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06/17/2007 04:57 7722994227 MAJESTIC HOMES VERO
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PAGE 01/01
JUN 1 8 2001
St Pl..¡blic I...
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"Y, F:L.
TO: MalMtle Homes
J(,)Btf~ 43899 .JOB NA ME: Ma!or Residence
LOT.2..- BLO(:.K:~ SECTION: -
Jon ADDRESS: 2113 Matanzas Ave.. Fort Piéf'ce
The undersigned hereby ccni.fic~ ~h~(t in9u1alion ha~ been installed at the abovè descri~d pr()pcrty as
I. Exterior CBS wal1!-t have been insulated wÎth .,.......................u.Chcck on¢ () Sp"'y on ccl1ulœ;c
tu 11 th't=kt1CSS of N/A inchc:;, which thickncs!). accurding to th~ ( ) Fiberg1as$ blnnk~l~
mu.nufacturcr~ Ff.Foil V> ^luminum Foil
Dcn!\jty N/A wìll yield an "RtI value of 4.1 ( ) Other
Exterior Frame walts have been in..'iUlated with ., ..............."'"... ....Check one () Spray on oel1ulose
to a thickness of 3.50 inchcs~ which thi.ckrJess. according to the ( ) f1berglass blankets
InanufacturcT, CertainTeed ( ) Aluminum Foil
Density NJA . wi11 yield an "Rn value of 11 <. ) Other Spray Foam
2~ Ccì1ings LÐVèl have been insu1ated wilh ...",....................Check one () F'iberglass blanket..~
to a thickness of 1 0.0 inc¡'e~.. which thickness, according to the ( ) Fiberglass loose fiU
mKnuBtcturcr'T CertainTeed ( ) Alunlinum r01'
Dcn~ity N/A will yield an 't~" value of 30 (I) ()ther 'CeßuIose
(:t:i1ings Cathedral hftVC bcr..~ in~ulatcd with ...................... ,..(~hcck ()nc () fiberglass bl""kclS
to ~ th¡ckncg.~ of 1 0.0 inchc~.. which thickn~s.. acoording to I.he ( ) Fibe'l·glass loose: till
Iru'n\Jtacturcr:, Certa¡nTeed ( ) AluIl1inum Foil
[}cl1sity N/A win yield an '~R" V"~d\1c of 30 V> Othèr (:cl1u1()~ SAB
3. IMtetior knee wans hp-vc been 1n~ulo.tcd with.................................Chcck t.')nc (I) f~ibcrglas~ blankets
to A tnicknct1~ of 10.0 inches, wh; ch thiclm~~~ according to the ( ) 'Polyurethane
manufacturer.. CertainTeed ( ) Spray on cet1ulo~c
Density N/Å witt yie1c1 an ~tRn value of 30 ( ) Other Cellulose
4. Garage p~rtition W8n~ of condjtio"cd living areas have been
it,~uJatcd with. .A....... .... ....,......'.,.".,.,..., u.. ~.~... ..'.A.. IA..".'.'.'. ......... ..Check one
to a thickn.css of 3.50 inches; which thicknesg~ according to ilia
manufacturer, Certa\nT eed
Dcn~;ty N/A ~"¡11 yie1d an uRn value of 11
(I) Fiberglass blankets
( ) Spray on cel1ulose
( ) Po Iyur.eth ane
( ) Other
MlJl'rJ PAM1LV RBSIDENTIAI. (~ONS·rRUCTI0N ONLY: The common (pmy) w~\I~ ~~parat¡n8
different tenants sh311 be in~ulS1tcd a.'i fol1ows .. Frart1C/Mcta1 stud walls Roa 11 (Min.): ens or Concrete w$I,l1s
R-3 (M in.): by ~ncr~ Code tcqui~mcnt!\. See Rncl'b'Y Code Rev. 1/87. pl1ragraph 903.2(b), on pRge 9· 17.
latest edition. 'fhc9C "mit)itnum~ levels of in:s\lhtl.iO~l" aT~ not. included in the Energy Ct..lculations. but ~ha]]
be inst."Jlc:d i t1 the field.
N()"E~ Densities of sprayed on, loo~c fill, or any other com,,(,)ged.on !t;itc ín~ulation shall be c P .C.r.
(1b/i\3) ~Ivcrngc ()fthrcc (3) ~1)RY SAMPt..ñStt of actual inst'll]~tiotl.
Builder's Name - Buitder's CC#
Tn~ulation Contractor
Ft. Pierce - 02..11904
Insulation Contractor's C(~#
Notary Public
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