATE :C0l9 PLETE; INITIALS: r + -JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT -- SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4688003 OR BOOK 4396 PAGE 1323, Recorded 03/16/2020 09:47:19 AM NOTICE OF COM1NfENC;FN.lkNT STATE OF Florida ry� COUNTY OI'_ THE L1NDEI(SIGNED herekv gives notice(hat improvement will be made to certain real property,and in;accordance with Chapter 713,Florida Statuics. the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. Drscri tion nl' tvperty:(legal deseriptiu of pro etv.and s1 et addiv%s if available MILLER'S OF ALL THAT PART OF N FT W FT OF S � � 180.78 FT OF LOT 3 LOGES R 490 FT W 3 AND 11 0TO W RMI OF S IND RIV DR-LESS RDR/W-(OR 3761-780) 2. Genual dcscriprion of inipmve mcaC I Owner infomration: - a. Name and address: Qv- (r. /�' `vid a n f 11J�°f� h. Phone number. C Name and addm5s of fm simple riticholder(if uther titan owner): 4. C antraetnr: a. Namcand address: Superior Fence and Rail of Brevard County,Inc,2778 N Harbor City Blvd,Ste 102,Melbourne,FL 32935 b. Phone number: 321-636-2829 S. Surety: a- Name and address: n/a b. Amount of hond S o/a c. Phone number._nLo 6. Lender. :a. Name and address: 111a b. , Phone number. Qa 7. Pnsnnc with the State of Florida designmed by(hvacr upon whom notices or other documents nuty be served its provided by Section 713.1 N 1)(a)7, Flonda Smmtes: a. Name and address; n/a b. Phone number: S. In addition to himself.Owner designates lite following persun(s)to reeaive a copy of the Licuwr's Notice as provided in Sxtiun 713.13(l)(b), Florida Statutes: a, Name and address: n/a b. Phone number: pia 9. Expiration date of ubtice ufcwnmcncememt(the expirmion date is one(E)year from the date of rccurdieg uolcss.a different date is specified) WARNING TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENT%MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCLkIFNT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTF,R 713,PART 1,SECTION 713.13,FLORIDA STA'I'UTFS,AND CAN RL'SUI.T IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROvEMFNf%TO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOIXF.OF COSIMFNCEMENT muss BE RECORDT:D AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITF. REFORF.THE FIRST INSPRMON. IF YOU iNTL•ND TU OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LF.NDFR OR A`ATTORNEY BEFORE,COMMENCING WORK OR RFCURDING YOUR NOTICE:OF COMMENCEMr:N'r. Signartn-e of Owner or Owner's Authorized Ufrtcec C?itLv turiParmeriManager Signatory's TitIc/Offtcc 11 •Toro ng instrument was acknowledged beforc roc this l Q!#tory.of by , �QQIs I,N _(flame of person)as �. . (type of authority,...c.g. officer,trustee,attomcy in Fact)for.. (name of party un lichalf of whom in trument was executed). attars of No Public-•State of Florida AOMPIMENTA Print,type,or s amp cnmmisciuned note of Notary Public e / MyCOIAMOS t]N0B(i96 M Personally Known8:Fe"21.2ct24 OR Produced Identifidation�/ TIVUNotavPubli Type ot'identification produced_. Public 'criticatign ounani tq Sectinn 92 525.FI rida-Stamtcs Undcr penalties ofpcijury•,I declare that I have read the fnregotne and tthe facts stated in it am true to(he Imst of my knowledge and belief. Signature of natural person signing above — ' I Beadngs,,shown hereon are on the;North 'Ifile of dub*,t!0eoperty.aspf'atted,and beqrt, i�ns Coke pre d"i en'an. cl,.,�d, ir ljz 'e;sqql�e �_q 3 AllJ *�ive;,Aain�er( sc scaled d/' S 5 precedence over 0 p p't ir,c ic � . _ 'f�s pp, 'ton e �Mth'��PLA 'or!rjgp�. ;distdtic� d' b, 9M,� � .` 7measured 3�,O:�j,,'� . V as 0, l ;#hC 0 �'T`, "d, dotherwise:, __6f�, - ., 0, 15 ll� I I—, , , , t � qnp, t-MOR zl.11 ".", 1 . 1;4i id!g seal. P(brid'' 'dr.awt This. Isin nod V94,;i without A go 04 N"xpq 0,�o Q§j6c "t PPP a 4eiscrip on lb off fa".S4�VeY 9 �,,PsOd, furnished` --th ere ggg,,,e�9 S�6 -of lid-TecoM nc by. t4�0 0 scaled-,a e rom hadoricl,'Floded 'P.�,wzaTJ'Rafe, Community- Panel,Number 7) '&'�AE'l�M e dod,t,266i Xl-, "It-2111 C03111 an -.10fectiW, date" of`February, b" ' � This_`survey-st',�not,,,99,v _qrgd y;p"t6fd6slobb! ;jab -lity Cit 'sewer.pre not v0bl 616iln,'this area`*� qrground -U Ultids-or,improveprfents, lets 00� qWn h . v._�OnS bre.,�based dn;�assumed datum:. 'LOTI This plan tio n to. tie,Ve rth 60 :N of "Lot 3,5, Northerly orty, v%i 4 490.OP - 6 16 MO-007E 2 STY 0 R ' M 1'�` N4,1 ', IWOOLY Pdff,*, 4,AW 4001) 01 74 77- Z, '31 ISS,�cz�,74-34 L12-9'- 'CD 91 PROPOSED, -A- METAt.� CO. 4 M JOATE' 71 S ..E.,TAl, WR U 7 �PA �TQ REiE ItY ENAY, .1�01 4 "00' ENp ;M !Wj: P: 5 t*30 00-E 49G.00, k"M"A _-Sbuthgtly 3W 0 49t, LOT� SET,Pl' ON IL OL OT LEGEND 9: S-Aklully, tlklAKOUT CONC,= _ ' ' CE-NIE�,.RLNE, 3-I,GHT OFWAY- -V7"0 EP EDGE,Of''PAYX NT A/C WT'M )FRO N ER"RAD FCM = ktiUNDA'*4' q NCRE,TE MP mEtkFENCE kN FENCI1,, '�,ARO# 4j j 2 ENT,;;(UN WF 'IN FIT Peof6gloi, Vt R WLU - —, -, ', 0 A W,�M�,�EIENN FIRC F 0 "0(v9ROOrg M1, �*' 0 0- P Q _E da. OP-Per (06K R' 10,VERkEAQ Y LiTY CABLE4,TELEVISI All A"N'b" 611" ;Fl td a iJ�K 6k A"A