HomeMy WebLinkAbout06110030 'Jun-14-2002 01 :05pm Frcm-SAVANNÄ CLUB +5618785656 T-~6G P.001/OOl F-761 StLucie County Inspections RECEIVED 2300 Virginia A venue JUN 1 9 2007 Ft Pierce, FL 34982 . tzOR\\)~' (772) 462--2172 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT J:) y- CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT # ~ (., - (;(PJI- Ct.)?£:¡ JOB ADDRESS s9¿l lí/nocAJ l?ìvER DR Doð"" ~T LiLli: f BUILDER T I!lIlSON LßJ\YSTI?æ+í<.J(ì Public Works St. Lucie County, FL PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR Pf)]l2"\C\L E~12H. PEST CONTROL LICENSE # Ll<6Cc4 Pen:~ntage of solution: · ()5 Date or treatment: G --II - 0 7 We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have ·pretreated the above-desc}-ibed construction for subterranean tennites in accordance with the standards of the NatiOJlal Pest Control Association. Chemicals used: D/2Q!3oÎ d 7L I TotaJ gallons used: 3~O Time of Treatment: . J;J : bl.(ç Square feet of area treated: 35CO r:JFooting CJ 1 Sl Treatment ~ 0 Re-treat t,q Slab rj 1st Treatment a Re-trtat o Driveway o 1st Treatment CJ Re-treat o Pools . 0 1st Treatment CJ Re-tteat CJ Other Q 1st TreatIn~nt [] Re-treat o Perimeter for Final Inspection FBCI04.2.6 CÀrtificatt of Prout/ire 'J)-eatmtnt/or prevention oftenniter. A we(¡th~r resi.1tantjob.Jit~ PostÏ1J8.board 4hall be provided 10 rec~iYe duplicate Treatmt:nt Certi(iJ;ates QJ each reqr~Íred prorecTive rreaJmenI is ~ompleted, providing tl copy for the peT50n ¡he permit ;$ i1.sued to and anoth~r copy jot the buüding pt:.rmit files. The TreaT1nf!TlT CerT{,fkaJe !hall provide the product ussd, id~lltli}' ()/the. applicator, tím~ and dare oftht treâtl11ent. sif~ location. area treated, chEmical us~d percent concenlration. a1Ui 1fun-Wtr of gaUons Uj~d, to establish II v~rifiable record of proreaive treat1r~l1l. If lht soil chemical barmr mtThod for ternlitl! preverúfon iJ· used, fuzäl exterior treatmenr shall be completed prior to finl11 building approvaL St Lucie County requires for the finallDspectiðn fo.r CO, a Permaneot Sticker to ~ plàêèd OQ the electrital panel box cover. listing all the treatments aDd dates of applications. NOTE.~ There must be a completed lonn for ~âch required treatment 0., re-treatment and this fðnn must be on. the job sile to be picksd up hy the inspector at time of each inrpëction or th~ scheduled inspection will fail and a re-insp8ctlonfie charged. R.vi.~ 6113/03 dm: A. M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, I~ 590N.W.MERCANTILEPLACE Ht:CEIVED PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986 LOCAL OFFICE: (772) 924-3575 FAX: (772) 924-3580 JUN 1 4 2007 Public Works St. Lucie Coun FL REPORT OF FOUNDATION PAD COMPACTION Client: Site: Lorraine Lewis 315 Southwest Salerno Road Stuart, Florida 34997 594 Hidden River Drive Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida Foundation Pad Report Date: Project No: Lab No: Permit No: June 13, 2007 11742 0611-0030 Density tests and Hand Cone PenetrOnleter (HCP) readings were made at a miniIIluIIl of three locations in the building pad. Density tests were performed in the upper one foot of fill. HCP readings were taken in hand auger boreholes at one foot intervals frOnt slab grade through the depth of fill. The density tests were performed in general cOIIlpliance with ASTM D 2922. The HCP test, in conjunction with information about the soil type, is empirically correlated to the relative. density of subsurface soils. Density Date Elevation Dry Density (pst) Percent Test No. Tested Location (feet) In Place Proctor Compaction 1 6/13/07 Northwest Corner 0-1 121.2 122.1 99.3 2 Center Area 0-1 120.2 122.1 98.4 3 Southeast Corner 0-1 118.6 122.1 97.1 * All elevations are below bottom of slab. The depth of the fill was approximately 4 feet. The fill should extend at least five feet beyond the building perimeter. At the time of our testing no information was available regarding the foundation pad setbacks. In the locations and depths that were tested, the fill has been compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). Client - 3 Bldg. Dept. - 1 SubDlitted by: A. M. ENG NEERING AND TESTING, INC. h./t1/o? Distribution: PCM/ah Paul C. Martin, P.E. Florida Registration No. 65051 S:\Fort'Pierce Office\NetApps\LITTLE LOG BOOK\Commercial Jobs\Lewis, Lorraine\594 Hidden River Drive, PSL\17742 - Pad w. Fill. doc A. M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. 3504 INDUSTRIAL 33RD STREET FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA 34946 LOCAL OFFICE: (772) 461-7508 FAX: (77~) 461-8880 REPORT OF FOUNDATION PAD COMPACTION Site: 584 Hidden River Drive St. Lucie County, Florida Foundation Pad Report Date: 1/27 /06 Project No: Report No: 8184 Pennit No: Client: Lorraine Lewis Density tests and Hand Cone Penetrometer (HCP) readings were made at a minimum. of three locations in the building pad. Density tests were performed in the upper one foot of fill. HCP readings were taken in hand auger boreholes at one foot intervals from slab grade through the depth of fill. The density tests were performed in general compliance with ASTM D 2922. The HCP test, in conjunction with information about the soil type, is empirically correlated to the relative density of subsurface soils. Density Date Elevation Dry Density (pet) Percent Test No. Tested Location (feet) In Place Proctor Compaction 8184 1/24/06 SW Corner 0-1 118.8 122.1 97.3 Center 0-1 117.4 122.1 96.2 NE Corner 0-1 116.1 122.1 95.1 * All elevations are below slab grade. The depth of the fill was approximately 5 ~ feet. The fill should extend at least five feet beyond the building perimeter. At the time of our testing no information was available regarding the foundation pad setbacks. In the locations and depths that were tested, the fill has been compacted to a minimum. of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum. dry density (ASTM D 1557). No soil borings were performed below the recently placed fill. Distribution: Client - 2 Submitted by: A. M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. . ~ c/2< Rebecca Grant scoli, P.E. Florida Registration No. 51863 S:\Fort Pierce Office\NetApps\LITTLE LOG BOOK\House JobslMisc. House Jobs\Saint Lucie County\Lewis(8/84)584 Hidden River Dr..doc